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Chapter 20 – The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which leading painter of the Realist movement painted Burial at Ornans? a) Rosa Bonheur. b) Théodore Géricault. c) Angelica Kauffmann. d) Gustave Courbet. Answer: d 2. In works such as Olympia, realist painter Edouard Manet was denying traditional painting style and drawing attention to a) formal concerns within the composition. b) his break with past techniques. c) history painting. d) color. Answer: b 3. Which artist rejected modern society and painted images of “primitive” island culture such as in The Day of the Gods? a) Vincent van Gogh. b) Jacob van Ruisdael. c) Paul Gauguin. d) Paul Cézanne. Answer: c 4. Which artist painted The Large Bathers? a) Vincent van Gogh. b) Paul Gauguin. c) Pablo Picasso. d) Paul Cézanne. Answer: d 5. Which of these works is an example of Rococo painting? a) Church’s The Heart of the Andes b) Fragonard’s Bathers c) Ruben’s The Disembarkation… d) David’s The Death of Marat Answer: b 6. Rococo painting can best be characterized as a) highly didactic Christian art. b) promoting the ideas and aesthetics of classical antiquity. c) the Baroque eroticized. d) 17th century theatrical compositions rendered in very high contrast. Answer: c 7. Which of these paintings is an example of Romanticism? a) Church’s The Heart of the Andes b) Fragonard’s Bathers c) David’s The Death of Marat d) Delacroix’s Odalisque Answer: d 8. Romanticism can best be described as a) having prioritized stylistic innovation. b) developing in the 15th century and promoting the ideas and aesthetics of classical antiquity. c) developing in 18th century France and promoting civic responsibility and sacrifice. d) 17th century theatrical compositions rendered in very high contrast. Answer: a 9. Which of these paintings is an example of Neo-classical art? a) Church’s The Heart of the Andes b) Fragonard’s Bathers c) Ruben’s The Disembarkation of Marie de’ Medici at the Port of Marseilles on November 3 d) David’s The Death of Marat Answer: d 10. Realism as an artistic movement in the mid-19th century refers to what? a) the naturalism of the painting style b) a philosophical movement c) the accurate representation of everyday life d) the illustration of the lives of the upper-classes Answer: c 11. The Arapaho Ghost Dance dress would have been worn a) during a Plains Indian ritual b) in a Navajo wedding ceremony c) during a ceremony celebrating a successful hunt d) during a ceremony trying to ensure a successful hunt Answer: a 12. Marie-Louise-Elizabeth Vigée-LeBrun’s The Duchess of Polignac combines all the compositional tools of a) Neoclassical art. b) Baroque art. c) Romantic art. d) Realist art. Answer: b 13. Angelica Kauffmann painted in which style that was based on Greek and Roman models? a) Romantic b) Neoclassical c) Realist d) Rococo Answer: b 14. Théodore Géricault’s The Raft of the Medusa helped to fuel which style? a) Romanticism b) Realism c) Impressionism d) Neoclassicism Answer: a 15. One of the primary subjects of Neoclassical art is a) sensual or indecent themes. b) romantic interpretations of events. c) the concept of virtue. d) still lives. Answer: c 16. What individual chose the Neoclassical architectural style for his home? a) Nicolas Poussin b) John Ruskin c) Jacques Louis David d) Thomas Jefferson Answer: d 17. In Romanticism, regardless of the subject matter, paintings revealed the artist’s a) political opinion. b) religious orientation. c) individuality. d) heritage. Answer: c 18. The Post-Impressionists were united by their interest in a) a Realist painting style. b) extending Impressionism’s formal innovations. c) advancing Impressionism’s subject matter. d) a nihilistic viewpoint. Answer: b 19. In the early nineteenth century, what recurrent and significant theme began to appear in Romantic painting? a) the lives of peasants b) the notion of the sublime c) the vanitas still life d) virtuous love Answer: b 20. What is the story behind Gericault’s Raft of the Medusa? a) The Medusa sunk off the coast of Africa due to the captain’s incompetence and its poor survivors were adrift for days. b) The captain of the ship threw slaves overboard to collect insurance on them. c) It is a metaphor for the growing French Revolution. d) It depicts a group of explorers finally sighting land. Answer: a 21. What is the subject matter of most Impressionist paintings? a) Portraits of wealthy patrons b) Rural landscapes c) Light itself, the way it plays across forms like architecture and landscape d) Depictions of the working class in everyday situations Answer: c 22. Romanticist artists, like Frederic Edwin Church, viewed nature as a) wild and forbidding. b) a literal “sign” for the divine spirit. c) a place for human industry. d) a symbol of the savagery and wildness of the native people who lived there. Answer: b 23. The mid-to-late 19th century saw dramatic changes in non-Western cultures. Which of these best describes these changes? a) Western culture helped other cultures realize the uniqueness and value of their own traditions. b) Western culture allowed for other cultures to comfortably evolve according to their own ideas and values. c) Western culture increasingly imposed itself upon cultures in indigenous societies. d) Western culture incorporated other culture’s elements into itself through colonialism. Answer: c Short Answer and Essay Questions 24. Although the Rococo style dominated the beginning of the eighteenth century, a new classical style emerged soon after the discoveries of which two ancient Roman cities? Answer: Although the Rococo style dominated the beginning of the eighteenth century, a new classical style emerged soon after the discoveries of the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. 25. At the expense of subject matter, what did Paul Cézanne emphasize in his paintings? Answer: At the expense of subject matter, Paul Cézanne emphasized formal elements such as color, form, and composition in his paintings. 26. Which artist painted the decadence of the Parisian nightlife as a means of social commentary? Answer: The artist who painted the decadence of the Parisian nightlife as a means of social commentary was Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. 27. Discuss the influence of the political climate of the times on Jacques-Louis David. What is the significance of his painting The Death of Marat? Answer: Jacques-Louis David was deeply influenced by the political climate of his times, particularly the French Revolution. The significance of his painting "The Death of Marat" lies in its portrayal of the revolutionary figure Jean-Paul Marat as a martyr for the revolutionary cause. Marat was a prominent radical journalist and politician who was assassinated during the Reign of Terror. David's painting immortalizes Marat as a hero of the revolution, emphasizing his sacrifice and dedication to the revolutionary ideals of liberty and equality. 28. Elaborate on the contributions of American Neoclassical architecture made by Thomas Jefferson. What else was he involved in besides architecture? Answer: Thomas Jefferson made significant contributions to American Neoclassical architecture through his designs, most notably seen in his design of Monticello and the University of Virginia. Besides architecture, Jefferson was involved in politics and served as the third President of the United States from 1801 to 1809. He was also a statesman, diplomat, philosopher, and author of the Declaration of Independence. 29. It is thought that Théodore Géricault’s The Raft of the Medusa fueled the Romantic movement and contributed to a re-evaluation of the validity of the restored French monarchy. If a similar event occurred today, would it hold as much fascination? Why or why not? Answer: The fascination with Théodore Géricault’s "The Raft of the Medusa" stemmed from its powerful depiction of human suffering, heroism, and the struggle against nature. If a similar event occurred today, it might hold as much fascination depending on various factors such as media coverage, political context, and cultural significance. However, with the evolution of technology and media, contemporary events may be perceived differently, and the impact of visual art as a catalyst for social change could vary. 30. Discuss in what ways the art of the twentieth century “dawns” in the works of Paul Cézanne. Answer: In the works of Paul Cézanne, the art of the twentieth century "dawns" through his innovative approach to form, color, and perspective. Cézanne's exploration of geometric shapes, fragmented forms, and flattened space laid the groundwork for modern art movements such as Cubism and abstraction. His emphasis on structure and the underlying geometric order in nature challenged traditional notions of representation and paved the way for artistic experimentation and abstraction in the twentieth century. 31. What were the major innovations of the Impressionists in painting style and subject matter? Choose three works from the chapter to support your discussion. Answer: The major innovations of the Impressionists in painting style and subject matter include their emphasis on capturing fleeting moments of light and atmosphere, the use of vibrant colors and visible brushstrokes, and their focus on everyday scenes and landscapes. Three works that exemplify these innovations are Claude Monet's "Impression, Sunrise," Edgar Degas' "L'Absinthe," and Pierre-Auguste Renoir's "Luncheon of the Boating Party." These paintings showcase the Impressionists' revolutionary approach to painting, capturing the essence of modern life with spontaneity and freshness. Test Bank for A World of Art Henry M. Sayre 9780205901340, 9780205887576, 9780134082349, 9780134081809, 9780205898879

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