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Chapter 17 Multiple Choice Questions 1. _____ is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on developing and integrating behavioral and biomedical knowledge to promote health and reduce illness. A. Behavioral medicine B. Clinical neuroscience C. Behavioral targeting D. Cognitive psychology Answer: A 2. The main difference between health psychology and behavioral medicine is that in addition to behavioral and social influences, health psychology focuses on _____ influences, while behavioral medicine focuses on biomedical influences. A. emotional B. ecological C. cognitive D. evolutionary Answer: C 3. Shirley is talking to a group of third graders about the importance of drinking sufficient water every day. She is focused on: A. public health. B. planned behavior. C. precontemplation. D. health promotion. Answer: D 4. Dr. Sanders is testing the water supplies of a few villages in a remote region of Africa to ascertain water purity. Dr. Sanders is interested in: A. public health. B. health promotion. C. charity work. D. lifestyle changes. Answer: A 5. Which of the following statements is true about the relationship between mind and body? A. Mind influences the body, but the body cannot influence the mind. B. There is always a psychological factor responsible for an illness. C. Being physically healthy is irrelevant to an individual’s psychological wellness. D. People who have led healthy lives can fall ill. Answer: D 6. Which of the following would NOT be classified under health behaviors? A. Exercising B. Drinking lot of water C. Getting a breast exam D. Studying Answer: D 7. Which of the following individuals is NOT engaged in what psychologists refer to as health behaviors? A. Mary is eating an apple. B. Jim is studying his history notes. C. Alice is walking with a friend. D. Melanie is brushing her teeth. Answer: B 8. Ryan has started working out in the gym so that he can play for the football team next year. He is very optimistic about being chosen in the team and feels his peers will support him. Ryan’s views reflect: A. the theory of planned behavior. B. the theory of reasoned action. C. the social exchange theory. D. the self-perception theory. Answer: B 9. Vince is overweight and hence, wants to join a gym to lose weight. According to the theory of reasoned action, which of the following is a critical factor with regard to Vince’s chances of effective change? A. Ignoring specific intentions of his decision to join the gym B. Having the belief that his friends will like what he is doing C. Avoiding specific goals D. Having the ability to control the outcome Answer: B 10. Jack has started a new diet program. He wants to lose thirty pounds. His wife is supporting him and he feels that the weight loss is under his control. His behavior reflects the theory of: A. planned behavior. B. health promotion. C. changed behavior. D. reasoned action. Answer: A 11. The theory of planned behavior differs from the theory of reasoned action in that the theory of planned behavior: A. perceives that a person’s social group looks favorably on a new behavior. B. places importance on maintaining a positive attitude. C. emphasizes the importance of developing specific goals. D. includes the idea that an individual’s perceptions of control over the outcome are important. Answer: D 12. The element of _____ differentiates the theory of reasoned action from the theory of planned behavior. A. confidence B. control C. caring D. creativity Answer: B 13. Gerald wants to wake up early every day so that he can go for a morning walk. He requests his friends to help him wake up. His friends call and wake him up at 7 a.m. following which he goes for his walk. But, he still feels that he can never wake up early on his own if his friends don’t call. Which of the following components of the theory of planned behavior is missing in Gerald’s plan to wake up early? A. Specific intentions B. Positive attitude C. Social support D. Health behavior Answer: B 14. Which of the following statements is true of the relationship between the theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior? A. The theory of reasoned action is an extension of the theory of planned behavior. B. The theory of planned behavior is a contradiction of the theory of planned action. C. The theory of planned behavior and the theory of reasoned action require individuals to hold positive attitudes about a new behavior. D. The theory of reasoned action includes a person’s perception of control, while the theory of planned behavior does not. Answer: C 15. Sam is an alcoholic. He gets drunk at parties four to five nights a week and he often experiences blackouts. Despite his friends’ concerns, Sam does not think he has a problem and believes that he is just being a typical college student. Sam would most likely be classified as being in the _____ stage of change. A. preaction B. contemplation C. precontemplation D. preparation Answer: C 16. Nina has been gambling very often in the last three months and has lost a lot of money. When she was confronted by her friend about her gambling problem, she refused to accept it. She is likely in the _____ stage of the change model. A. preparation/determination B. contemplation C. termination D. precontemplation Answer: D 17. Which of the following is the first stage of the change model? A. Preparation/determination B. Precontemplation C. Action/willpower D. Contemplation Answer: B 18. Ginny was not aware that she always talked too loudly, until last week, when her friends made fun of her. According to the stages of change model, Ginny was at the _____ stage. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation/determination D. action/willpower Answer: A 19. Lawrence was just told by his doctor that his recent weight gain has placed him at risk for Type II diabetes. Lawrence chooses to ignore his doctor’s diagnosis. According to the stages of change model, Lawrence is at which of the following stages? A. Precontemplation B. Contemplation C. Preparation/determination D. Action/willpower Answer: A 20. Adam’s friends advise him to spend his free time doing something productive rather than playing online games the entire day. So, he considers joining a gym, but he is not very sure of committing to this new habit. He feels that although going to the gym will keep him in shape and is a better use of his time, he will have to give up playing online games. According to the stages of change model, which of the following stages does this scenario depict? A. Precontemplation B. Contemplation C. Preparation D. Action Answer: B 21. Nina realized that she is addicted to heroin and planned to overcome her addiction. After a while, Nina felt that the rush given by heroin is worth being addicted to it. According to the stages of change model, Nina is most likely in the _____ stage. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation D. action Answer: B 22. Claire is a chain smoker. Her friends plan to inform her about the dangers of continuing her unhealthy behavior. According to the stages of the change model, Claire is in which of the following stages? A. Contemplation B. Preparation C. Action D. Precontemplation Answer: D 23. Which of the following lists the stages of the change model in the right sequence? A. Preparation/determination; precontemplation; contemplation; action/willpower; maintenance B. Preparation/determination; action/willpower; precontemplation; contemplation; maintenance C. Precontemplation; contemplation; preparation/determination; action/willpower; maintenance D. Precontemplation; contemplation; preparation/determination; maintenance; action/willpower Answer: C 24. Madison is addicted to drugs. According to the stages of the change model, if she is in the contemplation stage of changing her habit, which of the following will occur next? A. She will think about ways to get over the addiction. B. She will realize that she is addicted to drugs. C. She will stop doing drugs immediately. D. She will join a rehabilitation center. Answer: A 25. Richard is an unorganized person and his friends feel that he should be more organized. According to the stages of change model, if he is in the preparation stage, which of the following will occur next? A. He will deny that he is unorganized. B. He will realize that he is unorganized. C. He will start trying to be more organized. D. He will enact a plan to be more organized. Answer: C 26. Kevin knows that he needs to start exercising to lose weight. He has contacted several fitness centers in his locality. According to the stages of change model, Kevin is at the _____ stage. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation/determination D. action/willpower Answer: C 27. People who are in the _____ stage of the change model are aware of their problem, but they are not yet ready to change. A. action B. contemplation C. maintenance D. preparation Answer: B 28. Pete has been smoking since several years and is finally thinking about quitting, because he often has trouble breathing. He makes a list of the pros and cons of quitting smoking. Pete is at which of the following stages of the change model? A. Precontemplation B. Contemplation C. Preparation/determination D. Action/willpower Answer: B 29. In the stages of change model, a key factor that differentiates the _____ is awareness that a particular behavior is problematic. A. contemplation stage from the action stage B. contemplation stage from the preparation stage C. preparation stage from the action stage D. precontemplation stage from the contemplation stage Answer: D 30. According to the stages of change model, a key element in predicting whether Barry, who is in the preparation stage, will change his drinking behavior is: A. how long he has thought about changing his behavior. B. how much information he has collected about his problematic behavior. C. how ready he is to change his behavior. D. the cost involved in changing his behavior. Answer: C 31. Carlos, a high school student, wants to score better on his tests. According to the stages in change model, if Carlos is in the preparation stage, the best predictor of improved school performance is if: A. his friends encourage him. B. he ignores feedback. C. his teachers encourage him. D. he decides to work harder. Answer: D 32. Which of the following occurs in the contemplation stage of the change model? A. Individuals prepare to take action. B. Individuals acknowledge that they have a problem. C. Individuals commit to make a behavioral change. D. Individuals enact a plan. Answer: B 33. Which of the following statements would be most typical of someone in the preparation stage of the change model? A. “Problem? What problem? I don’t have a problem.” B. “All right! What should I do to change this problematic behavior?” C. “I know that my behavior is problematic, but I’m just not ready to change it yet.” D. “I’m going to do something about this problem, the very next week.” Answer: D 34. Martha is trying to change her exercise routine for a healthier lifestyle. She developed a new exercise schedule and planned to implement it the next month. Martha is in the _____ stage of the change model. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation/determination D. action/willpower Answer: C 35. Missy has decided to start eating healthy food. She went to the grocery store and purchased a bunch of fruit and vegetables to begin her new nutritional program. Missy is at the _____ stage of the change model. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation/determination D. action/willpower Answer: C 36. Mathew is addicted to marijuana. He starts taking surfing lessons hoping that it will give him the same rush that marijuana does. According to the stages of the change model, Mathew is in the _____ stage. A. contemplation B. preparation C. precontemplation D. action Answer: D 37. Which of the following is a key consideration in the preparation stage of the change model? A. Support from others B. Readiness to change C. Acceptance of the problem D. Creation of a backup plan Answer: B 38. Ryan’s father promised to buy him a new car of his choice if he quits drinking and stays sober for a year. The thought of the new car helps Ryan stay sober. According to the stages of change model, Ryan is in the _____ stage. A. contemplation B. action C. preparation D. precontemplation Answer: C 39. Mark has decided that it is finally time to quit smoking. He started using nicotine patches to help him control the craving to smoke. He is in the _____ stage of the change model. A. preparation/determination B. contemplation C. action/willpower D. maintenance Answer: C 40. Stacy has lost ten of the twenty pounds she intended to lose. She has promised herself that if she loses another ten pounds, she will buy the pair of designer jeans she has wanted for over a year. According to the stages of change model, Stacy is at the _____ stage. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation/determination D. action/willpower Answer: D 41. After Bob realized that he is overweight, he created a new exercise program for himself. Though he initially had some difficulty setting it up and sticking with it, he has not missed a single workout for the last eight months. While he still has some difficulty in settling into this exercise routine, he manages to reinforce and motivate himself by purchasing different music CDs every month. Bob is most likely in the _____ stage of the change model. A. action B. maintenance C. termination D. preparation Answer: A 42. Gemma has not smoked a cigarette for four months. However, after hearing about the death of a close friend, she went to a store, purchased a new pack, and smoked many cigarettes on her way home. Which of the following terms describes Gemma’s tendency to smoke again? A. Relapse B. Transcendence C. Contemplation D. Precontemplation Answer: A 43. Harry is abstaining from drinking. To help him overcome his alcohol addiction, he joined a running club. He meets them every day after work. He has also begun giving excuses to avoid meeting his coworkers for drinks. Harry is most likely in the _____ stage of the change model. A. action/willpower B. contemplation C. preparation/determination D. maintenance Answer: D 44. In the stages of change model, _____ means a person no longer requires conscious attention to maintain the new, healthy behavior. A. determination B. transcendence C. cognitive appraisal D. willpower Answer: B 45. To lose weight, Kelsey started using whole wheat bread instead of the usual white bread for making sandwiches. After following her new eating habit for six months, Kelsey does not even think about ordering anything but whole wheat bread sandwiches at restaurants. According to the stages of change model, this behavior is described as: A. transcendence. B. resistance. C. self-actualization. D. adaptation. Answer: A 46. Diana loves cupcakes and eats them every day for desserts. She has realized that this habit has made her overweight. Hence, she decides to completely refrain from eating cupcakes. After months of fighting the urge to eat them, Diana, now, can enter a pastry shop and not eat a cupcake. According to the stages of change model, Diana’s changed behavior is described as _____. A. transcendence B. resistance C. self-actualization D. adaptation Answer: A 47. Mia began a running routine to lose weight. After a year from starting the routine, she runs for the joy of running. Mia has: A. reached self-actualization. B. become resistant to change. C. reached transcendence. D. adapted to her weight problem. Answer: C 48. Which of the following statements is true of the maintenance stage of the change model? A. It involves more focus and effort than the other stages. B. It involves individuals preparing to take action. C. In this stage, the new behavior becomes routine. D. In this stage, individuals become aware that they have a problem. Answer: C 49. Which of the following is the last stage of the change model? A. Resolution B. Resistance C. Action/willpower D. Maintenance Answer: D 50. Which of the following statements is true of relapse during the maintenance stage of the stages of change model? A. Relapse is an uncommon aspect of change. B. Real change occurs in a single attempt with no relapse. C. Relapse helps to devise a strategy to prevent it in the future. D. If a person has more than two relapses, he or she cannot reach his or her goal. Answer: C 51. Which of the following is a criticism of the stages of change model? A. It promotes change rather than readiness to change. B. It refers more to attitudes that change than to behaviors. C. It doesn’t capture the ways individuals make positive life changes. D. It is relevant only to individuals trying to quit smoking and lose weight. Answer: B 52. Which of the following is an advantage of the stages of change model? A. It can be used to develop realistic expectations of the change process. B. Individuals do not skip any stage and move from one to another sequentially. C. It refers more to attitudes that change than to behaviors. D. All stages promote the readiness to change. Answer: B 53. Megan decided to quit doing drugs a year ago and has not used drugs since then. She joined a rehabilitation program as she was determined to quit drugs and, thus, overcame her addiction. Which of the following is likely to have contributed to Megan’s success? A. Religious faith B. Tangible assistance C. Emotional support D. Intrinsic motivation Answer: D 54. Which of the following statements is true of motivations for a positive change? A. Achieving short-term goals demotivates people from achieving their long-term goals. B. When people feel less autonomous, they are more motivated to change. C. Intrinsic factors motivate people while extrinsic factors don’t. D. Motivational tools for self-change involve changing for the right reasons. Answer: D 55. Lisa gives birth to a baby boy. While assuring her that she will be a good parent, Lisa’s mother shows her how to take care of the baby. Lisa is thankful that her mother is also taking care of the household chores. This scenario exemplifies which type of benefit of social support? A. Tangible assistance B. Information C. Emotional support D. All of these Answer: D 56. Amber shifted to a new apartment. She is finding it difficult to adapt to the new place, so her friends help her out by arranging all her furniture. This makes Amber feel less stressful. This scenario exemplifies which type of benefit of social support? A. Tangible assistance B. Information C. Emotional support D. Logical Answer: A 57. Britney’s dog, Dino, died. Her mother tells her “Don’t worry! She is in a better place now. Isn’t that more important?” Which of the following types of social support is Britney’s mother providing her? A. Tangible assistance B. Information C. Emotional support D. Logical Answer: C 58. Bryan is scoring less in mathematics. His friend gives him a book that will help him score better and also teaches him easy ways to learn mathematics. In this scenario, which of the following type of social support is Bryan’s friend providing him? A. Tangible assistance B. Information C. Emotional support D. Logical Answer: B 59. Ryan is sad because his girlfriend just broke up with him. Ryan’s father assures him that he has a lot of desirable traits and that he will forget about the relationship very soon. Which of the following types of social support is Ryan’s father providing? A. Tangible assistance B. Information C. Emotional support D. All of these Answer: C 60. Mindy’s friend is suffering from cancer. Since her friend has no family of her own, Mindy accompanies her to the chemotherapy sessions. Mindy also talks to her everyday so that she does not feel lonely. Which of the following types of social support is Mindy proving her friend? A. Extrinsic motivation B. Information C. Emotional support D. Logical Answer: C 61. Turning to others who act as a sounding board or a willing ear is referred to as _____. A. social loafing B. social sustainability C. social sharing D. social stratification Answer: C 62. Which of the following statements is true of social support? A. Only getting support is beneficial, but not giving support. B. Giving support during stressful circumstances refers to social loafing. C. Emotional support refers to the services family and friends provide. D. Tangible assistance includes recommending actions to cope with stress. Answer: C 63. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the relationship between religious faith and health? A. Religious involvement causes stress, which increases the risk of premature death. B. Religion can provide a buffer against stress and help people cope with difficulties. C. Religious thoughts play a role in maintaining hope and stimulating motivation. D. Religious involvement promotes social connections and can prevent isolation. Answer: A 64. Maurice has to study for her psychology test. However, all the textbooks on psychology in the library have been borrowed by other students. She had lent her notes to her friend, but did not get them back. The test is scheduled for the very next day, and she has a terrible headache. Maurice is experiencing: A. transcendence. B. stress. C. daily hassle. D. relapse. Answer: B 65. The circumstances that threaten a person and tax his/her coping abilities are called: A. mental blocks. B. transactions. C. emotion generators. D. stressors. Answer: D 66. A situation, circumstance, or event that challenges an individual and requires some form of coping mechanism best defines the term: A. transcendence. B. stressor. C. mental block. D. relapse. Answer: B 67. Hans Selye’s term _____ refers to the common effects on the body when stressful demands are placed on it. A. transactional stress response B. obsessive-compulsive disorder C. general adaptation syndrome D. chronic stress response Answer: C 68. Hans Selye’s three-stage pattern of reaction to stress is known as the: A. factor theory of stress. B. stress response syndrome. C. personal adjustment system. D. general adaptation syndrome. Answer: D 69. The general adaptation syndrome refers to the: A. steps taken during cognitive appraisal. B. body’s response to stressors. C. frustration created by conflict. D. the stages of behavioral change. Answer: B 70. A fundamental premise of the general adaptation syndrome is that: A. alarm, resistance, and exhaustion are the common effects of the stressful demands on the body. B. some people are immune to stress. C. most individuals experience a temporary state of shock during the exhaustion stage, which causes resistance to illness and stress to fall below normal limits. D. stress acts on the parasympathetic nervous system. Answer: A 71. Which of the following accurately describes the sequence of stages in the general adaptation syndrome? A. Alarm, resistance, and challenge B. Primary appraisal, alarm, and secondary appraisal C. Challenge, frustration, and exhaustion D. Alarm, resistance, and exhaustion Answer: D 72. Hans Selye’s general adaptation syndrome is useful in helping people understand the link between _____. A. stress and health B. support and stress C. health and support D. environment and stress Answer: A 73. Which of the following statements is true of the HPA axis? A. It is a complex set of interactions between the hypothalamus, pancreas, and the adrenal gland. B. When the brain detects a threat in the environment, it signals the adrenal gland. C. The hypothalamus produces corticotropin-releasing hormone. D. It does not regulate immune system responses. Answer: C 74. _____ directs the cells to make sugar, fat, and protein available so that the body can take quick actions in stressful situations. A. Corticotropin-releasing hormone B. Melanin C. Thyroxin D. Cortisol Answer: D 75. When a rat is first placed in an overcrowded cage, it will likely enter the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. A. curious B. alarm C. resistance D. exhaustion Answer: B 76. Emma is shocked when her teacher announced that there is a pop quiz on the reading material that was assigned the day before. Which of the following stages of the general adaptation syndrome will Emma be experiencing first? A. Exhaustion B. Secondary C. Resistance D. Alarm Answer: D 77. When Emily walked into her biology class, she was surprised to see a quiz waiting for her on her desk. She was not prepared for the quiz and was worried when she saw it. In this scenario, Emily is likely to experience the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. A. alarm B. resistance C. exhaustion D. secondary Answer: A 78. In which of the following stages of the general adaptation syndrome does the body release hormones that affect the functioning of the immune system? A. Alarm B. Adaptation C. Contemplation D. Exhaustion Answer: A 79. Once individuals get over the initial stress associated with their first exam of finals week, the fact that they have several more exams will likely lead their body to enter the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. A. alarm B. resistance C. exhaustion D. primary Answer: B 80. The hormones that reduce inflammation normally associated with injury circulate at high levels during the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. A. alarm B. resistance C. exhaustion D. primary Answer: B 81. During the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome, a number of glands throughout the body manufacture hormones that protect an individual in stress. A. alarm B. resistance C. exhaustion D. primary Answer: B 82. According to Hans Selye, in which of the following stages of the general adaptation syndrome does a person exert an all-out effort to combat stress? A. Alarm B. Resistance C. Primary D. Exhaustion Answer: B 83. Katie has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is under significant stress. She is undergoing a series of chemotherapy treatments. According to Hans Selye, Katie is currently in the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). A. exhaustion B. acceptance C. resistance D. deferred optimism Answer: C 84. If a person’s body’s all-out effort to combat stress fails and the stress persists, the individual moves into the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. A. resistance B. exhaustion C. alarm and mobilization D. coping Answer: B 85. According to the general adaptation syndrome, serious damage to the body may occur during the _____ stage. A. exhaustion B. resistance C. coping D. alarm Answer: A 86. After a long week of final exams, many students fall sick. This is most likely an illustration of the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. A. alarm B. resistance C. exhaustion D. secondary Answer: C 87. After studying all week for final exams, eating poorly, and not getting enough sleep, Shelly woke up the day after her last exam with the flu. Shelly is in the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. A. alarm B. deferred optimism C. exhaustion D. resistance Answer: C 88. The body system that plays the greatest role in Hans Selye’s general adaptation syndrome is called the: A. parasympathetic system. B. hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. C. cingulate gyrus. D. prefrontal cortex. Answer: B 89. Rosemary is interested in studying the relationships between emotion, the nervous system, and the immune system. She would be most interested in the field of: A. cognitive psychology. B. psychopharmacology. C. psychoneuroimmunology. D. neurology. Answer: C 90. Which of the following is a similarity between the central nervous system and the immune system of human beings? A. They have similar anatomy. B. They perform the same tasks. C. They possess sensory and motor elements. D. They cause the same disease, when they fail. Answer: C 91. Which of the following statements is true of stress and the immune system? A. Unlike the central nervous system, the immune system possesses “sensory” elements, which receive information from the environment and other parts of the body. B. Unlike the immune system, the central nervous system possesses “motor” elements, which carry out an appropriate response. C. The immune system and the central nervous system are distinct in their modes of receiving, and integrating stress signals from the external environment. D. Corticotropin-releasing hormone is shared by the central nervous system and the immune system, uniting the stress and immune responses. Answer: D 92. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the relationship between the immune system and stress? A. Acute stressors enhance the immune system functioning. B. Stress hormones can create greater vulnerability to infection. C. Chronic stressors are associated with inhibited immune system response. D. Positive social circumstances are associated with an increased ability to fight cancer. Answer: A 93. The immune system and the central nervous system both rely on _____ mediators for communication. A. electrical B. chemical C. symbolic D. cognitive Answer: B 94. In the context of stress and its effects on the immune system, who among the following is most likely to catch the flu? A. Harry gets his tasks done by allocating all the work to his subordinates. B. Janice has been working on a high-stakes project for nearly six months. C. Chris is on a vacation with his family. D. Kenneth has been moved into a new department with moderate work load. Answer: B 95. Which of the following statements is true of the preliminary hypotheses about the interaction that causes vulnerability to disease? A. Stressful experiences increase the efficiency of the immune system. B. Stressful situations make individuals more susceptible to diseases. C. Stressful experiences cause the deactivation of dormant viruses. D. Stress directly promotes disease-fighting processes. Answer: B 96. A surge in _____ caused by severe emotional stress may contribute to one’s risk of a heart attack. A. dopamine B. adrenaline C. sodium D. testosterone Answer: B 97. Which of the following statements is true of the relationship between stress and cardiovascular disease? A. Individuals who have had major life changes have a lower incidence of heart disease. B. People in a chronically stressed condition are less likely to take up smoking. C. Chronic emotional stress is associated with heart attacks and early deaths. D. The body’s internal reactions to stress merely constitute the risk people face. Answer: C 98. In the context of associating cardiovascular diseases due to stress, who among the following is most likely to suffer from a cardiovascular disease? A. A person working on difficult projects for months B. A person walking in a park along with a pet C. A person who was given a parking ticket D. A person writing a test Answer: A 99. Which of the following is an accurate description of the relationship between stress, the immune system, and cancer? A. The physiological effects of stress results in an increase in NK-cell activity in the blood. B. The physiological effects of stress inhibit immune responses to cancer. C. The physiological effects of stress temporarily slow the progression of cancer. D. The physiological effects of stress provide resistance to cancer. Answer: B 100. Which of the following statements is true of cancer? A. If NK-cell activity is not compromised by stress, cancer progresses slower. B. Length of survival for cancer patients is independent of NK-cell activity. C. High NK-cell activity is linked with the development of malignancies. D. Cancer patients show extremely high NK-cell activity in their blood. Answer: A 101. _____ refers to an individual’s interpretation of an experience as either threatening or challenging, and the person’s determination of whether he or she has the resources to cope effectively with the event. A. Cognitive appraisal B. Resistance plan C. Social loafing D. Transcendence Answer: A 102. Ashley is required to submit—within two days—her designs for a fashion show scheduled in a week. She perceived this event to be challenging rather than threatening. She made a plan on how to submit the design within the shortest time possible. Ashley’s interpretation of this event is called: A. resistance plan. B. cognitive appraisal. C. social loafing. D. transcendence. Answer: B 103. Josh had a car accident. The first thing that he does after he recovers is, call his insurance company and begin the claim process. Josh is engaging in _____ coping. A. problem-focused B. attitude-focused C. task-focused D. emotion-focused Answer: A 104. Maria’s husband was diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer. Instead of dealing with the threat of cancer, Maria decides to sign her and her husband up for a cruise. Maria is engaging in _____ coping. A. problem-focused B. intelligence-focused C. task-focused D. emotion-focused Answer: D 105. Stanley has a physics exam tomorrow and he has not prepared for it. Instead of preparing for the exam, he prays for the exam to be postponed. Which of the following types of coping is Stanley exhibiting in this scenario? A. Task-focused B. Problem-focused C. Emotion-focused D. Intelligence-focused Answer: C 106. Lydia just realized that her diamond necklace is missing. She immediately starts searching her house and then files a complaint about her missing necklace. Which of the following types of coping is Lydia exhibiting in this scenario? A. Task-focused B. Problem-focused C. Emotion-focused D. Attitude-focused Answer: B 107. John’s mother is suffering from cancer. He avoids visiting his mother to avoid stress. In this scenario, John is using _____ coping. A. task-focused B. problem-focused C. emotion-focused D. intelligence-focused Answer: C 108. Jill has to submit her school project tomorrow. But, she cannot do so, as she has not completed it. If she uses emotion-focused coping to respond to the stress, she will: A. ask for an extension. B. not go to school the next day. C. ask her parents to help her with the project. D. force her friend to complete it for her. Answer: B 109. Sheila is locked out of her house with her baby inside. If she uses problem-focused coping, to respond to stress, she would: A. cry till someone comes and helps. B. call her husband to get his key. C. pray to God to help her. D. wait till evening until her husband gets home. Answer: B 110. Which of the following statements is true of the types of coping? A. Emotion-focused coping never gives good outcomes. B. Problem-focused coping is the best way to cope with the death of a family member. C. Emotion-focused coping should be used when there is no solution to a problem. D. Problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping cannot be used together in a situation. Answer: C 111. In the context of coping with stress, emotion-focused coping will be most beneficial when: A. a person’s car breaks down. B. a person loses someone close. C. a person has a difficult test the next day. D. a person catches the flu. Answer: B 112. Max’s best friend died in an accident. In the context of coping with stress, which of the following stress coping methods would be most beneficial to Max to react to the news? A. Task-focused B. Problem-focused C. Emotion-focused D. Intelligence-focused Answer: C 113. In which of the following situations will emotion-focused coping be most beneficial? A. After failing a psychology test B. After your car breaks down C. After your dog dies D. After you forget to turn in your homework Answer: C 114. Diane, a recently divorced teacher, has trouble meeting potential partners. She decides to try an online dating service. Diane has engaged in _____ coping of stress. A. problem-focused B. emotion-focused C. intuition-focused D. cognition-focused Answer: A 115. If an individual responds to the stress rather than confronting his or her problem, the individual engages in _____ coping. A. problem-focused B. emotion-focused C. risk-focused D. intuition-focused Answer: B 116. Which of the following is LEAST associated with successful coping of stress? A. Educational level B. Sense of personal control C. Healthy immune system D. Positive emotions Answer: A 117. Mark is excited about the big presentation he is going to give to the board of directors of his company. Although he stayed up most of the previous night perfecting the presentation, he feels energized and ready to go. Mark is exhibiting: A. relapse. B. persistence. C. transcendence. D. hardiness. Answer: D 118. Which of the following statements is true of individuals who exhibit hardiness? A. They have a sense of commitment. B. They see problems as threats. C. They feel powerless. D. They feel alienated. Answer: A 119. Gina, a wedding planner, has been planning a wedding for almost a month. Three days before the wedding, the caterer informs her that they won’t be able to cater to the wedding party due to a severe shortage of chefs. Gina looks at this situation as a challenge. She asks her assistant to call up other caterers to check if they are available, while she carries on with the other wedding preparations. Which of the following characteristics is Gina exhibiting in this scenario? A. Social sharing B. Hardiness C. Arrogance D. Transcendence Answer: B 120. Which of the following statements about optimism and coping is FALSE? A. Optimists avoid paying attention to news that is negative. B. Optimists face life’s challenges from a position of strength. C. Optimists prefer to know their risk for disease. D. Optimists engage constructively with potentially threatening information. Answer: A 121. Which of the following statements is true of effective coping with stress? A. Hardiness increases stress and makes it difficult for a person to cope with it. B. A sense of personal control is associated with ineffective coping with stress. C. Multiple strategies often work better than a single strategy to cope with stress. D. People who see problems as threats rather than challenges can cope with stress effectively. Answer: C 122. Which of the following statements is true of stress management programs? A. Effective stress management programs exclude cognitive-behavior therapy. B. Coping effectively with stress is essential for good mental health but not for good physical health. C. Establishing healthy habits and evaluating and changing behaviors that interfere with good health help avoid the damaging effects of stress. D. Many organizations have become less motivated to help their workers cope with the stressful circumstances due to the cost of stress management programs. Answer: C 123. Which of the following statements is true of the relationship between physical activity and health? A. Physical exercise increases the levels of anxiety and depression. B. Any activity that expends physical energy can be part of a healthy lifestyle. C. All types of physical activity weaken individuals and make them unable to face potential stressors. D. The more elderly people expend energy in daily activities, the shorter their life span. Answer: B 124. Which of the following individuals will cope most successfully with stress? A. Tara exercises regularly. B. Jim spends most of his free time alone. C. Sarah completely avoids eating fat and sugar. D. Matt never lets anyone see him when he is angry. Answer: A 125. Which of the following provides a protective effect on telomere length? A. Habitual exercise B. No exercise C. Stress D. Isolation Answer: A 126. Which of the following activities is defined as one that increases heart rate and lung functioning? A. Resistance B. Aerobic C. Weight lifting D. All of these Answer: B 127. All of the following are examples of aerobic exercise EXCEPT: A. weight lifting. B. jogging. C. swimming. D. cycling. Answer: A 128. Which of the following activity will stimulate heart and lung activity? A. Typing B. Swimming C. Sleeping D. Drinking water Answer: B 129. Aerobic exercise is defined as: A. a form of physical activity that increases the production of CRH. B. any weight-bearing activity. C. physical activity that requires minimal movement. D. sustained exercise that stimulates heart and lung activity. Answer: D 130. In which of the following instances is the individual engaging in aerobic exercise? A. Gary plays online games in his free time. B. Henry goes swimming every day after work. C. Mathew attends guitar classes every day after class. D. Peter meditates every morning and evening. Answer: B 131. The most effective component of weight-loss programs is: A. regular exercise. B. reduced water intake. C. skipping meals. D. regular sleep. Answer: A 132. _____ is a context where it is challenging for people to engage in healthy activities. A. Obesogenic environment B. Classical conditioning C. Cognitive restructuring D. Humanistic perspective Answer: A 133. Which of the following statements is true of following a well-balanced diet? A. It should be done only to reduce weight. B. It can increase the risk for cancer. C. It can increase blood pressure. D. It reduces tooth decay. Answer: D 134. Healthy eating refers to: A. trying out every possible fad diet. B. consuming high amounts of vitamins and sugar. C. a diet for people who want to lose weight. D. a diet containing high amounts of minerals and fiber. Answer: D 135. Eating right refers to consuming: A. no fat. B. no sugar. C. minimum calories. D. a little bit of everything. Answer: D 136. Which of the following is likely to be included in the main strategy of a successful dieter? A. Exercising 30 minutes a day B. Following weight-loss fads C. Having unplanned meals D. Checking weight only when it is convenient Answer: A 137. Smoking contributes to all of the following EXCEPT: A. risk of middle-ear disease in children of smokers. B. death from cancer. C. death from heart disease. D. death from accident. Answer: D 138. Which of the following is an effect of nicotine? A. It slows down the brain’s activities. B. It decreases the central nervous system activity. C. It leads to drowsiness and confusion. D. It leads to a pleasurable and reinforcing experience. Answer: D 139. Which of the following is an active drug in cigarettes? A. Caffeine B. Nicotine C. Opium D. Tannin Answer: B 140. Which of the following statements is true of nicotine? A. It reduces smokers’ energy. B. It has a pain-reducing effect. C. It reduces smokers’ alertness. D. It deactivates neurotransmitters. Answer: B 141. A person who tries to quit smoking by using the “cold turkey” approach is: A. pairing unpleasant consequences with an undesirable behavior. B. taking antipsychotic drugs. C. stopping smoking without making any major lifestyle changes. D. using nicotine substitutes. Answer: C 142. Lighter smokers usually have more success with the _____ than heavier smokers. A. psychotherapy intervention approach B. use of medications C. going cold turkey approach D. use of the nicotine patch Answer: C 143. Using substitute source of nicotine to quit smoking works by: A. using a different substance that tastes like nicotine. B. consuming large amounts of nicotine so that the body rejects it. C. supplying small amounts of nicotine to diminish the intensity of withdrawal. D. seeking professional help, including psychotherapy, medications, and a combination of both. Answer: C 144. Sarah is a chain smoker and she wants to quit smoking by using a substitute source. Which of the following is Sarah likely to do in order to quit smoking? A. She is likely to use lysergic acid diethylamide. B. She is likely to use a nicotine inhaler. C. She is likely to use Valium or Xanax. D. She is likely to use a barbiturate. Answer: B 145. Which of the following approaches to quit smoking is Sharon implementing by using a nicotine patch? A. Psychotherapy B. Going cold turkey C. Seeking professional help D. Using a substitute source Answer: D 146. Seeking therapeutic help as a method to quit smoking includes: A. using nicotine patches and nicotine gum. B. quitting smoking without making major life changes. C. consuming small quantities of nicotine regularly. D. interventions such as psychotherapy and medications. Answer: D 147. Which of the following statements is true of approaches used to quit smoking? A. Using a substitute source of nicotine involves supplying large quantities of nicotine through nicotine sprays. B. Going cold turkey refers to using nicotine patches and nicotine inhalers. C. A combination of the approaches is not a good way to quit smoking. D. No one method of quitting smoking is foolproof. Answer: D 148. Yolanda is planning to go cold turkey to quit smoking. This means that she is: A. thinking about quitting her habit within one year. B. slowly reducing the number of cigarettes every day. C. opting for alcoholic drinks instead of cigarettes. D. going to simply stopping smoking. Answer: D 149. Twenty-year-old Mariah has been smoking since she was 15 and wants to quit. While no method is foolproof, the most successful avenue for breaking the addiction is: A. nicotine replacement. B. counseling therapy. C. behavioral strategies. D. a combination of methods. Answer: D 150. Which of the following statements is true of human beings? A. Visual systems vary from one person to another. B. Perception of things is similar in all human beings. C. Placing an event in the framework of human life is very simple. D. A human being is both a physical entity and a system of mental processes. Answer: D Short Answer Questions 151. Explain the reasons for the use of the biopsychosocial model in health psychology. Answer: The biopsychosocial model not only applies to psychological disorders but also to health psychology, because health psychology integrates biological, psychological, and social factors in health. For example, stress is a focal point of study across the broad field of psychology. Study of the brain and behavior, for instance, acknowledges the impact of stress on the autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, an individual’s state of consciousness, as well as the particular ways in which that person thinks about events, can influence the experience of stress. Stressful events also affect our emotions, which are themselves psychological and physical events. Aspects of our personalities, too, may be associated with stress and can influence our health. Finally, social contexts, relationships, and work experiences can shape both an individual’s experience of stress and his or her ability to cope with it. 152. Discuss the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior. Answer: The theory of reasoned action suggests that effective change requires an individual to have specific intentions about his/her behavior, positive attitudes about a new behavior, and a perception that his/her social group will look positively on the new behavior. The theory of planned behavior encompasses these same basic ideas, but also includes the person’s perceptions of control over the outcome. 153. Discuss the precontemplation and contemplation stages of the stages of change model. Answer: The precontemplation stage occurs when individuals are not yet genuinely thinking about changing. They may not even be aware that they have problem behaviors. In the contemplation stage, individuals acknowledge their problems but may not be ready to commit to change. 154. Discuss the criticisms of the stages of change model. Answer: Some critics of the stages of change model have questioned whether the stages are mutually exclusive and whether individuals move sequentially from one stage to another. They also point out that the model refers more to attitudes that change than to behaviors. 155. Discuss the three types of benefits associated with social support. Answer: First, tangible assistance involves providing goods and services to others who are experiencing stressful circumstances. Second, individuals can provide information on specific actions and plans that may help a person to cope more successfully with stress. The third is emotional support that includes reassurance from friends and family that a person is valued and loved. 156. Discuss the relationship between religion and health, and indicate the most likely reasons why the relationship exists. Answer: Attending religious services has been linked to a host of healthy behaviors including not smoking, taking vitamins, walking regularly, wearing seatbelts, exercising strenuously, sleeping soundly, and drinking moderately or not at all. Possible reasons include the positive effects of participating: experiencing social contacts, having a sense of meaning in life, having a healthier lifestyle, engaging in fewer risk behaviors, and having better access to health services. 157. Outline the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome. Answer: The body’s first reaction to a stressor, in the alarm stage, is a temporary state of shock during which resistance to illness and stress falls below normal limits. In the resistance stage of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome, a number of glands throughout the body manufacture different hormones that protect the individual in many ways. If the body’s all-out effort to combat stress fails and the stress persists, the individual moves into the exhaustion stage. At this point, the wear and tear on the body takes its toll; the person might collapse in a state of exhaustion, and vulnerability to disease increases. Serious, possibly irreversible damage to the body, such as a heart attack or even death, may occur. 158. Describe the HPA axis and its functions. Answer: The HPA axis is a complex set of interactions among the hypothalamus (part of the brain’s limbic system), the pituitary gland (the master gland of the endocrine system), and the adrenal glands (endocrine system glands that are located on top of each kidney). The HPA axis regulates various body processes, including digestion, immune system responses, emotion, and energy expenditure. The axis also controls reactions to stressful events. 159. Describe the function of the HPA axis when a person is under stress. Answer: When the brain detects a threat in the environment, it signals the hypothalamus to produce corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). In turn, CRH stimulates the pituitary gland to produce another hormone that causes the adrenal glands to release cortisol. Cortisol is itself the “stress hormone” that directs cells to make sugar, fat, and protein available so the body can take quick action. Cortisol also suppresses the immune system. 160. Discuss the preliminary hypotheses about the interaction that causes vulnerability to disease. Answer: Preliminary hypotheses about the interaction that causes vulnerability to disease include the following: • Stressful experiences lower the efficiency of immune systems, making individuals more susceptible to disease. • Stress directly promotes disease-producing processes. • Stressful experiences may cause the activation of dormant viruses that diminish the individual’s ability to cope with disease. 161. Describe problem-focused coping and give an example. Answer: Problem-focused coping is the cognitive strategy of squarely facing one’s troubles and trying to solve them. For example, if a person is having trouble with a class, he or she might go to the campus study skills center and sign up for a program to learn how to study more effectively. 162. Describe emotion-focused coping and give an example. Answer: Emotion-focused coping involves responding to the stress that one is feeling, trying to manage his/her emotional reaction, rather than confronting the problem itself. In emotion-focused coping, one might avoid the source of stress, rationalize what has happened, deny the problem is occurring, laugh it off, or call on religious faith for support. For example, if a person uses emotion-focused coping, he or she might avoid going to a class that is a problem for him or her. 163. What are stress management programs? Answer: Stress management programs teach individuals how to appraise stressful events, develop coping skills, and put these skills into use in everyday life. Effective stress management programs are generally based on the principles of cognitive-behavior therapy. Some stress management programs are broad in scope, teaching a range of techniques to handle stress; others teach a specific technique, such as relaxation or assertiveness training. 164. What is aerobic exercise? Give a few examples. Answer: Aerobic exercise is sustained activity that stimulates heart and lung functioning. Examples of aerobic exercises include jogging, swimming, and cycling. 165. Describe three common methods used to quit an addictive habit like smoking. Answer: The following are three methods usually used to quit smoking: 1) Going cold turkey: It refers to eliminating or abstaining completely from the habit. 2) Using a substitute source: It refers to using an alternate form of the addictive substance to slowly reduce the intensity of withdrawal. 3) Seeking therapeutic help: It refers to getting professional help. True/False Questions 166. Having a perception of control over an outcome is the main difference between the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior. Answer: True 167. Betty wants to lose weight. She has a positive attitude and feels that her friends, family, and co-workers are supportive. The theory of reasoned action suggests that effective change requires these factors, and also requires individuals to have nonspecific intentions about their behaviors. Answer: False 168. The theory of planned behavior considers a person’s perception of control over an outcome. Answer: True 169. If a person has decided to change a behavior but has not yet acted on that decision, he or she is in the preparation/determination stage. Answer: True 170. Relapse is considered to be abnormal in people who are trying to quit a bad habit. Answer: False 171. Transcendence means that individuals are consciously engaged in maintaining their healthy lifestyle. Answer: False 172. People who really want to change a problematic behavior are always successful on their first try. Answer: False 173. Julius was obese and had repeatedly failed in his attempts to lose weight, even when his uncle offered him monetary and material rewards. After college, he finally succeeded at getting into better shape. He explained that he wanted to do it for himself. According to self-determination theory, the main factor in Julius’ success was intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation. Answer: True 174. Setting short-term achievable goals distract individuals from achieving their target. Answer: False 175. Social sharing refers to turning to others who act as a sounding board or a willing ear. Answer: True 176. A wildfire looks to be headed in the direction of your town. You and your neighbors are under increased stress from this. According to the general adaptation syndrome, the first stage you enter is the alarm stage. Answer: True 177. The activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis varies from one person to the next. Answer: True 178. In the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome, resistance to illness and stress falls below normal limits. Answer: False 179. The immune system and the central nervous system have different modes of receiving, and integrating signals from the external environment Answer: False 180. While acute stressors affect the immune system, chronic stressors do not. Answer: False 181. An event which is perceived to be stressful by one person will be perceived to be stressful by everyone else. Answer: False 182. Stress sets in motion biological changes involving the autonomic, endocrine, and immune systems. Answer: True 183. Sheldon had a mild heart attack even though he is not overweight, does not smoke, and exercises regularly. Therefore, the doctor is incorrect in diagnosing the cause as stress. Answer: False 184. Aerobic exercise increases heart and lung functioning. Answer: True 185. Healthy eating means trying out every fad diet that comes along. Answer: False Test Bank for The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View Laura A. King 9780078035401, 9781260500523, 9780073532066, 9781259255533

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