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Chapter 14
1. We rely on accurate ____________ from websites, newspapers, interpersonal encounters,
and many other sources to make decisions in our personal and professional lives.
a. speeches
b. wisdom
c. input
d. information
Answer: d
Information refers to data or knowledge obtained from various sources, which is crucial for
making decisions. In personal and professional contexts, decisions are often based on
accurate information gathered from sources like websites, newspapers, and interpersonal
2. Which of the following types of speech publicly addresses others to increase their
knowledge, understanding, or skills?
a. Persuasive
b. Demonstrative
c. Informative
d. Narrative
Answer: c
An informative speech aims to increase the audience's knowledge, understanding, or skills by
presenting factual information on a specific topic. Unlike persuasive speeches, which aim to
influence opinions or behaviors, informative speeches focus on providing information in a
clear and objective manner.
3. Which of the following is NOT a method used strictly to inform?
a. Defining

b. Editorializing
c. Describing
d. Explaining
Answer: b
Editorializing involves expressing opinions or biases about a topic, which goes beyond
strictly providing factual information. Defining, describing, and explaining are methods
commonly used in informative communication to convey information accurately.
4. If a speaker _________, he or she is providing the meaning of a word or concept.
a. defines
b. describes
c. explains
d. demonstrates
Answer: a
Defining involves providing the specific meaning of a word or concept, clarifying its
definition for the audience. It helps ensure common understanding and clarity in
5. Abby is giving a speech on invasive species, but she isn’t sure her audience will understand
what the term means. She decides that her first main point should provide a(n) ___________
of invasive species so her listeners can more easily follow her other points.
a. Explanation
b. Definition
c. Description
d. Demonstration
Answer: b

In this context, providing a definition of invasive species helps establish a common
understanding among the audience members, enabling them to comprehend the subsequent
points more effectively.
6. In an informative speech about serial killers, Roxanne says, “According to the dictionary, a
serial killer is someone who murders a number of people over a period of time.” Roxanne is
defining the term by providing its ____________ meaning.
a. connotative
b. denotative
c. synonymous
d. antonymous
Answer: b
The denotative meaning of a term refers to its literal or dictionary definition. By citing the
dictionary definition of "serial killer," Roxanne is providing its denotative meaning, which is
the precise definition of the term.
7. Gustav is giving a speech on abortion. He feels it is important to define the word life, as it
is central to his speech. Gustav says, “Life is defined as the moment a heart starts beating,
which is just 22 days after conception.” Since this is not a dictionary definition but a meaning
often cited by one side of the abortion debate, Gustav is using a ______________ meaning
for life.
a. denotative
b. symbolic
c. connotative
d. synonymous
Answer: c

Gustav is not providing the standard dictionary definition of "life." Instead, he is offering a
definition that aligns with a particular viewpoint or interpretation, making it a connotative
meaning. This meaning carries additional implications beyond the literal definition.
8. The _____________ of a term is its origin or history.
a. etymology
b. synonym
c. history
d. denotation
Answer: a
Etymology refers to the study of the origin and historical development of words, including
their meanings and forms. Understanding the etymology of a term provides insights into its
linguistic evolution and contextual usage.
9. Adore, worship, and care for are ____________ for the word love.
a. connotations
b. synonyms
c. antonyms
d. denotations
Answer: b
Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. In this case, "adore," "worship," and "care
for" are all synonyms of the word "love," as they convey affection or strong positive
emotions towards someone or something.
10. Exciting, thrilling, and stimulating are _____________ for the word boring.
a. antonyms
b. synonyms

c. denotations
d. connotations
Answer: a
Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. In this context, "exciting," "thrilling," and
"stimulating" contrast with the word "boring," indicating excitement or interest rather than
dullness. Therefore, they serve as antonyms for "boring."
11. Dennis is giving a speech on pandemics. Dennis thinks that he can help his audience
understand the concept further by defining by ____________. Therefore, he references the
influenza pandemic of 1918 and the AIDS pandemic of the 1980s.
a. connotation
b. example
c. synonym
d. compare-and-contrast
Answer: b
Dennis aims to elucidate the concept of pandemics by providing specific instances, namely
the influenza pandemic of 1918 and the AIDS pandemic of the 1980s. By offering these
examples, he helps his audience grasp the nature and impact of pandemics more effectively.
12. In an informative speech, you can define a term by discussing similarities and differences
between two or more definitions of a term. Which method would you be using?
a. Compare-and-contrast
b. Connotative
c. Antonymous
d. Example
Answer: a

The compare-and-contrast method involves examining the similarities and differences
between two or more definitions of a term. By employing this method, the speaker can
provide a comprehensive understanding of the term by highlighting its various aspects.
13. “To some people, the definition of family is limited to legal and biological relationships,
whereas to others, it includes anyone to whom they feel emotionally close.” This statement is
an example of defining by
a. example.
b. connotation.
c. compare-and-contrast.
d. denotation.
Answer: c
The statement presents contrasting perspectives on the definition of family, thereby
illustrating the compare-and-contrast method of defining. By juxtaposing these differing
viewpoints, the speaker offers a nuanced understanding of the term "family."
14. Which of the following terms means using words to depict or portray a person, a place, an
object, or an experience?
a. Describing
b. Defining
c. Explaining
d. Demonstrating
Answer: a
Describing involves using words to vividly portray or depict a person, place, object, or
experience. It enables the audience to visualize and understand the subject being described
more clearly.

15. What are two forms of description?
a. Interpretation and illustration
b. Representation and narration
c. Comparison and narration
d. Recitation and symbolism
Answer: b
Representation and narration are two forms of description. Representation involves depicting
or portraying something through words, while narration entails recounting events or
experiences in a descriptive manner.
16. When you describe by _____________, you are helping your listeners to imagine the
physical or emotional experiences they would have if they were to encounter what you are
a. narration
b. illustration
c. comparison
d. representation
Answer: d
Describing by representation involves enabling the audience to imagine the physical or
emotional experiences associated with the subject being described. It allows listeners to
mentally engage with the described scenario.
17. Kaili is giving an informative speech on the Willis Tower in Chicago, the tallest building
in the city. As she describes the Skydeck, one of the upper levels of the Willis Tower open to
visitors, she says, “Imagine standing on the ‘Ledge,’ a clear glass balcony. Look straight
down. What a thrill! Now, look out into the city. Not only do you see the city, you can even

see other states like Michigan!” Kaili is using which of the following to help her audience
imagine the physical and emotional experience of visiting the tower?
a. Narration
b. Definition
c. Representation
d. Illustration
Answer: c
Kaili is using representation to help her audience imagine the physical and emotional
experience of visiting the Willis Tower. By vividly describing the scene from the Skydeck,
she allows listeners to mentally visualize themselves in that environment.
18. If you use _____________ in your speech, you are incorporating storytelling to help your
topic to come alive.
a. narration
b. illustration
c. representation
d. description
Answer: a
Narration involves storytelling, which brings life to the topic being discussed. By narrating
relevant stories or anecdotes, the speaker can engage the audience and make the subject
matter more relatable and compelling.
19. Olivia’s informative speech is on diabetes. After she finishes defining the disease, she
discusses her own journey in dealing with diabetes as a child. Olivia is using
_______________ to create a richer mental image for her audience.
a. explanation
b. representation

c. illustration
d. narration
Answer: d
Olivia is using narration to create a richer mental image for her audience. By sharing her
personal experience with diabetes, she adds depth and emotional resonance to her speech,
making the topic more relatable and impactful.
20. Which of the following terms means revealing why something occurred or how
something works?
a. Defining
b. Explaining
c. Describing
d. Demonstrating
Answer: b
Explaining involves revealing why something occurred or how something works. It aims to
provide clarity and understanding by elucidating the underlying reasons or mechanisms
behind a phenomenon.
21. If your topic is how tsunamis form, you would most likely __________ the process.
a. demonstrate
b. define
c. explain
d. illustrate
Answer: c

When discussing how tsunamis form, the most suitable approach would be to explain the
process. This involves providing a detailed account or description of the phenomenon,
clarifying the mechanisms involved without necessarily physically showing them
(demonstrate), providing a definition (define), or drawing pictures (illustrate). Explanation
allows for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
22. Which of the following is NOT true about explaining in an informative speech?
a. A speaker must use clear, concrete language.
b. A speaker must avoid jargon.
c. A speaker should assess how much listeners already know about the topic.
d. A speaker should be subjective.
Answer: d
In an informative speech, the speaker should not be subjective. The aim is to present factual
information objectively without personal bias or opinion (subjectivity). Clear and concrete
language, avoidance of jargon, and assessing the audience's prior knowledge are all important
aspects of effective explanation.
23. Of all the techniques speakers can use to inform an audience, _____________ often
comes closest to crossing the line from informing to persuading.
a. Defining
b. Explaining
c. Demonstrating
d. Describing
Answer: b
Explanation, more than defining, demonstrating, or describing, can sometimes border on
persuasion because it involves interpreting information and presenting it in a coherent
manner, potentially influencing the audience's understanding or perspective.

24. You can avoid crossing the line from informative to persuasive speaking by keeping your
remarks _______________, meaning based on facts rather than opinions.
a. objective
b. subjective
c. realistic
d. accurate
Answer: a
Maintaining objectivity ensures that the speech is grounded in factual information rather than
personal opinions or biases. This helps in avoiding the shift from informative to persuasive
speaking, as persuasion often relies on subjective arguments or appeals.
25. Tony is giving an informative speech on tattooing. Although he is a big fan of tattoos and
has several himself, Tony wants to make sure his speech remains _______________. He
therefore discusses the history of tattooing in different cultures instead of discussing why he
thinks his classmates should get tattoos.
a. relevant
b. objective
c. subjective
d. topical
Answer: b
Tony aims to keep his speech objective by focusing on factual information about tattooing,
such as its historical significance in various cultures. By avoiding personal opinions or biases
(subjectivity), he ensures that the speech remains informative rather than persuasive.
26. Which of the following terms means showing how to do something as you explain it?
a. Explaining
b. Describing

c. Defining
d. Demonstrating
Answer: d
Demonstrating involves showing how to do something while explaining it. This approach is
effective in providing practical understanding and clarification of processes or procedures.
27. When you are ____________ a process, it’s important to describe each step as you do it.
a. demonstrating
b. defining
c. finishing
d. devising
Answer: a
During demonstration, it's crucial to describe each step of the process as it is being
performed. This ensures clarity and helps the audience understand the sequence of actions
28. Which method of informing would you most likely use while explaining to your audience
how to make a pizza?
a. Definition
b. Narration
c. Demonstration
d. Representation
Answer: c

When explaining how to make a pizza, the most effective method would be demonstration.
This involves showing the audience the process visually, which can enhance comprehension
and retention of the information.
29. Charlana is doing her informative speech on yoga. She wants to teach her audience the
sun salutation, a common series of yoga poses. Charlana plans to ____________ each of the
ten poses so her audience can try them when they get home.
a. explain
b. demonstrate
c. describe
d. narrate
Answer: b
Charlana intends to demonstrate each yoga pose to her audience, allowing them to visually
observe the correct execution. This hands-on approach enhances understanding and enables
the audience to replicate the poses accurately.
30. Studies show that students who encounter both visual and auditory stimuli accurately
recall more of what they learn than those with just one type of stimuli. Thus, of the four
informative methods, _______________ might lead to higher retention in your audience.
a. demonstration
b. explanation
c. description
d. definition
Answer: a
Demonstrating a process or concept provides both visual and auditory stimuli, leading to
better retention and comprehension among the audience. This aligns with research findings
suggesting the effectiveness of multi-sensory learning experiences.

31. Of the following topics, which is least likely to work well for an informative speech?
a. People
b. Events
c. Controversies
d. Concepts
Answer: c
Controversies typically involve subjective opinions and heated debates, making it challenging
to present objective information in an informative speech. In contrast, speeches about people,
events, and concepts can be structured with more concrete information and factual content.
32. A speech about the economic recession or the war in Iraq would reflect which category of
informative topic?
a. Events
b. Concepts
c. Policies
d. Issues
Answer: d
The economic recession and the war in Iraq are complex topics that involve broader societal
implications and debates, fitting into the category of issues. They encompass a range of
events, policies, and concepts within them.
33. What is another word for occurrences that are noteworthy for the meanings they
a. Policies
b. Concepts
c. Events

d. Issues
Answer: c
Events are occurrences that hold significance due to the meanings or impacts they represent.
They can be historical, cultural, or societal milestones that shape our understanding of the
34. Niamh lived in New York City in 2001, so she remembers in detail what the city was like
during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11 of that year. She
decides to give a speech on September 11 and its meaning to her. Niamh is giving an
informative speech that fits into what category?
a. Issues
b. Events
c. People
d. Concepts
Answer: b
Niamh's speech about September 11 focuses on a specific occurrence in history, making it an
event-based informative speech. It recounts a significant moment in time and its personal
meaning to the speaker.
35. Wyatt wants to focus his informative speech on ____________, so he decides to talk
about former Vice President Al Gore. He focuses on Gore’s efforts on behalf of the
environment and his receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
a. people
b. events
c. issues
d. objects
Answer: a

Wyatt's speech centers on former Vice President Al Gore, discussing his actions and
achievements, placing it under the category of speeches about people.
36. A speech about California during the Gold Rush of the 1800s would fall into what
category of informative speaking?
a. People
b. Objects
c. Places
d. Events
Answer: c
California during the Gold Rush represents a specific geographical location and historical
context, making it a speech about a particular place.
37. Effective speeches about ____________ often educate listeners about their evolution and
development or their significance in history, culture, politics, or ecology.
a. places
b. concepts
c. issues
d. objects
Answer: d
Speeches about objects typically involve discussing their history, cultural significance, or
impact on society, allowing listeners to gain insights into their evolution and relevance.
38. Charlie gives an informative speech on the Barbie doll. She focuses on the history of the
doll and its influence on pop culture. Charlie is giving what type of informative speech?
a. Object

b. Concept
c. Event
d. People
Answer: a
Charlie's speech about the Barbie doll emphasizes its historical background and cultural
impact, aligning it with informative speeches about objects.
39. Oppression and forgiveness are examples of ___________ because each is a notion or
idea rather than a concrete object.
a. events
b. concepts
c. issues
d. thoughts
Answer: b
Oppression and forgiveness represent abstract ideas or concepts rather than tangible objects
or events, placing them in the category of conceptual topics.
40. Jose decides to give his informative speech on homophobia. Although it isn’t something
tangible, Jose feels it is a complex idea that affects millions of lives as a social
a. suggestion.
b. topic.
c. thought.
d. idea.
Answer: b

Homophobia is a complex social issue that can be addressed and discussed, making it a
suitable topic for an informative speech that focuses on societal challenges and phenomena.
41. If you give an informative speech describing how a hurricane forms, you are giving what
kind of speech?
a. Event
b. Concept
c. Issue
d. Process
Answer: d
The correct answer is (d) Process. This is because explaining how a hurricane forms involves
detailing a series of steps or stages, which aligns with the concept of a process in an
informative speech.
42. If a speaker is focusing his or informative speech on a(n) _________, the speaker will be
examining a program that aims to guide decision-making or to achieve some goal.
a. policy
b. issue
c. concept
d. organization
Answer: a
The correct answer is (a) policy. Policies are programs or guidelines designed to influence
decision-making or achieve specific objectives, making them appropriate subjects for
informative speeches focused on such programs.
43. Jay’s informative speech is on the United States’ ____________ during the Cold War era.
He plans to discuss how the U.S. utilized “containment” abroad and McCarthyism at home to
stop the real and perceived spread of communism.

a. issues
b. policies
c. concepts
d. events
Answer: b
The correct answer is (b) policies. Jay's speech is centered around discussing the strategies
and approaches the United States employed during the Cold War, which aligns with the
definition of policies.
44. Because Najiba wants to give an informative speech on a topic she knows and can get
excited about, she decides to discuss her native country of Afghanistan. She is not sure if her
classmates know where she is from, so to begin her speech, Najiba says, “Salaam. That is
how you say hello in my native country of Afghanistan. Today, I want to share with you all
that I love about this amazing place.” To frame her topic in a compelling way for the
audience, Najiba has related the topic to
a. the audience.
b. a current event.
c. herself.
d. something familiar.
Answer: c
The correct answer is (c) herself. By relating her speech topic to herself and her background,
Najiba makes it more personal and engaging for the audience, drawing them in with her
connection to the subject matter.
45. Which of the following is NOT a reason to relate yourself to your topic?
a. It establishes that you have credibility.
b. Your listeners will care more about your topic.

c. It ensures you have both the knowledge and the enthusiasm to engage the audience.
d. You won’t have to do as much research.
Answer: d
The correct answer is (d). Relating yourself to your topic can enhance credibility, increase
audience interest, and demonstrate enthusiasm and knowledge about the subject. However, it
does not eliminate the need for research; in fact, it may require additional research to
effectively connect personal experiences to the topic.
46. If listeners have a(n) _______________ your speech, they have an inherent motivation to
pay attention.
a. vested interest in
b. awareness of
c. curiosity about
d. concentration on
Answer: a
The correct answer is (a) vested interest in. When listeners have a vested interest in a speech
topic, they are personally invested or involved in the subject matter, which naturally
motivates them to pay attention and engage with the content.
47. College students will most likely have a(n) ______________ a speech on scholarships,
because many of them would like extra financial assistance to attend college.
a. awareness of
b. curiosity about
c. vested interest in
d. need for
Answer: c

The correct answer is (c) vested interest in. College students would likely have a vested
interest in a speech about scholarships because it directly relates to their financial needs and
aspirations, making them personally invested in the topic.
48. Lorna is giving a speech on 3D technology. In her introduction, she states, “Just ten years
ago, 3D technology was relegated to the back shelf because of its expense to produce. But
with 2009’s Avatar, all of that changed. Now, most of our top-grossing movies can be found
in 3D format, and I’m sure you’ve seen at least one movie in 3D in the past six months.”
With this opening, what is Lorna trying to establish?
a. Her listeners’ vested interest in the topic
b. The currency of her topic
c. Her listeners’ doubts about the topic
d. The relevance of her topic to the listeners
Answer: d
The correct answer is (d) The relevance of her topic to the listeners. Lorna's introduction aims
to establish the relevance of her speech topic by connecting it to recent popular culture and
the experiences of her audience, thereby capturing their interest and demonstrating the topic's
significance in their lives.
49. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for delivering an informative speech more
a. Making learning challenging
b. Creating information hunger
c. Being ethical
d. Involving the audience
Answer: a

The correct answer is (a) Making learning challenging. While making learning challenging
might be a strategy in certain educational contexts, it is not typically a primary strategy for
delivering an informative speech effectively. Instead, effective strategies often focus on
engaging the audience, creating interest, maintaining ethical standards, and involving the
audience in the presentation.
50. An informative speaker should create _____________ by sparking listeners’ curiosity and
giving them a reason to want the information he or she has.
a. excitement
b. information hunger
c. inquisitiveness
d. information need
Answer: b
The correct answer is (b) information hunger. By sparking curiosity and providing a
compelling reason for the audience to desire the information being presented, the speaker can
generate information hunger, motivating listeners to actively engage with the speech content
and seek out knowledge on the topic.
51. Shanika wants to create information hunger in her audience about her speech on child
abuse. She discusses how crucial positive messages are for young children as they develop
their self-concept and she talks about the effect verbal and emotional abuse can have on selfesteem. Shanika is appealing to what type of need in her audience?
a. Relational
b. Instrumental
c. Identity
d. Physical
Answer: c

Shanika is appealing to the identity need of her audience by discussing the importance of
positive messages for young children's self-concept. Understanding the impact of verbal and
emotional abuse on self-esteem directly relates to how individuals perceive themselves,
which is linked to their identity.
52. Teaching an audience how to do an exercise that is easy and beneficial is a way of
appealing to which type of need?
a. Relational
b. Spiritual
c. Instrumental
d. Physical
Answer: d
Teaching an easy and beneficial exercise appeals to the physical need of the audience. It
addresses their desire for physical well-being and health, fulfilling their need for activities
that promote bodily fitness.
53. In the popular book Eat, Pray, Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert explores three countries in
terms of their cuisine and religious and sacred rituals. Gilbert uses the book to connect food
to which type of need?
a. Physical
b. Spiritual
c. Identity
d. Instrumental
Answer: b
Elizabeth Gilbert connects food to the spiritual need of her audience in "Eat, Pray, Love" by
exploring the religious and sacred rituals associated with cuisine. Food becomes a conduit for

spiritual experiences and connections, fulfilling a deeper need beyond mere physical
54. A speech explaining how to find coupons and deals online appeals to which type of need?
a. Instrumental
b. Physical
c. Spiritual
d. Relational
Answer: a
Explaining how to find coupons and deals online appeals to the instrumental need of the
audience. It addresses their practical need for acquiring goods or services at a reduced cost or
with added benefits, fulfilling their desire for efficiency and resourcefulness.
55. It is important to be _____________ during a speech because most people process
information best in a limited number of segments at a time.
a. detailed
b. cohesive
c. practical
d. organized
Answer: d
Being organized during a speech is important because it helps the audience process
information effectively. Presenting information in a structured manner allows for better
comprehension and retention, as it helps the audience follow the logical flow of ideas without
feeling overwhelmed.
56. Mongkut wants to make it easy for his audience to listen to his informative speech on
physics. He therefore decides to analyze the physics of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve,

discussing how fast reindeer can fly relative to the number of children needing gifts. Which
of the following did Mongkut do to increase his chances of keeping his audience engaged?
a. Kept it simple
b. Kept it short
c. Made it fun
d. Repeated key points
Answer: c
Mongkut increased his chances of keeping his audience engaged by making his speech fun.
Analyzing the physics of Santa Claus and reindeer adds an element of entertainment and
novelty, making the topic more engaging and enjoyable for the audience.
57. Since many listeners feel uneasy when they are asked to learn a new skill or understand
new information, it is a good idea to do which of the following?
a. Keep it short.
b. Make it fun.
c. Repeat key points.
d. Start with what’s familiar.
Answer: d
Starting with what's familiar is a good idea when presenting new information because it helps
ease the audience into the topic. By relating new concepts to familiar experiences or
knowledge, the audience feels more comfortable and engaged, making it easier for them to
58. Individuals pay more attention to stimuli that are repeated than to those they encounter
only once, so an effective informative speaker should repeat which of the following?
a. Main points
b. Subpoints

c. Important citations
d. Transitions
Answer: a
An effective informative speaker should repeat main points to ensure they are understood and
remembered by the audience. Repetition reinforces key ideas, increasing the likelihood of
retention and comprehension among listeners.
59. Because many of us learn better by doing rather than just seeing or listening, which of the
following is useful to keep in mind when building a speech?
a. Make it easy to listen.
b. Involve your audience.
c. Have strong visual aids.
d. Use humor.
Answer: b
Involving the audience is useful when building a speech because it encourages active
participation and engagement. By incorporating activities or opportunities for audience
interaction, the speaker can enhance the learning experience and cater to different learning
60. During Latoya’s informative speech on palm reading, she asks her audience to examine
their own palms. On a PowerPoint slide, Latoya shows them the different lines on the palm
and explains how the length influences different aspects of life. By having listeners read their
own palms, how did Latoya involve her audience?
a. By polling
b. By posing a hypothetical situation
c. By inviting questions
d. By inviting direct participation

Answer: d
By asking the audience to examine their own palms, Latoya invited direct participation,
thereby involving her audience in the speech. This hands-on activity promotes engagement
and allows listeners to apply the information being presented in a practical manner.
61. When teaching something that may be too complex for the entire audience to participate
in, how else might a speaker encourage involvement?
a. Poll the audience.
b. Invite questions.
c. Ask for volunteers.
d. Pose a hypothetical situation.
Answer: c
Asking for volunteers is a way to encourage involvement when teaching complex subjects
because it allows individuals who feel comfortable or confident about the topic to participate
actively, while others observe and learn from their contributions.
62. If you say, “Raise your hand if you’ve ever considered skydiving,” you are using what
method to involve the audience?
a. Inviting questions
b. Polling the audience
c. Asking for volunteers
d. Posing a hypothetical situation
Answer: b
By asking the audience to raise their hands, the speaker is polling the audience to gauge their
interest or experience in skydiving. This method allows the speaker to engage the audience
and tailor their presentation accordingly.

63. Which of the following is NOT a way to ensure that the information you give in your
speech is true and accurate?
a. Be clear about what you are speculating.
b. Incorporate written footnotes.
c. Use information only from reputable sources.
d. Understand the information you are reporting.
Answer: b
While incorporating written footnotes can provide additional context or sources for further
exploration, they do not inherently ensure the accuracy of the information presented. The
other options directly contribute to ensuring the accuracy of information by clarifying
speculation, sourcing from reputable sources, and understanding the information being
64. While researching his informative speech on Nostradamus, Matias thinks the information
he finds on Wikipedia will be more interesting for his listeners than the information he finds
in periodicals. Since his topic isn’t that serious anyway, Matias figures it would keep the
audience more engaged if he uses the information from Wikipedia. Matias is not following
which guideline for ensuring the accuracy of his information?
a. Be clear about what he is speculating.
b. Understand the information he is reporting.
c. Use information from reputable sources.
d. Incorporate verbal footnotes.
Answer: c
Matias is not following the guideline to use information from reputable sources. Wikipedia,
while sometimes informative, is not always considered a reliable source due to its open
editing structure and potential for inaccuracies or bias.

65. Some speakers use informative speeches to disguise their attempts to persuade or coerce
their listeners, meaning they are no longer simply informing, but are engaging in which of the
a. Bullying
b. Intimidation
c. Misinformation
d. Propaganda
Answer: d
Propaganda involves the dissemination of information, often biased or misleading, with the
intention of influencing the opinions or actions of others. When speakers use informative
speeches to persuade or coerce, they are engaging in propaganda rather than simply providing
unbiased information.
66. Which of the following is a form of propaganda in which speakers use terms with
negative connotations to refer to their opponents?
a. Moral labeling
b. False dichotomy
c. Ordinary folk
d. Glowing generalization
Answer: a
Moral labeling involves attaching negative labels or connotations to opponents or their
viewpoints in order to discredit them or evoke emotional responses from the audience.
67. In an interview with journalist Katie Couric, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was
unable to name Supreme Court decisions with which she disagreed. An advisor to presidential
candidate John McCain said to Newsweek, “I wonder how many Americans would be able to
name decisions they disagree with. The court is very important, but Palin is on the ticket

because she connects with everyday Americans.” Which form of propaganda does this
statement use?
a. Moral labeling
b. Ordinary folk
c. Glowing generalization
d. False dichotomy
Answer: b
This statement employs the propaganda technique of "ordinary folk," appealing to the notion
that Palin's relatability to everyday Americans is more significant than her knowledge of
Supreme Court decisions, thereby deflecting attention from her lack of expertise in that area.

Test Bank for Communication Matters
Kory Floyd
9780078036866, 9781259707766

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