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Chapter 9
1) A ________ message is a message that influences readers to change their beliefs or to take
A) persuasive
B) negative
C) routine
D) positive
E) expressive
Answer: A
A) A persuasive message is a message that persuades readers to change their beliefs or to take
action. We all use persuasion at one time or another, whether we do so formally or
2) Which of the following is an example of a persuasive message?
A) A salesperson sending his sales figures for the quarter to his manager.
B) An employee writing a letter presenting his case for a pay raise.
C) A salesperson providing a customer with a price list for all the printers in stock.
D) A supervisor sending a memo asking all his subordinates to come for the weekly meeting.
E) An employee asking the Human Resources department for information regarding his
Answer: B
B) A letter written by an employee arguing his case for a pay raise is a persuasive message
because it tries to convince the reader to take a specific course of action.
3) One of the best ways to craft a persuasive message is through the use of the AIDA
structure. In this context, AIDA is an acronym that stands for ________.
A) action, interest, desire, and assessment
B) assess, initiate, design, and act
C) analyze, initiate, design, and attention
D) attention, interest, desire, and action
E) attention, initiative, design, and action
Answer: D

D) AIDA is an acronym that stands for attention, interest, desire, and action; these terms
indicate the focus of each component of a persuasive message.
4) A(n) ________ is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that actually have
something in common.
A) alliteration
B) metaphor
C) ellipsis
D) litote
E) aphorism
Answer: B
B) A metaphor is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that actually have
something in common. Metaphors conjure up images in the reader's mind, making the
information more powerful and memorable.
5) When a writer says, "We dove through a sea of information to bring you this pearl of
wisdom," he is using a(n) ________ to conjure up images in the reader's mind, making the
content more powerful and memorable.
A) metaphor
B) ellipsis
C) aphorism
D) euphemism
E) litote
Answer: A
A) A metaphor is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that actually have
something in common. Metaphors conjure up images in the reader's mind, making the
information more powerful and memorable.
6) Which of the following is true about the use of shock tactics as a means of gaining
attention in persuasive messages?
A) Use shock tactics in all persuasive messages, as they are the most effective way of getting
the audience's attention.
B) Use shock tactics most of the time in persuasive messages, as they have long-term impact
on the audience.

C) The use of shock tactics in persuasive messages is illegal and unethical.
D) Use shock tactics sparingly in persuasive messages, and only after you assess your
E) Never use shock tactics in persuasive messages since they always weaken the audience's
willingness to be persuaded by the message.
Answer: D
D) The idea behind the use of a shock tactic in a persuasive message is that the audience
reacts at an emotional level. Such gut-level responses are rarely long lasting and do not
necessarily result in long-term change. Use shock tactics sparingly and only after you assess
your audience.
7) Each of the following is a way to boost audience desire EXCEPT
A) admitting that objections exist, and taking the time to explain them, boosting your
B) disengaging from the audience for a period to allow them to consider alternatives and
decide upon a course of action
C) explaining the benefits to the audience of acting upon your suggestion
D) providing well-reasoned facts that address the audience's objections
E) explaining the dangers of inaction, such as loss of income, reputation, or time by failing to
act upon your suggestion
Answer: B
B) By explaining the benefits of taking action, the disadvantages of not taking action,
providing details designed to overcome the audience's objections, and building credibility by
admitting objections, you will build desire in your audience.
8) Which of the following sentences constitutes an effective "call to action" when placed at
the end of a persuasive message?
A) We hope you found this information interesting.
B) Your feedback is important to us.
C) Please do consider this matter very seriously.
D) We are looking forward to your assistance in this matter.
E) Please call us at 1800-296-1300 for a free demo or to place an order.
Answer: E

E) An effective call to action should motivate the receiver to take action by making a
reasonable, precise request, such as to call you, e-mail you, make a purchase or donation, and
so forth. The other options make either no call to action or a poor call to action.
9) Which of the following is NOT a way in which the writer of a persuasive message can
build his or her credibility with the audience?
A) don't exaggerate
B) be reliable
C) be abstract
D) be factual
E) don't lie
Answer: C
C) Credibility refers to how your audience perceives you—whether or not they find you
believable. To build your credibility, don't just say that something is good, say how good. Be
specific about the benefits, savings, profits, or improvements your audience can expect from
the idea you're proposing. People will take you seriously.
10) Which of the following sentences would help a writer build credibility?
A) This is the best show on planet Earth!
B) Our product works!
C) This product will help you save up to 30 percent on your gas bills!
D) Our product is guaranteed to make your child the next Einstein!
E) Our company was single-handedly responsible for the recent economic recovery in the
Answer: C
C) Credibility refers to how your audience perceives you—whether or not they find you
believable. People are more easily persuaded by someone they perceive as a truthful expert.
To build your credibility, be factual, don't exaggerate, don't lie, be specific, and be reliable.
11) A parental tone is ________.
A) warm and concerned, and is the ideal tone for downward requests
B) firm and honest, and is the ideal tone for all persuasive messages
C) scolding and bossy, and should not be used in persuasive messages
D) too soft and patient, and should not be used in persuasive messages
E) accurate and factual, and ideal for use in persuasive messages

Answer: C
C) When you write to people inside or outside your organization, use a friendly, open tone. A
parental tone scolds or tells readers what to do.
12) An arrogant tone is ________.
A) appropriate only for messages sent by managers to people below them in the
organizational hierarchy
B) indicative of confidence and can be used to build credibility
C) positive and enthusiastic and should be used in direct sales messages to build interest
D) considered appropriate for use in business settings in Western countries like the United
E) one that is condescending, which quickly alienates your audience and thus should not be
used in persuasive messages
Answer: E
E) An arrogant tone is one that is condescending, which quickly alienates your audience.
Instead, communicate with people in a reasonable and direct manner.
13) A stuffy tone, which shouldn't be used in persuasive messages, is one in which the author
A) tries too hard to make his messages come across as important
B) offers too many discounts, making his product seem cheap
C) attempts humor that some people may judge as offensive and ill-advised
D) speaks in a scolding, bossy tone
E) adopts a condescending tone that alienates the audience
Answer: A
A) A stuffy tone is one people sometimes mistakenly use to make their messages sound more
14) Which of the following is an appropriate tone to use in persuasive messages?
A) parental
B) demanding
C) stuffy
D) enthusiastic

E) condescending
Answer: D
D) When communicating a persuasive message it is best to avoid parental, arrogant, and
stuffy tones. Enthusiastic, positive messages are the most effective in this case.
15) Which of the following sentences reflects the correct tone that should be used in
persuasive messages?
A) We expect your order by the end of this week.
B) You are lucky to have this opportunity to invest in our plan.
C) Please ensure that our terms are met.
D) Please let us know what time would be convenient for you to meet us.
E) Buy our product now, or you will regret it later.
Answer: D
D) When communicating a persuasive message it is best to avoid parental, arrogant, and
stuffy tones. Enthusiastic, positive messages are the most effective in this case.
16) Which of the following sentences reflects an appropriate tone for persuasive messages to
someone above you in the corporate hierarchy?
A) Please ensure that I receive a 10 percent hike from next month onward.
B) I expect that my terms will be met.
C) I want to be paid 10 percent more, effective immediately.
D) I deserve a pay raise of 10 percent.
E) Considering all these factors, I propose a pay raise of 10 percent.
Answer: E
E) When you need to persuade someone above you in the corporate hierarchy, you may have
to tread lightly by making your request sound more like a suggestion than a demand. It also
means using phrases such as, "It might be a good idea to …" or "I recommend that we …" or
"My research shows that …. " Phrases such as these show that you are aware that the
individual you are communicating with is still the person in charge.
17) When trying to persuade your superiors, avoid ________.
A) outlining a problem and then offering a solution
B) adopting a demanding tone when making your request

C) using phrases such as, "It might be a good idea to …" or "I recommend that we …"
D) treading lightly
E) making your request sound more like a suggestion
Answer: B
B) When you need to persuade someone above you in the corporate hierarchy, you may have
to tread lightly by making your request sound more like a suggestion than a demand.
18) A persuasive message sent by the President of the town's Ladies Club to the Mayor
requesting him to be the guest of honor at their annual fundraising bake-a-thon would
constitute a(n) ________.
A) request for favor or action
B) press release
C) sales message
D) internal message
E) downward message
Answer: A
A) Requests for favors or actions are messages asking people to make decisions or take some
19) External requests are requests made ________.
A) by a superior to a subordinate
B) of people outside your country or geographic region
C) to people down the organizational hierarchy
D) of people and firms outside your organization
E) to coworkers on the same organizational level
Answer: D
D) External requests are requests made of people and firms outside your organization. The
AIDA approach is good for formulating external messages that are designed to be persuasive.
20) Which of the following persuasive messages constitutes an external request?
A) An e-mail sent by an employee in the U.S. requesting his manager in Germany for a pay

B) A letter written by a manager to his team members spread across the country requesting
them to put in extra hours to expedite an important project.
C) A letter written by the manager of a company to the manager of a bank requesting an
extension on a loan taken by the company.
D) An e-mail sent by the Human Resources manager of a company to the Finance manager of
the company requesting an increase in the budget of his department.
E) A letter sent by the CEO of a company to all the Vice-Presidents, requesting them to forgo
their bonuses for the year.
Answer: C
C) External requests are requests made of people and firms outside your organization. The
AIDA approach is good for formulating external messages that are designed to be persuasive.
21) Internal requests are requests made ________.
A) within an organization
B) of persons in other organizations
C) to a select group of customers or clients
D) to an existing customer base
E) within the same country or geographical area
Answer: A
A) Internal requests are requests made within an organization. Typically they flow upward (to
a superior), downward (to a subordinate), or laterally (to a co-worker).
22) Which of the following is an example of an internal request?
A) A letter sent by a manager to the company's bank asking for an extended line of credit.
B) A letter sent by the Chairman of an organization to a group of select customers, offering
them a limited-edition product.
C) A direct mailer sent to all businesses in a neighborhood, inviting them to a free demo for a
D) An e-mail sent by a manager in one company to his counterpart in another company,
requesting an appointment to discuss a particular issue.
E) A letter sent by an employee to his manager requesting a pay raise.
Answer: E

E) Internal requests are requests made within an organization. Typically they flow upward (to
a superior), downward (to a subordinate), or laterally (to a co-worker).
23) When a line manager sends an e-mail to another line manager in the same company,
requesting his input for a project, it constitutes a(n) ________ request.
A) external
B) upward
C) lateral
D) downward
E) negative
Answer: C
C) Internal requests are requests made within an organization. Typically they flow upward (to
a superior), downward (to a subordinate), or laterally (to a co-worker).
24) When an employee sends his manager an e-mail presenting his case for being given a pay
raise, he is sending a(n) ________ request.
A) external
B) upward
C) lateral
D) downward
E) negative
Answer: B
B) Internal requests are requests made within an organization. Typically they flow upward (to
a superior), downward (to a subordinate), or laterally (to a co-worker).
25) A manager sending an e-mail to all his subordinates, requesting them to put in extra hours
to expedite a critical project constitutes a(n) ________ request.
A) external
B) upward
C) lateral
D) downward
E) negative
Answer: D

D) Internal requests are requests made within an organization. Typically they flow upward (to
a superior), downward (to a subordinate), or laterally (to a co-worker).
26) A downward request, made to people who report to you, usually already has the attention
of the intended audience, and should focus on demonstrating ________.
A) authority
B) intelligence
C) understanding
D) competence
E) superiority
Answer: C
C) You should avoid coming across as demanding and threatening when you are the superior
in a relationship. Showing that you care and understand will be more persuasive.
27) Direct sales messages ________.
A) are the sales pitches delivered directly by a salesperson to a customer
B) are the slogans at product displays in retail outlets
C) are messages sent by customers to companies, requesting a free demonstration or ordering
a product
D) are sales figures reported by a salesperson to his manager
E) are used by companies to sell goods and services to a large number of customers without
the help of a salesperson
Answer: E
E) Direct sales messages are used to sell goods and services to a large number of customers
without the help of a salesperson. Direct sales messages typically go out by letter or e-mail to
their target audience.
28) Which of the following is NOT a guideline to craft effective sales letters?
A) Study the product you are writing about to make sure you understand it.
B) Craft your letter using the AIDA method.
C) Be clear on your audience and their needs and how they can be met by the good or service
you are selling.
D) Always use shock tactics to drive home your point.

E) Identify your central selling points, or features, that provide important benefits to your
Answer: D
D) When developing sales letters, study the product you are writing about, be clear on your
audience and their needs and how they can be met by the good or service you are selling,
identify your central selling points, or features, that provide important benefits to your
audience, and craft your letter using the AIDA method.
29) Which of the following sentences would be most effective in getting the attention of the
audience when used at the beginning of a direct sales letter?
A) How would you like to make $2000 a week, working from home?
B) This is with regard to our project "WFH."
C) Our new product has recently been launched.
D) Our company is in the business of home security.
E) Please consider our new product for purchase.
Answer: A
A) While developing a sales letter, try to get the attention of the reader at the outset by
making an offer or a promise, asking a question, revealing an interesting or little-known fact,
or by using a testimonial from a previous buyer of the product.
30) Which of the following is NOT a means of building the reader's interest in a product
being presented in a direct sales letter?
A) Describe the product or service clearly and simply.
B) Describe the selling points of the product.
C) Appeal to the reader's emotions.
D) Build appeal with facts.
E) Build curiosity by withholding key selling points.
Answer: E
E) To build the reader's interest in the product being offered through a direct sales letter,
describe the product or service clearly and simply using the selling points, appeal to the
reader's emotions, and then build the appeal with facts.
31) Demonstrating in a direct sales letter how the product or service can improve the reader's
life–either his or her savings, health, confidence, attractiveness, income, or any other positive
aspect will ________.

A) be perceived as pushy and arrogant by the reader
B) increase the reader's desire and reduce his or her resistance to act
C) constitute a legal but unethical practice
D) be perceived as an invasion of privacy by the reader
E) cause the reader to raise objections to the message
Answer: B
B) A direct sales message can increase the reader's desire and reduce his or her resistance to
act on the message by demonstrating how the product or service can improve the reader's
life—either his or her savings, health, confidence, attractiveness, income, or any other
positive aspect.
32) In a direct sales letter, which of the following sentences would be most effective in
reducing the reader's resistance to act on the message?
A) Our product costs $200 for a twin-pack.
B) For a limited time, the twin-pack is available at a discounted rate of $200.
C) Please contact us to know the price of the product.
D) We would be very happy if you would consider buying the product.
E) This is our first product launch this year.
Answer: B
B) While developing a sales letter, you can share customer testimonials or offer a free trial,
coupon, or money-back guarantee to help reduce the reader's resistance to act.
33) Which of the following sentences constitutes an effective call to action in a direct sales
A) Please call us at 1-800-263-5695 for a limited-time free trial offer or to place an order.
B) We hope that you will be interested in buying our product.
C) We are expecting to hear from you soon.
D) Please do consider buying our product.
E) Will you be interested in buying our product?
Answer: A
A) The call to action in a direct sales message often gives buyers an incentive to purchase
before a certain deadline. The incentives can include discounts, free gifts, and rebates.

34) Direct sales e-mails should ________.
A) contain phrases such as "Free!", "Order Now!"
B) not be used as the hook to grab the reader's attention
C) be considerably shorter than direct sales letters
D) contain several photos
E) have special formatting and graphics
Answer: C
C) Direct sales e-mails should be considerably shorter than direct sales letters. Don't force the
reader to scroll down his or her computer screen to finish reading the e-mail.
35) Which of the following is true about an effective direct sales e-mail?
A) The subject line must contain words and phrases, such as "Free!" or "50% off."
B) It is must be longer than direct sales letters.
C) It must make extensive use of special formatting and graphics.
D) The subject line must grab the reader's attention.
E) It must make extensive use of photos and images.
Answer: D
D) The subject line of the e-mail needs to be crafted very carefully so readers don‘t delete the
message as soon as they see it in their in-boxes. The subject is the hook. It should grab the
reader's attention.
36) Why should the use of phrases like "Free," "50% off," and "You're a winner" be avoided
in the subject line of direct sales e-mails?
A) Because these are usually unsubstantiated claims.
B) Because the use of these phrases is deceptive.
C) Because the use of these phrases will increase the size of the e-mail and make it difficult
to transmit.
D) Because the use of these phrases is illegal.
E) Because messages with such phrases in the subject line will be filtered and sent to the
SPAM folder.
Answer: E

E) Messages that contain certain words and phrases, such as free, 50% off, and you're a
winner, will automatically be filtered and sent to a SPAM folder.
37) Typically the layout of a direct sales e-mail should be simpler than a letter and contain
few or no photos. Why is that so?
A) Because photos and special formatting will increase the size of the e-mail.
B) Because the use of photos and special formatting will cause the message to be delivered to
the SPAM folder.
C) Because the use of photos and special formatting is an unethical practice.
D) Because the use of photos and special formatting will cause the reader to lose interest.
E) Because the use of photos and special formatting will take the focus away from the main
Answer: A
A) Complicated layouts and graphics increase the size of a direct sales e-mail, causing it to
take longer for people with slower Internet connections to open. Additionally, some people's
e-mail systems cannot display special formatting.
38) A(n) ________ is an announcement about your company to the media. This
announcement resembles a news article.
A) direct sales message
B) direct mailer
C) memo
D) press release
E) affidavit
Answer: D
D) A press release is an announcement about your company to the media. The announcement
resembles a news article. The information in the press release might include details about
your firm's new CEO, product, location, or major initiative it is undertaking.
39) A press release is considered persuasive writing because ________.
A) the objective of the release is to persuade more people to buy the newspaper or magazine
B) multi-cultural understanding is critical when crafting marketing presentations
C) the structure of a press release resembles that of a news article
D) a press release follows the AIDA format of organization

E) the purpose of the release is to persuade the media to publish or air a story on your
Answer: E
E) A press release is considered to be persuasive writing because the purpose of a press
release is to create interest about your company so that the media either publishes or airs the
information or does a followup story on it.
40) Which of the following is true about press releases?
A) A press release is typically delivered by hand to a variety of media companies.
B) A press release usually follows the AIDA format of organization.
C) A company uses a press release only when it needs to announce the launch of a new
D) The setup of a press release is exactly the same as a news story.
E) The most important information in a press release appears at the end of the release.
Answer: D
D) The setup of a press release is exactly the same as a news story. It begins by answering the
questions: who, what, when, where, and why? The most important information appears at the
beginning of the release, so that if the receiver reads only the first paragraph, he or she will
have a good sense of whether or not the item is newsworthy.
41) Which of the following elements always appears at the top of a press release?
A) the words "Press Release"
B) the headline of the release
C) the release date
D) the boilerplate
E) contact information
Answer: A
A) The words "Press Release" always appear at the top of a press release.
42) The release date of a press release indicates ________.
A) the date on which the press release was crafted
B) when the press release can go out to the public
C) the date on which a new product will be launched

D) the date on which the release was delivered to the media companies
E) the date on which members of the media are invited for a product preview
Answer: B
B) The release date indicates when the press release can go out to the public.
43) In a print press release, the release date typically appears ________.
A) at the bottom of the document
B) at the top of the document
C) in the headline
D) under the words, "Press Release"
E) along with the contact information
Answer: D
D) In a print press release, the release date typically appears under the words, "Press
44) In a Web press release, the release date typically appears ________.
A) in the subject line or at the end of the body of the release
B) along with the contact information
C) after the headline or at the beginning of the lead paragraph
D) in the boilerplate
E) at the bottom of the release
Answer: C
C) In a Web press release, the date typically appears after the headline or at the beginning of
the lead paragraph.
45) The lead paragraph of a press release should consist of ________.
A) little information about the matter so that the reader will be required to read the entire
B) hash marks indicating the start of the message
C) formal text establishing the limits of legal responsibility for the organization issuing the
D) a standard block of text about the organization that appears in all its press releases

E) answers to the questions who, what, when, where, and why of the subject matter
Answer: E
E) The lead paragraph is the most important paragraph in the press release. It should answers
the questions who, what, when, where, and why—everything a media outlet would need to
run the story as it is written.
46) The body of the press release should ________.
A) accurately support the claims made in the lead paragraph
B) be two pages or longer
C) contain the release date
D) contain a standard block of information about the organization that appears in all the press
E) contain formal text establishing the limits of legal responsibility for the organization
Answer: A
A) The body of the release should accurately support the claims made in the lead paragraph.
Shorter is better. Try to say what you need to say in one page or less.
47) In a press release, the boilerplate is ________.
A) the section that elaborates upon the contents of the lead paragraph
B) used at the beginning of the lead paragraph to grab the reader's attention
C) rarely used as it could turn off readers by its aggressive tone
D) a standard block of text about the organization releasing the information
E) used to answer the questions who, what, when, where, and why of the subject matter
Answer: D
D) The boilerplate in a press release is a standard block of text about the organization
releasing the information. It appears in all of the firm's press releases.
48) In order to make sure that your persuasive messages are responsible, you should use
A) circular reasoning
B) overselling
C) euphemisms

D) facts
E) manipulations
Answer: D
D) In order to ensure that your persuasive messages are responsible and ethical, you should
stick to the facts and avoid distorting them to get your point across.
49) To develop ethical persuasive messages, ________.
A) try to incorporate overselling as a tactic
B) use circular reasoning
C) make statements indicating one event caused another if the first event occurred before the
D) always back up claims with evidence
E) always use euphemisms in place of negative words
Answer: D
D) When developing persuasive messages, always back up the claims made in the message
with solid evidence.
50) Ethical persuasive messages should avoid ________.
A) giving evidence for claims
B) the use of euphemisms
C) pointing out an actual link between events
D) listing facts
E) citing reasons for statements
Answer: B
B) Ethical messages are cheapened by the use of vague euphemisms. Plus, most euphemisms
are so common that people see right through them.
51) All of the following are guidelines for developing ethical persuasive messages, EXCEPT
to ________.
A) use circular reasoning
B) avoid the use of euphemisms
C) include evidence for claims

D) not mischaracterize cause and effect
E) stick to the facts
Answer: A
A) When you cite a reason for a statement in a persuasive message, make sure the reason is
not simply repeating the statement, resulting in circular reasoning.
52) Which of the following is a sentence that can be used in an ethical persuasive message?
A) Ever since this product was launched, the nation's economy has been on the mend.
B) This is the greatest invention since the wheel!
C) Eight out of ten members of the City council have signed our petition.
D) This product is guaranteed to succeed because it cannot fail!
E) As a result of recent right-sizing measures, our company is in good shape.
Answer: C
C) This sentence makes a claim that is backed up with specific, verifiable evidence.
53) Which of the following sentences can form part of an ethical persuasive message?
A) Our product is best because it is better than all the rest!
B) Our car was voted the best in its class by "Auto Nation."
C) The number of tourists visiting beaches spiked soon after the launch of our sunscreen
D) Your child could get lost or kidnapped; track her down with our GPS system!
E) Consumers love our new product!
Answer: B
B) This sentence sticks to the facts.
54) Which of the following statements could be used ethically in a persuasive message?
A) "The Health Report", a respected peer-reviewed journal, noted in its August issue that the
use of the new medication has resulted in a fall in the incidence of acute asthma in the
B) Asthma can cause death; use our new medication and save your child's life.
C) This asthma drug is the most important medical breakthrough in history.

D) The new medication was launched in April and the May issue of "Health" magazine
reported a sharp decline in the incidence of acute asthma in the population.
E) This medication is a favorite among doctors across the country.
Answer: A
A) This sentence establishes a clear link between cause and effect by offering objective
evidence for such a link.
55) "Two weeks after our "Visit Wine Country" campaign was launched, the number of
tourists to the region increased markedly." Which of the following facts must necessarily be
established in order to support the cause and effect relationship implied in this message?
A) The number of tourists visiting the area went up by 10 percent after the launch of the
"Visit Wine Country" campaign.
B) Most tourists said that they came to the region after being influenced by the "Visit Wine
Country" campaign.
C) The release of the "Visit Wine Country" campaign preceded the increase in the number of
tourists to the region.
D) The local communities expressed great appreciation and pledged their support for the
"Visit Wine Country" campaign.
E) The "Visit Wine Country" campaign kicked off two weeks before the start of the tourist
season in the region.
Answer: B
B) This information establishes an actual link between the two events and proves that the
increase in the number of tourists was caused by the "Visit Wine Country" campaign.
56) ________ is the process of influencing people in unfair or devious ways.
A) Persuasion
B) Promotion
C) Induction
D) Deduction
E) Manipulation
Answer: E
E) Manipulation is the process of influencing people in unfair or devious ways. Manipulative
messages often prey upon people's fears or their ignorance.

57) "Are you over 40 years of age? Does your job expose you to high levels of stress? Do you
get little or no physical exercise? If you answered "Yes" to even one of these questions, you
are at a high risk of dying of heart disease or being paralyzed by a stroke. Talk to your doctor
about Cholstat, the revolutionary new cholesterol medication from Healthplus." From an
ethical perspective, what is the best criticism of this statement?
A) It uses positive terms to disguise an ugly truth in order to make the message more
acceptable to the audience.
B) It supports a claim by offering a repetition of the same statement as evidence.
C) It promises more than the product can actually deliver.
D) It attempts to unfairly influence people by playing on their fears or ignorance.
E) It fails to guarantee the effectiveness of the product.
Answer: D
D) This message unfairly and deviously plays on the fears or ignorance of the readers to
influence them to purchase the product, thus engaging in manipulation.
58) ________ substitutes a mild or vague expression for a potentially negative or offensive
A) Circular reasoning
B) A metaphor
C) A euphemism
D) An analogy
E) A simile
Answer: C
C) A euphemism substitutes a mild or vague expression for a potentially negative or
offensive one.
59) A(n) ________ is a comparison between two ideas or things.
A) deduction
B) circular reasoning
C) induction
D) analogy
E) generalization
Answer: D

D) An analogy is a comparison between two ideas or things. An analogy can be drawn in a
persuasive message by starting with an example that your audience can relate to, and then
comparing it to something new.
60) "Do you remember how much fun it was visiting your grandparents in summer? Do you
remember how welcome and pampered you felt? You must remember the wonderful homecooked food! Well, you'll feel pretty much the same way at "Ashton Hill Bed and Breakfast",
a cozy family place run by an old retired couple who make the best blueberry pancakes in all
of Maine." Identify the device used in this message to create logical appeal.
A) analogy
B) circular reasoning
C) generalization
D) validation
E) induction
Answer: A
A) An analogy is a comparison between two ideas or things. An analogy can be drawn in a
persuasive message by starting with an example that your audience can relate to, and then
comparing it to something new.
61) ________ is a reasoning process that begins with a general idea and moves toward a more
specific conclusion.
A) Circular reasoning
B) Deduction
C) Analogy
D) Induction
E) Manipulation
Answer: B
B) Deduction is a reasoning process that begins with a general idea and moves toward a more
specific conclusion.
62) ________ is a process of reasoning where you begin with specific details and move
towards a general conclusion.
A) Circular reasoning
B) Deduction

C) Analogy
D) Induction
E) Manipulation
Answer: D
D) Induction is a process of reasoning that is the opposite of deduction. You begin with
specific details and move towards a general conclusion.
63) In a persuasive message for a Western audience, where should a visual image be placed
on a page to best get attention?
A) top left corner
B) bottom left corner
C) top right corner
D) bottom right corner
E) bottom center
Answer: A
A) People in Western societies read from left to right and top to bottom. Consequently,
images in the top-left or center of a page or TV or computer screen are most noticeable to us.
64) When a combination of images needs to be used in a persuasive message, the image most
crucial to message should be ________.
A) at the top right of the page or screen
B) the smallest
C) the largest
D) to the right of all the other images
E) at the bottom left of the page or screen
Answer: C
C) When using images in a persuasive messages, it must be remembered that when we see a
combination of images, we first notice large ones and then small ones.
65) When choosing images to include in a persuasive message, it must be remembered that
images that include ________ are particularly powerful.
A) faces

B) landscapes
C) hands
D) technology
E) monuments
Answer: A
A) Most people respond to faces, so images that include faces are particularly powerful.
66) People like to work with people who help them. Which one of Cialdini's principles of
persuasion does this statement reflect?
A) the principle of authority
B) the principle of scarcity
C) the principle of reciprocity
D) the principle of social proof
E) the principle of commitment and consistency
Answer: C
C) The principle of reciprocity implies "give and take." When someone gives us something
for free, we tend to feel obligated to reciprocate. Thus it follows that we like to work with
people who help us.
67) The audience for an advertisement for a new allergy medication is more easily persuaded
to buy the product when a respected medical practitioner comes on screen to vouch for its
effectiveness. Which of the following of Cialdini's principles of persuasion is reflected in this
A) the principle of authority
B) the principle of scarcity
C) the principle of commitment
D) the principle of consistency
E) the principle of social proof
Answer: A
A) The principle of authority states that people listen to others when they respect their
judgment, actions, and results they get.

68) When a car manufacturer launches a limited-edition version of its best-selling luxury
sedan, it is hoping to leverage Cialdini's principle of ________ to persuade consumers to buy
the product.
A) reciprocity
B) consistency
C) commitment
D) social proof
E) scarcity
Answer: E
E) Telling people there are only few products left to be purchased is the idea behind the
scarcity principle. Consumers are more likely to respond to messages that offer unique and
limited opportunities.
69) Cialdini's principle of commitment and ________ states that people are more likely to
stick with their decisions when they commit to them publicly and that they prefer to rely on
previous decisions when making new ones.
A) conformity
B) consistency
C) creativity
D) complacency
E) credibility
Answer: B
B) The principle of commitment and consistency states two things. One, that people like
consistency and dislike contradictions. They prefer to rely on previous decisions when
making new ones. Second, it states that people are more likely to stick with their decisions
when they commit to them publicly.
70) A company that uses testimonials from happy customers in their persuasive messages
hopes to leverage Cialdini's principle of ________.
A) scarcity
B) authority
C) commitment
D) reciprocity
E) social proof

Answer: E
E) According to the principle of social proof, people buy, do, or believe things when they see
other people like them doing the same. Companies often use testimonials and images of
happy customers in their marketing materials for this reason.
71) A persuasive message is a message that influences readers to change their beliefs or to
take action.
Answer: True
A persuasive message is a message that influences readers to change their beliefs or to take
72) The use of shock tactics in persuasive messages results in long-term change in the
attitudes and behaviors of the audience.
Answer: False
The idea behind the use of a shock tactics is that the audience reacts at an emotional level.
Such gut-level responses are rarely long lasting and do not necessarily result in long-term
73) Always end your persuasive messages with an attention-grabbing question, fact, or
Answer: False
Persuasive messages should always end with a "call to action." Motivate the receiver to take
action by making a reasonable, precise request—to call you, e-mail you, make a purchase or
donation, and so forth.
74) When you are trying to persuade people who report to you at work, it is best to adopt a
parental tone.
Answer: False
When you write to people inside or outside your organization, use a friendly, open tone. A
parental tone scolds or tells readers what to do.
75) Avoid offering solutions to problems that you bring to the notice of your superiors so as
to show that you are aware that the individual you are communicating with is still the person
in charge.
Answer: False

Avoid bringing problems to your superiors without offering solutions to them. You may have
to tread lightly by making your request sound more like a suggestion than a demand by using
phrases such as, "It might be a good idea to …" or "I recommend that we …" or "My research
shows that …. "
76) A letter to a college board asking for permission to shoot a film at the campus is an
example of a request for favor or actions.
Answer: True
Requests for favors or actions are messages asking people to make decisions or take some
77) The AIDA approach is not appropriate for formulating external messages that are
designed to be persuasive.
Answer: False
External requests are requests made of people and firms outside your organization. The
AIDA approach is good for formulating external messages that are designed to be persuasive.
78) Twitter is now being effectively used to send out direct sales messages.
Answer: True
Explanation: Direct sales messages typically go out by letter or e-mail to their target
audience. They also can be effectively sent via Twitter.
79) A direct sales letter should open with a clear call to action.
Answer: False
Direct sales letters should follow the AIDA format. Therefore, the letters should open with an
attention grabbing offer, promise, question, or testimonial.
80) The subject lines of direct sales e-mails should contain phrases such as free, 50% off, and
special offer, to immediately catch the reader's attention.
Answer: False
Direct sales e-mails that contain certain words and phrases, such as free, 50% off, and you're
a winner, will automatically be filtered and sent to a SPAM folder.
81) Direct sales e-mails should be considerably shorter than direct sales letters.
Answer: True

Direct sales e-mails should be considerably shorter than direct sales letters so that the reader
can read the mail without having to scroll down his or her computer screen.
82) The setup of a press release is exactly the same as that of a news story.
Answer: True
The setup of a press release is exactly the same as a news story. It begins by answering the
questions: who, what, when, where, and why?
83) A press release always ends with the name and contact information of the organization
that produced it.
Answer: True
A press release always ends with the name and contact information of the organization that
produced it.
84) "Immediately after our product was launched, the national GDP of the United States saw
a marked increase." This is an ethical statement to make in a persuasive message if the first
event occurred before the second.
Answer: False
The mere fact that one event preceded another is not enough to establish a clear causal
relationship between the two. It must also be confirmed that the first event actually caused the
second event.
85) When developing ethical persuasive messages, one should use euphemisms to soften the
impact of negative words or negative news.
Answer: False
Ethical messages should avoid the use of euphemisms. They often cheapen the messages and
most euphemisms are so common that people see right through them.
86) An analogy is a comparison between two ideas or things.
Answer: True
An analogy is a comparison between two ideas or things. In a persuasive message, this
involves starting with an example that your audience can relate to, and then comparing it to
something new.

87) A persuasive message that employs a structure involving an induction can be quite useful
if the conclusion of the message is somewhat negative.
Answer: True
The use of induction in a persuasive message can be quite useful if the conclusion of the
message is somewhat negative.
88) Images in the top-right corner of a page or computer screen are most noticeable to
Western audiences.
Answer: False
People in Western societies read from left to right and top to bottom. Consequently, images
in the top-left or center of a page or TV or computer screen are most noticeable to us.
89) "Hurry! Limited stocks!" is a statement in a sales letter that utilizes Cialdini's principle of
Answer: False
Telling people there are only few products left to be purchased is the idea behind the scarcity
principle. The principle of commitment and consistency states that people like consistency
and dislike contradictions and that they are more likely to stick with their decisions when
they commit to them publicly.
90) The use of the principle of social proof in persuasive messages is not ethical.
Answer: False
Even though the principle of social proof can be abused, companies often use the principle of
social proof ethically by including testimonials and images of happy customers in their
marketing materials.
91) What are persuasive messages? Give two examples of business situations in which
persuasive messages are used.
Answer: A persuasive message is a message that persuades readers to change their beliefs or
to take action. We all use persuasion at one time or another, whether we do so formally or
informally. In business, for instance, a salesperson could write a letter to a prospective
customer to persuade him to purchase a product. The President of a company writing to a
school board for permission to conduct a workshop in the school is also an example of a
persuasive message.
92) Explain the AIDA format in terms of its use in persuasive messages.

Answer: One of the best ways to craft a persuasive message is through the use of the AIDA
structure. AIDA is an acronym that stands for attention, interest, desire, and action.
1) Attention: Grab the attention of your audience members by surprising them, questioning
them, or confronting them. An attention-getting opening ensures that a reader of a written
message doesn't throw your letter in the trash or delete your e-mail message. Metaphors, a
figure of speech comparing two unlike things that actually have something in common, is a
useful way of getting attention. Shock tactics can also be used, although sparingly and only
after assessing the audience.
2) Interest: Once you have your audience's attention, your message needs to build interest by
appealing to both logic and emotion. Facts, expert opinions, and examples work well when it
comes to appealing to people's logic. Testimonials and stories work well for emotional
3) Desire: The next step is to get your receivers to want, or desire, what you are presenting.
First, explain what's in your message for them or what's "not in it for them" if they don't act
upon what you are suggesting. To overcome resistance, lay out well-reasoned facts and
arguments that address the receiver's objections. By doing this, you also boost your
4) Action: Always end your message with a "call to action." Motivate the receiver to take
action by making a reasonable, precise request—to call you, e-mail you, make a purchase or
donation, and so forth. With no call to action or a poor call to action, the reader is likely to
read your message and then do nothing.
93) List and briefly explain with examples the three tones to be avoided in persuasive
messages. Also provide corresponding sentences demonstrating the appropriate tone.
Answer: In a persuasive message, how you say something—the tone you use—is just as
important as what you say. You should avoid these three tones in persuasive messages:
parental, arrogant, and stuffy tones.
1) Parental: When you write to people inside or outside your organization, use a friendly,
open tone. A parental tone scolds or tells readers what to do. For instance, avoid saying "I
expect you to agree to this request," and say instead, "I hope that you will agree to this
2) Arrogance: An arrogant tone is one that is condescending, which quickly alienates the
audience. Instead, communicate with people in a reasonable and direct manner. So, avoid
saying, "Do yourself a favor and buy our product," and say instead "Please contact us to find
out how you can boost your revenues by using our product."
3) Stuffy: A stuffy tone is one people sometimes mistakenly use to make their messages
sound more important. Instead of saying "Consequent to your request for additional
information, a price list of our products is enclosed for your reference," say "We have
attached a price list of our products, as you requested."
94) What are the two main differences between the construction of direct sales e-mails and
directs sales letters?

Answer: Constructing a direct sales e-mail is similar to constructing a direct sales letter.
However, there are two main differences:
1) Subject Line: The subject line of the e-mail needs to be crafted very carefully so readers
don‘t delete the message as soon as they see it in their in-boxes. The subject is the hook and
should grab the reader's attention. Pay attention to the words you use in the subject line.
Messages that contain certain words and phrases, such as free, 50% off, and you're a winner,
will automatically be filtered and sent to a SPAM folder.
2) Length: Direct sales e-mails should be considerably shorter than direct sales letters. Don't
force the reader to scroll down his or her computer screen to finish reading the e-mail.
Typically the layout should be simpler than a letter and contain few or no photos.
Complicated layouts and graphics increase the size of the e-mail, causing it to take longer for
people with slower Internet connections to open. Additionally, some people's e-mail systems
cannot display special formatting.
95) Compare and contrast the format of a press release with that of a direct sales message.
Answer: Direct sales messages are best crafted using the AIDA format. This involves:
- getting attention with an offer, a promise, a question, an interesting fact, or a testimonial;
- building interest by describing the product or service clearly and using the product's selling
- increasing the reader's desire and reducing his or resistance to act by demonstrating the
product's benefits, sharing customer testimonials, offering coupons, free trials or money-back
- making a call to action by giving buyers an incentive to purchase before a certain deadline
through discounts, free gifts and rebates.
A press release, on the other hand, is set up exactly like a news story.
- The lead paragraph answers the questions: who, what, when, where, and why? Thus, the
most important information appears at the beginning of the release, so that if the receiver
reads only the first paragraph, he or she will have a good sense of whether or not the item is
- The body of the release should accurately support the claims made in the lead paragraph in
a concise manner.
- A press release also contains other important components such as the document title, a
catchy, concise headline, and the release date at the beginning of the release. The boilerplate
containing a standard block of information about the organization and contact information
appear at the bottom of the release.
96) Redraft the press release given below in the correct format.
About Pret Fashions
Pret Fashions is a manufacturer and retailer of inexpensive designer clothing for women.
Through our 100-plus stores across the country, We bring you the latest fashions from Paris

and Milan at a fraction of the price. For more information about Pret Fashions, please visit
Pret Fashions to Open its Flagship Store on Fifth Avenue, New York City
Pret Fashions started in 1996 by with a promise to bring "Supersonic fashion—From the
runways to our racks in 15 days flat!" to the average American. Since then, the company has
consistently delivered on its promise and has built a cult following among young fashionistas.
Pret went from one store in Chicago to over a hundred across the country in ten years. The
stores get fresh designs every week. In its 14-year history, Pret has never had enough clothes
left on shelves to have a sale.
Pret Fashions, the pioneers of "supersonic-fashion", are opening their flagship store on
August 18, 2010 at 556, Fifth Avenue, New York. With the opening of Pret's flagship store
on Fifth Avenue, the brand hopes to enhance the Pret experience with 65,000 square feet of
Pret's latest range of clothing, jewelry, and shoes, spread over three floors. This store will
also be the first Pret store to showcase Pret's new range of men's clothing. With a cafe, a
salon, and a kid's play area in this space, Pret hopes to make the flagship store a place for its
young and busy customers to visit every weekend.
For further details about the launch and to get invites for the event, please contact Gina Jacob
at 212-445-3636 or [email protected].
Press Release
August 16, 2010
Answer: Press Release
Pret Fashions to Open its Flagship Store on Fifth Avenue, New York City
August 16, 2010- Pret Fashions, the pioneers of "supersonic-fashion", is opening their
flagship store on August 18, 2010 at 556, Fifth Avenue, New York.
Pret Fashions started in 1996 with a promise to bring "Supersonic fashion—From the
runways to our racks in 15 days flat!" to the average American. Since then, the company has
consistently delivered on its promise and has built a cult following among young fashionistas.
Pret went from one store in Chicago to over a hundred across the country in ten years. The
stores get fresh designs every week. In its 14-year history, Pret has never had enough clothes
left on shelves to have a sale.
With the opening of Pret's flagship store on Fifth Avenue, the brand hopes to enhance the
Pret experience with 65,000 square feet of Pret's latest range of clothing, jewelry, and shoes,
spread over three floors. This store will also be the first Pret store to showcase Pret's new
range of men's clothing. With a cafe, a salon, and a kid's play area in this space, Pret hopes to
make the flagship store a place for its young and busy customers to visit every weekend.
About Pret Fashions
Pret Fashions is a manufacturer and retailer of inexpensive designer clothing for women.
Through our 100-plus stores across the country, we bring you the latest fashions from Paris
and Milan at a fraction of the price. For more information about Pret Fashions, please visit For further details about the launch and to get invites for the event,
please contact Gina Jacob at 212-445-3636 or [email protected].
97) Evaluate the following excerpt from a direct sales letter and discuss the ethicality of the
statements made in this message. Also draft a version of this letter that corrects the ethical
slips, if any, in the original.
"Our product is guaranteed to work because it cannot fail. In fact, ever since the launch of our
product the Dow Jones has sky-rocketed! We are the best thing that has ever happened to the
American economy. It is no surprise then that we are the favorite of American businesses."
Answer: 1) "Our product is guaranteed to work because it cannot fail." : This statement uses
circular reasoning where the reason given for a statement merely repeats the statement.
2) "In fact, ever since the launch of our product the Dow Jones has sky-rocketed! ": This
statement mischaracterizes cause and effect. It is unethical to make statements indicating one
event caused another just because the first event occurred before the second. It must first be
confirmed that the first event actually caused the second.
3) "We are the best thing that has ever happened to the American economy. ": This is an
instance of overselling where more is being promised than can be delivered.
4) "It is no surprise then that we are the favorite of American businesses. ": No evidence is
offered to back up this claim.
This message can be stated more ethically as follows:
" Our product has a success rate of 99.99 percent, making it virtually fail-safe. In fact, studies
by governmental agencies has drawn a direct link between the launch of our product and the
recent rise in the Dow Jones index. "Money" magazine said in its August issue that we were
the best thing to have happened to the economy this year. Hence, it is no surprise that 96
percent of the Fortune 500 companies said that they use and love our product."
98) As manager of a small team of software programmers, you need to persuade your team
members to accept a temporary pay cut for a period of six months to help the company tide
over lean economic times. and to avoid lay-offs. What device would you use to create logical
appeal for such a message? From an ethical viewpoint, would you use terms such as "rightsizing" to describe the alternative to pay cuts? Why/ why not? Draft a persuasive message
keeping these two points in mind.
Answer: Induction is a reasoning process that is especially useful in creating logical appeal in
persuasive messages where the conclusion is somewhat negative, as in this case. When using
induction, you begin with specific details and move toward a general conclusion.
The use of euphemisms such as "right-sizing" instead of the more negative phrase "firing
employees" will not fool most people and will cheapen the message. Therefore, their use is
not ethically desirable.
As you all know, last year, our company's profits dropped 15 percent. Two of our biggest
clients recently filed for bankruptcy and three have been unable to clear our dues. Several
projects in the pipeline have been postponed indefinitely till the economy picks up. Frankly,
the going's been tough. After much deliberation, the management has decided that the only

way we can help the company stay afloat is by cutting costs. And since the bulk of our costs
consist of our salaries, that is where the axe will have to fall. Therefore, I request all of you to
consider taking a temporary pay-cut of 10 percent for a period of three months. The industry
is hoping for a recovery in a couple of months and, if that happens, we should be able to
reinstate all of your salaries at the end of this period. Of course, there is no guarantee that the
recovery will happen as expected, but this is the best option we have right now. We value and
cherish the great team we have here and firing people is the last resort. Your commitment to
the company during this difficult time will be remembered and rewarded when things turn
99) List and briefly explain Cialdini's six principles of persuasion. Wherever possible, give
examples of how these principles can be ethically used in persuasive messages.
1) The principle of reciprocity: This principle relates to the process of "give and take." When
someone gives us something for free, we tend to feel obligated to reciprocate. Conversely, if
we give something to someone, they may feel inclined to give us something in return. For
example, when a manufacturer of baby food sends us a gift hamper on the birth of our child,
we are more open to buying their products.
2) The principle of authority: When making decisions we often defer to other people who are
experts on certain subjects. People will be more likely to listen to you because of your
expertise. For example, if you are trying to sell toothpaste, it would help to have the President
of a dentist's association vouch for your product.
3) The principle of scarcity: Telling people there are only few products left to be purchased is
the idea behind the scarcity principle. Consumers are more likely to respond to messages that
offer unique and limited opportunities. For example, a golf club manufacturer can try to sell
his product by offering a limited edition clubs.
4) The principle of commitment and consistency: This principle states two things. One, that
people like consistency and dislike contradictions. They prefer to rely on previous decisions
when making new ones. Second, that people are more likely to stick with their decisions
when they commit to them publicly. In addition, small commitments tend to lead to larger
ones, so ask for small ones first. For example, some people like to contribute to the same
types of charities year after year, and it is best to have them commit to their pledges in
writing to ensure that they honor their word.
5) The principle of social proof: Social proof is the adult equivalent of peer pressure.
According to the principle, people buy, do, or believe things when they see other people like
them doing the same. For example, companies often use testimonials and images of happy
customers in their marketing materials for this reason.
6) The principle of liking: Most people are influenced by people they like. We like people
who are physically attractive, are similar to us, and who praise us and show they like us.
Look for similarities between you and your audience. By focusing on those commonalities,
you foster a positive environment where you can better persuade. For example, the most
persuasive managers are those who are well liked by their colleagues.

100) You have been charged with marketing "A-Shape", an innovative new range of shoes
from Athlon, a leading manufacturer of sports shoes. The A-Shape has been proven to help
people lose weight 33 percent faster than with standard training shoes. Craft a persuasive
sales message for this product using as many of Cialdini's principles of persuasion as
possible, indicating the principle used in parantheses at the end of the relevant sentences.
Answer: Student answers will vary, but should follow all recommendations for direct sales
messages using the AIDA format and should aim to include all of Cialdini's six principles of
persuasion. A sample message is given below:
What do Angelina Fox, Megan Jolie, Derek James, and Lebron Jeter have in common? All of
them have gone on record to say that their pair of A-Shape shoes has made a world of
difference to their fitness levels. This does not come as a surprise to us at Athlon because
independent studies by several agencies, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, has confirmed that by wearing A-Shape shoes while training, running, walking, or
just running errands, people can lose weight at least 33 percent faster than with standard
training shoes. In fact, Tony Shafton, fitness expert and trainer to Hollywood's biggest stars,
has said that the A-Shape might just put him out of business by making fitness just a matter
of tying your shoe-laces (Authority).
A-Shapes are not just for celebrities. Our star customers are hardworking Americans like you
who are juggling family and work and are trying to stay fit at the same time. We are
committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals (Liking). These shoes which cost, on
average, only about 15 percent more than our regular range, helped Jennifer Jenkins of
Ramsey, New Jersey, a busy mother of two, to lose 6 pounds of post-pregnancy weight.
Jennifer says, "I hardly get time for a fitness routine. So its great that I can just slip on these
shoes when chasing my two toddlers around and feel like I've gotten a complete work-out.
And, best of all, I look it too!" (Social proof). To help you on your path to fitness, you get 20
percent off on a membership at Gold's Gym with every purchase, for a limited time. Plus, you
can also sign-up for a free personalized Fitness Plan on our website where a fitness expert
will work with you online to develop a comprehensive diet and exercise program
These shoes are flying off the shelves faster than we can make them and we have a monthlong waiting list in some outlets. So, hurry and order your pair soon (Scarcity)! The A-Shape
range for men and women is available right alongside our regular range of shoes at your
favorite store and in our exclusive outlets (Commitment and consistency). You can find the
list of retailers near you or place your orders online at, or by
calling us at 1-800-ATH-SHOES.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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