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1. Much of workplace communication is __________, consisting of the messages people
within the workplace convey to each other.
a. external
b. upward
c. downward
d. internal
Answer: d
Internal communication refers to communication within the organization among its members.
This includes interactions between colleagues, teams, and departments, which constitute a
significant portion of workplace communication.
2. Which of the following is NOT a type of formal communication?
a. Upward
b. Lateral
c. Equivocal
d. Downward
Answer: c
Formal communication typically involves structured messages following established channels
within the organization. Upward, downward, and lateral communications all follow formal
pathways within the organization. "Equivocal" does not represent a type of formal
communication; instead, it refers to ambiguous or unclear communication.
3. Becky is the communication director for a major public relations company. She served on
the committee that drafted the company’s mission statement and helps the upper-level
managers edit memos and official announcements. Becky also writes the company newsletter

that is distributed once a month. Based on these examples, Becky’s job seems to involve
which kind of communication?
a. Formal
b. Informal
c. Downward
d. Upward
Answer: a
Becky's role involves drafting official documents, editing memos, and creating a company
newsletter. These tasks are all part of formal communication, as they follow established
channels and protocols within the organization.
4. What type of formal communication includes communication with co-workers and anyone
else whose level of power is similar to yours?
a. Equivocal
b. Lateral
c. Collegial
d. Workplace
Answer: b
Lateral communication refers to communication between individuals or groups at the same
organizational level. It involves interactions with colleagues or peers whose level of authority
or power is similar, making it distinct from upward or downward communication.
5. Which of the following describes the type of communication that is not sanctioned by an
employer but arises from the social interactions of its members?
a. Informal
b. Casual

c. Downward
d. Lateral
Answer: a
Informal communication arises spontaneously through social interactions within the
organization and is not officially sanctioned by the employer. It includes casual
conversations, gossip, and the grapevine.
6. Which of the following statements is NOT true about a grapevine in the workplace?
a. Grapevines use multiple communication channels.
b. Communication along the grapevine is usually inaccurate.
c. People rely heavily on the grapevine during a crisis.
d. People using the grapevine in the workplace see informal messages taking an unpredictable
Answer: b
While the grapevine is often criticized for spreading rumors and inaccuracies, it can
sometimes be remarkably accurate, especially during times of crisis when official
communication channels may be slow or inadequate.
7. Sergei works for a shipping company that has been heavily affected by the economic
downturn. When a local newspaper reports that the company will start laying off employees,
Sergei spends much of his lunch break speculating with his co-workers about who might be
affected. He is eager to hear what others think, but also to offer his own opinions, as well as
what he has heard. Sergei’s use of communication most likely reflects which idea?
a. Communication along the grapevine can be remarkably accurate.
b. People use the grapevine in unpredictable ways.
c. People rely heavily on the grapevine during a crisis.
d. Grapevines use multiple communication channels.

Answer: c
During a crisis, such as potential layoffs due to an economic downturn, individuals often turn
to informal communication channels like the grapevine for information and support, as
official channels may not provide timely or sufficient updates.
8. When used effectively, _______________ communication can enhance reputation,
productivity, community support, and economic success.
a. formal
b. informal
c. internal
d. external
Answer: d
External communication refers to interactions between an organization and individuals or
entities outside of the organization, such as customers, stakeholders, the media, and the
general public. Effective external communication can positively impact various aspects of the
organization, including its reputation, productivity, community support, and economic
9. Which of the following is NOT usually an intended audience for a company’s external
a. Potential personnel
b. Lawmakers
c. Competitors
d. Stockholders
Answer: c

Companies typically do not target competitors as an intended audience for their external
communication. Instead, external communication is often directed towards potential
personnel (job applicants), lawmakers (government officials or regulatory bodies),
stockholders (investors or shareholders), customers, suppliers, and the general public.
10. Angie works for a local nonprofit organization, which is in desperate need of volunteers.
Angie places several radio and Internet ads promoting the advantages of helping the less
fortunate. Which audience is Angie targeting with her external communication?
a. The media
b. The general public
c. Consumers
d. Potential personnel
Answer: d
Angie's external communication efforts, promoting volunteer opportunities, are aimed at
attracting potential personnel or volunteers to the nonprofit organization. This includes
individuals who may be interested in contributing their time and efforts towards the
organization's cause.
11. Which of the following represents the values, customs, and communication behaviors
shared by workplace members, and that is likewise reflective of an organization’s distinct
a. Culture
b. Rites
c. Roles
d. Rituals
Answer: a

Culture encompasses the shared values, customs, and communication behaviors within an
organization, forming its distinct identity. While rites and rituals are components of culture,
they are specific manifestations or expressions of it, rather than encompassing all aspects of
workplace identity.
12. A ceremony to celebrate an employee’s promotion is an example of a rite of
a. renewal.
b. integration.
c. celebration.
d. passage.
Answer: d
A promotion ceremony signifies a transition or passage in the employee's career within the
organization, making it an example of a rite of passage.
13. Russ works for a large telecommunications company that has over 400 employees. He
enjoys the yearly company picnic, as he has the opportunity to meet new colleagues and catch
up with co-workers from across the state. Following these gatherings, Russ always feels a
sense of belonging and commitment to the company. These company picnics are an example
of what type of rite?
a. Passage
b. Integration
c. Renewal
d. Bonding
Answer: b
Company picnics serve to integrate employees by fostering a sense of belonging and
camaraderie among them, strengthening their commitment to the organization.

14. Wong is a salesman at a used car lot. He works hard and is committed to selling the most
cars on the lot and representing his employer in a fair and honest light. During one month in
particular, Wong is recognized as Salesperson of the Month, and he receives a plaque and
cash bonus. Wong has experienced what type of rite in the workplace?
a. Renewal
b. Integration
c. Enhancement
d. Reward
Answer: c
Wong's recognition as Salesperson of the Month and the accompanying plaque and cash
bonus represent a form of enhancement rite, as it acknowledges and enhances his status and
performance within the workplace.
15. Which of the following is NOT a workplace ritual?
a. Task
b. Social
c. Conflict
d. Personal
Answer: c
Workplace rituals typically involve regular, repeated behaviors that establish a familiar
routine in the workplace. While task, social, and personal rituals are common, conflict rituals
are not considered typical workplace rituals.
16. Which of the following are repeated behaviors that provide a familiar routine in a
a. Roles
b. Rituals

c. Rules
d. Norms
Answer: b
Rituals are repeated behaviors or actions that provide a sense of familiarity and routine in a
workplace, contributing to its culture and identity.
17. If you and your co-workers meet every Tuesday at a local restaurant for happy hour, you
have established what kind of ritual?
a. Personal
b. Task
c. Relational
d. Social
Answer: d
Meeting for happy hour at a local restaurant every Tuesday is a social ritual, as it involves
gathering with colleagues outside of work for a shared activity.
18. Lisa is a waitress at a restaurant. After she greets a table of customers, she will list that
day’s specials and take drink orders. After returning with the drinks, Lisa will then take
orders for appetizers and entrees. Because she performs these __________ rituals with every
table, it enhances her ability to do her job.
a. task
b. social
c. personal
d. daily
Answer: a

Lisa's actions of listing specials, taking drink orders, and then appetizer and entree orders
constitute task rituals, as they are part of her routine tasks as a waitress and contribute to her
ability to perform her job effectively.
19. The ______ role of a receptionist at a company might be to greet visitors, issue visitor
passes, and answer incoming telephone calls.
a. informal
b. task
c. formal
d. organizational
Answer: c
The receptionist's role involves formal tasks such as greeting visitors, issuing passes, and
managing phone calls, which are essential for the functioning of the organization and are part
of the formal organizational structure.
20. Many __________ roles that workplace members might play, including “conflict
mediator,” “confidante,” or “social event organizer,” are seen by others as indispensable to
the group’s success.
a. formal
b. informal
c. social
d. relational
Answer: b
These roles, such as conflict mediator, confidante, or social event organizer, are considered
informal roles as they are not explicitly defined within the formal organizational structure but
are crucial for the smooth functioning and success of the group.

21. Which of the following terms describes the increasing interconnectedness of societies and
their economies as a result of developments in transportation and communication?
a. Globalization
b. Internationalization
c. Unification
d. Integration
Answer: a
Globalization refers to the process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence
among countries, economies, and cultures due to advancements in transportation,
communication, and trade. It involves the integration of markets, technologies, and societies
on a global scale.
22. When we buy products manufactured or assembled in other countries and then imported
into the United States, we are affecting, and being affected by,
a. internationalization.
b. productivity.
c. globalization.
d. economizing.
Answer: c
Globalization involves the integration of economies and markets worldwide, including the
movement of goods and services across national borders. Purchasing products manufactured
or assembled in other countries and imported into the United States exemplifies the effects of
23. Which of the following is NOT a challenge specifically posed by communication
technology in the workplace?
a. Choosing a communication channel

b. Avoiding conflict
c. Ensuring security
d. Reducing distraction
Answer: b
Challenges posed by communication technology in the workplace include choosing
appropriate communication channels, ensuring security of sensitive information, and
minimizing distractions. Conflict resolution itself is not inherently a challenge posed by
communication technology.
24. Shari works for the state division of child protective services. The e-mails and faxes she
sends and receives contain highly confidential information that has the potential to harm
others’ reputations and even their safety. Shari carefully maintains her e-mail distribution list,
and every e-mail and fax she sends includes a note on the bottom informing the recipient that
all information contained therein is confidential. Shari is attempting to overcome which
challenge to communication technology in the workplace?
a. Reducing distraction
b. Choosing a communication channel
c. Work/life conflict
d. Ensuring security
Answer: d
Shari's actions demonstrate an effort to ensure the security of sensitive information
transmitted through communication technology. By adding confidentiality notices and
managing distribution lists, she addresses the challenge of maintaining security and
25. According to a study, 1.5 percent of total office productivity is lost every year in U.S.
businesses as a result of employees’ personal use of Facebook during work hours. What
challenge does this issue represent in terms of communication technology in the workplace?

a. Ensuring security
b. Choosing a communication channel
c. Work/life conflict
d. Reducing distraction
Answer: d
Personal use of social media during work hours can lead to distractions, affecting
productivity and efficiency in the workplace. Therefore, the issue described represents a
challenge related to reducing distraction through effective management of communication
26. Franco is the vice president of an organic grocery store and is also the happy father of a
two-month-old boy. Franco’s store has recently opened locations all over the region, so he
has been spending a lot of his time traveling to the new stores to ensure they are up and
running successfully. As a result, Franco doesn’t get to spend a lot of time with his newborn
child. He tells himself that this is a short-term problem. What type of work/life conflict does
Franco seem to be experiencing?
a. Life interference with work
b. Burnout interference
c. Work interference with life
d. Imbalance of priorities
Answer: c
Franco is experiencing work interference with life, as the demands of his job are impeding his
ability to spend time with his family. His frequent travel and time commitment to work are
causing a conflict between his work responsibilities and personal life.
27. One of the most harmful effects of work/life conflict is a chronic sense of exhaustion or
apathy that can come from long-term frustration and stress. Which of the following best
describes the effect of this type of conflict?

a. Burnout
b. Fatigue
c. Tiredness
d. Anxiety
Answer: a
The chronic sense of exhaustion or apathy resulting from long-term work/life conflict is often
referred to as burnout. Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, reduced
effectiveness at work, and feelings of cynicism or detachment from work-related
28. Which of the following is NOT a consequence to a workplace when an employee suffers
a. Lost productivity
b. Decreased communicative effectiveness
c. Increased absenteeism
d. Decreased apathy
Answer: d
Burnout typically leads to decreased productivity, decreased communicative effectiveness,
and increased absenteeism due to the employee's emotional exhaustion and reduced
motivation. Decreased apathy, however, is not a consequence of burnout, as burnout itself is
characterized by feelings of detachment or apathy towards work responsibilities.
29. Bryant has kept his homosexuality private at his place of employment. However, a coworker sees him out with his male partner in public one Saturday evening. At work the
following Monday, Bryant is subjected to derogatory comments and anti-gay jokes made by
some of his co-workers. What type of sexual harassment is Bryant experiencing?
a. Quid pro quo

b. Hostile work environment
c. Homophobic
d. Workplace
Answer: b
Bryant is experiencing a hostile work environment, characterized by unwelcome conduct or
behavior, such as derogatory comments and anti-gay jokes, that creates an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive work environment based on his sexual orientation.
30. In many workplaces, employees represent a mix of different cultures, religious beliefs,
mental and physical abilities, educational achievements, ages, genders, and political
orientations. These workplaces could be described as having which of the following?
a. Uniformity
b. Variety
c. Multiplicity
d. Diversity
Answer: d
Workplaces characterized by a mix of different backgrounds, cultures, and identities are
described as having diversity. Diversity encompasses differences in culture, religion, abilities,
age, gender, education, and political orientations among employees, contributing to a rich and
varied work environment.
31. Which of the following is NOT a way to improve your adaptability to workplace
a. Remember being different doesn’t mean being wrong
b. Help others adapt
c. Expect others to be as tolerant as you
d. Check your assumptions

Answer: c
Expecting others to be as tolerant as oneself doesn't necessarily contribute to improving
adaptability to workplace diversity. In diverse environments, individuals should focus on
understanding and accepting differences rather than assuming everyone shares the same level
of tolerance.
32. Karina is the administrative assistant for the president of a biotechnology firm. She gets
frustrated when she sends an important e-mail to her boss and he doesn’t reply immediately.
She doesn’t understand why he won’t prioritize information the way she does. What can
Karina do to understand this difference better?
a. Help others adapt
b. Check her assumptions
c. Remember being different doesn’t mean being wrong
d. Communicate her anger
Answer: c
Remembering that being different doesn’t mean being wrong can help Karina understand and
accept that her boss may have different priorities or communication styles. This approach
encourages openness and tolerance in diverse workplace interactions.
33. When you sit down with someone to discuss your performance and your goals for the
future, you’re taking part in a(n) ___________ interview.
a. exit
b. problem-solving
c. counseling
d. appraisal
Answer: d

An appraisal interview typically involves discussing performance and future goals with a
supervisor or manager. It's a common practice in many organizations to evaluate employee
performance and provide feedback.
34. During what type of interview would you describe both positive and negative aspects of
your job, your supervisors, and the organization before moving to another position or job?
a. Exit
b. Appraisal
c. Survey
d. Problem-solving
Answer: a
An exit interview is conducted when an employee is leaving a position or organization. It
provides an opportunity for the departing employee to offer feedback, including both positive
and negative aspects of their experience.
35. Wayne is a census worker for the U.S. government. In an attempt to count and gather
information about the U.S. population, Wayne visits households and businesses and asks a
variety of questions. These questions include, “How many people live in your household?”
and “How many employees are employed full-time here?” Wayne is conducting what type of
interview as a part of his job?
a. Selection
b. Persuasive
c. Survey
d. Appraisal
Answer: c
Wayne is conducting a survey as part of his job as a census worker. Surveys involve
gathering information through questions asked to a sample of individuals or groups.

36. What is the first step in landing a job interview?
a. Prepare a cover letter
b. Check your online persona
c. Conduct a job search
d. Prepare a resume
Answer: c
Conducting a job search is typically the initial step in the process of landing a job interview.
It involves researching and identifying potential job opportunities aligned with one's skills
and interests.
37. In your ______________, you have the opportunity to express your interest in the job and
to describe how your education, skills, and experience would benefit the employer.
a. resume
b. cover letter
c. job search
d. interview
Answer: b
The cover letter provides an opportunity for applicants to express their interest in a job and to
highlight how their qualifications make them a suitable candidate for the position.
38. Which of the following should NOT be included on a resume?
a. References
b. Salary expectations
c. Education
d. Job-related skills

Answer: b
Salary expectations are typically not included on a resume. Including this information is
generally considered inappropriate at the initial stage of the application process.
39. When detailing your employment experience on a resume, how should you list your jobs?
a. Alphabetically
b. Geographically
c. By importance
d. By most recent
Answer: d
It's customary to list jobs on a resume in reverse chronological order, starting with the most
recent job first. This format allows employers to quickly see the applicant's most recent work
40. Dina is applying for a job as an assistant at a local food bank. She makes sure to Google
her name, and checks all the web sites that come up. She makes sure nothing inappropriate
appears on her Facebook page. What step of the job application process is Dina performing?
a. Preparing her resume
b. Cleaning up her image
c. Checking her online persona
d. Creating an online persona
Answer: c
Dina is checking her online persona as part of the job application process. This step involves
reviewing and managing one's online presence to ensure that it presents a professional image
to potential employers.

41. Which of the following should you do to succeed in a job interview?
a. Research your potential employer
b. Keep your answers long and detailed
c. Don’t ask any questions of your interviewer
d. Do not contact the potential employer after the interview
Answer: a
Researching your potential employer demonstrates initiative and interest in the company,
which can impress the interviewer. It allows you to tailor your answers and questions during
the interview to align with the company's values and goals, ultimately increasing your
chances of success.
42. Which of the following types of questions is NOT likely to be used in an interview?
a. Open-ended
b. Probing
c. Hypothetical
d. Personal
Answer: d
In a job interview, personal questions that delve into private matters unrelated to the job are
generally considered inappropriate and could potentially be discriminatory. Therefore,
personal questions are not likely to be used in a professional interview setting.
43. “Can you work the night shift?” would be an example of what type of question in a job
a. Open-ended
b. Closed-ended
c. Hypothetical

d. Probing
Answer: b
This question can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no," making it closed-ended. Closedended questions typically limit the respondent's options and are used to gather specific
information quickly.
44. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for formulating questions for your interviewer?
a. Ask questions that allow the interviewer to reflect on his or her own experiences.
b. Don’t ask for details about the company that you should already know.
c. Address salary or benefits, unless the interviewer already has.
d. Ask questions that indicate your long-term interest in the job.
Answer: c
It's important to address salary or benefits if they haven't been discussed, as it's essential
information for making an informed decision about the job. Avoiding this topic entirely can
lead to misunderstandings or dissatisfaction later on.
45. By asking your interviewer, “What has been your experience working for this company?”
you are employing what strategy?
a. Indicating your long-term interest in the job
b. Asking for details about the company that you don’t already know
c. Asking about your future at the company
d. Allowing the interviewer to reflect on his or her own experiences
Answer: d

This question allows the interviewer to reflect on their own experiences, which can foster a
more personal connection during the interview. It also demonstrates your interest in
understanding the company culture and dynamics.
46. In the United States, the __________________ is the federal agency that monitors unfair
discrimination in hiring and firing decisions.
a. Economic Development Administration
b. Employee Benefits Security Administration
c. Commission on Civil Rights
d. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Answer: d
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing
federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee based
on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation),
national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information.
47. Alfred is doing well in his job interview for a position at a local politician’s campaign
office. However, he’s a bit surprised when the interviewer asks if he has any disabilities. This
is most likely because this is a(n) _____________ question.
a. illegal
b. immoral
c. open-ended
d. loaded
Answer: a
Asking about disabilities in a job interview is illegal in most cases under the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) because it could lead to discrimination against qualified individuals

with disabilities. Employers are not allowed to inquire about an applicant's disabilities before
making a job offer.
48. Which of the following is NOT a way to respond tactfully to an illegal question in a job
a. Take advantage of the question.
b. Inform the interviewer that the question is illegal.
c. Neutralize the question.
d. Tactfully refuse to answer.
Answer: b
While it's important to inform the interviewer that the question is illegal, doing so directly
may come off as confrontational and could potentially harm your chances of getting the job.
It's generally more tactful to address the underlying concern or politely decline to answer the
49. During his job interview, Thomas is asked whether he plans on getting married and
having children. Although Thomas knows the question is illegal, he ________________ by
stating that his family plans would not interfere with his ability to do the job in question.
a. poses a tactful inquiry
b. takes advantage of the question
c. tactfully refuses to answer
d. neutralizes the question
Answer: c
Tactfully refusing to answer an illegal question allows the interviewee to maintain
professionalism and avoid potential discrimination while still addressing the interviewer's
concern about family plans impacting job performance. It redirects the conversation back to
the candidate's qualifications and ability to perform the job duties effectively.

Test Bank for Communication Matters
Kory Floyd
9780078036866, 9781259707766

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