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Chapter 12 Multiple Choice Questions 1. _____ is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world. A. Personality B. Perception C. Intelligence D. Sensation Answer: A 2. _____ perspectives on personality emphasize that personality is primarily unconscious. A. Humanistic B. Psychodynamic C. Social cognitive D. Trait Answer: B 3. Which of the following is NOT a belief of the psychodynamic perspectives of personality? A. Childhood experiences shape adult personality. B. A person’s personality can be truly understood by focusing exclusively on his or her behavior. C. Aspects of individuals’ personalities are unconscious because they must be. D. The enduring patterns that make up personality are largely unavailable to an individual’s conscious awareness. Answer: B 4. According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ was the main determinant of personality development. A. need for self-actualization B. human sex drive C. collective unconscious D. endocrine system Answer: B 5. According to the Freudian structure of personality, the id is the: A. harsh, internal judge of an individual’s behavior. B. individual’s reservoir of sexual energy. C. structure that deals with the demands of reality. D. individual’s center for higher mental functions. Answer: B 6. In the context of Freud’s structures of personality, if Freddie’s id was in charge when his boss told him that he was an incompetent fool, Freddie would most likely: A. agree to work harder. B. look for another job. C. punch his boss in the face. D. feel ashamed. Answer: C 7. Jonathan, a fifteen-year-old, yells at his neighbor, Rhys, for playing loud music through the night. In response, Rhys yells at Jonathan and pushes him to the ground. In the context of Freud’s structures of personality, which of the following structures most likely dictated Rhys’s behavior in this scenario? A. Ego B. Id C. Superego D. Persona Answer: B 8. Nelly’s friends attempt to convince Nelly to try cocaine at a party. Even though Nelly is tempted, she resists because she knows that the consequences of her actions would be disastrous for her body. In the context of Freud’s structures of personality, Nelly’s temptation to take cocaine is most likely dictated by her _____. Her decision not to take the cocaine is most likely dictated by her _____. A. ego; superego B. superego; ego C. id; ego D. ego; id Answer: C 9. Brandon attempts to convince his girlfriend, Katherine, to have sex with him. Even though Katherine loves and desires him, her religious beliefs do not permit her to have sex before marriage. According to Freud’s structures of personality, Katherine’s desire to have sex with Brandon is most likely dictated by her _____. Her decision not to engage in premarital sex is most likely dictated by her _____. A. id; ego B. ego; superego C. superego; id D. id; superego Answer: D 10. Meyer plans to obtain quick money through gambling, but he realizes that he might get arrested by the police. This prevents him from going ahead with his gambling plan. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which of the following structures most likely stopped Meyer from going ahead with his plan? A. Superego B. Ego C. Id D. Animus Answer: B 11. Carolyn’s parents were extremely religious, conservative and brought her up with strict moral codes. She was not permitted to have male friends and even her female friends were not allowed to spend time in their home. In college, Carolyn fell in love and despite her strict upbringing, engaged in premarital sex. In the context of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which personality structure was most likely responsible for Carolyn’s sexual activity in college? A. Superego B. Archetype C. Id D. Ego Answer: C 12. According to Freud, the ego acts as a mediator because it: A. is the first to form and therefore the most established personality structure. B. functions primarily in the unconscious mind. C. balances the demands of the id, superego, and the real world. D. is the only personality structure that generates psychic energy. Answer: C 13. Kiara finds an abandoned wallet with $300 in it and no identification. In the context of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Kiara’s decision to keep the money or turn it in will cause the greatest conflict between her _____. A. conscious mind and collective unconscious B. id and superego C. ego and superego D. physiological need and self-actualization need Answer: B 14. Hannah is an eighteen-year-old student who has been in a relationship with Jeff for three years. She has not had sex with him because she believes that she must wait until she is married. However, she feels sexually frustrated. In the context of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Hannah’s sexual frustration is most likely caused by the repression of her _____. A. id B. ego C. superego D. persona Answer: A 15. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the ego abides by the _____ principle. A. pleasure B. self-actualization C. reality D. all-or-none Answer: C 16. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the _____ houses an individual’s higher mental functions, such as reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. A. superego B. animus C. id D. ego Answer: D 17. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the _____ evaluates the morality of an individual’s behavior. A. id B. superego C. persona D. ego Answer: B 18. As the teenage daughter of divorced parents, Kelly has always been impulsive and thoughtless. After a near-death experience, she begins considering other people’s feelings and feels remorse for her earlier actions. In the context of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Kelly is most likely experiencing a strengthening of her _____. A. id B. defense mechanisms C. superego D. collective unconscious Answer: C 19. If Marcy is feeling guilty about lying to her mother, supporters of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory would most likely argue that her _____ is making her feel this way. A. id B. anima C. superego D. ego Answer: C 20. Animated movies sometimes depict an individual’s personal conflict by showing the individual with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The angel is most analogous to Freud’s idea of the _____ and the devil is most analogous with to Freud’s idea of the _____. A. superego; id B. ego; superego C. ego; id D. superego; ego Answer: A 21. The Freudian term for the tactics that the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality is _____. A. fixation B. hysteria C. ego wellness D. defense mechanisms Answer: D 22. Which of the following is a defense mechanism according to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory? A. Castration anxiety B. Oedipus complex C. Fixation D. Sublimation Answer: D 23. Darin was in an automobile accident in which his brother and another passenger were killed. Even though Darin was driving, he survived the accident with only a few bruises. However, he is unable to recall any of the details related to this accident. In the context of Freud’s defense mechanisms, Darin’s inability to recall the accident best illustrates _____. A. displacement B. rationalization C. sublimation D. repression Answer: D 24. Margot, a thirty-year-old woman, was sexually abused as a child. She has no memory of the abuse or the trauma she went through as a child. However, during a session of hypnotic therapy, Margot recalls the experience vividly. This scenario best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____. A. regression B. repression C. displacement D. sublimation Answer: B 25. Chad is keen on getting into the best college in the state. However, the college rejects his Apply. When comforted by his parents, Chad explains that he is not disappointed because if he had been accepted by the college, he would have had to move away from home. In this scenario, Chad’s explanation best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____. A. rationalization B. repression C. sublimation D. regression Answer: A 26. Marcus and his wife are good friends with their neighbors, Allen and Jane. Marcus is sexually attracted to Jane. He, however, accuses his wife of being attracted to Allen. Marcus’s behavior best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____. A. sublimation B. regression C. projection D. rationalization Answer: C 27. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, _____ occurs when the ego replaces a less acceptable motive with a more acceptable one. A. regression B. sublimation C. rationalization D. displacement Answer: C 28. Patrick has been confused about his sexual orientation for a few years. Even though he has had many girlfriends, he often feels attracted to men. However, in college, he strongly opposes the idea of same-sex relationships among his friends. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Patrick’s supposed homophobia best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____. A. reaction formation B. denial C. sublimation D. regression Answer: A 29. Welma is unable to accept the fact that she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She refuses treatment despite her family’s attempts to convince her. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Welma is unconsciously engaging in _____. A. denial B. regression C. rationalization D. displacement Answer: A 30. When the ego seeks the security of an earlier developmental period in the face of stress, the defense mechanism of _____ is being used. A. regression B. sublimation C. repression D. displacement Answer: A 31. Heather goes home to her mother every time she has an argument with her husband. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Heather is unconsciously engaging in _____. A. sublimation B. repression C. regression D. reaction formation Answer: C 32. Each time Antony, a thirty-year-old architect, experiences hardship, he goes home to his parents to find comfort. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Antony is unconsciously engaging in _____. A. reaction formation B. regression C. repression D. displacement Answer: B 33. Jeff has been extremely aggressive since childhood. He pursues a career in boxing, which provides a socially acceptable channel to express his aggression. This scenario best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____. A. regression B. sublimation C. repression D. rationalization Answer: B 34. When the ego attributes personal shortcomings, faults, and problems to others, it is referred to as the defense mechanism of _____. A. fixation B. sublimation C. repression D. projection Answer: D 35. John, who is jealous of his older brother, states that his older brother hates him and is jealous of him. This scenario best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____. A. regression B. repression C. sublimation D. projection Answer: D 36. _____ is the defense mechanism used when the ego shifts feelings toward an unacceptable object to another, more acceptable object. A. Regression B. Sublimation C. Repression D. Displacement Answer: D 37. If Maria had to write a research paper on ego defense mechanisms, which of the following positions adopted by her would be accurate? A. Defense mechanisms are a person’s conscious attempts to escape their problems. B. The most effective way to deal with a problem is to use an ego defense mechanism. C. The use of defense mechanisms involve an honest acceptance of reality. D. Defense mechanisms are the ego’s tactics to reduce anxiety by distorting reality. Answer: D 38. Which of the following is a crucial concept in Freud’s psychoanalytic theory? A. Erogenous zones B. Collective unconscious C. Self-actualization D. Archetypes Answer: A 39. According to Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, girls experience: A. the Oedipus complex. B. castration completed. C. castration anxiety. D. unconditional positive regard. Answer: B 40. According to Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, castration anxiety occurs during the _____. A. phallic stage B. anal stage C. genital stage D. oral stage Answer: A 41. According to Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, the latency period occurs _____. A. during infancy B. during a time when most children are experiencing toilet training C. immediately after the phallic stage D. in adolescence and adulthood Answer: C 42. George’s cubicle at work is spotless. Every item on his desk is arranged according to how frequently he needs it. He gets agitated if something is moved or rearranged. A proponent of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory might argue that George is fixated at the _____ stage of psychosexual development. A. oral B. anal C. phallic D. genital Answer: B 43. According to Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, which of the following statements best indicates that thirty-year-old Gayle is fixated at the oral stage? A. He is excessively concerned about cleanliness. B. He has a puritanical attitude toward sex. C. He is stubborn and prefers simplicity and structure. D. He is addicted to smoking cigarettes. Answer: D 44. According to Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, which of the following statements best indicates that nineteen-year-old Jamie is fixated at the anal stage? A. He is addicted to chewing gum. B. He is addicted to alcohol. C. He is extremely prudish. D. He is extremely virile. Answer: C 45. According to Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, which of the following best indicates that twenty-three-year-old Elliot is fixated at the phallic stage? A. He is extremely disorganized. B. He is overtly flirtatious. C. He loves bathroom humor. D. He is addicted to whisky. Answer: B 46. According to Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, if Ursula is fixated at the oral stage, which of the following best indicates that she is engaging in the defense mechanism of sublimation? A. She is overly giving. B. She fears dirt. C. She displays excessive modesty. D. She indulges in overt sarcasm. Answer: D 47. According to Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, if Olga is fixated at the anal stage, which of the following best indicates that she is engaging in the defense mechanism of sublimation? A. She is rigid in her sexual behavior. B. She is a food expert. C. She loves oil painting. D. She is a wine expert. Answer: C 48. According to Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, if Suri is fixated at the phallic stage, which of the following best indicates that Suri is engaging in the defense mechanism of sublimation? A. She is highly sarcastic. B. She loves statistics. C. She is a chain smoker. D. She loves being in love. Answer: D 49. Which of the following behaviors is typical of a person fixated at the oral stage of development and using the defense mechanism of reaction formation? A. Puritanical attitude toward sex B. Dislike of milk C. Excessive modesty D. Fear of dirt Answer: B 50. According to Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, if Yvonne is fixated at the phallic stage, which of the following best indicates that Yvonne is engaging in the defense mechanism of reaction formation? A. She feels extremely disgusted with feces. B. She is highly irritable. C. She is excessively concerned about cleanliness. D. She has a rigid attitude toward sex. Answer: D 51. Peter smokes four packs of cigarettes every day to deal with his loneliness and daily stress. According to Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, Peter’s addiction indicates that he is fixated at the _____ stage. A. oral B. anal C. phallic D. genital Answer: A 52. Which of the following was a criticism levied against Freud’s psychoanalytic theory? A. Freud did not focus on the sexual development of individuals. B. Freud focused on the conscious part of the personality and ignored the unconscious. C. Freud did not pay enough attention to the later experiences in a person’s life. D. Freud was too focused on the sociocultural factors affecting a person. Answer: C 53. According to Horney, women might envy the penis but what they really want is: A. a man to protect and shelter them. B. the status bestowed to those who have one. C. stronger superegos and moral convictions. D. the freedom to have multiple sexual partners. Answer: B 54. Which of the following is true of Horney’s sociocultural approach? A. She believed that no woman experiences penis envy. B. She believed that the need for security is the most important human need. C. She supported Freud’s notion that anatomy is destiny. D. She rejected the notion that men covet women’s reproductive capacities. Answer: B 55. Cyril is an ambitious, assertive, and responsible man who works in an organization called Yang Corp. According to Jung’s analytical theory, this statement about Cyril best indicates his _____. A. repressed conflicts B. anima C. animus D. birth order Answer: C 56. Teresa loves socializing in college and participates in almost all extracurricular and social activities. However, back home, she is reserved and prefers to maintain a distance from her family and relatives. In the context of Jung’s analytical theory, her public personality represents her _____.A. defense mechanism B. anima C. birth order D. persona Answer: D 57. According to Jung, the deepest, impersonal layer of the unconscious mind that is shared by all humans is called the _____. A. archetype B. animus C. collective unconscious D. persona Answer: C 58. According to Jung’s analytic theory, emotionally laden ideas and images that have rich and symbolic meaning for all people are known as: A. archetypes. B. traits. C. schemas. D. prototypes. Answer: A 59. According to Jung’s analytic theory, the collective unconscious is expressed through: A. self-actualization. B. the id. C. positive regard. D. archetypes. Answer: D 60. At home, Carrie is moody, self-centered, and bossy. At social events, she is the life of the party. She is funny, happy, and demonstrates social graces that none of her family members ever see at home. Which of the following is the most accurate explanation of Carrie’s behavior in the context of Jung’s analytic theory? A. Carrie displays her persona at parties. B. Carrie displays her anima at parties. C. Carrie displays her animus at home. D. Carrie displays unconditional positive regard at parties. Answer: A 61. Alfred Adler’s approach was known as _____ psychology. A. social B. behavioral C. individual D. collective Answer: C 62. Alfred Adler believed that birth order: A. put first-borns at an advantage. B. had the potential to doom anyone. C. influenced how successfully a person strived for superiority. D. only had an impact in the case of sensitive parenting. Answer: C 63. According to Alfred Adler, people are primarily motivated by: A. their desires to seek pleasure and avoid pain. B. factors that they are not consciously aware. C. sexual and aggressive instincts. D. their desire to overcome feelings of inferiority. Answer: D 64. Avril has recently started college, and her freshman orientation includes information on date rape and personal safety. Avril feels helpless when she realizes that she has no self-defense skills. Determined to become more competent, she joins a martial arts club at her college. In the context of Alfred Adler’s individual psychology, which of the following is the best explanation for Avril’s behavior? A. She is striving to use her defense mechanism of sublimation. B. She is striving to replace her feelings of inferiority with those of superiority. C. She is motivated by the need for self-actualization. D. She is motivated by the desire for affiliation. Answer: B 65. Catherine, a fifteen-year-old, has an elder sister and a younger sister. According to Adler, which of the following is most applicable to Catherine in the context of birth order? A. She is likely to be the center of attention in comparison to her siblings. B. She is most likely of the three to suffer from a psychological disorder. C. She is most likely of the three to engage in thefts and other petty crimes. D. She is likely to be inspired by her elder sister and strive for success. Answer: D 66. Which of the following principles is common to all the psychodynamic perspectives? A. Personality is not affected by current experiences, only by early life experiences. B. Conscious motives lie behind people’s puzzling behavior. C. Anxiety created by the conflict between the inner and outer world is easy to resolve. D. Personality can be better understood by examining it developmentally. Answer: D 67. Which of the following perspectives of personality assumes that human nature is basically good? A. Psychodynamic perspective B. Humanistic perspective C. Social cognitive perspective D. Trait perspective Answer: B 68. Which of the following perspectives of personality primarily stress a person’s capacity for personal growth and positive human qualities? A. Trait B. Psychodynamic C. Biological D. Humanistic Answer: D 69. Brittney is a counselor who believes that her clients have the innate ability to make good choices. She accepts all individuals as they are. It is important to Brittney that her clients learn to evaluate themselves and not depend on the opinion of others. In this scenario, Brittney’s views of personality fit best within the _____ perspective. A. trait B. psychodynamic C. biological D. humanistic Answer: D 70. Gus, a successful manager, quits his job and joins college at the age of forty to study art. A proponent of Abraham Maslow’s humanistic theory would most likely argue that Gus went back to college because: A. he had unresolved childhood issues. B. he wanted to change his persona. C. he chose to develop his full potential. D. he wanted to prove that he was superior to others. Answer: C 71. According to Abraham Maslow, which of the following traits is least likely to be associated with self-actualizers? A. Spontaneity B. Creativity C. Intolerance D. Ambition Answer: C 72. Christina’s parents are very strict about her academic performance. When she performs well, they shower her with love. When she does poorly, they are unfriendly and distant. Christina soon learns that the only way she can receive their love is by performing well academically. In the context of Rogers’s humanistic psychology approach, Christina’s parents are facilitating the development of _____ in Christina. A. unconditional positive regard B. conditions of worth C. altruism D. repression Answer: A 73. _____ means being accepted, valued, and treated supportively regardless of one’s behavior. A. Agreeableness B. Unconditional positive regard C. Fixation D. Reciprocal determinism Answer: B 74. Mathew is a fourteen-year-old adolescent. He is poor in academics, but is a national-level basketball player. Despite his poor performance in academics, his parents never criticize him. They try to assist him in academics and encourage him in sports. Which of the following elements of Rogers’s theory is demonstrated by Mathew’s parents in this scenario? A. Conditions of worth B. Unconditional positive regard C. Defense mechanisms D. Reactance Answer: B 75. According to Rogers, a child who experiences regular punishment from parents and is only rewarded for good behavior is likely to develop an awareness of: A. conditions of worth. B. positive self-regard. C. unconditional positive regard. D. altruism. Answer: A 76. According to Rogers’s humanistic theory, if Gretel receives _____ from her parents, she is least likely to face problems associated with her _____. A. unconditional positive regard; intrinsic motivation B. conditional positive regard; belongingness needs C. conditional positive regard; ego dominance D. unconditional positive regard; self-concept Answer: D 77. Which of the following is an important element of Carl Rogers’s humanistic theory? A. Self-concept B. Persona C. Archetype D. Sublimation Answer: A 78. According to Carl Rogers, which of the following is NOT an essential ingredient of healthy human relations? A. Conditions of worth B. Unconditional positive regard C. Empathy D. Genuineness Answer: A 79. Which of the following is a criticism of the humanistic perspectives of personality? A. They focus only on observable behaviors. B. They are too optimistic about human nature. C. They are too critical of the behaviors of individuals. D. They tend to devalue the importance of unconditional love. Answer: B 80. In psychology, enduring dispositions or lasting personality characteristics are known as _____. A. behaviors B. perceptions C. traits D. instincts Answer: C 81. Octavia enjoys being around others and is well-known for her social graces. She is warm and engaging with everyone she meets regardless of whether the setting is the classroom, her workplace, a restaurant, or her own home. Since Octavia has a fairly stable way of relating to other people, it is most likely that her behavior is: A. representative of her persona. B. a manifestation of a personality trait. C. a manifestation of her superego. D. dependent on the situation. Answer: B 82. Which of the following accurately describes the process of factor analysis in the identification of personality traits? A. Factor analysis allows researchers to create operational definitions of observed personality traits. B. Factor analysis permits trait inferences by examining people’s responses to ambiguous stimuli. C. Factor analysis identifies which traits go together in terms of how they are rated. D. Factor analysis allows researchers to use projective tests to determine durable traits. Answer: C 83. Jude is constantly worried. He avoids meeting new people and avoids new situations. He gets anxious if his routine is disturbed and indulges in self-pity. According to the five-factor model of personality, Jude is most likely high on _____. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness Answer: A 84. According to the five-factor model of personality, a person who is incAPAble of being calm and satisfied with oneself or others is likely to be high on _____. A. openness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. neuroticism Answer: D 85. According to the five-factor model of personality, which statement best describes the relationship between neuroticism and personality? A. Neuroticism is low in anxious and insecure individuals. B. Neuroticism is high when a person is positive. C. Neuroticism is high when a person is emotionally stable. D. Neuroticism is low in self-satisfied individuals. Answer: D 86. Chris is a bass guitarist in a popular band and enjoys performing on stage. He has a lot of friends and loves to socialize when he is not performing. His home is where all the parties take place and he loves being the center of attention. According to the five-factor model of personality, Chris’s specific traits are most reflective of _____. A. altruism B. conscientiousness C. extraversion D. neuroticism Answer: C 87. According to the five-factor model of personality, a person who is reserved and somber is most likely to be _____. A. high on energy B. low on extraversion C. high on openness D. low on negativity Answer: B 88. Demi is moody and always grumbles about minor issues in life. According to the five-factor model of personality, Demi is most likely highest on _____. A. conscientiousness B. neuroticism C. extraversion D. agreeableness Answer: B 89. In the five-factor model of personality, _____ is most closely related to liberal values, tolerance, and creativity. A. agreeableness B. openness to experience C. neuroticism D. extraversion Answer: B 90. Marianne contributes a part of her income to a non-profit organization for homeless children and spends her free time teaching them. According to the five-factor model of personality, this aspect best reflects the trait of _____. A. neuroticism B. introversion C. agreeableness D. emotional instability Answer: C 91. Holly is independent, imaginative, and interested in trying all kinds of new activities and routines. According to the five-factor model of personality, Holly is most likely high on _____. A. neuroticism B. conformity C. conscientiousness D. openness to experience Answer: D 92. Which of the following individuals is most likely to obtain a high score on the openness trait of the big five factors of personality? A. Kim, who likes to conform to popular opinion B. Jillian, who is practical in all her decisions C. Jordan, who sticks to strict routines D. Beverly, who loves experimenting with life Answer: D 93. Which of the following is NOT true of conscientiousness as one of the big five factors of personality? A. It was linked to higher grade-point averages. B. It predicts better work performance. C. It is associated with dressing neatly. D. It relates to lower levels of religious-faith. Answer: D 94. According to the five-factor model of personality, a person who is generous and altruistic is most likely high on: A. neuroticism. B. ruthlessness. C. extraversion. D. agreeableness. Answer: D 95. Which of the following is a criticism of the trait theories of personality? A. They miss the importance of situational factors in personality and behavior. B. They focus excessively on the past experiences of human beings. C. They are overly concerned with unconscious desires and motives. D. They miss the impact of current experiences on human beings. Answer: A 96. Personology refers to: A. an early form of personality assessment. B. the study of how biology determines personality. C. the study of specific traits of a personality. D. the study of the whole person. Answer: D 97. Which of the following psychologists coined the word personology? A. B.F. Skinner B. Carl Rogers C. Henry Murray D. Alfred Adler Answer: C 98. Gerard, a criminal profiler, intends to create a psychological profile of a well-known terrorist. The profile will contain the history of the terrorist, including the psychological, physical, and sociological aspects of the terrorist’s life. Which of the following perspectives of personality does Gerard’s study most conform to? A. Biological perspective B. Personological perspective C. Organizational perspective D. Humanistic perspective Answer: B 99. Joel is determined to win the inter-school debate competition. He has been preparing hard and long and he refuses to help other contestants with their preparation. He wants to be known as the best debater in his school. In the context of Henry Murray’s personological approach, Joel is demonstrating a high need for _____. A. affiliation B. power C. security D. extraversion Answer: B 100. Melvin is an ambitious employee who is striving hard to attain the position of a manager. He takes initiative, takes on more work than he can handle, and works longer hours than anyone else in his office. According to Murray’s personological approach, Melvin’s ambition is most reflective of the need for _____. A. affiliation B. achievement C. displacement D. openness Answer: B 101. Jones is a successful businessman. Despite his work demands, he makes time for and prioritizes his family. He almost always attends his daughter’s school performances and plans regular family vacations. According to Murray’s personological approach, Jones’s attitude toward family demonstrates a high need for _____. A. empathy B. affiliation C. power D. achievement Answer: B 102. According to the life story approach to identity, the _____ is an enduring concern for warm interpersonal encounters for their own sake. A. agreeableness trait B. achievement motive C. intimacy motive D. extraversion trait Answer: C 103. _____ perspectives on personality emphasize conscious awareness, beliefs, expectations, and goals. A. Biological B. Psychoanalytic C. Social cognitive D. Evolutionary Answer: C 104. Which of the following concepts is related to Bandura’s social cognitive theory? A. Defense mechanisms B. Reciprocal determinism C. Unconditional positive regard D. Self-concept Answer: B 105. According to _____, the person, the person’s behavior, and the environment all influence one another in a pattern of two-way causal links. A. reciprocal determinism B. reinforcement sensitivity theory C. behavioral genetics D. psychodynamic theory Answer: A 106. Which of the following concepts is associated with Albert Bandura? A. Conditions of worth B. Observational learning C. Reinforcement sensitivity D. Birth order Answer: B 107. Mary is a cheerful, hardworking employee who always attributes her success and failures to herself. Which of the following is most likely to be true about Mary in the context of Bandura’s social cognitive theory? A. Mary is high on the trait of conformity. B. Mary is high on the trait of neuroticism. C. Mary has an external locus of control. D. Mary has an internal locus of control. Answer: D 108. According to Bandura, _____ is the belief that one has the competence to accomplish a given goal or task and produce positive change. A. conscientiousness B. self-efficacy C. egosim D. self-actualization Answer: B 109._____ ignited a flurry of controversy in the field of personality by challenging the assumption that personality traits are _____. A. Mischel; consistent B. Freud; unconscious C. Roberts; dynamic D. Bandura; observable Answer: A 110. Walter Mischel's view of situationism implies that: A. personality consists of traits that are consistent across situations. B. personality varies considerably from one context to another. C. personality is determined primarily by biological factors. D. personality is almost entirely determined by the unconscious mind. Answer: B 111. _____is an important aspect of situationism according to Walter Mischel. A. Heredity B. Genetics C. Context D. Consistency Answer: C 112. A major criticism of the social cognitive theory of personality is that: A. it provides only broad generalizations about behavior. B. it is too concerned with the changes and situational influences on personality. C. it underestimates the role of a person’s thoughts and beliefs in personality. D. it overemphasizes the role of biology in human personality. Answer: B 113. Paul, an extrovert, is shown a picture of a happy face. According to recent research on the relationship between brain and personality, which part of Paul’s brain will be more responsive in this scenario? A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Prefrontal cortex D. Somatosensory cortex Answer: C 114. Eysenck viewed _____ as characteristic behavioral patterns that aim to regulate arousal around the individual’s baseline level. A. agreeableness and resistance B. neuroticism and stability C. introversion and extraversion D. mania and depression Answer: C 115. According to Jeffrey Gray, one might predict that an extraverted person has a more dynamic _____ system. A. behavioral activation B. behavioral inhibition C. behavior modification D. behavior reduction Answer: A 116. Which of the following scenarios best represents the behavioral activation system proposed by Gray? A. Peter is driving his new car. B. Cassie is babysitting her neighbor’s baby. C. Ronald is exercising on a treadmill. D. David is expecting a reward for his work. Answer: D 117. According to Jeffrey Gray, a person with a highly active behavioral inhibition system is likely to _____. A. expect environmental punishment B. seek positive consequences C. be optimistic by nature D. reject positive consequences Answer: A 118. Jeffrey Gray proposed a neuropsychology of personality, called _____. A. the biofeedback system B. reinforcement sensitivity theory C. the reticular activation system D. molecular genetics theory Answer: B 119. Which of the following psychologists would be most interested in examining the impact of amygdala damage on personality? A. Gordon Allport B. Albert Bandura C. Carl Rogers D. Jeffrey Gray Answer: D 120. According to Gray, which of the following brain structures serves as a system for affective style? A. Amygdala B. Basal ganglia C. Hippocampus D. Substantia nigra Answer: A 121. _____ is the neurotransmitter most closely linked to learning that certain behaviors are rewarding. A. Serotonin B. Dopamine C. Norepinephrine D. Glutamate Answer: B 122. Which neurotransmitter is most closely linked to the personality trait of neuroticism? A. Dopamine B. Serotonin C. Norepinephrine D. Acetylcholine Answer: B 123. Which of the following neurotransmitters is said to be closely linked to the personality trait of extraversion? A. Acetylcholine B. Oxytocin C. Serotonin D. Dopamine Answer: D 124. Rachel has a pessimistic attitude. She worries incessantly about things and can never seem to see the positive side of life. According to the biological perspective, Rachel’s attitude could best be explained by low levels of: A. glutamate. B. serotonin. C. dopamine. D. adrenaline. Answer: B 125. _____ is the study of the inherited underpinnings of behavioral characteristics. A. Behavior modification B. Molecular biology C. Behavioral genetics D. Molecular pharmaceutics Answer: C 126. The most commonly used method of measuring personality characteristics is _____. A. the self-report test B. the projective test C. psychobiography D. brain imaging Answer: A 127. Self-report tests are most closely associated with the _____ perspective of personality. A. humanistic B. trait C. behaviorist D. psychodynamic Answer: B 128. A self-report test that presents many questionnaire items to two groups that are known to be different is called a(n) _____ test. A. subjective B. projective test C. Rorschach inkblot D. empirically keyed Answer: D 129. With regard to personality assessment techniques, social desirability: A. causes problems in self-report assessments. B. helps in rating oneself objectively. C. is a significant disadvantage in projective personality tests. D. is an important component of the personological perspective. Answer: A 130. The most widely used and researched empirically keyed self-report personality test is the _____. A. Rorschach inkblot test (RIBT) B. Thematic Apperception test (TAT) C. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) D. Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory—Revised ( NEO-PI-R) Answer: C 131. Which of the following personality assessment techniques features 567 items and provides information on a variety of personality characteristics? A. Rorschach inkblot test (RIBT) B. Thematic Apperception test (TAT) C. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) D. Rotter’s Incomplete Sentences Blank (RISB) Answer: C 132. Face validity of a personality assessment technique refers to whether or not: A. the test is consistent in measuring traits across situations. B. the test item appears to fit the particular trait it is measuring. C. the personality test will predict behavior outside the test situation. D. the test-taker is giving answers that will make him or her look better. Answer: B 133. Projective tests are theoretically aligned with the _____ perspectives on personality. A. humanistic B. behaviorist C. social cognitive D. psychodynamic Answer: D 134. Dr. Crane is looking for a test that he can use to understand more about his clients’ unconscious motives. Which of the following types of assessment tools will be most ideal for Dr. Crane? A. Self-report assessment tools B. Objective assessment tools C. Projective assessment tools D. Observational assessment tools Answer: C 135. Which of the following is a projective test? A. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) B. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) C. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) D. Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory—Revised (NEOPI-R) Answer: C 136. Projective tests are based on the assumption that _____. A. individuals are not concerned about the social desirability of their responses B. tests that measure unconscious motives are the most reliable and valid C. the unconscious does not provide useful keys to an individual’s personality D. the ambiguity of the stimulus allows individuals to interpret it based on their feelings and desires Answer: D 137. Which of the following is true of the Rorschach inkblot test? A. It does not provide any information about the unconscious. B. It is one of the most objective tests used in clinical research. C. It encourages individuals to provide socially desirable responses. D. It does not meet the criteria for reliability and validity. Answer: D 138. Which of the following projective tests is designed to elicit stories that reveal something about an individual’s personality? A. Rotter’s Incomplete Sentences Blank (RISB) B. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) C. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) D. Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory—Revised (NEOPI-R) Answer: B 139. Which of the following is true about the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)? A. It can be used to study people’s unconscious defense mechanisms. B. It has been criticized for having no reliability or validity. C. It is an example of a self-report personality assessment. D. It consists of a series of 10 cards, all black-and-white in color. Answer: A 140. Jules, a client, is asked to look at a set of pictures and tell a story about each picture. Her therapist will use the content of the story to make inferences about Jules’s personality. In the context of personality assessment, Jules is most likely completing the _____. A. Rotter’s Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB) B. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) C. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) D. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Answer: C 141. Which of the following statements about projective measures is accurate? A. They are highly reliable in clinical settings. B. They are highly valid in clinical settings. C. They are highly valid but not reliable in clinical settings. D. They are less reliable and valid in clinical settings. Answer: D 142. Neal, a psychologist who follows the humanistic approach to personality, intends to examine the levels of achievement motivation among neurosurgeons in a hospital. Which of the following personality assessment techniques will be best suited to Neal’s examination? A. Projective tests B. Psychobiography C. Interviews D. Brain imaging Answer: C 143. Which of the following techniques is most useful for a psychologist wanting to assess personality according to the personological and life story perspective? A. Psychobiography B. Brain imaging C. Molecular genetics D. Questionnaires Answer: A 144. Mia intends to examine the impact of mother-child interactions during play-time on cognitive development among toddlers. Mia should adopt the_____ method to conduct her study. A. structured interview B. self-report C. observation D. projective Answer: C 145. Of the big five personality traits, _____ might well be the most important in terms of health and longevity issues. A. openness B. agreeableness C. conscientiousness D. neuroticism Answer: C 146. When forty-year-old Desmond survived a heart attack, he began to take the necessary steps to ensure that he had optimal health. In the context of the personality characteristics that are linked to health and illness, Desmond is most likely high on _____. A. Type D behavior patterns B. neuroticism C. Type A behavior patterns D. personal control Answer: D 147. Which of the following, if strongly present in an individual, is NOT associated with taking the right steps toward a long, healthy life? A. Conscientiousness B. Personal control C. Self-efficacy D. Type A personality Answer: D 148. Julian, a cheerful and friendly man, was diagnosed with cancer. However, his illness did not distress Julian or prevent him from performing his daily routine and meeting with his friends. As time went by, Julian started feeling much better than before. In the context of the personality characteristics linked to health and illness, Julian’s improved health is most likely due to his _____. A. optimism B. superstition C. Type A personality D. neuroticism Answer: A 149. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Type A behavior pattern? A. Conscientiousness B. Hostility C. Agreeableness D. Social inhibition Answer: B 150. If Sheldon demonstrates Type D behavior patterns, which of the following statements is most likely to be true of Sheldon? A. He is a happy-go-lucky person. B. He is extremely assertive. C. He is ambitious about his career. D. He is socially inhibited in a crowd. Answer: D Short Answer Questions 151. Discuss the structures of personality conceptualized by Freud. Answer: The three structures of personality described by Freud are the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is literally the “it,” the ego is the “I,” and the superego is the “above-I.” The id consists of unconscious drives and is the individual’s reservoir of sexual energy. This “it” is a pool of amoral and often vile urges pressing for expression. In Freud’s view, the id has no contact with reality. The id works according to the pleasure principle, the Freudian concept that the id seeks immediate gratification. The world would be pretty scary if personalities were all id. As young children mature, they learn that they cannot act on every impulse: They cannot snatch every candy or slug other children. They must negotiate with others to get the things they want. As children experience the constraints of reality, a new element of personality is formed—the ego, the Freudian structure of personality that deals with the demands of reality. According to Freud, the ego abides by the reality principle. It tries to get the id what it wants within the norms of society. Whereas the id is completely unconscious, the ego is partly conscious. It houses the higher mental functions—reasoning, problem solving, and decision making, for example. The id and ego do not consider whether something is right or wrong. Rather, the superego is the harsh internal judge of behavior. The superego is reflected in what people often call conscience and evaluates the morality of a person’s behavior. The ego acts as a mediator between the conflicting demands of the id and the superego, as well as the real world. 152. Define the concept of defense mechanisms. Distinguish between repression and regression. Answer: Defense mechanisms can be defined as the tactics that the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality. Repression and regression are two examples of defense mechanisms. While repression occurs when the ego pushes unacceptable impulses out of awareness and back into the unconscious mind, regression occurs when the ego seeks the security of an earlier developmental period in the face of stress. 153. Discuss the defense mechanisms of displacement and sublimation with suitable examples. Answer: Student answers will vary. Displacement means directing unacceptable impulses at a less threatening target. For example, Mandy has a crush on her new stepfather, but decides to go out with an older student from her class. Sublimation involves replacing an unacceptable impulse with a socially acceptable one. For example, Stan is obsessed with sex, and decides to paint pictures of nude women. 154. Rex is a five-year-old boy. According to Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, discuss the possible phenomenon that he may experience at this age. Answer: According to Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, the phallic stage is active during three to six years of age. Pleasure focuses on the genitals as the child discovers that self-stimulation is enjoyable. In the phallic stage, Rex will most likely experience the Oedipus complex. The Oedipus complex is a boy’s intense desire to replace his father and enjoy the affections of his mother. Hence, according to this phenomenon, Rex may have an intense desire to replace his father and enjoy the affections of his mother. Later, he may realize that his father might punish him for these incestuous wishes, by cutting off his penis. As a result, he is most likely to experience castration anxiety. Castration anxiety refers to a boy’s intense fear of being mutilated by his father. Hence, in this scenario, in order to reduce this conflict, Rex will most likely identify with his father, by adopting the role of the male gender. 155. Discuss Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes. Describe a few common archetypes. Answer: Jung believed that individuals possess an impersonal, deep layer within the unconscious mind, shared by all human beings because of their common ancestral past. The experiences of a common past have made a deep, permanent impression on the human mind. Jung posited that the collective unconscious contains archetypes, emotionally laden ideas and images that have symbolic meaning for all people. Jung concluded that these archetypes emerge in art, literature, religion, and dreams. Archetypes are essentially predispositions to respond to the environment in particular ways. Jung used the terms anima and animus to identify two common archetypes. He believed each person has a passive feminine side—the anima—and an assertive masculine side—the animus. The persona is another archetype; Jung thought that the persona represents the public mask that all people wear during social interactions; he believed that it is an essential archetype because the persona allows people to keep some secret part of themselves hidden from others. 156. Harold is a high-school basketball player who is coached by his father. Harold realizes that his father’s affections for him are completely dependent on whether or not Harold plays a good game. Whenever Harold loses a game, his father starts to emotionally withdraw from him. In this scenario, which concept of Rogers’s humanistic approach to personality is best illustrated here? Answer: In this scenario, Harold is most likely to learn the concept of conditions of worth. Conditions of worth are defined as the standards that the individual must live up to in order to receive positive regard from others. 157. Discuss Carl Rogers’s approach toward promoting optimal functioning in an individual. Answer: Rogers believed that in order to achieve optimal functioning, three essential qualities must be present. First, a person needs unconditional positive regard. Even when a person’s behavior is inappropriate, obnoxious, or unacceptable, he or she still needs the respect, comfort, and love of others. Second, a person can become more fulfilled by interacting with people who are empathetic toward them. Empathy involves being a sensitive listener and understanding another’s true feelings. Third, a person requires genuineness. Being genuine means being open with one’s feelings and dropping all pretenses and facades. 158. Briefly describe the trait of agreeableness in the context of the big five factors of personality. Answer: Agreeableness is related to generosity, altruism, religious faith, and more satisfying romantic relationships. There are also links between agreeable people viewing other people more positively. 159. Discuss the intimacy motive concept that was introduced by Dan McAdams in his life story approach to identity. Answer: Dan McAdams developed the life story approach to identity. His work centers on the idea that people have a unique life story, representing their memories of what makes them who they are. This life story is a constantly changing narrative that provides them with a sense of coherence. For McAdams, people’s life story is their very identity. The intimacy motive is an enduring concern for warm interpersonal encounters for their own sake. Intimacy motivation is revealed in the warm, positive interpersonal imagery in the stories people tell. Intimacy motive has been shown to relate to positive outcomes. 160. What are the critics of the social cognitive perspective on personality most likely to take issue with? Answer: Critics of the social cognitive perspective on personality take issue with one or more aspects of the theory. • The social cognitive approach is too concerned with change and situational influences on personality. It does not pay adequate tribute to the enduring qualities of personality. • Social cognitive theory ignores the role biology plays in personality. • In its attempt to incorporate both the situation and the person into its view of personality, social cognitive psychology tends to lead to very specific predictions for each person in any given situation, making generalizations impossible. 161. Discuss the behavioral activation and inhibition systems proposed by Jeffrey Gray. Answer: Gray proposed that two neurological systems underlie personality: the behavioral activation system (BAS) and the behavioral inhibition system (BIS). The BAS is more sensitive to rewards in the environment and the BIS is more sensitive to punishers in the environment. In Gray’s theory, the BAS is sensitive to rewards in the environment, predisposes one to feelings of positive emotion, and underlies the trait of extraversion. In contrast, the BIS is sensitive to punishments and is involved in avoidance learning; it predisposes the individual to feelings of fear and underlies the trait of neuroticism. 162. Distinguish between the self-report method and the projective method of personality assessment? State one major problem faced in each of the two types of assessment. Answer: Self-report methods require respondents to provide information about their own behavior, thoughts, emotions, and values. A major problem with self-report tests is that they may elicit socially desirable responses rather than true ones. Projective methods, in contrast, are designed to reveal the unconscious. People do not describe their own behaviors with projective methods; rather, they describe ambiguous stimuli such as inkblots, pictures and these descriptions are used to infer the content of their unconscious. A major problem with projective measures has to do with their low levels of reliability and validity. 163. Describe self-efficacy as a personality characteristic that is related to good health. Answer: Self-efficacy is related to success in a wide variety of positive life changes, including achieving weight loss, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, reducing substance abuse, practicing safe sex, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Evidence shows a strong link between self-efficacy and cardiovascular functioning following heart failure. Individuals high in self-efficacy are not only less likely to suffer a second hospitalization due to heart failure but also likely to live longer. If there is a problem to be fixed, self-efficacy—having a can-do attitude—is related to finding a solution. 164. Distinguish between a Type A and Type B behavior pattern. Answer: A Type A behavior pattern is associated with the traits of being excessively competitive, hard-driven, impatient, and hostile. Individuals with Type A behavior patterns are more at risk for negative health consequences. Type B behavior patterns are associated with the traits of being relaxed and easy going. They are related to a lower incidence of heart disease. 165. Describe the concept of subjective well-being in the context of personality and psychological health. Answer: As defined by psychologists, subjective well-being is a person’s assessment of his or her level of positive affect and negative affect, and an evaluation of his or her life in general. True/False Questions 166. Ryan, who takes out his work-related frustration on his child instead of his boss, is demonstrating the defense mechanism of sublimation. Answer: False 167. Alfred Adler emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in personality development. Answer: False 168. According to Abraham Maslow, self-actualizers are almost childlike in their capacity for awe. Answer: True 169. According to Carl Rogers, conditions of worth refer to an individual’s need to be accepted, valued, and treated positively regardless of his or her behavior. Answer: False 170. Some critics believe that humanistic psychologists are too optimistic about human nature. Answer: True 171. According to the five-factor model of personality, Serena, who loves socializing at parties, is likely to score high on the trait of extraversion. Answer: True 172. In the context of the trait theories, neuroticism is associated with experiencing more enduring positive states. Answer: False 173. According to the five-factor model of personality, an individual who is liberal and tolerant is more likely to be low on openness to experience. Answer: False 174. Evidence for at least some of the big five personality traits has been found in animals. Answer: True 175. The personological approach to personality refers to the study of the whole person. Answer: True 176. Walter Mischel’s view regarding situationism is based on the idea that personality and behavior often vary considerably from one context to another. Answer: True 177. The personality trait commonly associated with the behavioral activation system proposed by Eysenck is neuroticism. Answer: False 178. Jeffrey Gray proposed a neuropsychology of personality that is called the reticular activation system. Answer: False 179. According to the biological approaches to personality, dopamine is linked to learning that certain behaviors are rewarding. Answer: True 180. According to the biological approaches to personality, neuroticism is linked with low levels of serotonin. Answer: True 181. The self-report test is the least commonly used method of measuring personality characteristics. Answer: False 182. Projective techniques require content analysis. Answer: True 183. Type A behavior patterns are the most associated with health and longevity. Answer: True 184. Individuals with Type A behavior pattern are known to be socially inhibited. Answer: False 185. Individuals with Type B behavior pattern are known to be excessively competitive and impatient. Answer: False Test Bank for The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View Laura A. King 9780078035401, 9781260500523, 9780073532066, 9781259255533

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