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Chapter 13 The Economy and Family Life 1) Which of the following is a characteristic of work? A) It produces goods, not services. B) It is limited to physical activities. C) It consists solely of mental activities. D) It provides a sense of stability. Answer: D Rationale: Work often provides individuals with a sense of stability through regular income, routine, and structure in their lives. This stability can be crucial for meeting basic needs and planning for the future, making option D the correct choice. 2) ________ is a process of social and economic change because of the reduction of industrial activity, especially manufacturing. A) Deindustrialization B) Commodification C) Reindustrialization D) Commercialization Answer: A Rationale: Deindustrialization refers to the decline in industrial activity within a particular region or country, particularly in manufacturing sectors. This process often leads to economic and social changes, such as shifts in employment opportunities and urban development. 3) People who spend at least 27 weeks a year in the labor force, working or looking for work, but whose family or personal incomes fall below the official poverty level are called ________. A) the welfare class B) the bourgeois class C) the working poor D) discouraged workers Answer: C Rationale: The term "working poor" refers to individuals or families who are actively participating in the labor force but still earn incomes below the poverty level. This situation highlights the challenges faced by individuals who work but struggle to meet their basic needs. 4) Joe is destitute and lives on streets and abandoned buildings because he has no money to pay rent. He often sorts through garbage to find food to eat. In this scenario, Joe is experiencing ________. A) absolute poverty B) the feminization of poverty C) relative poverty D) voluntary poverty Answer: A Rationale: Absolute poverty refers to a severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, shelter, and clothing. Joe's situation, where he lacks even the most essential resources for survival, aligns with the concept of absolute poverty. 5) Though Tracy prefers to be a full-time homemaker and spend more time with her children, she cannot do so because she is a single mother and needs to provide financial support to her family. Which of the following categories of working mothers does Tracy fit into? A) captives B) conflicted C) copers D) committed Answer: A Rationale: Captive mothers are those who work due to financial necessity rather than personal preference. Tracy's situation, where she desires to stay at home but works out of necessity, aligns with the category of captive mothers. 6) Which of the following is a difference between dual-earner and dual-career couples? A) In dual-earner couples, both partners work in positions that involve ongoing professional growth whereas in dual-career couples, only one partner works in such a position. B) In dual-career couples, both partners work in positions that require long-term commitment whereas in dual-earner couples, partners may or may not work in such positions. C) In dual-earner couples, both partners work in managerial positions whereas in dualcareer couples, both partners work in non-managerial positions. D) In dual-career couples, partners are less qualified to perform their jobs than partners in dual-earner couples. Answer: B Rationale: Dual-earner couples typically consist of both partners working, but not necessarily in careers that demand long-term commitment or professional advancement. Dual-career couples, on the other hand, often involve both partners pursuing careers that require substantial dedication and professional growth. 7) Which of the following is True of commuter marriages? A) Spouses meet occasionally, such as over weekends. B) Spouses travel together to work. C) They are also known as open marriages. D) One of the parents only has visitation rights over their children. Answer: A Rationale: Commuter marriages involve spouses who live apart due to work commitments but come together periodically, such as over weekends or during scheduled visits. This arrangement allows them to maintain their careers while still sustaining their marital relationship. 8) A study about women in the workforce reported that women are less likely to be offered promotions than men. Which of the following statements, if True, is most likely to support the findings of the study? A) Single working women are often expected to work longer hours than women who have children. B) Research indicates that women have stronger leadership qualities than men. C) Women have more access to task forces and highly visible committees than men. D) A majority of working women complain of biased and damaging evaluations by male supervisors. Answer: D Rationale: Option D provides evidence that women experience biased evaluations by male supervisors, which could contribute to their lower likelihood of being offered promotions compared to men. This statement aligns with the findings of the study mentioned in the question. 9) ________ refers to working remotely through electronic linkups to a central office. A) Crowdsourcing B) Telecommuting C) Vetting D) Hot desking Answer: B Rationale: Telecommuting involves working from a remote location, often one's home, using electronic communication technologies to stay connected to a central office. This arrangement allows employees to perform their job duties without being physically present in the workplace. 10) Briefly explain some benefits of flex time. Answer: Some employers endorse flex time because it decreases tardiness resulting from arriving late due to seeing children off to school or leaving early because of being home when the kids leave school. Also, employees who work later shifts can accommodate more clients and customers, especially those in different time zones. The more flexibility employees have, the higher their job satisfaction and the less likely they are to leave a company. Flexible work schedules reduce work–family conflicts that, in turn, decrease the likelihood of exhaustion, stress, depression, job turnover, absenteeism, and irritability with family members. Women, single parents, and those with high child care and housework workloads are especially likely to benefit from workplace flexibility, and at very little cost to an employer. 1) In the early 1960s, there was a reduction in industrial activity, especially manufacturing because ________. A) managing employees was considered easier than managing machines B) globalization limited the growth and spread of investment and trade C) employers replaced the lowest skilled workers with automation D) there was an increasing demand for workers in assembly line jobs Answer: C Rationale: Option C accurately reflects the trend of automation replacing low-skilled workers in manufacturing during the early 1960s. This technological advancement led to a reduction in industrial activity, particularly in manufacturing sectors, as companies sought to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs. 2) Which of the following is True of deindustrialization? A) It refers to an increase in manufacturing activities. B) It is also known as inshoring. C) It refers to companies spending more on people than on machines. D) It has been accelerated by globalization. Answer: D Rationale: Deindustrialization involves a decline in industrial activity, particularly in manufacturing, within a specific region or country. This process has been accelerated by globalization, which facilitates the movement of manufacturing operations to countries with lower labor costs. 3) CL Corp., an automobile manufacturing firm, decided to close its home office in Detroit and open three manufacturing centers across India. The company decided to take advantage of the lower labor and investment costs in India. This scenario is an example of ________. A) offshoring B) insourcing C) deindustrialization D) inshoring Answer: A Rationale: Offshoring refers to the relocation of business operations or processes to a foreign country to take advantage of lower labor costs, as exemplified by CL Corp.'s decision to move manufacturing centers to India. 4) Which of the following is True of offshoring? A) It is restricted because of globalization. B) It helps reduce a company’s costs in the home country. C) It refers to the transfer of jobs within different states in a country. D) It indicates the increase of manufacturing jobs within a country. Answer: B Rationale: Offshoring typically involves transferring business activities to foreign countries to reduce costs, particularly labor costs. By outsourcing tasks to countries with lower wage rates, companies can often achieve cost savings in their home countries. 5) Robert works as a maintenance engineer at ASL Corp., a steel plant. His co-workers are planning to form a labor union to lobby for better employee facilities. Robert is unsure whether he should be a part of the labor union and support its formation. Which of the following, if True, would strengthen his decision to do so? A) In the past, the formation of labor unions has helped in providing greater workplace safety to employees. B) Labor unions are more beneficial for employees in retail companies as compared to manufacturing companies. C) The compensation package and provisions provided by ASL Corp are better than those provided by most steel companies in the country. D) Strong labor unions limit the employer’s freedom which often forces them to move their operations overseas. Answer: A Rationale: Option A provides evidence of the historical effectiveness of labor unions in advocating for improved workplace safety, which would benefit Robert and his co-workers. This strengthens Robert's decision to support the formation of a labor union at ASL Corp. 6) Wealth has several components. Which of the following is an example of property, one of the components of wealth? A) bonds B) stocks C) real estate D) wages Answer: C Rationale: Property, as a component of wealth, refers to assets such as real estate, land, or buildings. Option C, real estate, exemplifies this category of wealth. 7) Matthew works as a personal finance advisor. Over the course of his career, he has provided financial advice to several families in Baltonia. Recently, he wrote an article on how Baltonian middle-class families are spendthrifts rather than savers. Which of the following is most likely to weaken Matthew’s analysis? A) Studies indicate that Baltonia has the highest rate of consumerism in the world. B) Surveys on middle-class families in Baltonia indicate that they are not responsible buyers like families in other neighbouring countries. C) Middle class families in Baltonia often withdraw funds from retirement accounts. D) Over 90 percent of people in Baltonia have large pension and saving accounts. Answer: D Rationale: Option D weakens Matthew's analysis by providing evidence that contradicts the assertion that Baltonian middle-class families are spendthrifts. The presence of large pension and saving accounts among the population suggests a propensity for saving rather than excessive spending. 8) Which of the following constitutes corporate welfare? A) flextime B) pension C) tax breaks D) health insurance Answer: C Rationale: Corporate welfare refers to government policies or subsidies that provide financial benefits to corporations. Tax breaks, as indicated in option C, are a common form of corporate welfare, allowing companies to reduce their tax liabilities and retain more profits. 9) Which of the following best describes corporate welfare? A) favorable treatment that the government creates for businesses B) contributions that employees of a company make to their society C) environmentally sustainable initiatives that companies participate in D) welfare activities that the government undertakes for people living in absolute poverty Answer: A Rationale: Corporate welfare involves favorable treatment or subsidies provided by the government to businesses, as described in option A. These policies aim to support corporate interests, promote economic growth, or incentivize specific industries. 10) The working poor are those ________. A) who spend a minimum of 15 weeks in the labor force B) who work solely as white-collar workers C) who earn wages that fall below the official poverty level D) who earn high disposable income Answer: C Rationale: The working poor refers to individuals or families who are employed but earn wages that fall below the official poverty level. Option C accurately describes this demographic group, highlighting their struggle to meet basic living expenses despite being actively employed. 11) Carrie works as a part-time waitress at a restaurant and receives less than minimum wage. She does not have a regular work schedule and is only called in when a waitress does not turn up. Her total annual salary falls below the official poverty line. In this scenario, Carrie can be classified under the ________. A) welfare class B) working poor C) bourgeois class D) middle-class Answer: B Rationale: Carrie's situation exemplifies that of the working poor, individuals who are actively employed but earn wages below the official poverty line. Despite working, Carrie's income is insufficient to meet basic living expenses, placing her within the category of the working poor. 12) Which of the following professionals is most likely to have nonstandard work hours? A) a teacher B) an accountant C) a banker D) a firefighter Answer: D Rationale: Option D, a firefighter, is most likely to have nonstandard work hours due to the nature of their job, which often involves shift work and being on call for emergencies at irregular times. Unlike professions like teaching or accounting, firefighting requires round-the-clock availability, resulting in nonstandard work schedules. 13) How are nonstandard work schedules beneficial for families? A) They help reduce child care costs. B) They make parents’ work schedules more predictable. C) They reduce the possibility of a divorce. D) They prevent parents from undertaking shift work. Answer: A Rationale: Nonstandard work schedules, such as those involving part-time or flexible hours, can help reduce child care costs for families. By allowing parents to work alternative hours or shifts, families may rely less on expensive child care services, contributing to cost savings. 14) Which of the following is an advantage of hiring part-time workers for companies? A) They help reduce employee turnover rates. B) They lower costs of health and unemployment insurance for a company. C) Part-time workers tend to be more committed than full-time workers in a company. D) Part-time workers are more familiar with the way a company functions. Answer: B Rationale: Option B highlights a key advantage of hiring part-time workers for companies: lower costs of health and unemployment insurance. Since part-time workers typically receive fewer benefits compared to full-time employees, companies can save on insurance expenses by hiring part-time staff. 15) Mary, an unemployed mother, has decided to give up on searching for a job after applying for numerous jobs since last year. Despite sending job applications to several companies, she was not offered a job. In this scenario, Mary is an example of a(n) ________. A) discouraged worker B) underemployed worker C) part-time worker D) overemployed worker Answer: A Rationale: Mary is classified as a discouraged worker, as she has stopped actively seeking employment due to discouragement from her unsuccessful job search efforts. Despite being willing to work, Mary's lack of job prospects has led her to abandon her job search, placing her in the category of discouraged workers. 16) ________ are people who have part-time jobs but want full-time work or whose jobs are below their experience, skill, and education level. A) Discouraged workers B) Hidden workers C) Underemployed workers D) Overemployed workers Answer: C Rationale: Underemployed workers are individuals who are employed part-time but desire full-time employment or whose current jobs do not fully utilize their skills, education, or experience. Option C accurately describes this group of workers, highlighting their mismatch between employment status and career aspirations. 17) Which of the following best describes absolute poverty? A) It indicates having enough money only to maintain an average standard of living. B) It refers to having the money to access food and shelter but not purchase luxury products. C) It indicates an income level that falls right above the poverty line. D) It refers to not having enough money to afford the basic necessities of life. Answer: D Rationale: Option D accurately describes absolute poverty as a condition characterized by a lack of sufficient income to afford basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. Absolute poverty represents the most severe form of poverty, where individuals struggle to meet essential needs for survival. 18) Which of the following is True of the poverty threshold? A) It refers to the minimum income level that the government considers necessary for basic subsistence. B) It remains constant and does not change over time. C) It indicates that anyone whose income is above the threshold is eligible for government assistance. D) It refers to anyone who has the basic necessities of life but cannot maintain an average standard of living. Answer: A Rationale: The poverty threshold represents the minimum income level established by the government as necessary to meet basic subsistence needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. Option A accurately describes the purpose of the poverty threshold, emphasizing its role in determining eligibility for government assistance programs based on income levels. 19) The feminization of poverty refers to ________. A) how poverty can be reduced by employing a higher number of women B) trends that indicate women empowerment C) how women who play traditional gender roles tend to be poor D) the likelihood that female heads of households will be poor Answer: D Rationale: Option D correctly defines the feminization of poverty as the phenomenon where a disproportionate number of female-headed households are classified as poor or living in poverty. This trend highlights the vulnerability of women, particularly single mothers, to economic hardship and poverty. 20) The economic homeless are those who ________. A) have been homeless for a long period of time B) are newly displaced from homes because of financial problems C) are homeless because they suffer from mental illnesses D) are in an extended, self-perpetuating cycle of poverty Answer: B Rationale: Option B accurately describes the economic homeless as individuals who are newly displaced from their homes due to financial difficulties or economic hardship. Unlike other forms of homelessness, economic homelessness may result from sudden job loss, eviction, or foreclosure, leading to housing instability. 21) James, who has a history of drug and alcohol abuse, has been living on the streets since the past ten years. In this scenario, James can be classified as a(n)_________. A) economic homeless B) transitory homeless C) chronic homeless D) financial homeless Answer: C Rationale: James fits the description of a chronic homeless individual, someone who has been continuously homeless for an extended period, typically for a year or more, and often struggles with complex issues such as substance abuse, mental illness, or disabilities. 22) Which of the following is a primary reason why women are increasingly working outside the home? A) Women have lesser educational qualifications than men. B) The role of a homemaker today is considered more fulfilling than a professional career. C) Traditional gender roles are reinforced by society. D) Women experience personal satisfaction by pursuing a career. Answer: D Rationale: Option D correctly identifies personal satisfaction as a primary motivator for women working outside the home. In modern society, women increasingly seek fulfillment through pursuing careers and professional development, challenging traditional gender roles that confined them to domestic responsibilities. 23) Robert is conducting research on the effects of marriage on couples. He finds that married women are more likely to be affected by their marital status than men. Which of the following statements, if True, is most likely to strengthen Robert’s finding? A) Married women who work for more than 45 hours per week are more likely to quit their jobs than those who are unmarried. B) A large majority of married men are passed over for top managerial positions despite being well-qualified. C) Women who have invested more time in their education have a greater commitment to their careers after marriage. D) Studies have shown that men become more responsible and efficient workers after marriage than when they were unmarried. Answer: A Rationale: Option A supports Robert's finding by highlighting the impact of marriage on the labor force participation of women. The statement suggests that married women working long hours are more likely to prioritize family responsibilities over their careers, indicating a significant effect of marital status on employment decisions. 24) Captives are those who ________. A) consider their careers more important than their families B) are forced to become full-time homemakers because of the expectations of society C) have high occupational aspirations D) remain in the labor force reluctantly Answer: D Rationale: Option D correctly defines captives as individuals who remain in the labor force reluctantly, often due to financial necessity rather than personal career aspirations. Captives may feel constrained by economic circumstances, lacking the freedom to pursue alternative employment or career paths. 25) Which of the following is an example of a conflicted mother? A) Kate is highly committed to her job. B) Beatrice invests equal amounts of time in her job and her children. C) Jane feels that her being employed is detrimental to her children. D) Lora finds her job financially and emotionally gratifying. Answer: C Rationale: Option C represents a conflicted mother, someone who experiences internal conflict or guilt regarding their work-life balance and the impact of their employment on their children. Jane's perception that her job negatively affects her children reflects the characteristic dilemma faced by conflicted mothers. 26) ________ are women with young children who choose jobs with enough flexibility to accommodate family needs. A) Copers B) Conflicteds C) Captives D) Committeds Answer: A Rationale: Option A correctly identifies copers as women who prioritize family needs by selecting jobs with sufficient flexibility. Copers actively seek work arrangements that allow them to balance their caregiving responsibilities with employment, demonstrating adaptability and resourcefulness in managing work-life integration. 27) A two-person single career is one in which ________. A) a spouse participates in the other’s career behind the scenes B) both spouses work outside the home C) there is very little difference between the earnings of the two spouses D) both spouses work in positions that require extensive training Answer: A Rationale: Option A describes a two-person single career, where one spouse actively participates in the other's career progression and success, albeit indirectly or behind the scenes. This arrangement often involves one partner providing support, guidance, or assistance to the other's professional endeavors. 28) Which of the following is an example of a two-person single career? A) couples in which both the husband and wife are marketing professionals B) a stay-at-home wife and an entrepreneur husband C) a stay-at-home dad and a working wife D) the President and the first lady Answer: D Rationale: Option D exemplifies a two-person single career, as it involves a married couple where one partner's career is closely intertwined with the other's public or political role. In this scenario, the first lady typically supports the President's career and initiatives, contributing to their shared professional trajectory. 29) Which of the following is True of being a stay-at-home dad? A) They are more likely to instill problem-solving skills by letting children figure things out for themselves. B) They are less intimately involved with their children. C) They are less likely to be stigmatized by society. D) They take up the role because they feel that their career is more important than child rearing. Answer: A Rationale: Option A highlights a positive aspect of being a stay-at-home dad, emphasizing their potential to foster problem-solving skills in their children by encouraging independent learning and exploration. This aspect challenges traditional gender stereotypes and underscores the valuable contributions of stay-at-home fathers to child development. 30) Which of the following is a cost of being a stay-at-home dad? A) They feel emasculated because much of their identity comes from being a good nurturer. B) They feel unappreciated by their working spouses. C) They participate in their wife’s career behind the scenes. D) They work in professional positions out of their homes and cannot spend sufficient time with their children. Answer: B Rationale: Option B identifies a potential cost or challenge associated with being a stay-at-home dad, namely feeling unappreciated by their working spouses. Despite their caregiving role and contributions to the family, stay-at-home fathers may experience feelings of undervaluation or lack of recognition from their partners, impacting their overall satisfaction and well-being. 31) Even when stay-at-home dads say that it’s one of the most rewarding experiences they’ve had, they often feel stigmatized and emasculated by unemployment. Which of the following is a reason behind this? A) Men are more intimately involved with their kids than women. B) Women are more likely than men to be concerned about losing their business skills while being a stay-at-home parent. C) Research shows that societies are increasingly accepting the role of stay-at-home dads. D) Much of men’s identity comes from being a good provider. Answer: D Rationale: Option D provides a rationale that aligns with the societal expectation of men as providers. Traditional gender roles often dictate that men should fulfill the role of the primary breadwinner, and when they deviate from this expectation by becoming unemployed or assuming caregiving responsibilities, they may experience feelings of emasculation and stigma. 32) Money that remains after the costs of basic necessities have been paid is known as ________ income. A) real B) total personal C) discretionary D) nominal Answer: C Rationale: Discretionary income, option C, represents the portion of income remaining after essential expenses like food, housing, and utilities have been deducted. It's the money available for non-essential purchases or savings, providing individuals with financial flexibility and the ability to make discretionary spending decisions. 33) Lydia and Bennett are a working couple. Lydia works as an accountant, while Bennett runs a software company out of home. In this scenario, which of the following holds True? A) Lydia and Bennett are a two-person single career couple. B) Lydia and Bennett play traditional gender roles. C) Lydia and Bennett are a dual-earner couple. D) Lydia and Bennett are a stay-at-home couple. Answer: C Rationale: Option C correctly identifies Lydia and Bennett as a dual-earner couple since both partners are engaged in paid employment outside the home. Their arrangement contrasts with traditional gender roles, as both individuals contribute to the household income through their respective careers. 34) In ________, both partners work in professional or managerial positions that require extensive training and ongoing professional growth. A) dual-earner couples B) dual-career couples C) two-person single career couples D) one-person single career couples Answer: B Rationale: Option B defines dual-career couples as those where both partners pursue professional or managerial careers that demand continuous training and development. This arrangement typically involves a mutual commitment to career advancement and may require balancing work and family responsibilities. 35) John and Gilbert are discussing dual-earner couples. John states that dual-earner couples generally share egalitarian relationships. However, Gilbert disagrees and argues that such relationships are rarely egalitarian. Which of the following accurate statements is most likely to strengthen Gilbert’s argument? A) In today’s world, parenting is no longer gendered among two-income couples. B) Spouses in dual-earner couples often work 60-hour weeks which leave them with little time to spend with their children. C) Spouses in dual-earner couples have equal responsibility for domestic tasks, including child care. D) Dual-earner couples rarely make equal domestic contributions. Answer: D Rationale: Option D supports Gilbert's argument by highlighting the unequal distribution of domestic responsibilities within dual-earner couples. Despite both partners being employed, gendered norms and societal expectations often result in disparities in household chores and caregiving duties, challenging the notion of egalitarianism in these relationships. 36) Daniel is conducting research on women’s growth and development at the workplace. He finds that women’s promotions are based solely on their acquired skills and performance and not on cultural expectations. Which of the following statements, if True, is most likely to weaken Daniel’s finding? A) Research indicates that an increasing number of couples share equal amounts of paid work, housework, and child care. B) Women are often not promoted because gender ideologies endorse breadwinning men and homemaking women. C) Studies show that single women tend to be promoted more frequently than married women with children. D) Long working hours for couples in managerial jobs lower gender inequality by eliminating “separate spheres” at home and the workplace. Answer: B Rationale: Option B weakens Daniel's finding by suggesting that cultural expectations and gender ideologies influence women's promotion prospects, contrary to the notion that promotions are solely based on skills and performance. This statement highlights the persistence of gender biases in the workplace, undermining the meritocratic ideal. 37) An advantage of two-income families is that they ________. A) raise the family’s standard of living B) help parents spend more time with their children C) lower role overload for parents D) allow women to play the role of kin keepers Answer: A Rationale: Option A identifies an advantage of two-income families, namely raising the family's standard of living. With dual incomes, families have greater financial resources to meet their needs and potentially afford a higher quality of life, including access to education, healthcare, and leisure activities. 38) Which of the following is a cost of dual-earner couples? A) They lower the family’s standard of living. B) They create the problem of role overload. C) They tend to make children more “needy.” D) They increase productivity at work. Answer: B Rationale: Option B highlights role overload as a potential cost associated with dual-earner couples. Balancing work and family responsibilities can lead to feelings of stress, exhaustion, and overwhelm for parents, contributing to role overload and impacting overall well-being and family dynamics. 39) Which of the following is most likely a negative consequence of role overload? A) higher employee retention B) decreased absenteeism C) lowered turnover D) decreased productivity Answer: D Rationale: Option D identifies decreased productivity as a negative consequence of role overload. When individuals are overwhelmed by multiple responsibilities and commitments, their ability to focus, make effective decisions, and perform tasks efficiently may be compromised, resulting in decreased productivity at work and in other domains of life. 40) A major advantage of commuter marriages is that they ________. A) allow couples to spend more time with each other B) involve high-paying jobs C) reduce traveling costs for the couple D) help couples give more time to child rearing activities Answer: B Rationale: Option B highlights high-paying jobs as a major advantage of commuter marriages. In many cases, one or both partners in commuter marriages may pursue lucrative career opportunities in distant locations, leading to increased earning potential and financial stability for the couple. 41) Commuter marriages have the disadvantage of involving extra costs. Which of the following is a reason behind this? A) Commuter marriages mostly involve low paying jobs which make raising a family more costly. B) Frequent traveling and maintaining two homes tend to be expensive for the couple. C) Commuter marriages create the costs of uprooting teenage children. D) Increased dependency between spouses creates marital discord which may lead to divorce. Answer: B Rationale: Option B correctly identifies the additional expenses associated with commuter marriages. Frequent travel between two separate residences and the maintenance of multiple households can incur significant financial costs, including transportation expenses, housing costs, and utilities, contributing to the overall financial burden on the couple. 42) The ________ is the overall income difference between women and men in the workplace. A) gender imbalance B) discretionary income C) gender wage gap D) gender neutrality Answer: C Rationale: Option C defines the gender wage gap as the overall income disparity between women and men in the workplace. It represents the average difference in earnings between male and female workers, typically expressed as a percentage of men's earnings, highlighting systemic inequalities in pay based on gender. 43) The gender pay gap is also known as a ________. A) gender analysis B) wage gap C) gender imbalance D) gender parity Answer: B Rationale: Option B identifies the gender pay gap as another term for the income disparity between men and women in the workplace. This term emphasizes the difference in wages earned by men and women for comparable work, reflecting gender-based disparities in compensation and opportunities for advancement. 44) The glass ceiling refers to ________. A) programs that help women climb the corporate ladder B) women’s placement in staff positions that are on the career track to the top C) trends that indicate women’s bias toward other women at the workplace D) attitudinal workplace obstacles faced by women Answer: D Rationale: Option D correctly defines the glass ceiling as attitudinal and systemic barriers that impede the career advancement of women and minorities in the workplace. It represents invisible but pervasive obstacles that prevent qualified individuals from reaching top positions within organizations due to factors such as gender, race, or ethnicity. 45) Which of the following represents a glass ceiling effect? A) Patricia was not promoted to the position of a marketing manager because Anthony was more qualified for the position. B) Donna received a biased job evaluation by Scott, her manager, who favors his male team members over her. C) Timothy was not selected for a job because he did not have the relevant skills for it. D) Amy, who is a mother of two children, experiences a large pay gap compared to the single women at her office. Answer: B Rationale: Option B exemplifies the glass ceiling effect by depicting a situation where a qualified woman, Donna, faces discriminatory treatment from her male manager, Scott, who favors her male colleagues for job opportunities or promotions, thereby hindering her career progression despite her qualifications and performance. 46) Which of the following is a similarity between the glass ceiling and glass escalator effect? A) both focus specifically on women who are mothers B) both focus on stay-at-home mothers C) both refer to biases against women D) both indicate the removal of traditional gender stereotypes Answer: C Rationale: Option C correctly identifies a similarity between the glass ceiling and glass escalator effect in that both phenomena involve biases against women in the workplace. The glass ceiling represents barriers to women's vertical career advancement, while the glass escalator refers to biases that propel men, particularly in female-dominated professions, into leadership positions at a faster rate than women. 47) Which of the following best describes occupational sex segregation? A) It is the process of segregating women based on their marital status. B) It involves a lack of mentoring for women and providing them limited access to highly visible committees at the workplace. C) It refers to the process of lowering the pay gap by encouraging women to join maledominated occupations. D) It is the process of channeling women and men into different types of jobs. Answer: D Rationale: Option D accurately describes occupational sex segregation as the process of channeling women and men into different types of jobs based on gender stereotypes and societal norms. This phenomenon results in the concentration of men and women in distinct occupational categories, contributing to gender disparities in wages, status, and opportunities for advancement. 48) An advantage of flextime is that it ________. A) contributes to job turnover B) increases the possibility of presenteeism C) ensures that employees have fixed work hours D) decreases the likelihood of exhaustion Answer: D Rationale: Option D highlights a benefit of flextime by stating that it decreases the likelihood of exhaustion among employees. Flextime allows workers to have greater control over their schedules, enabling them to manage their work hours more effectively, achieve better work-life balance, and reduce the risk of burnout or fatigue associated with rigid work schedules. 49) James is an employee of RVC Corporation. He works from home and regularly communicates with employees at the central office via email and other modes of communication. This type of work arrangement is an example of ________. A) flextime B) hot desking C) telecommuting D) coworking Answer: C Rationale: Option C correctly identifies James's work arrangement as telecommuting, which involves working remotely from a location outside the central office, typically from home or another off-site location. Telecommuting allows employees to perform their job duties using technology-mediated communication tools, offering flexibility and autonomy in managing their work schedules and environments. 50) Gina works as an architect at AMZ Corporation. She recently had a baby and plans to take two months of leave from work. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, which of the following benefits can she avail? A) Gina can avail paid leave for 12 weeks. B) Gina can take leave from work without losing her job. C) Gina can return to a job with fewer responsibilities but with the same pay and benefits. D) Gina can depend on the supervisor’s goodwill for leave. Answer: B Rationale: Option B correctly identifies one of the benefits provided by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which allows eligible employees like Gina to take unpaid leave from work for up to 12 weeks without the risk of losing their job or health benefits. FMLA provides job protection and ensures continuity of employment for employees who need time off for qualified medical or family-related reasons, including childbirth and childcare responsibilities. 51) A limitation of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is that ________. A) it does not cover childbirth or parental leave B) the leave should be taken all at once C) the leave is unpaid D) it does not require employees to notify the employer about the leave Answer: C Rationale: Option C correctly identifies a limitation of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which is that the leave provided by FMLA is unpaid. While FMLA offers eligible employees the opportunity to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for qualified medical or family-related reasons, such as the birth of a child or the care of a family member with a serious health condition, the absence of paid leave can pose financial challenges for employees, particularly those who rely on regular income to meet their financial obligations. As a result, the lack of compensation during FMLA leave may limit its accessibility and effectiveness for employees who cannot afford to take unpaid time off from work. 52) What is globalization? Explain with the help of an example. Answer: Globalization is the growth and spread of investment, trade, production, communication, and new technology around the world. One example of globalization is a motor vehicle that is assembled in the United States with all of its parts manufactured and produced in Germany, Japan, South Korea, or developing countries. 53) What are some of the criticisms against labor unions? Answer: Critics of labor unions argue that they have too much influence, that its members are overpaid, and that unions drain state resources because of the pension benefits and high salaries of public sector employees such as teachers, nurses, sanitation workers, and police. Critics also contend that unions have limited employers’ flexibility in hiring and firing decisions, and that ever-increasing labor and health care costs have forced employers to move their operations overseas to remain competitive. 54) How do nonstandard work schedules of parents affect children? Answer: Nonstandard work schedules can create problems because one or both parents spend less time with their children (especially on week ends and evenings) and provide less supervision and help with homework. The more nighttime hours that mothers work, the more likely they are to feel tired and anxious, and to spend less time in stimulating activities with their children such as playing games and reading books together. Some of the negative effects include children developing fewer language skills, doing poorly in school, and being more depressed. 55) What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring part-time workers? Answer: The major advantage of hiring part-time workers is that employers can save on costs, such as health insurance, vacations, and unemployment insurance, by hiring more (or all) part-time workers. The downside includes higher turnover and employees who are often less committed to turning out a better product or providing a better service. 56) How does the Department of Agriculture determine the poverty threshold? Answer: To determine the poverty threshold, the Department of Agriculture estimates the annual cost of food that meets minimum nutritional guidelines and then multiplies this figure by three to cover the minimum costs of clothing, housing, and other necessities. Anyone whose income is below this threshold is considered officially poor and is eligible for government assistance such as food stamps. 57) Even though most highly educated women are committed to their careers and work long hours, they’re less likely than their male counterparts to advance in their jobs. Explain the reasons behind this. Answer: Even though many people are endorsing egalitarian gender roles regarding family and work responsibilities, research shows that behavior hasn’t caught up with attitudes because parenting is still gendered among many two-income couples. In professional and managerial jobs, the norm is a 60-hour week for both partners. The long work hours intensify gender inequality by reinforcing “separate spheres” at home and the workplace. When the husband works long hours, his wife is more likely to quit because of child care responsibilities. However, wives’ long work hours don’t affect men’s employment status or child-rearing tasks. This is because cultural expectations and gender ideologies still endorse breadwinning men and homemaking women. 58) Larry and Kim, a married couple, work in different cities. Due to the economic recession, they were left with no choice but to accept jobs in different places. However, they travel to meet each other every weekend. Identify and explain the type of marriage seen in this scenario. Answer: This scenario is an example of a commuter marriage. In a commuter marriage, the spouses live and work in different geographic areas and get together intermittently, such as over weekends. There are several reasons for commuter marriages. When jobs are scarce, financial security is an important factor in launching a commuter marriage. Another reason is that if one partner sees that relocation will have negative effects on her or his employment prospects, she or he may decide not to move. Additionally, if both partners have well-established careers in different cities, neither may be willing to make major job sacrifices after marriage. A commuter marriage may also avoid the stress of uprooting teenage children or aging parents. 59) Explain the concept of a motherhood penalty with the help of an example. Answer: Motherhood penalty refers to a pay gap between women who are mothers and women who aren’t mothers. A groundbreaking study of the motherhood penalty found that many employers believed that mothers, compared with nonmothers, are less committed to the workplace, less dependable, and less competent. Even though both groups had very similar résumés and work experience, the women who were mothers were offered $11,000 less in starting salaries than women who weren’t mothers. 60) Occupational sex segregation is a major factor behind the gender pay gap. Explain. Answer: Occupational sex segregation is a major factor behind the pay gap because female-dominated occupations pay lower wages. In 2012, for example, among full-time employees, 98 percent of workers in construction, production, or transportation occupations were men; their annual median earnings were almost $39,000. Bank tellers— 89 percent of whom are women—had annual median earnings of only $26,000. 61) Lloyd and Martin Inc. is an advertising firm. The company’s management has decided to provide the option of telecommuting to its employees. How would implementing such a work arrangement be beneficial for the company? Answer: Telecommuting refers to working remotely through electronic linkups to a central office. Telecommuting is a flexible option that allows parents to combine work and child rearing. Such a work arrangement can cut a company’s energy costs, reduce pollution because fewer people would be driving to work, and decrease the pool of workers who experience transportation problems (especially in urban and rural areas). Additionally, it can enhance productivity by reducing the number of trips to work, lower overhead costs by decreasing the amount of office space, and increase access to a larger pool of qualified workers. Test Bank for Marriages and Families Nijole V Benokraitis 9780205957224, 9780134736150

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