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Chapter 12 Project Success
12.1 True False
1) For projects to be successful, project strategy, project leadership, project management, and
good communications are essential.
Answer: True
All of these elements play crucial roles in ensuring that a project is planned, executed, and
communicated effectively. A clear strategy provides direction, leadership motivates and
guides the team, project management ensures tasks are completed on time and within budget,
and good communication keeps stakeholders informed and engaged.
2) Successful projects involve customers from the beginning and maintain their interest until
the end of the project.
Answer: True
Involving customers from the start helps ensure that their needs are met and that the project
delivers value. Maintaining their interest throughout the project ensures continued support
and alignment with project goals.
3) A person cannot manage without leading.
Answer: False
While leadership is often important in management, especially in guiding and inspiring a
team, it is possible to manage without taking on a formal leadership role. Management
involves organizing, planning, and coordinating resources to achieve specific goals, which
can be done without necessarily providing direct leadership.
4) Looping is a common project manager activity.
Answer: False
"Looping" is not a standard term in project management. It is unclear what specific activity or
process this term refers to in the context of project management.
5) External pressures may be due to the failure to meet project deadlines or progress
Answer: True
External pressures can come from various sources, including stakeholders, clients, or

regulatory bodies. These pressures can arise from expectations related to project deadlines,
progress, budget, or quality.
6) Internal pressures may be due to government agencies, policies, or supplier problems.
Answer: False
Internal pressures typically refer to issues or challenges that arise from within the
organization, such as resource constraints, organizational culture, or conflicting priorities.
Government agencies, policies, or supplier problems would typically be considered external
7) Managing people in matrix organizations is less complex for project managers because
they report to functional managers.
Answer: False
Managing people in matrix organizations can be more complex for project managers because
team members may have dual reporting relationships to both a functional manager and a
project manager. This can lead to conflicts in priorities and challenges in communication and
8) During a project, the project manager may interact with lateral juniors.
Answer: True
Project managers often interact with team members who are at a similar organizational level,
known as lateral juniors. These interactions may involve assigning tasks, providing guidance,
and coordinating efforts to ensure project success.
9) Managers need to understand that technology makes projects successful.
Answer: False
While technology can certainly facilitate project management and improve efficiency, the
success of a project ultimately depends on various factors, including effective planning,
leadership, communication, and stakeholder engagement. Technology is a tool that can
support these efforts but is not the sole determinant of project success.
10) Skill level refers to a variety of individual attributes including personality, temperament,
needs, motives, and values.
Answer: False

Skill level typically refers to a person's proficiency in performing specific tasks or activities.
While personality, temperament, needs, motives, and values can influence a person's behavior
and performance, they are not typically considered part of skill level.
11) A strong desire to succeed is an example of the project manager's adjustment trait.
Answer: False
The adjustment trait typically refers to a person's ability to adapt to new situations or
environments. While a strong desire to succeed can be a motivating factor, it is not
specifically related to the adjustment trait.
12) Communication is one of the key factors in interpersonal skills.
Answer: True
Interpersonal skills involve the ability to interact effectively with others. Communication,
both verbal and non-verbal, plays a crucial role in building and maintaining positive
relationships with team members, stakeholders, and clients.
13) Leadership behaviors for people management include supporting, developing, mentoring,
and recognizing behaviors.
Answer: True
These behaviors are key aspects of effective leadership in managing people. Supporting,
developing, mentoring, and recognizing team members can help motivate them, improve
performance, and foster a positive work environment.
14) In preparation for a meeting, a project manager should prepare and distribute an agenda.
Answer: True
A well-prepared agenda helps ensure that the meeting stays focused and productive. It also
provides participants with a clear outline of what will be discussed and helps them prepare
15) At the beginning of the meeting, the project manager should review prior meeting action
Answer: True
Reviewing previous meeting action items helps ensure that they have been addressed and
provides continuity from one meeting to the next. It also helps keep participants accountable

for their commitments.
16) Writing ability is the most important component of communications.
Answer: False
While writing ability is important, effective communication encompasses a range of skills,
including verbal communication, active listening, and non-verbal communication. The
importance of each component can vary depending on the context and the audience.
17) Non-verbal listening is understanding what the speaker is conveying through words.
Answer: False
Non-verbal listening, also known as active listening, involves understanding the speaker's
message through their non-verbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of
voice. It complements understanding the words spoken by the speaker.
18) Good listeners interrupt the speaker when they have an important question.
Answer: False
Good listeners typically avoid interrupting the speaker, as it can disrupt the flow of
communication and indicate a lack of respect for the speaker. Instead, they wait for an
appropriate opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification.
19) When a speaker rubs his/her hands, this demonstrates expectation.
Answer: True
Rubbing hands can be a non-verbal cue that indicates anticipation or expectation. It can
suggest that the speaker is excited or looking forward to something.
20) When a speaker clenches his/her fists or crosses his/her arms, this shows uncertainty.
Answer: False
Clenching fists or crossing arms are typically considered defensive or closed-off body
language, which may indicate discomfort, defensiveness, or a desire to create physical
barriers. It is not necessarily a sign of uncertainty.
21) When a listener moves closer to the speaker, this shows aggressiveness.
Answer: False
Moving closer to the speaker can indicate interest or engagement rather than aggressiveness.

It may signal a desire to hear more clearly or to show support for the speaker.
22) When a speaker leans back with his/her hands behind his/her head, this shows superiority
or confidence.
Answer: True
Leaning back with hands behind the head is often interpreted as a relaxed posture, which can
be perceived as a sign of confidence or superiority. It can convey a sense of being at ease or
in control of the situation.
23) When compared to priorities, resources, and personality, schedules rank the highest in
terms of conflict intensity.
Answer: True
Schedules often rank highest in conflict intensity because they involve timelines and
deadlines that directly impact project progress. Conflicts related to schedules can arise when
there are competing demands for time or when there are delays that affect the overall project
24) Conflicts can be resolved by compromising.
Answer: True
Compromising is one of the conflict resolution strategies where both parties make
concessions to reach a mutually acceptable solution. It involves finding a middle ground that
partially satisfies both parties' needs or objectives.
25) Autocratic decisions are made using available information at the time.
Answer: True
Autocratic decisions are made by a single individual without consulting others. While they
may consider available information, these decisions are typically based on the leader's
judgment or preferences rather than a collaborative process.
26) Knowledge sharing is a critical catalyst for creativity and subsequent innovation because
it provides a means by which innovative ideas can be captured, shared, and tested.
Answer: True
Knowledge sharing allows individuals to leverage their collective experiences, insights, and
expertise, which can lead to the generation of new ideas and innovative solutions. By sharing

knowledge, individuals can build on each other's ideas and contribute to the innovation
27) A quality pyramid is a volunteer group of workers who are trained to identify, analyze,
and solve problems and accumulate organizational knowledge.
Answer: False
A quality pyramid typically refers to a graphical representation of the levels of quality in a
product or process, with the highest quality at the top and the lowest quality at the bottom. It
is not related to a volunteer group of workers.
28) Socialization is the process where explicit knowledge is transferred through observation,
imitation, meeting, and practice from one individual to another.
Answer: False
Socialization is the process through which individuals learn the norms, values, and behaviors
of a society or group. It involves more than just the transfer of explicit knowledge and
includes aspects of culture, social interaction, and identity formation.
29) Externalization is the process where tacit knowledge is translated into explicit
Answer: True
Externalization is one of the knowledge conversion processes described by Nonaka and
Takeuchi in their knowledge creation model. It involves articulating tacit knowledge into
explicit form, such as through writing, drawing, or verbalization.
30) Knowledge that is acquired from past failures and successes is an important resource for
the success of future projects.
Answer: True
Learning from past failures and successes allows organizations to improve their processes,
avoid repeating mistakes, and build on successful strategies. This knowledge can inform
decision-making and improve the likelihood of success in future projects.
12.2 Multiple Choice
1) For projects to be successful, the foundation includes project
A) strategy.
B) leadership.

C) management.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
All three elements—strategy, leadership, and management—are essential components of a
successful project. A clear strategy provides direction, leadership motivates and guides the
team, and management ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.
2) Project success variables for executive champions and organizations include each of the
following except
A) adopting a hands off approach so people can do their jobs.
B) coordinating all efforts.
C) providing a prompt response.
D) maintaining accurate communications.
Answer: A
Adopting a hands-off approach is not typically conducive to project success. Effective
executive champions and organizations are actively involved in coordinating efforts,
providing prompt responses, and maintaining accurate communications to support the project.
3) Success variables for customers include each of the following except
A) honest and constructive feedback.
B) strong technical knowledge.
C) having a clear understanding of strategic goals of the project.
D) good communication with project team.
Answer: B
While strong technical knowledge can be beneficial for customers, it is not a necessary
success variable. The other factors listed—honest and constructive feedback, understanding
strategic goals, and good communication with the project team—are more critical for
customer success.
4) Success variables for the project team include
A) being committed to successfully completing a project.
B) having accountability in the project.
C) focusing on performance measures.
D) all of the above.

Answer: D
All of the listed variables—commitment to completion, accountability, and focus on
performance—are important for the success of the project team. They contribute to a team
that is motivated, responsible, and focused on achieving project goals.
5) An individual who is concerned about how work is completed and tries to get people to
work together and perform better best describes
A) customer.
B) leader.
C) manager.
D) sponsor.
Answer: C
A manager is typically responsible for overseeing how work is completed, ensuring that
people work together effectively, and encouraging improved performance from the team.
6) An individual who tries to get people to agree about the most important things to be done
and values flexibility, innovation, and adaptation best describes
A) leader.
B) manager.
C) sponsor.
D) customer.
Answer: A
A leader is someone who focuses on aligning the team around common goals, promoting
flexibility, innovation, and adaptation to achieve those goals.
7) Successful project management requires both project leadership and project management,
together called project
A) oversight.
B) stewardship.
C) development.
D) sponsorship.
Answer: B
Project stewardship encompasses both project leadership and project management.

Leadership provides vision, direction, and motivation, while management ensures that tasks
are executed and objectives are met.
8) Project manager activities include each of the following except
A) exchanging information.
B) influencing.
C) sourcing.
D) developing.
Answer: C
Project manager activities typically include exchanging information, influencing
stakeholders, and developing plans and strategies. While sourcing may be a responsibility in
some projects, it is not a core activity for all project managers.
9) During the project, a project manager may interact with
A) peers.
B) suppliers.
C) lateral superiors.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
Project managers often interact with a variety of stakeholders, including peers, suppliers, and
superiors, to ensure the successful completion of the project.
10) The project manager role and responsibility that devises plans, develops schedules, and
develops budgets is the
A) planner and organizer role.
B) decision maker role.
C) monitor and controller role.
D) spokesperson role.
Answer: A
The planner and organizer role involves creating detailed plans, schedules, and budgets for
the project. This role is responsible for ensuring that the project is organized and executed
11) The project manager role and responsibility that makes decisions on schedule, cost,
scope, and resources even under uncertainty is the

A) planner and organizer role.
B) decision maker role.
C) monitor and controller role.
D) spokesperson role.
Answer: B
The decision maker role involves making critical decisions related to the project, such as
those concerning schedule, cost, scope, and resources, even when faced with uncertainty or
12) The project manager role and responsibility that communicates with stakeholders on the
progress of the project is the
A) planner and organizer role.
B) decision maker role.
C) monitor and controller role.
D) spokesperson role.
Answer: D
The spokesperson role involves communicating with stakeholders, including providing
updates on the progress of the project and addressing any concerns or questions they may
13) The project manager role and responsibility that communicates with company executives,
functional managers, peers, and subordinates; meets schedules, solves problems, and achieves
project scope and objectives is the
A) administrator role.
B) consultant role.
C) coordinator role.
D) supervisor role.
Answer: C
The coordinator role involves extensive communication with various stakeholders, including
executives, managers, peers, and team members, to ensure that the project meets its
objectives and stays on schedule.
14) The project manager role and responsibility that keeps up with current technology
developments and is the "go-to" person for a project is the

A) administrator role.
B) consultant role.
C) coordinator role.
D) supervisor role.
Answer: B
The consultant role involves staying informed about current technology developments and
serving as an expert resource for the project team, providing guidance and advice on
technological matters.
15) The project manager role and responsibility that maintains all project records and
documents; performs basic administrative duties as authorized; analyzes information and
communicates with all stakeholders periodically is the
A) administrator role.
B) consultant role.
C) coordinator role.
D) supervisor role.
Answer: A
The administrator role involves managing project records and documents, performing
administrative tasks, and ensuring that information is communicated effectively among
16) The project manager role and responsibility that facilitates training, develops team skills,
and provides input into team member evaluations is the
A) administrator role.
B) consultant role.
C) coordinator role.
D) supervisor role.
Answer: D
The supervisor role involves overseeing the development of team members, including
facilitating training, developing skills, and providing input into evaluations, to ensure that the
team is effective and cohesive.
17) Types of power include each of the following except
A) reflective power.

B) reward power.
C) coercive power.
D) legitimate power.
Answer: A
Reflective power is not a recognized type of power in the context of leadership or
management. The other three types—reward power, coercive power, and legitimate power—
are commonly discussed in the context of organizational power dynamics.
18) The type of power where the targeted persons comply in order to receive rewards is
A) coercive power.
B) reward power.
C) legitimate power.
D) expert power.
Answer: B
Reward power is the type of power where individuals comply with requests in order to
receive rewards or incentives.
19) The type of power where the targeted persons comply in order to avoid punishments is
A) coercive power.
B) reward power.
C) legitimate power.
D) expert power.
Answer: A
Coercive power is the type of power where individuals comply with requests to avoid
punishments or negative consequences.
20) The type of power where the targeted persons believe that they are obligated to obey is
A) coercive power.
B) reward power.
C) legitimate power.
D) expert power.

Answer: C
Legitimate power is the type of power where individuals believe they are obligated to obey
based on the authority of the person making the request.
21) The type of power where the targeted persons comply believing that the project manager
has special knowledge is called
A) coercive power.
B) reward power.
C) legitimate power.
D) expert power.
Answer: D
Expert power is based on the belief that the project manager possesses special knowledge or
expertise, which leads others to comply with their requests or suggestions.
22) The type of power where the targeted persons comply to gain the project manager's
approval is called
A) referent power.
B) reward power.
C) legitimate power.
D) expert power.
Answer: A
Referent power is based on the desire to gain approval, acceptance, or respect from the
project manager, leading individuals to comply with their requests or directives.
23) Tactics used to influence people include each of the following except
A) impression management.
B) reflective influence.
C) political.
D) proactive influence.
Answer: B
Reflective influence is not a commonly recognized tactic used to influence people. The other
three—impression management, political tactics, and proactive influence—are commonly
used in various contexts to influence others.

24) Which of the following tactics offers praise, ingratiation, and self-promotion?
A) proactive influence
B) political
C) impression management
D) reactive influence
Answer: C
Impression management involves actions taken to enhance one's image or reputation,
including offering praise, ingratiation, and self-promotion to influence others.
25) Which of the following tactics includes influencing the agenda of a meeting to include a
project manager's own issues, influencing the decision-makers to use criteria that will bias the
decisions in favor of the project manager's interests?
A) proactive influence
B) political
C) impression management
D) reactive influence
Answer: B
Political tactics involve using influence to gain advantages or achieve goals by manipulating
agendas, decisions, or criteria to favor one's own interests.
26) Which of the following tactics uses rational persuasion?
A) proactive influence
B) political
C) impression management
D) reactive influence
Answer: A
Rational persuasion involves using logical arguments, evidence, and facts to persuade others
to accept proposals or requests.
27) Which of the following tactics are used to resist unwanted influence attempts or to
modify requests to be more acceptable for the target person?
A) proactive influence
B) political
C) impression management

D) reactive influence
Answer: D
Reactive influence tactics are used to resist or modify unwanted influence attempts, including
requests or proposals that are not acceptable to the target person.
28) Types of proactive influence tactics include each of the following except
A) disintermediation.
B) rational persuasion.
C) inspirational appeal.
D) consultation.
Answer: A
Disintermediation is not a commonly recognized proactive influence tactic. The other three—
rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, and consultation—are commonly used to
proactively influence others.
29) Which of the following uses explanations, rationale, logical arguments, and evidence and
facts to illustrate and argue proposals and requests?
A) inspirational appeal
B) rational persuasion
C) consultation
D) collaboration
Answer: B
Rational persuasion relies on explanations, logical arguments, and evidence to persuade
others to accept proposals or requests.
30) Which of the following generates emotional requests that link the target person's hopes,
ideals, values, and desires?
A) inspirational appeal
B) rational persuasion
C) consultation
D) collaboration
Answer: A
Inspirational appeal involves appealing to the emotions of the target person by linking

requests to their hopes, ideals, values, and desires, in order to gain their support or
31) Which of the following motivates the target person to participate in meetings and get
A) inspirational appeal
B) rational persuasion
C) consultation
D) collaboration
Answer: C
Consultation involves seeking input from others and involving them in decision-making
processes, which can motivate individuals to participate and become more engaged in
meetings and projects.
32) Which of the following offers a target person some necessary resources or assistance?
A) inspirational appeal
B) rational persuasion
C) consultation
D) collaboration
Answer: D
Collaboration involves working together and offering resources or assistance to achieve
common goals, which can motivate individuals by providing them with the support they need
to succeed.
33) Skills important to the project manager include
A) technical skills.
B) business skills.
C) interpersonal skills.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
Project managers require a combination of technical skills (related to the project subject),
business skills (related to organizational context), and interpersonal skills (related to working
with people) to effectively manage projects.
34) Knowledge about the project subject, the processes, and the equipment for conducting

specialized activities best describes
A) technical skills.
B) business skills.
C) interpersonal skills.
D) conceptual skills.
Answer: A
Technical skills refer to the knowledge and expertise required to understand and perform
specific tasks related to the project subject, processes, and equipment.
35) Knowledge about the organization, its products, and its services best describes
A) technical skills.
B) business skills.
C) interpersonal skills.
D) conceptual skills.
Answer: B
Business skills refer to the knowledge and understanding of an organization, including its
products, services, and operational aspects, which are essential for effective project
management within that context.
36) Knowledge about human behaviors and group dynamics best describes
A) technical skills.
B) business skills.
C) interpersonal skills.
D) conceptual skills.
Answer: C
Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to understand and interact effectively with others,
including knowledge about human behaviors and group dynamics, which are important for
building and managing project teams.
37) The expertise or skills acquired by a project team member through experience, education,
or association; it is also awareness or familiarity of a situation gained by experience derived
from information, which in turn is derived from data. This description best defines
A) knowledge.
B) awareness.

C) expertise.
D) conceptualization.
Answer: A
This description best defines knowledge, which encompasses expertise, awareness, and
familiarity gained through experience, education, and association.
38) Types of knowledge include
A) tacit.
B) explicit.
C) procedural.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
Knowledge can be categorized into various types, including tacit (personal, internalized
knowledge), explicit (codified, documented knowledge), and procedural (knowledge of how
to do something).
39) Benefits of knowledge management include
A) reducing cost and risk.
B) improved decision making.
C) reduced cost of employee training.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
Knowledge management can lead to various benefits, including reducing costs and risks,
improving decision-making processes, and reducing the cost of employee training by
capturing and sharing knowledge effectively.
40) Unique knowledge possessed by individuals best describes
A) explicit knowledge.
B) tacit knowledge.
C) procedural knowledge.
D) declarative knowledge.
Answer: B
Tacit knowledge refers to unique, personal knowledge that is difficult to formalize or

articulate, often based on experience or intuition.
41) Knowledge that can be readily articulated, codified, and shared best describes
A) tacit knowledge.
B) procedural knowledge.
C) explicit knowledge.
D) declarative knowledge.
Answer: C
Explicit knowledge is knowledge that can be easily expressed, documented, and shared,
making it accessible to others.
42) Modes of knowledge conversion include each of the following except
A) internalization.
B) socialization.
C) externalization.
D) reduction.
Answer: D
Reduction is not a recognized mode of knowledge conversion. The other three—
internalization, socialization, and externalization—are commonly identified as modes of
converting knowledge from one form to another.
43) The conversion of tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge best describes
A) internalization.
B) socialization.
C) externalization.
D) reduction.
Answer: B
Socialization involves the sharing and transfer of tacit knowledge through direct interaction
and shared experiences among individuals.
44) The conversion of explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge best describes
A) combination.
B) socialization.
C) externalization.
D) reduction.

Answer: A
Combination involves the integration and consolidation of explicit knowledge from different
sources to create new explicit knowledge.
45) Graphical representations of the changing rate of learning for a given project activity best
A) Kano model.
B) learning curves.
C) Pareto charts.
D) SWOT analysis.
Answer: B
Learning curves are graphical representations that show the rate of learning or improvement
over time for a specific project activity or task. They are used to analyze and predict how
learning affects productivity and costs over time.
12.3 Essay
1) Identify five success variables for a project manager.
Answer: Success variables include having a clear understanding of strategic goals of the
project and the organization; selecting key project team members with proven track records;
using authority with responsibility and accountability; being reliable; and maintaining great
relationships with stakeholders and team.
2) Identify eight possible roles and responsibilities for a project manager.
Answer: The possible roles include planner and organizer, decision maker, monitor and
controller, spokesperson, coordinator, consultant, administrator, and supervisor.
3) Identify five trait categories for a project manager. Identify two traits for each category.
Answer: Dominance and sociability, conscientiousness, agreeableness, adjustment, and
openness are the five trait categories. Leadership and extrovert are specific traits associated
with dominance and sociability. Hardworking and dependable are associated with
conscientiousness. Cheerful and optimistic are associated with agreeableness. Emotional
stability and high self-esteem are associated with the adjustment category. Curious and
inquisitive are associated with the openness category.
4) What is knowledge management? Identify five benefits of knowledge management.
Answer: Knowledge management is the process of creating value from intellectual capital
and sharing that knowledge with employees, managers, suppliers, customers, and other

stakeholders. Benefits include reducing cost and risks; leveraging existing assets to reduce
cost, risk, and cycle time; improved decision making; improved strategic planning; and faster
development of new technical approaches.
5) Describe the four primary knowledge management processes in an organization.
Answer: The four primary processes are knowledge creation, knowledge structure,
knowledge storage, and knowledge sharing. Knowledge creation is the process of acquiring
and developing new knowledge in an organization. Knowledge structure involves
codification of the acquired knowledge in a computer language to be useful and stored for
future use. Knowledge storage is concerned with how to index and store the knowledge.
Knowledge sharing is about disseminating knowledge within the organization.

Test Bank for Project Management: Process, Technology and Practice
Ganesh Vaidyanathan

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