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Chapter 5
1. Much of what we learn about people are thinking or feeling comes not through listening to
their words but through observing their body language and other behaviors. Body language is
an example of what kind of communication?
a. Verbal
b. Unspoken
c. Gesture
d. Nonverbal
Answer: d
Body language, including gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues, falls under
nonverbal communication because it involves conveying messages without the use of spoken
2. _____________ communication refers to those behaviors and characteristics that convey
meaning without the use of words.
a. Nonverbal
b. Unspoken
c. Kinesic
d. Verbal
Answer: a
Nonverbal communication encompasses all forms of communication that do not involve
spoken or written words, including gestures, facial expressions, and body movements.
3. Which statement is the LEAST true about nonverbal communication?
a. Nonverbal behaviors can expose someone’s state of mind.
b. Nonverbal behaviors can clarify or reinforce verbal messages.

c. Nonverbal behaviors constitute only a small portion of our messages.
d. Nonverbal behaviors can convey meaning on their own.
Answer: c
Nonverbal behaviors actually constitute a significant portion of our overall communication,
often complementing or even overshadowing verbal messages.
4. Susan meets Bryant on an online dating web site. They e-mail back and forth until Susan
feels comfortable with Bryant; she especially enjoys his use of emoticons. She agrees to
speak with him on the phone, and she finds herself liking him more and more. He is softspoken, quick to laugh, and gives her plenty of time to state her opinions without interrupting.
Even though Susan and Bryant have yet to meet, they have discovered which principle of
nonverbal communication?
a. Nonverbal communication is usually trusted over verbal communication.
b. Nonverbal communication is present in most communication contexts.
c. Nonverbal communication metacommunicates.
d. Nonverbal communication serves multiple functions.
Answer: b
Despite not meeting in person, Susan and Bryant are experiencing nonverbal communication
through their phone conversations, demonstrating that nonverbal communication is present in
various communication contexts.
5. In electronically mediated communication such as e-mail or instant messaging, we can
introduce nonverbal cues through textual representations of facial expressions called
a. smiley faces.
b. images.
c. emoticons.
d. words.

Answer: c
Emoticons are textual representations of facial expressions used in electronically mediated
communication to convey nonverbal cues, such as emotions or tone.
6. According to research, which type of communication conveys the most information in the
messages we send?
a. Verbal
b. Nonverbal
c. Spoken
d. Unspoken
Answer: b
Research indicates that nonverbal communication often conveys more information than
verbal communication, as it includes various cues such as gestures, facial expressions, and
body language.
7. The various behavioral forms that nonverbal communication takes are referred to as
a. formats.
b. methods.
c. means.
d. channels.
Answer: d
Nonverbal communication channels encompass the different forms of behavior used to
convey messages, such as gestures, facial expressions, and body movements.
8. Which of the following is NOT an example of a nonverbal channel?

a. Hearing
b. Facial expressions
c. Vocal characteristics
d. Touch
Answer: a
Hearing is a sensory capability, not a form of nonverbal communication channel. Nonverbal
channels include facial expressions, vocal characteristics, touch, and gestures.
9. Rita’s boyfriend can be moody after a particularly bad day at work. Before trying to speak
to him, Rita has learned to observe him for a few moments, paying attention to his tone of
voice, facial expressions, and willingness to kiss her hello. Rita is using multiple
____________ to help her determine her boyfriend’s mood.
a. verbal cues
b. methods
c. unspoken words
d. nonverbal channels
Answer: d
Rita is utilizing various nonverbal channels such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and
physical gestures to assess her boyfriend's mood without relying solely on verbal cues or
10. Patricia is in the car with her niece Cara and notices she is quiet and not participating in
the conversation. Patricia asks Cara what’s wrong, and Cara says while rolling her eyes,
“Nothing, everything is perfectly fine.” Despite what Cara says, Patricia is sure something is
wrong and decides to speak with her privately when they get to their destination. What
principle of nonverbal communication is at play?
a. Nonverbal communication is usually believed over verbal communication.

b. Nonverbal communication is present in most communication contexts.
c. Nonverbal communication metacommunicates.
d. Nonverbal communication serves multiple functions.
Answer: a
Despite Cara verbally stating that everything is fine, her eye rolling likely indicates
otherwise. Patricia's decision to address the issue privately suggests that she is trusting the
nonverbal cues (eye rolling) over the verbal message, illustrating the principle that nonverbal
communication is usually believed over verbal communication.
11. Your preference for believing nonverbal signals even when they conflict with spoken
words is especially critical for detecting ________________, when someone is leading you to
believe something that they know to be untrue.
a. emotion
b. deception
c. truth
d. equivocation
Answer: b
Nonverbal cues often reveal underlying emotions or intentions that may contradict spoken
words, making them crucial for detecting deception. When someone is intentionally
misleading others, their nonverbal signals may inadvertently reveal their true feelings or
intentions, aiding in the detection of deception.
12. Which statement best reflects why experts believe we put our trust in nonverbal
communication over verbal communication?
a. People have a harder time controlling nonverbal signals than verbal ones.
b. People don’t care about what nonverbal signals they are sending out.
c. We put less stock in nonverbal messages than verbal ones.

d. We can ignore a conflict between nonverbal and verbal messages.
Answer: a
Experts believe that people put more trust in nonverbal communication over verbal
communication because individuals have less conscious control over their nonverbal signals
compared to their verbal ones. This lack of control makes nonverbal cues more likely to
reveal genuine emotions or intentions, thus increasing their perceived trustworthiness.
13. John is able to tell when his mother is annoyed with his behavior just by the look she
gives him because nonverbal communication
a. serves multiple functions.
b. is present in most communication situations.
c. is the primary means of expressing emotion.
d. is present in most communication contexts.
Answer: c
Nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions, is often the primary means of
expressing emotions. In this scenario, John can interpret his mother's annoyance through her
facial expression, highlighting the significance of nonverbal cues in conveying emotions.
14. What are two channels of nonverbal behavior that are particularly important in the
communication of emotion?
a. Posture and facial expressions
b. Gestures and vocal behaviors
c. Movement and gestures
d. Facial expressions and vocal behaviors
Answer: d

Facial expressions and vocal behaviors are two channels of nonverbal behavior that play a
crucial role in conveying emotions. Facial expressions, such as smiling or frowning, and
vocal behaviors, including tone of voice and vocal pitch, provide important cues for
understanding emotional states.
15. Out of all forms of communication, research shows that ____________ of our most basic
emotions are interpreted similarly around the world.
a. gestures
b. facial expressions
c. movement
d. vocal expression
Answer: b
Research indicates that facial expressions of basic emotions, such as happiness, sadness,
anger, fear, disgust, and surprise, are universally interpreted similarly across different
cultures. This suggests that facial expressions play a fundamental role in communicating
emotions across cultures.
16. Lawrence and Sophia are on a double date with Sophia’s cousin and his girlfriend. As the
discussion turns to Sophia’s mother, Lawrence gets a bit nervous, as he knows Sophia’s
mother does not like him dating her daughter. When Sophia’s cousin asks how it is going,
Sophia says, “Oh, she adores him and wants to know when the wedding is.” She pats
Lawrence’s leg and winks at him as she says this, to let him know she is joking. Lawrence
understands how Sophia wants him to interpret her message because nonverbal
a. serves multiple functions.
b. is present in most communication situations.
c. is the primary means of expressing emotion.
d. metacommunicates.
Answer: d

Nonverbal communication often serves the function of metacommunication, which is
communication about communication. Sophia's nonverbal cues, such as patting Lawrence's
leg and winking, accompany her verbal message to convey to Lawrence that she is joking,
illustrating how nonverbal cues can shape the interpretation of verbal messages.
17. Which of the following is NOT a function of nonverbal communication?
a. Managing conversations
b. Maintaining relationships
c. Avoiding impressions
d. Influencing other people
Answer: c
Nonverbal communication serves various functions, including managing conversations,
maintaining relationships, and influencing other people. However, avoiding impressions is
not typically considered a primary function of nonverbal communication, as nonverbal cues
often contribute to forming impressions rather than avoiding them.
18. When you deceive others, making your voice higher than normal and using fewer
gestures, what is the purpose of your nonverbal communication?
a. To influence other people
b. To conceal information
c. To maintain relationships
d. To form an impression
Answer: b
In deception, nonverbal communication often serves the purpose of concealing information.
Altering vocal characteristics, such as pitch, and reducing gestures can help to mask
deceptive intentions and mislead others, contributing to the concealment of information.

19. We can use nonverbal signals, such as raising a hand in class to indicate we wish to speak,
because nonverbal communication helps us to
a. maintain relationships.
b. influence other people.
c. manage conversations.
d. form impressions.
Answer: c
Nonverbal communication aids in managing conversations by providing cues for turn-taking
and indicating intentions, such as signaling a desire to speak by raising a hand. These
nonverbal signals facilitate smooth communication exchanges and help regulate interactions.
20. AJ sees a group of teenagers outside of a local mall. They are dressed in all black, and
even the boys in the group are wearing heavy eyeliner. He decides they must be into Twilight
and vampires and are not the kind of people he would want to know. AJ is relying on
nonverbal communication to do what?
a. Form impressions
b. Help conceal information
c. Influence other people
d. Manage conversations
Answer: a
AJ is using nonverbal cues, such as the teenagers' clothing and appearance, to form
impressions about them. Nonverbal communication often plays a significant role in shaping
individuals' initial judgments and perceptions of others, as demonstrated in AJ's interpretation
of the teenagers based on their appearance.
21. There are ________ primary channels of nonverbal communication.
a. ten

b. three
c. twenty
d. four
Answer: a
Nonverbal communication encompasses various channels such as facial expressions,
gestures, body language, posture, eye contact, touch, paralanguage (tone, pitch, volume),
proxemics (use of space), and chronemics (use of time). These collectively make up more
than ten primary channels of nonverbal communication.
22. Your face communicates more information than any other channel of nonverbal behavior
because of the principle of facial
a. expressions.
b. importance.
c. function.
d. primacy.
Answer: d
The term "primacy" refers to the fact that facial expressions are typically the first aspect of
nonverbal behavior that individuals notice and interpret. This principle highlights the
significance and dominance of facial expressions in conveying information.
23. Which of the following is NOT an important function of facial display?
a. Attractiveness
b. Primacy
c. Identity
d. Emotion
Answer: b

While facial expressions play a primary role in nonverbal communication due to their
immediate impact and importance, the term "primacy" doesn't represent a function of facial
display. Attractiveness, identity, and emotion are crucial functions of facial expressions.
24. Researchers identify symmetry and proportionality as primary contributors to facial
a. identity.
b. expressions.
c. attractiveness.
d. emotions.
Answer: c
Symmetry and proportionality are key factors that contribute to facial attractiveness. While
facial expressions and identity are influenced by various factors, symmetry and
proportionality primarily affect perceptions of attractiveness.
25. Dalia has just learned American Sign Language and finds she must concentrate on the
communicator’s hand signals, usually ignoring all other nonverbal cues. Her friend Miguel
signs to her, but she can’t figure out if he is signing, “It’s you!” or “Did you?” What other
type of nonverbal communication would best assist Dalia in determining Miguel’s meaning?
a. Gestures
b. Movement
c. Touch
d. Facial expressions
Answer: d
In American Sign Language (ASL), facial expressions play a crucial role in conveying
grammatical and emotional information. Therefore, paying attention to Miguel's facial
expressions would help Dalia better understand his intended meaning.

26. What type of nonverbal communication is our primary means of communicating
a. Gestures
b. Movement
c. Facial behavior
d. Proxemics
Answer: c
Facial behavior, including facial expressions, is the primary means through which humans
communicate emotions nonverbally. Facial expressions convey a wide range of emotions and
are often the most immediate and noticeable indicators of one's emotional state.
27. Because the eyes communicate more than any other part of the face, scholars study
_________ as a separate nonverbal channel from facial behavior.
a. oculesics
b. kinesics
c. optometrics
d. proxemics
Answer: a
Oculesics refers to the study of eye behavior, including eye contact, gaze direction, and pupil
dilation. Since the eyes convey a significant amount of information independent of facial
expressions, scholars treat oculesics as a separate nonverbal channel from facial behavior.
28. Which of the following can be used to signal attraction, to gain credibility, to intimidate
someone, and to signal we are paying attention?
a. Movement
b. Gesticulation

c. Posture
d. Eye contact
Answer: d
Eye contact serves various functions in nonverbal communication, including signaling
attraction, establishing credibility, displaying dominance or intimidation, and indicating
attentiveness or interest.
29. Sandy has a job interview with a top company in her field. She makes sure to walk into
the room confidently, with her head held high. When she sits down for the interview, she
makes sure to keep her posture strong and her body still. Which of the following is Sandy
paying special attention to?
a. Proxemics
b. Gesticulation
c. Kinesics
d. Haptics
Answer: c
Kinesics refers to the study of body movements, including posture and gestures. In the given
scenario, Sandy is paying special attention to her body language, particularly her posture,
which falls under the category of kinesics.
30. Holding up two fingers in a “peace” symbol at an anti-war rally is an example of what
type of nonverbal behavior?
a. Kinesics
b. Gesticulation
c. Haptics
d. Proxemics
Answer: b

Gesticulation involves using hand gestures to convey meaning. Holding up two fingers in a
"peace" symbol is a form of gesticulation, as it communicates a specific message without
verbalizing it.
31. When they are arguing, Jill notices that her mother uses gestures to try to control the
conflict. She’ll raise her hand to get Jill’s attention and make a “zipping” motion across her
mouth when she wants Jill to be quiet. She will also wave slightly when she thinks Jill should
say something. Jill’s mother is using gestures as ______________ during conflict.
a. regulators
b. emblems
c. affect displays
d. illustrators
Answer: a
Regulators are gestures used to control the flow of conversation or interaction. In this
scenario, Jill's mother is using gestures such as raising her hand to get attention and making a
"zipping" motion across her mouth to control the conflict by indicating when Jill should
speak or be quiet.
32. If you see someone make a circle with his thumb and forefinger, you are able to translate
it into the specific message of “okay,” because that gesture is a(n)
a. illustrator.
b. affect display.
c. emblem.
d. regulator.
Answer: c

Emblems are specific gestures that directly translate into verbal messages or phrases. The
gesture described, making a circle with the thumb and forefinger, represents the emblem for
33. Brianna notices that her classmate Joel wrings his hands during his speech in front of the
class. He also uses his hands to fidget and play with his visual aid. Brianna is noticing how
Joel is using gestures as
a. emblems.
b. regulators.
c. illustrators.
d. affect displays.
Answer: d
Affect displays involve gestures or expressions that convey emotional states. Joel's handwringing and fidgeting indicate nervousness or anxiety, which are examples of affect
34. If you hold up your hands a certain distance apart when you say the fish you caught was
“this big,” your gesture serves as a(n)
a. illustrator.
b. emblem.
c. affect display.
d. regulator.
Answer: a
Illustrators are gestures that accompany speech and help to illustrate or emphasize the verbal
message. Holding up hands to indicate the size of the fish being described is an example of an

35. Since touch is the only sense without which we cannot survive, _____________ is a
particularly important field of study in nonverbal communication.
a. proxemics
b. haptics
c. kinesics
d. gesticulation
Answer: b
Haptics refers to the study of touch as a form of nonverbal communication. Touch is crucial
for human survival and plays a significant role in conveying various messages and emotions.
36. For which of the following does touch play a critical role in conveying meaning?
a. Conflict
b. Boredom
c. Happiness
d. Affection
Answer: d
Touch is particularly important in conveying affectionate messages. Gestures such as hugs,
kisses, and hand-holding communicate feelings of love, care, and affection.
37. Misha takes his daughter Tatiana to the mall. He notices a group of rough-looking youths
that are swearing and wrestling in front of one store, but Tatiana does not. Misha puts his
hand on Tatiana’s shoulder and gently guides her to the other side of the walkway so as to
avoid the group. Misha is using __________ touch to protect his daughter.
a. power and control
b. aggressive
c. affectionate

d. caregiving
Answer: a
Misha's action of guiding his daughter away from the group with a gentle touch on her
shoulder demonstrates the use of touch for power and control, aiming to protect her from
potential harm or discomfort.
38. Shaking hands with someone upon meeting them is an example of ___________ touch in
North America.
a. aggressive
b. affectionate
c. ritualistic
d. power and control
Answer: c
In North American culture, shaking hands upon meeting is a common ritualistic touch that
serves as a customary greeting and signifies respect and social acknowledgment.
39. Behaviors such as punching, pushing, kicking, and slapping are examples of what type of
a. Power
b. Ritualistic
c. Control
d. Aggressive
Answer: d

Aggressive touch involves physical behaviors that are intended to cause harm, assert
dominance, or display hostility. Punching, pushing, kicking, and slapping are all examples of
aggressive touch.
40. Which of the following is NOT an example of paralanguage?
a. Words
b. Inflection
c. Accent
d. Pitch
Answer: a
Paralanguage refers to vocal cues and qualities that accompany speech but are not part of the
actual language content. Words themselves are not considered paralanguage; instead,
inflection, accent, and pitch are examples of paralinguistic elements.
41. Farah is nervous about her introductory speech but wants to make sure no one notices.
She carefully moderates her rate, keeping it at an even pace; she avoids vocal fillers; and she
makes sure to use inflection and avoid a monotone. Farah is controlling her
_______________ to give the impression to her audience that she is not nervous.
a. inflection
b. paralanguage
c. kinesics
d. articulation
Answer: b
Paralanguage refers to non-verbal elements of speech, such as tone, pitch, volume, and rate of
speech. By moderating her rate, avoiding vocal fillers, and using inflection, Farah is
managing her paralanguage to mask her nervousness and appear confident to her audience.

42. Though everyone speaks with a(n) ______________, we typically notice only those that
are different than ours.
a. inflection
b. rate
c. paralanguage
d. accent
Answer: d
Accent refers to the distinctive way in which a person pronounces words, influenced by
factors such as region, culture, or language background. We tend to notice accents that are
different from our own because they stand out as unique or unfamiliar.
43. Although the word hors d’oeuvres looks as if it should sound like “horse de ovres,” it
actually sounds like “or durve.” This is an example of what characteristic of paralanguage?
a. Articulation
b. Accent
c. Pronunciation
d. Inflection
Answer: c
Pronunciation refers to the way in which words are spoken, including the sounds of
individual letters and combinations of letters. In this example, the pronunciation of "hors
d’oeuvres" differs from its spelling, illustrating a characteristic of paralanguage related to
44. In his job interview, Jerry is very careful about how clearly he speaks. He makes sure not
to mumble his words are clear and easily understandable. Jerry knows that clear
____________ is an important way to convey professionalism and competency.
a. articulation

b. pronunciation
c. inflection
d. pitch
Answer: a
Articulation refers to the clarity with which speech sounds are produced. By ensuring his
words are clear and easily understandable, Jerry is focusing on articulation, which is crucial
for conveying professionalism and competency in communication.
45. Paige is very excited about her first date with Vince, someone she met online. They’ve
been talking on the phone for a week and Paige is sure they will hit it off in person. When
they meet, they hug hello, and Paige notices Vince wears the same cologne her ex-boyfriend
used to wear. Though Vince is charming and funny, Paige can’t seem to enjoy herself, flooded
with memories of her ex. Paige’s memory is influencing her communication with Vince
because of
a. haptics.
b. proxemics.
c. kinesics.
d. olfactics.
Answer: d
Olfactics refers to the sense of smell and its role in communication. Paige's memory of her
ex-boyfriend is triggered by the scent of Vince's cologne, affecting her emotional state and
consequently her communication with Vince.
46. When looking for opposite-sex romantic partners, we are drawn to people whose natural
body scent is the most different from our own. This can be explained by which of the
a. Proxemics

b. Olfactics
c. Haptics
d. Kinesics
Answer: b
Olfactics refers to the sense of smell. People are attracted to partners whose natural scent is
different from their own due to the biological significance of genetic diversity and
compatibility, which can be detected through body odor.
47. Which of the following is the scientific study of spatial use.
a. Olfactics
b. Haptics
c. Proxemics
d. Kinesics
Answer: c
Proxemics is the scientific study of spatial use, including how individuals use and perceive
space in communication contexts.
48. Which of the following is NOT one of Hall’s spatial zones?
a. Social
b. Public
c. Relational
d. Intimate
Answer: c

Hall's spatial zones include intimate, personal, social, and public space. "Relational" is not
one of Hall's spatial zones.
49. At work, Les tends to keep his customers at a ___________ distance, from about 4 to 12
feet, to convey a more formal, impersonal interaction.
a. social
b. public
c. personal
d. friendly
Answer: a
Les keeps his customers at a social distance, which is typically around 4 to 12 feet. This
distance conveys a formal and impersonal interaction suitable for a professional setting.
50. Hayden has a large, noticeable scar on the left side of her face. She has noticed that in
class, her professors tend to ignore her to call on other students. Despite her best efforts, she
feels that she is never perceived to be as competent as her peers, and many of her friends
have commented that she doesn’t appear friendly upon first glance. Hayden could be
experiencing the ___________ effect.
a. evaluation
b. stereotyping
c. halo
d. bias
Answer: c
The halo effect occurs when one characteristic of a person influences the perception of other
unrelated characteristics. In this case, Hayden's noticeable scar may be influencing others'
perceptions of her competence and friendliness, leading to the halo effect.
51. Which of the following terms refers to the way we use time?

a. Chronemics
b. Proxemics
c. Kinesics
d. Olfactics
Answer: a
Chronemics refers to the study of how time affects communication. It encompasses cultural
perceptions of time, such as punctuality and the pace of life. In this context, Rodney's
misunderstanding of the interviewer's expectations regarding arrival time reflects a lack of
understanding of chronemics.
52. Rodney has a job interview scheduled for 9:00 a.m. with an important organization. He
considers himself to be a punctual person, so he makes sure to arrive at 9:00 a.m. exactly. He
is kept waiting for twenty minutes. Unfortunately, he does not get the job and when Rodney
asks a friend who works in human resources for her opinion, she informs him that he was
“late” to the interview by showing up at 9:00 am; she tells him the latest he should have
arrived was 8:45 a.m. Rodney is annoyed, because he felt he was on time, and it was the
interviewer who was “late.” This shows that Rodney doesn’t understand the rules of
_____________ in interviews and the workplace.
a. olfactics
b. kinesics
c. proxemics
d. chronemics
Answer: d
Rodney's perception of punctuality differs from the interviewer's expectations, highlighting a
misunderstanding of chronemics, which deals with time-related communication norms and
53. Refusing to spend time with a friend you are angry with is an example of

a. proxemics.
b. haptics.
c. chronemics.
d. kinesics.
Answer: c
Chronemics concerns the use and perception of time in communication. Refusing to spend
time with a friend due to anger reflects a deliberate manipulation of time, making it an
example of chronemics.
54. What term describes the objects and visual features within an environment that reflect
who we are and what we like?
a. Décor
b. Artifacts
c. Kinesics
d. Chronemics
Answer: b
Artifacts encompass the objects and visual elements within an environment that reflect
aspects of identity, personality, or preferences.
55. Tetsuya has to speak with her physics professor about a grade. When she arrives at his
office, she notices his many degrees from prestigious universities displayed on the wall and
his shelves are full of thick textbooks. Her professor sits behind a large desk and indicates she
should sit in a small, low chair across from him. The professor’s use of ____________ proves
intimidating to Tetsuya, who finds it difficult to communicate her purpose clearly in that
a. kinesics
b. chronemics

c. artifacts
d. paralanguage
Answer: c
The professor's use of artifacts, such as degrees and textbooks, contributes to the
environment's atmosphere and affects Tetsuya's comfort level and communication
56. Gestures such as A-OK, thumbs up, and crossed fingers have sexual or obscene meanings
in many parts of the world because of ___________ influences on nonverbal communication.
a. worldly
b. different
c. ethnic
d. cultural
Answer: d
Cultural influences shape the interpretation of nonverbal cues, including gestures. Different
cultures assign different meanings to gestures, leading to potential misinterpretations in crosscultural communication.
57. One study found that because of differences in their preferred conversational distance,
Arab college students regarded those from the United States as aloof, whereas the American
students regarded Arab students as overbearing. This research illustrates the influence culture
can have on
a. kinesics.
b. haptics.
c. paralanguage.
d. proxemics.
Answer: d

Proxemics deals with the use and perception of space in communication. The study
demonstrates how cultural differences in preferred conversational distance affect perceptions
and interactions, highlighting the influence of proxemics.
58. Mariko is from Japan, so she bows upon meeting or saying hello someone, whereas Joe is
from the United States, so he will shake hands. This is because of cultural influence on
______________ behaviors.
a. greeting
b. haptic
c. vocal
d. proxemic
Answer: a
Greeting behaviors, such as bowing or shaking hands, are influenced by cultural norms and
expectations regarding social interactions.
59. In countries such as France and Greece, individuals touch each other significantly more
than in other countries because France and Greece are ___________-contact cultures.
a. low
b. medium
c. average
d. high
Answer: d
High-contact cultures involve more frequent physical touch in social interactions, which is
common in countries like France and Greece.
60. Parents in every known culture use _______________, a soft, high-pitched vocal tone and
highly simplified language, with their infants.

a. paralanguage
b. inflection
c. baby talk
d. cooing
Answer: c
Baby talk, characterized by a soft tone and simplified language, is a universal behavior
among parents across cultures when interacting with infants.
61. Research has found that __________ are more expressive with regard to a variety of
emotional states, engage in more eye contact, and stand and sit closer to one another.
a. women
b. children
c. men
d. adults
Answer: a
Women are generally more expressive with regard to emotional states, engage in more eye
contact, and tend to stand and sit closer to others, as supported by research in nonverbal
communication studies.
62. According to current research, during opposite-sex communication, who is more likely to
violate the other’s personal space and more likely to touch?
a. Children
b. Adults
c. Women
d. Men
Answer: d

Current research suggests that men are more likely to violate personal space and initiate touch
during opposite-sex communication compared to women.
63. Logan and Abigail met in an online chat room. They’ve been e-mailing back and forth,
trying to get to know one another. Abigail uses a lot of emoticons to convey her emotions,
whereas Logan likes to insert images and replace profanity with random punctuation. This
illustrates the influence nonverbal communication has on ____________ communication.
a. Gender
b. Cultural
c. Computer-mediated
d. Romantic
Answer: c
This scenario illustrates the influence of nonverbal communication on computer-mediated
communication, as it highlights how individuals use different nonverbal cues such as
emoticons and punctuation to convey emotions and expressions in an online setting.
64. Scott is excited to take his teenage son, Nathan, to a baseball game. As they drive to the
game, Scott talks extensively about the local team, batting averages, and chances at making
the playoffs. He does not seem to notice that Nathan rolls his eyes frequently, is texting his
friends for much of the drive, and does not seem interested in the upcoming game at all. To
be more in tune with what Nathan wants to do, Scott needs to
a. be sensitive to nonverbal messages.
b. decipher the meaning of nonverbal messages.
c. consider the social situation a person is in and the nonverbal behaviors he or she is
d. express nonverbal messages.
Answer: a

Scott needs to be more sensitive to Nathan's nonverbal cues, such as eye-rolling and lack of
engagement, to understand his son's interests and preferences better.
65. _______________ nonverbal messages is essential because we can’t interpret messages
unless we first take note of them.
a. Deciphering
b. Expressing
c. Adherence to
d. Sensitivity to
Answer: d
Sensitivity to nonverbal messages is crucial because without first noticing these cues, it is
impossible to interpret them accurately.
66. If you want to be more sensitive to nonverbal messages, you can
a. pay only moderate attention to a person’s body movements.
b. pay no attention to tone of voice.
c. pay particular attention to facial expressions.
d. pay particular attention to artifacts.
Answer: c
Paying particular attention to facial expressions can enhance sensitivity to nonverbal
messages as facial expressions often convey a wealth of information about emotions and
67. Because nonverbal communication can sometimes carry multiple messages, it is
important to learn how to
a. be sensitive to nonverbal messages.

b. decipher the meaning of nonverbal messages.
c. pay attention to nonverbal messages.
d. learn all the types of nonverbal messages.
Answer: b
Learning how to decipher the meaning of nonverbal messages is essential because nonverbal
cues can often convey multiple messages simultaneously, requiring interpretation.
68. Gabe meets with his boss at the end of a busy day at work. He notices his boss keeps
frowning as she reviews his report. Gabe thought he did a particularly good job on the report,
so he can’t understand how she would be displeased. Therefore, Gabe asks his boss, “Is the
report what you were wanting?” His boss nods and explains that she has a headache because
of the busy day; the report is fine. Gabe was able to decipher his boss’s nonverbal message
because of what strategy?
a. Considering the social situation someone is in
b. Keeping in mind that cultural differences sometimes influence the meaning of a nonverbal
c. Asking a person as a way to check an interpretation of his or her nonverbal message
d. Expressing nonverbal messages
Answer: c
Gabe was able to decipher his boss’s nonverbal message by directly asking her for
clarification, demonstrating the strategy of asking a person to confirm the interpretation of
their nonverbal cues.
69. Which of the following is NOT a way to improve your skills at expressing nonverbal
a. Engaging in role playing
b. Playing a game of charades

c. Spending time with highly expressive people
d. Watching television
Answer: d
Watching television may not directly improve one's skills at expressing nonverbal messages
as it does not actively engage individuals in practicing or observing nonverbal
communication skills.
70. Chloe wants to be a broadcast journalist when she gets out of college, as she’s been told
she’s well spoken and highly expressive. She wants to continue to improve herself
nonverbally, as she knows that is how she can convey many emotions to her viewers one day.
She makes sure to observe and interview customer service representatives, counselors,
members of the clergy and local politicians because she understands that to improve her own
nonverbal skills, she should
a. engage in role playing.
b. spend time with highly expressive people.
c. make contacts in various industries.
d. consider the social situation someone is in.
Answer: b
Chloe understands that spending time with highly expressive people, such as those in various
professions like customer service representatives, counselors, clergy members, and
politicians, can help her improve her own nonverbal communication skills by observing and
learning from their behaviors.

Test Bank for Communication Matters
Kory Floyd
9780078036866, 9781259707766

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