Community Standards Regulation

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  • Community Standards Regulation

Our platform is committed to fostering a safe and respectful community for all users. To ensure a positive and inclusive environment, we have established the following community standards.

Hate Speech:

Any documents spreading or promoting hate speech, including but not limited to discrimination, bigotry, or incitement to violence, are strictly prohibited. We do not tolerate content that attacks or demeans individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other characteristics.

Breach of Personal Information:

Users must not upload or share personal information of others without their consent. This includes but is not limited to, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, or any other information that could be used to identify or contact individuals.

Protected Information:

Users must respect all laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data and confidential information. Any sharing of protected or confidential information without authorization is strictly prohibited.

Unlawful Data:

Users must not upload or share any documents that contain unlawful or illegal content. This includes but is not limited to, content that violates copyright laws, intellectual property rights, or any other applicable laws or regulations.

Respect for Others:

Users must be respectful to all other users on the platform. This includes refraining from harassment, bullying, or any form of disrespectful behavior towards others.

Violation of these community standards may result in the removal of offending materials, suspension or termination of user accounts, and reporting to appropriate authorities if necessary. We rely on the cooperation of all users to maintain a positive and respectful community.


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