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Chapter 7 Sexuality and Sexual Expression throughout Life 1) Which of the following is True of sexual identity? A) It is a uni-dimensional concept. B) It focuses on psychological instead of biological components. C) It refers to an awareness of ourselves as male or female. D) It emphasizes physiological aspects rather than sociological aspects. Answer: C Rationale: Sexual identity refers to an individual's awareness of their own gender, whether they identify as male, female, or another gender identity. It is about how one perceives oneself in terms of gender. 2) Javier and Maria are attracted to both males and females. They can be classified as ________. A) homosexuals B) heterosexuals C) transsexuals D) bisexuals Answer: D Rationale: Bisexual individuals are attracted to both males and females. Javier and Maria fit this classification as they are attracted to both genders. 3) ________ specifies the formal or informal norms for acceptable or unacceptable sexual activity, including which individuals are eligible sexual partners, and the boundaries of sexual behavior. A) Gender role B) Sexual orientation C) Sexual script D) Sexual identity Answer: C Rationale: Sexual script refers to societal norms and expectations regarding sexual behavior, including who one should have sex with and what behaviours are considered appropriate or unacceptable. 4) Jacob and Amy had been dating for more than a year. Recently, Jacob found out that Amy cheated on him. Feeling betrayed and hurt, he engaged in a physical relationship with Marie in order to get back at Amy. Jacob having sex with Marie can be attributed to ________ reasons. A) physical B) goal attainment C) emotional D) insecurity Answer: B Rationale: Jacob's decision to engage in a physical relationship with Marie is driven by the goal of attaining revenge or retaliation against Amy for cheating on him. 5) Ideally, ________ should be a child’s first and best sex educators. A) parents B) peers C) school D) church Answer: A Rationale: Parents ideally should be a child's first and primary source of information and education about sex, as they can provide guidance, support, and accurate information tailored to the child's needs and development. 6) ________ refers to arousal of sexual feelings without an external stimulus. A) Flirting B) Kissing C) Sex D) Autoeroticism Answer: D Rationale: Autoeroticism refers to sexual arousal or gratification achieved without the involvement of another person or external stimuli. 7) Which of the following is a reason why there has been a decline of teen sexual intercourse since the early 1990s? A) Adolescents who engage in oral and anal sex believe that they’ve engaged in sex. B) Teenagers define themselves as virgins because they have not engaged in any sexual behaviors. C) Values and practical considerations affect decisions about sex. D) Adolescents have strained relationships with their parents. Answer: C Rationale: The decline in teen sexual intercourse can be attributed to factors such as changing societal values, including more emphasis on abstinence and the importance of education and career goals, as well as practical considerations such as access to contraception and sexual health education. 8) Which of the following is a micro reason why people engage in extramarital sex? A) economic problems B) the anonymity of urban life C) revenge or retaliation D) changing gender roles Answer: C Rationale: Micro reasons for engaging in extramarital sex include personal motivations such as seeking revenge or retaliation against a partner for perceived wrongdoings. 9) Which of the following is an accurate statement about sexually transmitted infections and diseases? A) Syphilis is the most common sexually transmitted infection. B) HIV and AIDS can be treated and cured. C) There are a total of 20 types of STDs. D) STIs are transmittable even when there are no symptoms. Answer: D Rationale: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be transmitted even when there are no symptoms present, making regular testing and practicing safe sex important for prevention and control. 10) Why do STDs have more serious and frequent complications in women? Answer: Both men and women get STDs, but women have more serious and more frequent complications for several reasons. First, men are more likely than women to have sex at an early age and with more partners over a lifetime. This means that women have a greater risk of getting all of the STDs that a man’s past and present partners have had. Second, the lining of the vagina is thinner and more delicate than the skin on a penis, so it’s easier for bacteria and viruses to penetrate. Third, compared with men, women are less likely to have symptoms of some common STDs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea. 1) The sexual drive that makes us receptive to sexual activity is called ________. A) sexual orientation B) sexual identity C) sexual desire D) sexual script Answer: C Rationale: Sexual desire refers to the innate drive or urge for sexual activity, including the longing or interest in engaging in sexual behaviours. 2) The biological aspects of sexuality that include experiencing pleasure or orgasm is called ________. A) gender role B) sexual identity C) sexual script D) sexual response Answer: D Rationale: Sexual response encompasses the biological aspects of sexuality, such as experiencing pleasure, arousal, and orgasm in response to sexual stimuli or activity. 3) People’s preference for sexual partners of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes indicates their ________. A) gender role B) sexual orientation C) sexual script D) sexual desire Answer: B Rationale: Sexual orientation refers to an individual's pattern of sexual attraction to people of the same sex, opposite sex, or both sexes, indicating their preferences for sexual partners. 4) Amanda is a 24-year-old woman who is sexually attracted to other women. She is a ________. A) heterosexual B) bisexual C) homosexual D) transsexual Answer: C Rationale: Amanda, who is sexually attracted to other women, is classified as homosexual because her attraction is exclusively towards individuals of the same sex. 5) Pierre is a 35-year-old man who is sexually attracted to women but not men. He is a ________. A) homosexual B) bisexual C) transsexual D) heterosexual Answer: D Rationale: Pierre, who is sexually attracted to women but not men, is classified as heterosexual because his attraction is exclusively towards individuals of the opposite sex. 6) Patrick lacks any interest in or desire for sex. Patrick can be categorized as a(n) ________. A) asexual B) bisexual C) intersexual D) homosexual Answer: A Rationale: Patrick, who lacks interest or desire for sex, fits the categorization of asexual, indicating a lack of sexual attraction or orientation. 7) Which of the following traits is common to homosexual men and heterosexual women? A) Both are bisexual. B) Both consider themselves members of the opposite sex. C) Both lack the desire for sex. D) Both are sexually attracted to men. Answer: D Rationale: Homosexual men and heterosexual women are both sexually attracted to men, distinguishing them from other sexual orientations. 8) The belief that being straight is superior to and more "natural" than being gay is called ________. A) heterosexism B) misandry C) biphobia D) androgyny Answer: A Rationale: Heterosexism is the belief in the superiority of heterosexuality over other sexual orientations, leading to discrimination and prejudice against non-heterosexual individuals. 9) Which of the following is a similarity between transsexuals and intersexual? A) They are classified as bisexuals and are attracted to people of both sexes. B) They are two of the most predominant sexual orientations worldwide. C) They don’t conform to the sexes that were assigned to them at birth. D) They have a fear of homosexuality. Answer: C Rationale: Both transsexuals and intersexual do not conform to the sexes assigned to them at birth, as their gender identity or biological sex may differ from societal expectations or initial categorization. 10) Pablo, a 33-year-old man, likes dressing up as a woman. However, he does not consider himself a woman. In this scenario, Pablo can be classified as a(n)________. A) asexual B) transsexual C) transvestite D) intersexual Answer: C Rationale: Pablo, who enjoys dressing up as a woman but does not identify as one, fits the classification of a transvestite, someone who derives pleasure from wearing clothes typically associated with the opposite gender. 11) Which of the following theories suggests that sexual orientation is strongly molded by factors such as the early influence of sex hormones after conception? A) developmental theories B) social constructionist theories C) biological theories D) cultural theories Answer: C Rationale: Biological theories propose that sexual orientation is largely influenced by genetic, hormonal, and physiological factors, including the early exposure to sex hormones during prenatal development, which can shape sexual orientation. 12) Benjamin believes that sexual behavior is largely the result of societal pressure. He finds that culture plays an important role in forming our sexual identity. With which of the following theories does Benjamin’s belief coincide? A) psychoanalytic theories B) social constructionist theories C) biological theories D) social exchange theories Answer: B Rationale: Social constructionist theories assert that sexual behavior and identity are shaped by societal norms, beliefs, and cultural influences, aligning with Benjamin's belief that culture plays a significant role in forming sexual identity. 13) Some scholars state that gender is a more powerful factor than sexual orientation in shaping a person’s behavior. They assert that there are more similarities between straight and gay men and between straight women and lesbians than there are between lesbians and gays. Which of the following, if True, supports this argument? A) Gays and heterosexual women mostly engage in monogamous relationships. B) Lesbians and heterosexual men often separate emotional intimacy from sex. C) Lesbians and gays are more likely to have more than one lover at a time. D) Lesbians and heterosexual women believe love and sex go hand in hand. Answer: D Rationale: Option D supports the argument by highlighting a similarity between lesbians and heterosexual women, suggesting that their beliefs about love and sex are more aligned than those between lesbians and gay men. 14) Which of the following is True of sexual scripts? A) They eliminate sexual double standards. B) They remain constant over time. C) They increase women’s hyper sexualization. D) They are universal across groups. Answer: C Rationale: Sexual scripts often reinforce gender stereotypes and traditional roles, contributing to the hyper sexualization of women and perpetuating unequal power dynamics in sexual relationships. 15) Which of the following is a negative effect of male sexual scripts? A) They encourage men to control their sexual urges. B) They downplay physical characteristics and emphasize emotional commitment. C) They require women to initiate and be assertive in sexual encounters. D) They expect males to be sexually aggressive. Answer: D Rationale: Male sexual scripts often promote the expectation that men should be sexually aggressive, which can lead to harmful behaviors such as coercion, sexual violence, and the objectification of women. 16) A negative outcome of male sexual scripts is the expectation that ________. A) women should have more sexual freedom than men B) the sexual urge of men is uncontrollable C) men must engage in sex with one woman D) men must be sexually passive Answer: B Rationale: Male sexual scripts may perpetuate the myth that men have uncontrollable sexual urges, which can justify sexual misconduct and reinforce harmful stereotypes about male sexuality. 17) Which of the following is an indicator of the persistence of the sexual double standard? A) An adolescent girl’s popularity increases if she has several sexual partners at a time. B) Men and women are expected to communicate about sex to each other. C) Men who commit sexual assaults on women are given harsh punishment. D) Women undergo vaginal surgery so that their partners can experience sex with a virgin. Answer: D Rationale: Option D highlights the persistence of the sexual double standard by illustrating how societal expectations often place greater value on female virginity and purity compared to male sexual experience. 18) Which of the following statements about Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) is True? A) The age at which a girl undergoes FGM/C is the same across countries. B) It makes a woman less marriageable. C) It reflects a double standard that allows men to mutilate women. D) It has similar, comparable constraints for men. Answer: C Rationale: Option C accurately identifies FGM/C as reflecting a double standard that permits men to control and mutilate women's bodies, highlighting the unequal power dynamics and gender inequalities embedded in the practice. 19) Nathan is dating Natasha, a cheerleader. Though he is not very fond of her, he is dating her to gain popularity among his classmates. Which of the following reasons can be attributed to this? A) physical B) goal attainment C) emotional D) insecurity Answer: B Rationale: Nathan's motivation to date Natasha for the purpose of gaining popularity aligns with the goal attainment theory, where individuals engage in relationships to achieve specific objectives or social status. 20) Which of the following functions does casual sex serve? A) experimentation B) commitment C) self-disclosure D) fulfillment of duties Answer: A Rationale: Casual sex often serves the function of experimentation, allowing individuals to explore their sexuality, preferences, and desires without the expectation of commitment or emotional attachment. 21) Which of the following functions does sex serve in long-term relationships? A) preventing self-disclosure B) experimentation C) freedom D) interdependence Answer: D Rationale: Sex in long-term relationships often serves the function of fostering interdependence between partners, strengthening emotional bonds, and enhancing intimacy and connection. 22) Studies show that parents or guardians should be the first and best sex educators for children. Which of the following, if True, supports this finding? A) They are more likely to be experienced about sex education than teachers or counselors. B) They are more likely to have the children’s best interests at heart. C) They are more likely to be open to talk about sex education than the children’s peers. D) They are more likely to face cultural and language barriers with their children. Answer: B Rationale: Option B supports the finding that parents should be primary sex educators as they are more likely to prioritize their children's best interests and provide personalized guidance and support. 23) When parents are effective sex educators, there are a number of outcomes for children. Which of the following is a consequence of effective sex education? A) It increases sexually risky behavior. B) It increases the number of unwanted pregnancies. C) It delays first-time sexual intercourse. D) It decreases control over one’s sexual behavior. Answer: C Rationale: Effective sex education provided by parents can lead to positive outcomes such as delaying first-time sexual intercourse, as children are equipped with accurate information, communication skills, and a better understanding of sexual health and responsibility. 24) Peers are among the most common sources of information about sex. Which of the following, if True, supports this statement? A) Peers are likely to be more open than parents about discussing sex. B) They are more likely to be misinformed about sex. C) Children confide more in their siblings than in their peers. D) Over 90 percent of teenagers worldwide receive sex education from school counselors. Answer: A Rationale: Option A supports the statement by highlighting that peers are often more open to discussing sex compared to parents, creating an environment where teenagers may seek information and advice from their friends. 25) Roger is a middle-aged man who lives with his family in the suburbs. Which of the following would indicate that Roger measures high on religiosity? A) Roger belongs to a dominant religious group. B) Roger regularly attends religious services. C) Roger has a strong bond with his children. D) Roger’s everyday decisions are free from the influence of religion. Answer: B Rationale: Regular attendance at religious services is often considered a strong indicator of religiosity, as it demonstrates an active engagement with one's religious beliefs and community. 26) A comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for students ________. A) starts in the twelfth grade B) includes medically accurate information C) ends in the tenth grade D) focuses solely on abstinence and contraception Answer: B Rationale: Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) typically includes medically accurate information about various aspects of sexuality, including sexual health, relationships, consent, and contraception, and is not limited to specific grade levels. 27) Rita works as a teacher at a high school. She is in charge of the school’s abstinence program which is a part of the comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). She believes that abstinence programs help delay sex until marriage. Which of the following, if True, weakens her argument? A) Research indicates that CSE programs increase the likelihood of having premarital sex. B) Studies show that most abstinence programs increase contraceptive use. C) A majority of adolescents who took virginity pledges had an active sexual life after marriage. D) In states with predominant abstinence programs, unintended teen pregnancy rates are lower than those without a CSE curriculum. Answer: A Rationale: Option A weakens Rita's argument by suggesting that comprehensive sexuality education programs, including those emphasizing abstinence, may not effectively delay sexual activity until marriage, as research indicates an increased likelihood of premarital sex among participants. 28) Which of the following is True of sexual fantasies? A) Women are more likely than men to have sexual fantasies. B) They involve some form of direct physical stimulation. C) They are emotionally and psychologically unhealthy. D) They can boost people’s self-image. Answer: D Rationale: Option D is True; sexual fantasies can contribute positively to self-image by allowing individuals to explore desires, fantasies, and aspects of their sexuality in a safe and controlled mental space. 29) Sexual self-pleasuring that involves some form of direct physical stimulation is called ________. A) masturbation B) intercourse C) oral sex D) flirting Answer: A Rationale: Masturbation involves self-stimulation of the genitals or erogenous zones for sexual pleasure and is a common form of sexual self-pleasuring. 30) Masturbation ________. A) ends during adolescence B) is the most common of all sex acts C) hinders the development of social relationships D) refers to the use of external stimulus to arouse sexual feelings Answer: B Rationale: Masturbation is indeed considered one of the most common sexual behaviors among individuals of all ages and is not limited to any specific stage of development. 31) Which of the following is a reason why masturbation is more common among men than women? A) Women are more likely than men to watch pornography. B) Social norms stigmatize men for masturbation more than they do for women. C) Women are more likely than men to masturbate watching pornography. D) Men are freed from the emotional connections that many women seek. Answer: D Rationale: Option D suggests that men may be more inclined to masturbate due to cultural and societal factors that may grant them perceived freedom from emotional connections often sought in sexual encounters, which may be less emphasized in solitary sexual activities like masturbation. 32) A similarity between masturbation and sexual fantasies is that both ________. A) are emotionally unhealthy B) involve an external stimulus C) can relieve sexual tension D) end in adulthood Answer: C Rationale: Option C highlights that both masturbation and sexual fantasies can serve the purpose of relieving sexual tension or satisfying sexual desires, contributing to individual sexual fulfillment. 33) Which of the following is True of masturbation? A) It can be as sexually satisfying as intercourse. B) It creates sexual tension. C) It creates conflicts in a marriage. D) It begins in adult life. Answer: A Rationale: Option A is True as masturbation can indeed be as sexually satisfying as intercourse for individuals, providing a source of sexual pleasure and release without the need for a partner or intimate relationship. 34) Oral stimulation of a man's penis is called ________. A) cunnilingus B) fellatio C) anal sex D) coitus Answer: B Rationale: Fellatio refers to oral stimulation of the penis, typically performed with the mouth and lips, and is a common sexual activity between partners. 35) Oral stimulation of a woman's genitals is called ________. A) fellatio B) vulva C) cunnilingus D) coitus Answer: C Rationale: Cunnilingus refers to oral stimulation of the female genitals, specifically the clitoris and surrounding areas, performed with the mouth and tongue. 36) Simultaneous oral sex is referred to as ________. A) fellatio B) coitus C) 99 D) 69 Answer: D Rationale: Option D refers to the sexual position known as "69," where partners engage in simultaneous oral sex, with one partner positioned atop the other in a manner that allows mutual oral stimulation. 37) Which of the following is a difference between oral and anal sex? A) Anal sex involves manual stimulation whereas oral sex does not. B) Anal sex can be performed simultaneously whereas oral sex cannot. C) Oral sex is a heterosexual behavior whereas anal sex is not. D) Oral sex involves penile-vaginal intercourse whereas anal sex does not. Answer: A Rationale: Option A highlights a difference between oral and anal sex, noting that anal sex often involves manual stimulation, such as the use of hands or fingers, whereas oral sex primarily involves stimulation with the mouth and tongue. 38) Which of the following is a myth about sex and sexual response? A) Withdrawal is an effective birth control method. B) Penile erections, ejaculations, and orgasms don’t occur simultaneously. C) There’s no association between the size of a penis and satisfying sex. D) Both simultaneous orgasms and independent orgasms can be satisfying. Answer: A Rationale: Option A identifies withdrawal as a myth about sex and sexual response, as it is not considered an effective method of birth control due to the risk of pregnancy from preejaculate fluid containing sperm. 39) Which of the following is a reason why there isn’t an accurate figure on how many LGBT people are there in the United States? A) Researchers define and measure sexual orientation in the same, standard way. B) Respondents may not be willing to disclose this information. C) People who engage in same-sex behavior consider themselves gay. D) More LGBTs are willing to come out than in the past. Answer: B Rationale: Option B highlights that one reason for the lack of accurate figures on the number of LGBT people is due to respondents' reluctance or unwillingness to disclose their sexual orientation, which can lead to underreporting or inaccuracies in surveys and studies. 40) From a social exchange perspective, which of the following is a reason why adults abstain from sexual intercourse? A) One of the partners has mental-health problems. B) One of the partners suffers from a chronic illness. C) Companionship is more important than sexual activity. D) They don’t have a partner. Answer: C Rationale: Option C aligns with a social exchange perspective, suggesting that some adults may prioritize companionship and emotional connection over sexual activity, leading to voluntary abstinence from sexual intercourse in certain situations. 41) Which of the following is an accurate statement about marital sex? A) Sexual frequency tends to increase as people age. B) Marital sexual frequency can decrease because of nonsexual problems. C) Sex is especially unsatisfying if both spouses believe in terms of the social exchange theory. D) Low sexual satisfaction is associated with high marital stability. Answer: B Rationale: Option B is accurate as marital sexual frequency can indeed decrease due to various nonsexual problems within the relationship, such as communication issues, stress, or conflicts, which can impact intimacy and desire. 42) As people age, the biggest impediment to sex, especially for women is a partner gap. Which of the following represents the problem of partner gap for women? A) Kimberly plans to marry a man younger than her but her parents do not approve of the marriage. B) Huan wants to have children whereas Lawrence, her husband, does not. C) After her husband died, Betty did not date for a long time until she met Bruce. D) Helen and Ralph, who have been dating since the past year, want different things out of the relationship. Answer: A Rationale: Option A represents the problem of a partner gap for women, as Kimberly's desire to marry a younger man faces disapproval from her parents, highlighting a potential age difference between partners that may pose challenges to sexual compatibility or societal acceptance. 43) Extramarital sex is considered more damaging than infidelity among people who are living together because ________. A) cohabiting couples who cheat on their partners break a religious promise to be faithful B) those who engage in extramarital sex break a civil contract C) emotional fidelity is more important for cohabiting couple than for married couples D) emotional infidelity violates expectations of trust in committed relationships Answer: B Rationale: Option B suggests that extramarital sex is considered more damaging because it violates the civil contract of marriage, which typically includes an expectation of sexual exclusivity, regardless of whether the partners are legally married or living together. 44) A macro explanation for extramarital sex is ________. A) a changed purpose of marriage B) a way out of marriage C) retaliation D) excitement Answer: A Rationale: Option A highlights a macro-level explanation for extramarital sex, suggesting that shifts in societal norms and attitudes towards marriage, such as changes in the purpose or expectations of marriage, can influence individuals' likelihood of engaging in extramarital affairs. 45) Which of the following is an example of anonymity of urban life, a macro reason for extramarital sex? A) Wayne had extramarital sex to feel physically and socially desirable. B) Leonard had an affair with his colleague because he believed his wife would not find out. C) Jean had an extramarital affair because she wanted to get back at her husband for cheating on her. D) Carmen cheated on her husband so that he would get angry at her and file for a divorce. Answer: B Rationale: Option B exemplifies anonymity of urban life as Leonard feels he can engage in extramarital affairs without his wife finding out due to the large and anonymous nature of urban environments, which may reduce the likelihood of detection or social consequences. 46) A micro explanation for extramarital sex is ________. A) economic problems B) a longer life C) technological advances D) excitement Answer: D Rationale: Option D represents a micro-level explanation for extramarital sex, suggesting that individuals may engage in affairs for excitement or novelty, seeking fulfillment of emotional or sexual desires outside of their primary relationship. 47) Which of the following is an example of social exchange, a micro reason for extramarital sex? A) Oscar, who has a strained relationship with his wife because he is unemployed, engaged in extramarital sex. B) Danielle, who has low self-esteem, cheated on her husband because it helped boost her ego. C) Mario, who has high social and economic status in society, has extramarital sex with attractive women who enjoy being with wealthy men. D) Monica had sex with someone she had first met through a social networking site because she believed no one would find out about it. Answer: C Rationale: Option C illustrates social exchange theory as Mario, with high social and economic status, engages in extramarital sex with attractive partners, suggesting a transactional aspect where individuals seek partners who offer desirable attributes or benefits. 48) Childbirth and breast milk can pass on HIV, but the most common infections are through ________. A) coughing B) sexual activity C) drug use D) shared needles Answer: B Rationale: Option B is correct as HIV is most commonly transmitted through sexual activity, particularly unprotected sex with an infected partner, making sexual transmission the primary mode of HIV infection globally. 49) Which of the following transmits HIV? A) blood donations B) toilet seats C) sneezing D) oral sex Answer: D Rationale: Option D, oral sex, is a mode of HIV transmission, particularly if there are open sores or lesions in the mouth or genital area, allowing for the exchange of bodily fluids containing the virus. 50) Which of the following is a micro-level reason why STD rates are rising? A) The family environment increases risky behavior. B) Assimilation increases risky behavior. C) Poverty spreads infections. D) People aren’t aware of a partner’s sexual activities. Answer: D Rationale: Option D suggests a micro-level reason for rising STD rates, highlighting that individuals may not be aware of their partner's sexual activities or history, leading to a higher risk of transmission and contributing to the spread of sexually transmitted infections. 51) Why is sexual orientation not as clear-cut as people believe it to be? Answer: Alfred Kinsey and his associates’ classic study found that most people weren’t exclusively heterosexual or homosexual. Instead, they fell somewhere along a continuum in terms of sexual desire, attractions, feelings, fantasies, and experiences. Additionally, a person’s sexual orientation and behavior aren’t always consistent. Asexuality may be a permanent or temporary condition because of choice or the effects of medications. Bisexuals may be attracted to people of both sexes but engage in sexual behavior primarily with women or with men. Heterosexuals might fantasize about having same-sex experiences. And homo sexuals who haven’t come out may have sexual intercourse only with heterosexual partners because they fear being labelled “gay”. All of these factors add to the ambiguity that surrounds sexual orientation. 52) How does gendered sexual scripts increase women’s hyper sexualization? Illustrate with the help of examples. Answer: Sexual scripts are highly gendered in two ways— women’s increasing hyper sexualization and a persistent sexual double standard. In virtually every media form— including television, music videos, magazines, video games, the Internet, and advertising—girls and women are sexualized and physical beauty is emphasized. Such sexualization can result in females being dissatisfied with their bodies, experiencing low self-esteem, tolerating sexual harassment and sexual violence, and a greater likelihood of having sex at an early age. Sexualized messages are reaching ever-younger audiences and teach or reinforce the idea that girls and women should be valued for their “sexiness” rather than their personalities and abilities. 53) With the help of an example, explain insecurity reasons for having sex. Answer: People may have sex because of insecurity reasons. Such reasons may include boosting one’s self-esteem, duty, pressure, and guarding a mate from competitors. For example, a women who has sex with her partner because she is afraid he would otherwise lose interest in her, is an example of insecurity reasons. 54) Discuss the interpersonal and structural reasons why people have sex for the first time. Answer: There are a variety of reasons for having sex the first time. Some of these include interpersonal and structural reasons. Interpersonal Reasons: The majority of first sexual relationships are with a romantic partner. A person may feel obligated to have sex for fear of hurting the other’s feelings or losing his or her interest. Others experience physical arousal and follow their impulses or are simply curious about sex. Structural Factors: Teenagers are more likely to engage in sex at an early age if they experience family turbulence, such as parental conflict before or during a divorce, remarriage, or re-divorce; if they live with single parents who are sexually active; or in neighborhoods where adults who are role models don't have steady jobs and bear children out of wedlock. In such situations, adolescents may disengage from their parents, looking to peers for emotional support, and thereby hasten their entry into sexual activity. 55) In what ways do parents influence their children’s sexual behavior? Answer: As with other development, parents play an important role in their children’s sexual socialization. Ideally, parents (or guardians) should be the first and best sex educators because they’re experienced and have their children’s interests at heart. When parents are effective sex educators, there are a number of positive adolescent outcomes. Sexual knowledge, in particular, delays first-time sexual intercourse, lowers sexually risky behavior, decreases the number of unwanted pregnancies, and increases control over one’s sexual behavior. 56) Explain with the help of examples, the impact of movies on children’s sexual behavior. Answer: Media are among the most powerful forces in young Americans’ lives today. Movies offer a constant stream of messages about a number of topics, including sex. Rating systems aren’t strictly enforced, and X-rated videos are accessible to people in most age groups. Also, film ratings have become more lenient. Since 1992, many films that were rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned) are now rated PG (Parental guidance suggested).This “ratings creep” has increased the likelihood that adolescents and even young children see sexual images in movies. Much sexual content may not register with some young adolescents, but it shapes sexual decision making by reinforcing permissive sexual norms. 57) Explain the concept of homophobia with the help of examples. Answer: Parents blocking health curricula that discuss homosexuality in public schools and demanding that kindergarten teachers stop using books that contain pictures of samesex parents are examples of homophobia. Additionally, lesbian and gay students ages 13 to 17 being twice as likely as their straight peers to be assaulted, harassed, shoved, or kicked at school is another example of homophobia. 58) Describe briefly, the factors that influence the frequency of sex among singles. Provide examples to explain these factors. Answer: Apart from masturbation, how much sex singles have depends on a variety of factors such as gender, age, health, appearance, grooming, and being in a partnered relationship. For example, obese women are more likely than their male counterparts to date less and have less sex. Single men have more sex than women because they are more likely than women to have several sexual partners at the same time. Among those ages 18 to 94, women and men who live together have sex more frequently than those who are dating. 59) Discuss some indicators of the persistence of the sexual double-standard. Answer: There are several indicators of the sexual double standard. The aging process may enhance man’s desirability because he has more resources and power. In contrast, an older woman may be regarded as an asexual grandmother. Midlife women worried about their sex appeal, whereas midlife men felt less masculine because of erectile dys functions. Many cultures frown on liaisons and marriages between older women and younger men but approves of matches between older men and younger women. 60) Discuss emotional infidelity. Answer: Emotional infidelity includes secrecy such as meeting someone without telling one’s spouse or partner, emotional intimacy such as confiding things one hasn’t shared with their spouse or partner, and being mutually attracted to someone else. Emotional infidelity can be devastating to both married and unmarried couples. Many family therapists agree that affairs don’t have to include sexual intercourse because emotional infidelity also violates expectations of trust in a committed relationship. 61) Discuss two macro-level reasons why STD rates are rising. Answer: There are several macro-level reasons why STD rates are rising. 1) Societal stigma and a lack of information promote infections. Many young people believe that they’re safe from STDs because they’ve engaged only in oral sex and not in sexual intercourse. They don’t realize that oral sex can lead to STDs. Fellatio tends to be riskier than cunnilingus because ejaculated sperm carry more infectious material than vaginal secretions. 2) Assimilation increases risky behavior. According to research, as immigrants become more Americanized, they lose the “healthy immigrant effect,” which includes avoiding drugs that increase the likelihood of risky sexual behavior and having unprotected heterosexual and MSM sex. Test Bank for Marriages and Families Nijole V Benokraitis 9780205957224, 9780134736150

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