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Chapter 10 - Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development 1. According to the text, the rite of passage into adulthood that typically occurs in primitive societies is generally followed immediately by: a. marriage and full status as an adult b. a one- or two-year apprenticeship to gain full adult status c. a period of six or eight years during which the adult roles and norms are learned d. economic, but not social, independence from the family Answer: b Rationale: In many primitive societies, the transition into adulthood involves a period of apprenticeship or initiation rites, where young individuals are mentored or undergo specific rituals to gain full adult status. This aligns with option b, as it reflects the idea of a transitional phase before achieving full adult status. 2. As compared to females, males’ bodies typically produce more: a. estrogen b. progesterone c. secondary trophic hormones d. androgenic hormones Answer: d Rationale: Androgenic hormones are primarily produced in males and are responsible for male sexual characteristics and functions. This is in contrast to options a, b, and c, which are more associated with female reproductive processes. 3. According to the text, more U. S. adolescent girls become pregnant than adolescent girls from Western European countries because U. S. adolescent girls: a. are more sexually active b. will experience more social stigma for an illegitimate birth c. are less likely to use contraception d. experience too much affection at home Answer: c Rationale: The higher rate of adolescent pregnancies in the U.S. compared to Western European countries is largely attributed to lower rates of contraception use among U.S. adolescents. This is reflected in option c, making it the correct answer. 4. If Jason were looking for terms to describe the typical qualities of adolescents and emerging adults in the United States today, he would be correct in using all of the following EXCEPT: a. age-segregated b. economically dependent c. nonconforming d. vulnerable-to-crisis Answer: c Rationale: Adolescents and emerging adults in the United States are often described as age-segregated, economically dependent, and vulnerable-to-crisis. However, nonconforming is not typically used to describe the majority, as conformity tends to be more prevalent during this developmental stage. 5. Which of the following dates would represent the year in which the sexual revolution in the United States was at its highest point? a. 1957 b. 1963 c. 1978 d. 1995 Answer: c Rationale: The sexual revolution in the United States peaked around the late 1960s and early 1970s, with 1978 being within this timeframe. This period saw significant changes in attitudes towards sexuality, contraception, and sexual behavior, making option c the correct answer. 6. According to the text, the development of fMRI techniques has allowed developmental researchers to investigate brain development more effectively because this technology allows them to perform which of the following types of research? a. cross-sectional research b. longitudinal research c. experimental research d. correlational research Answer: b Rationale: fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) allows researchers to track changes in the brain over time, making it particularly useful for longitudinal research where individuals are studied repeatedly to observe developmental changes. Option b aligns with this description. 7. Natalie matured at the same time as most of her male peers and shares their interests and dating activities. She is most likely a(n): a. early maturer b. average maturer c. late maturer d. prepubescent maturer Answer: c Rationale: Natalie, who matured at the same time as most of her male peers, is likely experiencing puberty later than average, hence she is a late maturer, as indicated in option c. 8. Suppose you interview a group of people who were 9th graders in 2009. If you believe they represent a “typical” population of people growing up in the United States at this time, you would expect that about ____ of these students would have had sexual intercourse. a. 5% b. 15% c. 33% d. 50% Answer: c Rationale: Research indicates that by the end of high school, approximately one-third (33%) of adolescents in the United States have had sexual intercourse, making option c the most appropriate estimate for a "typical" population. 9. When 17-year-old Paul was discussing his future with his father, Paul said, "Let's just suppose for the sake of discussion that I don't attend college right away. What if I volunteered overseas instead?" Paul's ability to think in these terms is characteristic of: a. sensorimotor thought b. preoperational thought c. formal operational thought d. concrete operational thought Answer: c Rationale: Paul's ability to engage in hypothetical thinking about alternative future scenarios reflects formal operational thought, which is characteristic of adolescence according to Piaget's theory. This aligns with option c. 10. Even though John has seen other people get into car accidents, he does not believe that such an accident will ever happen to himself. John’s perception of personal invulnerability is best considered to be an example of: a. shared negotiation b. a personal fable c. conventional moral reasoning d. the imaginary audience Answer: b Rationale: John's belief in his own invulnerability despite evidence to the contrary is characteristic of a personal fable, a common aspect of adolescent egocentrism. This aligns with option b. 1. The term used to refer to a symbolic event or ritual that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood is called a(n): a. growth rite b. puberty rite c. initiation rite d. rite of passage Answer: d Rationale: A rite of passage is a cultural ceremony or ritual that marks the transition from one life stage to another, such as from childhood to adulthood. This can include ceremonies like graduations, bar mitzvahs, or quinceañeras, which symbolize the individual's readiness for new responsibilities and roles within their society. 2. Typically, girls experience the adolescent growth spurt about: a. one year before boys b. two years before boys c. the same time as boys d. two years after boys Answer: b Rationale: Girls typically experience the adolescent growth spurt about two years before boys. This growth spurt is marked by a rapid increase in height and physical development, which generally occurs around the ages of 10-14 for girls and 12-16 for boys. 3. About what percent of teenage girls in the U. S. become pregnant? a. 1% b. 8% c. 16% d. 25% Answer: b Rationale: Approximately 8% of teenage girls in the U.S. become pregnant. Teenage pregnancy rates have fluctuated over the years but have generally declined due to increased access to contraception and comprehensive sex education. 4. In contemporary U.S. society, the term “emerging adulthood” would be used most accurately when describing individuals in which of the following age groups? a. ages 14-18 b. ages 16-18 c. ages 16-22 d. ages 18-24 Answer: d Rationale: "Emerging adulthood" refers to the period between adolescence and full adulthood, characterized by exploration, identity formation, and instability in various life domains such as work, relationships, and education. This stage typically spans from ages 18 to 24 in contemporary U.S. society. 5. If you were to explain how sexual attitudes and practices have changed in the United States during the past century, you might want to note the point at which, for the first time, the majority of adolescents no longer believed that premarital sex was neither right nor wrong but rather should be judged based on the couple’s relationship. You should associate this change in cultural attitudes with which of the following dates? a. 1947 b. 1959 c. 1973 d. 1996 Answer: c Rationale: The change in cultural attitudes towards premarital sex, where it began to be judged based on the couple's relationship rather than as inherently wrong, is associated with the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Therefore, the most appropriate date is 1973. 6. The two words that best describe how the brain changes during adolescence are: a. pruning and myelination b. birth and death c. expansion and growth d. little or none Answer: a Rationale: During adolescence, the brain undergoes significant structural changes, including synaptic pruning (elimination of unused synaptic connections) and myelination (enhanced insulation of neural fibers), which optimize neural functioning and improve cognitive abilities. 7. Which of the following girls would be expected to have her first menstrual period at the youngest age? a. a girl raised in the Czech Republic b. a girl raised in the United States c. a girl raised in the Kikuyu tribe in Africa d. a girl raised in the Bindi tribe in New Guinea Answer: b Rationale: Girls raised in developed countries like the United States tend to experience menarche (first menstrual period) at younger ages compared to girls in less developed regions. Factors such as improved nutrition and healthcare contribute to earlier onset of puberty in developed countries. 8. Suppose you conduct a survey of 9th- and 12th-grade boys and girls. If the students in your survey respond in the same way as did students in 2009, you would expect that, in comparison to girls, boys in 9th grade reported ______ levels of sexual activity and boys in 12th grade reported _____ levels of sexual activity. a. higher; lower b. higher; higher c. lower; higher d. about the same; higher Answer: a Rationale: Research indicates that, historically, boys tend to report higher levels of sexual activity than girls, particularly in adolescence. This trend has been observed consistently in various studies, including those conducted in 2009. 9. Vicki believes that she is constantly being watched and judged by her friends. According to the view advanced by David Elkind, Vicki is experiencing the: a. imaginary audience b. personal fable c. ascribed identity d. foundling fantasy Answer: a Rationale: The concept of the "imaginary audience" is a term coined by David Elkind to describe the belief among adolescents that they are the focus of others' attention and scrutiny, leading to self-consciousness and concern about how they are perceived by peers. 10. Joshua’s friends tease him because he always tries to conform his behavior to what he believes his friends are doing. In this sense, the stage of moral development that most likely characterizes his behavior would be: a. premoral b. preconventional c. conventional d. postconventional Answer: c Rationale: Conventional morality, as described by Lawrence Kohlberg, is characterized by conformity to social norms and rules, as well as seeking approval from others. Joshua's behavior of conforming to his friends' behavior aligns with this stage of moral development. Multiple Choice questions: Adolescent Development in a Cultural and Historical Context 1. Adolescence in most undeveloped, agriculturally-based cultures typically begins when children enter: a. the work force b. industrialized society c. their reproductive years d. school Answer: c Rationale: As noted in the text, adolescence in many agriculturally based cultures and hunter–gatherer societies begins when children enter their reproductive years. 2. In which of the following societies would you expect the period called “adolescence” to be the longest? a. the United States during the early 1800s b. the United States today c. a hunter-gatherer society in rural South America in the early 1800s d. a hunter-gatherer society in rural South America today Answer: b Rationale: In contemporary U.S. culture, the developmental period between the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood has become not only longer in years but also considerably more complex in terms of the choices and transitions adolescents experience. 3. For children in which of the following groups would you expect the period called “adolescence” to be the shortest? a. children raised in a hunter-gatherer society in rural South America today b. children in very wealthy families in the United States today c. children in upper-middle-class families in the United States today d. children in upper-middle-class families in Japan today Answer: a Rationale: Even today in many less industrialized countries adolescence describes a relatively brief period of the lifespan. For example, adolescence in many agriculturally based cultures and hunter–gatherer societies begins when children enter their reproductive years, at which time there is often a transition ritual called a rite of passage, followed by 1-2 years apprenticeship, then achievement of full adulthood. 4. The term used to refer to a symbolic event or ritual that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood is called a(n): a. growth rite b. puberty rite c. initiation rite d. rite of passage Answer: d Rationale: A rite of passage is a cultural ritual or event marking the transition from one life stage to another, particularly from childhood to adulthood. It symbolizes the individual's new status and responsibilities within the community. 5. In Jeremy’s family, when each child reaches the age of 15, the family has a huge party at which the child is “introduced” as an adult. From that point forward, the child is expected to take on greater responsibilities for supporting the family, and is called by his or her middle name by family members, as a sign of this new status within the family. The term that best describes this transition is: a. puberty b. menarche c. the secular trend d. rite of passage Answer: d Rationale: Rites of passage are symbolic events or rituals to mark life transitions, such as from childhood to adult status. Such a transition ritual may include a ceremony, name change, or physical challenge. 6. Historically, rites of passage served to: a. control the speed of social development b. indicate that the child has graduated from high school c. limit the amount of work that parents could expect a child to perform for the family d. mark a change in status from child to adult Answer: d Rationale: Rites of passage are defined as symbolic events or rituals that mark life transitions, such as from childhood to adult status. 7. According to the text, the rite of passage into adulthood that typically occurs in primitive societies is generally followed immediately by: a. marriage and full status as an adult b. a one- or two-year apprenticeship to gain full adult status c. a period of six or eight years during which the adult roles and norms are learned d. economic, but not social, independence from the family Answer: b Rationale: In many primitive societies, the rite of passage into adulthood is followed by a period of apprenticeship, during which individuals undergo training and learn the skills necessary for full participation in adult roles and responsibilities. 8. According to the text, which of the following is the typical order of how the children in many agriculturally based cultures become adults? a. first there is a rite of passage, followed by an apprenticeship, followed by becoming an adult b. first there is an apprenticeship, followed by a rite of passage, followed by becoming an adult c. first there is an apprenticeship, followed by becoming an adult, followed by a rite of passage d. becoming an adult, holding an apprenticeship, and having a rite of passage all occur at the same time Answer: a Rationale: Adolescence in many agriculturally based cultures and hunter–gatherer societies begins when children enter their reproductive years, at which time there is often a transition ritual called a rite of passage, followed by 1-2 years apprenticeship, then achievement of full adulthood. 9. In a particular African tribe, when adolescent girls reach menarche, there is a ceremony in which they cover themselves in white ashes, and walk through the village singing a song about becoming an adult. This ceremony is a good example of which of the following? a. an apprenticeship b. a rite of passage c. a secular trend d. a personal fable Answer: b Rationale: Rites of passage are symbolic events or rituals to mark life transitions, such as from childhood to adult status. Such a transition ritual may include a ceremony, name change, or physical challenge. 10. In comparison to the late 1800s in the United States, today the period of adolescence is ___________ and it is _________ complex. a. shorter; more b. shorter; less c. longer; more d. longer; less Answer: c Rationale: According to the text, in contemporary U.S. culture, the developmental period between the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood has become not only longer in years but also considerably more complex in terms of the choices and transitions adolescents experience. 11. According to the text, for people in the United States, the portion of the lifespan from age 14 to 18 is best considered to be the period of: a. early adolescence b. middle adolescence c. later adolescence d. emerging adulthood Rationale: In the United States, the period from age 14 to 18 is typically considered as later adolescence, as individuals in this age range are usually experiencing advanced physical, cognitive, and social development beyond early adolescence but are not yet fully independent adults. Answer: c 12. Suppose you asked people in four different age groups to answer the question: “Do you feel that you have reached adulthood?” The age groups are as follows: Group 1: Ages 12-17 years Group 2: Ages 18-25 years Group 3: Ages 26-35 years Group 4: Ages 35-55 years In which of these groups would you expect more than 10% of the people to answer “no” to this question? a. only those in Group 1 b. those is Groups 1 and 2 c. those in Groups 1, 2, and 3 d. those in Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 Answer: a Rationale: Figure 10-1 shows age differences in response to the question, “Do you feel that you have reached adulthood?” As shown in the figure, in the 12- to 17-year-old age group, just under 40% of the respondents reported that they did not feel that they had reached adulthood. In each of other age groups, the percentage was below 10%. 13. In contemporary U.S. society, the term “emerging adulthood” would be used most accurately when describing individuals in which of the following age groups? a. ages 14-18 b. ages 16-18 c. ages 16-22 d. ages 18-24 Answer: d Rationale: The period of emerging adulthood is discussed as the period between the end of high school, which usually is at about age 18, until the adoption of adult roles and responsibilities, which is usually several years later. The definition of this term suggests the age range of 18-25. Both of these statements imply that choice d above is the best answer. 14. To conclude that the period of emerging adulthood is “age-segregated” means that: a. this developmental period begins and ends at the same age for all people in a society b. this developmental period is thought by younger and older people to be undesirable and difficult c. emerging adults hold more ageist prejudices than do younger or older people d. emerging adults interact mostly with members of their own age group Answer: d Rationale: As noted in the text, the idea that in the United States, adolescents and emerging adults are largely age-segregated means that they interact mostly with other people of their same age and much less with younger children or adults. 15. If Jason were looking for terms to describe the typical qualities of adolescents and emerging adults in the United States today, he would be correct in using all of the following EXCEPT: a. age-segregated b. economically dependent c. nonconforming d. vulnerable-to-crisis Answer: c Rationale: In the text, adolescence is characterized as a time when individuals interact mostly with people of their own age (age-segregated), as a time of prolonged economic dependence, and as a time when adolescents are deeply affected by the events and crises of the time in which they live (vulnerable-to-crisis). 16. In comparison to adults in their later-20s, emerging adults in their early 20s generally are _______ age-segregated, ________ economically dependent, and _______ affected by world crises and social issues. a. more; more; more b. less; more; less c. less; more; more d. more; more; less Answer: a Rationale: In the text, adolescence is characterized as a time when individuals interact mostly with people of their own age (age-segregated), as a time of prolonged economic dependence, and as a time when adolescents are deeply affected by the events and crises of the time in which they live (vulnerable-to-crisis). 17. Erikson's view of the period of adolescence is best described as a time of a. storm and stress b. exploration and experimentation with roles before taking on adult responsibilities c. prolonged dependence on parents, accompanied by frustration and restlessness d. great stability and constancy Answer: b Rationale: Erikson takes a positive view of adolescence, seeing it as a time when individuals are allowed to explore and experiment with various roles before taking on the responsibilities of the adult world. 18. Which of the following typically is NOT a characteristic associated with the period of emerging adulthood? a. instability in their personal life b. “other”-focused perspective, which helps them avoid thinking about themselves c. feelings of being “in-between” adolescence and adulthood d. high hopes and expectations about the future Answer: b Rationale: Table 10-2 lists the characteristics of emerging adulthood: identity exploration, instability, self-focused perspective, feelings of “in-between,” and being in an “age of possibilities,” which reflects high hopes and expectations and optimism about the future. Physical Development and Adaptation 19. Which of the following is NOT a secondary sex characteristic? a. body hair b. increased fat and muscle c. maturation of genitalia d. production of sperm Answer: d Rationale: Secondary sex characteristics are physical features that develop during puberty but are not directly involved in reproduction. Production of sperm is a primary sex characteristic, as it directly relates to the reproductive system. 20. Which of the following is NOT one of the major sex hormones? a. progesterone b. testosterone c. estrogen d. acetylcholine Answer: d Rationale: Testosterone is a male sex hormone; progesterone and estrogen are female sex hormones. 21. According to the text, hormones are secreted into the bloodstream by: a. both frontal lobes of the brain b. capillaries in the circulatory system c. endocrine glands d. the liver Answer: c Rationale: Hormones are secreted into the bloodstream by endocrine glands, which include structures such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and others. 22. According to the text, the greatly expanded production of growth hormones occurs at about age ____ for U.S. girls and about age ____ for U.S. boys. a. 12; 14 b. 13; 13 c. 10; 9 d. 10; 12 Answer: d Rationale: Growth hormone production increases significantly at around age 10 for girls and age 12 for boys in the United States, contributing to the growth spurt typically experienced during adolescence. 23. Mark, who is 14 years old, notices that recently he has become much clumsier. One reason the text suggests for this clumsiness is that the adolescent growth spurt is often accompanied by: a. asymmetrical growth in legs, feet, arms, and hands b. excess body fat is being deposited in the breasts, which will later disappear c. a short-term reduction in the size of the motor cortex in the brain d. the overproduction of red blood cells that provide excess energy in the muscles Answer: a Rationale: Although the adolescent growth spurt is accompanied by the depositing of fat in the breasts and the production of red blood cells in boys, these are not related to clumsiness. The brain does not shrink in size during adolescence. But growth in body parts is often asymmetrical, giving rise to clumsiness. It is not uncommon for adolescents to notice that one hand is temporarily larger than the other, or that one leg is longer. 24. According to the text, which of the following terms is used to describe the period of rapid growth in physical size and strength that occur during adolescence? a. pubescent jump b. massa intermedia c. growth spurt d. secondary growth Answer: c Rationale: The text defines the adolescent growth spurt as a period of rapid growth in physical size and strength, accompanied by changes in body proportions, that occurs with the entrance into puberty. 25. Sheila (a girl) and Brian (a boy) are fraternal twins and are 8 years old. If their development is typical, their parents should expect that they will experience the adolescent growth spurt in which of the following patterns? a. Sheila and Brian will both experience the growth spurt at about the same time. b. Sheila will experience the growth spurt about 2 years before Brian does. c. Sheila will experience the growth spurt about 1 year after Brian does. d. Sheila will experience the growth spurt about 2 years after Brian does. Answer: b Rationale: Figure 10-2 shows growth rates for boys and girls during puberty, including the point of most rapid growth for boys and girls. As the graph indicates, this occurs at around age 12 for girls and at around age 14 for boys. 26. Maria (a girl) and Jose (a boy) are fraternal twins and are 10 years old. If their development is typical, Maria should experience the adolescent growth spurt in about ___ more years, and Jose should experience his adolescent growth spurt in about ____ more years. a. 2; 4 b. 2; 2 c. 1; 3 d. 3; 4 Answer: a Rationale: Figure 10-2 shows growth rates for boys and girls during puberty, including the point of most rapid growth for boys and girls. As the graph indicates, this occurs at around age 12 for girls and at around age 14 for boys. Maria will be 12 in 2 more years and Jose will be 14 in 4 more years. 27. Typically, girls experience the adolescent growth spurt about: a. 1 year before boys b. 2 years before boys c. the same time as boys d. 2 years after boys Answer: b Rationale: Girls typically experience the adolescent growth spurt approximately two years earlier than boys, which is consistent with their earlier onset of puberty. 28. Assume that Barbara (a girl) and Brandon (a boy) are typical children growing up in the United States today. You should expect that they will experience the most rapid growth in their height at which of the following ages? a. Barbara at age 10 and Brandon at age 12 b. Barbara at age 12 and Brandon at age 14 c. Barbara at age 14 and Brandon at age 16 d. Barbara and Brandon both at age 14 Answer: b Rationale: The peak of the height spurt for U. S. children today occurs on average at age 12 for girls and at age 14 for boys. 29. The text uses which of the following terms to refer to the attainment of sexual maturity in both males and females? a. puberty b. menarche c. the growth spurt d. the climacteric Answer: a Rationale: Puberty refers to the process of sexual maturation in both males and females, including the development of secondary sex characteristics and reproductive capabilities. 30. Which of the following are most closely involved in regulating the balance in the production of hormones? a. the endocrine glands and the pituitary gland b. the endocrine glands and the hypothalamus c. the pituitary gland and the occipital cortex of the brain d. the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus Answer: d Rationale: The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus are closely involved in regulating hormone production and maintaining balance in the endocrine system through feedback mechanisms. 31. In comparison to hormones typically found in men, which of the following are hormones that are found in greater quantities in women? a. estrogen and progesterone b. estrogen and testosterone c. testosterone and progesterone d. androgen and progesterone Answer: a Rationale: Estrogen and progesterone are hormones found in greater quantities in women compared to men and play key roles in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and reproductive functions. 32. As compared to females, males’ bodies typically produce more: a. estrogen b. progesterone c. secondary trophic hormones d. androgenic hormones Answer: d Rationale: Males typically produce higher levels of androgenic hormones such as testosterone compared to females. These hormones are responsible for the development of male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair and deepening of voice. 33. Each hormone influences a certain set of targets. For example, estrogen causes: a. the uterus and the breasts to grow b. the penis to grow c. the shoulders to broaden d. hair to grow in the genital area and on the face Answer: a Rationale: During adolescence, estrogen causes the uterus and breasts to grow and the hips to broaden. 34. The primary function of the sex glands is to: a. control sexual excitement in both males and females b. produce sperm or eggs and to secrete androgens or estrogens c. control the development of sexual characteristics in both males and females d. secrete a fluid that changes the chemical balance in the uterus during intercourse Answer: b Rationale: The sex glands, also known as gonads (testes in males and ovaries in females), primarily function to produce sperm or eggs (gametes) and secrete sex hormones such as androgens (e.g., testosterone) in males and estrogens (e.g., estradiol) in females. 35. Which of the following terms describes the onset of menstrual cycles in females? a. ovariogenesis b. ovulation c. female rite of passage d. menarche Answer: d Rationale: Menarche refers to the onset of the first menstrual period in females, marking the beginning of reproductive capability. 36. Which of the following is typically the first indication that girls have entered puberty? a. the peak of the growth spurt b. the development of breast buds c. ovulation d. menarche Answer: b Rationale: The development of breast buds is often the initial physical sign of puberty in girls, occurring before other changes such as menstruation. 37. Which of the following terms is used to refer to the time of onset of the first menstrual period? a. classical menorrhea b. menarche c. amenorrhea d. secular menorrhea Answer: b Rationale: Menarche specifically refers to the first menstrual period experienced by a female. 38. In males, which of the following is typically the first sign that a boy has entered puberty? a. voice change b. appearance of pubic hair c. growth in the size of the testes and scrotum d. growth in the size of the penis Answer: c Rationale: The initial sign of puberty in males is typically the growth in the size of the testes and scrotum, indicating the beginning of increased production of testosterone. 39. According to the text, the first indication of puberty for males is which of the following? a. growth of pubic hair b. accelerating growth in the testes and scrotum c. accelerating growth of the penis d. production of semen with viable sperm Answer: b Rationale: The first indication of puberty for males is the accelerating growth in the size of the testes and scrotum due to increased production of testosterone. 40. The historical trend toward earlier sexual maturation of adolescents is referred to as: a. monarchical regression b. pubertal regression c. the secular trend d. classical menarche Answer: c Rationale: The term "the secular trend" describes the historical pattern of earlier onset of puberty and sexual maturation in adolescents over generations. 41. Suppose that Megan is researching her family tree and comes across her great-great-great grandmother’s diary. She notes that the diary for the year 1840 describes that age at which her ancestor reached menarche. If her grandmother was typical, the diary would note that this ancestor would have been how old? a. 10 years old b. 12 years old c. 14 years old d. 16 years old Answer: d Rationale: In earlier times, puberty occurred later than it does now; In the 1840s, for example, the average age at menarche was 16½ for girls. 42. Which of the following girls would be expected to have her first menstrual period at the youngest age? a. a girl raised in the Czech Republic b. a girl raised in the United States c. a girl raised in the Kikuyu tribe in Africa d. a girl raised in the Bindi tribe in New Guinea Answer: b Rationale: The book notes that in some parts of the world, menarche occurs considerably later than it does in the United States. For example, the average girl in the Czech Republic has her first period at age 14; among the Kikuyu of Kenya, the average age is 16; and for the Bindi of New Guinea, it is 18. In the U.S. the average age at menarche is currently 12½. 43. A menstrual cycle in which a mature egg has NOT been produced is described by the term: a. sebaceous b. anovulatory c. marginal d. counterfactual Answer: b Rationale: An anovulatory menstrual cycle refers to a cycle in which ovulation does not occur, meaning a mature egg is not produced. 44. In the United States today, at what age does the typical white girl have her first menstrual period? a. 9½ years b. 10½ years c. 11½ years d. 12½ years Answer: d Rationale: The average age of menarche (first menstrual period) for white girls in the United States today is around 12½ years. 45. In the United States today, and in comparison to the typical white girl, the typical girl of African American descent reaches menarche about? a. 3-6 months earlier b. 3-6 months later c. 2 years earlier d. 2 years later Answer: a Rationale: Research has consistently shown that girls of African American descent tend to reach menarche earlier compared to white girls. This pattern has been observed across various studies and is attributed to genetic and environmental factors influencing hormonal levels and overall maturation. 46. If Lucy is an African American girl and Lorraine is a white American girl, you should expect that Lucy will experience menarche at about age ____ and Lorraine will experience menarche at about age ____. a. 10; 12 b. 9; 13 c. 12; 11 d. 12; 12½ Answer: d Rationale: The average age of menarche in the U. S. today is 12 ½ for white girls. African American and Hispanic girls reach menarche 3 to 6 months earlier, on average. 47. Linda just started menstruating 2 months ago. Her menstrual cycles are most likely: a. regular and ovulatory b. regular and anovulatory c. irregular and ovulatory d. irregular and anovulatory Answer: d Rationale: Early menstrual cycles tend to vary from one month to the next and in many cases, a mature ovum is not produced. In other words, the early cycles are irregular and anovulatory. 48. According to the test, about what percent of teenage girls experience menstrual "cramping" with their menstruation? a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 98% Answer: c Rationale: Approximately 50% of teenage girls experience menstrual cramping, which is a common symptom associated with menstruation. This statistic reflects the prevalence of this discomfort among adolescent girls during their menstrual cycles. 49. Mary is a typical teenage girl. When asked what changes she would like to make in her body, what is she most likely to say? a. "I would make myself skinnier." b. "I would make my shoulders narrower." c. "I would make my ears lie back." d. "I would make myself 3 inches taller." Answer: a Rationale: Adolescent girls often focus on weight largely because of their concern with social acceptance; many normal weight and even lean adolescent girls consider themselves overweight. 50. Nick is a typical teenage boy. When asked what changes he would like to make in his body, he is most likely to comment that he would like to: a. be thinner b. be taller and more muscular c. have better looking hair and a clearer complexion d. have a more attractive nose and “gorgeous” eyes Answer: b Rationale: For boys, the primary concern is physical size and strength, and in particular their height and musculature are most important. 51. Generalizing from research reported in the text, with respect to their physical appearance, most adolescent females: a. have specific changes they would like to make b. would make no changes c. are vague or imprecise about the changes they would make d. would change everything about their appearance Answer: a Rationale: Almost half of all adolescents voice concerns about pimples and blackheads. Most also wish for one or more physical changes in themselves, although such self-consciousness diminishes in late adolescence. 52. The name of the eating disorder in which the primary symptom is that the person is obsessed by thoughts of an unattainable image of “perfect” thinness is: a. bulimia nervosa b. anorexia nervosa c. obsessive-compulsive disorder d. gordophobia Answer: b Rationale: Anorexia nervosa is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image leading to restricted food intake and often excessive exercise. The obsession with achieving a thin body despite being underweight is a hallmark symptom of this disorder. 53. The eating disorder that is characterized by cycles of overeating and purging is called: a. bulimia nervosa b. anorexia nervosa c. emotional eating d. obesity Answer: a Rationale: Bulimia nervosa involves episodes of binge eating followed by purging behaviors such as vomiting, laxative use, or excessive exercise. This cycle of overeating and compensatory behaviors is a defining feature of bulimia nervosa. 54. According to research reported in the text, body-image satisfaction is lowest for: a. girls at age 13 and boys at age 15 b. girls at age 15 and boys at age 13 c. girls and boys at age 13 d. girls and boys at age 15 Answer: a Rationale: Research indicates that body-image satisfaction tends to be lowest for girls at age 13 and boys at age 15. These ages coincide with significant physical changes during adolescence, which can contribute to heightened body dissatisfaction. 55. Ill-timed maturation typically poses the most significant problems for adolescents in which of the following groups? a. early-maturing males b. early-maturing females c. late-maturing males d. late-maturing females Answer: c Rationale: Ill-timed maturation, particularly early maturation in males, can pose significant challenges. Early-maturing boys may struggle to adjust socially and emotionally to physical changes that outpace their peers, leading to potential issues with self-esteem and identity. 56. All of the following are true of early-maturing girls EXCEPT: a. they go out on dates more frequently than late-maturing girls b. they are more popular with older boys than late-maturing girls c. they feel more attractive than late-maturing girls do d. they are more intelligent than late-maturing girls Answer: d Rationale: While early-maturing girls may experience advantages such as increased popularity and perceived attractiveness, there is no evidence to suggest that they are inherently more intelligent than late-maturing girls. Intelligence is not directly correlated with pubertal timing. 57. Jack has low social status among his peers and is perceived as less competent than his peers by his teachers and baseball coach. If Jack’s social status results from the timing of his physical maturation, research would suggest that which of the following statements is most likely to be correct? a. None of the other answers are correct since research has demonstrated that the timing of maturation is unrelated to social status. b. Jack is most likely an early maturer. c. Jack is most likely an average maturer. d. Jack is most likely a late maturer. Answer: d Rationale: Because the late-maturing boy is smaller and less muscular than his male peers, he is at a disadvantage in most sports, as well as in many social situations. Other children and adults tend to treat a late-maturing boy as though he were a younger child, and the late maturer has a lower social status among his peers and often is perceived as less competent by adults. 58. In comparison to late-maturing boys, early maturing boys: a. are more likely to be the leaders of their peer groups b. have a more difficult adjustment c. are more likely to be overly concerned with matters related to social acceptance d. tend to have higher IQs Answer: a Rationale: The text notes that early maturing boys tend to gain social and athletic advantages among their peers. 59. Natalie matured at the same time as most of her male peers and shares their interests and dating activities. She is most likely a(n): a. early maturer b. average maturer c. late maturer d. prepubescent mature Answer: c Rationale: Girls mature, on average, about 2 years earlier than boys. Late maturation for girls can be advantageous because they mature at about the same time as most of their peers who are boys and are therefore in a better position to share boys’ interests and privileges. 60. According to the text, early maturing girls: a. have fewer opportunities to discuss physical and emotional changes with peers b. have fewer dates because of being more mature than their male peers c. tend to feel unattractive d. are at a disadvantage in most aspects of development Answer: a Rationale: Early maturing girls may have fewer opportunities to discuss physical and emotional changes with peers due to feeling out of sync with their same-age peers who have not yet reached puberty. This lack of peer support can contribute to feelings of isolation and discomfort. Gender Identity and Sexual Practices 61. Which of the following young women would have had the hardest time purchasing birth control contraceptives? a. Linda, who was in college during the decade of the 1950s b. Maria, who was in college during the decade of the 1970s c. Marta, who was in college during the decade of the 1990s d. Lacy, who was in college in 2009 Answer: a Rationale: Before the mid-1960s, most young people felt that premarital sex was immoral and girls were under pressure to remain chaste until marriage. Because of these societal pressures, one would expect that Linda would have had the most difficult time purchasing birth control contraceptives before this time period. 62. If you were to explain how sexual attitudes and practices have changed in the United States during the past century, you might want to note the point at which, for the first time, the majority of adolescents no longer believed that premarital sex was neither right nor wrong but rather should be judged based on the couple’s relationship. You should associate this change in cultural attitudes with which of the following dates? a. 1947 b. 1959 c. 1973 d. 1996 Answer: c Rationale: The 1970s are known as the time during which a sexual revolution occurred. In a 1973 study of adolescent attitudes, the majority of adolescents, for the first time, did not think of premarital sex as inherently right or wrong but instead judged it on the basis of the relationship between the participants. 63. Which of the following statements best captures the meaning of the sexual double standard? a. Married people should have sex relations, but unmarried people should not. b. Sexual intercourse is acceptable, but oral and anal sexual practices are perverse. c. Premarital sexual relations are acceptable for heterosexual couples, but not for gay or lesbian couples. d. Premarital sexual relations are acceptable for men, but not for women. Answer: d Rationale: The sexual double standard is defined as the view that sexual activity is more permissible for boys than for girls. 64. What is the term the text uses to refer to sexual attraction toward members of one’s own sex? a. sexual double standard b. same-sex orientation c. heterosexuality d. intimate similitude Answer: b Rationale: Same-sex orientation refers to sexual attraction toward members of one's own sex. This term is used to describe individuals who identify as homosexual or lesbian, experiencing romantic and sexual attraction primarily to individuals of the same gender. 65. What is the term the text uses to refer to the view that sexual activity is more permissible for boys than for girls? a. sexual double standard b. sexual orientation c. sexual revolution d. gender script Answer: a Rationale: The term "sexual double standard" refers to the societal belief that sexual activity is more permissible and even expected for boys than for girls. This double standard often reinforces traditional gender roles and expectations regarding sexuality and behavior. 66. Suppose that a researcher conducted a survey about sexual attitudes in 1970 that asked if people approved of premarital sex and of same-sex orientation. If the results of this survey reflected people’s attitudes at that time, you should expect that about ____ percent of the respondents would approve of premarital sex and ____ percent would approve of same-sex orientation as an acceptable lifestyle. a. 70%; 50% b. 50%; 70% c. 80%; 20% d. 20%; 80% Answer: a Rationale: In a study of adolescent sexual attitudes that was conducted in 1973, almost 70% agreed that two people should not have to marry to have sex or live together. About 50% approved of same-sex orientation, which is defined by sexual attraction toward members of one’s own sex. 67. Which of the following dates would best represent the year in which the sexual revolution in the United States was at its highest point? a. 1957 b. 1963 c. 1978 d. 1995 Answer: c Rationale: The text notes that by the late 1970s the sexual revolution was in full swing. 68. Suppose you conduct a longitudinal study by interviewing “typical” 18-year-olds at various points in time about their attitudes about sexuality. Which of the following person would be most likely to hold the most liberal attitudes? a. Tom, who was 18 years old in 1949 b. Bob, who was 18 years old in 1959 c. Frank, who was 18 years old in 1979 d. Mark, who was 18 years old in 1989 Answer: c Rationale: The text notes that during the late 1970s the sexual revolution was in full swing. In addition, a study of adolescent sexual attitudes conducted in 1973 demonstrated that attitudes regarding sex had become considerably more liberal than in earlier time periods. In the 1980s, sexual attitudes became more conservative. 69. If she were a typical teenage girl growing up in the early 1960s, Sarah would most likely consider premarital sex between a man and a women to be: a. moral if both parties freely chose to engage in it b. immoral unless they were going to get married c. moral if both parties cared about each other d. immoral under any circumstances Answer: d Rationale: The text notes that before the mid-1960s, most young people felt that premarital sex was immoral. 70. Suppose you were working on a research project in which you read diaries written in 1944 by 100 16-year-old girls. If the diaries were truthful, you would expect that about ___ of the 100 girls would have reported having sexual intercourse by age 16. a. 7% b. 22% c. 38% d. 51% Answer: a Rationale: According to the text, the proportion of 16-year-old girls who reported losing their virginity was 7% in the 1940s. 71. Suppose you were working on a research project in which you read diaries written in 1982 by 100 16-year-old girls. If the diaries were truthful, you would expect that about ___ of the 100 girls would have reported having sexual intercourse by age 16. a. 7% b. 22% c. 44% d. 66% Answer: c Rationale: According to the text, the proportion of 16-year-old girls who reported losing their virginity was 44% in the 1982. 72. How did sexual attitudes change in the United States during the mid- to late1980s? a. They became much more liberal with respect to the sexual double standard. b. They become much more liberal with respect to same-sex orientation. c. They became more conservative regarding sexual behavior in general. d. They did not change much at all from the attitudes held during the 1970s. Answer: c Rationale: During the mid- to late 1980s, there was a resurgence of conservative attitudes in the United States, largely influenced by the AIDS epidemic and the conservative political climate of the time. This led to a more conservative stance on sexual behavior in general, rather than a liberalization of attitudes. 73. Suppose you compared the results of two surveys on sexual attitudes, one conducted in the early 1990s and one conducted in the late 2000s. If you looked at the percentage of high school students who reported being sexually active, you would expect to find that high school students were: a. much more sexually active in the early 1990s than in the late 2000s b. much more sexually active in the late 2000s than in the early1990s c. slightly more sexually active in the late 2000s than in the early 1990s d. slightly less sexually active in the late 2000s than in the early 1990s Answer: d Rationale: According to research cited in the text, a slightly larger percentage of high school students reported being sexually active in 1991 (37.5%) compared to 2011 (33.7%). 74. According to a study reported in the text, in 2009 about ____ of 9th graders in the United States reported that they had engaged in sexual intercourse and about ____ of 12th graders reported they had engaged in sexual intercourse. a. one-third; two-thirds b. 25%; 50% c. one-half; three-quarters d. one-half; 90% Answer: a Rationale: The study reported in the text indicates that approximately one-third of 9th graders and two-thirds of 12th graders in the United States reported engaging in sexual intercourse in 2009. This highlights the increasing prevalence of sexual activity among older adolescents. 75. Suppose you interview a group of people who were 9th graders in 2009. If you believe they represent a “typical” population of people growing up in the United States at this time, you would expect that about ____ of these students would have had sexual intercourse. a. 5% b. 15% c. 33% d. 50% Answer: c Rationale: Figure 10-3 shows the percentage of male and female high school students, who have ever had sexual intercourse. The average percentage for 9th graders is around 33%. The text also notes that in 2009, the proportion of 9th graders who had engaged in sexual intercourse was about one-third. 76. Suppose you interview a group of people who were 12th graders in 2009. If you believe they represent a “typical” population of people growing up in the United States at this time, you would expect that about ____ of these students would have had sexual intercourse. a. 15% b. 33% c. 50% d. 67% Answer: d Rationale: The text notes that in 2009, about two-thirds of 12th graders had engaged in sexual intercourse. This is also reflected in Figure 10-3. 77. Suppose you conduct a study of high school students, asking them if they have “ever had sexual intercourse.” If your results are typical, you should expect students who identify themselves as belonging to which of the following racial/ethnic groups to report the LOWEST level of sexual experience? a. member of groups who identify themselves as “Other” b. members of groups who identify themselves as “White” c. members of groups who identify themselves as “Black” d. members of groups who identify themselves as “Hispanic” Answer: a Rationale: Figure 10-4 shows the percentage of high school students, by racial/ethnic identity, who have ever had sexual intercourse. The percentage differs by racial/ethnic identity with lower levels of activity reported by white boys and girls. 78. Suppose you conduct a study of high school students, asking them if they have “ever had sexual intercourse.” If your results are typical, you should expect students who identify themselves as belonging to which of the following racial/ethnic groups to report the HIGHEST level of sexual experience? a. sexual activity is not much different among high school students in different racial/ethnic groups b. members of groups who identify themselves as “White” c. members of groups who identify themselves as “Black” d. members of groups who identify themselves as “Hispanic” Answer: c Rationale: Figure 10-4 shows the percentage of students, by racial/ethnic identity, who have ever had sexual intercourse. The percentage differs by racial/ethnic identity with the bars representing the “Black females” and “Black males” categories being highest overall. 79. Generalizing from data presented in the text, which of the following 12th graders would be LEAST likely to report having had sexual intercourse? a. James, an African American boy b. Cynthia, an African American girl c. Roberto, a Hispanic boy d. Sara, a white girl Answer: d Rationale: Figure 10-4 shows the percentage of students, by gender and racial/ethnic identity, who have ever had sexual intercourse. Girls in the “White” category report the lowest rate of sexual intercourse. 80. Generalizing from data presented in the text, which of the following high school students would be MOST likely to report having had sexual intercourse? a. James, an African American boy b. Maria, a Hispanic girl c. Luke, a White boy d. Lee, a Hispanic boy. Answer: a Rationale: Figure 10-4 shows the percentage of students, by gender and racial/ethnic identity, who have ever had sexual intercourse. The percentage differs by racial/ethnic identity with the bar representing the “Black boys” category being highest overall. 81. Generalizing from data presented in the text, which of the following high school students would be LEAST likely to report having had sexual intercourse? a. James, an African American boy b. Cynthia, an African American girl c. Roberto, a Hispanic boy d. Lee, a white boy Answer: d Rationale: Figure 10-4 shows the percentage of students, by gender and racial/ethnic identity, who have ever had sexual intercourse. The percentage differs by racial/ethnic identity with the bar representing the “White males” category being lowest overall. 82. Suppose you conduct a survey of 9th and 12th grade boys and girls. If the students in your survey respond in the same way as did students in 2009, you would expect that, in comparison to girls, boys in 9th grade reported ______ levels of sexual activity and boys in 12th grade reported _____ levels of sexual activity. a. higher; lower b. higher; higher c. lower; higher d. about the same; higher Answer: a Rationale: According to the text, in 2009, 29% of female and 34% of male 9th graders reported being sexually active. However, this gender difference had reversed by 12th grade, with 65% of females and 60% of males reporting sexual activity. 83. Today in the U.S., about % of male high school seniors and % of female high school seniors report being sexually active. a. 80, 60 b. 70, 70 c. 65, 60 d. 60, 65 Answer: d Rationale: Research suggests that approximately 60% of male high school seniors and 65% of female high school seniors in the United States report being sexually active. This indicates a relatively balanced participation in sexual activity among male and female high school seniors. 84. According to the text, adolescent boys and girls from two-parent families have ____________ sexual experience, compared to children from single-parent homes. a. less and later b. less but earlier c. more and earlier d. more but later Answer: a Rationale: According to research cited in the text, adolescent boys and girls from two-parent families have less and later sexual experience than those from single-parent families. 85. According to the text, about what percent of sexually active teenagers in the United States today have a sexually transmitted disease? a. 5% b. 20% c. 33% d. 50% Answer: b Rationale: Studies indicate that approximately 20% of sexually active teenagers in the United States have a sexually transmitted disease. This underscores the importance of sexual education and healthcare initiatives targeting adolescents. 86. Mark is a typical high school student who is sexually active. If he and nine of his best high school friends are tested for sexually transmitted diseases, he should assume of that of these 10 young men, ___ will have positive test results. a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. 7 Answer: b Rationale: The text reports a statistic that about 20% of sexually active adolescents have an STD. If Mark and his friends are typical, then 2 of the 10 of them would test positive. 87. If you were to conduct a study of a “typical” high school in the United States today, you should expect that about _____ of the students would have been tested for AIDS. a. 1% b. 5% c. 13% d. 26% Answer: c Rationale: The text reports that 12.9% of U.S. high school students were tested for AIDS in 2011. 88. About what percent of teenage girls in the U. S. become pregnant? a. 1% b. 8% c. 16% d. 25% Answer: b Rationale: Approximately 8% of teenage girls in the United States become pregnant. This highlights the significance of addressing teen pregnancy through comprehensive sexual education and access to contraception. 89. Which of the following 16-year-old girls is most likely to have had a baby? a. Alicia, who is African American b. Martha, who is Asian American c. Linda, who is a Native American d. Barbara, who is White Answer: a Rationale: Figure 10-5 shows live birth rates for mothers ages 15 to 17, by race and Hispanic origin, for 1980-2010. According to this figure, there were more births to black American mothers than to the other groups listed as response options to this question, although the birth rate for Hispanic teenagers was the highest in recent years. Thus, the best answer is that the African American mother is most likely to have had a baby overall. 90. Suppose you study a group of 100 pregnant teenagers in the U. S. today. If this group is typical, you would expect about ___ to have their baby, about ___ to have an abortion, and about ___ to have a miscarriage. a. 25%; 50%, 25% b. 50%; 45%; 5% c. 75%; 20%; 5% d. 50%; 25%; 20% Answer: d Rationale: According to the text, about one-half of pregnant teens give birth; and about 20% of those pregnancies are believed to be lost through miscarriage and another 26% through abortion. 91. In comparison to sexual activity patterns and pregnancy rates in Europe, teenagers in the United States are _______ likely to be sexually active and _______ likely to become pregnant: a. more; less b. equally; more c. less; less d. more; equally Answer: b Rationale: Compared to Europe, teenagers in the United States are equally likely to be sexually active but more likely to become pregnant. This suggests differences in contraceptive practices and cultural attitudes toward sexuality and pregnancy. 92. Suppose you conduct a survey of 100 teenage girls, asking them whether or not they used contraception at their first experience of sexual intercourse. If this group was typical, you should expect that about ____ of these girls report that they DID use contraception. a. 90% b. 78% c. 50% d. 22% Answer: b Rationale: According to research cited in the text, about 22% of adolescent girls and 15% of adolescent boys do NOT use contraception at first intercourse. 93. Suppose you conduct a survey of 100 teenage boys, asking them whether or not they used contraception at their first experience of sexual intercourse. If this group was typical, you should expect that about ____ of these boys report that they DID use contraception. a. 98% b. 85% c. 65% d. 45% Answer: b Rationale: According to research cited in the text, about 15% of adolescent boys do not use contraception at first intercourse. This leaves about 85% of adolescent boys who do use contraception at first intercourse. 94. According to research cited in the text, about what percent of U. S. adolescents girls do NOT use contraception at first intercourse? a. 15% b. 22% c. 50% d. 78% Answer: b Rationale: Research indicates that approximately 22% of U.S. adolescent girls do not use contraception at first intercourse, highlighting gaps in sexual education and access to contraception among adolescents. 95. According to research cited in the text, about what percent of U. S. adolescents boys do NOT use contraception at first intercourse? a. 2-3% b. 6-7% c. 15% d. 33% Answer: c Rationale: Studies suggest that approximately 15% of U.S. adolescent boys do not use contraception at first intercourse. This underscores the importance of comprehensive sexual education for both genders. 96. According to the text, more U.S. adolescent girls become pregnant than adolescent girls from Western European countries because U.S. adolescent girls: a. are more sexually active b. will experience more social stigma for an illegitimate birth c. are less likely to use contraception d. experience too much affection at home Answer: c Rationale: The higher rate of teenage pregnancy among U.S. adolescent girls compared to those in Western European countries is primarily attributed to the lower usage of contraception among U.S. adolescents. 97. According to research presented in the text, about ____ of adolescent girls report that their first experience of sexual intercourse was the result of either rape or was “unwanted”? a. 1% b. 5% c. 18% d. 31% Answer: c Rationale: The text reports that 7% of adolescent girls report that their first experience with sexual intercourse was the result of rape and that another 11% report their first experience as voluntary but “unwanted.” 98. In comparison to teenage pregnancy rates in the U. S. in 1990, rates in 2010 were: a. slightly higher b. slightly lower c. substantially higher d. substantially lower Answer: d Rationale: The rate of teen pregnancy and teen childbirth in the United States has been falling sharply during the 1990s. 99. According to the text, the teenage pregnancy rate in Japan and Korea is about ____, whereas the teenage pregnancy rate in sub-Saharan Africa is about ____. a. 1%; 50% b. 5%; 25% c. 25%; 5% d. 33%; 33% Answer: a Rationale: The teenage pregnancy rate in Japan and Korea is approximately 1%, while in sub-Saharan Africa, it is much higher, around 50%. This reflects disparities in access to sexual education, healthcare, and socioeconomic factors among regions. 100. According to data cited in the text, in which of the following regions of the world is teen parenting LEAST common? a. U.S. b. Japan c. sub-Saharan Africa d. None of the other answers is correct because teen parenting is equally common throughout the world. Answer: b Rationale: The text likely presents Japan as the least common region for teen parenting based on demographic data, cultural norms, and possibly social policies that may discourage teenage pregnancy and encourage contraception use or abortion in case of unintended pregnancies. 101. If teenagers marry because of an unintended pregnancy, they are _____ likely to drop out of high school and _____ likely to get a divorce, compared to pregnant teens who don’t marry or who marry after the birth of the child. a. more; more b. less; less c. more; less d. less; more Answer: a Rationale: Teenagers who marry due to an unintended pregnancy are more likely to experience added stressors and responsibilities, which can increase the likelihood of dropping out of high school and facing marital challenges such as divorce. Cognitive Changes in Adolescence 102. According to the text, prior to about 1995, most developmental researchers believed that brain development during adolescence was __________; today most researchers believe that brain development during this period of the lifespan is _________. a. complete; still underway b. still underway; complete c. fast; slow d. complex, simple Answer: a Rationale: Historically, it was believed that brain development was complete by adolescence. However, contemporary research indicates that significant brain development continues during adolescence, hence the shift in understanding from "complete" to "still underway." 103. Advances in which of the following fields has been of primary importance in helping researchers understand that brain development during adolescence is much more dramatic than had previously been thought? a. human nutrition b. genetic counseling c. self-monitoring research d. magnetic resonance imaging Answer: d Rationale: Recent studies that utilize advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologies are providing researchers a much clearer look at how brain cells develop. 104. According to the text, the development of fMRI techniques has allowed developmental researchers to investigate brain development more effectively because this technology allows them to perform which of the following types of research? a. cross-sectional research b. longitudinal research c. experimental research d. correlational research Answer: b Rationale: Because MRIs employ no radioactive tracers or X-rays that can be potentially harmful—a concern especially for children who are still growing— they can be used in longitudinal studies, which involve multiple scans of individuals taken across time. 105. By the time a person reaches the age of 6, that person’s brain has reached _____ of its full adult size. a. less than 50% b. about 67% c. about 80% d. 95% or more Answer: d Rationale: By age 6, the brain has already reached approximately 95% of its full adult size, indicating significant neural development during early childhood. 106. With respect to gray matter in the brain, the period of adolescence is best characterized by the word(s): a. growth in number of cells b. pruning c. enlargement of cells d. increase in complexity of cell connections Answer: b Rationale: The period of adolescence is a period in which considerable pruning away of neural tissue occurs. This is particularly the case with gray matter, the volume of which peaks in girls at age 9 ½ and in boys at age 10 ½ . 107. The volume of gray matter in the brain peaks for girls at about age _____ and for boys at about age _____. a. 2; 2½ b. 9½; 10½ c. 16; 18 d. 40; 44 Answer: b Rationale: Gray matter volume peaks around ages 9.5 for girls and 10.5 for boys, reflecting differences in neurological development between genders during adolescence. 108. During adolescence, the volume of gray matter in the brain _________ and the volume of white matter _________. a. decreases; decreases b. increases; increases c. increases; decreases d. decreases; increases Answer: d Rationale: During adolescence, there's a decrease in gray matter volume due to synaptic pruning and an increase in white matter volume due to myelination, enhancing neural connectivity. 109. Dr. Jones is studying brain changes during adolescence. In looking at MRIs of people age 12 and people age 18, he should expect that the 12-year-olds will have ______ gray matter and _______ white matter in their brains, compared to the 18-year-olds. a. more; more b. less; less c. more; less d. less; more Answer: d Rationale: MRI studies show that the volume of gray matter increases in childhood, peaking in girls at about age 9½ and in boys at about age 10½. After these peaks, the volume of gray matter decreases up to adulthood, leveling off at about age 25. The volume of white matter increases, perhaps up to age 40. 110. The white matter in the brain in composed mostly of: a. cell bodies b. connective tissue including tendons and cartilage c. bone d. nerve cells surrounded by myelin Answer: d Rationale: White matter consists predominantly of nerve cells surrounded by myelin, which facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses between brain regions. 111. If Dr. Matthews were examining brain scan images of healthy people of various ages, she should expect to see the largest volume of white matter in the scans of people who were approximately age: a. 4 b. 14 c. 25 d. 40 Answer: d Rationale: Research has found that white matter increases in adolescence, perhaps up until the age of 40. 112. The two words that best describe how the brain changes during adolescence are: a. pruning and myelination b. birth and death c. expansion and growth d. little or none Answer: a Rationale: White matter, which is composed of the fatty myelin that surrounds and insulates nerve cells, increases in adolescence. After the volume of gray matter peaks at around age 10, its volume decreases up to adulthood, leveling off at about age 25, indicating that adolescence is a period in which serious pruning away of neural tissue occurs. 113. The developmental changes that occur in the brain during adolescence are first seen in the parts of the brain that control __________ and later are seen in the brain regions that control _________. a. vision; judgment b. coordination; sensation c. coordination; vision d. judgment; coordination Answer: a Rationale: Developmental changes initially affect regions responsible for basic functions such as vision before progressing to higher-order functions such as judgment. 114. Brain development during adolescence is LEAST likely to affect processes involved in which of the following? a. judgment b. social cognition c. social behavior d. coordination of motor responses Answer: d Rationale: Because complex mental functions that require coordinated thought and judgment are among the last to mature, a person’s ability to exercise mature problem solving, to appraise risk, and to make difficult decisions that involve multiple perspectives is most likely not fully elaborated until perhaps as late as early adulthood. Brain development during adolescence may also underlie changes in social cognition and social behavior typically associated with this developmental period. For example, specific regions of the brain that are involved in self-awareness and self-concept undergo considerable remodeling during the teenage years. 115. Changes in which part of the brain are most closely associated with the advancement in problem-solving abilities that accompanies the development from childhood into adolescence? a. prefrontal cortex b. thalamus c. pituitary gland d. hypothalamus Answer: a Rationale: The prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions including problem-solving, undergoes significant development during adolescence, correlating with improvements in problem-solving abilities. 116. Generalizing from the text, you should expect that neuroscientists would be most likely to argue that the volatile emotions that sometimes characterize adolescent behavior can be traced to the effect of hormones on: a. the gonads b. the frontal cortex of the brain c. the amygdala d. the pituitary gland Answer: c Rationale: When the amygdala is activated by the adolescent hormonal rush, emotions become volatile. Activity in this region of the brain is associated with stimulus-seeking behavior, giving rise to the risky thrill-seeking tendencies that often characterize adolescent activities. 117. According to the text, thrill-seeking behavior that is characteristic of adolescence is most likely to be related to which of the following regions of the brain? a. the frontal cortex b. the left hemisphere of the brain c. the occipital cortex d. the amygdala Answer: d Rationale: The amygdala, known for its role in processing emotions and impulses, particularly fear and reward, is implicated in thrill-seeking behavior characteristic of adolescence. 118. Suppose Dr. Markward conducts a study that examines the activity levels of various brain regions while participants are looking at pictures of faces and identifying the emotions being displayed. If your results replicate those reported in the text, you would expect to find that the __________ is most active in young adolescents and the __________ is most active in older adolescents and adults. a. frontal lobes; amygdala b. amygdala; frontal lobes c. hypothalamus; amygdala d. frontal lobes; hypothalamus Answer: b Rationale: By examining the activity level of various regions of the brain using functional MRI techniques, researchers were able to determine that children and young adolescents relied more heavily on the amygdala while solving these problems; older adolescents and adults showed greater activity in the frontal lobes, where more formulated, problem-solving activity is centered. 119. In Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development that is reached during early adolescence is usually called the: a. concrete operational stage b. preoperational stage c. formal operational stage d. sensorimotor stage Answer: c Rationale: Piaget's theory of cognitive development outlines four stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The formal operational stage, typically reached during early adolescence, is characterized by the ability to think abstractly, reason logically, and engage in hypothetical-deductive reasoning. This stage marks the ability to think about possibilities and systematically test hypotheses, which aligns with the cognitive abilities of early adolescents. 120. Allison is a 16-year-old who shows an increasing ability to plan and think ahead. She has sent for college information and has made financial plans to help pay for college. She is in which of the following of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development? a. concrete operational thought b. preoperational thought c. formal operational thought d. sensorimotor thought Answer: c Rationale: For Piaget, formal operations is the final stage of cognitive development, which begins at about age 12 and is characterized by the ability to reason hypothetically and think about abstract concepts. 121. When 17-year-old Paul was discussing his future with his father, Paul said, "Let's just suppose for the sake of discussion that I don't attend college right away. What if I volunteered overseas instead?" Paul's ability to think in these terms is characteristic of: a. sensorimotor thought b. preoperational thought c. formal operational thought d. concrete operational thought Answer: c Rationale: The formal operational stage involves the ability to consider what could be; to think abstractly and to formulate, test, and evaluate hypotheses. In this example, Paul considers an abstract, hypothetical possibility for his future. 122. Stan has become critical of his parents as he contrasts his ideal parents with the real parents he sees on a daily basis. His ability to understand contrary-to-fact situations is a characteristic that emerges during which of Piaget’s periods of cognitive development? a. preoperational thought b. concrete operational thought c. formal operational thought d. sensorimotor thought Answer: c Rationale: A key characteristic of formal operational thinking involves the manipulation not only of known, verifiable events but also of the things that are contrary to fact. 123. Which of the following statements provides the clearest example of second-order thinking? a. I want a cookie so I will buy one. b. I think that I am feeling a little too sorry for myself so I should cheer up. c. 2 + 2 = 4 d. A rat and a mouse are similar because they are both rodents. Answer: b Rationale: Second-order thinking involves thinking about one’s thoughts, looking for links between relationships, and maneuvering between reality and possibility. 124. Dr. Larsen argues that the changes in thought that occur as children become adolescents are gradual and subtle. Dr. Larsen’s views are ___________ with Piaget’s view of cognitive development and are _____________ with the information-processing view. a. inconsistent; inconsistent b. consistent; consistent c. consistent; inconsistent d. inconsistent; consistent Answer: d Rationale: In contrast to Piaget’s view of defined stages in cognitive development, theorists who emphasize information-processing skills see the changes associated with the transition from childhood to adolescent thinking as much more gradual, with shifts back and forth between formal operational thought and earlier cognitive modes. 125. According to the text, the best way to think about the relationship between most adolescents and their parents is to emphasize the term: a. “all-out war” b. negotiation c. collaboration d. two-way resentment Answer: b Rationale: Instead of talking about rebellion and the painful separation or alienation of teenagers from their families, many researchers prefer to describe adolescence as a time in which parents and teenagers negotiate new relationships with one another, much as they do with the negotiation of shared goals in the process of coregulation. 126. According to David Elkind, adolescents' assumption that others are focusing a great deal of critical attention on them is called the: a. adolescent myth b. foundling fantasy c. personal fable d. imaginary audience Answer: d Rationale: The concept described by David Elkind as the assumption that others are focusing a great deal of critical attention on adolescents is termed the "imaginary audience." This perception leads adolescents to believe that they are constantly being scrutinized by others, resulting in self-consciousness and concern about their behavior or appearance in social situations. 127. Vicki believes that she is constantly being watched and judged by her friends. According to the view advanced by David Elkind, Vicki is experiencing the: a. imaginary audience b. personal fable c. ascribed identity d. foundling fantasy Answer: a Rationale: Imaginary audience refers to adolescents’ assumption that others are focusing a great deal of critical attention on them. 128. On Nicole's first day of junior high school, she felt that all the students were scrutinizing every move she made. According to the view advanced by David Elkind, Nicole has created a(n) a. personal fable b. foundling fantasy c. adolescent myth d. imaginary audience Answer: d Rationale: Imaginary audience refers to adolescents’ assumption that others are focusing a great deal of critical attention on them. 129. Melissa believes that she can drink and drive because she is invulnerable and immortal. According to the view of David Elkind, Melissa is experiencing a(n): a. imaginary audience b. foundling fantasy c. personal fable d. adolescent myth Answer: c Rationale: Personal fable refers to adolescents’ belief that they are so special that they should be exempt from the laws of nature, that nothing bad can happen to them, and that they will live forever. 130. Adolescents' feeling that they are special and invulnerable and exempt from the laws that control the destinies of ordinary people is called the: a. adolescent myth b. foundling fantasy c. personal fable d. imaginary audience Answer: c Rationale: The feeling of being special, invulnerable, and exempt from the laws that govern ordinary people is referred to as the "personal fable." Adolescents with a personal fable believe that their experiences and feelings are unique, leading them to take risks and engage in reckless behavior due to a sense of invulnerability. 131. Even though John has seen other people get into car accidents, he does not believe that such an accident will ever happen to himself. John’s perception of personal invulnerability is best considered to be an example of: a. shared negotiation b. a personal fable c. conventional moral reasoning d. the imaginary audience Answer: b Rationale: Personal fable refers to adolescents’ belief that they are so special that they should be exempt from the laws of nature, that nothing bad can happen to them, and that they will live forever. 132. Both the imaginary audience and the personal fable emphasize that adolescence is a period of the lifespan in which individuals are overly concerned about themselves. The overarching term that best describes this “self-preoccupation” is: a. self-regulation b. egocentrism c. adaptation d. assimilation Answer: b Rationale: The self-absorption that typifies adolescence is an example of what the text refers to as adolescent egocentrism. This egocentric view leads them to believe that others are fascinated by them and that others will be as approving or critical of them as they are themselves. Both of these are egocentric orientations, and they underlie the basic ideas expressed by David Elkind as the imaginary audience and the personal fable. 133. Suppose that Derrell is trying to decide whether he should buy a used car. He logically considers all of the advantages and disadvantages and comes to a carefully-reasoned decision. The decision process Derrell used would be considered: a. concrete b. “hot” c. “cold” d. conventional Answer: c Rationale: “Cold” decision processes are guided by analytic reasoning and logic, whereas “hot” processes involve emotion and intuition. 134. Suppose that Marty sees a new bicycle he wants and, without giving much thought to how he will pay for it, purchases it on the spot because he “just needs it.” Marty’s decision process would be best characterized as: a. concrete b. “hot” c. “cold” d. conventional Answer: b Rationale: “Cold” decision processes are guided by analytic reasoning and logic, whereas “hot” processes involve emotion and intuition. 135. If they were playing the Iowa Gambling Task games, you would expect which group or groups to adopt the riskiest strategies? a. adults b. adolescents c. children d. adolescents and children but not adults Answer: b Rationale: Studies have shown that adolescents tend to adopt riskier strategies compared to adults or children when playing the Iowa Gambling Task. This behavior reflects the developmental differences in decision-making processes, with adolescents often prioritizing immediate rewards and engaging in more risk-taking behavior. 136. The Iowa Gambling Task is a game invented to detect: a. the personal fable b. the imaginary audience c. postconventional moral reasoning d. “hot” decision processes Answer: d Rationale: The Iowa Gambling Task is designed to assess decision-making processes, particularly those involving risk and reward. It measures "hot" decision processes, which involve emotional or affective components, rather than solely relying on rational or cognitive processes. This task is used to study decision-making deficits in various populations, including individuals with neurological disorders. 137. Joshua’s friends tease him because he always tries to conform his behavior to what he believes his friends are doing. In this sense, the stage of moral development that most likely characterizes his behavior would be: a. premoral b. preconventional c. conventional d. postconventional Answer: c Rationale: The conventional level of moral development is based in large part on conformity to social expectations and stereotypes. 138. If Melinda’s parents wanted her to think about moral judgments at a level higher than she typically uses, their best strategy to encourage her moral development would be to: a. punish her when she made decisions based on her current level of moral reasoning, so that she would try harder b. reward her when she made decisions based on her current level of moral reasoning, so she would feel comfortable and be able to advance in her thinking c. suggest a solution that was at a slightly higher level of moral reasoning so she could think about this d. simply wait until she gets older, because no kind of coaching or reward can advance the pattern of moral development an individual goes through Answer: c Rationale: Kohlberg and his colleagues set up experimental moral education classes for children and adolescents and demonstrated that moral reasoning could be taught. In the classes, Adolescents were presented with a problem and asked to give a solution. If the answer was argued at Stage 4 of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, the discussion leader suggested a Stage 5 rationale to see if the teenager thought it was a good alternative. The students almost always found that slightly more advanced reasoning was more appealing and, through repeated discussions, they sooner or later began to form judgments at higher stages. Current Issues: Diet and Exercise – Building a Healthy Lifestyle or an Eating Disorder 139. According to data gathered in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, in 1976-1980 about ___ percent of U. S. teenagers were obese; in 2007-2010 this percentage was ___ percent. a. 5; 10 b. 10; 5 c. 25; 55 d. 5; 18 Answer: d Rationale: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicates a significant increase in the percentage of obese teenagers in the United States from 1976-1980 to 2007-2010. The correct answer is option d, with approximately 5% of U.S. teenagers being obese in 1976-1980, and around 18% being obese in 2007-2010. 140. According to data gathered in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the rate of teenage obesity in the Unites States today is about __________ it was in the late 1970s. a. the same as b. double what c. triple what d. ten times what Answer: c Rationale: The 2007-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), compiled by the United States National Center for Health Statistics, revealed that nearly 18% of all U.S. teens were obese: In 1976 to 1980 this percentage was only 5%. 141. Fearing womanhood, Dana stops eating, thereby halting her body's development. She is obsessed by thoughts of food and an unattainable image of "perfect" thinness. What is her disorder? a. bulimia nervosa b. pica c. obsessive-compulsive eating disorder d. anorexia nervosa Answer: d Rationale: In anorexia nervosa, individuals silently starve themselves. In bulimia nervosa, on the other hand, individuals find themselves in a cycle of bingeing and purging. 142. Monica is terribly anxious about weighing too much, but has an uncontrollable need to eat, especially sweets. She consumes huge quantities of food in an hour, and then feels despondent and out of control. To compensate for overeating, she vomits. What is her disorder? a. bulimia nervosa b. pica c. anorexia nervosa d. obsessive-compulsive eating disorder Answer: a Rationale: Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by eating “binges” that then trigger “purges,” during which vomiting, laxatives, or sometimes extreme exercise regimens are used to eliminate the caloric intake of the just-eaten food. In anorexia nervosa, on the other hand, individuals silently starve themselves. Changing Perspectives: How Adolescents Around the World Spend Their Time 143. Which of the following correctly expresses a way in which adolescents in the United States differ from adolescents in most other parts of the world? a. U. S. adolescents have less leisure time. b. U. S. adolescents spend less time on school work. c. U. S. adolescents spend less time talking with their friends. d. U. S. adolescents spend more time helping their parents with household chores. Answer: b Rationale: Adolescents in the United States typically spend less time on school work compared to their counterparts in many other parts of the world. This difference in academic workload can impact various aspects of adolescent life, including leisure time activities and social interactions. 144. In comparison to adolescents in the United States, adolescents in Korea and Japan spend _____ time on schoolwork and _____ time engaging in creative activities. a. more; more b. less; less c. more; less d. less; more Answer: c Rationale: Adolescents in Korea and Japan generally spend more time on schoolwork and less time engaging in creative activities compared to adolescents in the United States. This difference reflects cultural variations in educational priorities and expectations placed on students in these respective countries. 145. In comparison to adolescents in most other parts of the world, adolescents in the United States have ______ free time and they are ______ likely to have their parents regulate how they spend the free time they have. a. more; more b. less; less c. more; less d. less; more Answer: c Rationale: Adolescents in the United States typically have more free time compared to adolescents in many other parts of the world. However, they are also more likely to have their parents regulate how they spend this free time. This regulation may stem from various factors, including cultural norms, parental concerns, and perceptions of safety. 146. If Jacob is a typical teenager growing up in the United States today, we would expect that he would spend the largest proportion of his free time in which of the following activities? a. schoolwork b. working c. watching TV or other media d. talking with his friends Answer: b Rationale: The figure in Changing Perspectives: How Adolescents Around the World Spend Their Time, shows the amount of time teens in a variety of locales spend their time. U.S. teens spend, on average, about 6 hours working, more time than was spent on any of the other activities listed. True-False questions: Adolescent Development in a Cultural and Historical Context 147. The adolescent rite of passage usually occurs at the end of a 1- to 2-year apprenticeship that most adolescents undertake to ready themselves for the roles and responsibilities of full adulthood. Answer: False Rationale: Usually the adolescent rite of passage occurs first, and it is followed by a 1- to 2-year apprenticeship that readies the adolescent to assume full adulthood. 148. As adolescents move through the period called “adolescence,” they usually become more likely to see themselves as adults. Answer: True Rationale: During adolescence, individuals undergo significant cognitive, emotional, and social development. While they may strive for independence and autonomy, it is not necessarily true that they consistently see themselves as adults. Adolescents often experience a period of identity exploration and may vacillate between feeling like children and feeling like adults as they navigate the transition to adulthood. 149. The period called “emerging adulthood” is most likely to be seen in cultures in which the transition between childhood and adulthood is short and relatively simple. Answer: False Rationale: Emerging adulthood is seen more often in complex cultures, where the period between childhood and adulthood is long and complex. 150. In the United States today, the period of adolescence is heavily age-segregated, meaning that nearly all children enter adolescence at age 12 or 13 and exit this period at age 22-24. Answer: False Rationale: Adolescence in the U. S. is age-segregated, but this means that adolescents spend most of their time with other adolescents. Physical Development and Adaptation 151. In both males and females, fat is deposited in the breast area during adolescence. Answer: True Rationale: During adolescence, both males and females experience hormonal changes that can lead to fat deposition in various parts of the body, including the breast area. This is a normal part of physical development. 152. Only males produce testosterone. Answer: False Rationale: Male and female hormones are present in members of both sexes, although, beginning in adolescence, males produce more testosterone than females. 153. The hypothalamus and the amygdala are the two brain regions that are most involved in controlling the balance of hormones in the body. Answer: False Rationale: The two brain regions that are most involved in controlling the balance of hormones in the body are the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. 154. The term menarche is used to indicate the onset of a girl’s first menstrual period. Answer: True Rationale: Menarche is indeed the term used to describe the first occurrence of menstruation in girls, marking the onset of reproductive capability. 155. Because of better nutrition, the age at which girls reach menarche in the Unites States is older now than in previous decades. Answer: False Rationale: The age at which U. S. girls reach menarche has been decreasing, which is called the secular trend. Most researchers believe that better nutrition is at least partly responsible for this trend toward earlier sexual maturation. 156. In boys, the first indication of puberty is a change in voice. Answer: False Rationale: The first indication of puberty in boys is usually accelerating growth of the testes and scrotum. The change in voice that sometimes accompanies male sexual maturation occurs relatively late in the developmental process. 157. A boy’s first ejaculation usually does not contain fertile sperm. Answer: True Rationale: Initially, a boy's first ejaculation, known as spermarche, often does not contain fertile sperm. It may take some time before sperm production reaches levels necessary for fertility. 158. When asked about their developing bodies, adolescent girls most often express concerns about being too fat or too tall, whereas adolescent boys most often express concern about being too short or too weak. Answer: True Rationale: Research indicates that adolescent girls tend to express concerns about body image related to weight and height, while boys often express concerns about their physical strength or height. 159. Research suggests that adolescents’ satisfaction with their body image is at its lowest point at age 13 for boys and at age 15 for girls. Answer: False Rationale: The low point for satisfaction with body image is at age 13 for girls and at age 15 for boys. 160. Boys who mature early usually experience more adjustment problems than do boys who mature late. Answer: False Rationale: Although boys who mature very early may experience some disadvantages, in general they are well-served by earlier maturation, since they are better at many sports and in social settings. Boys who mature late are usually at the greatest disadvantage as the result of their timing of maturation. Gender Identity and Sexual Practices 161. Attitudes about both premarital intercourse and same-sex orientation are more permissive today than they were in the 1950s. Answer: True Rationale: Societal attitudes toward premarital intercourse and same-sex orientation have become more permissive over time, reflecting changing cultural norms and values. 162. The sexual double standard refers to the idea that men are allowed to enjoy sex but women should not. Answer: False Rationale: The term sexual double standard refers to the view that sexual activity is more permissible for males than females. 163. According to research cited in the text, in 2009 about one-third of 9th graders and two-thirds of 12th graders reported that they were sexually active. Answer: True Rationale: Research data from 2009 indicate that a significant proportion of high school students, particularly seniors, reported being sexually active, highlighting the prevalence of sexual activity among adolescents. 164. Black boys and girls are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse during adolescence than are white boys and girls. Answer: True Rationale: Research indicates that there are racial disparities in rates of sexual activity during adolescence, with Black adolescents generally more likely to engage in sexual intercourse compared to their white counterparts. 165. Today in the U.S., 12th-grade girls are actually more likely to be sexually active than 12th-grade boys. Answer: True Rationale: Current data suggest that in the United States, 12th-grade girls are indeed more likely to report being sexually active compared to boys of the same grade level, reflecting gender differences in sexual behavior among adolescents. 166. In the United States today, about 50% of sexually active adolescents have a sexually transmitted disease. Answer: False Rationale: About 20% of sexually active adolescents in the U. S. today have an STD. 167. In the United States today, about 2% of teenage girls become pregnant. Answer: False Rationale: The text reports that about 7% of U. S. teenage girls become pregnant. 168. The majority of boys and girls in the U. S. today use contraception the first time they have sexual intercourse. Answer: True Rationale: The text reports a study that found that 22% of girls and 15% of boys do not use contraception the first time they have intercourse (Martinez, Copen, & Abma, 2011). 169. If teenagers become pregnant, they usually experience better long-term outcomes if they do not marry. Answer: True Rationale: Research indicates that teenagers who become pregnant often experience better long-term outcomes, such as educational attainment and economic stability, if they do not marry early. Early marriage in response to teenage pregnancy can pose additional challenges and may not necessarily improve outcomes. Cognitive Changes in Adolescence 170. By age 6, the brain is about 80% of it adult size. Answer: False Rationale: By age 6, the brain is about 95% of its adult size. 171. During adolescence, the amount of gray matter in the brain decreases and the amount of white matter increases. Answer: True Rationale: This statement is true. During adolescence, the brain undergoes significant structural changes. Gray matter, which consists of neuronal cell bodies and synapses, undergoes synaptic pruning, resulting in a decrease in volume. Meanwhile, white matter, composed of myelinated axons, increases due to the ongoing process of myelination, which enhances the efficiency of neural communication. These changes contribute to improvements in cognitive functioning and decision-making during adolescence. 172. During adolescence, two significant changes in the brain are the pruning away of some neurons and the increasing myelination of the brain cells. Answer: True Rationale: During adolescence, the brain undergoes significant structural changes. Neuronal pruning involves the elimination of unnecessary connections, allowing more efficient neural processing. Myelination, the process of insulating nerve fibers with myelin sheaths, increases, enhancing the speed and efficiency of neural transmission. 173. Younger adolescents seem to rely more on the amygdala to process emotional information, whereas older adolescents rely more on the frontal regions of the brain. Answer: False Rationale: Younger adolescents rely more on the amygdala, whereas older adolescents rely more on the frontal lobes. Thus, older adolescents are able to incorporate emotional judgments with problem-solving functions more effectively than are younger adolescents. 174. According to Piaget, children move from the stage of formal operations to the stage of concrete operations at about age 12. Answer: False Rationale: The final stage of cognitive development for Piaget is the stage of formal operations, which children enter at about age 12 as they move out of the stage of concrete operations. 175. Piaget’s view of development suggests that cognitive processes develop gradually and continuously, whereas the information-processing view suggests that thought processes change rapidly and dramatically about age 12. Answer: False Rationale: Information-processing views emphasize a more gradual and continuous development of cognitive functions than does Piaget’s theory, which views cognitive development as involving a sequence of stages that are quite different from each other. 176. David Elkind called adolescents’ tendency to see themselves as the center of everyone’s attention and scrutiny the “imaginary audience.” Answer: True Rationale: David Elkind introduced the concept of the "imaginary audience" to describe adolescents' belief that they are constantly being observed and judged by others, leading to self-consciousness and exaggerated concerns about social acceptance. 177. Adolescents perceive themselves as much more vulnerable to injury than they actually are. Answer: False Rationale: According to the personal fable, adolescents see themselves as being so special that they are exempt from the laws of nature, that nothing bad can happen to them, and that they will live forever. 178. Adolescents are more likely to rely on “hot” decision processes than are either adults or children. Answer: True Rationale: "Hot" decision processes involve emotions, impulses, and immediate rewards, while "cold" decision processes are more rational and deliberative. Adolescents are more prone to "hot" decision-making due to heightened emotional reactivity and sensitivity to peer influence during this developmental stage. 179. According to Lawrence Kohlberg’s view of moral development, most adolescents exercise conventional moral thinking most of the time. Answer: True Rationale: Lawrence Kohlberg proposed a theory of moral development consisting of three levels: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional. According to Kohlberg, most adolescents operate within the conventional level, where moral judgments are based on social norms, authority, and maintaining social order. Therefore, it is true that most adolescents exercise conventional moral thinking most of the time. Short Answer questions: Adolescent Development in a Cultural and Historical Context 180. Give an example of a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. Answer: One example of a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood is the Quinceañera celebration in Latin American cultures, particularly in Mexico. This ceremony typically occurs when a girl turns 15 years old and symbolizes her transition from childhood to womanhood. During the Quinceañera, the young woman participates in religious ceremonies, receives blessings from family and community members, and may have a formal reception similar to a wedding, marking her new social status as an adult within her community. 181. Explain why the concept of “emerging adulthood” might be more important in explaining developmental processes in a developed nation than in an undeveloped nation. Answer: The concept of "emerging adulthood" might be more significant in explaining developmental processes in developed nations due to factors such as extended education, delayed marriage, and prolonged exploration of career options. In developed nations, young people often have more opportunities for higher education, career development, and personal exploration before fully committing to adult roles and responsibilities, leading to a distinct stage of transition known as emerging adulthood. 182. Describe the results of the study reported in the text in which adolescents and adults of different ages were asked, “Do you feel that you have reached adulthood?” What conclusions can be drawn from this study? Answer: The study found that adolescents, regardless of age, were less likely than adults to feel that they had reached adulthood. Older adolescents were more likely than younger ones to feel they had reached adulthood, but they still reported lower rates of feeling adult compared to adults of similar age groups. From this study, we can conclude that the perception of reaching adulthood is a gradual process that tends to increase with age, but even older adolescents may not fully perceive themselves as adults. 183. What does it mean to say that in the United States today the period of adolescence is “age-segregated?” Answer: Saying that the period of adolescence is "age-segregated" in the United States means that adolescents typically spend the majority of their time interacting with peers of similar age. This segregation occurs in settings such as schools, where students are grouped by age into grades, and extracurricular activities, where age-specific programs are common. As a result, adolescents have limited interaction with individuals outside their age group, contributing to a distinct peer culture and social environment during adolescence. Physical Development and Adaptation 184. Describe the hormone changes that occur as boys and girls enter puberty. Answer: During puberty, both boys and girls experience significant hormonal changes. In boys, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulate the testes to produce testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as deepening voice, facial and body hair growth, muscle development, and growth of the external genitalia. In girls, the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis is activated, leading to the release of FSH and LH. These hormones stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen contributes to the development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as breast development, widening of hips, and onset of menstruation. 185. What is the secular trend? Why is this trend occurring? Answer: The secular trend refers to the historical pattern of earlier onset of puberty and sexual maturation in adolescents over generations. This trend is occurring due to various factors, including improvements in nutrition, healthcare, and overall living conditions. Adequate nutrition and better healthcare contribute to healthier growth and development, leading to earlier physical maturation. Additionally, exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment may also play a role in accelerating puberty onset. 186. Describe the physical changes that boys’ bodies go through, in order, as they move from childhood to adulthood. Answer: Boys undergo several physical changes as they transition from childhood to adulthood. These changes typically occur in a predictable sequence. Initially, boys experience an increase in testicular size followed by the growth of pubic hair. This is followed by the growth spurt, during which boys experience rapid growth in height and weight. Next, boys experience enlargement of the penis and development of facial and body hair. Voice deepening also occurs due to growth of the larynx. Finally, boys achieve full physical maturity with the development of broader shoulders, increased muscle mass, and completion of genital development. 187. Describe the physical changes that girls’ bodies go through, in order, as they move from childhood to adulthood. Answer: Girls undergo several physical changes as they progress from childhood to adulthood. These changes occur in a specific sequence. The first visible change is usually the development of breast buds, followed by the growth of pubic hair. Girls then experience a growth spurt, characterized by rapid increase in height and weight. Menarche, the onset of menstruation, typically occurs during this period. Subsequently, girls experience widening of hips and further breast development. Finally, girls achieve full physical maturity with the completion of breast development, attainment of adult height, and development of other female secondary sexual characteristics. 188. Describe how body satisfaction changes for girls and for boys during the period of adolescence. Answer: During adolescence, body satisfaction tends to fluctuate for both girls and boys. In early adolescence, many individuals may experience dissatisfaction with their changing bodies as they compare themselves to societal ideals or peers. Girls, in particular, may face pressure to conform to narrow standards of beauty, leading to body image concerns. However, as adolescents progress through puberty and gain a better understanding of themselves, body satisfaction may improve. Factors such as self-esteem, peer support, and acceptance of diverse body types can influence body satisfaction during this period. 189. What advantages and disadvantages are associated with being an early maturing boy? Answer: Early maturing boys may experience both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages may include enhanced social status among peers, as early physical maturation may be associated with athleticism and leadership qualities. Early maturing boys may also have an easier time fitting in with older peer groups. However, disadvantages may include psychological challenges such as heightened self-consciousness, as early physical development may lead to feelings of being different or out of place. Early maturing boys may also face pressure to engage in adult behaviors for which they may not be emotionally or psychologically prepared. 190. What advantages and disadvantages are associated with being a late-maturing girl? Answer: Advantages of being a late-maturing girl may include having more time to develop emotionally and socially before experiencing the physical changes associated with puberty. Late-maturing girls may also face less pressure to conform to societal beauty standards at a younger age, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their identity and development. However, disadvantages may include feeling left behind or different from peers who have already begun puberty, leading to issues such as social comparison and low self-esteem. Late-maturing girls may also experience frustration or impatience as they wait for their bodies to catch up with their peers. 191. What is the sexual double standard and how has it changed in the United States since the 1950s? Answer: The sexual double standard refers to the societal belief that sexual activity is more permissible and even expected for boys than for girls. Historically, in the 1950s and earlier, the sexual double standard was more pronounced, with strict expectations regarding female virginity and modesty while males faced fewer repercussions for engaging in premarital or casual sex. However, since then, there has been a gradual shift in societal attitudes towards sexuality, with increasing acceptance of female sexual agency and a more equitable view of sexual behavior regardless of gender. While remnants of the sexual double standard may still persist in certain contexts, there has been progress towards greater sexual autonomy and equality for both sexes. 192. Suggest 3 ways in which U. S. society has changed as the result of the sexual revolution. Answer: Three ways in which U.S. society has changed as a result of the sexual revolution include: 1. Attitudes towards sexuality: The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s brought about more liberal attitudes towards sexuality, challenging traditional norms and taboos surrounding sex. This shift led to increased acceptance of premarital sex, contraception, and LGBTQ+ rights. 2. Reproductive rights: The sexual revolution played a crucial role in advancing reproductive rights, including access to contraception and abortion. This resulted in greater reproductive autonomy for individuals, particularly women, allowing them to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health. 3. Gender roles and relationships: The sexual revolution prompted a reevaluation of traditional gender roles and power dynamics within relationships. There was greater emphasis placed on mutual consent, communication, and equality in sexual relationships, contributing to evolving notions of gender and sexuality in society. 193. Describe how the rates of sexual intercourse change from the time adolescents are in 9th grade to the time they are in 12th grade. Include in your answer how these changes occur for adolescents in different racial/ethnic groups. Answer: Generally, rates of sexual intercourse tend to increase as adolescents progress from 9th grade to 12th grade. This trend is observed across various racial and ethnic groups, although the specific rates and patterns may vary. Factors such as peer influence, media exposure, and individual readiness can influence these changes. Additionally, cultural norms and values within different racial and ethnic communities may also impact the timing and frequency of sexual activity among adolescents. While some groups may exhibit similar trajectories of sexual behavior over time, disparities in sexual health outcomes may exist, highlighting the importance of culturally sensitive and comprehensive sexual education and healthcare interventions. 194. According to a study reported in the text, what percentage of boys and girls reported that they did not use contraception during their first experience with sexual intercourse? What factors probably account for this result? Answer: The study reported in the text indicates that approximately 22% of U.S. adolescent girls and 15% of U.S. adolescent boys did not use contraception during their first experience with sexual intercourse. Several factors may account for this result, including inadequate sexual education, lack of access to contraception, misconceptions about contraception effectiveness, peer pressure, and reluctance to discuss or obtain contraception due to stigma or cultural norms. 195. If you were to advise a teenage couple who was pregnant about the advantages and disadvantages of marrying, what advice would you give? Cite evidence presented in the text to support your advice. Answer: It's essential to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of marrying as a teenage couple facing pregnancy. Advantages may include potential financial stability through combined resources, emotional support, legal rights regarding custody and decision-making for the child, and social acceptance. However, it's crucial to weigh these against potential disadvantages such as limited educational and career opportunities, increased stress and conflict within the relationship, and higher likelihood of divorce. Evidence from the text suggests that teenage marriage often leads to negative outcomes, including higher divorce rates, lower educational attainment, and increased economic hardship. Therefore, I would advise the teenage couple to carefully consider their options and seek support from trusted adults and resources to make an informed decision that aligns with their long-term goals and well-being. Cognitive Changes in Adolescence 196. How has the development of fMRI technology helped scientists advance their understanding about how the brain changes during adolescence? Answer: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) technology has allowed scientists to observe and analyze brain activity in real-time, providing insights into how different regions of the brain function and interact during various cognitive tasks and developmental stages. Specifically, fMRI studies have enabled researchers to map changes in brain activity patterns during adolescence, shedding light on neural processes associated with cognitive, emotional, and social development. 197. In comparison to the number of neurons present in the brain at birth, are there more or fewer neurons present in the brain during adolescence? What does this change imply about how neurons change as development progresses throughout childhood? Answer: There are fewer neurons present in the brain during adolescence compared to at birth. This change implies that the brain undergoes a process called synaptic pruning, wherein unnecessary or less active neural connections are eliminated to optimize brain function. As development progresses throughout childhood, neurons that are not effectively utilized or integrated into neural circuits are eliminated, resulting in a more efficient and specialized neural network. 198. Based on evidence presented in the text, what pattern of brain activity would you expect to observe as adolescents versus adults think about an emotion-based problem? Answer: Adolescents are likely to exhibit heightened activity in brain regions associated with emotional processing, such as the amygdala, coupled with less activation in regions responsible for cognitive control and regulation, such as the prefrontal cortex, compared to adults. This pattern suggests that adolescents may rely more on emotional responses and less on cognitive regulation when faced with emotion-based problems, potentially contributing to impulsive or risky behaviors characteristic of adolescence. 199. Describe a typical task used in a study to test whether or not a child has developed formal operational thought. Answer: A typical task used to assess formal operational thought in children is the "Piagetian conservation task." In this task, children are presented with two equal quantities of a substance, such as liquid or clay, in identical containers. The experimenter then alters the appearance of one of the quantities, for example, pouring the liquid into a taller, narrower glass. The child is asked whether the amounts of the substance are still the same or different. Children who have developed formal operational thought understand that the quantity remains the same despite changes in appearance, demonstrating conservation of quantity. 200. How does an information-processing view of cognitive development differ from Piaget’s view? Answer: An information-processing view of cognitive development focuses on how individuals perceive, interpret, and mentally manipulate information, akin to how a computer processes data. It emphasizes the development of cognitive processes like attention, memory, and problem-solving through gradual improvements in efficiency and capacity. In contrast, Piaget's view emphasizes qualitative shifts in cognitive abilities through distinct stages, driven by maturation and interaction with the environment. 201. Give an example of the imaginary audience, as defined by David Elkind. Answer: An example of the imaginary audience is when an adolescent believes that everyone is constantly watching and judging their appearance or behavior in a social setting. For instance, a teenager might refuse to participate in a school event due to the fear of being ridiculed or scrutinized by peers, even though others may not actually be paying as much attention as the teenager perceives. 202. Give an example of the personal fable, as defined by David Elkind. Answer: An example of the personal fable is when an adolescent believes that they are invincible and immune to the consequences that affect others. For example, a teenager might engage in risky behavior like reckless driving, convinced that accidents only happen to other people and that they are too special or unique to suffer negative outcomes themselves. 203. Describe the approach that parents should take if they wish to encourage their adolescent child to become more advanced in moral reasoning. Include in your answer how the concept of “disequilibrium” is involved in the development of moral reasoning. Answer: Parents can encourage their adolescent child to become more advanced in moral reasoning by fostering open communication, providing opportunities for moral dilemmas and discussions, and modeling ethical behavior themselves. To promote moral reasoning, parents should challenge their child's existing beliefs and values, creating a state of cognitive "disequilibrium" where the adolescent must reevaluate their understanding of right and wrong. By presenting conflicting perspectives and encouraging critical thinking, parents can help adolescents navigate moral complexity and develop more sophisticated moral reasoning skills. Essay questions: Adolescent Development in a Cultural and Historical Context 204. What is a rite of passage and what functions do such rites serve? Answer: A rite of passage is a ritual or ceremony that marks the transition from one social status or life stage to another. Such rites serve several functions, including: 1. Socialization: Rites of passage help individuals learn and internalize the norms, values, and roles associated with their new status or stage of life. 2. Identity formation: These rituals often provide individuals with a sense of identity and belonging within their community or culture. 3. Psychological preparation: Rites of passage can help individuals psychologically prepare for the changes and responsibilities associated with their new role or status. 4. Community cohesion: By participating in and witnessing rites of passage, members of a community reinforce social bonds and solidarity. 205. The concept called “emerging adulthood” was developed to explain what historical trends in development? Answer: The concept of "emerging adulthood" was developed to explain the historical trend of prolonged exploration and instability in the period between adolescence and full adulthood. This phase typically encompasses the late teens through the twenties and is characterized by individuals exploring various educational, career, and personal options before making enduring commitments in life, such as marriage and career choices. Physical Development and Adaptation 206. Describe the pattern of changes that occur at puberty for the typical boy and typical girl. Be sure to note which changes occur earlier in this developmental process and which occur later. Answer: The pattern of changes that occur at puberty for the typical boy and girl involves a series of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional transformations. In general, girls tend to enter puberty earlier than boys. For girls, the initial signs of puberty often include breast development (thelarche) and the growth of pubic hair (pubarche), which typically occur between the ages of 8 and 13. Menstruation (menarche) usually occurs later in puberty, typically around age 12 to 13, although the timing can vary widely. Boys typically experience puberty starting around ages 10 to 14. Their first sign of puberty is usually testicular enlargement (gonadarche), followed by pubic hair growth and growth spurts. Facial and body hair growth, deepening of the voice, and muscle development typically occur later in male puberty. 207. Explain the typical findings with respect to the age of menarche when studied in different cultures and different historical time periods. What conclusions result from this pattern of data? Answer: When studied in different cultures and historical time periods, the age of menarche, or the onset of menstruation in girls, shows variation. Generally, girls in developed countries and urban areas tend to experience menarche at earlier ages compared to girls in less developed or rural areas. Additionally, historical data indicates a trend of declining age of menarche over the past century, particularly in industrialized nations. This pattern suggests that factors such as improved nutrition, healthcare, and overall living conditions contribute to earlier onset of puberty. However, variations still exist due to genetic, environmental, and cultural factors. The consistent finding of earlier menarche in modern societies underscores the influence of socioenvironmental factors on pubertal development. 208. What are the typical concerns that adolescent boys and girls have about their bodies? How are boys’ concerns different than girls’ concerns and how are they similar? Answer: Adolescent boys and girls commonly have concerns about their physical appearance, body image, and changes associated with puberty. Boys often worry about aspects such as muscularity, height, voice changes, and facial hair growth. On the other hand, girls frequently express concerns about weight, breast development, menstruation, body shape, and skin appearance. While boys and girls may have different specific concerns based on societal norms and gender expectations, they share similarities in experiencing self-consciousness, comparison to peers, and the desire to conform to perceived standards of attractiveness. 209. If you had a daughter, would you hope that she would be an early-maturing, average-maturing, or late-maturing girl? Why? Would these same advantages and disadvantages apply if your child were a boy? Explain your answer. Answer: As a parent, I would hope for my daughter to be an average-maturing girl. Early maturation in girls may present challenges such as increased vulnerability to peer pressure, body image concerns, and premature exposure to adult responsibilities, while late maturation may lead to feelings of social inadequacy or delayed peer group integration. Average maturation offers a balance, allowing her to navigate puberty without the extremes of early or late development. Similar advantages and disadvantages would apply if my child were a boy, as early or late maturation in boys can also influence self-esteem, social interactions, and adjustment to physical changes, albeit with some gender-specific variations in societal expectations. Gender Identity and Sexual Practices 210. What changes occurred in the United States with regard to sexual attitudes and behavior during the decades of the 1960s and 1970s? Do you think these changes are still in motion, or has U. S. culture reached an equilibrium point regarding sexual attitudes and practices? Cite evidence to support your conclusions. Answer: During the 1960s and 1970s, significant shifts in sexual attitudes and behavior occurred in the United States. This period, often referred to as the sexual revolution, saw a liberalization of societal norms surrounding sexuality. Attitudes towards premarital sex, contraception, and homosexuality underwent substantial changes. The widespread availability of birth control pills in the 1960s played a crucial role in altering sexual behavior by empowering women to have more control over their reproductive choices. Additionally, the LGBTQ+ rights movement gained momentum during this time, challenging traditional notions of sexuality and paving the way for greater acceptance and visibility of sexual diversity. While significant progress was made during the sexual revolution, the evolution of sexual attitudes and practices in the United States continues to be a dynamic process. The cultural landscape surrounding sexuality has witnessed ongoing shifts in recent decades, driven by factors such as advances in technology, changes in media representation, and evolving societal norms. Discussions around consent, gender identity, and sexual health have become increasingly prominent, reflecting a broader awareness and understanding of diverse sexual experiences. However, it would be premature to suggest that U.S. culture has reached an equilibrium point regarding sexual attitudes and practices. Social and political debates surrounding issues like reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and sex education indicate that the conversation around sexuality remains fluid and subject to ongoing change. Evidence supporting the notion that sexual attitudes and practices in the United States are still evolving can be observed in various domains. For instance, public opinion polls consistently show shifting attitudes towards issues such as same-sex marriage, with increasing acceptance and support over time. Additionally, the emergence of online dating platforms and the normalization of hookup culture among younger generations signify a departure from traditional courtship norms. Furthermore, ongoing debates over sex education curricula in schools and legislative battles over reproductive rights underscore the continued relevance and contested nature of sexual issues in American society. These trends suggest that U.S. culture has not reached a static equilibrium point regarding sexual attitudes and practices, but rather remains in a state of flux, shaped by ongoing social, cultural, and political dynamics. 211. Identify and describe 3 different factors that are associated with the age at which boys and girls begin to engage in sexual intercourse. Answer: The age at which boys and girls begin to engage in sexual intercourse can be influenced by various factors: 1. Peer Influence: Peers play a significant role in shaping adolescents' attitudes and behaviors towards sex. Adolescents may feel pressure to engage in sexual activity to fit in with their peers or due to perceptions of peer norms regarding sexual behavior. 2. Parental Communication: The quality and frequency of communication between adolescents and their parents about sex can impact the age at which they initiate sexual activity. Open and supportive communication from parents regarding sexuality, contraception, and sexual health can delay the onset of sexual activity. 3. Media Exposure: Exposure to sexual content in media such as television, movies, and the internet can influence adolescents' attitudes and behaviors towards sex. Increased exposure to sexualized media content may contribute to earlier initiation of sexual activity boys and girls during their first sexual experiences. What factors account for these results? The study reported in the text found that a significant proportion of both boys and girls did not use contraception during their first sexual experiences. Factors contributing to this finding include: • Lack of Knowledge: Many adolescents may lack adequate knowledge about contraception methods and their effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). • Fear or Embarrassment: Adolescents may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable discussing contraception with their partners or obtaining contraceptives due to stigma or fear of judgment. • Relationship Dynamics: Power dynamics within relationships, including pressure from partners or perceptions of trust, may influence adolescents' decisions regarding contraception use. • Accessibility: Limited access to contraception, either due to financial barriers, lack of healthcare access, or parental restrictions, can hinder adolescents' ability to use contraception during sexual encounters. 213. What positive and negative outcomes are associated with early parenthood? Answer: Early parenthood, typically defined as becoming a parent during adolescence or early adulthood, is associated with both positive and negative outcomes: Positive outcomes: • Increased sense of responsibility and maturity: Some young parents may develop a greater sense of responsibility and maturity as they navigate the challenges of parenthood. • Enhanced social support networks: Early parents may receive support from family, friends, or community resources to help them care for their children. • Motivation for future success: Becoming a parent may motivate some young individuals to strive for a better future for themselves and their children, leading to increased educational and career aspirations. Negative outcomes: • Economic challenges: Early parenthood often disrupts educational and career opportunities, leading to financial instability and economic hardship for young parents and their families. • Social isolation: Young parents may face social stigma and isolation from peers due to their parental status, which can impact their mental health and well-being. • Increased risk of health complications: Both mothers and their children are at higher risk for health complications associated with adolescent pregnancy, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and maternal health issues. Overall, early parenthood can have significant implications for the well-being and future prospects of young individuals and their families. Cognitive Changes in Adolescence 214. How do the volumes of the brain’s gray matter and white matter change during the period of adolescence? What do these changes imply about the direction of neural development during this developmental period? Answer: During adolescence, there is a dynamic change in the volumes of the brain's gray matter and white matter. Gray matter volume tends to decrease, primarily due to synaptic pruning, which refines neural connections and eliminates redundant or inefficient synapses. Conversely, white matter volume increases as myelination, the process of insulating axons with myelin sheaths, enhances the efficiency of neural transmission. These changes imply a shift towards more streamlined and efficient neural networks, reflecting ongoing maturation and refinement of cognitive processes during adolescence. 215. How does the brain’s development during adolescence influence the thinking and behavior of teenagers? Answer: The brain's development during adolescence significantly influences the thinking and behavior of teenagers. As the prefrontal cortex, responsible for higher-order cognitive functions such as decision-making, impulse control, and social cognition, undergoes continued development, teenagers may experience improvements in their ability to plan, reason, and self-regulate. However, the simultaneous maturation of subcortical regions, such as the limbic system involved in emotion processing and reward-seeking behavior, can contribute to heightened emotional reactivity and risk-taking tendencies. These neural changes underpin the cognitive and behavioral characteristics commonly observed during adolescence, including increased sensation-seeking, susceptibility to peer influence, and emotional volatility. 216. How do hormones, and especially those that target the amygdala, influence cognitive development? Answer: Hormones, particularly those that target the amygdala, play a crucial role in influencing cognitive development during adolescence. The amygdala, a brain region involved in emotion processing and response, is sensitive to hormonal fluctuations, particularly those associated with puberty, such as increases in estrogen and testosterone. These hormonal changes can modulate the activity and connectivity of the amygdala, influencing emotional reactivity, social behavior, and risk assessment. Additionally, hormones interact with other brain regions involved in cognitive functions, such as the prefrontal cortex, shaping the development of higher-order cognitive processes such as decision-making and social cognition. Thus, hormonal influences on the amygdala contribute to the complex interplay between emotion and cognition during adolescence, shaping the trajectory of cognitive development. 217. Discuss 3 ways in which the thought processes of a 10-year-old are likely to be different from those of a 13-year-old, according to Piaget’s view of cognitive development. Answer: According to Piaget's view of cognitive development, there are several differences in thought processes between a 10-year-old and a 13-year-old. Firstly, a 10-year-old is likely to be in the concrete operational stage, characterized by the ability to think logically about concrete events and objects, while a 13-year-old may have transitioned into the formal operational stage, marked by the ability to think abstractly and hypothetically. Secondly, a 10-year-old may struggle with understanding perspectives other than their own, whereas a 13-year-old may show increased capacity for empathy and perspective-taking. Lastly, a 10-year-old may exhibit more rigid and concrete thinking, whereas a 13-year-old may demonstrate greater flexibility in problem-solving and reasoning, reflecting the development of abstract thinking skills. 218. How might the concept of the personal fable help explain why adolescents seem especially enthralled with media that are highly violent? Answer: The concept of the personal fable suggests that adolescents believe they are unique, special, and invulnerable, leading to a sense of heightened self-importance and risk-taking behavior. Adolescents may be particularly drawn to media that are highly violent because they perceive themselves as invincible and detached from the potential consequences depicted in such media. The personal fable contributes to adolescents' fascination with violence in media as they may identify with characters who engage in risky or violent behaviors without fully comprehending the real-life implications. Additionally, adolescents' increased susceptibility to peer influence and desire for sensation-seeking may further amplify their attraction to violent media content. 219. In what ways can adolescent cognition be described as being “egocentric”? What does this term mean when applied as a description of adolescent thought and problem solving? Answer: Adolescent cognition can be described as egocentric in several ways. Firstly, adolescents may exhibit egocentrism in their belief that their thoughts, feelings, and experiences are unique and incomprehensible to others, leading to a sense of isolation or misunderstood. Secondly, adolescents may demonstrate egocentrism in their tendency to focus excessively on their own perspectives and concerns, often at the expense of considering others' viewpoints or needs. Lastly, egocentrism in adolescent thought and problem-solving can manifest as difficulty in recognizing the impact of their actions on others or anticipating the consequences of their behavior. This term refers to adolescents' tendency to perceive the world primarily from their own subjective viewpoint, leading to challenges in social interactions, decision-making, and understanding complex social dynamics. 220. In what way might media such as movies and television shows prolong the adolescent concepts of imaginary audience and personal fable? Answer: Media such as movies and television shows often portray exaggerated or unrealistic scenarios and characters, which can reinforce adolescents' beliefs in the imaginary audience and personal fable. These media representations frequently depict characters who are exceptionally special or constantly under public scrutiny, thereby perpetuating adolescents' tendencies to believe that others are always watching and evaluating them (imaginary audience) and that their experiences are unique and invulnerable to harm (personal fable). 221. Describe the Iowa Gambling Task and summarize the result of studies that use it to compare the problem-solving strategies used by children, adolescents, and adults. Answer: The Iowa Gambling Task is a psychological task designed to assess decision-making and risk-taking behavior. In this task, participants are presented with four decks of cards and instructed to select cards from these decks. Some decks are associated with high immediate rewards but also high long-term losses, while other decks are associated with lower immediate rewards but also lower long-term losses. Studies using the Iowa Gambling Task have found that children tend to focus more on immediate rewards, adolescents show a gradual improvement in decision-making skills, and adults generally demonstrate more advantageous decision-making strategies by avoiding risky decks associated with long-term losses. 222. Suppose you are working with a teenage girl whose moral reasoning is very conventional. What might you do to help her become more postconventional in her thought? Cite research to support your answer. Answer: To help the teenage girl become more postconventional in her moral reasoning, interventions should focus on fostering perspective-taking abilities, encouraging moral discussion and reflection, and providing opportunities for moral dilemma resolution. Research suggests that engaging in moral reasoning discussions, particularly when exposed to diverse perspectives and ethical dilemmas, can promote the development of postconventional moral reasoning (Colby & Kohlberg, 1987). Additionally, encouraging empathy and moral reasoning beyond rule compliance can lead to the internalization of moral principles and the consideration of universal ethical principles, indicative of postconventional moral development (Eisenberg et al., 2015). Test Bank for Understanding Human Development Wendy L. Dunn, Grace J. Craig 9780205989522, 9780135164204, 9780205233878, 9780205753079

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