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CHAPTER 6: Sexual Behaviors: Experiencing Sexual Pleasure
1. According to the text, approaching sexual activities responsibly can _______.
a. enhance a person’s self-esteem and level of happiness
b. help a person find a life partner
c. lead to exciting and adventuresome sexual experiences
d. foster a sense of gender identity
Answer: A
Approaching sexual activities responsibly, with accurate knowledge, mutual respect, and
care, can enhance a person’s self-esteem and life happiness.
2. According to Dr. William Walling, male and female masturbation could lead to _______.
a. sickness, wasting, and eventually death
b. being considered unmarriageable
c. increased self-esteem
d. health and wellness
Answer: A
Walling warned that, if left unchecked, masturbation would lead to sickness, physical wasting
away, and eventually death.
3. According to the text, masturbation is viewed today as _______.
a. unhealthy and deviant
b. only a homosexual activity
c. a key component of sex therapy
d. sexually unsatisfying
Answer: C
Today, masturbation is regarded as one of the key components of sex therapy and sexual
4. Someone who is an erotophilic _______.
a. responds with positive reactions to sexual topics
b. is less comfortable with sexual issues

c. has a sexually-transmitted infection
d. uses masturbation as their main sexual activity
Answer: A
Erotophilic individuals feel more comfortable with sexual issues, seek out sexual
information, enjoy sexual behavior, and respond with positive emotions to sexual cues.
5. Someone who is an erotophobic _______.
a. responds with positive reactions to sexual topics
b. is less comfortable with sexual issues
c. has a sexually-transmitted infection
d. uses masturbation as their main sexual activity
Answer: B
Erotophobic individuals have narrow sexual comfort zones, respond negatively and
uncomfortably to sexual topics, and may tend to avoid sexual information and activities.
6. The Sexual Opinion Survey was developed to measure _______.
a. a person’s G-spot
b. amount of sexual activity
c. types of sexual disorders people develop
d. sexual comfort zones
Answer: D
The Sexual Opinion Survey was designed to measure and study people’s reactions to sexual
issues and behaviors.
7. Bailey took the Sexual Opinion Survey and was found to respond negatively and
uncomfortably to sexual cues, as well as have a high tendency to avoid sexual activities.
According to this survey, Bailey is _______.
a. more erotophobic
b. more erotophilic
c. less erotophobic
d. less homophobic
Answer: A

Erotophobic individuals have narrow sexual comfort zones, respond negatively and
uncomfortably to sexual topics, and may tend to avoid sexuall information and activities.
8. A person scoring high on erotophobia on the Sexual Opinion Survey may be _______.
a. more likely to use birth control
b. more likely to take precautions against sexually-transmitted infections
c. less likely to seek medical care for sexual problems
d. less likely to have sexual problems
Answer: C
Someone who is erotophobic is less likely to seek medical attention for sexual health
9. Which factor leads to erotophobia in adulthood?
a. having parents who are good sexual educators
b. frequent masturbation in childhood
c. factual understanding of sexual topics in adolescence
d. conservative family sexual attitudes
Answer: D
One of the factors associated with the development of erotophobia is conservative family
sexual attitudes.
10. Which of the following was not mentioned in a study conducted sexual activities in the
United States?
a. sexual fantasy
b. masturbation
c. anal intercourse
d. coitus
Answer: A
One sexual activity missing from the study is the most common sexual activity of all – sexual

11. According to the text, fantasy and masturbation for the most part, are considered _______
a. interpersonal
b. group
c. solitary
d. interactive
Answer: C
Fantasy and masturbation are generally considered to be personal and solitary activities.
12. A study found that on average, college men reported to have sexual fantasies
approximately 7 times a _______.
a. day
b. year
c. month
d. week
Answer: A
One study found that, on average, college men reported having sexual fantasies
approximately seven times a day.
13. A study found that on average, college women reported to have sexual fantasies
approximately _______.
a. 7 times a day
b. 7 times a year
c. 5 times a day
d. 5 times a week
Answer: C
One study found that, on average, college women reported having sexual fantasies
approximately almost five times a day.
14. Debra engages in sexual fantasy often. According to research, Debra probably _______.
a. has more sexual problems
b. is sexually well-adjusted

c. is dissatisfied with her sexual relationship
d. has a sexual disorder
Answer: B
Those who fantasize more tend to be better sexually adjusted overall, have fewer sexual
problems, and report the greatest overall satisfaction in their sexual relationships.
15. Sexual fantasies _______.
a. are usually harmless, enjoyable activities
b. usually cause marital distress
c. should always be shared with one’s partner
d. are always associated with criminal behavior
Answer: A
Sexual fantasies are usually considered to be harmless, enjoyable activities.
16. A sexuality class is learning about sexual fantasy. The professor probably told them that
sexual fantasy _______.
a. always leads to criminal behavior
b. is a highly addictive and dysfunctional behavior
c. can be used to enhance arousal
d. is never used to treat sexual problems
Answer: C
Probably the most common reason people fantasize is to increase and enhance their feelings
of sexual excitement.
17. People who feel guilty about having sexual fantasies _______.
a. are more likely to discuss them with others
b. report having higher levels of sexual satisfaction
c. are more likely to have sexual problems
d. seek information about them
Answer: C

People who feel the greatest guilt about their sexual fantasies also report higher levels of
sexual dissatisfaction and sexual problems in their relationships.
18. Which of the following is a situation in which sexual fantasies can become a problem?
a. when used to relieve boredom in a sexual relationship that has become routine
b. when used to learn about one’s sexual identity
c. when used as a tool in sex therapy
d. when used as the only way to become aroused by one’s partner
Answer: D
Fantasies can become problematic when people find that they are unable to function sexually
or respond to their partners without a specific sexual fantasy.
19. Francine is considering sharing her sexual fantasies with her partner. A sex therapist
would probably tell her to _______.
a. share all her fantasies indiscriminately
b. only share fantasies where she is having sex with a previous lover
c. share with great care and sensitivity to her partner’s feelings
d. never share any of her fantasies
Answer: C
If sharing of fantasies is to occur in a relationship, couples should do so with great care and
sensitivity to each other’s feelings and sexual attitudes.
20. According to the text, research on forced-sex fantasy in women reveals that in the fantasy
the woman _______.
a. sees herself as powerful
b. usually suffers from violence and violation
c. sees herself as helpless
d. sees the man as so irresistible that she cannot control herself
Answer: A
Often in fantasy rapes, the woman actually sees herself as the powerful one.
21. Research on sex differences in the experience and content of sexual fantasy reveals that

a. men are more likely than women to fantasize about sex with a mysterious partner
b. women are more likely than men to fantasize during masturbation
c. women are more likely than men to have frequent sexual fantasies during the day
d. men are less likely than women to fantasize about group sex
Answer: A
In a comparison of the content of men’s and women’s sexual fantasies, it was found that men
are more likely to fantasize about sex with a mysterious stranger.
22. Research on the sex differences in the content of sexual fantasies reveals that _______.
a. men focus more on oral sex
b. men focus more on being rescued by a future lover
c. women focus more on watching their partner undress
d. women focus more on sex with a virgin
Answer: A
In a comparison of the content of men’s and women’s fantasies, it was found that men are
more likely to fantasize about oral sex.
23. _______ is any sexual activity performed on oneself by oneself, typically focusing on
manipulation of the genitals to orgasm.
a. Masturbation
b. Coitus
c. Anal intercourse
d. Fellatio
Answer: A
Masturbation refers to sexual activities performed on oneself, typically focusing on
stimulation of the genitals to orgasm.
24. The American Medical Association declared masturbation to be a normal sexual behavior
a. 1904
b. 2003
c. 1972

d. 1994
Answer: C
In 1972 the American Medical Association declared masturbation to be a normal sexual
25. The researchers of The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United
States survey interviewed respondents _______.
a. in a sex clinic
b. at a university
c. in their homes
d. at a local hospital
Answer: C
Researchers who carried out The Social Organization of Sexuality survey actually went to
people’s homes for interviews.
26. Statistics generated from sex surveys tell us how many _______.
a. men masturbate
b. women masturbate
c. people are willing to report that they masturbate
d. women and men masturbate
Answer: C
Statistics that are reported in surveys of sexual behavior do not tell us how many people
masturbate or engage in any other sexual activity; they only tell us how many are willing to
report that they do.
27. U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders created a storm of controversy due to her
comments about _______.
a. oral sex
b. masturbation
c. anal stimulation
d. sexual fantasy
Answer: B

U.S. Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders’ comments about masturbation created a storm of
28. Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about masturbation?
a. Some individuals masturbate to relieve stress.
b. Many common sexual problems are treated with masturbation.
c. Masturbation can provide relief from menstrual pain.
d. When people become sexually involved with an intimate partner, they no longer have the
desire to masturbate.
Answer: D
One benefit of masturbation is that it can enhance sexual interactions with a partner. Research
has shown that people in relationships who masturbate are more sexually satisfied with their
partners and their relationships.
29. Hans masturbates even though he is in a sexual relationship. He wonders if this is normal.
What information can you offer him?
a. Most people continue to masturbate while in a sexual relationship.
b. While most women masturbate while in a sexual relationship, it is uncommon among men.
c. Only individuals with abnormally high sex drives masturbate.
d. People who masturbate are probably unhappy in their current relationship.
Answer: A
Research has shown that people in relationships who masturbate are more sexually satisfied
with their partners.
30. Georgia is learning about masturbation in her sexuality class. She learned that one of the
benefits of masturbation is that it provides a(n) _______.
a. opportunity to explore one’s own sexual feelings
b. outlet for people who do not have any other form of sexual release
c. relief for men when experiencing cramps due to a buildup of excess sperm
d. way of measuring a person’s ability to perform sexually
Answer: A

Masturbation provides a “laboratory” for exploring and experimenting with one’s own sexual
feelings and sensations.
31. Imelda never masturbates. She wonders if this is normal. What information can you offer
a. It is okay not to masturbate.
b. Masturbation is a sign of sexual health.
c. Only individuals with abnormally high sex drives masturbate.
d. Masturbation is a sign of one’s level of happiness in their relationship.
Answer: A
It’s perfectly ok not to masturbate; no one should believe that there is something wrong or
abnormal with choosing not to masturbate.
32. During masturbation _______.
a. women prefer to insert a smooth, elongated object into the vagina
b. men usually use artificial devices such as vibrators
c. a majority of men stimulate their testicles
d. women often use more varied touch techniques than men
Answer: D
The techniques that women use for masturbation are often significantly more varied than the
techniques that men use.
33. Jeanne is having difficulty reaching orgasm during masturbation. Which of the following
may be helpful to her?
a. missionary position
b. fellatio
c. a vibrator
d. anilingus
Answer: C
Some women who have difficulty reaching orgasm through masturbation report that using a
vibrator allows them to have orgasms more easily.
34. Which of the following is an example of erotic touch?

a. coitus
b. fellatio
c. kissing
d. anlingus
Answer: C
Erotic touch refers to activities like kissing, sensual massage, and others.
35. What is the best way to discover one’s partner’s preferences for being touched?
a. Touch him or her the way you want to be touched.
b. Learn about your partner’s cultural customs pertaining to touching.
c. Ask your partner how he or she likes to be touched.
d. Read a book on how men and women like to be touched.
Answer: C
The best way to know how to touch your partner sexually is to ask him/her.
36. Kenny and Lula do not know how to touch each other sexually. Which of the following is
a technique developed by Masters and Johnson that can be used by couples to learn to touch
each other?
a. Caress all parts of the partner’s unclothed body until orgasm is reached.
b. Massage and caress each other without reaching orgasm.
c. Use hands as a guide to illustrate to each other how and where they most enjoy being
d. Use a female surrogate to demonstrate specific exercises with a male client.
Answer: C
According to Masters and Johnson, one way to illustrate how and where you enjoy being
touched is to guide your partner’s hand over your body.
37. Why has kissing been overlooked in most studies and surveys of sexual behavior?
a. In Western culture kissing is viewed as taboo.
b. In Western culture kissing does not count as a sexual behavior.
c. Since kissing is an unpopular sexual activity it does not need to be researched.
d. Only activities that have the risk of STI transmission are researched.

Answer: B
Kissing is often considered to be a behavior that is not sexual in nature.
38. _______ is one of the most common forms of erotic touching for college students.
a. Fellatio
b. Kissing
c. Massage
d. Breast caressing
Answer: B
Kissing continues to be one of the most popular sexual activities among college students.
39. _______ may be transmitted by kissing.
a. HIV
b. Herpes virus
c. Gonorrhea
d. Syphilis
Answer: B
The herpes virus (usually oral herpes HSV-1) may possibly be transmitted if one person has
active sores on the lips or around the mouth.
40. Which of the following is a commonly believed myth regarding stimulation of breasts and
a. The smaller the nipple the more sexually sensitive it is to touch.
b. The larger the breasts the more sexually sensitive they are to touch.
c. Men are more sexually sensitive to breast stimulation than women.
d. It is not possible to reach orgasm by breast stimulation alone.
Answer: B
A common myth is that larger breasts are more sexually sensitive to touch.
41. What is mutual masturbation?
a. partners touching each other’s genitals

b. deep, intimate kissing
c. one partner touching the other’s breasts
d. oral stimulation of genitals
Answer: A
Mutual masturbation refers to mutual genital touching.
42. Ann refuses to kiss her boyfriend because in her culture kissing is viewed as
pornographic. Ann is probably _______.
a. Japanese
b. American
c. Trukese
d. Mongolian
Answer: A
In Japan, intercourse is considered to be “ natural, ” and kissing is considered to be
43. Morris would like to engage in an intimate sexual activity that is relatively free of the
risks of sexually-transmitted infections. Which of the following would you recommend?
a. coitus
b. fellatio
c. genital touching
d. anal intercourse
Answer: C
Touching of the genitals, often referred to as shared or mutual masturbation, is an activity that
is relatively free of the risks of sexually-transmitted infections.
44. Recent surveys have found that nearly _______ of people have engaged in oral sex.
a. 80%
b. 90%
c. 70%
d. 50%
Answer: A

Research has found that nearly 80% of people have engaged in oral sex.
45. Oral sex involves two distinct behaviors called _______ and _______.
a. mutual masturbation; kissing
b. cunnilingus; fellatio
c. fellatio; kissing
d. cunnilingus; mutual masturbation
Answer: B
Oral sex involves two distinct behaviors: cunnilingus and fellatio.
46. Harold enjoys performing cunnilingus on his girlfriend. What does Harold use as the
source of stimulation?
a. a vibrator
b. his fingers
c. his mouth
d. his penis
Answer: C
Cunnilingus generally involves stimulation of the vulva by the mouth, lips, and tongue of the
woman’s partner.
47. What is fellatio?
a. oral stimulation of a woman’s genitals
b. oral stimulation of a man’s genitals
c. manual stimulation of a man’s genitals
d. manual stimulation of a woman’s anus
Answer: B
Fellatio refers to the stimulation of a man’s genitals by his partner’s mouth, lips, and tongue.
48. One possible reason why Ruth prefers oral sex over penile-vaginal intercourse could be
that _______.
a. stimulation can be focused exactly where and how it feels best

b. there is no risk of sexually-transmitted infections
c. intercourse can cause cancer
d. it is a cleaner sexual activity during menstruation
Answer: A
Most people who engage in oral sex find it to be a highly physically arousing behavior, in
which stimulation can be focused exactly where and how it feels best.
49. Although Oscar and Penelope decided to wait to have intercourse, they agreed to make
oral sex a part of their relationship. Is there anything they should know about oral sex?
a. no, as long as they both feel comfortable with the agreement
b. yes, many STIs can be transmitted through oral sex
c. no, as long as they are monogamous
d. yes, it is not possible to have oral sex without losing control and having intercourse too
Answer: B
Oral sex is not safe sex, and can transmit most sexually-transmitted infections.
50. Why might a person feel uncomfortable with performing oral sex on a man?
a. concern that the penis will be pushed too deeply into their mouth and throat
b. high amount of calories that accompany swallowing female ejaculate
c. high amount of calories that accompany swallowing semen
d. fear of not pleasing their partner
Answer: A
Some people are concerned that the penis will be pushed too deep into the mouth and throat.
51. Another name for oral stimulation of the anus is _______.
a. anilingus
b. anal intercourse
c. fellatio
d. cunnilingus
Answer: A

Anal stimulation involves anal intercourse, manual stimulation of the anal area, and oral-anal
stimulation, also called anilingus.
52. Which of the following is a myth regarding anal intercourse?
a. Anilingus refers to oral anal stimulation.
b. Unprotected anal sex is the most risky sexual behavior for HIV transmission.
c. Anal intercourse occurs exclusively among gay male couples.
d. Approximately 15-30% of heterosexual individuals have engaged in anal sex.
Answer: C
A widespread belief among heterosexuals is that anal sex is practiced primarily by gay men.
Not all gay men engage in anal intercourse with their partners.
53. An important point to keep in mind regarding anal intercourse is that _______.
a. unprotected anal intercourse is the highest-risk sexual behavior for the transmission of
virtually all STIs
b. it usually doesn’t transmit HIV
c. it is solely a homosexual activity
d. causes no damage to the rectal walls
Answer: A
Unprotected anal intercourse is the highest-risk sexual behavior for the transmission of STIs.
54. Derek and Earl are interested in having anal sex. What should they know about anal sex
prior to engaging in this activity?
a. The anus and rectum produce too much lubrication upon sexual arousal.
b. A high likelihood exists of damage to the rectal walls.
c. Use of a condom decreases all risks of transmission of STIs.
d. Penetration should occur quickly and deeply to prevent hemorrhoids.
Answer: B
The lining of the rectum is thin and fragile, and lacks the elastic qualities of the vagina.
Therefore, a high likelihood exists of damage to rectal walls.
55. Fred and Gina are heterosexual, and they are interested in having anal intercourse. What
should they know about anal sex prior to engaging in this activity?

a. The anus and rectum produce too much lubrication upon sexual arousal.
b. Avoid any vaginal stimulation after anal intercourse until the penis has been washed.
c. Use of a condom decreases all risks of transmission of STIs.
d. Penetration should occur quickly and deeply to prevent hemorrhoids.
Answer: B
It is extremely important that a couple having engaged in anal stimulation or anal intercourse
carefully avoids any vaginal stimulation or intercourse until the hand, mouth, or penis has
been washed or the condom has been changed.
56. The term coitus refers to _______.
a. oral sex
b. anal sex
c. penile-vaginal intercourse
d. erotic touching
Answer: C
The term coitus refers to penis-vagina intercourse.
57. The most common coital position in Western culture is _______.
a. man-on-top
b. woman-on-top
c. both on sides
d. rear-entry
Answer: A
The most common position for coitus in Western cultures is the man on top, face-to-face
58. What is a disadvantage of the man-on-top coital position?
a. difficulty inserting the penis into the vagina
b. only the man can guide the penis into the vagina
c. difficult for clitoral stimulation by the man
d. difficult for the man to thrust with hips

Answer: C
A disadvantage of the missionary position is that it’s often difficult for the man to stimulate
the woman’s clitoris.
59. Which coital position offers the woman the most control over speed of thrusting,
movement, and angle of penetration?
a. man on-top
b. female-superior
c. side-by-side
d. rear-entry
Answer: B
In the female-superior position, the woman has more control over the angle of penetration,
movement, and angle and speed of thrusting.
60. Which if the following is an advantage of the side-by-side coital position?
a. it’s good for controlling ejaculation
b. it facilitates eye contact
c. it allows for deeper penile penetration
d. the penis is less likely to slip out during intercourse
Answer: A
An advantage of the side-by-side position is that it is affords greater control of ejaculation.
61.Zena and Will enjoy the side-by-side coital position. What is a disadvantage of this
a. difficulty in controlling ejaculation
b. less skin-to-skin contact
c. difficulty in penile-vaginal insertion
d. too physically demanding
Answer: C
A disadvantage of the side-by-side position is that it can be difficult to insert the penis into
the vagina.

62. Abby is pregnant. Which of the following is a good coital position for her to engage in
during her pregnancy?
a. man on-top
b. female-superior
c. side-by-side
d. rear-entry
Answer: D
An advantage of the rear-entry position is that it is a good position to assume during
63. According to the text, what is the ideal frequency of sexual intercourse?
a. three times a week
b. once a week
c. twice a month
d. as often as it feels good and comfortable
Answer: D
The ideal frequency of sexual intercourse is as often as it feels good and comfortable to each
individual and couple.
64. Betsy thinks there’s something wrong with her because when she and her husband have
sex, she has difficulty achieving orgasm from intercourse alone. If Betsy came to you for
advice about this, what would you tell her?
a. If she and her husband used a different position, she would have an orgasm every time.
b. She’s probably just too tired to have an orgasm.
c. Her husband is probably a lousy lover.
d. Many women don’t achieve orgasm from intercourse alone because the thrusting of the
penis may not provide enough stimulation to the clitoris.
Answer: D
Many women do not achieve orgasm from sexual intercourse alone, due primarily to the type
of stimulation that is produced by the thrusting of the penis in the vagina. This thrusting by
itself may not provide much stimulation to the clitoris, especially as the clitoris retracts
during increasing arousal. For women who do not receive adequate stimulation through
intercourse, they may need additional stimulation through a wider variety of sexual activities.

1. In the early 1900s, masturbation was viewed as an unacceptable sexual practice.
Answer: True
During the early 1900s, masturbation was widely regarded as a taboo and unacceptable
sexual behavior. Many societal and religious beliefs stigmatized masturbation, considering it
morally wrong and potentially harmful to physical and mental health.
2. William Walling believed that masturbation could lead to illness.
Answer: True
William Walling, a prominent figure in the early 20th-century hygiene movement, believed
that masturbation could lead to various physical and mental illnesses. This belief was
common during that time and contributed to the negative attitudes and misconceptions
surrounding masturbation.
3. Having parents who are good sex educators is a factor that may lead to erotophobia in
Answer: False
Having parents who are good sex educators is more likely to lead to erotophilia, a positive
and healthy attitude towards sexuality, rather than erotophobia, which is characterized by fear
or aversion to sexual topics and activities. Effective sex education can promote
understanding, comfort, and open communication about sexuality.
4. Having religious training that inhibits free sexual expression during adolescence may lead
to erotophilia in adulthood.
Answer: False
Religious training that inhibits free sexual expression during adolescence may contribute to
erotophobia rather than erotophilia. Individuals raised in environments where sexuality is
restricted or condemned by religious beliefs may develop negative attitudes towards sex,
leading to erotophobic tendencies in adulthood.
5. Sexual fantasy and masturbation, for the most part, are solitary activities.
Answer: True
Sexual fantasy and masturbation are often considered solitary activities, as they typically
involve individual arousal and stimulation without the presence of a partner. While some

individuals may incorporate fantasy or masturbation into partnered sexual activities, they are
predominantly solitary experiences.
6. Most shared sexual activities carry some level of risk for contracting sexually-transmitted
Answer: True
Many sexual activities, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex, can carry a risk of sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) if proper precautions are not taken. While the risk varies
depending on the specific activity and individuals involved, it is essential to practice safer sex
measures, such as condom use and STI testing, to reduce transmission risks.
7. Sexual fantasies cause problems when they become so dominant in a person’s thinking that
they interfere with daily living activities.
Answer: True
While sexual fantasies are a normal and healthy aspect of human sexuality, they may become
problematic if they significantly interfere with daily functioning or relationships. Excessive
preoccupation with sexual fantasies to the detriment of other aspects of life can indicate
underlying issues that may require attention or intervention.
8. Men are more likely than women to have sexual fantasies about watching their partner
Answer: True
Research suggests that men are more likely than women to report sexual fantasies involving
visual stimuli, such as watching their partner undress or engage in sexual activities. These
fantasies may reflect differences in arousal patterns and preferences between men and
9. Women are more likely than men to fantasize about multiple partners.
Answer: False
There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that women are more likely than men to fantasize
about multiple partners. Sexual fantasies vary greatly among individuals and are influenced
by personal experiences, desires, and cultural factors rather than gender alone.
10. A technique used to overcome sexual boredom in a long-term relationship is for a couple
to experiment with each other’s sexual fantasies.
Answer: True

Experimenting with each other's sexual fantasies can be an effective technique for
overcoming sexual boredom and revitalizing intimacy in a long-term relationship. Sharing
and exploring fantasies together can enhance communication, intimacy, and sexual
satisfaction between partners.
11. In 1972 the American Medical Association declared masturbation to be an abnormal
sexual behavior.
Answer: False
The statement is false. While there have been historical stigmas and misconceptions
surrounding masturbation, the American Medical Association did not declare it to be an
abnormal sexual behavior in 1972 or at any other time. In fact, attitudes towards masturbation
have evolved over time, with many medical and psychological professionals recognizing it as
a normal and healthy aspect of human sexuality.
12. Masturbation within an intimate relationship is a sign of dissatisfaction with one’s partner.
Answer: False
Masturbation within an intimate relationship is not necessarily a sign of dissatisfaction with
one's partner. Individuals may engage in masturbation for various reasons, including selfexploration, stress relief, or simply as a part of their sexual repertoire, regardless of their level
of satisfaction with their partner.
13. People who are having the most frequent sexual intercourse with their partners are the
least likely to masturbate.
Answer: False
The statement is false. There is no direct correlation between the frequency of sexual
intercourse with a partner and the likelihood of masturbation. Masturbation is a common and
natural behavior that individuals may engage in regardless of their sexual activity within a
14. Most men and women masturbate while lying face up.
Answer: True
Research suggests that lying face up is a common position for both men and women to
engage in masturbation. However, individuals may have their preferences for body position
during masturbation, and variations exist among different individuals.
15. Human infants need close physical contact with others in order to thrive.
Answer: True

Human infants require close physical contact, such as cuddling, holding, and skin-to-skin
contact, with caregivers for healthy emotional and psychological development. This close
physical contact, often referred to as "bonding," promotes feelings of security, attachment,
and well-being in infants.
16. The best way to discover a partner’s preference for being touched is to ask.
Answer: True
Communication is key in any intimate relationship, including understanding each partner's
preferences for physical touch and intimacy. Asking your partner directly about their
preferences for touch, along with open and honest communication, can enhance mutual
understanding, trust, and satisfaction in the relationship.
17. Kissing is the least popular of sexual activities among college students.
Answer: False
The statement is false. Kissing is a highly popular and common sexual activity among college
students and individuals of all ages. It is often considered an intimate and pleasurable form of
physical affection and is commonly practiced in romantic relationships.
18. Both men and women usually prefer a gentle, slower touch at first, with increasingly
firmer pressure and faster stroking as excitement builds.
Answer: True
While preferences for touch may vary among individuals, many men and women tend to
prefer a gradual progression from gentle, slower touch to firmer pressure and faster
stimulation as arousal and excitement build during sexual activity. Communication and
responsiveness to each other's cues are essential in determining the desired touch intensity.
19. Genital touching has a high risk of STI transmission.
Answer: False
The statement is false. While genital touching can carry a risk of sexually transmitted
infection (STI) transmission, particularly if there are cuts, sores, or bodily fluids present, the
risk is generally lower compared to activities involving direct genital contact or exchange of
bodily fluids such as unprotected intercourse.
20. Cunnilingus involves stimulation of the penis.
Answer: False

The statement is false. Cunnilingus refers to oral stimulation of the female genitals (vulva and
clitoris) by a partner's mouth and tongue. It does not involve stimulation of the penis, which
is characteristic of fellatio, oral stimulation of the male genitals.
21. Fellatio involves stimulation of the vulva.
Answer: False
The statement is false. Fellatio refers to oral stimulation of the male genitals, particularly the
penis, by a partner's mouth and lips. It does not involve stimulation of the vulva, which is
characteristic of cunnilingus, oral stimulation of the female genitals.
22. Some men and many women report that the best way they have orgasms is through oral
Answer: True
It is true that some men and many women report experiencing intense orgasms through oral
sex. Oral stimulation of the genitals can be highly pleasurable for individuals of all genders
and sexual orientations, and for some, it may be their preferred or most effective way to
achieve orgasm.
23. Oral sex may be a major cause of recurring vaginal yeast infections.
Answer: True
There is evidence to suggest that oral sex may contribute to recurring vaginal yeast infections
(candidiasis) in some individuals. Oral contact with the genitals, particularly if there is an
imbalance in vaginal flora or if the partner has oral thrush (yeast infection), can introduce or
exacerbate yeast overgrowth in the vagina.
24. A widespread belief among heterosexuals is that anal sex is practiced primarily by gay
Answer: True
There is a widespread belief among heterosexual individuals that anal sex is primarily
practiced by gay men. However, anal sex is not exclusive to any sexual orientation and can be
practiced by individuals of all sexual orientations, including heterosexual couples.
25. Unprotected anal intercourse involves a very low risk for the transmission of sexuallytransmitted infections.
Answer: False

The statement is false. Unprotected anal intercourse carries a high risk for the transmission of
sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and
others. The rectal lining is delicate and can be easily damaged during intercourse, providing a
route for infection.
26. Research suggests that frequent anal intercourse over time may lead to hemorrhoids.
Answer: True
There is evidence to suggest that frequent anal intercourse over time may contribute to the
development of hemorrhoids in some individuals. The repeated stretching and pressure on the
anal area during intercourse can cause swelling and inflammation of the blood vessels,
leading to hemorrhoids.
27. If a couple has frequent anal intercourse, there is no need to wash the penis before
engaging in vaginal intercourse.
Answer: False
The statement is false. It is essential for partners engaging in both anal and vaginal
intercourse to practice proper hygiene and consider using barriers such as condoms to reduce
the risk of cross-contamination between the anus and vagina. Washing the penis before
engaging in vaginal intercourse can help reduce the risk of introducing bacteria or pathogens
from the anus into the vagina.
28. The man-on-top is the most common position for coitus in Western cultures.
Answer: True
The man-on-top position, also known as the missionary position, is indeed one of the most
common coital positions in Western cultures. It involves the man being on top of the woman
during intercourse, with variations in leg positioning and angle of penetration.
29. The female-superior position is the least common position for coitus throughout the
Answer: False
The statement is false. The female-superior position, also known as the woman-on-top or
cowgirl position, is a common coital position practiced by couples worldwide. It offers
various advantages such as enhanced clitoral stimulation and allows the woman to control the
pace and depth of penetration.
30. A disadvantage of the rear-entry coital position is that penile penetration is shallow.
Answer: False

The statement is false. The rear-entry coital position, also known as doggy style, allows for
deep penetration and can be highly stimulating for both partners. However, individuals may
have different preferences and comfort levels with this position, and communication is
essential to ensure mutual satisfaction and comfort.
31. Most couples that are comfortable with their sexual life find that the duration of their
lovemaking varies from one time to the next.
Answer: True
It is true that the duration of lovemaking can vary for couples who are comfortable with their
sexual life. This variation can be influenced by various factors such as mood, level of arousal,
energy levels, and even external factors like stress or distractions. Couples who are
comfortable with each other are often more flexible and responsive to these fluctuations,
allowing for a natural ebb and flow in the duration of their lovemaking sessions.
1. _______ wrote a book entitled Sexology, which was published in 1904.
Answer: William H. Walling
William H. Walling indeed wrote a book entitled "Sexology," which was published in 1904.
This book was one of the early works in the field of sexology and contributed to the discourse
on human sexuality during that time.
2. The extent to which a person experiences positive or negative reactions to sexual issues
and behavior determines what may be referred to as a _______.
Answer: sexual comfort zone
The term "sexual comfort zone" refers to the range of sexual behaviors, attitudes, and
experiences that an individual feels comfortable with or accepts without experiencing
significant distress. It is determined by the person's positive or negative reactions to various
sexual issues and behaviors.
3. A person scoring high on _______ on the Sexual Opinion Survey likely has a positive
attitude towards masturbation.
Answer: erotophilia
Erotophilia refers to a positive attitude towards sexuality and sexual behaviors. Individuals
who score high on erotophilia tend to have a more open and accepting attitude towards
various sexual practices, including masturbation.

4. Masturbation for the most part is considered a _______ sexual behavior.
Answer: solitary
Masturbation is typically considered a solitary sexual behavior because it involves selfstimulation for sexual pleasure without the involvement of a partner.
5. According to the text, the most common sexual activity is _______.
Answer: sexual fantasy
Sexual fantasy is considered the most common sexual activity as it involves imagining or
mentally engaging in sexual scenarios or experiences. It is a common and natural aspect of
human sexuality.
6. _______ fantasies are not about forced sex, but are about women feeling powerful and in
Answer: Forced sex or rape
This statement highlights the distinction between forced sex or rape fantasies and fantasies
involving women feeling powerful and in control. Forced sex fantasies typically involve nonconsensual acts, while fantasies where women feel powerful and in control emphasize
consensual power dynamics.
7. Centuries ago, people believed that _______ would lead to blindness.
Answer: masturbation
Historically, there were various myths and misconceptions surrounding masturbation,
including the belief that it could lead to physical and mental health problems such as
blindness. However, these beliefs have been debunked by scientific evidence.
8. People who _______ are more likely than those who don’t to be physically and
emotionally satisfied with their overall sex lives.
Answer: masturbate
Research suggests that individuals who engage in masturbation are more likely to report
higher levels of sexual satisfaction, both physically and emotionally. Masturbation can help
individuals explore their own bodies, preferences, and sexual responses, contributing to
overall sexual well-being.
9. _______ refers to intimate touching between partners for the purpose of sexual arousal and
sharing sexual pleasure.

Answer: Erotic touch
Erotic touch encompasses intimate physical contact between partners aimed at eliciting
sexual arousal and sharing sexual pleasure. It plays a significant role in sexual intimacy and
can include a wide range of sensual and stimulating activities.
10. _______ report being much more sexually aroused by having their breasts and nipples
touched than _______.
Answer: Women; men
Research indicates that women generally report greater sexual arousal from breast and nipple
stimulation compared to men. Breasts and nipples are erogenous zones for many women, and
stimulation in these areas can elicit strong sexual responses and sensations.
11. A sexually intimate activity where partners touch each other’s genitals that often leads to
orgasm is referred to as _______.
Answer: mutual masturbation
Mutual masturbation involves partners stimulating each other's genitals manually, typically
with their hands, with the goal of achieving sexual pleasure and often leading to orgasm. It is
a consensual and intimate sexual activity that allows partners to explore each other's bodies
and preferences.
12. _______ is oral sex performed on a female.
Answer: Cunnilingus
Cunnilingus refers to oral stimulation of the female genitalia, particularly the clitoris, vulva,
and vaginal opening, performed with the mouth, lips, and tongue. It is a common and
pleasurable sexual activity for many individuals and is often used to enhance sexual arousal
and satisfaction in both partners.
13. _______ is oral sex performed on a male.
Answer: Fellatio
Fellatio involves oral stimulation of the male genitalia, particularly the penis and often the
scrotum, performed with the mouth, lips, and tongue. It is a prevalent sexual activity and is
typically performed to enhance sexual arousal and pleasure for the recipient.
14. _______ is the term used to describe oral stimulation of the anus.
Answer: Anilingus

Anilingus, also known as analingus or rimming, refers to oral stimulation of the anus and the
surrounding area using the mouth, lips, and tongue. It is a form of sexual activity that can
provide pleasure and stimulation for the recipient and is practiced by individuals of various
sexual orientations.
15. A term used to describe penile-vaginal intercourse is _______.
Answer: coitus
Coitus, commonly known as sexual intercourse or vaginal intercourse, refers to the act of
inserting the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure and reproduction. It is one of the most
common forms of sexual activity among heterosexual couples and plays a central role in
human sexual behavior.
16. A good coital position to use during pregnancy is _______.
Answer: rear-entry
Rear-entry, also known as the "doggy-style" position, is often considered a comfortable and
practical coital position during pregnancy. This position allows for deep penetration while
minimizing pressure on the abdomen, making it suitable for pregnant individuals, especially
during later stages of pregnancy when other positions may become uncomfortable.
1. Explain three positive functions of sexual fantasy and their effects.
Responses should consider:
1. Fantasy provides a safe sexual outlet. A fantasy itself does not involve any physical
contact, so there is no danger of pregnancy or STIs. by itself or combined with masturbation,
fantasy can provide a completely safe sexual experience.
2. Fantasy can enhance arousal. Probably the most common reasons people fantasize are to
increase and enhance their feelings of sexual excitement. Fantasy in a nonsexual setting has
the potential to enhance future sexual encounters, and fantasy during masturbation or
lovemaking can strengthen physical and psychological responses.
3. Fantasy can relieve boredom. Sex therapists often recommend fantasy to spice up a
couple’s sex life that has become routine and predictable.
4. Fantasy can be used to treat sexual problems. Fantasy, usually combined with
masturbation, is a cornerstone of sex therapy. It has been shown to increase sexual desire,
arousability, orgasm, and sexual satisfaction in general.
5. Fantasy can relieve sexual anxiety, guilt, and doubt. Nearly everyone at one time or
another feels anxiety, guilt, or self-doubt about sexual issues. Fantasy offers an opportunity to
think about sexual values, to replay sexual scenes, and to learn about one’s sexual identity.

2. Define the term masturbation. Discuss three benefits of masturbation and their functions.
Responses should consider:
Masturbation refers to sexual activities performed on oneself, typically focusing on
stimulation of the genitals to orgasm. Benefits of masturbation include:
• Sexual self-discovery. Masturbation provides a “laboratory” for exploring and
experimenting with one’s own sexual feelings and sensations. This learning process is
important for achieving sexual satisfaction with a partner and in life in general.
• Release of sexual tension or frustration. Masturbation may be used to alleviate feelings of
sexual frustration resulting from romantic and sexual activities with a partner that do not lead
to orgasm or general sexual tensions that may build up over time.
• Enhancement of sexual interactions with a partner. Masturbation appears to be related to a
person’s sexual satisfaction with a partner now and in the future. Research has shown that
people in relationships who masturbate are more sexually satisfied with their partners and
their relationships.
• Resolution of sexual problems, including inhibited sexual desire, premature ejaculation,
difficulty with orgasm, erectile problems, general arousal difficulties, and delayed orgasm.
Many common sexual problems are treated with the help of masturbation. The therapeutic
benefits of masturbation exercises may be part of a treatment program prescribed by a
professional counselor or as a self-help strategy that individuals or couples may discover on
their own.
• Orgasm. Masturbation has been reported, especially by women, as providing the most
reliable and most intense orgasms.
• Relief from stress and depression. Many people who masturbate find it helpful in relieving
stress, tension, sleeplessness, and depressive symptoms that are not necessarily related to sex
activities per se.
3. Discuss the variations in kissing behavior among three different cultures. Explain the
techniques, beliefs, and purposes of kissing in each culture.
Responses should consider:
• Sexual kissing is unknown in many societies. On certain Polynesian islands, women are
orgasmic and sexually active, yet kissing was unknown until Westerners and their popular
films arrived.
• Many tribes across Africa and elsewhere believe that the soul enters and leaves through the
mouth and that a person’s bodily products can be collected and saved by an enemy for
harmful purposes. In these societies, the possible loss of saliva would cause a kiss to be
regarded as a dangerous gesture.
• Forms of mouth or nose contact are common, particularly the “oceanic kiss, ” named for its
prevalence among cultures in Oceania. The Tinguians place their lips near the partner’s face
and suddenly inhale. Balinese lovers bring their faces close enough to catch each other’s
perfume and to feel the warmth of the skin, making contact as the move their heads slightly.

The oceanic kiss may be varied by the placement of the nose and cheek, the vigor of the
inhalation, the nature of the accompanying sounds, the action of the arms, and so on.
• The cultures of China and Japan regarded sexual proficiency as high art, but cared little for
tongue-kissing. In their voluminous displays of erotica, graphic depictions of every possible
sexual position, angle of intercourse, and variation of partner and setting, mouth-to-mouth
kissing is conspicuous by its absence. Japanese poets have rhapsodized for centuries about
the allure of the nape of the neck, but they have been silent on the mouth; kissing is
acceptable only between mother and child. In Western cultures, the number of nonsexual uses
of the kiss is staggering. It is used for greeting and farewell, affection, religious or ceremonial
symbolism, deference to a person of high status, among other uses. People kiss icons, dice,
and other objects, in prayer, for luck, or as part of a ritual. Kisses make the hurt go away, they
bless the sacred vestments, or seal a bargain.
4. Discuss three reasons why a person might enjoy oral sex. Discuss three reasons why a
person might feel uncomfortable with oral sex.
Responses should consider:
Reasons why people like oral sex:
• Most people who engage in oral sex, whether giving or receiving, find it to be an extremely
intimate, pleasurable, and exciting activity.
• Some couples feel that giving and receiving oral sex creates more intense feelings of
intimacy than any other sexual behavior.
• Some people enjoy the feeling of the mutual enjoyment and acceptance of their partner’s
entire body that oral sex represents.
• Most people who engage in oral sex find it a highly physically arousing behavior, in which
stimulation can be focused exactly where and how it feels the best.
• Some find that orgasms achieved through oral sex feel different or better than those
achieved through masturbation, touching, or through intercourse.
• Oral sex can serve as a substitute for sexual intercourse. Some couples who have made a
decision to avoid intercourse due to personal moral beliefs, or for other reasons, will engage
in oral sex as a way of exploring intimacy without intercourse.
Reasons why people may feel uncomfortable with oral sex:
• Some people believe that oral sex is simply wrong and that it conflicts with their personal
code of acceptable behavior.
• Some people object to the mechanics of the behavior itself. Some people are concerned that
the penis will be pushed too deep into the mouth and throat. Others are concerned that the
inserting partner will ejaculate into the mouth, causing a gag reflex or other unpleasant
• Some men and women worry that the smell or taste of their partner’s genitals will be
unpleasant or offensive.

5. Describe two cautions regarding anal intercourse. Discuss two ways to address these
Responses should consider:
• Unprotected anal intercourse is the highest-risk sexual behavior for the transmission of
virtually all STIs if the inserting partner is infected. The lining of the rectum is thin and
fragile, and lacks the elastic qualities of the vagina. Also, the anus and rectum do not produce
any natural lubrication upon sexual arousal, so there is a high likelihood of damage to rectal
walls, allowing direct contact of the inserting partner’s semen with the receiving partner’s
bloodstream. If a couple who are free of STIs wishes to engage in anal intercourse, generous
amounts of artificial lubricant should be used and penetration should be done very slowly and
• If the normally harmless bacteria in the anus and rectum are transferred to the urethra (in
men or women), the vagina, or the vulva, they can cause vaginal, reproductive, and urinary
tract infections. Therefore, it is extremely important that after anal stimulation or anal
intercourse, vaginal stimulation or intercourse should be avoided until the hand, mouth, or
penis has been washed or the condom has been changed.

Test Bank for Human Sexuality
Roger R. Hock
ISBN's: 9780205989409, 9780133971385, 9780134224961

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