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Chapter 14 Domestic Violence and Other Family Health Issues 1) The term ________ refers to current and former spouses, couples who live together, and current or former boyfriends or girlfriends. A) situational partner B) intimate partner C) ordinary resident D) primary resident Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "intimate partner," correctly identifies the term used to describe current and former spouses, couples who live together, and current or former boyfriends or girlfriends. This term encompasses individuals who are or have been intimately involved in romantic relationships, regardless of legal marital status or cohabitation. 2) Which of the following is an example of emotional abuse? A) name calling B) forceful sex C) biting D) molestation Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "name calling," is an example of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse involves behaviours that undermine an individual's self-esteem, sense of worth, or emotional wellbeing. Name-calling, insults, humiliation, and verbal threats are common forms of emotional abuse that can have profound and lasting effects on victims. 3) Michael, an alcoholic, kills his wife and two sons in a fit of rage and then attempts to commit suicide on the same day. This scenario is an illustration of ________. A) patricide B) familicide C) parricide D) euthanasia Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "familycide," accurately describes the scenario where Michael kills his wife and two sons. Familycide refers to the act of killing one's family members, typically followed by the perpetrator's suicide. This tragic event often occurs within the context of severe mental illness, substance abuse, or extreme emotional distress. 4) Which of the following is considered physical abuse relating to children? A) isolation B) fondling genitals C) neglect D) scalding Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "scalding," is considered physical abuse relating to children. Physical abuse involves the intentional infliction of physical harm or injury on a child by a caregiver or adult authority figure. Scalding, along with other forms of physical violence such as hitting, shaking, or burning, constitutes child abuse and can result in severe physical and psychological consequences for the child. 5) Killing a brother or a sister is referred to as ________. A) siblicide B) parricide C) feticide D) sororicide Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "siblicide," accurately describes the act of killing one's sibling. Siblicide is a term used to denote the killing of a brother or sister, which can occur in various contexts and may involve factors such as sibling rivalry, mental illness, or family conflict. 6) ________ refers to having negative feelings about being lesbian or gay because of society’s rejection of homosexuality. A) Social homophobia B) Latent homophobia C) Internalized homophobia D) Heterosexist homophobia Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "Internalized homophobia," correctly identifies the phenomenon where individuals experience negative feelings or self-hatred towards their own sexual orientation due to societal stigma and discrimination against homosexuality. Internalized homophobia can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem among LGBTQ+ individuals, often as a result of internalizing societal prejudices and negative stereotypes. 7) A similarity between resource theories and feminist theories is that both theories________. A) explain domestic violence by analysing the learning behavior of individuals in a society C) assume that assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs D) postulate that continuous exposure to abuse and violence during childhood increases the likelihood that a person will be an assailant in adulthood D) emphasize that male aggression results from his status and power in society Answer: D Rationale: Option D correctly identifies the similarity between resource theories and feminist theories, which is the emphasis on the role of male power and dominance in perpetuating domestic violence. Both resource theories and feminist theories highlight the patriarchal structures and gender inequalities that contribute to the prevalence of violence against intimate partners, with a focus on addressing systemic issues of power and control within society. 8) Which of the following theories suggests that both victimizers and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs? A) ecological systems theory B) social exchange theory C) social learning theory D) feminist theory Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "social exchange theory," accurately describes the theory that suggests both victimizers and victims engage in violent behavior because they perceive the benefits of such actions to outweigh the costs. According to social exchange theory, individuals weigh the potential rewards and punishments associated with their actions and make decisions based on maximizing their outcomes. In the context of domestic violence, perpetrators and victims may engage in or tolerate abusive behavior due to perceived benefits such as financial security, emotional attachment, or fear of retribution. 9) Lily, a student, is known for her binge eating habit. However, after each meal, she selfinduces vomit and engages in rigorous and excessive exercise in order to shed weight. In this scenario, Lily suffers from a condition known as ________. A) bulimia B) nervosa C) anorexia D) pica Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "bulimia," accurately identifies Lily's condition, which involves recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by compensatory behaviours such as self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, or the misuse of laxatives or diuretics to prevent weight gain. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by cycles of bingeing and purging, often accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, and a distorted body image. 10) Briefly describe depression. Answer: Depression is a mental disorder characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest in everyday activities. Depression interferes with the ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy experiences that were formerly pleasurable. 1) Throwing objects, pushing, grabbing, hitting, beating, and choking are types of ________. A) physical abuse B) emotional abuse C) sexual abuse D) carnal abuse Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "physical abuse," accurately identifies the types of violent behaviors described, including throwing objects, pushing, hitting, and choking. Physical abuse involves the use of physical force against a partner, causing bodily harm or injury, and is characterized by acts of aggression and violence. 2) ________ refers to aggressive behavior that threatens, monitors, or controls a partner, including name calling, intimidation, preventing a partner from seeing friends and family, and threatening his or her loved ones. A) Corporeal abuse B) Emotional abuse C) Physical abuse D) Sexual abuse Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "Emotional abuse," accurately describes the aggressive behaviors that threaten, monitor, or control a partner, such as name-calling, intimidation, isolating from friends and family, and making threats. Emotional abuse aims to undermine the victim's self-esteem, sense of worth, and emotional well-being through psychological manipulation and control tactics. 3) Daniel, an alcoholic, forcibly kissed his girlfriend while she was sick and made unwanted advances toward her. However, she did not complain about the incident as she loved him. This scenario is an illustration of ________. A) corporeal abuse B) sexual abuse C) emotional abuse D) cognitive abuse Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "sexual abuse," accurately describes the scenario where Daniel makes unwanted advances and forcibly kisses his girlfriend. Sexual abuse involves any non-consensual sexual activity or coercion imposed on a partner, including unwanted sexual advances, touching, or intercourse. Daniel's behavior constitutes sexual abuse as it violates his girlfriend's autonomy and consent. 4) Which of the following is True of emotional abuse? A) It includes throwing objects and biting. B) It includes scorn, criticism, and ridicule. C) It includes being forced into unwanted sexual activity. D) It occurs primarily in heterosexual marriages. Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "It includes scorn, criticism, and ridicule," accurately describes emotional abuse. Emotional abuse encompasses various behaviors aimed at undermining a partner's selfworth, emotional well-being, and psychological integrity. Examples include verbal insults, belittling remarks, criticism, humiliation, and manipulation tactics, which can occur in any type of intimate relationship, regardless of sexual orientation or marital status. 5) Which of the following is True concerning the prevalence and severity of domestic violence? A) Women are more likely than men to engage in repeated violence against their partners. B) Men are more likely than women to experience serious physical injuries from domestic violence. C) Intimate partner violence is typically not reported as victims fear reprisal. D) Male intimate partners are more likely to be murdered with a firearm. Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "Intimate partner violence is typically not reported as victims fear reprisal," accurately reflects the reality that many victims of domestic violence hesitate to report their abuse due to fear of reprisal, stigma, or concerns about their safety. Underreporting of domestic violence is a significant challenge, contributing to a lack of accurate data and resources for addressing the issue effectively. 6) Chandler and John are engaged in a debate about intimate partner violence. Chandler opines that marital death rates are falling and women are less likely to be killed by their husband. However, John argues otherwise and states that women are increasingly suffering from marital deaths. Which of the following statements, if True, is most likely to strengthen Chandler’s opinion? A) Women are increasingly postponing marriage and are hence marrying mature men who have greater conflict resolution skills. B) Among AfricanAmerican and Latino communities, the gang membership among men has decreased substantially and hence men are less likely to grow up to be abusive. C) Studies have shown that women are increasingly reporting domestic violence unlike during previous decades and hence are more likely to identify and report abusive husbands or domestic partners early. D) There is a steep rise in the number of women taking up self-defense classes in the United States. D) Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "Women are increasingly postponing marriage and are hence marrying mature men who have greater conflict resolution skills," would strengthen Chandler's opinion that marital death rates are falling and women are less likely to be killed by their husbands. If women are choosing to marry later in life and selecting partners with better conflict resolution skills, it could contribute to a decrease in lethal violence within marriages. 7) ________ involves murdering one’s spouse, ex-spouse, children, or other relatives before attempting or committing suicide. A) Neonaticide B) Omnicide C) Parricide D) Familycide Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "Familycide," accurately describes the act of murdering one's family members before attempting or committing suicide. Familycide typically involves the killing of a spouse, ex-spouse, children, or other relatives and is often perpetrated by individuals experiencing severe emotional distress, mental illness, or domestic conflict. 8) Tim, an unemployed husband, murdered his wife and daughter as he felt that he was unable to support them financially. He then attempted to commit suicide. This scenario is an illustration of ________. A) tyrannicide B) neonaticide C) uxoricide D) familycide Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "familycide," accurately describes the scenario where Tim murders his wife and daughter before attempting suicide due to financial distress. Familycide involves the killing of one's family members and is often driven by factors such as financial hardship, mental illness, or domestic conflict. 9) Which of the following is True of intimate partner violence and ethnicity? A) American Indian and Alaska native women have the highest IPV rates in the country. B) African American women have the highest IPV rates in the country. C) IPV rates among multiracial women are the lowest in the country. D) Asian American women have the highest IPV rates in the country. Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "American Indian and Alaska native women have the highest IPV rates in the country," accurately reflects the disproportionate prevalence of intimate partner violence among certain ethnic groups. Research indicates that American Indian and Alaska Native women experience some of the highest rates of intimate partner violence in the United States, highlighting the importance of considering cultural and socioeconomic factors in understanding and addressing domestic violence within diverse communities. 10) ________ is an abusive act in which a man forces his wife to have unwanted sexual intercourse. A) Statutory rape B) Date rape C) Corrective rape D) Spousal rape Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "Spousal rape," accurately describes the abusive act where a man forces his wife to engage in unwanted sexual intercourse against her will. Spousal rape, also known as marital rape, is a form of sexual violence and domestic abuse that violates the victim's autonomy and consent within the context of marriage or intimate partnership. 11) Which of the following is True of marital rape in the United States? A) It is the most common type of rape in the United States. B) It is also known as date rape. C) It is typically considered to be a more heinous crime than stranger rape. D) It is not considered a crime in all states. Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "It is the most common type of rape in the United States," accurately describes the prevalence of marital rape. Marital rape, also known as spousal rape, occurs within the context of marriage or intimate relationships and is a significant form of sexual violence affecting many individuals. While historically overlooked and often not legally recognized, marital rape is increasingly acknowledged as a serious crime with far-reaching consequences for survivors. 12) Maria, a housewife, is trapped in an unhappy marriage as a result of societal pressure. For the past 15 years, her husband has constantly abused her physically and emotionally. She feels incapable of leaving and continues to perform her “wifely duty.” This scenario is an illustration of the ________. A) date-rape syndrome B) battered-woman syndrome C) Stockholm syndrome D) captured syndrome Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "battered-woman syndrome," accurately characterizes Maria's situation, where she remains in an abusive relationship due to various factors, including fear, dependence, and societal pressures. Battered-woman syndrome refers to the psychological and behavioral effects experienced by individuals, typically women, who have been subjected to long-term intimate partner violence or abuse. It can manifest as feelings of helplessness, low self-esteem, and an inability to leave the abusive relationship. 13) Which of the following is the first phase of the cycle of domestic violence? A) the honeymoon phase B) the acute battering phase C) the tension-building phase D) the Jekyll and Hyde phase Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "the tension-building phase," accurately identifies the initial phase of the cycle of domestic violence. During this phase, tension and conflict gradually escalate between the partners, leading to increased stress, arguments, and emotional volatility. The tensionbuilding phase sets the stage for the subsequent acute battering phase, where the abuse occurs, followed by a period of reconciliation or calm known as the honeymoon phase. 14) In ________, the primary perpetrator is a male who uses multiple and escalating control to dominate his partner. A) dowry violence B) intimate terrorism C) situational couple violence D) bed-side terrorism Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "intimate terrorism," accurately describes the pattern of abuse characterized by a primary male perpetrator exerting multiple forms of control and dominance over his partner. Intimate terrorism differs from situational couple violence in its systematic nature and the use of coercive tactics to maintain power and control within the relationship. It often involves psychological, emotional, and physical abuse, aimed at subjugating the victim and maintaining dominance. 15) The use of force against a child that can or does cause bodily injury is referred to as ________ abuse. A) emotional B) psychological C) physical D) sexual Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "physical abuse," accurately describes the use of force against a child resulting in bodily injury or harm. Physical abuse involves actions such as hitting, kicking, shaking, burning, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child, often resulting in bruises, cuts, fractures, or other injuries. It constitutes a form of maltreatment and is considered a serious violation of a child's rights and well-being. 16) Ellie, a mother, abuses her daughter stating that she is “worthless” and “good for nothing.” She also makes statements like, “You’re an ugly child.” This scenario is an illustration of ________ abuse. A) sexual B) neglectful C) corporeal D) emotional Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "emotional abuse," accurately describes Ellie's behavior towards her daughter, which involves verbal insults, belittlement, and psychological manipulation aimed at undermining the child's self-worth and emotional well-being. Emotional abuse encompasses various non-physical behaviors that inflict harm or distress on a child, such as humiliation, rejection, threats, and intimidation, contributing to long-term psychological consequences. 17) Barkley and Timothy are engaged in a debate about child abuse. Barkley opines that white children are more likely to suffer from abuse. However, Timothy disagrees and argues otherwise. He opines that children belonging to minority groups are more likely to suffer from abuse. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Barkley’s argument? A) Typically, most minority groups have close family ties and are less likely to physically or emotionally chastise their children. B) Latino families have a lower percentage of child victimization than their white counterparts. C) Unlike whites, African American families do not believe in disciplining children physically. D) Despite being more prevalent among minority groups, child maltreatment percentages are higher among whites. Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "Despite being more prevalent among minority groups, child maltreatment percentages are higher among whites," strengthens Barkley's argument by highlighting the disproportionate impact of child abuse on white children despite its higher prevalence among minority groups. While child maltreatment rates may vary across racial and ethnic demographics, factors such as socioeconomic status, access to resources, and systemic inequalities can influence the prevalence and reporting of child abuse within different communities. 18) ________ refers to experiencing multiple kinds of victimization such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, and intimate partner violence (IPV) among adults. A) Self-victimization B) Post crime victimization C) Polyvictimization D) Neo-victimization Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "polyvictimization," accurately describes the experience of multiple forms of victimization among adults, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and intimate partner violence (IPV). Polyvictimization encompasses a range of traumatic experiences and adverse events that occur concurrently or sequentially, leading to heightened vulnerability, psychological distress, and increased risk of adverse outcomes for survivors. 19) Tom claims that a child’s economic condition is a good indicator of that child’s chances of being abused. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Tom’s claim? A) Child maltreatment is found to be more common in households in which the woman is abused. B) Poverty has been found to be the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect. C) Coping with a disability has been found to increase parental stress and child abuse. D) Substance-abusing has been found to lower parenting skills and increase child abuse and neglect. Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "Poverty has been found to be the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect," strengthens Tom's claim by highlighting the strong association between economic disadvantage and child maltreatment. Research consistently demonstrates that children from impoverished backgrounds are at higher risk of experiencing abuse and neglect due to factors such as limited access to resources, social support, and stressors associated with poverty-related hardships. 20) Jimmy, a teenager, stabbed his sister intentionally after a protracted fight. If his sister succumbs to her injuries, this would be classified as a ________. A) neonaticide B) siblicide C) regicide D) parricide Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "siblicide," accurately describes the act of killing one's sibling, as depicted in the scenario involving Jimmy and his sister. Siblicide can occur due to various motives, including conflicts, jealousy, or mental illness, and it represents a tragic form of intrafamilial violence with significant consequences for the individuals and families involved. 21) Which of the following is True of baby boomers? A) They are also referred to as Generation X. B) They are more likely to outlive their own children. C) They are also known as the sandwich generation. D) They are more likely to abuse the elderly under their care. Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "They are also known as the sandwich generation," accurately describes the demographic group known as baby boomers. The term "sandwich generation" refers to individuals, often baby boomers, who find themselves simultaneously caring for their aging parents while also supporting their own children or grandchildren, thus sandwiched between caregiving responsibilities. 22) Lucas, a 55-year-old, has a wife and two kids. Also, he takes care of his ailing parents permanently as they are unable to support themselves. Lucas exemplifies the characteristics associated with the ________. A) G.I. Generation B) silent generation C) lost generation D) sandwich generation Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "sandwich generation," accurately characterizes Lucas's situation, where he finds himself balancing caregiving responsibilities for both his children and his aging parents. The sandwich generation, typically composed of individuals in their middle-aged years, faces the dual challenges of providing care and support to both younger and older generations within the family structure. 23) Kim claims that elder mistreatment is more likely to happen at old age homes and care centers as opposed to within households. However, Carla disagrees and claims that most cases of elder mistreatment occur at the hands of family members. Which of the following is an accurate statement that weakens Kim’s claim? A) Less than one-third of elder mistreatment is found to be done by nonfamily members. B) Typically, elder mistreatment occurs in households without strong “kin ties,” such as Asian and Latino households. C) A vast majority of elder mistreatment cases occur inside families with mentally disabled children. D) Studies have shown that most cases of elder mistreatment occur in families who have adopted children. Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "Less than one-third of elder mistreatment is found to be done by nonfamily members," weakens Kim's claim by presenting evidence that the majority of elder mistreatment cases occur within familial contexts rather than in institutional settings like old age homes or care centers. This indicates that family members, including adult children, spouses, and other relatives, are often perpetrators of elder mistreatment. 24) Which of the following is typically found to be a cause for elder abuse? A) low dependence on the caregiver B) presence of a strong social network of kin, friends, and neighbors C) low alcohol consumption among caregivers D) shared living situation with a caregiver Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "shared living situation with a caregiver," is typically found to be a cause for elder abuse. Elder abuse often occurs within the context of shared living arrangements where the older adult is dependent on a caregiver, whether a family member or a hired professional. Factors such as isolation, dependency, power dynamics, and stress associated with caregiving can contribute to the risk of abuse occurring in these situations. 25) Internalized homophobia differs from heterosexist discrimination in that internalized homophobia ________. A) decreases the chances of gays and lesbians staying in an abusive relationship B) decreases the chances of IPV among same-sex partners C) involves having negative feelings about another’s heterosexual tendencies D) involves having negative feelings about one’s homosexual tendencies Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "involves having negative feelings about one’s homosexual tendencies," accurately describes internalized homophobia. Internalized homophobia refers to the internalization of societal attitudes, biases, and prejudices against one's own sexual orientation, resulting in negative self-perception, shame, and self-hatred regarding one's homosexual identity. It differs from heterosexist discrimination, which involves external forms of prejudice and discrimination directed towards individuals based on their sexual orientation. 26) Which of the following relating to IPV is True of homosexuals? A) Homosexual partners have higher victimization rates than heterosexual partners. B) Homosexual couples are more likely to verbally abuse their children than heterosexual couples. C) Gay men are more likely to have experienced IPV than lesbian women. D) Lesbian women have lower rates of IPV than bisexual women. Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "Homosexual partners have higher victimization rates than heterosexual partners," is true regarding intimate partner violence (IPV) among homosexuals. Research indicates that individuals in same-sex relationships, including gay men and lesbian women, experience higher rates of IPV compared to their heterosexual counterparts. Factors such as minority stress, societal stigma, and barriers to seeking help contribute to the heightened vulnerability of LGBTQ+ individuals to IPV. 27) ________ refers to being treated unfairly because of one’s homosexual orientation. A) Stewed homophobia B) Internalized homophobia C) Social homophobia D) Heterosexist discrimination Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "Heterosexist discrimination," accurately describes the unfair treatment experienced by individuals based on their homosexual orientation. Heterosexist discrimination encompasses various forms of prejudice, bias, and discriminatory practices rooted in societal norms and attitudes that privilege heterosexuality while marginalizing or stigmatizing non-heterosexual identities. It includes acts of bigotry, exclusion, harassment, and violence targeting LGBTQ+ individuals. 28) During a debate about intimate partner violence (IPV), Carlos opines that internalized homophobia increases the likelihood of lifetime IPV. However, Jose disagrees and claims that internalized homophobia lowers IPV. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Carlos’s argument? A) Studies have shown that among same-sex relationships, women are more likely than men to report IPV incidents. B) Studies have shown that lesbian women have a higher rate of IPV than gay men. C) Studies have shown that being treated unfairly because of one’s homosexual orientation increases IPV among same-sex partners. D) Studies have shown that homosexuals who “harbor beliefs that they deserve the abuse” tend to have low levels of IPV. Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "Studies have shown that among same-sex relationships, women are more likely than men to report IPV incidents," strengthens Carlos's argument by providing evidence that internalized homophobia may contribute to higher rates of IPV victimization among certain groups within the LGBTQ+ community. This suggests that gender dynamics and power differentials within same-sex relationships can influence the expression and reporting of IPV experiences. 29) Which of the following is True of IPV in Latin households? A) Women from Latin households are more likely to be abusive than men. B) They have a lesser likelihood of mutual IPV when couples are married, irrespective of the social and economic status of the family. C) They have a greater likelihood of mutual IPV when the cohabitors live in high-crime neighborhoods. D) Latin men are more likely to be abusive toward their spouses if they are the only financial contributors. Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "They have a greater likelihood of mutual IPV when the cohabitors live in highcrime neighborhoods," is true regarding intimate partner violence (IPV) in Latin households. Research suggests that contextual factors such as neighborhood characteristics, including high-crime areas, can influence the prevalence and patterns of IPV among Latin couples. Living in environments with elevated levels of community violence may exacerbate stressors and contribute to higher rates of IPV perpetration and victimization. 30) Which of the following is True of IPV among African American couples? A) They are less likely than white couples to be mutually abusive. B) They are generally more mutually abusive if they are married. C) They are less likely to suffer from mutual IPV than interracial couples. D) They are more likely to commit mutual IPV due to racial stress. Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "They are more likely to commit mutual IPV due to racial stress," is true regarding intimate partner violence (IPV) among African American couples. Research indicates that experiences of racial discrimination, socioeconomic disparities, and systemic inequalities can contribute to heightened stress levels and conflict within African American relationships, potentially increasing the risk of mutual IPV perpetration. Additionally, cultural factors and coping mechanisms influenced by racial identity may shape patterns of IPV within this demographic group. 31) With regard to IPV, African Americans differ from whites in that ________. A) African American couples have lower percentage of IPV than their white counterparts B) African American men have lower percentage of victimization than their white counterparts C) African American women have higher victimization that their white counterparts D) African American couples have higher mutual IPV that their white counterparts Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "African American couples have higher mutual IPV than their white counterparts," accurately highlights a difference between African American and white populations regarding intimate partner violence (IPV). Research suggests that mutual IPV, where both partners engage in violent behavior within a relationship, may be more prevalent among African American couples compared to white couples. This difference could be influenced by various factors, including socio-economic disparities, cultural norms, and community contexts. 32) According to ________, male aggression against women and children is common in patriarchal societies in which men have power, status, and privilege. A) social learning theories B) resource theories C) feminist theories D) social exchange theories Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "feminist theories," posits that male aggression against women and children is common in patriarchal societies where men hold power, status, and privilege. Feminist theories analyze the structural and systemic inequalities that perpetuate gender-based violence, emphasizing the role of gender dynamics, societal norms, and power imbalances in shaping abusive behaviors within intimate relationships. 33) Liam, a theorist, believes that patriarchal societies tend to make men more violent toward women. He also believes that variables such as power, privilege, and status influence the level of violence that men display toward women. In this scenario, Liam subscribes ________. A) feminist theories B) social exchange theories C) resource theories D) social learning theories Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "feminist theories," aligns with Liam's beliefs that patriarchal societies contribute to male violence against women and that factors such as power, privilege, and status influence the extent of this violence. Feminist theories provide a framework for understanding how gender-based power imbalances and societal norms perpetuate violence and oppression against women within intimate relationships and broader social contexts. 34) An entity that believes that the resource theory provides the best explanation for family abuse and violence is likely to agree with the statement that ________. A) poverty is the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect B) male aggression against women and children are a byproduct of patriarchal societies C) both assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs D) continuous exposure to abuse and violence during childhood increases the likelihood that a person will be an assailant in adulthood Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "poverty is the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect," reflects a perspective aligned with the resource theory, which emphasizes economic factors as significant predictors of family abuse and violence. The resource theory suggests that individuals with fewer economic resources or assets may resort to abusive behaviors due to stress, limited coping mechanisms, and lack of access to support services, contributing to higher rates of child abuse and neglect in impoverished households. 35) Charles and Ross are engaged in a debate about which theory best explains family abuse and violence. Charles claims that the resource theory provides the best explanation, while Ross claims that the social learning theory is a better explanation. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Ross’s claim? A) Television programs and movies that demean, debase, and devalue women and children have been found to promote and reinforce abusive behavior. B) Studies have shown that most women who go through domestic violence stay in those relationships for financial gain. C) Women’s growing independence has resulted in some men using violence to reestablish their power in the relationship. D) Witnessing domestic violence almost triples the likelihood of children having conduct disorders such as aggression, disobedience, and delinquency. Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "Witnessing domestic violence almost triples the likelihood of children having conduct disorders such as aggression, disobedience, and delinquency," strengthens Ross's claim by providing evidence that supports the principles of social learning theory. Social learning theory posits that individuals acquire knowledge and behaviors through observation, modeling, and reinforcement of behaviors witnessed in their social environment. Witnessing domestic violence can serve as a model for aggressive behavior, increasing the likelihood of children engaging in similar conduct later in life. 36) According to ________, people acquire knowledge by observing the behavior of others. A) feminist theory B) social learning theory C) exchange theory D) resource theory Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "social learning theory," posits that people acquire knowledge and behaviors by observing the behavior of others in their social environment. This theory emphasizes the role of modeling, reinforcement, and imitation in shaping individual behavior, including attitudes and actions related to family abuse and violence. Social learning theory suggests that exposure to violence within the family or broader community can influence the development of aggressive or abusive behaviors in individuals. 37) During a debate about social theories, Jack opines that children who grow up watching their parents fight physically and verbally are more likely to be abusive themselves. However, Jose disagrees and argues that children are more likely to be abusive adults due to their genetic predispositions. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Jack’s opinion? A) According to learning theories, children who witness emotional abuse first-hand are more likely to blame themselves and engage in activities such as torturing pets and other animals. B) According to exchange studies, children who grow up in matriarchal societies are more likely to witness physically abuse and adopt it. C) According to social learning studies, when there’s both physical and emotional abuse between adults in a household, children tend to model the behaviors and engage in sibling abuse. D) According to feminist studies, when one spouse is aggressive, the other spouse may become more aggressive over time and children generally adopt the behavior of the spouse belonging to their own sex. Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "According to social learning studies, when there’s both physical and emotional abuse between adults in a household, children tend to model the behaviors and engage in sibling abuse," strengthens Jack's opinion by providing evidence from social learning theory. Social learning theory suggests that children learn behaviors, including aggressive or abusive conduct, by observing and imitating the behaviors of adults in their environment. Witnessing both physical and emotional abuse between adults can contribute to the normalization and modeling of abusive behaviors, increasing the likelihood of children engaging in similar behaviors, such as sibling abuse. 38) According to ________, because men usually command greater financial, educational, and social means than women do, men have more power. A) learning theory B) exchange theory C) behavior theory D) resource theory Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "resource theory," aligns with the statement by asserting that men typically have more power in relationships due to their greater access to resources such as financial, educational, and social capital. Resource theory suggests that disparities in resource distribution contribute to power differentials within intimate relationships, influencing the dynamics of family abuse and violence. Men's control over resources can be a significant factor in maintaining power and perpetrating abuse within relationships. 39) Which of the following is True according to resource theory? A) Men from patriarchal societies are more likely to be abusive. B) Men only engage in emotional abuse due to an inherent feeling of superiority. C) Men with fewer resources or assets are more likely to resort to abuse. D) Men with greater education and wealth are more likely to engage in abuse. Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "Men with fewer resources or assets are more likely to resort to abuse," reflects a principle of resource theory, which suggests that individuals with limited access to resources may resort to abusive behaviors as a means of exerting control or coping with stressors. According to resource theory, disparities in resource distribution within relationships can contribute to power imbalances and conflict, increasing the likelihood of abuse, particularly among individuals with fewer resources or assets. 40) James, a social theorist, propagates a theory that establishes a direct link between the wealth a man has and the power he wields. However, his theory also states that men with lesser educational qualifications and lower income levels are more likely to resort to abuse toward their spouses. James subscribes to the ________ for explaining family abuse and violence. A) resource theory B) learning theory C) exchange theory D) feminist theory Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "resource theory," aligns with James's theory by emphasizing the role of wealth and resources in shaping power dynamics and abusive behaviors within intimate relationships. Resource theory posits that individuals with greater access to economic resources, such as wealth and education, may wield more power and control within relationships, while those with fewer resources may resort to abusive behaviors as a means of exerting control or compensating for perceived deficits. James's theory highlights the influence of resource disparities on patterns of family abuse and violence, aligning with the principles of resource theory. 41) An entity which believes that the ecological systems theory provides the best explanation of family abuse and violence is likely to agree with the statement that ________. A) television programs and movies that demean, debase, and devalue women and children will promote and reinforce abusive behavior B) both assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs C) male aggression against women and children are a byproduct of patriarchal societies D) poverty is the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "television programs and movies that demean, debase, and devalue women and children will promote and reinforce abusive behavior," aligns with the ecological systems theory, which examines the influence of various environmental factors, including media portrayals, on family dynamics and behaviors. Ecological systems theory emphasizes the interplay between individual, interpersonal, and societal factors in shaping patterns of family abuse and violence, suggesting that media representations can contribute to the normalization and reinforcement of abusive behavior within the broader social context. 42) According to ________ theory, both assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs. A) feminist B) social exchange C) learning D) resource Answer: B Rationale: Option B, "social exchange theory," explains that individuals engage in or tolerate violent behavior within relationships based on a cost-benefit analysis, where they weigh the perceived benefits against the costs or consequences of their actions. This theory posits that individuals are rational actors who assess the rewards and risks associated with their behaviors, including participation in violent interactions. Social exchange theory emphasizes the role of perceived rewards, such as economic or social gains, in influencing individuals' decisions to remain in abusive relationships or to perpetrate violence. 43) Sophia, a home-maker, has an abusive husband. However, despite the abuse, Sophia continues to stay with him as she believes that the financial rewards outweigh a “few beatings.” This scenario is an illustration of the ________ theory. A) social exchange B) learning C) feminist D) supply Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "social exchange theory," aligns with Sophia's decision to stay in an abusive relationship due to her belief that the financial benefits outweigh the costs of enduring the abuse. Social exchange theory posits that individuals assess the rewards and costs associated with their relationships and behaviors, choosing to remain in or leave situations based on their perceived benefits and drawbacks. In Sophia's case, her decision reflects a rational evaluation of the trade-offs between financial stability and the physical and emotional harm caused by her husband's abuse. 44) ________theory explains domestic violence by analyzing the relationships between individuals and larger systems such as the economy, education, state agencies, and the community. A) Ecological systems B) Feminist C) Social exchange D) Social learning Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "ecological systems theory," emphasizes the interconnectedness between individuals and their broader social environments, examining how various systems, such as the economy, education, and community resources, influence family dynamics and behaviors, including domestic violence. Ecological systems theory considers the impact of multiple levels of influence, from individual characteristics to societal structures, in shaping patterns of family abuse and violence. By analyzing the complex interactions between individuals and their environments, this theory provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the multi-faceted nature of domestic violence. 45) Alexander, a theorist, believes that elder abuse is likely to be highest when there is a combination of both macro and micro level factors. He opines that caregivers who abuse drugs or have limited resources and experience stress are more likely to be abusive. In this scenario, Alexander is likely to be a(n) ________ theorist. A) feminist B) social exchange C) ecological systems D) learning Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "ecological systems theory," aligns with Alexander's belief that elder abuse results from a combination of macro and micro-level factors, including caregiver characteristics, social support systems, and community resources. Ecological systems theory examines the interplay between individual, interpersonal, and societal factors in shaping behaviors and outcomes within the context of elder abuse. By considering the broader social and environmental influences on caregiver behavior, this theory provides a holistic understanding of elder mistreatment and its underlying determinants. 46) Which of the following is True of the ecological systems theory? A) It explains domestic violence as a product of patriarchy. B) It states that people accept abuse as they believe “they deserve it.” C) It states that women stay in abusive relationships for financial benefits. D) It explains domestic violence as a relation between macro and micro variables. Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "It explains domestic violence as a relation between macro and micro variables," accurately describes the ecological systems theory's approach to understanding domestic violence. Ecological systems theory posits that family abuse and violence result from the interaction between multiple levels of influence, including individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, community factors, and societal structures. By examining the complex interplay between macro-level factors (e.g., social norms, institutional policies) and micro-level variables (e.g., family dynamics, individual behaviors), this theory offers a comprehensive explanation of domestic violence that extends beyond simplistic attributions to single causes or factors. 47) Jacob, a teenager, eats three times as much as a normal person his age would, by consuming at least six meals a day. However, his parents believe that “this is all part of growing up.” Jacob is likely to be suffering from ________. A) gastroenteritis B) anorexia C) bulimia D) binge eating disorder Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "binge eating disorder," accurately describes Jacob's behavior of consuming large amounts of food in a short period, often experiencing a loss of control over eating. Binge eating disorder involves recurrent episodes of binge eating without compensatory behaviors such as purging or excessive exercise, distinguishing it from bulimia nervosa. Individuals with binge eating disorder may eat rapidly and to the point of discomfort, often in response to emotional triggers, without the characteristic weight control behaviors observed in anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. 48) Avery, a model, is fired from her job for “being too thin.” She fears that if she eats, she will become “overweight” and that in order to succeed in her industry, she must be “thin and beautiful.” In this scenario, Avery is likely suffering from ________. A) binge eating disorder B) gastroenteritis C) anorexia nervosa D) merycism Answer: C Rationale: Option C, "anorexia nervosa," aligns with Avery's preoccupation with thinness, fear of weight gain, and distorted body image, all characteristic features of this eating disorder. Individuals with anorexia nervosa often restrict their food intake significantly, leading to severe weight loss and malnutrition, driven by an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. The pursuit of thinness may be reinforced by societal pressures, particularly in industries like modeling, where thinness is often equated with beauty and success. 49) William, who recently lost his wife, is in a constant state of sorrow and has loss of interest in everyday activities. He is unable to perform even the most menial tasks and is only interested in drinking heavily. William is likely to be suffering from ________. A) depression B) anorexia nervosa C) bulimia D) rumination syndrome Answer: A Rationale: Option A, "depression," accurately describes William's symptoms of persistent sadness, loss of interest, impaired functioning, and self-medication with alcohol, indicative of a depressive episode. Depression involves a pervasive and persistent low mood that interferes with daily activities and quality of life, often accompanied by changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, feelings of worthlessness, and impaired concentration. William's symptoms suggest a need for professional evaluation and treatment for depression. 50) Ethan, a social scientist, claims that women are more likely to suffer from depression than men. However, Ryan argues otherwise and states that depression rates among both men and women are similar. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Ethan’s argument? A) Studies have shown that illicit drug use, which is higher among women than men, is the biggest cause of depression. B) Studies have shown that anorexia, which mainly affects women, is the biggest cause of depression in the United States. C) Studies have shown that more women take their own lives at nearly four times the rate of men. D) Studies have shown that across all age groups, women are more likely than males to often feel depressed. D) Answer: D Rationale: Option D, "Studies have shown that across all age groups, women are more likely than males to often feel depressed," provides empirical evidence supporting Ethan's argument that women are more likely to suffer from depression than men. Numerous studies have consistently found higher rates of depression among women compared to men across various age groups and populations. This gender disparity in depression prevalence underscores the importance of considering gender-specific factors and experiences in understanding mental health outcomes and developing targeted interventions. 51) Explain the term “physical abuse.” Give examples of physical abuse. Answer: Physical abuse is threatening, trying to hurt, or hurting a partner by using physical force. Examples include throwing objects, pushing, grabbing, slapping, kicking, biting, hitting, beating, and choking. 52) Provide an example of familycide. Answer: Aiden, a clinically depressed husband, murders his wife and two children in a fit of rage and then attempts suicide. He was recently laid off and before murdering his family, he was on the verge of a catastrophic economic loss. 53) Briefly describe child maltreatment. Answer: Child maltreatment, often used interchangeably with child abuse, includes a broad range of behaviours that place a child at serious risk or result in serious harm. This term involves either harmful acts or failure to act responsibly by a biological parent, stepparent, foster parent, and adoptive parent. Other caregivers include clergy, coaches, teachers, and babysitters. The most common types of child maltreatment are physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. 54) Explain how ignoring sibling violence can be disastrous to a child’s growth. Answer: Ignoring or intervening briefly in sibling violence doesn’t teach children the skills they need for regulating their behavior throughout life. Children learn that aggression is acceptable not only between brothers and sisters but also later with their own spouses and children. Such perceptions increase the likelihood of bullying at school and aggressive behavior with friends and in dating relationships. Outside the home, peers, teachers, employers, and co-workers rarely tolerate impulsive and negative behavior because a group’s stability and productivity require problem solving, anger management, negotiation, cooperation, and compromise. 55) Studies have shown that elder abuse usually occurs as a result of lack of kinship. Provide an accurate explanation that is likely to support this conclusion. Answer: Elder abuse is more likely when family members don’t have a strong social network of kin, friends, and neighbours. Care providers who don’t have supportive networks to provide occasional relief from their caretaking activities experience strain and may become violent toward their elderly parents or relatives. 56) Kurt, a social theorist, opines that heterosexuals are less likely to suffer from IPV than homosexuals. Provide an accurate explanation that supports Kurt’s view. Answer: Heterosexuals have been found to have lower victimization rates than lesbians and gay men. It could be that many have experienced considerable humiliation, bullying, and rejection at school that increases the likelihood of violence in adulthood. Within samesex relationships, homophobia can increase abusive behavior if a partner uses it as a psychological weapon by threatening to expose the relationship to parents or employers. 57) Mason believes that men are more aggressive toward women due to societal outlooks and traditional values relating to male–female relationships. He feels that men are prone to violence in order to establish power and dominance over women, who are increasingly growing independent. Identify and briefly describe the social theory described in this scenario. Answer: In this scenario, Mason is likely to be a subscriber of feminist theories. According to feminist theories, male aggression against women and children is common in patriarchal societies in which men have power, status, and privilege. Females, on the other hand, are marginalized and expected to accept male domination. Women’s growing independence has resulted in some men using violence to reestablish their power in the relationship. 58) Briefly describe the key concepts of resource theory. Answer: According to resource theory, because men usually command greater financial, educational, and social resources than women do, men have more power. Men with the fewest resources are the most likely to resort to abuse. 59) Briefly describe the terms “bulimia” and “anorexia nervosa.” Answer: Bulimia is a cyclical pattern of eating binges followed by self-induced vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise, or using laxatives. Anorexia nervosa, usually abbreviated as anorexia, is a dangerous eating disorder. It’s characterized by a fear of obesity, the conviction that one is fat, significant weight loss, and refusal to maintain weight within normal age and height limits. 60) Jayden, an army veteran, is suffering from a mental disorder that is characterized by high levels of sadness and loss of interest in daily activities. He prefers to remain alone and consumes large amounts of illicit drugs. Identify and explain the mental disorder that afflicts Jayden. Answer: In this scenario, Jayden is exhibiting signs of depression. Depression is a mental disorder characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest in everyday activities. Depression interferes with the ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy experiences that were formerly pleasurable. Test Bank for Marriages and Families Nijole V Benokraitis 9780205957224, 9780134736150

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