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Chapter 6 Love and Loving Relationships 1) Which of the following is a characteristic of love? A) It is one-dimensional. B) It is never demanding. C) It is based on respect. D) It limits people’s intellectual growth. Answer: C Rationale: Love is often characterized by mutual respect between partners, which forms a foundational element of healthy relationships. Respect acknowledges the value and dignity of each individual within the relationship, contributing to its sustainability and growth. 2) ________ refers to communication in which one person reveals his or her honest thoughts and feelings to another person with the expectation that truly open communication will follow. A) Commitment B) Self-disclosure C) Romantic talk D) Acceptance Answer: B Rationale: Self-disclosure involves the honest sharing of one's thoughts and feelings, fostering openness and intimacy within relationships. It is a key component of effective communication and deepening emotional connections. 3) ________ perspectives maintain that love is grounded in chemistry and evolution. A) Biological B) Psychological C) Sociological D) Anthropological Answer: A Rationale: Biological perspectives suggest that love is influenced by physiological factors, such as brain chemistry and evolutionary processes, which shape human bonding and mate selection behaviours. 4) According to Reiss's wheel theory of love, couples in the ________ stage of their relationship make mutual decisions and support each other's ambitions. A) self-revelation B) rapport C) personality need fulfilment D) mutual dependency Answer: C Rationale: Reiss's wheel theory posits that in the personality need fulfilment stage, couples prioritize meeting each other's psychological needs and goals, fostering mutual understanding, and support. 5) James and Lily have a casual approach toward their relationship. They have several partners and are not possessive about each other. Their relationship is based on fun and lacks any emotional support. This is an example of a(n) ________ style of love. A) manic B) eros C) ludus D) storge Answer: C Rationale: Ludus style of love is characterized by a playful and uncommitted approach to relationships, focusing on enjoyment and pleasure without deep emotional involvement or commitment. 6) Trisha’s husband was imprisoned for a period of 20 years. She visited him every week throughout the duration of his imprisonment and professed her love for him. Despite having several other suitors, she remained faithful to her husband. Trisha’s love for her husband is an example of the________ style of love. A) ludus B) agape C) pragma D) eros Answer: B Rationale: Agape style of love is selfless and unconditional, often demonstrated through acts of loyalty, sacrifice, and enduring commitment, as seen in Trisha's unwavering dedication to her husband. 7) According to sociologist John Lee, which style of love is based on practical considerations such as compatibility? A) storge B) agape C) pragma D) ludus Answer: C Rationale: Pragma style of love prioritizes practical considerations and compatibility, focusing on rationality and long-term benefits in relationships rather than solely on emotional intensity or passion. 8) Gabrielle, a researcher, is writing a paper on how love improves the physical and mental health of people. In her paper, she uses statistics and figures to indicate that love increases the well-being of people. Which of the following statements, if True, is likely to weaken Gabrielle’s stand on the issue? A) People in happy marriages have better health than those in unhappy marriages. B) Love creates unrealistic expectations which result in unhappiness and the dissolution of marriages. C) People who committed suicide commonly reported having felt socially isolated, rejected, unloved, or unworthy of love. D) Research indicates that people who have a large social circle are less prone to illnesses than those who live isolated lives. Answer: B Rationale: Option B suggests a potential downside of love, indicating that unrealistic expectations stemming from love can lead to dissatisfaction and marital breakdown, thus weakening the argument that love universally improves well-being. 9) Bernard, who is writing a paper on marriage and compatibility, believes that people with different personalities and needs are far more likely to attract and be suitable for each other. Which of the following statements, if True, is likely to weaken Bernard’s belief? A) Romances tend to fizzle if a person’s family members disapprove of the relationship. B) Couples with contrasting personalities are likely to adapt to each other’s likes and dislikes. C) The "opposites attract” theory applies primarily to long-term relationships. D) With time, romantic attraction diminishes when partners have conflicting interests. Answer: D Rationale: Option D suggests that conflicting interests between partners can lead to a decrease in romantic attraction over time, potentially undermining Bernard's belief that differences in personalities and needs lead to greater compatibility. 10) According to evolutionary psychologists, twice as many men as women report jealousy over a mate’s sexual infidelity. Assess why the evolutionary theory proposed this. Answer: According to evolutionary psychologists, jealousy evolved a million or so years ago. Men worried about sexual infidelity because they might unknowingly end up raising someone else’s child rather than passing on their own genes. In contrast, women were more concerned about their partners’ emotional rather than sexual entanglements. If a man became emotionally attached to other women, women worried about who would bring home food to ensure the family’s survival. Thus, according to evolutionary psychologists, twice as many men as women report jealousy over a mate’s sexual infidelity. 1) According to the social scientists, ________ is an important basis for self-esteem. A) self-love B) altruism C) narcissism D) self-revelation Answer: A Rationale: Self-love, or the appreciation and acceptance of oneself, is regarded as crucial for building self-esteem according to social scientists. It involves recognizing one's worth and treating oneself with kindness and compassion. 2) Which of the following is an example of acceptance, one of the eight qualities of friendship? A) Harry often relies on Matt to support him during difficult times. B) Isabelle shares her thoughts and feelings with Tony. C) John enjoys spending time with Clara. D) Tanya tolerates Keith’s shortcomings and inadequacies. Answer: D Rationale: Acceptance in friendship involves acknowledging and tolerating the flaws, imperfections, and differences of a friend without judgment or criticism, as exemplified by Tanya's ability to accept Keith despite his shortcomings. 3) Understanding is one of the eight qualities of friendship. Which of the following best represents this quality? A) Denise and Judi enjoy each other’s company. B) Ken and Pete are considerate toward each other’s feelings. C) Christopher trusts Frank to look out for him during times of need. D) Ronald and Nelly respect each other’s decisions. Answer: B Rationale: Understanding in friendship entails being empathetic and sensitive to a friend's emotions, perspectives, and experiences, as demonstrated by Ken and Pete's consideration for each other's feelings. 4) ________ refers to marrying outside an acceptable group. A) Endogamy B) Henogamy C) Heterogamy D) Homogamy Answer: C Rationale: Heterogamy involves marrying outside of one's social, cultural, or religious group, challenging traditional norms and expectations regarding partner selection. 5) Which of the following is True of sexual arousal? A) It is a psychological state. B) It is also known as sexual desire. C) It invariably leads to romantic love. D) It is a physiological response. Answer: D Rationale: Sexual arousal refers to the physiological response to sexual stimuli, including increased blood flow to genital organs and heightened physical sensations, distinguishing it as a primarily physiological phenomenon. 6) A psychological state in which a person wants to obtain a sexual object that one does not now have, or to engage in sexual activity in which one is not now engaging, is referred to as ________. A) sexual arousal B) sexual desire C) romantic love D) affective intimacy Answer: B Rationale: Sexual desire encompasses the psychological longing or craving for sexual gratification or engagement with a desired sexual object or activity, distinguishing it as a distinct psychological state from sexual arousal. 7) Edward’s mother met with an accident and was hospitalized. To take care of her, Jim took two weeks of leave from work and helped her recover. Which of the following components of love does this scenario demonstrate? A) trust B) intimacy C) honesty D) caring Answer: D Rationale: Jim's actions exemplify caring, one of the components of love, as he demonstrates concern, compassion, and support for his mother by taking time off work to assist her during her recovery. 8) Anthony and Debby have been dating each other since the past one year. Over the year, their relationship has strengthened and Debby often confides in Anthony about her fears and insecurities. She trusts Anthony with her innermost thoughts and knows that he will not judge her. In this scenario, Debby and Anthony’s relationship reflects ________ intimacy. A) physical B) physiological C) verbal D) biological Answer: C Rationale: Debby and Anthony's relationship demonstrates verbal intimacy, characterized by open communication, trust, and the sharing of personal thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities. 9) Jim found out that his fiancée will be unable to bear children as a result of a childhood accident. Despite his family being unsupportive of the relationship, he decides to marry her and prove his loyalty. In this scenario, which of the following components of love is Jim exhibiting? A) commitment B) intimacy C) enjoyment D) understanding Answer: A Rationale: Jim's decision to marry his fiancée despite familial disapproval and her inability to bear children reflects commitment, indicating his dedication to the relationship and willingness to overcome obstacles for the sake of their union. 10) Which component of love refers to a person's intention to remain in a relationship and work through problems? A) fun B) intimacy C) honesty D) commitment Answer: D Rationale: Commitment in love denotes the intention and resolve to maintain a relationship over time, navigate challenges, and work towards its longevity and success. It encompasses dedication, loyalty, and perseverance in the face of difficulties. 11) Which of the following is True of commitment? A) It is always mutual among partners. B) It arises from a lack of emotional attachment. C) It has positive effects such as trust and affection. D) It refers to giving a partner the space to work out problems on their own. Answer: C Rationale: Commitment in relationships fosters trust, affection, and stability. It involves a dedication to the partnership, leading to positive outcomes such as deeper emotional bonds and mutual support. 12) Which perspective maintains that love serves the evolutionary purpose of drawing males and females into long-term relationships that are essential to child rearing? A) biological B) psychological C) anthropological D) sociological Answer: A Rationale: The biological perspective suggests that love has evolved to facilitate long-term mating relationships, which are crucial for successful reproduction and child-rearing, aligning with evolutionary principles. 13) According to the biological perspective, which of the following is a reason why lovers may feel "high" or as if they are being swept away? A) Culture has taught people that love makes them feel content and happy. B) Norepinephrine produces sleeplessness, elation, and euphoria. C) Increased attachment with one’s partner releases stimulants that calm the mind and lowers stress levels. D) Society in stills in people the ability to prioritize love over other relationships. Answer: B Rationale: Norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter, contributes to the feelings of elation and euphoria experienced by individuals in love, creating a "high" sensation often described as being swept away. 14) ________ calm the mind, eliminate pain, and reduce anxiety. A) Testosterones B) Estrogens C) Norepinephrines D) Endorphins Answer: D Rationale: Endorphins are neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators, promoting feelings of calmness, reducing anxiety, and inducing pleasure and relaxation. 15) Which of the following is a difference between the biological and sociological perspectives of love? A) Sociological perspectives maintain that love is grounded in culture whereas biological perspectives do not. B) Sociological perspectives propose that neurotransmitters cause love whereas biological perspectives do not. C) Sociological perspectives promote that love causes interplay between hormones and chemicals whereas biological perspectives do not. D) Sociological perspectives focus only on why people fall in love whereas biological perspectives also focus on how and why. Answer: A Rationale: Sociological perspectives emphasize the influence of culture and social norms on love and relationships, while biological perspectives focus on the physiological and evolutionary aspects of love, excluding cultural factors. 16) Which of the following theories propose that infants need to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver, usually the mother, for normal social and emotional development? A) Fromm's theory of love B) biological theory C) social exchange theory D) attachment theory Answer: D Rationale: Attachment theory, proposed by John Bowlby, emphasizes the importance of forming secure attachments with caregivers during infancy for healthy social and emotional development. 17) According to psychologist Ainsworth, infants that show some distress when left with a stranger, cling to the mother for a brief amount of time when she returns, and continue to play after a short while reflect the ________ infant-mother attachment style. A) secure B) anxious C) avoidant D) strained Answer: A Rationale: Ainsworth identified the secure attachment style, characterized by infants who display distress upon separation from the caregiver but are easily soothed upon reunion and continue exploration when the caregiver is present. 18) Eric, a six month old baby, is looked after by his nanny while his mom is at work. His nanny is also responsible for other household chores and is often unable to give him sufficient time and attention. When his mother returns, Eric often tends to be unresponsive to his mother and ignores her. In this scenario, Eric is displaying the ________ infantmother attachment style. A) anxious B) secure C) ambivalent D) avoidant Answer: D Rationale: Eric's behavior of being unresponsive and ignoring his mother upon her return suggests an avoidant attachment style, which occurs when the caregiver is consistently unavailable or unresponsive to the infant's needs, leading the infant to develop a lack of trust and dependence on the caregiver. 19) Which of the following is a criticism of the attachment theory? A) It overemphasizes the importance of life events that occur after the age of 18. B) It ignores the need for infants to develop a relationship with a caregiver. C) It focuses excessively on the relationship between the father and the child. D) It does not address cross-cultural differences in child-rearing practices. Answer: D Rationale: Critics argue that attachment theory lacks cultural sensitivity and fails to account for crosscultural variations in child-rearing practices and attachment patterns, limiting its applicability in diverse cultural contexts. 20) Frank, a 28 year old man, falls in and out of love easily. When in a relationship, he often expects commitment instantaneously from his partner. Based on Ainsworth’s attachment styles, Frank is displaying a(n)________ style. A) secure B) avoidant C) ambivalent D) dependent Answer: C Rationale: Frank's pattern of quickly falling in and out of love, coupled with his expectation of immediate commitment, aligns with the ambivalent attachment style, characterized by fear of abandonment and preoccupation with relationships, but also insecurity and mistrust in partners' reliability. 21) Critics of the attachment theory state that it ________. A) focuses excessively on how social class differences between men and women’s power influence attachment B) ignores the aspect of mothers’ bonding with their children C) neglects the importance of events such as divorce and disease in shaping a child’s wellbeing D) does not conduct research in laboratory settings which are more reliable than natural settings Answer: C Rationale: Critics argue that attachment theory overlooks significant life events such as divorce, illness, or other disruptions, which can profoundly impact a child's emotional development and well-being, suggesting a limitation in its scope and applicability. 22) In the first stage of Reiss's wheel theory of love, partners ________. A) engage in self-revelation B) establish rapport C) experience personality need fulfillment D) have increased mutual dependency Answer: B Rationale: In the first stage of Reiss's wheel theory, partners establish rapport, building a foundation of mutual understanding, trust, and connection, which forms the basis for further development of the relationship. 23) In the second stage of Reiss’s wheel theory of love, ________ brings the couple closer together. A) dependency B) intimacy C) passion D) self-revelation Answer: D Rationale: In the second stage of Reiss's wheel theory, self-revelation fosters deeper intimacy and connection between partners as they share personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences, strengthening their bond and emotional closeness. 24) Lin and Cho have been in a relationship since the past two years. They share a sense of comfort and often communicate their fears and hopes for the future with each other. However, their relationship has not yet reached a point where they make mutual decisions or support each other’s goals. According to Reiss's wheel theory of love, they are in the ________ stage. A) third B) first C) second D) fourth Answer: A Rationale: Lin and Cho's relationship, characterized by comfort and emotional communication but lacking in mutual decision-making and support, aligns with the third stage of Reiss's wheel theory, where personality needs are fulfilled but mutual dependency is not yet established. 25) Bryan, a psychologist, criticizes the wheel theory of love, saying that it is an unrealistic explanation of how relationships work. Which of the following supports Bryan's argument? A) The different stages in the wheel theory of love may occur several times during the course of the relationship. B) The theory assumes that in the second stage, partners support each other’s ambitions which increase the intensity of feelings for each other. C) The theory states that the stages occur in a fixed, chronological order. D) People may love each other, but the intensity of their feelings may be high on one dimension and low on another. Answer: D Rationale: Option D supports Bryan's argument by highlighting the complexity of relationships and emotions, suggesting that love cannot be neatly categorized into fixed stages and dimensions as proposed by the wheel theory. 26) According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, the ________ component of love leads to romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation. A) intimacy B) passion C) decision/commitment D) rapport Answer: B Rationale: In Sternberg's triangular theory, the passion component of love encompasses the romantic and physical aspects of relationships, driving desire, attraction, and sexual engagement between partners. 27) Kevin and Delilahshare a relationship in which both are equally passionate and intimate with each other. However, their opinions on marriage and long-term commitment vary slightly. According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, Kevin and Delilah are “________.” A) imperfectly matched B) severely mismatched C) closely matched D) perfectly matched Answer: C Rationale: Kevin and Delilah's relationship demonstrates a close match in their levels of passion and intimacy, indicating compatibility in these aspects of love, despite slight differences in their views on long-term commitment. 28) Andrew and Rachel believe that it was love at first sight when they met. Their relationship is characterized by a high degree of physical attraction and intense emotional desire. According to sociologist John Lee, Andrew and Rachel are ________ lovers. A) storge B) pragma C) agape D) eros Answer: D Rationale: John Lee's theory of love identifies eros as passionate and intense romantic love characterized by physical attraction and emotional desire, fitting Andrew and Rachel's description of their relationship. 29) According to sociologist John Lee, which style of love is characterized by obsessiveness, possessiveness, and intense dependency? A) storge B) eros C) mania D) ludus Answer: C Rationale: John Lee's theory identifies mania as a style of love characterized by obsessive and possessive behaviors, as well as intense emotional dependency on the partner, often leading to insecurity and volatility in relationships. 30) Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of the mania style of love? A) casualness B) patience C) sensibility D) jealousy D) Answer: D Rationale: Jealousy is a distinguishing characteristic of the mania style of love, involving possessiveness and insecurity in the relationship, often resulting in controlling behavior and emotional volatility. 31) Diana often dates several men at a time and enjoys casual dating. She likes to keep her relationships simple and casual because she believes that serious relationships only complicate matters. According to sociologist John Lee, Diana exhibits the ________style of love. A) storge B) agape C) mania D) ludus Answer: D Rationale: Diana's approach to relationships, characterized by casual dating and avoidance of serious commitment, aligns with the ludus style of love, which prioritizes fun and enjoyment without emotional attachment or commitment. 32) Though Kelly and Brook are engaged, they have decided to have sex only after they get married. They have a stable relationship and their relationship does not have any ecstatic highs or great lows. According to John Lee, Kelly and Brook are exhibiting the ________ style of love. A) storge B) eros C) mania D) ludus Answer: A Rationale: Kelly and Brook's decision to wait until marriage for sex, coupled with their stable and enduring relationship, reflects the storge style of love, characterized by deep affection, stability, and commitment without intense passion. 33) ________ is an altruistic, self-sacrificing love that is directed toward all humankind. A) Storge B) Agape C) Mania D) Ludus Answer: B Rationale: Agape is characterized by selfless love and compassion for others, transcending personal interests and directed towards the well-being of humanity as a whole. 34) Carl is using computer dating services to find a marriage partner for himself. He is looking out for a partner who will have an economic and social background that is similar to him. In this scenario, Carl demonstrates the ________ style of loving. A) mania B) ludus C) agape D) pragma Answer: D Rationale: Carl's pragmatic approach to love, seeking a partner based on compatibility in economic and social background, aligns with the pragma style of love, which prioritizes practical considerations and compatibility in relationships. 35) Which of the following is an example of the pragma style of love? A) Judith and David share a deep affection for each other but their relationship lacks passion and excitement. B) Though Stella and Tom have been facing marital problems, Stella plans to divorce Tom only once she finds a job for herself. C) Mia is obsessed about her relationship with Steven and she often experiences sleeplessness and anxiety because of it. D) Clarice is patient and compassionate toward her husband and does not expect anything in return from him. Answer: B Rationale: Stella's decision to divorce Tom only after securing financial independence reflects the pragma style of love, which prioritizes practical considerations and long-term compatibility over romantic passion. 36) According to the social exchange theory, which of the following is True of adolescent love? A) It is self-centred. B) It is not sexual. C) It is altruistic. D) It is long-term. Answer: A Rationale: According to the social exchange theory, adolescent love tends to be self-centred, focusing on personal gratification and benefits rather than mutual well-being or altruism. 37) Gerard, a social theorist, believes that love is responsible for the survival of the human species. However, Blake, a historian, disagrees. He finds that love is dysfunctional and creates rifts and conflict in society. Which of the following statements, if True, is likely to weaken Blake's belief? A) Research shows that love creates an interest in people to care for their offspring and feel responsible for them. B) Children can be conceived without love and there is no guarantee that people who engage in sex will feel an obligation to care for the infants. C) Studies indicate that over 80 percent of marriages across the world end in divorces. D) Most adults are in love with the idea of love and have unrealistic expectations from it which result in disappointment. Answer: A Rationale: Option A weakens Blake's belief by highlighting the evolutionary significance of love in fostering care and responsibility towards offspring, suggesting that love contributes to the survival and well-being of the human species. 38) Carl, a sociologist, believes that love improves the well-being of people in a society. He finds that relationships based on love create stable, happy societies. Which of the following statements, if True, is most likely to strengthen Carl's argument? A) Research indicates that single people are happier than individuals who are engaged or married. B) Studies show that individuals not involved in any kind of romantic relationship are at a greater risk of using drugs. C) Research indicates that people with a large social circle exhibited self-destructive behavior. D) Married couples often suffer from chronic stress which results in a weak immune system. Answer: B Rationale: Option B strengthens Carl's argument by suggesting that individuals engaged in romantic relationships, fueled by love, are less likely to engage in substance abuse compared to those not involved in such relationships, indicating a positive impact of love on societal well-being. 39) Which of the following is a micro-level factor that affects love? A) the impersonality of mass society B) personality C) culture’s emphasis on individualism D) demographic variables Answer: B Rationale: Personality, as a micro-level factor, influences individuals' experiences, perceptions, and expressions of love, shaping their relationship dynamics and preferences. 40) Research indicates that our cultural values encourage individualism and competition. Which of the following is a characteristic of individualism? A) It creates a sense of community and cooperation in an individual. B) It helps individuals avoid narcissistic behavior. C) It encourages the individual to have a preoccupation with self. D) It promotes feelings of selflessness in an individual. Answer: C Rationale: Individualism, as a cultural value, promotes a focus on the self, independence, and personal achievement, encouraging individuals to prioritize their own interests and desires over collective concerns, fostering a preoccupation with self. 41) Which of the following is a narcissistic trait? A) homophobia B) altruistic C) manipulativeness D) inferiority complex Answer: C Rationale: Narcissism is characterized by manipulativeness, self-centeredness, and a lack of empathy towards others, making option C the correct choice. 42) Jane wants to set her sister Johanna up with Pete, her husband’s colleague. However, Jane’s friend Chloe feels that Pete is a narcissist and hence a poor choice for Johanna. After hearing Chloe’s opinion, Jane is unsure of what to do. Which of the following strengthens the case that dating Pete would be a good choice for Johanna? A) Johanna is not interested in pursuing a serious long-term relationship. B) Jane was very impressed by Pete’s manners and dressing sense when she met him. C) Johanna tends to get extremely emotionally involved in relationships. D) Johanna tends to care more about character than about outward appearances. Answer: A Rationale: Option A strengthens the case for Johanna dating Pete by suggesting that her lack of interest in a serious long-term relationship may align with Pete's traits or behaviors perceived as narcissistic. 43) ________ refers to a pattern of threatening tactics used by a perpetrator that is unwanted and creates fear or emotional distress in the victim. A) Stalking B) Narcissism C) Stereotyping D) Whitelisting Answer: A Rationale: Stalking involves unwanted and threatening behaviors that cause emotional distress in the victim, making option A the correct choice. 44) “Based on the variations he found in different cultures, Hupka concluded that jealousy is neither universal nor innate.” Which of the following, if True, weakens Hupka’s conclusion? A) Expressing jealousy is culturally unacceptable in all societies. B) Jealousy is more common in societies in which women are regarded as property. C) While some women report being very jealous when their partners have affairs, others do not. D) There is no relationship between jealousy and behaviors such as stalking. Answer: A Rationale: Option A weakens Hupka's conclusion by suggesting that cultural norms regarding jealousy vary, indicating that jealousy may indeed have universal aspects or triggers across cultures. 45) Which of the following is a difference between behavioral and psychological control? A) Behavioral control is covert whereas psychological control is not. B) Psychological control is more direct than behavioral control. C) Psychological control is more manipulative than behavioral control. D) Psychological control has more positive effects than behavioral control. Answer: C Rationale: Option C highlights a key difference between behavioral and psychological control, with psychological control being characterized by manipulation and emotional coercion. 46) In his book on family relationships, Simon states that it is important to teach children that love and care giving are synonymous to each other. He believes that children should understand their responsibility to care for their elderly family members when they grow up. However Nora, a critic, states that this "affection myth" can have negative consequences on children. Which of the following statements, if True, is likely to strengthen Nora's argument? A) Children who are taught to care for the elderly learn about cooperation and a sense of community at a young age. B) Children undergo undue amounts of stress when they are taught that care giving and love mean the same thing. C) Research indicates that extended families in which the parents live with their adult children tend to be happier than nuclear families. D) Children who care for the elders turn out to be more sensitive toward others’ needs and be more responsible individuals. Answer: B Rationale: Option B strengthens Nora's argument by suggesting that equating caregiving with love may place undue stress on children, potentially leading to negative psychological effects. 47) Some parents believe that violence is a manifestation of love. However, several others think that parental violence and abuse toward children can have adverse consequences when they grow up. Which of the following statements, if True, is likely to support the second argument? A) Children who grow up without strict parental discipline tend to become more rebellious and nonconforming. B) Children who are subjected to physical abuse by their parents are often unable to distinguish between love and violence. C) Using violence in order to discipline children will help them become more compliant toward established rules. D) Studies show that children who are spanked by their parents for wrongdoing often have more self-control. Answer: B Rationale: Option B supports the argument against parental violence by suggesting that it can blur the distinction between love and violence for children, potentially causing confusion and harm. 48) Why was romantic love less common in the United States in the 1800s than it is today? A) Unlike today, people in the 1800s fell in love more than once. B) In the 1800s, it was easier to meet prospective lovers than it is today. C) Life expectancy was shorter in the 1800s compared to what it is today. D) There were higher divorce rates in the 1800s than there are today. Answer: C Rationale: Option C provides a plausible explanation for the lesser prevalence of romantic love in the 1800s, attributing it to shorter life expectancies, which could limit the duration and depth of romantic relationships. 49) Which of the following is a difference between romantic and long-term love? A) Long-term love involves playfulness and is more effortless whereas romantic love is not. B) Romantic love involves compassion and commitment whereas long-term love does not. C) Romantic love is demanding whereas long-term love is not. D) Long-term love is altruistic whereas romantic love is often self-centered. Answer: D Rationale: Option D highlights a key difference between romantic and long-term love by suggesting that long-term love tends to be more altruistic and selfless compared to the often selfcentered nature of romantic love. 50) A key similarity between romantic and long-term love is that both involve ________. A) communication and friendship B) obsession C) intense passion D) patience and sacrifice Answer: A Rationale: Option A identifies a common element between romantic and long-term love, emphasizing the importance of communication and friendship in both types of relationships. 51) List the eight qualities of friendship that sociologist Keith Davis has identified. Answer: The eight qualities of friendship that sociologist Keith Davis has identified are as follows: 1) Enjoyment 2) Acceptance 3)Trust 4)Respect 5) Mutual support 6)Confiding 7) Understanding and 8)Honesty. 52) Briefly describe a characteristic of love. Answer: Love is multifaceted, which means that love has many dimensions. It can be romantic, exciting, obsessive, and irrational. It can also be platonic, calming, altruistic, and practical. Love defies a single definition because it varies in degree and intensity and in different social contexts. 53) Briefly describe commitment, one of the components of love. Answer: Commitment is a person’s intention to remain in a relationship and work through problems. Mutual commitment can arise out of (1) a sense of loyalty and fidelity to one’s partner; (2) a religious, legal, or moral belief in the sanctity of marriage; (3) continued optimism about future rewards—emotional, financial, sexual, or others; and (4) strong emotional attachments. 54) What is the biological perspective of love? Explain. Answer: Biological perspectives maintain that love is grounded in evolution, biology, and chemistry. Biologists and some psychologists see romance as serving an evolutionary purpose by drawing men and women into long-term partnerships that are essential for child rearing. 55) Explain the limitations of the triangular theory of love. Answer: Like the other perspectives, the triangular theory of love has limitations. “Perfectly matched” does not exist in the real world. Additionally, love varies depending on one’s marital status. Intimacy and passion may be much stronger in casual dating, for example, than in marriage. Commitment, on the other hand, is much higher among married couples than among dating or engaged couples. 56) Jimmy's love for Lily is characterized by obsessiveness, mistrustfulness, and possessiveness. Identify and explain this style of love based on John Lee's styles of love. Answer: Jimmy is experiencing a mania style of love. This style of love is characterized by obsessiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, and intense dependency. Mania may be expressed as anxiety, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, headaches, and even suicide because of real or imagined rejection by the desired person. Manic lovers are consumed by thoughts of their beloved and have an insatiable need for attention and signs of affection. 57) Narcissistic men are generally considered to be good daters. However, they are also considered to be unsuitable for long term relationships. Provide a reasoning that explains why narcissistic men are unsuitable for marriage. Answer: Narcissists can be enjoyable dating partners because they can be charming and flattering to get what they want. However, they are not interested in long-term committed relationships because they’re more interested in themselves than others. To maintain their dominance in romantic relationships, many narcissists resort to gameplaying (ludic) love. They see themselves as superior to their partners and seek status—a spotlight on themselves—rather than meeting their partners’ needs. As a result, they may be unfaithful, break confidences, and keep their partners guessing about the extent of their commitment. 58) Why is love unrequited? Explain with the help of reasons. Answer: Love may be unrequited when only one of the partners wants to progress from hooking up or casual dating to a serious romance. It can be very upsetting, even traumatic, to realize that the person one is dating, and perhaps having sexual relations with, is in the relationship just for the fun of it (as with ludic lovers, including narcissists) and doesn’t want to become more serious or exclusive. Additionally, someone who’s average in appearance may fall in love with someone who’s gorgeous. Because people tend to choose partners who are similar to themselves in dating and marriage, loving someone who’s much better looking is likely to be one-sided. 59) How do gestures differ in romantic love in comparison with long-term love? Answer: Romantic love gestures are typically outward expressions of affection such as flowers and other gifts, constant intimate touching, texting little love notes, and candlelit dinners. Gestures in long-term love are less tangible and materialistic. Examples include honesty, listening even though you’d rather be watching TV, and making sacrifices. 60) Why is arranged marriage the norm in many countries across the world? Answer: In arranged marriages, parents or relatives choose the children’s partners. In such marriages, it’s expected that the partners’ love for each other will grow over time. In many countries, arranged marriages are the norm because respect for parents’ wishes, family traditions, the kin group, and the well-being of the community are more important than the individual’s feelings. Test Bank for Marriages and Families Nijole V Benokraitis 9780205957224, 9780134736150

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