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Chapter 6
1. Most people spend more time _____________ than they do speaking, writing, or engaging
in other communicative behaviors.
a. hearing
b. thinking
c. interpreting
d. listening
Answer: d
Listening involves actively processing and understanding auditory information, which
typically requires more time and cognitive effort than simply hearing sounds passively. While
hearing refers to the perception of sound, listening involves focused attention and
comprehension of the message being conveyed.
2. Which of the following refers to the active process of making meaning out of another
person’s spoken message?
a. Hearing
b. Listening
c. Attending
d. Interpreting
Answer: b
Listening is the active process of comprehending and making sense of spoken messages. It
involves not only hearing the words but also understanding the intended meaning behind
3. Lilah and her friend Janet attend the same history class. One day after class, Lilah wants to
talk with Janet about a particular point in the lecture, but Janet has no idea what Lilah is

asking her about. Even though they are in the same class, it is clear that Janet is only
___________ the message while Lilah is attending to the message.
a. interpreting
b. listening
c. hearing
d. selecting
Answer: c
Hearing refers to the passive reception of sound waves, without necessarily understanding or
processing the information being conveyed. In this scenario, Janet is only hearing the
message because she is not actively engaging with or comprehending it.
4. If you are paying attention well enough to understand what a person is trying to
communicate, you are ______________ the message.
a. attending to
b. hearing
c. selecting
d. interpreting
Answer: a
Attending to a message involves actively focusing on and comprehending the information
being conveyed by a speaker. This goes beyond simply hearing the words to understanding
their meaning and intent.
5. Mika’s supervisor is running a meeting at work. The supervisor starts the Powerpoint but
does not begin speaking right away, as he is busy flipping through his notes. Though Mika is
picking up a lot of information from both the Powerpoint and his supervisor’s nonverbal
behaviors, the act of ____________ cannot begin for Mika until someone actually speaks.
a. hearing

b. attending
c. interpreting
d. listening
Answer: d
Listening specifically involves actively processing and comprehending spoken messages.
While Mika may be attending to visual cues and nonverbal behaviors, true listening occurs
when someone speaks and Mika can actively engage with and understand the message.
6. ________________ listening requires the conscious and explicit goal of understanding
what the speaker intends to communicate.
a. Effective
b. Everyday
c. College-level
d. Normal
Answer: a
Effective listening entails actively and purposefully attempting to understand the speaker's
message. This involves conscious effort and a clear intention to comprehend the speaker's
intended meaning.
7. Which of the following is NOT a reason it is important to listen effectively?
a. Good listening skills are essential in the workplace.
b. College students spend less than half their time listening.
c. Good listening skills top the list of most important communication skills in personal
d. Being a good listener is vital to almost every social bond we have.
Answer: b

Effective listening skills are crucial in various aspects of life, including the workplace,
personal relationships, and social interactions. The fact that college students may spend less
time listening does not negate the importance of effective listening in other contexts.
8. ______________ is merely the perception of sound.
a. Listening
b. Selecting
c. Hearing
d. Interpreting
Answer: c
Hearing refers to the physiological process of perceiving sound waves through the ears. It is a
passive process that occurs without necessarily actively engaging with or comprehending the
auditory information.
9. If you play music in the background as you study, chances are you are only _________ the
a. hearing
b. listening to
c. selecting
d. interpreting
Answer: a
Background music is often heard passively without actively engaging with or comprehending
its meaning. Thus, in this scenario, the individual is likely only hearing the music rather than
actively listening to it.
10. Pilar’s best friend calls her about an issue she is having at work, and they speak for about
twenty minutes. The next day, Pilar’s friend asks her a specific question, but Pilar has no idea

what she is talking about. Though Pilar swears to her angry friend that she heard her, Pilar
has discovered what myth about listening?
a. Listening is effortless.
b. Hearing is the same as listening.
c. Listening takes effort.
d. Selecting is necessary for listening.
Answer: b
Pilar's inability to recall the specific information her friend conveyed highlights the
distinction between hearing and listening. Hearing is the passive reception of sound waves,
while listening involves active engagement and comprehension of the message. This situation
dispels the myth that hearing and listening are synonymous.
11. Individuals who are willing to be trained in effective listening understand what myth
about listening?
a. Hearing is the same as listening.
b. Listening is natural and effortless.
c. People vary in their listening abilities.
d. Good listeners are common.
Answer: b
This statement reflects the misconception that listening is an innate ability that requires no
effort or training. In reality, effective listening is a skill that can be developed and improved
through practice and training.
12. Patrick, who grew up in the New York City, is troubled by his relationship with Pahana,
who has grown up in a Native American family. He is becoming frustrated because he thinks
Pahana does not listen to him. Whenever he speaks, she looks down or away from him
instead of making eye contact. It seems Patrick does not realize that culture affects

a. understanding of language.
b. listeners’ expectations for directness.
c. nonverbal listening responses.
d. all forms of verbal communication.
Answer: c
Nonverbal listening responses, such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body language,
can vary greatly across different cultures. Patrick's frustration may stem from a lack of
awareness of how cultural differences influence nonverbal communication and listening
13. If someone from Boston uses the term “wicked good” in a conversation with someone
whose first language is not English, there might be a misunderstanding because culture
a. understanding of language.
b. all forms of nonverbal communication.
c. nonverbal listening responses.
d. listeners’ expectations for directness.
Answer: a
Understanding of language can be influenced by cultural factors such as idioms,
colloquialisms, and regional dialects. "Wicked good" is a regional expression commonly
understood in Boston but may not be familiar to someone from a different linguistic or
cultural background.
14. Which statement is true about the HURIER model of listening?
a. There are five stages to effective listening.
b. Sometimes listening effectively requires us to go back and forth among the stages.
c. The stages of listening must always follow the same order.

d. Replying is one of the stages of effective listening.
Answer: b
The HURIER model of listening consists of six stages: Hearing, Understanding,
Remembering, Interpreting, Evaluating, and Responding. Effective listening often involves
moving back and forth among these stages depending on the context and complexity of the
15. __________ without listening is common when we’re tired or uninterested in what the
person is saying or when there are multiple voices speaking at once.
a. Understanding
b. Interpreting
c. Responding
d. Hearing
Answer: d
Hearing refers to the physical act of perceiving sound, which can occur even without actively
listening to or comprehending the message being conveyed.
16. Cal is listening to speeches on famous playwrights in his English composition class.
During one speech, a student uses terms that Cal is unfamiliar with, such as “iambic
pentameter” and “rhyme royal.” Cal has trouble following this speech because he is not able
to complete what stage of the HURIER method?
a. Interpreting
b. Responding
c. Understanding
d. Hearing
Answer: c

Understanding involves making sense of the message being communicated, which includes
comprehending unfamiliar terms or concepts. Cal's difficulty in following the speech
indicates a lack of understanding due to unfamiliar vocabulary.
17. You are asked on a test to name the colors of the rainbow and you are able to remember
them by using the ____________ of ROY G. BIV as an acronym for red, orange, yellow,
green, glue, indigo, and violet.
a. memory
b. mnemonic
c. trick
d. skill
Answer: b
A mnemonic is a memory aid or technique used to facilitate recall. In this case, the acronym
"ROY G. BIV" serves as a mnemonic to remember the colors of the rainbow in order.
18. Which of the following is NOT a means of interpretation?
a. Withholding your interpretation until the speaker is done speaking
b. Signaling your interpretation of the message to the speaker
c. Paying attention to all the speaker’s verbal behaviors
d. Paying attention to all the speaker’s nonverbal behaviors
Answer: a
Withholding interpretation until the speaker is done speaking is not a means of interpretation
but rather a strategy for active listening to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the
message before forming interpretations or judgments.
19. During which stage of listening do you judge whether the speaker’s statements are
accurate, separate fact from opinion, and try to determine the reason for the speaker’s
particular message?

a. Interpretation
b. Responding
c. Evaluation
d. Hearing
Answer: c
Evaluation involves assessing the validity, credibility, and significance of the speaker's
message, which includes judging the accuracy of statements, distinguishing between fact and
opinion, and understanding the speaker's motives or intentions.
20. What is the last stage of listening, according to the HURIER model?
a. Interpretation
b. Evaluation
c. Remembering
d. Responding
Answer: d
Responding is the final stage of the HURIER model, where the listener provides feedback or
a response to the speaker's message, indicating understanding, agreement, disagreement, or
further inquiry.
21. Which of the following is NOT a form of feedback while listening?
a. Supporting
b. Advising
c. Backchanneling
d. Summarizing
Answer: d

Summarizing is not a form of feedback while listening; it involves condensing and restating
key points or ideas presented by the speaker. Feedback typically involves responses that
acknowledge, encourage, or contribute to the ongoing conversation, such as supporting,
advising, or backchanneling.
22. Which of the following is the most active listening response?
a. Advising
b. Backchanneling
c. Paraphrasing
d. Supporting
Answer: a
Advising is the most active listening response as it involves providing suggestions,
recommendations, or solutions to the speaker. It requires active engagement and contribution
to the conversation.
23. When you restate something into your own words, you are doing what?
a. Responding
b. Advising
c. Paraphrasing
d. Analyzing
Answer: c
Paraphrasing involves restating the speaker's message in your own words to demonstrate
understanding. It is a form of active listening and helps clarify the speaker's message.
24. Beth is listening to her friend Melissa talk about a recent break-up. Beth wants to give an
appropriate listening response, to convey to Melissa that she supports her friend and shares
her point of view. Beth’s best listening response would be which of the following?

a. Analyzing
b. Supporting
c. Advising
d. Paraphrasing
Answer: b
Supporting is the best listening response in this scenario as it involves showing empathy,
understanding, and solidarity with the speaker's emotions and perspective without offering
advice or judgment.
25. Which of the following is NOT a type of listening?
a. Informational
b. Critical
c. Empathic
d. Persuasive
Answer: d
Persuasive listening is not a recognized type of listening. The other options—informational,
critical, and empathic—are well-established categories that describe different listening
26. Much of the listening you do in class is ________________ listening.
a. critical
b. empathic
c. informational
d. educational
Answer: c

In an educational setting like a classroom, much of the listening is focused on acquiring
information and understanding concepts, making it informational listening.
27. Which of the following is the most passive form of listening?
a. Hearing
b. Critical
c. Educational
d. Informational
Answer: d
Informational listening is the most passive form as it involves merely taking in information
without necessarily engaging with it critically or emotionally. Hearing refers to the physical
act of perceiving sound but does not imply active engagement with the content.
28. When our goal is to evaluate or analyze what we’re hearing, we are engaged in
____________ listening.
a. critical
b. informational
c. empathic
d. effective
Answer: a
Critical listening involves analyzing and evaluating the information or message being
conveyed. It requires the listener to assess the validity, logic, and implications of what they
are hearing.
29. When you are asked to write a review of another student’s speech, what type of listening
should you use during the student’s presentation?

a. Informational
b. Empathic
c. Critical
d. Persuasive
Answer: c
During a speech review, the listener should engage in critical listening to assess the
effectiveness, coherence, and persuasiveness of the speaker's arguments and delivery.
30. What is considered the most challenging form of listening?
a. Critical
b. Supporting
c. Informational
d. Empathic
Answer: d
Empathic listening, which involves deeply understanding and connecting with the emotions
and experiences of the speaker, is often considered the most challenging form of listening as
it requires active empathy and emotional intelligence.
31. What term would you use to describe the ability to understand a situation from another’s
point of view?
a. Empathic concern
b. Perspective-taking
c. Empathy
d. Sympathy
Answer: b

Perspective-taking refers to the ability to understand a situation from another person's point
of view. This involves mentally stepping into their shoes and seeing things from their
perspective, which is distinct from simply feeling sympathy or empathy.
32. Joe’s girlfriend Mariah’s dog has just died. That evening, while Joe listens to her talk
about the dog, he remembers when he lost his own cat three years prior, and he becomes sad
as well. He conveys to Mariah that he truly understands her grief. Joe is employing what type
of listening?
a. Sympathetic
b. Relational
c. Empathic
d. Inspirational
Answer: c
Joe is employing empathic listening because he is not only understanding Mariah's grief but
also connecting with her emotions based on his own past experiences.
33. Listening to a minister deliver a sermon to his congregation would be considered
________________ listening.
a. empathic
b. appreciative
c. informational
d. inspirational
Answer: d
Inspirational listening involves listening to speeches or presentations that aim to motivate or
inspire, such as a sermon delivered by a minister to a congregation.

34. When you listen to a funny story or a favorite song, you are engaged in ____________
a. appreciative
b. inspirational
c. empathic
d. critical
Answer: a
Appreciative listening involves enjoying and appreciating something, such as a funny story or
a favorite song, without necessarily analyzing or evaluating it.
35. In speech class, Faraj finds he enjoys the persuasive speeches best. His favorite speeches
involve controversial topics, such as abortion and same-sex marriage. He finds that by
listening to these types of speeches, he then can analyze his own social and political views.
What style of listening best applies to Faraj?
a. People-oriented
b. Time-oriented
c. Content-oriented
d. Action-oriented
Answer: c
Faraj's preference for persuasive speeches on controversial topics suggests that he is most
interested in the content of the speeches and how they affect his own views, indicating a
content-oriented listening style.
36. Someone who likes neat, error-free presentations most likely has which type of listening
a. People-oriented
b. Time-oriented

c. Content-oriented
d. Action-oriented
Answer: d
Someone who prioritizes neat, error-free presentations is likely focused on the action or
outcome of the communication, which aligns with an action-oriented listening style.
37. If you are hungry or tired, or if you are in an especially hot or cold environment, you
might find it difficult to listen because of what is generally termed
a. distractions.
b. noise.
c. tiredness.
d. annoyance.
Answer: b
Environmental factors such as being in a hot or cold environment contribute to noise, which
can make it difficult to listen effectively.
38. Nadine’s boyfriend Rory is telling her about his day while the television is on in the
background. Halfway through his story, Nadine’s phone beeps to signal she has just received
a text message. Nadine also notices how hot the house is, and is wondering whether the air
conditioning has been turned on yet. Nadine, who understands how distracting __________
can be, asks Rory to wait while she turns her television and phone off, and turns the air
conditioner on. Once it has all been taken care of, Nadine knows she will listen much more
a. distractions
b. problems
c. technology
d. noise

Answer: d
The distractions mentioned in the scenario, such as the television, phone, and discomfort due
to heat, contribute to noise, which hinders effective listening.
39. When you are_________________, you use feedback behaviors that make it seem as
though you are paying attention, even though your mind is elsewhere.
a. selectively listening
b. distracted
c. pseudolistening
d. hearing
Answer: c
Pseudolistening involves giving feedback behaviors that mimic active listening but actually
indicate that the listener's mind is elsewhere.
40. ________________ means listening only to what you want to hear and ignoring the rest.
a. Selective attention
b. Information overload
c. Rebuttal tendency
d. Noise
Answer: a
Selective attention refers to the tendency to focus only on certain aspects of communication
while ignoring others, based on personal preferences or biases.
41. Ava is not confident about giving speeches. Though she works hard on her speech, by the
time she sits down she knows she did not give the speech she had planned. When she meets
with her professor to listen to feedback, Ava focuses on the critical comments, such as that

she used too many vocal fillers and she forgot to state her thesis. However, Ava does not pay
much attention to her professor’s positive comments on her research and closure. Because of
her preconceived notions about her speech, Ava is engaging in what poor listening habit?
a. Pseudolistening
b. Rebuttal tendency
c. Selective attention
d. Information overload
Answer: c
Ava's tendency to focus only on the negative comments about her speech while disregarding
the positive ones suggests selective attention, wherein she selectively attends to information
that confirms her preconceived notions.
42. Derrick thinks his grandfather is boring when he tells stories about being in the Vietnam
War. Derrick doesn’t want to be rude, so he nods his head and says “uh huh” and “wow” a
lot. His grandfather is hurt by Derrick’s ______________, as he can tell Derrick is not truly
a. pseudolistening
b. selective attention
c. interpretation
d. rebuttal tendency
Answer: a
Derrick's behavior of nodding and giving generic responses while not actually listening
indicates pseudolistening, where one pretends to listen but is not fully engaged in the
43. Because we talk to people, watch television, listen to the radio, surf the Internet, and read
textbooks, among other things, it is easy to suffer from

a. selective attention.
b. glazing over.
c. information overload.
d. pseudolistening.
Answer: c
Engaging in multiple forms of communication and information intake can lead to information
overload, where individuals are overwhelmed by the volume of information they receive.
44. Because of an impaired ability to focus and a tendency to become easily distracted,
individuals with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may have an especially difficult time
dealing with what barrier to effective listening?
a. Pseudolistening
b. Information overload
c. Selective attention
d. Rebuttal tendency
Answer: b
Individuals with ADHD often struggle with maintaining focus and managing distractions,
making them particularly susceptible to information overload, which overwhelms their ability
to process information effectively.
45. While working at a busy law firm, Bruce is using Skype to meet with a client in another
state. Although Bruce is trying to concentrate, he is also replying to an important text on his
phone and is handed an incoming fax by his assistant. Bruce takes notes on the meeting, but
he notices later that there are several important details missing. Bruce probably missed those
details as a result of __________________ during his client meeting.
a. selective attention
b. glazing over

c. pseudolistening
d. information overload
Answer: d
Bruce's engagement in multiple tasks simultaneously, such as replying to a text and receiving
a fax, indicates information overload, where he couldn't effectively process all the incoming
46. Silencing your cell phone during meetings, setting filters on your e-mail system to reduce
spam, and using your digital video recorder to record and watch your television shows later
without commercials are all examples of avoiding which of the following?
a. Information overload
b. Technology
c. Advertisers’ influences using media
d. Glazing over while listening
Answer: a
These actions help in managing the influx of information and distractions, thereby mitigating
the effects of information overload.
47. Most of us are capable of understanding up to 600 words per minute, but the average
person speaks fewer than 150 words per minute. That gap leaves a lot of spare time for mind
to wander or daydream, also called
a. pseudolistening.
b. glazing over.
c. selective listening.
d. close mindedness.
Answer: b

The discrepancy between the rate of understanding and the rate of speech leads to "glazing
over," where the mind wanders or daydreams due to the spare processing capacity.
48. Mateo enjoys his philosophy class, and he likes listening to his professor lecture.
However, because all of the tests follow the same format, Mateo tends to glaze over, allowing
his mind to drift while listening to the test directions from his professor. As a result, Mateo
completes the test incorrectly, but is surprised to receive a low grade. What of the following
best describes the problem caused by his glazing over?
a. Mateo listened less critically than he normally would.
b. Mateo gave the professor the impression that he wasn’t listening.
c. Mateo missed important details in what he was hearing.
d. Mateo was an ineffective listener.
Answer: c
Mateo's failure to pay attention to the test directions due to glazing over led to him missing
important details, which resulted in completing the test incorrectly.
49. _________________ is the propensity to debate a speaker’s point and formulate a reply
while that person is still speaking.
a. Responding
b. Selective listening
c. Rebuttal tendency
d. Pseudolistening
Answer: c
Rebuttal tendency involves mentally preparing arguments or replies while the speaker is still
speaking, rather than actively listening to what is being said.

50. Because Jerry is an attorney, he is used to formulating replies to a speaker’s comments
before they are done, and he is always ready to debate a speaker’s point. This
_________________ frustrates Jerry’s wife, who feels he doesn’t pay attention to her as she
speaks because he is too busy thinking of his response and anticipating her comments.
a. rebuttal tendency
b. pseudolistening
c. closed-mindedness
d. competitive interrupting
Answer: a
Jerry's tendency to formulate responses before the speaker finishes and his readiness to
debate indicate a rebuttal tendency, which frustrates his wife as it interferes with effective
listening and communication.
51. The tendency not to listen to anything with which one disagrees is known as
a. selective listening.
b. rebuttal tendency.
c. glazing over.
d. closed-mindedness.
Answer: d
Closed-mindedness refers to the unwillingness to consider viewpoints or ideas that differ
from one's own. When someone refuses to listen to anything they disagree with, they are
exhibiting closed-minded behavior.
52. People who refuse to consider the merits of a speaker’s point if it conflicts with their own,
and who tend to overreact to certain forms of language, such as profanity, usually have what
barrier to effective listening?
a. Rebuttal tendency

b. Closed-mindedness
c. Selective listening
d. Glazing over
Answer: b
Closed-minded individuals are often unwilling to consider opposing viewpoints and may
react strongly to language or ideas that challenge their beliefs, hindering effective listening.
53. When Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to
entertain a thought without accepting it,” he was arguing against
a. glazing over.
b. selective listening.
c. closed-mindedness.
d. rebuttal tendency.
Answer: c
Aristotle's quote emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness, which is directly opposed
to closed-mindedness. Being able to entertain a thought without accepting it requires an open
and receptive mind.
54. Which of the following is NOT a common reason people interrupt others?
a. To stop the speaker and ask for clarification
b. To stop the speaker because they don’t want to listen
c. To express support or enthusiasm for what the speaker is saying
d. To warn the speaker of impending danger
Answer: b

Interruptions typically occur for reasons such as seeking clarification, expressing support, or
warning of danger. However, interrupting because one doesn't want to listen contradicts the
purpose of interruption, which is often driven by other motivations.
55. Five students are placed in a group to complete a project in anatomy class. Because
Freddy’s father is a doctor, he feels he has a stronger grasp on the content and should
therefore guide the project. When other group members speak, Freddy frequently interrupts
them, making sure his perspective takes priority. Freddy’s group members probably find his
________________ to be distracting and frustrating, as they can tell Freddy thinks he knows
more than they do.
a. competitive interrupting
b. rebuttal tendency
c. closed-mindedness
d. pseudolistening
Answer: a
Freddy's behavior of frequently interrupting others to assert his perspective demonstrates
competitive interrupting, where one seeks to dominate the conversation.
56. _________________ interrupting describes the practice of using interruptions to take
control of the conversation.
a. Frequent
b. Constant
c. Competitive
d. Critical
Answer: c
Competitive interrupting involves using interruptions as a means to assert control over the
conversation and prioritize one's own viewpoint.

57. Research suggests that women tend to focus more on listening to make connections with
others, making them ___________-oriented listeners
a. Content
b. Relationship
c. Empathy
d. People
Answer: d
Women's tendency to focus on listening to make connections with others aligns with being
people-oriented listeners, emphasizing relationships and interpersonal connections.
58. Elena has an argument with her boyfriend. When discussing the conflict with her
girlfriends, she focuses on how she feels and her emotions. However, when she discusses the
situation with her brothers to get the male perspective, she knows they won’t want to hear
about her emotions. Because men tend to be more ____________-oriented listeners, Elena
highlights the issues that came up in the conflict and what each person’s position on the
problem was.
a. content
b. people
c. time
d. action
Answer: a
Men tend to be more content-oriented listeners, focusing on the substance and facts of a
conversation rather than emotions or interpersonal connections.
59. What is one way to become a better informational listener?
a. Understand probability
b. Listen for substance more than style

c. Be a skeptic
d. Acknowledge feelings
Answer: b
Becoming a better informational listener involves focusing on the substance of the message
rather than superficial elements like style. This helps in grasping the core information being
60. Crystal’s best friend Kerry complains about her boyfriend all the time: how he was late
for their date and how he never brings her flowers. Because Kerry feels she can vent to
Crystal, she uses their time together to work out her frustration with her boyfriend.
Consequently, when Crystal meets Kerry’s boyfriend for the first time, she focuses on what
she doesn’t like about him rather than listening to him discuss the trip he is planning to take
Kerry on or how crazy he is about her. To become a better listener, Crystal needs to
a. avoid the confirmation bias.
b. separate what is and isn’t said.
c. listen for substance more than style.
d. be a skeptic.
Answer: a
Crystal's tendency to focus on negative aspects aligns with confirmation bias, where she
reinforces her preconceived notions about Kerry's boyfriend. Overcoming confirmation bias
involves actively seeking out and considering information that challenges one's existing
beliefs or biases.
61. Which term describes the tendency of dramatic, shocking events to distort our perceptions
of reality?
a. Halo effect
b. Backchanneling effect

c. Vividness effect
d. Shock value
Answer: c
The Vividness effect refers to the phenomenon where vivid or emotionally charged events
tend to be more salient in memory and can distort our overall perception of reality. It
influences our judgments and decisions based on the vividness or intensity of the information
rather than its actual probability or likelihood.
62. Isa’s parents went through a rather traumatic divorce. Isa witnessed a lot of brutal
arguments and name-calling and was at the center of a years-long custody battle. Because of
the _______________ effect, Isa believes that most marriages are destined to end in divorce
and that finding love that can last is difficult, if not impossible.
a. lasting
b. vividness
c. traumatic
d. halo
Answer: b
Isa's belief that most marriages are doomed due to her parents' traumatic divorce reflects the
Vividness effect. The intense and emotionally charged experience of her parents' divorce has
made divorce seem more likely and pervasive, distorting her perception of the reality of
63. ________________ isn’t about being cynical or finding fault; it’s about evaluating the
evidence for a claim.
a. Skepticism
b. Sarcasm
c. Criticism

d. Evaluation
Answer: a
Skepticism involves questioning and evaluating the evidence or reasoning behind a claim
without necessarily being negative or fault-finding. It's about maintaining a critical stance and
seeking evidence before accepting something as true.
64. Which of the following is NOT a tip for becoming a better critical listener?
a. Be a skeptic.
b. Evaluate a speaker’s credibility.
c. Understand probability.
d. Listen nonjudgmentally.
Answer: d
Listening nonjudgmentally is not a tip for becoming a better critical listener. Critical listening
involves actively assessing and evaluating the information presented, which includes being
skeptical, considering credibility, and understanding probability to make informed judgments.
65. If you were listening to a speech on breast cancer survival rates, which speaker would
have the most credibility?
a. Susan, a breast cancer survivor
b. Dr. Lee, a psychologist who works with cancer survivors
c. Tyson, a lab technician who has done research on the topic
d. Dr. Compson, a leading oncologist in the field
Answer: d

Dr. Compson, a leading oncologist in the field, would have the most credibility when
speaking about breast cancer survival rates due to their expertise and experience in the
relevant field of medicine.
66. For a statement to be ____________, it has to have a greater than 50 percent chance of
being true.
a. possible
b. probable
c. certain
d. true
Answer: b
A statement is considered probable if it has a greater than 50 percent chance of being true,
indicating a likelihood or high probability of its truth.
67. During his speech, Vince says, “I will get married one day.” What type of claim is this?
a. Certain
b. True
c. Probable
d. Possible
Answer: c
Vince's statement "I will get married one day" represents a probable claim, indicating that
there's a likelihood or probability that it may happen, but it's not certain.
68. Barb is angry that her daughter, Kelly, has received an “F” in a class. Barb is sure that
Kelly has slacked off, so she brushes off Kelly’s claim that the teacher made an error, which
she thinks is just an excuse. Kelly wants to discuss how upset she is over the mistake, but
Barb is making what error in her empathic listening?
a. Barb is not acknowledging Kelly’s feelings.

b. Barb is not considering Kelly’s credibility.
c. Barb is passing judgment rather than listening.
d. Barb is not separating what is and isn’t being said.
Answer: c
Barb is making the error of passing judgment rather than listening empathically. She is
dismissing Kelly's concerns without truly considering or acknowledging her feelings, which
impedes effective communication and understanding.
69. An important strategy for good empathic listening is to acknowledge a speaker’s feelings
and allow him or her to continue to express them. We can do this by using what kinds of
a. Continuer
b. Terminator
c. Positive
d. Empathic
Answer: a
Continuer statements are used to acknowledge a speaker's feelings and encourage them to
continue expressing themselves, fostering effective empathic listening and communication.
70. Amanda is telling her father about a recent conflict with her boyfriend. She is afraid they
are nearing the end of their relationship, and she is very upset about it. She has a lot to say
and really needs someone to listen, but her father keeps making __________________
statements such as “It’s okay, there are other fish in the sea” and “Don’t worry, you’ll find
someone better.” Amanda becomes frustrated and ends the conversation because she feels her
father doesn’t think her emotions are important.
a. continuer
b. cliché

c. negative
d. terminator
Answer: d
Amanda's father is making terminator statements, which are clichéd responses that shut down
or terminate further discussion rather than acknowledging Amanda's emotions and allowing
her to express herself fully. This lack of empathic listening can lead to frustration and hinder
effective communication.

Test Bank for Communication Matters
Kory Floyd
9780078036866, 9781259707766

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