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Chapter 16 Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is the most important determinant of the effectiveness of psychotherapy? A. The duration of therapy sessions B. The therapeutic alliance C. The cost involved in therapy D. The number of therapy sessions Answer: B 2. In the context of types of therapy, psychoanalysis is a _____ therapy. A. skill-development B. insight-oriented C. symptom-oriented D. action-oriented Answer: B 3. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from psychodynamic therapy? A. Catherine, who is depressed after the death of her spouse B. Natalie, who has a phobia of spiders C. Melvin, who has is addicted to nicotine D. Carla, who is a victim of sexual abuse in her childhood Answer: D 4. According to Freud’s psychodynamic perspective, what is the best way to gain insight into a person’s core problems? A. Reinforcing the client for ignoring neurotic thoughts B. Bringing unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness C. Having the client transfer fears and anxieties to the therapist D. Helping the client to repress unpleasant memories more effectively Answer: B 5. Which of the following statements is true of psychodynamic therapies? A. They stress typically on the conscious mind and ignore the unconscious mind of the individual. B. They ensure that individuals with problems suppress their unpleasant memories. C. They focus on the role of early childhood experiences in the development of an individual’s problems. D. They require minimal interpretation by the therapist. Answer: C 6. Sean, a psychologist, told his colleague “My client must confront the conflicts he faced in his childhood and gain release from this burdening anxiety.” According to this statement, it can be concluded that Sean follows a _____ approach. A. psychodynamic B. cognitive C. behavioral D. humanistic Answer: A 7. Charlotte is a psychologist who believes in the following statement, “Abnormal behavior is the result of unresolved unconscious conflicts.” Since she believes in this statement, it can be inferred that Charlotte practices _____ therapy. A. psychodynamic B. humanistic C. social learning D. biological Answer: A 8. The main goal of psychoanalysis is to: A. persuade clients to abandon their irrational, anxiety-inducing beliefs. B. provide clients with insight into their unconscious conflicts. C. train clients to avoid maladaptive patterns of behavior. D. demonstrate unconditional positive regard toward the client. Answer: B 9. According to the psychoanalytic approach toward psychotherapy, which of the following is an essential part of the job of a psychotherapist? A. To point out inconsistencies in the client’s thoughts and behaviors B. To encourage the client to transfer negative feelings to the therapist C. To free the client from conscious influences D. To free the individual from conflict that resides in his or her unconscious mind Answer: D 10. Psychoanalysts attempt to analyze a client’s problems by: A. convincing the client of the inappropriateness of the behaviors. B. helping the individual suppress his or her thoughts or conflicts. C. training the client in social skills. D. bringing the client’s unconscious thoughts to consciousness. Answer: D 11. According to Freud’s therapeutic technique, getting people to talk freely: A. exhausts them. B. causes them to lose focus. C. allows their deepest thoughts to emerge. D. masks their unconscious conflicts. Answer: C 12. Anabelle, a psychodynamic psychotherapist, intends to implement the free association method on Rosaline. According to this method, Rosaline is expected to: A. relax as Anabelle presents her with anxiety-provoking stimuli. B. empty her mind of all thoughts and force herself to suppress her conflicts in her unconscious mind. C. just talk about whatever comes to mind in response to the symptoms that has brought her to the treatment. D. recall every little detail about all her happy childhood events. Answer: C 13. In psychoanalysis, the term transference refers to: A. a client’s resistance to the therapist’s suggestions. B. a client’s transfer of parental conflicts onto the therapist. C. the technique that psychoanalysts adopt for interpreting the dreams of their respective clients. D. a client’s way of relating to the analyst in order to relive his or her important relationships. Answer: D 14. Which of the following statements is true regarding the psychoanalytic technique of dream analysis? A. In dream analysis, every dream, including nightmares, contains a hidden, disguised unconscious wish. B. Dreams represent unconscious conflicts; therefore, they must be ignored. C. Dreams provide individuals with an outlet to express their conscious wishes and desires. D. In dream analysis, a psychoanalyst asks a person to say aloud whatever comes to mind. Answer: A 15. Rochelle, a psychodynamic therapist, is constantly looking for hidden meanings behind Holly’s nightmares. Hence, it can be concluded that Rochelle is: A. implementing the free association method B. providing transference C. implementing the dream analysis technique D. suppressing Holly’s unconscious conflicts Answer: C 16. Rowan, a psychodynamic therapist, encourages his clients to express their thoughts and desires as and when they come to their mind. According to Freud, it can then be concluded that Rowan is implementing the _____ method. A. free association B. validation C. reframing D. structural change Answer: A 17. Michael is discussing his nightmare of a snake with his therapist. According to Freud, Michael is engaging in the method of: A. transference. B. free association. C. dream analysis. D. validation. Answer: C 18. Deborah visits Andrew, a psychoanalyst, to discuss her relationship issues. During the psychoanalysis sessions, she reveals that she was abandoned by her father in her childhood. Toward the last few sessions, Deborah tells Andrew that he resembles her father. According to this scenario, Freud would conclude that Deborah has displayed _____ toward Andrew. A. transcendence B. catharsis C. transference D. countertransference Answer: C 19. Which of the following is considered as an insight-oriented therapy? A. Classical conditioning B. Freudian psychoanalysis C. Operant conditioning D. Cognitive therapy Answer: B 20. Transference is useful in the therapeutic situation because it: A. provides an opportunity to recreate important relationships. B. redirects anxiety to the unconscious mind. C. suppresses the release of painful and powerful emotions. D. creates resistance. Answer: A 21. Sherice visits Harris, a psychotherapist, to resolve her marital problems. During her session with the psychotherapist, she tells that she is unhappy with her husband because he does not spend time with her. After several sessions, she realizes that she is quite fond of Harris because he gives her undivided attention. According to Freud, this growing affection for her therapist is known as: A. therapeutic alliance. B. positive regard. C. reflection. D. transference. Answer: D 22. Since his father left, Joel has been treating his older brother more like a father and has been sharing all his feeling with him. From a psychoanalyst’s viewpoint, the older brother in this scenario is synonymous to a therapist and Joel’s behavior toward his older brother is the result of _____. A. free association B. transference C. resistance D. interpretation Answer: B 23. Amanda is unable to form healthy relationships with men due to her traumatic experience of sexual abuse by her father when she was a child. As a result, her friend Clarice takes her to Dr. Jones, a well-known psychoanalyst, for therapy. However, Amanda opts out of therapy after a few sessions since Dr. Jones resembles her father. According to Freud, Amanda’s reason for quitting the therapy sessions was due to the phenomenon of: A. resistance. B. projection. C. transference. D. transcendence. Answer: C 24. Which of the following scenarios indicates the psychoanalytic phenomenon of transference? A. Harry visits his psychotherapist twice a week. B. Derek resents his psychotherapist who resembles his previous girlfriend. C. Mandy is unhappy with her therapist who forgets her session dates. D. Julia schedules her appointments with her therapist well in advance. Answer: B 25. Dr. Morgan is a psychodynamic therapist who is working with Tyler. However, Tyler opts out of therapy after a few sessions since Dr. Morgan resembles his uncle who inflicted torture on him when he was a child. Hence, Dr. Morgan concluded that Tyler opted out of therapy since he experienced the phenomenon of _____ toward him. A. resistance B. transference C. displacement D. projection Answer: B 26. During her last session with James, her psychoanalyst, Emma, who was devastated with the death of her older brother, told James that he reminds her of her older brother. As a result, James draws the conclusion that Emma has experienced _____. A. transcendence B. transference C. sublimation D. rationalization Answer: B 27. Dr. Billings is a therapist who is specialized in psychoanalysis. Hence, she lays emphasis on: A. prescribing medication that will reduce clients’ anxiety. B. teaching clients to suppress their fears systematically. C. offering action-oriented strategies to help people change their behaviors. D. using techniques such as free association and dream analysis to deal with client issues. Answer: D 28. Which of the following statements is true of dream analysis? A. Unlike nightmares, dreams contain hidden, disguised wishes. B. Dream analysis is a cognitive technique for interpreting an individual’s conscious thoughts. C. Dreams give individuals an outlet to express symbolically their unconscious wishes. D. Dream analysis interprets dreams as unconscious wishes and nightmares as threats that individuals should avoid. Answer: C 29. When compared to psychoanalysts from the past, contemporary psychoanalysts place less emphasis on: A. conscious thoughts. B. current relationships. C. sexual fantasies. D. early childhood experiences. Answer: C 30. In the context of types of therapy, client-centered therapy follows a _____ approach. A. symptom-oriented B. nondirective C. skill-development D. insight-oriented Answer: B 31. Sarah visits Eva, her therapist, to share her grief regarding the loss of her son in a drunken-driving accident. During this process, Eva mirrors Sarah’s feelings with respect to this incident. According to the humanistic perspective, it can be inferred that Eva is implementing the technique of _____. A. unconditional positive regard B. reflective speech C. validation D. catharsis Answer: B 32. Keira is a humanistic therapist who adopts the _____ approach to mirror the feelings of her clients in situations of grief. A. validation B. reframing C. reflective speech D. structural change Answer: C 33. Mary has been working with a therapist because she was confused and unsure about herself for the past few years. Mary’s therapist tends to be nondirective and facilitates her to explore her own identity and intentions related to her present. According to this scenario, it can be inferred that Mary’s therapist adopts the _____ perspective of psychotherapy. A. cognitive B. behavioral C. humanistic D. psychoanalytic Answer: C 34. Which of the following statements is true about humanistic therapies? A. They focus on the individual’s self-healing capacities. B. They emphasize unconscious rather than conscious thoughts. C. They emphasize the past rather than the present. D. They are directive and action-oriented approaches. Answer: A 35. Dr. Laura Patterson engages in reflective listening with Bill who suffers from depression. She waits for him to express his feelings and decide what he wants to do about his problems. According to this information, it can be inferred that Dr. Patterson is practicing _____ psychotherapy. A. client-centered B. cognitive-behavioral C. classical conditioning D. directive Answer: A 36. Josie visited Edward, a psychoanalyst, but found his style too cold and distant. As a result, she visited George, another psychoanalyst, who practices client-centered therapy. During her sessions with George, she observed that the therapeutic environment was characterized by aspects of _____. A. arousal and challenge B. structure and desensitization C. warmth and support D. analysis and reinforcement Answer: C 37. Fred tells his therapist, “I have never been a good problem solver. I am not assertive enough to be successful.” The therapist then responds, “So you feel that you are not a good problem solver?” According to this scenario, it can be inferred that Fred’s therapist implements _____ therapy. A. dialectical B. rational-emotive C. cognitive-behavioral D. client-centered Answer: D 38. Which of the following is an element recognized by Carl Rogers as one that is essential for human growth? A. Self-efficacy B. Intelligence C. Self-actualization D. Genuineness Answer: D 39. Which of the following individuals is engaging in reflective speech? A. Mary, who comforts Joel since he is extremely anxious about his results. B. Alan, who agrees with Gus that he is facing obstacles at work since he is frustrated with his boss. C. Horace, who tells his mother to quit her job at a departmental store because of her failing health. D. Gayle, who congratulates his colleague, Neil, for performing well in the project. Answer: B 40. Humanistic therapies differ from psychodynamic therapies in that humanistic therapies emphasize: A. change of behavior rather than underlying thoughts. B. unconscious thoughts rather than conscious thoughts. C. the past rather than the present. D. self-fulfillment rather than illness. Answer: D 41. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from client-centered therapy? A. Marianne, who is suffering from agoraphobia B. Sidney, who is suffering from mild depression C. Jamie, who is suffering from sleep apnea D. Kendall, who is suffering from autism Answer: B 42. Which of the following features distinguishes humanistic therapies from psychodynamic therapies? A. Its emphasis on the concept of transference B. Its emphasis on the past C. Its emphasis on conscious thoughts D. Its emphasis on illness rather than self-fulfillment Answer: C 43. Which of the following statements is true of behavior therapies? A. They encourage self-awareness as the key to psychological health. B. They offer action-oriented strategies to help people change underlying thoughts or emotions. C. They lay emphasis on the person’s self-healing capacities. D. They assume that insight is irrelevant to the goal of treatment. Answer: D 44. Which of the following questions is a behavioral therapist more likely to ask rather than a psychoanalyst? A. How is your relationship with your mother? B. Why won’t you talk about your father? C. What did you dream about last night? D. How much did your anxiety subside after you washed your hands? Answer: D 45. Megan has a fear of public speaking and therefore visits a behavioral therapist to help her overcome this fear. Which of the following techniques should be implemented by the therapist to resolve Megan’s fear? A. Dream analysis B. Systematic desensitization C. Aversive conditioning D. Client-centered therapy Answer: B 46. Which of the following is a part of the process of systematic desensitization? A. Hypnosis B. Cognitive restructuring C. Relaxation exercises D. Dream analysis Answer: C 47. The first step in systematic desensitization is to: A. arrange the frightening aspects in a hierarchy. B. teach the client to associate relaxation with anxiety-producing situations. C. teach the client to imagine the least feared stimulus in the hierarchy. D. discuss aspects of the feared situation that are most and least frightening. Answer: D 48. In systematic desensitization, after the client has mentioned about the most and the least frightening aspects of the feared situation, the very next step involves: A. teaching the client to imagine the least feared stimulus in the hierarchy. B. arranging the frightening aspects in a hierarchy. C. teaching the client to relax. D. teaching the client to imagine the most feared stimulus in the hierarchy. Answer: B 49. Frank has been visiting Dr. Miller, a therapist, for the past two months to overcome his spider phobia. During the sessions, Dr. Miller has first asked Frank to describe what it is about spiders that frightens him. His fears have been then arranged in order from the least to the most frightening. Miller has taught Frank the muscle relaxation exercise and has exposed him to a series of increasingly fearful stimuli. In the context of behavioral therapies, it can be inferred that Dr. Miller has been conducting _____ on Frank to overcome his spider phobia. A. exposure therapy B. systematic desensitization C. aversion therapy D. social skills training Answer: B 50. Jane is afraid of crowds. If her therapist uses systematic desensitization technique, Jane will be asked to: A. identify self-defeating thoughts. B. expose her fear during group therapy. C. stand alone in a room. D. learn how to relax. Answer: D 51. Ann has a phobia of lizards. During her first therapy session, her therapist asks her to think of all the fears that she has and arranges them in a hierarchy. According to this information, which of the following behavioral therapies has been implemented by Ann’s therapist? A. Aversive conditioning B. Applied behavioral analysis C. Self-instructional method D. Systematic desensitization Answer: D 52. Which of the following individuals is undergoing systematic desensitization? A. Barbara, who is being asked about her past B. Chris, who is being asked to recall a happy event in his childhood C. Dan, who is being asked to recall a pleasant dream D. Sam, who is being asked to visualize spiders Answer: D 53. If a therapist gives Henry, who is suffering from alcoholism, a drink laced with a nausea-inducing drug so that he feels like throwing up after drinking the alcohol, it can be concluded that the therapist is implementing the technique of _____. A. systematic desensitization B. aversive conditioning C. transference D. free association Answer: B 54. As part of a smoking cessation program, Paul receives an injection of a nausea-inducing drug and is then asked to smoke a cigarette. As a result, Paul reduces the number of cigarettes he smokes per day. Which of the following behavioral therapies has been implemented on Paul in this scenario? A. Aversive conditioning B. Classical conditioning C. Exposure therapy D. Systematic desensitization Answer: A 55. Which of the following therapies is based on the principles of classical conditioning? A. Self-instructional method B. Applied behavioral analysis C. Systematic desensitization D. Dream analysis Answer: C 56. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from aversive conditioning? A. Jordan, who has a habit of overeating B. Noel, who is suffering from panic disorder C. Isabelle, who has a phobia of reptiles D. Tanner, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Answer: A 57. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from systematic desensitization? A. Norman, who is addicted to alcohol B. Melanie, who is suffering from severe depression C. Rudy, who has a phobia of closed spaces D. Shane, who is suffering from schizophrenia Answer: C 58. Justin is an 8-year-old boy who suffers from autism. He has been brought to Sasha, a behavioral therapist, by his mother for his constant self-harming behavior. According to this scenario, which of the following techniques is likely to be implemented by Sasha to curb Justin’s self-harming behavior? A. Free association B. Client-centered therapy C. Applied behavioral analysis D. Aversive conditioning Answer: C 59. The therapy that is based on the assumption that psychological problems are due to self-defeating and irrational thoughts is: A. humanistic psychotherapy. B. cognitive therapy. C. operant conditioning. D. psychoanalysis. Answer: B 60. A cognitive therapist helps a client who suffers from a major depressive disorder by: A. using systematic desensitization to replace depressive thoughts with feelings of relaxation. B. getting the client to recognize and identify irrational and self-defeating beliefs. C. bringing unconscious conflicts from the client’s past and analyzing them. D. engaging the client in a dialogue about negative childhood experiences. Answer: B 61. A therapist who implements the cognitive restructuring technique believes that _____ are the causes of abnormal behavior. A. unpleasant events B. irrational beliefs C. unconscious thoughts D. childhood experiences Answer: B 62. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from the self-instructional method in cognitive-behavioral therapy? A. Mario, who is addicted to cocaine and heroin B. Mildred, who is suffering from schizophrenia C. Meredith, who is suffering from depressive thoughts D. Lorraine, who is suffering from sleep apnea Answer: C 63. Pete’s therapist says, “Don’t say you will never fall in love again, say, I will take time to know the person better next time.” Which of the following cognitive techniques is being implemented by Pete’s therapist in this scenario? A. Free association B. Cognitive restructuring C. Systematic desensitization D. Reframing Answer: B 64. In which of the following instances should the individual be recommended for cognitive restructuring? A. Abby says she cannot participate in cheerleading unless she gets her grades up. B. Nelson says he will never fall in love again after his girlfriend broke up with him. C. Cliff says if he fails one more test in Algebra, he will fail to meet his parents’ expectations. D. Jennifer says she is not going to eat fast food anymore after getting food poisoning. Answer: B 65. Since her teacher criticized her term paper, Judy thinks herself to be stupid. Thus, she is depressed. She no longer wants to study. Judy visits a therapist who helps her identify her irrational belief and facilitates in the process of changing this belief. Which of the following therapies has been implemented by Judy’s therapist? A. Self-instructional method B. Cognitive restructuring C. Client-centered therapy D. Psychoanalysis Answer: B 66. All cognitive therapies focus on: A. eliminating irrational and self-defeating thoughts. B. building transference and resistance in clients. C. implementing positive and negative reinforcement techniques. D. gaining insight into the unconscious conflicts that underlie clients’ problems. Answer: A 67. Leanne is being treated for depression after a breakup with her boyfriend. Her therapist points out that her thoughts, and not the situation itself, are the cause of her illness. This information suggests that Leanne’s therapist practices: A. psychodynamic therapy. B. behavioral therapy. C. client-centered therapy. D. cognitive therapy. Answer: D 68. Cognitive therapy attempts to produce change by: A. bringing the unconscious thoughts to consciousness. B. helping clients to eliminate self-defeating thoughts. C. helping clients to develop self-awareness and self-acceptance. D. having clients re-experience unhealthy relationships. Answer: B 69. Carlos intends to help one of his clients who feels that he is a failure and is not capable of achieving anything in life. Which of the following cognitive therapies should be implemented by Carlos in this situation? A. Contingency approach B. Reflective speech C. Self-instructional technique D. Free association technique Answer: C 70. Izzie tells her therapist, Kim, that she is insecure and would feel very devastated if her live-in boyfriend of 10 years ended their relationship. In response to Izzie’s statement, Kim asks her the manner in which she would be devastated and suggests ways to alleviate this feeling. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Kim? A. Examine options and alternatives B. Question the evidence C. Challenge idiosyncratic meanings D. Examine advantages and disadvantages Answer: C 71. Vanessa tells Naomi, a cognitive therapist, that she cannot imagine life without her husband following their divorce the previous week. In response to Vanessa’s statement, Naomi asks her to imagine the life she led prior to her marriage. According to this scenario, which of the following techniques has been implemented by Naomi? A. Turning adversity to advantage B. Decatastrophizing C. Reattribution D. Questioning the evidence Answer: D 72. Alexander, a 16-year-old adolescent, tells his therapist that he is a failure since he has been performing poorly in his new school. In response to Alexander’s statement, the therapist asks him to explore other reasons for his failure such as adjustment difficulties with respect to his new school, lack of friends, and so on. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Alexander’s therapist? A. Reattribution B. Distraction C. Examining options and alternatives D. Challenging idiosyncratic meanings Answer: A 73. Nigella tells her therapist that she is depressed as she intends to pursue a postgraduate degree, but is unable to attend regular college since she has to earn for her family. In response to Nigella’s statement, the therapist facilitates her to attend a part-time education program instead of a regular postgraduate course. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Nigella’s therapist? A. Examining advantages and disadvantages B. Examining options and alternatives C. Fantasizing consequences D. Turning adversity to advantage Answer: B 74. Dennis tells his therapist that his dream of getting into an Ivy League school for law is ruined since he has performed poorly in his mid-term exams. In response to Dennis’s statement, his therapist questions the relevance of this conclusion. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Dennis’s therapist? A. Decatastrophizing B. Reattribution C. Questioning the evidence D. Challenging idiosyncratic meanings Answer: A 75. Sarah tells her therapist that she is scared of being assertive in front of her superiors. As a result, her therapist asks her to imagine a situation that requires her to be assertive in the initial sessions and equips her with the requisite skills to be assertive in the later sessions. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Sarah’s therapist? A. Guided association B. Fantasizing consequences C. Reattribution D. Distraction Answer: B 76. Dylan tells his therapist that he was born to cause embarrassment to his parents and will always be their source of embarrassment for as long as he is alive. In response to Dylan’s statement, his therapist suggests him to explore his views regarding this statement from different perspectives. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Dylan’s therapist? A. Examining advantages and disadvantages B. Examining options and alternatives C. Scaling D. Decatastrophizing Answer: A 77. Celine tells her therapist that she is depressed about the fact that she is unable to make ends meet since she got laid off. In response to Celine’s statement, her therapist asks her to make a living out of her hobby, which is oil painting. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Celine’s therapist? A. Thought stopping B. Turning adversity to advantage C. Questioning the evidence D. Guided association Answer: B 78. Amy tells her therapist that she feels extremely low these days as her husband is going to be transferred to a military base in another country. In response to Amy’s statement, her therapist states that the reason for her feeling low is her fear of being lonely. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Amy’s therapist? A. Labeling of distortions B. Guided association C. Decatastrophizing D. Reattribution Answer: B 79. Aaron tells his therapist that he feels extremely anxious in a social gathering. In response to Aaron’s statement, his therapist asks him to rate his emotions from 0 to 10. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Aaron’s therapist? A. Labeling of distortions B. Systematic desensitization C. Scaling D. Distraction Answer: C 80. Carrie tells her therapist that when she interacts with the opposite gender, she feels extremely anxious and a cascade of negative opinions arise in her mind. In response to Carrie’s statement, her therapist asks her to picture a red light whenever such opinions arise in her mind. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Carrie’s therapist? A. Thought stopping B. Guided Association C. Distraction D. Decatastrophizing Answer: A 81. Nina tells her therapist that she has a fear of heights. In response to Nina’s statement, her therapist asks her to count backwards from 100 when she encounters such a situation. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Nina’s therapist? A. Distraction B. Reattribution C. Thought stopping D. Decatastrophizing Answer: A 82. Abigail tells her therapist that she gets anxious thoughts in the presence of strangers. In response to Abigail’s statement, her therapist asks her to maintain a record of the number of times such thoughts cross her mind in the presence of strangers. According to this scenario, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Abigail’s therapist? A. Labeling of distortions B. Challenging idiosyncratic meanings C. Thought stopping D. Decatastrophizing Answer: A 83. _____ is a technique in cognitive therapy. A. Detriangulation B. Reframing C. Validation D. Decatastrophize Answer: D 84. Melissa visits a cognitive therapist, Natalie, and states that she cannot imagine her life without her spouse after his death. In response to Melissa’s statement, Natalie asks her to think about her life before she got married. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Natalie? A. Challenging the idiosyncratic meanings B. Questioning the evidence C. Examining options and alternatives D. Turning adversity to advantage Answer: B 85. Laura is depressed about the fact that she scored less in her biology paper in school which will ruin her chances of getting into medical school. Her therapist instead asks her to reexamine this conclusion. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Laura’s therapist? A. Labeling of distortions B. Reattribution C. Decatastrophizing D. Examining options and alternatives Answer: C 86. Ryan is depressed about the fact that he has been fired from his job and therefore, visits a cognitive therapist. His therapist instead encourages him to pursue his hobby as a career option. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Ryan’s therapist? A. Turning adversity to advantage B. Examining options and alternatives C. Guided association D. Decatastrophizing Answer: A 87. Lester has a fear of public speaking. As a result, he visits a cognitive therapist who asks him to imagine a situation that involves speaking on the stage and equips him with the requisite skills to deal with such situations in an effective manner. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Lester’s therapist? A. Fantasizing consequences B. Examining advantages and disadvantages C. Challenging idiosyncratic meanings D. Guided association Answer: A 88. Which of the following is a cognitive therapy technique whereby clients rate their emotions in order to gain a perspective of their situation? A. Distraction B. Questioning the evidence C. Labeling of distortions D. Scaling Answer: D 89. Kendall’s therapist has asked her to imagine a large “X” when she begins to think about things that make her anxious. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques has been implemented by Kendall’s therapist? A. Scaling B. Decatastrophizing C. Thought stopping D. Distraction Answer: C 90. Brian’s therapist has asked him to count backwards from 100 when he starts to feel anxious. This is an example of the _____ cognitive therapy technique. A. reattribution B. distraction C. guided association D. scaling Answer: B 91. Cindy’s therapist uses both the distraction and scaling techniques to help her deal with anxiety. As a result, it can be inferred that Cindy’s therapist practices: A. psychodynamic therapy. B. humanistic therapy. C. behavioral therapy. D. cognitive therapy. Answer: D 92. Adrian is a cognitive therapist. He intends to help his client Troy who feels that he is a born loser and will continue to be a loser in the future. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques should be implemented by Adrian? A. Questioning the evidence B. Examining options and alternatives C. Examining advantages and disadvantages D. Guided association Answer: C 93. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from the technique of decatastrophizing in cognitive therapy? A. Julian, who states that he will never get into law school due to his poor grades B. Anna, who states that she cannot imagine life after the death of her sister C. Kylie, who states that she feels depressed when her husband goes for official trips abroad D. Fred, who states that he is devastated about the fact that his best friend passed away Answer: A 94. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from the “question the evidence” technique in cognitive therapy? A. Linda, who states that she can never remain happy alone after her divorce B. Ben, who states that he becomes anxious in social gatherings C. Jesse, who is depressed that he has been evicted from his job as a photojournalist D. Olga, who states that it is all her fault that her boyfriend ended their relationship Answer: A 95. Which of the following individuals would be benefitted from the cognitive technique of fantasizing consequences? A. Winston, who suffers from schizophrenia B. Shaw, who has a phobia of public speaking C. Joash, who is addicted to marijuana D. Suzie, who has experienced domestic violence Answer: B 96. Angela has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. She has been referred to Judith for therapy. In the initial few sessions, Judith gave homework assignments to Angela. He explored her early childhood experiences in the later sessions, which resulted in a drastic reduction of her symptoms. According to the types of integrative therapy, it can be inferred that Judith has implemented _____ on Angela in this scenario. A. client-centered therapy B. psychoanalytic therapy C. dialectical behavior therapy D. applied behavioral analysis Answer: C 97. Which of the following indicates the view of a psychodynamic therapist regarding the cause of psychological problems? A. They occur as a result of client’s poor functioning. B. They occur as a result of learned maladaptive behaviors. C. They occur as a result of unresolved unconscious conflicts. D. They occur as a result of inappropriate individual thoughts. Answer: C 98. Which of the following indicates the view of a humanistic therapist regarding the cause of psychological problems? A. They occur as a result of transference between the therapist and the client. B. They occur as a result of client’s functioning below the optimal level. C. They occur as a result of learned inappropriate behaviors. D. They occur as a result of irrational thoughts and beliefs. Answer: B 99. Which of the following indicates the view of a behavioral therapist regarding the cause of psychological problems? A. They occur as a result of unconscious conflicts. B. They occur as a result of unfulfilled desires of the id. C. They occur as a result of maladaptive patterns and actions. D. They occur as a result of inappropriate cognitions. Answer: C 100. Which of the following indicates the view of a cognitive therapist regarding the cause of psychological problems? A. They occur as a result of resistance and neurosis. B. They occur as a result of inappropriate thoughts. C. They occur as a result of client’s low self-worth. D. They occur as a result of learned maladaptive behaviors. Answer: B 101. Which of the following is a primary goal of psychodynamic therapists? A. To help clients resolve unconscious conflicts and gain insight B. To bring about environmental changes to impart adaptive behaviors C. To develop the innate growth potential of clients D. To modify irrational beliefs of clients Answer: A 102. Which of the following is a primary goal of humanistic therapists? A. To change maladaptive behaviors B. To maximize the growth potential C. To resolve unconscious conflicts D. To change irrational thoughts Answer: B 103. Which of the following is a primary goal of behavioral therapists? A. To enhance issues of fixation B. To enhance self-concept C. To amend maladaptive actions D. To develop rational thoughts Answer: C 104. Which of the following is a primary goal of cognitive therapists? A. To maximize unconditional positive regard B. To change feelings and behaviors by changing inner thoughts C. To maximize rewarding behaviors and minimize punitive behaviors D. To change conditions of worth Answer: B 105. Dr. Schmitt practices integrative therapy that: A. treats the behavioral symptoms alone. B. uses techniques from a variety of therapeutic models available. C. exclusively uses cognitive therapy techniques. D. believes solely in the individual’s self-healing capacities. Answer: B 106. Elizabeth visited a psychiatrist who, after interviewing her, recommended her the drug Paxil. This drug is generally used to treat _____. A. anxiety B. depression C. amnesia D. psychosis Answer: B 107. Derek is suffering from generalized anxiety disorder and is currently under medication. According to this scenario, which of the following side effects will be experienced by Derek as a result of taking his medication? A. Tardive dyskinesia B. Metabolic syndrome C. Restlessness D. Drowsiness Answer: D 108. Which of the following is a class of drugs administered on patients with anxiety disorders? A. Tetracyclics B. Neuroleptics C. Benzodiazepines D. Tricyclics Answer: C 109. The group of drugs known as SSRIs work primarily by interfering with the reabsorption of _____ in the brain. A. monoamine B. dopamine C. norepinephrine D. serotonin Answer: D 110. In the context of drug therapy, the widespread increase in the number of individuals taking SSRIs to combat their depression is primarily due to the: A. lesser side effects as compared to other antidepressants. B. lack of withdrawal symptoms upon stopping the use of these drugs. C. misdiagnoses of depression among young people. D. reduced costs of these drugs. Answer: A 111. Lithium is considered as an effective mood stabilizing drug to treat _____. A. obsessive-compulsive disorder B. generalized anxiety disorder C. panic disorder D. bipolar disorder Answer: D 112. Which of the following is a class of antipsychotic drugs that is administered as a part of drug therapy? A. Tricyclics B. Neuroleptics C. Benzodiazepines D. Tetracyclics Answer: B 113. Clozapine is used to treat _____. A. Alzheimer’s disease B. anxiety disorder C. mood swings D. schizophrenia Answer: D 114. Chaz has been on antipsychotic medication for several weeks now. As a consequence, he will experience the side effect of: A. fatigue. B. loss of weight. C. involuntary muscle movement. D. excessive sleep. Answer: C 115. Which of the following class of drugs is used to treat agoraphobia? A. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors B. Neuroleptics C. Tetracyclic drugs D. Tricyclic drugs Answer: D 116. Riley is suffering from depression and has been administered the drug Avanza, a tetracyclic drug. According to this information, which of the following side effects is she likely to experience as a result of the intake of this drug? A. Insomnia B. Tardive dyskinesia C. Cardiac problems D. Increased appetite Answer: D 117. Avril is suffering from major depressive disorder and has been administered the drug Elavil, a tricyclic drug. According to this information, which of the following side effects is she likely to experience as a result of the intake of this drug? A. Nervousness B. Increased appetite C. Memory loss D. Suicidal thoughts Answer: C 118. Clapton is suffering from depression and has been administered the drug Nardil, a monamine oxidase inhibitor. According to this information, which of the following side effects is he likely to experience as a result of the intake of this drug? A. Fatigue B. Toxicity C. Nausea D. Drowsiness Answer: B 119. Hudson is suffering from schizophrenia and has been administered the drug Halidol, a neuroleptic. According to this information, which of the following side effects is he likely to experience as a result of the intake of this drug? A. Irregular heartbeat B. Weight gain C. Fainting D. Trembling Answer: A 120. Susan has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is currently under medication. Her doctor has prescribed her neuroleptics. According to this information, which of the following main side effects will be experienced by Susan as a result of taking this medication? A. Insomnia B. Toxicity C. Drowsiness D. Uncontrolled fidgeting Answer: D 121. Gabriella has been diagnosed with depression and is currently under medication. Her doctor has prescribed her selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. According to this information, which of the following side effects will be experienced by Gabriella as a result of taking this medication? A. Nausea B. Toxicity C. Drowsiness D. Trembling Answer: A 122. Luke is suffering from schizophrenia and has been administered the drug Risperdal, an atypical antipsychotic medication. According to this information, which of the following side effects is he likely to experience as a result of the intake of this drug? A. Tardive dyskinesia B. Metabolic syndrome C. Toxicity D. Confusion Answer: B 123. Ivan is suffering from a severe episode of major depressive disorder. According to the biological methods, which of the following treatment approaches will be useful in reducing his symptoms in the short-run and provide rapid relief to the person’s mood? A. Psychoanalysis B. Electroconvulsive therapy C. Cognitive-behavioral therapy D. Rational-emotive therapy Answer: B 124. Which of the following is a side-effect of administering electroconvulsive therapy? A. Cardiac problems B. Memory loss C. Tardive dyskinesia D. Metabolic Syndrome Answer: B 125. Sharon visits Dr. Noel after being under several medications that have failed to have cured her condition. Dr. Noel tells her that many well-designed studies suggest that electroconvulsive therapy is effective in the treatment of: A. sleep apnea. B. agoraphobia. C. schizophrenia. D. depression. Answer: D 126. Who may benefit the most from electroconvulsive therapy? A. Alan, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder B. Frederic, who has generalized anxiety disorder C. Brad, who is contemplating suicide D. Byron, who suffers from panic attacks Answer: C 127. Which of the following is the LEAST used biological intervention for patients with severe psychological disorders? A. Transcranial magnetic stimulation B. Deep brain stimulation C. Psychosurgery D. Drug therapy Answer: C 128. Naomi, a psychologist, conducts two sessions a week for patients who are addicted to alcohol, whereby they share their experiences with each other. These sessions are collectively termed as _____. A. group therapy B. social loafing C. groupthink D. social undermining Answer: A 129. Nathan has been suffering from alcohol addiction for the past two years. He has visited several psychiatrists who have prescribed certain drugs. However, these medications have not shown any significant improvement in his symptoms. He decides to visit Alastair, a therapist, for help. According to this scenario, which of the following sociocultural approaches should be implemented by Alastair? A. Systematic desensitization B. Applied behavioral analysis C. Cognitive therapy D. Group therapy Answer: D 130. Dr. Houltin is a therapist who believes that it is important for clients to share information and provide feedback to each other. According to this information, it can be inferred that Dr. Houltin practices _____ therapy. A. psychodynamic B. group C. reflective speech D. cultural Answer: B 131. A major advantage of group therapy is that clients: A. have more opportunities to develop social skills. B. maintain professional boundaries. C. can hide their own thoughts while the others talk freely without inhibition. D. become dependent on other clients rather than the therapist. Answer: A 132. Which of the following is a characteristic of group therapy? A. Transference B. Altruism C. Self-efficacy D. Self-actualization Answer: B 133. In the context of group therapy, which of the following key terms refers to group members supporting one another with advice and sympathy and learning that they have something to offer others? A. Detriangulation B. Transference C. Altruism D. Transcendence Answer: C 134. Norah, a family therapist, is expressing her concern to her client James about his mother’s feelings regarding his delinquent behavior in school. According to this information, it can be inferred that Norah is practicing the _____ technique. A. reframing B. validation C. cognitive restructuring D. structural change Answer: B 135. Elizabeth, a family therapist, tells Roy’s family that his problem of cocaine addiction is related to the dynamics that exists within their family. According to this information, it can be inferred that Elizabeth practices the _____ technique. A. client-centered B. structural change C. reframing D. scaling Answer: C 136. Which of the following is a feature of group therapy? A. Reattribution B. Validation C. Distraction D. Transference Answer: B 137. Dr. Mitchell is a family therapist who believes that in order to understand psychological problems in an adequate manner, she must understand the role of the client’s family. She feels this is absolutely necessary because: A. older siblings are usually relied upon to provide therapeutic solutions. B. the individual must be cured before the rest of the family is affected. C. problems of the individual are often preceded by family problems. D. parental behaviors are irrelevant to how the child behaves. Answer: C 138. In the context of family therapy, getting the family to acknowledge that the problem is a family problem and not just the problem of one individual is known as _____. A. validation B. reframing C. structural change D. detriangulation Answer: B 139. Sandra and Ian have been happily married for the past five years. However, Ian recently discovered that Sandra is having an affair with his best friend and is completely devastated. Upon questioning his wife, she states that she does not receive the emotional support that she expects from him. Ian narrates this incident to his friend who then recommends that he seek _____ therapy from a marital counselor. A. client-centered B. psychodynamic C. couples D. cognitive-behavioral Answer: C 140. Jemima is shattered after surviving a rape attack by her close friends. According to this information, which of the following groups will enable her to regain confidence? A. Trivial groups B. Lobby groups C. Self-help support groups D. Focus groups Answer: C 141. Ramona, a family therapist, is faced with a situation where the mother is extremely attached to her son since her husband rarely spends time with her due to his busy schedule. With all the attention and care given to him, the son now refuses to go to school. According to the techniques of family therapy, which of the following techniques should be implemented by Ramona to solve this issue? A. Reframing B. Validation C. Structural change D. Group therapy Answer: C 142. Taylor is a family therapist who intends to resolve a mother-child coalition that has formed in the case of her client Hannah, since Hannah’s husband does not spend quality time with them. According to this information, it can be inferred that Taylor intends to implement the _____ technique. A. guided association B. detriangulation C. structural change D. reattribution Answer: C 143. Lydia is a family therapist who intends to resolve the marital conflicts that exist between Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson. According to Lydia, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson pretend to have a stable marital relationship and express their concern over their son’s delinquent behavior. However, Lydia feels that the main issue with the couple is the poor quality of their marital relationship which can be improved through the _____ technique. A. validation B. detriangulation C. distraction D. projection Answer: B 144. Patricia, a family therapist, is faced with a situation in which the son is considered as the scapegoat for the conflicts that exist between the parents. According to this information, which of the following techniques should be implemented by Patricia to resolve this issue? A. Detriangulation B. Distraction C. Validation D. Reframing Answer: A 145. Which of the following is a technique that is widely used in family therapy? A. Scaling B. Guided Association C. Structural change D. Reattribution Answer: C 146. In the context of community mental health movement, deinstitutionalization involves: A. releasing individuals with mental disorders from prison. B. releasing individuals with mental disorders into the custody of law officials. C. transferring individuals with psychological disorders from mental institutions to community-based facilities. D. transferring individuals with mental disorders from regular hospitals to psychiatry-based facilities. Answer: C 147. Which of the following psychotherapies is recommended for Karen who is at the terminal stage of lung cancer to cope with this illness? A. Applied behavioral analysis B. Psychodynamic therapy C. Cognitive-behavioral therapy D. Well-being therapy Answer: D 148. Which statement best reflects that psychotherapy for depression may have an impact on heart disease? A. Psychological disorders are not related to physical disorders; thus, psychotherapy would have no impact on the progression of heart disease. B. Depression causes heart disease, so if psychotherapy cures the depression, then the heart disease will be cured as well. C. Depression and heart disease are correlated and the risk of heart disease can be reduced by treating depression. D. Heart disease can cause depression and in such cases psychotherapy for depression is ineffective. Answer: C 149. Which of the following statements is true regarding well-being therapy (WBT)? A. It has adopted many of the techniques evident in psychodynamic therapies. B. It is a directive approach that enables clients to accentuate positive experiences. C. It is a long-term therapy that monitors behavior over years rather than months. D. It is a nondirective approach that focuses solely on personal growth. Answer: B 150. Which of the following individuals is likely to benefit from well-being therapy (WBT)? A. Wilma, who is in the terminal phase of cancer B. Jill, who has a phobia of flying objects C. Jack, who has a phobia of crowded places D. Scott, who is suffering from everyday anxiety Answer: A Short Answer Question 151. Discuss the role of a therapist in obtaining effective therapeutic outcomes. Answer: Numerous studies have shown that the therapist rather than the type of therapy practiced contributes to effective therapeutic outcomes. Hence, therapists with a high level of Expertise who not only possess a great deal of knowledge, but are also eager to learn more, are better able to monitor the client’s progress and make the required changes. In addition to the therapist’s expertise, the therapist’s style and personality can also influence therapeutic outcomes. 152. Discuss the impact of therapeutic alliance in obtaining effective therapeutic outcomes. Answer: The therapeutic alliance is the relationship between the therapist and the client. It is an important element of successful psychotherapy. Thus, an alliance between a therapist and a client that is characterized by trust, respect, and cooperation is likely to result in successful therapeutic outcomes. In addition to building a therapeutic alliance, it is also essential for the therapist to monitor the quality of the relationship with each client. 153. Discuss the philosophy behind psychoanalytic therapy. Answer: Psychoanalytic therapy is based on Freud’s belief that the roots of all psychological problems are based on the unconscious conflicts in the minds of individuals. Freud believed that a person’s current problems could be traced to childhood experiences, many of which involved unconscious sexual conflicts. To free the person from these unconscious conflicts, the psychoanalyst interprets aspects of what the person shares about his or her life. Some of the psychoanalytic techniques used are free association, dream analysis, and transference. 154. Discuss the technique of free association. Answer: Free association is a technique, used by psychoanalysts, in which the patient is encouraged to say aloud whatever comes to mind in response to, for instance, the symptoms that have brought him or her to treatment. The intention behind implementing this technique is to uncover or gain access to troubling thoughts that are buried deep in the unconscious mind. 155. Discuss the philosophy behind humanistic therapy. Answer: In humanistic therapies, people are encouraged toward self-understanding and personal growth. The humanistic therapies are unique in their emphasis on the person’s self-healing capacities. 156. Jodie is a behavior therapist who intends to resolve Kenneth’s phobia of dogs. Describe the behavioral therapy that Jodie would implement on Kenneth to resolve his phobia. Answer: The therapy that Jodie would implement on Kenneth to resolve his phobia is systematic desensitization. Systematic desensitization is a style of treatment that is based on classical conditioning principles. The first step in this therapeutic process would be to have Kenneth describe his fears. In the second step, the therapist would arrange those fears from the least frightening to the most frightening in a hierarchy. Then Kenneth will be taught to perform certain relaxation techniques, and eventually, he will be able to imagine dogs without any fear. 157. Write a short note on operant conditioning techniques with a suitable example. Answer: Operant conditioning techniques refer to those techniques aimed at changing maladaptive behavioral patterns. These techniques are based on the premise that just as maladaptive behavior patterns are learned, they can be unlearned as well. These techniques usually involve conducting a careful analysis of the person’s environment to determine which factors need modification. These factors are then modified and adaptive behaviors are reinforced in a positive manner. Applied behavior analysis is an example of such a technique. It is a technique that involves establishing positive reinforcement connections between behaviors and rewards so that individuals engage in appropriate behavior and unlearn inappropriate behavior. This technique has proved to be useful in treating children with autism based on the assumption that these children have the capacity to learn. 158. State the common erroneous beliefs that are targeted in cognitive therapy with suitable examples. Answer: Logical errors in thinking can lead individuals to the following erroneous beliefs: a) Perceiving the world as harmful while ignoring evidence to the contrary—for example, a young man perceives himself as a loser even after his friends tell him about the number of people who admire his talent in music. b) Overgeneralizing on the basis of limited evidence—for example, a young girl feels that she will not get a date because a boy in her class perceives her to be ugly. c) Magnifying the importance of undesirable events—for example, a girl who has failed in her math exam concluded that she will fail her mid-term exams. d) Engaging in absolutist thinking—for example, a boy feels that he cannot excel in basketball due to a slight criticism from his coach regarding his performance. 159. Henry visits a cognitive-behavioral therapist to seek help for his depressive state. Upon being questioned of the cause of his depressive state, Henry tells the therapist that he is a failure because he is unable to excel well in curricular and extracurricular activities. According to this scenario, which of the following techniques should be implemented by Henry’s therapist? Which factor during the course of this therapy will determine the success of this type of therapy? Answer: According to this scenario, Henry’s therapist should implement the self-instructional method. Self-instructional method is a cognitive-behavioral technique aimed at teaching individuals to modify their own maladaptive behavior. Using this technique, Henry’s therapist should prompt Henry to change what he tells himself. The therapist should give examples of constructive statements, known as reinforcing self-statements, which Henry can repeat in order to take positive steps to cope with his depressive state. In addition, the therapist should also encourage Henry to practice these reinforcing self-statements through role playing and strengthen his newly acquired skills through reinforcement. The factor that will determine the success of this therapy is Henry’s level of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief that one can master this situation to the best of their ability, thereby yielding positive outcomes. 160. Distinguish between distraction and thought stopping cognitive therapy techniques with suitable examples. Answer: Distraction cognitive therapy technique refers to helping clients find benign or positive distractions to divert their attention away from negative thoughts or emotions in the short-term. For example, David asks his client who is anxious at the moment to count backwards from 100. On the other hand, thought stopping refers to a cognitive therapy technique that provides clients with ways of stopping a cascade of negative thoughts. For instance, Alvin asks his client to imagine a stop sign while thinking about a series of anxious thoughts. 161. Define integrative therapy with a suitable example. Answer: Integrative therapy is defined as a combination of techniques from different therapies based on the therapist’s judgment of which particular methods will provide the greatest benefit for the client. For instance, a therapist might implement behavioral techniques such as homework assignments in the initial sessions and cognitive techniques, such as cognitive restructuring in the later sessions for a client with mild depression. 162. Discuss the side effects of using the antidepressant drug tricyclics. Answer: Tricyclics, so-called because of their three-ringed molecular structure, are believed to work by increasing the level of certain neurotransmitters, especially norepinephrine and serotonin. The tricyclics reduce the symptoms of depression in approximately 60 to 70 percent of cases, usually taking 2 to 4 weeks to improve mood. Adverse side effects may include restlessness, faintness, trembling, sleepiness, and memory difficulties. 163. Sean is suffering from schizophrenia. Discuss the class of drugs that should be prescribed to Sean. Answer: Since Sean is suffering from schizophrenia, he should be prescribed antipsychotic drugs. These drugs reduce symptoms such as agitated behavior, tension, hallucinations, socially inhibited behavior and disturbed sleep patterns among individuals with schizophrenia. These drugs comprise neuroleptics and atypical antipsychotic medications. While neuroleptics, such as Haldol, block the dopamine receptors in the brain, atypical antipsychotic medications such as Risperdal influence dopamine and serotonin. 164. State the advantages and disadvantages of electroconvulsive therapy. Answer: The advantages of electroconvulsive therapy include rapid relief in a person’s mood and its effectiveness as a treatment for acute depression in individuals who are at great risk of suicide. However, the disadvantages of this therapy include profound memory loss and other cognitive impairments. 165. State the techniques used in family therapy with suitable examples. Answer: Four of the most widely used family therapy techniques are i) Validation: This technique refers to the manner in which the therapist understands and accepts the feelings of each and every family member. For instance, Joe, a family therapist, expresses his concern about the feelings of his client as well as his parents. ii) Reframing: In this technique, the therapist reframes the client’s problem as the problem of the whole family. For instance, a family therapist tells the family members of Maria, one of his clients, how each of them contributed to Maria’s behavioral problems. iii) Structural change: In this technique, the therapist tries restructuring the coalitions in a family. For example, a family therapist tries to restructure a father-daughter coalition by suggesting that the mother spend more time with the family. iv) Detriangulation: In this technique, the therapist tries to redirect the conflict from the scapegoat in the family to the primary clients. For instance, parents who have marital conflicts pretend to be fine and direct their concerns toward their child with autism. The therapist, in turn, redirects their attention toward their conflicts and away from their child. True/False Questions 166. Biomedical therapies are treatments that reduce or eliminate the symptoms of psychological disorders by altering aspects of bodily functioning. Answer: True 167. Therapeutic alliance refers to the relationship between the professional and the paraprofessional. Answer: False 168. Transference is the psychoanalytic term for the client’s relating to the analyst in ways that reproduce or relive important relationships in the individual’s life. Answer: True 169. Dream analysis is a psychoanalytic technique for interpreting a person’s dreams. Answer: True 170. Dreams contain information that is common for all individuals. Answer: False 171. Humanistic therapists encourage people toward achieving self-understanding and personal growth. Answer: True 172. Unconditional positive regard is an essential element in client-centered therapy. Answer: True 173. Systematic desensitization is an operant conditioning technique. Answer: False 174. Maurice is afraid of cats. The first thing her therapist does is place Maurice in a room where cats are roaming around freely. According to this information, it can be inferred that Maurice’s therapist is implementing the applied behavior analysis. Answer: False 175. Alcohol addiction can be reduced through the behavioral technique of systematic desensitization. Answer: False 176. Cognitive-behavioral therapists place an emphasis on reducing self-defeating thoughts. Answer: True 177. Distraction is a long-term psychodynamic technique that provides the client with ways to stop a cascade of negative thoughts. Answer: False 178. Dialectical behavior therapy is an example of an integrative therapy used to treat clients with borderline personality disorder. Answer: True 179. Tricyclics are used to treat symptoms related to anxiety. Answer: False 180. Electroconvulsive therapy was originally developed to treat schizophrenia. Answer: True 181. Electroconvulsive therapy has replaced deep brain stimulation as the choice of treatment for severe depression. Answer: False 182. The effects of psychosurgery are reversible. Answer: False 183. Structural change is a technique used in family therapy. Answer: True 184. Paraprofessionals have formal mental health training. Answer: False 185. Well-being therapy is a long-term, nondirective therapy. Answer: False Test Bank for The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View Laura A. King 9780078035401, 9781260500523, 9780073532066, 9781259255533

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