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Chapter 11
1. What is the first step to preparing an effective speech?
a. Analyzing the audience for your speech
b. Choosing a topic for your speech
c. Identifying the goal or goals you want to accomplish in your speech
d. Gathering information to support your speech
Answer: c
Identifying the goal or goals you want to accomplish in your speech is crucial as it sets the
direction and purpose of your speech. It helps in focusing your message and guiding the
content and structure of your speech.
2. Which of the following is NOT a goal of public speaking?
a. To relate
b. To inform
c. To give honor
d. To entertain
Answer: a
Public speaking aims to inform, persuade, entertain, and give honor. While relating to the
audience can be a technique used in achieving these goals, it is not a distinct goal in itself.
3. Peyton is responsible for training new employees at the restaurant where she works. She
must let them know the correct greeting for customers, where to find the specials for each
day, and how to ensure repeat business. What is Peyton’s goal during these training sessions?
a. To entertain
b. To persuade
c. To introduce

d. To inform
Answer: d
Peyton's goal during these training sessions is to provide information to the new employees,
ensuring they understand the correct procedures and practices required for their roles.
4. When we speak to __________________, we are appealing to our listeners to think or act
in a certain way.
a. give honor
b. persuade
c. introduce
d. inform
Answer: b
Persuasion involves appealing to the audience's thoughts or actions, influencing them to
adopt a particular viewpoint, belief, or behavior.
5. Before his death in 2009, Billy Mays was a famous television pitchman for household
products such as Mighty Putty and Grater Plater. He was best known for his opening line,
“Hi, Billy Mays here for…” What was Mays’s primary goal in his commercials?
a. To inform
b. To persuade
c. To introduce
d. To entertain
Answer: b
Billy Mays's primary goal in his commercials was to persuade viewers to purchase the
products he was endorsing through enthusiastic promotion and demonstration.

6. Kathy Griffin, the stand-up comedian and actress, has a goal to ______________ her
audiences during a stand-up routine.
a. entertain
b. inform
c. persuade
d. give honor
Answer: a
Kathy Griffin's goal during a stand-up routine is to entertain her audiences, typically through
humor and engaging storytelling.
7. To be effective, speakers who _______________ must be keenly aware of who their
listeners are and what they are likely to find amusing.
a. inform
b. introduce
c. entertain
d. persuade
Answer: c
Speakers who entertain must understand their audience's preferences and sense of humor to
effectively engage and amuse them.
8. In August 2008, presidential candidate John McCain held a press conference to announce
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate. Because most of the
country was unfamiliar with Palin, McCain’s goal was to __________________, as he used
such statements as “I have found the right partner to stand up to those who value their
privileges over their responsibilities.”
a. introduce
b. inform

c. give honor
d. entertain
Answer: a
John McCain's goal during the press conference was to introduce Sarah Palin to the public,
providing essential information about her background and qualifications for the vice
presidential position.
9. In his speech class, Gavin’s first speech assignment is to tell the class about his past, his
current plans, and his hopes for the future. Gavin’s goal for the speech is
a. to inform.
b. to give honor.
c. to introduce.
d. to entertain.
Answer: c
Gavin's goal for the speech is to introduce himself to the class, providing information about
his background, plans, and aspirations.
10. After singer Michael Jackson’s death, over 20,000 friends, fans, and family members
gathered together at a memorial in Los Angeles. Among others, singer Stevie Wonder gave a
eulogy, stating in part, “I do know that God is good, and I know that as much as we may feel,
and we do, that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more.”
Wonder’s goal during his eulogy was to
a. introduce.
b. give honor.
c. entertain.
d. persuade.
Answer: b

Stevie Wonder's goal during his eulogy was to give honor to Michael Jackson, expressing
admiration and respect for his life and contributions to music and culture.
11. A speech of ___________ honors someone who is receiving an award.
a. dedication
b. commemoration
c. toast
d. recognition
Answer: d
In this context, the speech is meant to acknowledge and honor someone who is receiving an
award. "Recognition" aligns with this purpose as it signifies giving acknowledgment and
appreciation to the recipient of the award.
12. On the fifth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States,
President George W. Bush gave a speech of _____________ in which he honored the
memory of victims and rescue workers who lost their lives.
a. dedication
b. recognition
c. commemoration
d. evaluation
Answer: c
The speech's purpose was to remember and honor those who lost their lives in the tragic
event. "Commemoration" refers to honoring and remembering significant events or people,
making it the most suitable option in this scenario.
13. To select an appropriate speech topic when none has been specified, you can start by
___________ to generate a list of potential topics.

a. praying
b. suggesting
c. creating
d. brainstorming
Answer: d
Brainstorming involves generating ideas or topics by freely thinking and listing without
judgment or evaluation. It allows for creativity and exploration of various possibilities,
making it a suitable approach when deciding on a speech topic.
14. Which of the following strategies encourages you to identify as many ideas as possible
without stopping to evaluate them?
a. Brainstorming
b. Creating
c. Innovating
d. Listing
Answer: a
Brainstorming is the process of generating ideas or solutions without immediately evaluating
them. It encourages free thinking and creativity, allowing for a wide range of possibilities to
be explored before considering their merits.
15. Pace is asked to give a speech to a local youth group. He considers his experience,
hobbies, beliefs, values, and attitudes, how he enjoys spending his time, and what issues he
cares about. What question is Pace answering as he brainstorms?
a. What topics are in the news?
b. What does my audience know about?
c. What topics do you care about?

d. What topics are relevant?
Answer: c
Pace is considering his personal interests, values, and experiences to brainstorm speech
topics. By asking what topics he cares about, he is aligning the speech with his passions and
ensuring authenticity in his delivery.
16. Julia is asked to speak at a university conference, so she reads the university’s website
and its student newspaper to find out what students and faculty are talking about these days.
Which question is she most likely trying to answer?
a. What topics are interesting?
b. What topics do you care about?
c. What topics are relevant?
d. What topics are in the news?
Answer: d
Julia is likely trying to gauge current events and trending topics by reading the university's
website and student newspaper. By asking what topics are in the news, she can tailor her
speech to resonate with the interests of her audience.
17. Answering questions such as “What do you talk about the most with your friends and
family?” and “What is your fantasy career?” relates to what brainstorming technique?
a. Finding topics you care about
b. Finding topics in the news
c. Finding topics that are current
d. Finding topics that are relevant
Answer: a

These questions prompt personal reflection and exploration of individual interests and
passions. They align with the brainstorming technique of finding topics you care about, as
they help identify subjects that resonate personally and authentically.
18. If you read Time magazine or log onto a website such as, you are
answering what question for brainstorming?
a. What topics are interesting?
b. What topics are relevant?
c. What topics are in the news?
d. What topics do you care about?
Answer: c
Reading sources like Time magazine or CNN helps identify current events and trending
topics. By asking what topics are in the news, individuals can gather relevant information for
brainstorming and align their speech topics with contemporary issues.
19. Read the following list of potential speech topics: the U.S. economy, same-sex marriage
laws, the 2012 presidential election, immigration policy. What question did the speaker most
likely answer to generate this list?
a. What topics are interesting?
b. What topics do you care about?
c. What topics are relevant?
d. What topics are in the news?
Answer: d
The speaker likely generated this list by considering recent or ongoing events, as reflected in
the options provided. By asking what topics are in the news, the speaker can ensure that the
chosen subjects are timely and engaging for the audience.

20. When choosing a topic, which question will allow you to speak with credibility and
a. “How much to I care about this topic?”
b. “What do I already know about this topic?”
c. “How much do I need to learn about this topic?”
d. “How valuable is this topic?”
Answer: b
Prior knowledge and expertise on a topic contribute significantly to speaking with credibility
and confidence. By asking what one already knows about a topic, individuals can leverage
their existing understanding to deliver a compelling and authoritative speech.
21. Eliza is assigned a persuasive speech in her communication course. When brainstorming,
she knows it is important to pick a topic ____________ because it will make preparing her
speech more enjoyable and her presentation will be more engaging for the audience.
a. she cares about
b. she knows about
c. that is valuable
d. she doesn’t need to learn about
Answer: a
Eliza should choose a topic she cares about because her passion and interest will likely
translate into a more compelling and engaging presentation for her audience.
22. To give an effective speech, you need to select a topic that is right not only for yourself
but also your
a. assignment.
b. audience.

c. interests.
d. experience.
Answer: b
While it's crucial for a speaker to be interested in the topic, selecting a topic that suits the
audience is equally important for ensuring engagement and relevance.
23. Asking yourself which of the following questions will help you to consider whether the
topic will be suitable for your listeners?
a. “How much will my audience care about this topic?”
b. “How much do I know about this topic?”
c. “How much do I care about this topic?”
d. “How appropriate is this topic for my audience?”
Answer: d
Considering how appropriate the topic is for the audience helps ensure that the speech will
resonate with them and meet their needs and expectations.
24. To give an effective speech, you need a topic that is right for the _______________,
meaning that it is appropriate for the situation.
a. audience
b. occasion
c. assignment
d. juncture
Answer: b
The topic should be suitable for the occasion to ensure that the speech is relevant and
respectful of the context in which it's delivered.

25. When identifying a topic that is right for the occasion, you should ask yourself:
a. What do I know about this topic?
b. How much will my audience care about this topic?
c. How much do I know about this topic?
d. Why am I speaking?
Answer: d
Understanding why you are speaking helps align the topic with the purpose of the speech and
ensures its relevance to the occasion.
26. Jocelyn is a dynamic, humorous speaker. When she is asked to give a eulogy for her
former biology professor, she prepares a somber, serious speech commemorating the
educator’s contribution to his field. In order to give a speech appropriate for the occasion,
Jocelyn most likely asked herself,
a. “What is the emotional tone of the event?”
b. “How much do I know about this topic?”
c. “How appropriate is this topic for my audience?”
d. “How much do I care about this topic?”
Answer: a
Understanding the emotional tone of the event helps Jocelyn tailor her speech to suit the
solemnity and significance of the occasion.
27. If you start with a broad list of potential topics, you can narrow it down by considering
which topics are right for you, for the audience, and for the
a. demographic.
b. assignment.
c. occasion.

d. speech.
Answer: c
Considering which topics are right for the occasion helps ensure that the speech is appropriate
and relevant to the context in which it will be delivered.
28. Good public speakers engage in ______________, which means thinking carefully about
the characteristics of their listeners so they can address their audience in the most effective
a. self-analysis
b. careful topic selection
c. psychoanalysis
d. audience analysis
Answer: d
Audience analysis involves understanding the characteristics of the audience to tailor the
speech to their needs, interests, and preferences.
29. Carrie is giving a speech to her political science class. To make her topic interesting and
engaging to her audience, Carrie looks at her audience’s ____________ characteristics, such
as sex and sexual orientation, culture, and political orientation.
a. demographic
b. social
c. psychological
d. general
Answer: a

Demographic characteristics such as sex, culture, and political orientation provide valuable
insights into the composition and preferences of the audience, helping Carrie tailor her speech
30. Which of the following is NOT a demographic characteristic?
a. Age and facility with computer-mediated communication
b. Socioeconomic status
c. Mood
d. Education level
Answer: c
Mood is not a demographic characteristic; instead, it refers to the emotional state or
disposition of an individual or group, which can vary independently of demographic factors.
31. As the president of his college honor society, Quincy has been asked to give a speech to a
local senior citizens’ organization. Quincy spends a lot of time working on his presentation
aids, thinking they will help his audience follow his topic more easily. He uses many
PowerPoint slides and video clips. About halfway through his speech, Quincy notices his
audience seems distracted, and he even sees some of the senior citizens walk out. In
considering demographics, it seems that Quincy did not carefully consider
a. sex and sexual orientation.
b. occasion.
c. age and facility with computer-mediated communication.
d. mental characteristics.
Answer: c
Quincy's audience, being senior citizens, might have varying levels of familiarity and comfort
with technology, such as computer-mediated communication. By relying heavily on
PowerPoint slides and video clips, Quincy may have overlooked the fact that some of his

audience members might struggle to engage with or understand these aids due to their age or
lack of experience with technology.
32. Diana, a nontraditional student who is returning to college after raising her children, has
not kept up with technology. Therefore, when she is required to have a presentation aid for
her persuasive speech, she decides to use a poster. As she watches the other speakers with
their PowerPoint slides and YouTube videos, Diana realizes she probably should have more
carefully considered what demographic characteristic?
a. Occasion
b. Political orientation
c. Physical and mental characteristics
d. Age and facility with computer-mediated communication
Answer: d
Diana, being less familiar with technology due to her nontraditional status, might represent a
demographic that is less comfortable or proficient with computer-mediated communication.
Her decision to use a poster suggests that she is more aligned with traditional presentation
methods, highlighting the importance of considering the age and facility with technology of
the audience when choosing presentation aids.
33. Tori is giving a speech in her economics class on health care reform. One of her main
focuses is on the coverage of families. As she discusses that issue, she uses such terms as
“spouse,” “husband,” and “wife” rather than the more general term “family.” Several
members of her audience feel dismissed and overlooked, as Tori’s speech does not fully
consider the demographic characteristic of
a. sex and sexual orientation.
b. physical and mental characteristics.
c. age.
d. political orientation.
Answer: a

By exclusively using terms like "husband" and "wife," Tori's speech fails to acknowledge and
include individuals who may not fit into traditional heterosexual relationships. This oversight
neglects the demographic characteristic of sexual orientation, potentially alienating audience
members who identify differently or have diverse family structures.
34. Effective speakers take into account the _______________ of the audience, since women
and men differ from each other in their attitudes about particular topics.
a. sexual orientation
b. sex
c. physical characteristics
d. political orientation
Answer: b
Understanding the demographic characteristic of sex is crucial for effective communication
because research suggests that men and women may have different perspectives, values, and
attitudes towards certain topics. By acknowledging these differences, speakers can tailor their
messages to resonate more effectively with their audience.
35. _________ sensitive speakers recognize that many minorities have histories of social,
economic, or political oppression.
a. Rhetorically
b. Culturally
c. Ethnically
d. Minority
Answer: b
Culturally sensitive speakers acknowledge the historical context and systemic challenges
faced by minority groups, understanding that their experiences may differ significantly from

those of the majority population. By recognizing these dynamics, speakers can communicate
more inclusively and effectively with diverse audiences.
36. In 2007, during an appearance on The Tonight Show, actress Halle Berry made a joke
about a digitally altered photograph in which her nose appeared enlarged, saying it was her
Jewish cousin. As host Jay Leno and the audience grew silent, Berry said, “Have I just ruined
my career?” She asked producers to edit the word “Jewish” from her joke and later
apologized for the incident. Berry was considering the demographic of __________ when
asking for her comment to be edited and issuing her apology.
a. sexual orientation
b. political orientation
c. economic status
d. culture
Answer: d
Halle Berry's apology and request to edit her comment demonstrate her consideration of the
cultural demographic. By removing the potentially offensive reference to a Jewish cousin, she
acknowledges the sensitivity surrounding cultural identity and avoids perpetuating
stereotypes or inadvertently causing offense to audience members who identify with the
Jewish culture.
37. Speakers who are insensitive to how listeners might interpret their remarks risk offending
or alienating ___________ groups in their audiences, even if their intentions were honorable.
a. political
b. cultural
c. sociological
d. economic
Answer: b

Cultural insensitivity can lead to offense or alienation among audience members who identify
with particular cultural groups. Even if speakers have honorable intentions, failing to consider
the cultural backgrounds and sensitivities of their audience can result in misunderstandings or
feelings of marginalization.
38. When considering the demographic of _____________, you can evaluate whether you
think a less wealthy audience might be more liberal and more open to new ways of thinking.
a. economic status
b. culture
c. age
d. political orientation
Answer: a
Economic status can influence political attitudes and openness to new ideas. By considering
the economic background of the audience, speakers can make informed decisions about how
to frame their message and tailor it to resonate with the values and perspectives commonly
associated with different socioeconomic groups.
39. In her speech class, Veronica knows there is a student with a visual impairment and
another with high-functioning autism. She plans to take extra time during her speech to
explain her presentation aids, as a result of her analysis of which demographic characteristic?
a. Intelligence
b. Physical and mental capabilities
c. Culture
d. Age
Answer: b
Veronica's consideration of explaining her presentation aids stems from her awareness of the
physical and mental capabilities of her audience members. By accommodating individuals

with visual impairments and high-functioning autism, Veronica demonstrates sensitivity to
the diverse needs and abilities within her audience.
40. You should always evaluate the ___________ of your audience, as some members may
face cognitive limitations or learning disabilities.
a. culture
b. mental capabilities
c. age
d. physical capabilities
Answer: b
Considering the mental capabilities of the audience is crucial for effective communication,
especially regarding comprehension and engagement. By recognizing potential cognitive
limitations or learning disabilities, speakers can adapt their delivery and content to ensure
inclusivity and accessibility for all audience members.
41. Knowing whether your audience is primarily conservative, primarily liberal, or a mix of
the two can help you tailor your message accordingly. Therefore, it is useful to consider the
demographic characteristic of
a. culture.
b. economic status.
c. mental capabilities.
d. political orientation.
Answer: d
Understanding the political orientation of your audience is crucial for tailoring your message
effectively. Different political orientations often have distinct values, beliefs, and priorities,
influencing how they perceive and respond to messages.

42. During the 2000 U.S. presidential election, journalist Tim Russert devised the method of
dividing the country into “red states” (primarily Republican) and “blue states” (primarily
Democrat), which represents differences in the states’ _________________.
a. political orientation
b. color
c. cultural
d. economic status
Answer: a
Tim Russert's classification of states into "red" and "blue" primarily represented their political
orientation, with "red" states being predominantly Republican and "blue" states
predominantly Democrat. This division reflects differences in political affiliations across
43. To consider the context or situation of your speaking engagement, which of the following
would you consider about your audience?
a. Political orientation
b. Culture
c. Existing knowledge
d. Age
Answer: c
Considering the existing knowledge of your audience is essential because it helps you gauge
their understanding of the topic, allowing you to tailor your message appropriately and avoid
presenting information that may be too basic or too advanced for them.
44. To maximize your effectiveness as a speaker, consider the ___________ of your speech,
which reflects why your audience will come together to hear you.
a. size

b. prior knowledge
c. time available
d. purpose
Answer: d
Understanding the purpose of your speech is crucial for tailoring your message to meet the
expectations and needs of your audience. It helps you focus on delivering relevant content
that aligns with the goals of the speaking engagement.
45. When asking yourself questions such as “Will my listeners be required to attend or will
they assemble by choice?” and “Is the occasion joyous or somber?” you are considering your
a. size.
b. knowledge.
c. purpose.
d. time.
Answer: c
Considering the purpose of the audience's gathering helps you adapt your speech to suit the
occasion. Understanding whether they are attending voluntarily or by obligation, as well as
the emotional tone of the event, allows you to tailor your message appropriately.
46. When considering your audience’s size, in general it is important to remember that the
____________ the group, the more formally structured your presentation should be.
a. smaller
b. larger
c. more educated
d. less conservative

Answer: b
Larger audiences typically require more formal and structured presentations to maintain
engagement and clarity due to the increased potential for diverse backgrounds, attention
spans, and comprehension levels among attendees.
47. When deciding on activities and tone, you should be concerned with audience ________,
as a speech to a dozen people is different than a speech to 200.
a. size
b. make-up
c. demographics
d. attitude
Answer: a
Audience size influences the choice of activities and tone in a speech. Larger audiences may
necessitate more generalized content and a formal tone, while smaller audiences allow for
more interactive activities and a more conversational tone.
48. Listeners have only a finite amount of __________ to spend listening to a speaker.
a. time
b. knowledge
c. patience
d. purpose
Answer: a
Audience members have limited time available to listen to a speaker, so it's essential to
respect their time constraints by delivering a concise and engaging presentation within the
allotted timeframe.

49. If you are allotted 30 minutes to speak, but only use 25, audiences usually appreciate your
efficient use of
a. space.
b. time.
c. purpose.
d. knowledge.
Answer: b
Efficient use of time demonstrates respect for the audience's time constraints and often leads
to a more focused and impactful presentation. It allows for better pacing and engagement,
keeping the audience attentive and satisfied.
50. Davin has been hired to give a motivational speech to a local youth group. His speech is
scheduled first thing in the morning, and as he begins, he notices several audience members
nodding off. He also notices that several other audience members are texting on their phones.
Because Davin had analyzed his audience’s ________________ prior to his speech, Davin is
ready with a few jokes about the morning and texting. He is able to break the ice with his
audience and continue on successfully.
a. time
b. purpose
c. competing demands
d. prior knowledge
Answer: c
By analyzing the competing demands on his audience, Davin anticipates potential distractions
or challenges to engagement, such as morning fatigue or smartphone use. Incorporating
relevant jokes about these distractions helps Davin connect with his audience, break the ice,
and regain their attention, thereby enhancing the success of his speech.

51. If you analyze your audience’s __________________, you can avoid talking down to
your audience and talking over their heads.
a. purpose
b. prior knowledge
c. competing demands
d. patience
Answer: b
Analyzing the prior knowledge of your audience helps in tailoring your speech to an
appropriate level. By understanding what your audience already knows about the topic, you
can avoid either oversimplifying or delving into overly complex explanations.
52. Professor Galeran is teaching an advanced public speaking class for the first time. She
stops to define terms such as “demographic characteristics” and “audience analysis,” much to
the annoyance of her audience. Professor Galeran failed to think what about her audience?
a. Purpose
b. Prior knowledge
c. Competing demands
d. Boredom
Answer: b
Professor Galeran's audience in an advanced public speaking class likely already possesses
knowledge of basic terms like "demographic characteristics" and "audience analysis." Failing
to consider their prior knowledge resulted in irritation among the students.
53. Which of the following is NOT a potential source of objective supporting material?
a. Personal opinions
b. Systematic observations

c. Interviews
d. Questionnaires
Answer: a
Personal opinions are subjective and therefore cannot be considered objective supporting
material. Objective supporting material is based on factual evidence rather than personal
54. Because it would be nearly impossible to read and evaluate the thousands of potential
sources it can produce, you might find which of the following research techniques to yield
too much information on your topic?
a. library research
b. internet search
c. personal observation
d. interview
Answer: b
Internet searches often yield a vast amount of information, which can be overwhelming and
difficult to evaluate for relevance and credibility, especially when compared to more curated
sources like library research.
55. Which of the following is a website that allows you to search other websites containing
information on a topic you specify?
a. Specific engine
b. Source
c. General search engine
d. Research site
Answer: c

A general search engine like Google allows users to search for information across a wide
range of websites on various topics.
56. A _________________ doesn’t scan the Internet as broadly as general search engines do
but rather looks only for research that has been published in books, academic journals, and
other periodicals.
a. research search engine
b. news search engine
c. general search engine
d. specific search engine
Answer: a
A research search engine, such as Google Scholar, specifically focuses on academic and
research-oriented sources, unlike general search engines like Google.
57. Rhiannon is doing research for her speech on whaling. When using a search engine such
as Yahoo, Rhiannon becomes frustrated, as all she can seem to pull up are websites without
research or credibility. Upon her professor’s suggestion, she tries a ______________ at, and suddenly, she can easily find published journal and periodical
articles on her topic.
a. general search engine
b. news search engine
c. specific web site
d. research search engine
Answer: d

Rhiannon's frustration with Yahoo indicates the limitations of general search engines in
retrieving credible research material. Switching to a research search engine like Google
Scholar provides her with more reliable sources for her speech.
58. Which of the following allows you to explore a variety of resources and offers the
assistance of trained professionals who can help you navigate all of the available assets?
a. Internet research
b. Library research
c. A personal observation
d. An interview
Answer: b
Library research provides access to a diverse range of resources including books, periodicals,
electronic materials, and the expertise of librarians who can assist in navigating these
resources effectively.
59. Which of the following can be divided into books, periodicals, nonprint materials, and
electronic print materials?
a. Internet research
b. Personal collections
c. Library research
d. Fiction
Answer: c
Library research encompasses various types of materials including books, periodicals,
nonprint materials (e.g., audiovisual), and electronic print materials (e.g., e-books, online
60. What is another term for materials that are published on a regular basis, such as
magazines, newspapers, and scientific journals?

a. Websites
b. Papers
c. Quartiles
d. Periodicals
Answer: d
Periodicals are publications issued at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly,
including magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.
61. Sound recordings, movies, and photographs are examples of which of the following?
a. Periodicals
b. Books
c. Nonprint materials
d. Electronic print materials
Answer: c
Nonprint materials refer to any material that is not in print form, such as sound recordings,
movies, and photographs. These materials are typically accessed through electronic or visual
means rather than traditional printed media.
62. Rafe is doing research for his informative speech and has not been happy with the quality
of information he’s been finding on online search engines. He goes to his university library,
where he searches PsycInfo, a _________________ focused on the discipline of psychology.
a. search engine
b. database
c. nonprint material
d. online source
Answer: b

PsycInfo is a database, not just a search engine or online source. It's specifically designed for
accessing scholarly literature and research within the field of psychology, offering more
reliable and comprehensive information compared to general search engines.
63. For her informative speech on nonverbal leave-taking behaviors, Harper goes to a local
airport when she knows that a group of Marines is being deployed overseas. She observes the
different ways families and friends say goodbye to the departing troops. In her speech, Harper
then discusses this __________________ as a form of support.
a. nonprint material
b. research
c. experience
d. personal observation
Answer: d
Harper's direct observation of leave-taking behaviors at the airport constitutes personal
observation. It adds authenticity and firsthand insight to her speech, enhancing its credibility
and relevance to the audience.
64. When using _____________ as supporting material, it is vital to remember that your
study may not accurately reflect the behaviors of the population at large.
a. personal observation
b. nonprint materials
c. databases
d. online resources
Answer: a

Personal observation involves studying a limited sample size, and the behaviors observed
may not be representative of the entire population. It's crucial to recognize the limitations of
personal observation when drawing conclusions or making assertions based on such data.
65. If you want to learn something you cannot directly observe, such as people’s attitudes,
beliefs, or histories, what is usually the best form of research?
a. Personal observations
b. Databases
c. Surveys
d. Periodicals
Answer: c
Surveys allow researchers to gather data on people's attitudes, beliefs, or histories by directly
asking individuals questions. It's an effective method for collecting information that cannot
be directly observed.
66. Which of the following is a structured conversation in which one person poses questions
to which another person responds?
a. Survey
b. Interview
c. Questionnaire
d. Observation
Answer: b
An interview involves one person (the interviewer) asking questions to another person (the
interviewee) who responds. It's a structured conversation aimed at gathering specific
information or insights from the interviewee.
67. Penny is doing a speech on breast cancer survivors. She decides it would be helpful for
the audience to know first-hand, from someone who has survived the disease, what the

struggle for survival was like. She meets with Cathy, who has been in remission for five
years, to ask questions about the experience. Penny thinks this __________ will help make
this topic more personal and emotional for the audience.
a. interview
b. questionnaire
c. observation
d. survey
Answer: a
Penny's meeting with Cathy involves conducting an interview. Through this structured
conversation, Penny can gather firsthand experiences and insights from Cathy about
surviving breast cancer, making the topic more personal and emotional for the audience.
68. Compared to interviews, __________________ allow you to collect data from a large
number of people relatively efficiently.
a. surveys
b. observations
c. questionnaires
d. polls
Answer: c
Questionnaires allow researchers to collect data from a large number of people efficiently.
Unlike interviews, which involve direct interaction between the interviewer and interviewee,
questionnaires can be distributed to many individuals simultaneously, making them suitable
for large-scale data collection.
69. Ben is doing a speech on communication apprehension in college students. He decides
that a(n) _______________ would be the most efficient way to see how a large number of
speech students feel about communication apprehension.

a. observation
b. survey
c. poll
d. questionnaire
Answer: d
Ben can efficiently gauge communication apprehension in college students by using a
questionnaire. This method allows him to gather responses from a large number of speech
students in a structured and standardized format, enabling easier analysis and comparison of

Test Bank for Communication Matters
Kory Floyd
9780078036866, 9781259707766

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