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Chapter 6
1) Making a document look good ________.
A) is more difficult than making sure it has good content
B) is not important as long as it has good content
C) is easier than ensuring it has good content
D) is likely to make you look unprofessional
E) will cause your message to be regarded as superficial
Answer: C
C) Making a document look good is actually easier than making sure it has good content.
Even if your words are terrific, if the message is poorly designed it may be rejected or
ignored, and you may appear unprofessional.
2) Ella has written a flyer promoting her book store's new customer appreciation program.
She carefully wrote and reviewed her message, making sure to get feedback from some
valued customers before revising her draft. Her message is top-notch so ________.
A) she doesn't need to waste time worrying about making it attractive
B) if she has time she can maybe play with some different fonts, but it's unnecessary
C) emphasizing good design will undermine her message
D) she should give it visual appeal to ensure it is not ignored or rejected
E) it it sure to make a great first impression even if it is unprofessionally designed
Answer: D
D) Just as people judge others by appearance and form quick opinions, so do they judge
documents by their appearance. Even if your words are terrific, if the message is poorly
designed it may be rejected or ignored, and you may appear unprofessional. Ella should make
sure her document makes a great first impression.
3) A document that is visually appealing ________.
A) is only possible with the help of a professional designer
B) will make your message seem trivial
C) helps your document make a good first impression
D) always requires extensive formatting
E) is more important than a document with good content
Answer: C

C) Your words might be terrific, but if the message is poorly designed, readers might see you
and the organization you represent as unprofessional. As a result, your message could be
ignored or rejected. Just as people judge others by their appearance and form quick opinions,
so do they judge documents by their appearance. Make sure your document makes a good
first impression.
4) A ________ is the technical name for a typeface.
A) cursive
B) font
C) point
D) serif
E) kerning
Answer: B
B) The two major categories fo fonts are serif and sans-serif.
5) To create a polished, professional-looking document ________.
A) use at least three different fonts for the body of your message
B) use a font 8 points or smaller for body text
C) use underlining in printed documents
D) use white space to separate ideas and define sections
E) do not list items with bullet points
Answer: D
D) What you don't put on the page is almost as important as what you do. White space
enhances your document by separating ideas into manageable segments readers can easily
digest, defining sections, and giving the reader's eyes a rest. A document without enough
white space looks cluttered and complicated.
6) Which of the following is a serif font?
A) Arial
B) Tahoma
C) Trebuchet
D) Times New Roman
E) Verdana

Answer: D
D) This is a serif font, which means that it contains small vertical or horizontal marks called
"serifs" at the end of strokes. The other choices are sans-serif fonts, which means that they do
not have serifs at the end of strokes.
7) When designing a document ________.
A) you should use one font exclusively for all of the text, headings, and tables
B) you should add visual appeal by mixing several different fonts in the body of your
C) it is advised that you select just one font for the body of your message, but using lots of
different sizes of this font will give it a professional look
D) mixing different fonts and sizes of fonts in your message's body will make it look
E) you should avoid using sans-serif fonts for documents that will be read online
Answer: D
D) Once you choose a font, use it throughout the body of your document. Mixing different
fonts and sizes of fonts in the body will make your message look amateurish. However, you
can use different fonts for headings or tables.
8) John is writing a message that will be posted on the Web and read by a wide audience. He
would be best off using which of the following?
A) 14 point Bookman Antiqua
B) 12 point Verdana
C) 9 point Georgia
D) 8 point Times New Roman
E) 1/72 point Arial
Answer: B
B) People of all ages surf the Web, which means your font needs to be visible for people with
less-than-perfect eyesight. To ensure Web visitors can read what you write, use a font size
that is at least 10 points or larger. For most online documents, 12 point is best. To avoid the
problem of unusual fonts not showing up right on people's computers, you are best off using a
common font such as Times New Roman, Georgia, Arial, or Verdana. For online reading,
research has shown people find sans-serif fonts easier to discern.
9) Which of the following is true?

A) Fonts in smaller point sizes are easier to read than smaller fonts.
B) The body of your text should be 10-12 points in size.
C) For most online documents, 8 point is best.
D) One point size should be used in all messages.
E) All fonts are created equal, so 10-point in one font looks the same size as 10-point in
Answer: B
B) Fonts in larger sizes are easier to read. The body of your text should be 10 to 12 points in
size so that your readers can read your text easily. Since all fonts are not created equal, you
shouldn't use one point size in all messages.
10) Which font would be the best choice for material that will be read online?
A) Times New Roman
B) Bookman Antiqua
C) Georgia
D) Century Schoolbook
E) Arial
Answer: E
E) For online reading, research has shown people find sans-serif fonts easier to discern. Of
these choices, only Arial is a sans-serif font.
11) All of the following are true of using 12-point Verdana as your font EXCEPT
A) its size will ensure that it is visible to Web visitors with less-than-perfect eyesight
B) it may not show up right on people's screens, as it's not typically available on all
C) it is an appropriate choice for documents that will be read online
D) it does not have small vertical or horizontal marks at the end of strokes
E) it is a commonly used sans-serif font
Answer: B
B) Though unusual fonts might not show up right on people's screens, Verdana is a common
font that is typically available on all computers.

12) Italics ________.
A) are more difficult to read than standard text
B) should be used as much as possible throughout a document
C) are used to indicate "hot links" on a Web page
D) are appropriate for use in e-mail
E) make printed documents look old-fashioned
Answer: A
A) Italics are characters set in rightward-leaning typeface and are generally used for
emphasis. Do not overuse italics, because they are more difficult to read than standard text.
13) ________ generally used to indicate "hot links" you click to go to another Web page or
part of a Web page.
A) Boldface type is
B) Italics are
C) Underlining is
D) Asterisks are
E) Dashes are
Answer: C
C) In printed documents no underlines are necessary because readers cannot click the link on
a printed page and actually go to the Web.
14) Generally used for emphasis, ________ are characters set in rightward-leaning typeface.
A) boldfaces
B) italics
C) underlining
D) asterisks
E) dashes
Answer: B
B) Do not overuse italics, because they are more difficult to read than standard text.
15) Which of the following is NOT true about boldface type?

A) it is used for the beginning of items in bulleted lists
B) it is appropriate for headings
C) it can be overwhelming if used a great deal
D) it is often used for key terms in textbooks
E) it is recommended for formatting e-mail
Answer: E
E) You should avoid using boldface, italics, and underlines in e-mails. Many people receive
their e-mails in plain-text format, which means the styles don't show up in their messages.
However, you can still make your e-mails look nice with good spacing, asterisks, and dashes.
16) When sending e-mail ________.
A) use underlines for headings
B) follow the same font style conventions recommended for Web formatting
C) boldface type should be used for the beginning of items in bulleted lists
D) format messages with good spacing and asterisks
E) italics should be used to set off key terms
Answer: D
D) You should avoid using boldface, italics, and underlines in e-mails. Many people receive
their e-mails in plain-text format, which means the styles don't show up in their messages.
However, you can still make your e-mails look nice with good spacing, asterisks, and dashes.
17) All of the following are true regarding the use of color in documents EXCEPT
A) most professional documents use only one color for text
B) some documents use a different color for headings
C) too many text colors give a document an unprofessional appearance
D) a sizable portion of the population is color-blind and will have trouble distinguishing
between red and green text
E) a strong color contrast makes it harder for your audience to read your message
Answer: E
E) A strong contrast between the color of the text and the background color is actually
desirable, as it makes your text easier to read.

18) Which of the following would be the best choice to use throughout the body of your
A) blue text on a dark gray background
B) red text on a blue background
C) white text on a black background
D) black text on a light gray background
E) green text on a red background
Answer: D
D) This combination has good contrast and would be effective. The other choices have poor
contrast and would make it difficult for your audience to read your message. While white text
on a black background can be acceptable for headings, it should not be used elsewhere
because it tends to fatigue the eyes.
19) Which of the following should only be used for headings because the color combination
tends to fatigue the eyes?
A) white text on a black background
B) black text on a light grey background
C) red text on a blue background
D) dark blue text on a pale blue background
E) dark brown text on a light yellow background
Answer: A
A) Only use this combination for headings. Elsewhere, dark text on a light background is
20) Being consistent with the colors you use in your document ________.
A) will make your document look like "fruit punch"
B) is unfair to your color-blind readers
C) helps readers scan for different elements in your message
D) is pointless since there are no colors that look the same on all Web browsers
E) tends to fatigue viewers' eyes
Answer: C

C) When you are consistent in the colors you use for headings, body text, and other elements
of your document, readers can see the pattern and are able to easily and effectively scan your
21) All of the following are examples of good color contrasts EXCEPT
A) black text on a white background
B) red text on a black background
C) black text on a light gray background
D) dark blue text on a pale blue background
E) dark brown text on a light yellow background
Answer: B
B) This combination makes it difficult to see the text. In general, dark text on a light
background is best.
22) ________ typically identify major sections in a document.
A) Headings
B) Subheadings
C) Body texts
D) Points
E) Footnotes
Answer: A
A) Subheadings indicated subsections. They should both be clear, compelling, and concise.
23) In general, headings should be ________.
A) five or fewer words
B) no more than eight words long
C) 10 to 15 words
D) exactly 12 words long
E) 16 to 20 words long
Answer: B
B) This is the recommended guideline.

24) Alexander is writing a job posting. Which of the following would be the most appropriate
subheading to introduce a list of the skills that applicants are required to possess?
A) Required
B) Skills Required
C) Skills Required for this Position
D) These are the Skills that are Required for this Position
E) Here is a List of the Skills that we Require for Those Interested in this Position
Answer: B
B) Headings and subheadings should be clear, compelling, and concise. This is the best
choice, as it clearly and concisely describes the information to follow. The choice "Required"
is shorter, but it is also vague. There could be different kinds of requirements (eg., education
requirements, certification requirements, etc.). And in the choice "Skills Required for this
Position," "for this Position," is unnecessary as this is clear from the context of the message
(a job posting).
25) Following the suggested guidelines, if the subheadings in your document are 16 points
A) the headings should be 12 points
B) the headings should be 18 points
C) the headings should be 20 points
D) the body text should be 15
E) the body text should be 16
Answer: C
C) Subheadings are usually four points smaller than headings, but should still be at least two
points larger than body text. So if the subheadings are 16 points, the headings should be 16 +
4 = 20 points.
26) If the headings in your document are 16 points, the subheadings should be ________
A) 12
B) 14
C) 16
D) 18
E) 20

Answer: A
A) Subheadings are usually four points smaller than headings, so if the headings are 16 points
the subheadings should be 16 - 4 = 12 points.
27) You are writing to your supervisor to suggest that your department implement a flex-time
schedule. Your first two headings are "Why the Time is Right for a Change," and "How the
Schedule Will Work." Which of the following shows the correctly formated version of your
next heading?
A) Benefits of a Flexible Summer Schedule
B) Benefits Of A Flexible Summer Schedule
C) Benefits of a flexible summer schedule
E) benefits of a flexible summer schedule
Answer: A
A) Make sure you capitalize your headings in a consistent way. You can use newspaper-style
(capitalizing the first letter of each major word) or sentence-style capitalization (capitalizing
only the first letter of the first word). Whichever form you choose, use it throughout your
28) Newspaper capitalization ________.
A) is inappropriate for headings
B) must be used for headings
C) means capitalizing all the letters of each word in a heading
D) means capitalizing the first letter of each major word in a heading
E) means capitalizing only the first letter of the first word in a heading
Answer: D
D) Make sure you capitalize your headings in a consistent way. You can use newspaper-style
(capitalizing the first letter of each major word) or sentence-style capitalization (capitalizing
only the first letter of the first word). Whichever form you choose, use it throughout your
29) Which of the following subheadings uses sentence capitalization?
A) Composing for an international audience
B) Composing For An International Audience

C) Composing for an International Audience
E) composing for an international audience
Answer: A
A) Sentence-style capitalization means capitalizing only the first letter of the first word.
30) Which of the following headings uses newspaper capitalization?
A) revising the content improves effectiveness
B) Revising the content improves effectiveness
C) Revising the Content Improves Effectiveness
D) Revising The Content Improves Effectiveness
Answer: C
C) Newspaper-style means capitalizing the first letter of each major word. Articles like "the"
are not capitalized in newspaper-capitalization.
31) Which of the following is NOT true about white space?
A) is the part of the document that does not contain any text
B) it gives the readers' eyes a rest
C) a document without enough white space looks empty and simplistic
D) it includes margins
E) it enhances your document by separating it into segments readers can easily digest
Answer: C
C) Actually this is the perception of a document with too much white space. A document
without enough white space looks cluttered and complicated. Try to achieve a balance
between the two.
32) Catherine S. Hibbard, a business writing expert with the Cypress Media Group, makes an
analogy between white space and
A) a crowded buffet table
B) a five-course meal served in a nice restaurant
C) a home-cooked meal served family style

D) fast food eaten on the run
E) a melting pot of food influences from many different cultures
Answer: B
B) Served in distinct courses, the food's visual impact is much greater than of a crowded
buffet table, which is laden with as much food as possible in as little space as possible.
33) Which of the following is NOT one of the top four most effective ways to provide white
A) at the top, bottom, and side margins
B) between paragraphs
C) before indented sentences
D) before and after headings
E) between items on a bulleted list
Answer: C
C) While this is a way to provide white space, it is not one of the top four most effective
34) If possible, use at least ________-inch margins for the top, bottom, and sides of your
A) 0.25
B) 0.50
C) 0.75
D) 1.00
E) 1.25
Answer: D
D) If the margins are too small, text can appear dense and hard to read.
35) Gemma needs to fit her document on one page. With its current formatting, however, it is
spilling over onto a second page. Which of the following would be the best way for Gemma
to try to fit her document on one page?
A) increase the left margin in increments of 0.25
B) decrease the right margin in increments 0.25

C) decrease the top margin in increments 0.25
D) increase the bottom margin in increments of 0.25
E) decrease all the margins in increments of 0.25
Answer: C
C) If you need to adjust the margins, consider changing the top or bottom ones in 0.25-inch
increments rather than the side margins. As side margins get smaller, the line width gets
longer. Studies show that readers prefer shorter lines because they can read them faster.
36) Studies show that readers prefer ________.
A) shorter lines
B) longer lines
C) smaller side margins
D) lines that take longer to read
E) wider text
Answer: A
A) Readers prefer shorter lines because they are easier to read and scan. The readers' eyes do
not become fatigued, and the text is perceived as uncluttered.
37) Always use ________.
A) less space above a heading than below it
B) the same amount of space above and below a heading
C) more space above a heading than below
D) no space above a heading
E) no space below a heading
Answer: C
C) Always use more space above a heading than below it. This indicates that the information
below the heading is associated with it and the information above it is not.
38) ________ columns is usually the maximum number you need for your document to use
up less space but still remain professional looking and easy to read.
A) One
B) Two

C) Three
D) Four
E) Five
Answer: B
B) Using more than two columns won't necessarily make your document attractive or easy to
ready. It can result in columns that are too narrow, resulting in too few words on each line.
39) Which of the following is NOT a way to help improve the reader's ability to scan your
A) using boldface
B) putting text in four columns
C) adding white space
D) incorporating headings
E) listing items with bullets
Answer: B
B) Putting the text in too many columns will make it become very difficult to read. Two
columns is usually the maximum number you need for your document to use up less space
but still remain professional looking and easy to read.
40) Listing items with bullets ________. All of the following accurately complete the
sentence above EXCEPT
A) enables your reader to more easily scan your message
B) improves your reader's ability to get useful information
C) may require additional line spacing between list items
D) is less appealing to Web readers than putting the info in dense blocks of text
E) is a technique for helping your reader skim and scan
Answer: D
D) It is important to use ample white space on web pages. Great information in dense blocks
of text often doesn't get read.
41) All of the following are true regarding graphic elements EXCEPT
A) They can add interest to your document.

B) Used correctly, they can convey information more effectively than text alone.
C) Tables should use a serif font.
D) They include charts.
E) Pictures and charts are considered graphical elements.
Answer: C
C) Sans-serif fonts are easier to read not only on the Web but in tables. Julie decides to put
some of the material from the report she is writing into a table instead.
42) This ________.
A) will make it easier for readers to scan the data
B) means that she should right-justify text
C) involves left-justifying any numbers
D) is best done with a serif font
E) will make it more difficult for readers to compare information
Answer: A
A) Tables are useful for displaying and comparing information in an easy-to-read format.
Readers can more easily scan data in a table than data in a paragraph.
43) If the text in the material Julie wants to put into a table is in 12-point Times New Roman,
she should use ________ for the table.
A) 12-point Times New Roman
B) 14-point Times New Roman
C) 10-point Arial
D) 10-point Georgia
E) 10-point Times New Roman
Answer: C
C) Use a sans-serif font for tables. Just as these fonts are easier to read online, they are easier
to read in tables. You can also use a smaller-sized font than the serif font, and the table will
still be readable.
44) Which of the following is NOT true?
A) People typically read text from left to right.

B) Text should be left-aligned.
C) Studies indicate that right-aligned text is more difficult to read.
D) Names and addresses should be right-aligned.
E) Numbers should be right-aligned.
Answer: D
D) Since people read from left to right, names, addresses, and other textual information
should be left-aligned. Numbers are typically right-aligned so that the ones, tens, and
hundreds places line up for ease of reading and math operations.
45) Which of the following is correctly formatted?
A) $120,000
B) $120,000
C) $120,000
D) $120,000
E) $120,000
Answer: B
B) Numbers are typically right-aligned so that the ones, tens, and hundreds places line up for
ease of reading and math operations.
46) For most Web images, use a ________ file.
Answer: A

A) A JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) results in a smaller-sized file.
47) Matt is creating content for the Web and wants to include an image with animation.
Which file format should he use?
Answer: C
C) If your image is an animation, use a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) file.
48) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files ________.
A) should be used for most Web images
B) result in smaller-sized files
C) are used if your image contains a large variety of colors
D) are used if your image is an animation
E) are not supported by most computers
Answer: C
C) If your image contains a large variety of colors or needs to appear with sharper resolution,
use a PNG file.
49) Which of the following is true?
A) Visuals are less important on the Web than on the printed page.
B) Today file size is not an issue and doesn't need to be considered before posting to a Web
C) Size and formatting issues make it near impossible to post images on the Web.
D) Small files take less time to download.
E) All images posted to the Web must use the JPEG file format.
Answer: D

D) An image's file size does need to be considered before you post it to the Web. Large files
take longer to download, so visitors with slower Internet connections will have to wait longer
for the image to appear on their screens.
50) Which of the following is NOT true regarding visuals?
A) A document's visuals usually consist of charts, photos, or illustrations.
B) Visuals can help break up text.
C) Make sure the visual is large enough for readers to see.
D) When posting visuals to the Web, larger files are preferable for slower Internet
E) Visuals are just as important on the Web as on the printed page.
Answer: D
D) An image's file size has to be considered before you post it to a Web page. Large files take
longer to download, so visitors with slower Internet connections will have to wait longer for
the image to appear on their screens.
51) The last thing to look at when formatting a message is its ________.
A) overall layout
B) font choice
C) choice of newspaper versus sentence capitalization
D) tone
E) grammar
Answer: A
A) Formatting involves the look of the document, not its content. The last thing to look at is
its overall layout, which means evaluating where the text, graphics, headings, and white
space appear on the page.
52) Which of the following is NOT true of centered text?
A) It is fine for headings.
B) It is fine for subheadings.
C) It is fine for standard text.
D) It results in a ragged left margin for a block of text.
E) It hinders the reader's ability to scan blocks of text.
Answer: C

C) It is not appropriate for standard text. Readers prefer left margins that are set consistently
straight so that they can easily scan down the page.
53) ________ text is text with a ragged, or uneven, left margin and a straight right margin.
A) Right-justified
B) Left-justified
C) Full-justified
D) Centered
E) Unjustified
Answer: A
A) A ragged left margin prevents readers from moving down the left margin and easily
reading and scanning.
54) Full-justification ________.
A) involves a straight left margin only
B) involves a straight right margin only
C) involves neither a straight right nor straight left margin
D) causes varied spacing between words, which can distract the reader
E) is the recommended justification for standard text
Answer: D
D) Full justification is text with both a straight left and a straight right margin. The spacing
varies between words in lines that are fully justified, which can distract the reader. This is
especially true when the column of text is not very wide.
55) All of the following are true of text that is left-justified EXCEPT
A) it is easier to read than text that is right-justified
B) it is easier to scan than text that is centered
C) it has more natural spacing than text that is fully-justified
D) it has a ragged left margin
E) it has a straight left margin
Answer: D

D) Use left justification for your text. Text that is left-justified has a straight left margin and a
ragged right margin.
56) To make your document easiest for your audience to read and scan, use ________ for
your text.
A) centering
B) left-justification
C) right-justification
D) full-justification
E) unjustification
Answer: B
B) Use left justification for your text. It allows readers to easily scan down the left margin
and read the text quickly. Also, spacing is much more natural between the words.
57) Using a ________, a temporary table with horizontal and vertical lines, can help you
clean up text and images for a clean look.
A) row
B) grid
C) margin
D) heading
E) template
Answer: B
B) The gridlines can later be removed once all of the copy appears to be lined up.
58) Default settings are ________.
A) unchangeable
B) not available on most computers
C) difficult to activate
D) useable only by formatting gurus
E) automatically in place when you open a new document
Answer: E

E) When you open an empty document, it will already have specific settings in place for the
orientation of the document, its margins, its headers and footers, and line spacing.
59) ________ are predefined formats you can use repeatedly throughout a document to help
you format heads, lists, texts, and other elements.
A) Default settings
B) Templates
C) Styles
D) Special documents with a pre-defined layout, sample text, and built-in styles
E) The settings that are automatically in place when you open a new document on your
Answer: C
C) Highlight the text and select the desired style from a toolbar menu, and your text will be
automatically transformed to match the settings for that style.
60) All of the following are true EXCEPT
A) When you open an empty document, certain default styles are automatically available to
B) Using styles will ensure that all your elements are consistently formatted.
C) Predefined styles cannot be edited.
D) You will save many mouse clicks by using the style menu for your documents.
E) If fonts and formatting confuse you, styles can help.
Answer: C
C) You can use the predefined styles as is, edit them, or create your own.
61) Most word processing programs let you automatically generate a(n) ________ for your
document, complete with headings and page numbers.
A) table of contents
B) index
C) dictionary
D) thesaurus
E) proofreading guide
Answer: A

A) This will save you time and mistakes when you create a table of contents for your
62) Which of the following is NOT true?
A) A template is a document with a predefined layout, sample text, and built-in styles.
B) Templates come with most word processing programs.
C) You can find many different templates available online.
D) You can't work directly in templates; you use them as models for new documents you
E) Templates are the ultimate formatting shortcut.
Answer: D
D) You simply choose a template with the look and layout you like and then substitute your
own content for the sample text.
63) The more documents you read and write, ________.
A) the more confused you will be when you need to create new ones
B) the better writer and formatter you will become
C) the harder it will be to improve your document's readability
D) the less the writing skills of your content will matter
E) the less likely you will be to create an effective message
Answer: B
B) It is a good idea to spend time looking at other well-designed documents to get ideas for
the layout and format of your documents.
64) Ideally you should start proofreading your document ________ writing your draft.
A) no more than a few days before you have finished
B) at most a few seconds after you have finished
C) at least a few hours after you have finished
D) just a few minutes after you start
E) while you are still
Answer: C

C) It is best to have a certain amount of distance from the draft so that you can see it as
another reader would.
65) Which of the following is NOT recommended advice for proofreading?
A) Read the document on your computer.
B) Read the document from top to bottom in one sitting.
C) Read very large documents in chunks in several sittings.
D) Reading the document out loud.
E) Read from the bottom of the document, sentence by sentence, to the top, in one sitting.
Answer: A
A) People read documents more easily in print than on computers. Before you start
proofreading, print the document.
Tatiana decides to proofread her document in several passes. In the first phase she will check
for typos, spelling, and grammar. In the second she will focus on formatting and layout.
66) In the first pass she will pay special attention to all of the following EXCEPT
A) names
B) pronouns
C) phone numbers
D) e-mail addresses
E) street addresses
Answer: B
B) Names, numbers, and addresses are high priority items. They are important because they
lend credibility to your document and if they are wrong, they can cause serious problems for
both you and the reader.
67) In the second pass, Tatiana will ask herself all of the following questions EXCEPT
A) Is the spacing above and below headings consistent?
B) Are the fonts the correct size and type?
C) Are the bullets all the same shape?
D) Are the margins consistent?
E) Is the active voice used when appropriate?
Answer: E

E) This phase is the final polishing pass, and concerns issues of spacing and layout, not
matters of tone and style.
68) Trying to do both phases at the same time ________.
A) will save time without any loss of quality
B) would negate any value of the proofing
C) is just as effective
D) will be far more effective
E) will probably miss something
Answer: E
E) If you rush the process, you will make mistakes. It is a good idea to proofread your work
in several passes, focusing on different aspects each time. If you try to do both checks at
once, you will probably miss something.
69) Print distribution is appropriate when ________.
A) your distribution list is large
B) your document contains lots of color
C) your document is small
D) your document is black and white
E) your document has the potential to be viewed by hundreds or thousands of people
Answer: B
B) If your document has a lot of colored visuals, only people with colored printers will be
able to print them. If the colors are important, you might choose to print the document in
color and mail it to recipients.
70) Which of the following is NOT true about PDF files?
A) PDF files can be viewed by anyone, with any operating system, as long as they have
Adobe Reader installed on the computer.
B) When you convert a message to a PDF, an electronic image, or picture, of it is created in
the process.
C) All margins, footers, headers, and unusual fonts or formatting are preserved in the
D) A PDF file format allows recipients to edit your document.

E) A PDF file is appropriate when it is important for the electronic version the recipient
receives to look exactly like the document you sent.
Answer: D
D) A PDF format ensures that no one can edit your document, which is important when you
send a resume, a contract, or a proposal that you want no one to change.
71) Typos, strange fonts, and crowded text can easily cause people to conclude before they
even read your document that you are unprofessional or don't know what you are talking
Answer: True
That's why you need to pay attention to the layout and format of a document, as well as
proofread it.
72) All documents require extensive formatting.
Answer: False
A multi-page report with charts and graphs or a section of a textbook will require a great deal
of formatting. However, a text message will require very little, perhaps just some spacing and
punctuation to make the information clear.
73) Mixing different fonts and sizes of fonts in the body of your message will make your
document look amateurish.
Answer: True
However, you can use different fonts for headings or tables. Just do not mix and match too
many types of fonts.
74) Using underlines for headings in printed documents will make your document appear
current and fresh.
Answer: False
Underlines were commonly used with manual typewriters to distinguish headings. Using
underline for headings in a printed document can make it look old fashioned.
75) Most readers will assume blue, underlined text is a link to a Web page.
Answer: True

Keep this in mind when choosing font colors and styles.
76) A document's headings, subheadings, and white space can make a difference in terms of
the message's readability.
Answer: True
They can make it easier or harder for your reader to scan the message for important
77) Major headings are generally much larger than body text.
Answer: True
Often the headings are 16 to 20 point.
78) If the margins are too big, the text can appear dense and hard to read.
Answer: False
If the margins are too small, the text can appear dense and hard to read.
79) As the side margins get smaller, the line width gets smaller, making them easier to read.
Answer: False
As side margins get smaller, line width gets longer. Studies show that readers prefer shorter
lines because they can read them faster.
80) Presenting information in multiple columns saves space when you are trying to use as
little vertical area as possible.
Answer: True
Two columns is usually the maximum number you need for your document to use up less
space but still remain professional looking and easy to read.
81) Georgia would be an appropriate font choice for a table.
Answer: False
Tables should use san-serif fonts. Georgia is a serif font, so a more appropriate choice would
be Verdana or Arial.
82) Studies indicate that right-aligned text is more difficult to read.

Answer: True
Consequently, names, addresses, and other textual information should be left-aligned.
83) When inserting visuals, do not allow text to wrap around a picture.
Answer: False
You can allow text to wrap around a picture or place the picture in line with the text. It
depends on the page layout.
84) When evaluating the overall layout of a message you are looking for simplicity, balance,
and professionalism.
Answer: True
The overall layout of a message is where the text, graphics, headings, and white space appear
on the page.
85) Centered text makes it easier to scan the page.
Answer: False
When the text is centered, it results in a ragged left margin that hinders scanning down the
86) You need to be a formatting guru to produce a professional-looking document.
Answer: False
Microsoft Word and other word processing programs have a number of technology shortcuts
or tools that can give your documents a polished, professional appearance.
87) Templates are the ultimate formatting shortcut.
Answer: True
You simply choose a template with the look and layout you like and then substitute your own
88) Typos are not a big problem in business documents.
Answer: False

They can cause big problems. If a flyer advertised a sale price of $15 instead of $150, this
could cause a serious problem for the retailer and its customers.
89) After your message is written, formatted, and proofread, you must choose the appropriate
channel for distributing it.
Answer: True
You can do so as hard copy, via e-mail, or on the Web.
90) The PDF format is a good choice when you want people to be able to download a
document from the Web and edit it.
Answer: False
A PDF ensures that the electronic version the recipient downloads looks exactly like the
document you sent. It also ensure that no one can edit your document.
91) Brigid chooses 10 point Times New Roman as the font for the body of her message. Her
colleague Will advises against this, since her message will be posted on the Web. Should
Brigid listen to Will?
Answer: People of all ages surf the Web, which means your font needs to be visible for
people with less-than-perfect eyesight. To ensure Web visitors can read what you write, use a
font size that is at least 10 points or larger. For most online documents, 12 point is best. Also,
for online reading, research has shown people find sans-serif fonts easier to discern. Not
everyone has the same fonts installed on their computer. Unusual fonts might now show up
right on people's computers, even though they look fine on yours. To avoid the problem use
common fonts such as Times New Roman, Georgia, Arial, or Verdana, which are typically
available on all computers. So Brigid should listen to Will, and consider changing the body of
her text to 12 point Arial or Verdana, as both are commonly available sans-serif fonts.
92) Revise the message below so that it is appropriate for being distributed via e-mail:
Project Details
We are creating a database of 10,000 multiple-choice test items. Subject areas include
trigonometry, biology, geometry, and chemistry. Writers with expertise in one more of these
fields are needed.
Unlike other assignments we offer, this project is not paid hourly. It will pay $10 per
accepted item
Necessary material will be available on 6/15; all work must be completed by 7/30

Avoid using boldface, italics, and underlines in e-mails. Many people receive their e-mails in
plain-text format, which means the styles don't show up in their messages. However, you can
still make your e-mails look nice with good spacing, asterisks, and dashes.
Project Details
---------------We are creating a database of 10,000 multiple-choice test items. Subject areas include
trigonometry, biology, geometry, and chemistry. Writers with expertise in one more of these
fields are needed.
---------------Unlike other assignments we offer, this project is not paid hourly. It will pay * $10 per
accepted item *
---------------Necessary material will be available on 6/15; all work must be * completed by 7/30 *
93) You are writing a proposal for a client who is interested in having your company
redecorate part of her home: her entry way, family room, and guest bathroom. Suggest
headings and subheadings for this proposal.
Answer: Answer will vary; some ideas and examples follow:
Headings and subheadings should be clear, compelling, and concise. When you write a
heading, focus on what your readers need to know as they scan the text. In general, headings
should be no more than eight words long.

94) You are creating a document that will be read online. What would be appropriate font
sizes for the body text, headings, and subheadings in this document?
Answer: People of all ages surf the Web, which means your font needs to be visible for
people with less-than-perfect eyesight. To ensure Web visitors can read what you write, use a
font size that is at least 10 points or larger. For most online documents, 12 point is best.
Subheadings are usually four points smaller than headings, but should still be at least two
points larger than body text. So if your body text is the optimal 12 points, appropriate point
sizes for your subheadings and headings would be 14, and 18 respectively.
95) Is the excerpt below formatted correctly? If not, improve it:
Heading 1
Body text body text body text. Body text body text. Body
text. Body text body text body text. Body text body text.
Heading 2
Body text body text. Body text body text body text. Body
text body text. Body text body text body text. Body text.
Heading 3
Body text body text body text. Body text body text. Body
text. Body text body text body text. Body text body text.
Answer: In this excerpt, the spacing makes it hard for the reader to figure out which text goes
with which heading. Always use more space above a heading than below it. This indicates
that the information below the heading is associated with it and he information above it is
Heading 1
Body text body text body text. Body text body text. Body
text. Body text body text body text. Body text body text.
Heading 2
Body text body text. Body text body text body text. Body
text body text. Body text body text body text. Body text.
Heading 3
Body text body text body text. Body text body text. Body
text. Body text body text body text. Body text body text.
96) Describe the guidelines for creating a table.
Answer: Tables are useful for displaying and comparing information in an easy-to-read
format. Readers can more easily scan data in a table than data in a paragraph. Use a sans-serif

font for tables. Just as these fonts are easier to read online, they are easier to read in tables.
You can also use a smaller-sized font than the serif font, and the table will still be readable.
Since people read from left to right, names, addresses, and other textual information should
be left-aligned. Numbers are typically right-aligned so that the ones, tens, and hundreds
places line up for ease of reading and math operations.
97) What are the benefits of using styles to format your document?
Answer: If fonts and formatting confuse you, styles can help. They are easy to use; simply
highlight the selected text and choose a style from the toolbar menu. The highlighted text will
automatically have the settings for the relevant style applied. Aside from being easy to use,
styles will save you many mouse clicks from doing all the formatting manually. And another
benefit is that it will ensure the consistency of the formatting of the various elements in your
98) Marty argues that typos are small mistakes and it's fine if a few turn up in a business
message. Explain why you agree or disagree with this idea.
Answer: Typos may seem insignificant; misspelling a word or leaving too much space
between words is easy to do, and will probably not completely obscure your message. But
sloppy mistakes like this will make your message – and by extension you and your
organization – look unprofessional. You will look like you either don't know enough or don't
care enough to get it right. There are also some "small" mistakes with big consequences. If
you misprint the price of an item in a sales flyer, you'll have unhappy customers and
salespeople. If you botch up the date of an event or a deadline, all your efforts will have been
for nothing. And if you make a mistake in an address, phone number, e-mail address or URL,
you make it harder, if not impossible, for your audience to get in touch with you and likely
decrease the chances that your message will get results.
99) Jenna has just finished her draft of a long business proposal. It isn't due until the
following week, but she plans to proofread it right away so that she can wrap up the project.
Is this a good idea?
Answer: As with revising, if you have the time, wait at least a few hours after finishing your
draft before proofreading it. This will help give you a certain amount of distance from the
draft so that you can see it as another reader would.
100) What are the criteria for determining the appropriate distribution method for a message?
Answer: After your message is written, formatted, and proofread you must choose the
appropriate channel for distributing it. You can do so either as hard copy, via e-mail, or on
the Web. Identify the appropriate method based on the number of recipients, size of the
document, and amount of color in it.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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