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Chapter Thirty-Two
Into The Twenty-First Century, 1989–2009
Multiple Choice
1. What was the first crisis of the post-Cold War era?
A) the United States invaded Iraq
B) al Qaeda attacked New York CityS
C) Iraq invaded Kuwait
D) the East German government collapsed
E) Russia invaded Afghanistan
Answer: C
The first crisis of the post-Cold War era was Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. This event,
known as the Gulf War or Operation Desert Storm, marked a significant geopolitical
upheaval and led to a massive international response to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait. The
invasion highlighted the potential for regional conflicts and power struggles following the
collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
2. The primary focus of George H. W. Bush’s presidency was ________.
A) healthcare reform
B) reducing taxes
C) gay rights
D) education
E) foreign affairs
Answer: E
George H. W. Bush's presidency was primarily focused on foreign affairs, particularly in
navigating the complexities of the post-Cold War world. His administration oversaw

significant events such as the Gulf War, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and efforts
towards global stability and diplomacy.
3. What was only significant piece of social legislation enacted in the first Bush
A) Economic Opportunity Act
B) National Health Insurance Act
C) Social Security Privatization Act
D) Americans with Disabilities Act
E) Equal Rights Amendment
Answer: D
The only significant piece of social legislation enacted during the first Bush administration
was the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Signed into law in 1990, the ADA aimed to
prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities and ensure equal opportunities in
employment, public accommodations, transportation, and other areas of life.
4. What campaign pledge did President George H. W. Bush have to break in 1990?
A) not to cooperate with Russian leader Gorbachev
B) not to lead America into war
C) not to raise taxes
D) to end the Cold War
E) to prohibit discrimination against the disabled
Answer: C
President George H. W. Bush had to break his campaign pledge not to raise taxes in 1990.
Despite his earlier promise, Bush agreed to a bipartisan budget compromise that included tax
increases as part of efforts to address budget deficits and fiscal challenges facing the nation.

5. In 1989, popular demonstrations calling for democratic reform were violently suppressed
in _______.
A) China
B) Egypt
C) Czechoslovakia
D) Chile
E) Russia
Answer: A
In 1989, popular demonstrations calling for democratic reform were violently suppressed in
China, particularly in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The Chinese government's crackdown on
the pro-democracy movement led to widespread international condemnation and highlighted
the challenges to political reform in authoritarian regimes.
6. The person most responsible for the liberation of Eastern Europe from repressive
governments was ________.
A) Mikhail Gorbachev
B) George H. W. Bush
C) Saddam Hussein
D) Boris Yeltsin
E) Bill Clinton
Answer: A
Mikhail Gorbachev, as the leader of the Soviet Union, played a pivotal role in the liberation
of Eastern Europe from repressive governments. His policies of glasnost (openness) and
perestroika (restructuring) encouraged political reforms and contributed to the peaceful
transitions away from communist rule in countries such as Poland, Hungary, and East

7. Operation ________ was the U.S. and allied military campaign against Iraq in 1991.
A) Against Terror
B) Desert Storm
C) Afghanistan
D) Defeat Saddam
E) Liberate Kuwait
Answer: B
Operation Desert Storm was the U.S. and allied military campaign against Iraq in 1991. It
was launched in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and aimed to liberate Kuwait from
Iraqi occupation. The operation involved extensive air strikes and ground operations, leading
to the expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait.
8. The area of the United States that experienced dramatic growth from the 1970s to the
1990s was the ________.
A) Pacific Northwest
B) Great Lakes region
C) Northeast coast
D) Midwest
E) Sunbelt
Answer: E
The Sunbelt region of the United States, which includes states in the South and Southwest,
experienced dramatic population growth from the 1970s to the 1990s. Factors such as
favorable climate, economic opportunities, and migration patterns contributed to the region's
expansion during this period.
9. The nation’s largest ethnic minority by 2002 was ________.

A) Asian Americans
B) African Americans
C) Hispanics
D) women
E) Chinese Americans
Answer: C
By 2002, Hispanics became the largest ethnic minority in the United States. This
demographic shift was driven by factors such as immigration, higher birth rates among
Hispanic populations, and the increasing cultural diversity within American society.
10. The event that revealed to the nation that poverty in America was not color-blind was
A) the 2000 presidential election
B) the Oklahoma City bombing
C) Hurricane Katrina
D) the War on Terror
E) Operation Desert Storm
Answer: C
Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, revealed to the nation that poverty in
America was not color-blind. The storm disproportionately affected impoverished
communities, particularly those inhabited by African Americans, highlighting systemic
inequalities and socio-economic disparities within the country.
11. Where do the largest single group of Asian Americans come from?
A) Cambodia
B) China

C) Laos
D) Thailand
E) Vietnam
Answer: B
The largest single group of Asian Americans comes from China, with a significant portion of
the Asian American population tracing their heritage to China, contributing to China being
the correct answer.
12. NAFTA is ________.
A) the first lending institution to need a government bailout in 2008
B) the most common weapon of mass destruction found in Iraq
C) an arms treaty between the United States and Russia
D) a free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada
E) an international organization helping nations move from communism to democracy
Answer: D
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is a trade agreement between the United
States, Mexico, and Canada, aimed at reducing barriers to trade and investment among the
three countries, making option D the correct choice.
13. The Contract with America did NOT include ________.
A) universal health care coverage
B) a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution
C) term limits for members of Congress
D) a line-item veto for the president
E) a middle-class tax cut

Answer: A
The Contract with America, a set of conservative policy proposals promoted by Republicans
in 1994, did not include universal health care coverage, as it focused on other issues such as
balancing the budget, imposing term limits, implementing a line-item veto, and proposing tax
cuts, making option A the correct answer.
14. For which of the following was Bill Clinton impeached by the Senate?
A) perjury and obstruction of justice
B) making unwelcome sexual advances to Paula Jones
C) having an affair with Monica Lewinsky
D) selling missile technology to China for campaign contributions
E) being involved in a crooked real estate scheme in Arkansas
Answer: A
Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives and later acquitted by the Senate
on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice related to his testimony about his relationship
with Monica Lewinsky, making option A the correct choice.
15. Which of these countries was given most-favored nation status in 2000, in spite of its
poor human rights record?
A) Egypt
B) Turkey
C) China
D) Russia
E) Mexico
Answer: C

Despite its poor human rights record, China was granted most-favored nation status in 2000,
allowing it favorable trade terms with the United States, making option C the correct answer.
16. After George W. Bush was elected president, his first order of business was ________.
A) to expand the Americans with Disabilities Act
B) to strengthen environmental protections
C) to quell unrest in the Middle East
D) to create major healthcare reform
E) to institute a large tax cut
Answer: E
After George W. Bush was elected president, his first major legislative action was to push for
a significant tax cut, which was enacted in 2001, making option E the correct choice.
17. “No Child Left Behind” required ________.
A) billions of dollars be sent to anti-poverty efforts around the world
B) state testing to evaluate student performance in reading and math
C) resources go to low-income families to increase graduation rates
D) mandatory preschool and kindergarten for all American children
E) a reformed foster care system that would prevent all child abuse
Answer: B
The "No Child Left Behind" Act mandated state testing to evaluate student performance in
reading and math, making option B the correct answer.
18. The overthrow of the Taliban regime in ________ was the first move in the war on terror.
A) Iraq
B) Iran

C) Pakistan
D) Afghanistan
E) Saudi Arabia
Answer: D
The United States, along with allied forces, initiated military action in Afghanistan to
overthrow the Taliban regime following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, making option D the
correct choice.
19. The countries which comprised President George W. Bush’s “axis of evil” in 2002 were
A) Afghanistan, Russia, and North Korea
B) China, Cuba, and Russia
C) Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan
D) Iraq, Afghanistan, and Russia
E) Iraq, Iran, and North Korea
Answer: E
In his 2002 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush referred to Iraq, Iran, and
North Korea as forming an "axis of evil" due to their alleged support for terrorism and pursuit
of weapons of mass destruction, making option E the correct answer.
20. The George W. Bush administration initiated a new global strategy after the terrorist
attacks on the United States, and its critics called this policy ________.
A) unilateralism
B) bipolarism
C) containment
D) détente

E) isolationism
Answer: A
Critics of the George W. Bush administration's foreign policy, particularly its approach to the
Iraq War and other international actions, characterized it as unilateralism due to its emphasis
on pursuing goals without seeking broad international consensus, making option A the correct
21. In 2002, the Bush administration insisted Iraq was hiding ________.
A) terrorists
B) weapons of mass destruction
C) stolen U.S. documents
D) American diplomats
E) religious leaders
Answer: B
The Bush administration, particularly in the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003, asserted that Iraq
was concealing weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), such as chemical, biological, and
possibly nuclear weapons. This claim served as a primary justification for the invasion of
22. The central issue of the 2004 presidential election was ________.
A) the war in Iraq
B) the Cold War
C) the economy
D) family values
E) the war on drugs
Answer: A

The 2004 presidential election primarily revolved around issues related to the ongoing war in
Iraq, with incumbent President George W. Bush emphasizing his administration's handling of
the conflict and Democratic challenger John Kerry critiquing Bush's strategy and decisionmaking regarding the war.
23. Over the years, affirmative action policies were passed to ________.
A) secure the power of each branch of government
B) allow the president to reinstitute the military draft
C) limit the terms of those elected to governmental positions
D) ensure greater participation by minorities
E) give more decision-making power to the people
Answer: D
Affirmative action policies were implemented to address historical discrimination and
promote equal opportunities for minority groups, including African Americans, Hispanics,
and other underrepresented communities, in areas such as education and employment.
24. What issue became especially controversial after Chief Justice William Rehnquist died
and Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor retired?
A) medical insurance
B) immigration
C) abortion
D) government bailouts
E) loans made after disasters
Answer: C

Chief Justice William Rehnquist's death and Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's
retirement sparked controversy over the future direction of the Supreme Court, particularly
concerning issues such as abortion rights. Both justices had played pivotal roles in previous
abortion-related cases, and their replacements could potentially shift the balance of the Court
on this issue.
25. After Iraq invaded Kuwait, the George H. W. Bush administration felt pressured because
A) Kuwait had been on the other side of the Cold War
B) Iraq used U.S. intelligence for its attack on Kuwait
C) they feared their actions had inadvertently caused the crisis
D) Saddam Hussein’s regime was very repressive
E) The U.S. was the sole remaining superpower following the Cold War
Answer: E
After Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the George H. W. Bush administration felt pressured
to respond decisively due to the United States' status as the sole remaining superpower
following the end of the Cold War. The invasion threatened regional stability and challenged
the post-Cold War international order.
26. Why was George H. W. Bush’s plan to bring down the federal budget deficit
A) His plan was never palatable to Congress.
B) His plan coincided with the beginning of a recession.
C) His plan included new taxes but no spending cuts.
D) His plan included spending cuts but no new taxes.
E) His plan did not include new taxes or spending cuts.
Answer: B

George H. W. Bush's efforts to reduce the federal budget deficit were hampered by the onset
of a recession in the early 1990s. Economic downturns typically lead to decreased
government revenue and increased spending on social welfare programs, making deficit
reduction more challenging.
27. George H. W. Bush responded to the 1989 repression of protestors in Tiananmen Square
by ________.
A) threatening to send troops to protect the protestors
B) severing all diplomatic ties with the Chinese government
C) not reacting publicly, but secretly aiding Chinese resistance groups
D) denouncing the violence but secretly maintaining a working relationship with China
E) being personally outraged but doing nothing in response
Answer: D
Following the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and subsequent government crackdown in
China, President George H. W. Bush publicly condemned the violence but chose to maintain
diplomatic and economic relations with China, despite calls for more severe actions such as
severing ties.
28. One positive for people living American urban centers is that they ________.
A) had more education than people in rural areas
B) made less money than people in rural areas
C) enjoyed a lower crime rate than people in rural areas
D) were just as likely to graduate from college as people in rural areas
E) had a lower cost of living than people in rural areas
Answer: A

Urban centers often have greater access to educational institutions, resources, and
opportunities compared to rural areas, leading to higher levels of education among urban
29. What did immigrants from the four major Hispanic groups have in common?
A) They tended to be relatively wealthy.
B) They tended to have few children.
C) They tended to be relatively young.
D) They tended to have very high college graduation rates.
E) They tended to live primarily in rural areas.
Answer: C
Immigrants from major Hispanic groups, including those from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba,
and the Dominican Republic, often share the characteristic of being relatively young, as
immigration tends to be driven by economic opportunities and family reunification, which are
more appealing to younger individuals.
30. In 1986, Congress responded to concerns about the economic effects of undocumented
workers when it ________.
A) tripled the size of the border patrol
B) built a wall across the Canadian border
C) doubled the funds for border enforcement
D) repealed privacy laws to find undocumented workers
E) penalized employers who hired undocumented workers
Answer: E
In 1986, Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which included
provisions to penalize employers who knowingly hired undocumented workers. This measure

aimed to deter employers from hiring undocumented immigrants and address concerns about
the economic impact of unauthorized labor.
31. How did life improve for African Americans over the last few decades of the twentieth
century and the first decade of the twenty-first century?
A) The average income for African-American families increased to match that of white
B) The average educational level of African Americans increased.
C) The incarceration level of African Americans dropped below the national average.
D) The poverty rate among African Americans dropped below the national average.
E) Homicide was no longer the leading cause of death among young black males.
Answer: B
The average educational level of African Americans increased over the last few decades of
the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty-first century. This improvement in
educational attainment contributed to greater opportunities for African Americans in various
aspects of life, including employment and socioeconomic advancement.
32. In 1991, the ________ caused a riot in South Central Los Angeles in which 53 people
were killed.
A) government’s response to the failure of banks
B) court’s acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King
C) government’s failure to respond to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
D) American invasion of Iraq and capture of Saddam Hussein
E) end of the Cold War and fall of the Berlin Wall
Answer: B
The riot in South Central Los Angeles in 1991 was caused by the court's acquittal of the
police officers who were videotaped beating Rodney King, an African American man. The

acquittal sparked outrage and led to widespread civil unrest, resulting in numerous deaths and
significant property damage.
33. How did the Democratic Party change its tactics in the early 1990s and regain the White
A) It became more liberal in order to differentiate itself from the Independent Party.
B) It became more moderate and began tailoring programs to the middle class.
C) It stopped focusing on the middle class and instead sought upper class support.
D) It abandoned the traditional Democratic goals such as healthcare reform.
E) It strengthened its focus on the importance of big government.
Answer: B
The Democratic Party changed its tactics in the early 1990s and regained the White House by
becoming more moderate and tailoring its programs to appeal to the middle class. This
strategic shift helped the party regain support from a broader swath of voters, contributing to
electoral success.
34. When Kenneth Starr released his report outlining possible impeachment charges against
Clinton, the American public ________.
A) became even angrier with Clinton for his indiscretions and deceits
B) ignored Starr’s report
C) wanted all information about presidential affairs reported in the news
D) supported Starr for his thorough investigation and reporting of the President’s
E) condemned Starr for revealing on the news such graphic and intimate details of sexual
Answer: E

When Kenneth Starr released his report outlining possible impeachment charges against
Clinton, the American public condemned Starr for revealing such graphic and intimate details
of the President's sexual practices. Many viewed the release of this information as invasive
and inappropriate for public consumption.
35. Which of these led to unrest in the Balkans?
A) the breakup of Yugoslavia
B) the intervention of an aggressive Austria
C) a surprise Soviet invasion
D) the end of the Cold War
E) Turkey’s continued intervention
Answer: A
Unrest in the Balkans was primarily caused by the breakup of Yugoslavia. The dissolution of
Yugoslavia into various independent states led to ethnic and political tensions, which
escalated into conflicts such as the Bosnian War and the Kosovo War.
36. The division in America revealed the 2000 presidential election was between ________.
A) the urban coastal states that voted for Bush and rural southern states that voted for Gore
B) the poor who voted for Bush and the middle class who voted for Gore
C) the rich who voted for Gore and the poor who voted for Bush
D) the liberals who voted for Bush and the conservatives who voted for Gore
E) people in suburbia who voted for Bush and rural Americans who voted for Gore
Answer: C
The division in America revealed by the 2000 presidential election was between the rich, who
tended to support Al Gore, and the poor, who tended to support George W. Bush. This
election highlighted socioeconomic divisions within the electorate.

37. How was George W. Bush’s economic policy different from Clinton’s?
A) Clinton favored investing in education, while Bush favored investing in environmental
B) Clinton favored reducing government spending, while Bush favored increasing
government spending.
C) Clinton favored tax reduction, while Bush favored eliminating the deficit.
D) Clinton favored eliminating the deficit, while Bush favored tax reduction.
E) Clinton favored tax reduction, while Bush favored cutting spending.
Answer: D
George W. Bush's economic policy differed from Clinton's in that Clinton favored eliminating
the deficit, while Bush favored tax reduction. Bush implemented tax cuts as a central
component of his economic agenda, aiming to stimulate economic growth and provide relief
to taxpayers.
38. What effect did the September 11, 2001, attacks have on the U.S. economy?
A) little effect
B) devastated the airline industry
C) destroyed the oil industry
D) created an economic boom
E) improved the international tourism industry
Answer: B
The September 11, 2001, attacks devastated the airline industry. Following the attacks, air
travel declined sharply due to security concerns and fear of further terrorist incidents, leading
to significant financial losses for airlines and related industries.
39. American foreign policy changed after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States by

A) returning to an isolationist foreign policy
B) returning to a containment foreign policy
C) taking on the role of global police officer
D) ending its alliances with Europe and Asia
E) continuing only humanitarian missions
Answer: C
American foreign policy changed after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States by
taking on the role of a global police officer. The attacks prompted the United States to adopt a
more assertive and interventionist approach in combating terrorism and promoting stability
40. Bush’s 2003 decision to go to war in Iraq initially seemed ________.
A) unwise because the U.S. military was consistently defeated by Hussein’s forces
B) necessary because Saddam Hussein was the mastermind of the September 11 terrorist
C) wise because the military quickly succeeded in taking Baghdad
D) wise because he had intelligence that Saddam Hussein was planning a terrorist attack on
the U.S.
E) unwise because UN inspectors found weapons of mass destruction in Baghdad
Answer: C
Bush's 2003 decision to go to war in Iraq initially seemed wise because the military quickly
succeeded in taking Baghdad. However, the subsequent insurgency and the failure to find
weapons of mass destruction undermined the initial perception of the war's wisdom.
41. How is the 2004 presidential election best described?
A) unusual because no public debates were allowed due to security concerns

B) similar to other recent presidential elections
C) unique because repeated recounts had to be made
D) harmonious because everyone was united against terrorism
E) especially bitter and spiteful as each party blamed and criticized the other
Answer: E
The 2004 presidential election was characterized by heightened polarization and bitterness
between the two major parties. Both the Republican and Democratic campaigns engaged in
aggressive attacks on each other, making it an especially contentious and acrimonious
election cycle.
A) Public debates were allowed in the 2004 election, so this option is incorrect.
B) While there were some similarities to other recent elections, such as the use of campaign
strategies and tactics, the level of bitterness and divisiveness was notable in 2004.
C) There were no significant recounts in the 2004 election comparable to the highly
contentious recount in Florida during the 2000 election.
D) While the issue of terrorism was prominent in the 2004 election, the campaign was not
harmonious, as evidenced by the intense partisan rhetoric and attacks.
42. How did the dismal economy affect the 2008 presidential race?
A) It helped Obama gain ground during the campaign.
B) It decreased Obama’s overall popularity.
C) It decreased both Obama and McCain’s popularity.
D) It caused resentment against the Democratic Party.
E) It did not have any effect on the 2008 presidential election.
Answer: A

The 2008 presidential race occurred during a severe economic downturn, and Barack
Obama's campaign capitalized on public dissatisfaction with the economy under Republican
leadership. His message of change and promises of economic reform resonated with many
voters who were struggling financially, helping him gain ground against his Republican
opponent, John McCain.
B) The economic downturn actually contributed to Obama's popularity, as he was seen as
offering solutions to the economic crisis.
C) While the economic situation may have affected both candidates' popularity to some
extent, Obama's response to the economic crisis was generally well-received by the
D) While there may have been some resentment against the Democratic Party from certain
segments of the population, the overall impact of the economic downturn favored Obama in
the election.
E) The economic crisis had a significant effect on the 2008 presidential election, making this
option incorrect.
43. The issue that gays and lesbians have been pressing in the individual states is ________.
A) equal access to education
B) comparable medical insurance
C) equality in the military
D) equal marital rights
E) personal privacy
Answer: D
Gays and lesbians have been advocating for equal marital rights, including the right to marry
and have their marriages recognized legally in individual states. This has been a prominent
issue in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and has led to significant legal and social changes,
including the legalization of same-sex marriage in many jurisdictions.

44. Science education in the schools became controversial in the early twenty-first century, in
part because of ________.
A) protests against university genetics programs that researched eugenics
B) protests against psychology classes teaching that homosexuality was a mental illness
C) demands to bring global warming into the science curriculum
D) demands for more federal funds to support and expand science education
E) demands to teach intelligent design instead of evolution
Answer: E
One of the controversies surrounding science education in the early twenty-first century was
the debate over teaching intelligent design alongside or instead of evolution in public school
science classrooms. Advocates of intelligent design argued for its inclusion as an alternative
to evolution, while opponents viewed it as a form of creationism and a violation of the
separation of church and state.
45. The age of the American population relates to the economy because ________.
A) more older Americans need healthcare and receive social security
B) the increasing number of young workers in service jobs adds money to Social Security
C) children are volunteering to pay more taxes to support retired Americans
D) with fewer elderly people, funding for programs in healthcare can be reduced
E) older Americans are spending more on travel and consumer goods
Answer: A
The aging population in the United States has significant implications for the economy,
particularly in terms of healthcare and social security. As more Americans reach retirement
age, there is increased demand for healthcare services and social security benefits, leading to
greater pressure on government budgets and healthcare systems.
46. Americans feel vulnerable because ________.

A) migration out of the U.S. has hit an all-time high
B) they feel the world is not listening to them
C) international and domestic problems continue to challenge them
D) the U.S. has the least troubled economy in the world
E) Americans are wildly optimistic about the future
Answer: C
Americans may feel vulnerable due to a combination of international and domestic challenges
and uncertainties. These challenges could include economic concerns, security threats,
political divisions, and environmental issues, among others. The complexity and
interconnectedness of global and domestic problems contribute to a sense of vulnerability
among Americans.
47. How did the end of the Cold War play into Saddam Hussein’s decision to invade Kuwait?
A) He thought the world would be too busy controlling Eastern European countries to object.
B) The Soviet Union was no longer a superpower that could influence him.
C) He had captured weapons from Eastern European countries when the Soviet Union left.
D) The government of Kuwait no longer received aid from the Soviet Union.
E) He wanted to force the United States to take a stand against Russia.
Answer: B
The end of the Cold War significantly weakened Iraq's strategic position, as it lost the support
it had previously received from the Soviet Union. Without the backing of a superpower,
Saddam Hussein may have felt emboldened to pursue his territorial ambitions, including the
invasion of Kuwait, without fear of significant international repercussions.
48. How did Ralph Nader’s candidacy in the 2000 presidential election affect the race?
A) Gore moved further to the left, leaving more room for Bush among independents.

B) Gore moved further to the right, alienating a large portion of his voter base.
C) Bush moved further to the right, leaving more room for Gore among independents.
D) Bush moved further to the left, taking a large portion of Gore’s voter base.
E) Both Gore and Bush moved further to the right, attracting independent voters.
Answer: A
Ralph Nader's candidacy as a third-party candidate, particularly as the Green Party nominee,
attracted some left-leaning voters who might have otherwise supported Al Gore, the
Democratic candidate. To counteract the potential loss of these voters, Gore adjusted his
positions slightly to the left to appeal to independent and progressive voters, thereby leaving
more room for Bush to attract independent voters who might have leaned towards Gore.
49. Which of these was the worst domestic problem facing President Obama at the time of his
A) a series of urban riots
B) the disputed election
C) economic recession
D) drought throughout the Midwest
E) bank failures
Answer: C
At the time of President Obama's election in 2008, the most pressing domestic problem was
the economic recession, which was characterized by widespread job losses, home
foreclosures, and financial instability. The recession, triggered by the collapse of the housing
market and exacerbated by the global financial crisis, presented significant challenges for
Obama as he took office.
50. Americans responded to the first two years of the Obama presidency by ________.
A) consolidating support behind environmental policies to slow the rise of the oceans

B) increasing Democratic power in Congress in the “blue wave” election of 2010
C) demanding a dramatic increase in their income taxes to fund new government programs
D) handing Obama a crushing, historic rebuke in the 2010 mid-term elections
E) forming violent Tea Party militias that staged takeover attempts across the nation
Answer: D
The 2010 midterm elections saw significant losses for the Democratic Party, particularly in
the House of Representatives, where Republicans gained a substantial number of seats. This
shift in congressional power was widely interpreted as a rebuke of President Obama's policies
and leadership during his first two years in office, reflecting voter dissatisfaction with the
administration and contributing to a more divided government.
1. Explain how changing immigration patterns during the 1970s and 1980s are affecting the
United States.
Answer: Changing immigration patterns during the 1970s and 1980s have had significant
effects on the United States. These decades witnessed a shift in immigration demographics,
with increased immigration from Latin America, Asia, and other regions compared to earlier
periods dominated by European immigration. This shift has led to greater cultural diversity
and contributed to the growth of immigrant communities across the country. Additionally, it
has impacted various aspects of American society, including the labor market, economy,
social dynamics, and politics. Immigrants have played vital roles in filling labor shortages,
driving entrepreneurship, and enriching American culture. However, changing immigration
patterns have also sparked debates and tensions over issues such as assimilation,
multiculturalism, language, and national identity.
2. Describe the various aspects of the war on terror and how they have been controversial?
Answer: The war on terror, initiated in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks, encompasses various aspects that have been controversial. Firstly, the military
interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq to combat terrorist threats have been contentious due to

concerns about the legality, efficacy, and human cost of these wars. Additionally, the use of
controversial tactics such as drone strikes, indefinite detention, and enhanced interrogation
techniques has raised ethical and legal questions regarding human rights and international
law. Furthermore, the implementation of domestic surveillance programs, including mass
data collection and warrantless wiretapping, has sparked debates over civil liberties, privacy
rights, and government overreach. The treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay and other
detention facilities has also been a subject of controversy, with allegations of torture and
abuse. Overall, the war on terror has been marked by complex moral, legal, and political
dilemmas, contributing to ongoing debates about the balance between security and liberty in
democratic societies.
3. Discuss the factors that affected America’s attitude about the future in the first decade of
the twenty-first century.
Answer: Several factors influenced America's attitude about the future in the first decade of
the twenty-first century. Firstly, the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
created a sense of uncertainty and vulnerability, shaping perceptions about national security
and the global geopolitical landscape. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, coupled with
ongoing threats of terrorism, fostered anxieties about the long-term trajectory of U.S. foreign
policy and military engagements. Additionally, the economic downturns, including the
bursting of the dot-com bubble in the early 2000s and the global financial crisis of 2008,
raised concerns about economic stability, job security, and the future of the American Dream.
Moreover, issues such as climate change, healthcare reform, technological advancements, and
demographic shifts prompted reflections on the challenges and opportunities facing the nation
in the coming years. These multifaceted factors contributed to a complex and nuanced
outlook on the future, characterized by a blend of optimism, resilience, skepticism, and
apprehension among the American populace.

Test Bank for The American Story
Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen, R. Hal Williams, Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands

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