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Chapter 13
1) All of the following are questions suggested for one's self discovery process EXCEPT
A) I like ________.
B) The most lucrative jobs are in the field of ________.
C) When I die, I want to be remembered for ________.
D) In life, I value these things most ________.
E) Contributions I want to make to the world are ________.
Answer: B
B) The other choices are introspective questions that help you learn about yourself, so that
you can then determine which career path will suit you. This question is a factual analytical
one, that has nothing to do with one's inner self.
2) The most rewarding careers will be ________.
A) those with the most prestige
B) the jobs that pay the most
C) the ones that align with your interests and talents
D) those that your family would like you to pursue
E) the ones that have the most employment opportunities
Answer: C
C) College is a great time to start defining your interests and talents.
3) On your journey of self-exploration, if you engage in an activity and decide you don't want
a career in a related field, ________.
A) the experience was a failure
B) you should pursue it anyway since you've already invested the time
C) you have narrowed your focus
D) you have wasted time that you can't get back again
E) you should think twice about self-discovery
Answer: C
C) Eliminating things you don't like is also helpful in the process of self-discovery.

4) When engaged in self-exploration, focus on ________, not ________.
A) progress; perfection
B) perfection; process
C) process; progress
D) efficiency; progress
E) perfection; efficiency
Answer: A
A) Be prepared to celebrate success, make mistakes and learn from them, and appreciate life.
5) When students use college as a way to stretch themselves beyond their perceived
limitations, they feel extremely ________.
A) restricted
B) intimidated
C) defeated
D) empowered
E) confused
Answer: D
D) Not only do they learn more about themselves and others, but they gain experience and
confidence while building their professional portfolios.
6) The Occupational Outlook Handbook ________.
A) contains detailed information on just a few well-chosen positions
B) is not available on the Web for a small fee
C) helps you determine the educational requirements for various careers
D) is published by U.S. News and World Report
E) contains no salary information
Answer: C
C) Published by the U.S. Department of Labor and available free on the Web, this handbook
provides information on the requirements, responsibilities, working conditions, and salary for
hundreds of positions.
7) Personality tests and skill-set tests are ________ rather than ________.

A) suggestive; determinative
B) definite; inconclusive
C) factual; expressive
D) conclusive; expressive
E) definite; indefinite
Answer: A
A) These tests suggest or imply your path, rather than conclusively determining it. View
taking them as an opportunity to explore your likes, dislikes, strengths, and opportunities for
8) You can find career and personality tests in all of the following places EXCEPT
A) books like Majoring in the Rest of Your Life
B) your school's career services center
C) CareerPath Web site
D) JobDiagnosis Web site
E) The Occupational Outlook Handbook
Answer: E
E) Published by the U.S. Department of Labor and available free on the Web, this handbook
provides information on the requirements, responsibilities, working conditions, and salary for
hundreds of positions.
9) Majoring in the Rest of Your Life contains information on all of the following EXCEPT
A) journaling ideas and inspirations
B) effective networking
C) employer expectations
D) self-discovery questions
E) current data on hundreds of positions
Answer: E
E) This information is found in The Occupational Outlook Handbook.
10) Which of the following statements about career services centers is NOT true?
A) they are found at most schools

B) while never free they are generally moderately-priced.
C) sometimes they include an internship center
D) they are generally staffed by professionals trained to help students determine their career
E) they allow you to set up periodic appointments during your college career
Answer: B
B) Their services are generally free to students.
11) When should you send a thank-you card to your career advisor?
A) when she sends you an e-mail about an upcoming job fair
B) after she helps you access personality and skills tests
C) when she gives you a pamphlet about the career center's services
D) after she puts you in touch with an alum in a field you are interested in
E) when she reviews your resume
Answer: D
D) Sending a thank-you card to your career advisor after receiving a lead will make a lasting
professional impression.
12) If your career advisor gives you a contact in a field you are interested in, ________.
A) a thank-you note is inappropriate
B) reaching out to the contact would be presumptuous
C) sending an e-mail to the contact is not advised
D) you can reach out to the contact in a letter
E) if you don't hear back after reaching out, take it as a sign that the contact can't help you
Answer: D
D) Reach out to any contacts via e-mail or letter. Follow up on all correspondence with a
phone call; people are often busy or may forget about you.
After mentioning to your career advisor that you're trying to find a summer internship in
marketing, she gives you the name of an alum who works for a marketing firm in your home
13) When you send correspondence to the contact, ________.

A) it is considered crass to "name-drop" and mention your career advisor by name
B) allude to your career advisor indirectly
C) mentioning your career advisor by name will increase your chance of a response
D) omitting how you were referred will intrigue the contact and make a response more likely
E) including your career advisor's name violates her privacy
Answer: C
C) If you mention who referred you, you will increase your chance of a response.
14) You are trying to decide whether to reach out to the contact via e-mail or a letter. What is
a downside to choosing e-mail as the method of following up a job lead with a contact you
don't know?
A) a corporate firewall could send your message to the junk mail folder
B) it may be perceived as too formal
C) it is less likely to encourage a prompt reply
D) it makes it inappropriate to follow up with a phone call
E) it doesn't allow you to direct the contact to your portfolio or samples of your work
Answer: A
A) If you are an unknown sender, the corporate firewall could send your message to the
recipient's junk mail folder.
15) A few weeks have gone by after your initial correspondence to the contact. You decide to
follow up with a phone call. You should ________.
A) not call, as this will be seen as pushy and aggressive
B) have called the day after you sent it, but it's too late now
C) say something like, "I'm so sorry to bother you and you probably don't remember me, but I
would like to talk about a summer internship."
D) say something like, "Ms. Kleinman, I'm following up on my message regarding a summer
internship with your company. Is now a good time for you to talk?"
E) say something like, "Ms. Kleinman, since I sent my message several weeks ago and have
received no response, I'd like to discuss a summer internship with you now."
Answer: D

D) Regardless of whether you send an e-mail or letter, you must follow up with a phone call
if you don't hear back. Jog your contact's memory with an opener like this. One of the choices
gives a line that is not assertive enough and doesn't refer to your first correspondence; another
gives a line that is rude and aggressive.
16) The practice of ________ refers to the simple act of talking to people you know directly,
or people you know through others, about the work they do, the industry they are in, and how
they got into that line of work.
A) freelancing
B) networking
C) interning
D) targeting
E) shadowing
Answer: B
B) All it requires is a willingness to have a conversation, ask questions, and follow up on
17) Networking ________.
A) involves talking only to people you know directly
B) doesn't include giving information about yourself
C) is unlike anything college students have done before
D) is similar to talking to other students to learn about classes and instructors
E) requires a great deal of instruction before you can be certified
Answer: D
D) Professional networking is a similar process.
18) All of the following are similar to professional networking EXCEPT
A) meeting new people at a party
B) introducing yourself to people in the dorms
C) talking to other students to learn about different classes and instructors
D) joining Facebook
E) registering for a class online
Answer: E

E) Professional networking is a similar process to the other choices. All it requires is a
willingness to have a conversation, ask questions, and follow up on leads. Registering for a
class online is not a social interaction, but rather an automated process.
19) All of the following are recommended ways to start networking now EXCEPT
A) joining professional organizations
B) conducting informational interviews
C) obtaining internships
D) getting to know your college's alumni center
E) researching positions in The Occupational Outlook Handbook
Answer: E
E) This involves reading data on the education and training needed for a position, its
responsibilities, working conditions, and salary. What is recommended as networking is
researching specific companies in your chosen field.
20) If you are interested in joining professional organizations, there is a myriad of online
groups at the Web site ________ you can join to find other people who share your interests.
A) Meetup
B) CareerPath
C) JobDiagnosis
D) MyPlan
E) LiveCareer
Answer: A
A) The other choices are Web sites where one can find various career and personality tests.
21) Most professional organizations ________.
Which of the following does NOT accurately complete the statement above?
A) welcome student members
B) allow you to expand your network in a particular field
C) accept student members as long as long as they can pay the standard membership fee
D) enlist students as volunteers

E) provide opportunities for students to engage in activities that will give them experience in
their field of interest
Answer: C
C) Most professional organizations typically offer special membership rates for students.
22) All of the following are true regarding alumni from your school EXCEPT
A) they may write letters of recommendation for you
B) they can keep you informed of opportunities within their own companies
C) they share with you the common interest of your school
D) they may offer you career advice, but can be of no more practical help in job search
E) active alumni may take an active interest in helping students
Answer: D
D) They can help in practical ways like writing recommendations and informing you of job
23) A(n) ________ is a conversation you initiate with a person in an occupation or career in
which you get to ask the person questions and find out firsthand what his or her job is really
A) professional event
B) informational interview
C) internship
D) hidden job market
E) professional shadow
Answer: B
B) It is a great way to learn more about a position, company, or industry, and can open doors
to a permanent position and build your network.
24) An informational interview ________.
A) is a series of questions and answers to determine if you are the right person for an
available position
B) is an unpaid position allowing you to get experience in a particular field
C) does nothing to build your network

D) can open doors to a permanent position
E) requires you to make a commitment to a career
Answer: D
D) An informational interview is a great way to learn more about a position, company, or
industry,and can open doors to a permanent position and build your network.
25) Lahney mentions to her career advisor that she is interested in broadcasting. Her career
advisor gives her the name of an alum who is an anchor person at a small local television
station. Lahney e-mails the anchor person and asks if they can arrange a phone call so that
she can learn about the business from someone on the inside. Lahney is asking for a(n)
A) internship
B) shadowing opportunity
C) informational interview
D) volunteer position
E) freelance opportunity
Answer: C
C) An informational interview is a conversation you initiate with a person in an occupation or
career if which you get to ask the person questions and find out firsthand what his or her job
is really like.
26) At a dinner party, you are introduced to the host's friend who works as a fashion stylist.
You ask her about her job, what it entails, how she got her start, and what job prospects are
like. You have just ________.
A) benefited from your college's alumni center
B) obtained an internship
C) completed your process of self-discovery
D) conducted an informational interview.
E) given an elevator pitch
Answer: D
D) An informational interview is a conversation you initiate with a person in an occupation or
career in which you get to ask the person questions and find out firsthand what his or her job
is really like.

27) You've identified that you're interested in finance and want to conduct some
informational interviews to learn more about the different job possibilities in this field. Which
of the following would be the least likely subject for such an interview?
A) an alum from your school who works in finance
B) a professor in the finance department at your school
C) a friend who works in the financial industry
D) a recruiter from a leading financial company
E) an advisor from your school's career services center
Answer: E
E) If you've identified a career of interest, find someone in the community currently holding
that position and introduce yourself. Possible people to approach include those who hold jobs
in the field you're interested in, those who teach and educate people in the field, and those
who are responsible for hiring in your field of interest. A career advisor would likely be able
to help you find potential subjects for informational interviews, but would not personally be a
28) When you are setting up an informational interview all of the following are recommended
A) call or e-mail to request the interview
B) ask for about 30 minutes of the subject's time
C) leave it open as to whether you are seeking employment
D) suggest interviewing over the phone
E) let the subject know who referred you
Answer: C
C) It is recommended that you make it clear that you are not seeking employment, just
information and advice.
Bev Jones, an alum of your school, has agreed to your request to meet for coffee and have an
informational interview.
29) What should you do in advance of the meeting?
A) You don't need to do any research about the industry - that's what you'll ask Bev about at
the interview.
B) You should not prepare questions in advance, as this will make the interview stilted and
C) Know enough to be able to ask intelligently about the field, and have questions ready.

D) Don't try to learn about Bev's career, as this may be seen as intrusive and presumptuous.
E) Call Bev daily the week preceding the interview, to remind her of it.
Answer: C
C) You should have a basic understanding of the industry, a little knowledge about the
subject to help build rapport, and a list of questions ready to go.
30) All of the following would be appropriate questions to ask at your interview with Bev
A) What are some of the greatest mistakes you see young professionals make in your field?
B) Do you think you could get me a position at your company?
C) What do you like least about working in this industry?
D) What education and training were required to land the position?
E) What is the one thing you wish someone had told you when you were starting out?
Answer: B
B) Do not put the interviewer on the spot and ask for a job. You will alienate the person and
probably put a quick end to the interview.
31) When you meet Bev at the coffee shop, ________.
A) let her, as the seasoned professional, take the lead in guiding the interview
B) as a courtesy, wait for her to introduce herself to you
C) feel free to record the interview so that you won't have to take notes or type on your laptop
as Bev speaks
D) don't worry about the time; let the conversation take it's natural course regardless of the
E) explain why you're interested in talking to her and let her know you'll be asking a lot of
Answer: E
E) Since you asked for the interview, you should take the lead in introducing yourself,
guiding the interview, and bringing it to a close on time. Ask if Bev minds you taking notes
or recording her. Taking notes is less off-putting than recording a person or typing notes on a
32) As the interview is winding down you should do all of the following EXCEPT
A) ask Bev when you can expect to hear back from her

B) ask Bev if there is someone else with whom you might talk
C) thank Bev for taking the time to meet with you
D) ask Bev for her business card
E) give Bev your contact information
Answer: A
A) At the end of a job interview, it is customary to ask when you can expect to hear back
about the position. In an informational interview you are seeking information and advice
only, and should not put the subject on the spot by asking for a job.
33) After the informational interview it would be inappropriate ________.
A) to send a thank-you note to Bev
B) to hand write your thank you note to Bev
C) to fail to send a thank you note to Bev
D) to contact Bev in the future
E) to ask Bev to act as your mentor
Answer: C
C) It is crucial to send the person you interviewed with a thank-you note - preferably
handwritten. If you contact the person in the future, he or whe will be more likely to
remember you. Also, if you discovered you had a rapport with the person during the
interview, you might consider asking the person to act as a mentor to you.
34) In the context of recording information from the subject at an informational interview,
A) it is not necessary to ask if the subject minds if you take notes or record him or her
B) people are more likely to be open when they know they are being recorded
C) the laptop screen puts a necessary buffer between you and your subject
D) the sound of clicking keys can be annoying
E) recording a person is less off-putting than taking notes
Answer: D
D) You should ask if the subject minds you taking notes or recording the conversation.
Taking notes is less off-putting than recording a person or typing notes on a laptop.The laptop
screen puts a barrier between you and your subject, and the sound of clicking keys can be

annoying. Some people feel intimidated being recorded and are less likely to open up as a
35) ________ are paid or unpaid positions allowing candidates an opportunity to gain
experience in their field.
A) Informational interviews
B) Internships
C) Online job banks
D) Shadowing processes
E) Networks
Answer: B
B) They provide job seekers an otherwise rare peek into the inner workings of an industry or
company before taking a permanent position.
36) ________ are a great way to get information from a professional about his or her job
position and industry, but ________ give you something more valuable: job experience.
A) Internships; networks
B) Internships; informational interviews
C) Informational interviews; networks
D) Informational interviews; internships
E) Networks; job interviews
Answer: D
D) This is an advantage of internships.
37) Internships ________.
A) don't offer job seekers actual hands-on experience
B) are always unpaid
C) give you too narrow a glimpse into a company to help make career decisions
D) may offer academic credit
E) are only valuable if you later enter that field
Answer: D

D) Internships are paid or unpaid positions that allow candidates the opportunity to gain
experience in their fields. Regardless of whether your school allows you to accept pay or
offers academic credit, you goals as an intern include self-discovery, gaining experience, and
making contacts.
38) Danny goes to the CareerRookie Web site and finds an opportunity to work two
afternoons a week in an industry he is considering as a career path. In addition to the handson experience Danny will get, his school is offering him academic credit for the time he puts
in. Danny is ________.
A) conducting an informational interview
B) pursuing an internship
C) shadowing a professional
D) honing his interview skills
E) attending professional events
Answer: B
B) Internships are paid or unpaid positions that allow candidates the opportunity to gain
experience in their fields. Regardless of whether your school allows you to accept pay or
offers academic credit, you goals as an intern include self-discovery, gaining experience, and
making contacts.
39) All of the following Web sites are recommended as sources of internship postings and
resources EXCEPT
A) JobDiagnosis
B) CareerRookie
C) CollegeGrad
D) InternAbroad
E) RisingStarInternships
Answer: A
A) This site is listed as a source for personality and career tests.
40) Anina is searching for an internship online. She is using a Web site that organizes its
opportunities by industry. Anina is most likely looking at which Web site?
A) CareerRookie
B) CareerPath
C) CollegeGrad

D) InternAbroad
E) RisingStarInternships
Answer: E
E) This site posts internships by industry.
41) Approaching a company or organization with your own internship idea ________.
A) is an inappropriate way to pursue an internship
B) will be seen as presumptuous and aggressive
C) requires that you create a formal presentation for the company
D) allows you to take responsibility for your own professional growth
E) is a way to create an internship free from any restrictions or policies
Answer: D
D) To do so, create a brief proposal outlining your proposed activities, contributions, and
measurements for success. Before submitting such a proposal, run it by your career advisor
for general improvements and to make sure it complies with your school's internship policies.
42) ________ involves observing someone in his or her own work environment to better
understand the individual's roles and responsibilities.
A) Conducting an informational interview
B) Interning
C) Shadowing
D) Volunteering
E) Networking
Answer: C
C) Some people shadow a professional for a few hours; other do so for an entire day or
multiple days.
43) Najid is interested in marketing and considering it as a career path. His friend's brother
works as a market research manager for a local firm. He invites Najid to come to his office
one afternoon, to follow him around and observe what he does in a typical day. Najid is
engaged in a(n) ________.
A) informational interview
B) shadowing

C) internship
D) volunteer opportunity
E) research project
Answer: B
B) Shadowing is an alternative to interning. It involves observing someone in his or her own
work environment to better understand the individual's roles and responsibilities.
44) A shadowing experience ________.
A) must be included on your resume
B) can only last a few hours
C) provides a comprehensive look at an industry and position
D) involves sitting quietly, watching, and listening
E) is an ineffective way to gather immediate information about a particular career
Answer: D
D) During a shadowing, your objective is merely to observe unless instructed otherwise.
Make sure that your presence does not negatively affect the other person's productivity.
Because shadowing provides only a limited snapshot of what the position really requires, it
cannot be added to your resume. However, if financial constraints make long-term internships
unrealistic, shadowing is an effective way to gather immediate information about a particular
45) All of the following are true of tracking companies EXCEPT
A) it helps you prepare to meet your professional goals
B) it will give you a solid idea of how these companies are performing in the marketplace
C) it will give you a better idea of the needs of these companies
D) it will make you well prepared should you interview with one of the companies
E) it gives you a rare peek into the inner workings of a company
Answer: E
E) Researching companies by reading newspapers, checking Web sites and blog, and keeping
up with RSS feeds are ways to track companies.An internship at a company would give you a
sneak peek at its inner workings.
46) You can sign up to receive a(n) ________ that disseminates Web content about a
company you're interested in and what is being said about it.

A) online job bank
B) RSS feed
C) network
D) professional organization
E) virtual internship
Answer: B
B) RSS is a Web-feed of information that delivers updated content such as recent headlines
about a company, person, or other topic.
47) Social networking sites like LinkedIn or Facebook ________.
A) are not useful for tracking companies
B) automatically transmit recent headlines about a company you're interested in
C) can help you find contacts within your targeted companies
D) provide a company's mission statement
E) give data on a company's financial goals
Answer: C
C) Use your personal contacts and social networking sites to find contacts in your targeted
companies. Ask these people about their positions. Find out what it is really like to work for
their companies.
48) Reading through a company's ________ is probably the best way to learn about a
company's priorities.
A) blogs
B) newsletters
C) annual and quarterly reports
D) Tweets
E) Facebook posts
Answer: C
C) When a company highlights its goals in its annual report for all of its shareholders to see,
you can bet the firm's executives are committed to accomplishing those goals.
49) Conducting credit checks on potential employees ________.

A) is illegal in the U.S.
B) though legal, is considered unethical and is unheard of at most companies
C) can cause people with high credit scores to be passed over for employment
D) is done for positions that involve handling money or using corporate credit cards
E) is routine for all companies, for all positions
Answer: D
D) Many managers believe that a candidate in financial trouble is more likely to steal from
the company.
50) Your credit score ________.
A) can be obtained in a free report each year
B) must be below a certain number in order for companies to hire you
C) once damaged, cannot be improved in the eyes of prospective employers
D) has no impact on your employment opportunities
E) is private and cannot be accessed by anyone but yourself
Answer: A
A) By law you are entitled to one free report from each agency each year.
51) A low credit score ________.
A) may adversely affect your employment opportunities
B) is likely to impress prospective employers
C) means that you are perceived as financially responsible and a low risk
D) is likely to result in lower interest rates
E) cannot be increased
Answer: A
A) Many managers believe that a candidate in financial trouble is more likely to steal from
the company. Because your credit score can impact your employment opportunities, guard it
carefully by making sound financial decisions. A consumer who has a high credit score is
perceived as financially responsible and a low risk. A low credit score reflects the opposite.
52) If you are not sure what your credit score is you may contact ________ and request a free

A) Google
B) Equifax
C) your local law enforcement agency
D) Indeed
E) CareerBuilder
Answer: B
B) If you are not sure what your credit score is, contact any of the three major credit
agencies: Experian, Equifax, TransUnion. By law you are entitled to one free report from
each agency each year.
53) A candidate with ________ may lose job opportunities.
A) a high credit score
B) a negative online image
C) a clean criminal record
D) a positive attitude
E) drug-free test result
Answer: B
B) Increasing numbers of employers perform Google, MySpace, or Facebook searches to get
a clearer picture of candidates. Oftentimes, they discover far more than the candidate
revealed during the hour-long interview.
54) To maintain a professional online image all of the following should be considered offlimits on your Facebook account EXCEPT
A) pictures of yourself drinking
B) pictures of you wearing a bathing suit
C) pictures of you doing volunteer work
D) posts that speak negatively of past employers
E) references to your dating life
Answer: C
C) The other choices are considered inappropriate. Pictures of you doing volunteer work
paint a picture of a concerned individual who gives back to the community, something you
can be proud of.

55) People with positive attitudes ________.
A) dwell on problems
B) make excuses
C) have doors open unexpectedly
D) indulge in self-pity
E) feel entitled
Answer: C
C) Your attitude impacts every communication you have - business and otherwise. A
negative attitude becomes a habit, and that habit forms your character.
56) The term ________ refers to the process of recruiting and retaining talented employees.
A) talent acquisition
B) hidden job market
C) elevator pitch
D) independent recruiters
E) shadowing
Answer: A
A) This process has changed with technology, with online ads taking the role that newspapers
once played.
57) Online job postings ________.
A) are being replaced by newspapers
B) are more expensive for employers than print ads
C) allow job seekers to search for jobs worldwide
D) have caused job seekers to become less strategic
E) have as a downside the Web's expanded reach
Answer: C
C) The benefit of posting jobs online is the Web's expanded reach. Job seekers are no longer
bound by geography.
58) With the availability of ________, people may not need to relocate to accept a position.

A) talent acquisition
B) telecommuting
C) trolling
D) networking
E) shadowing
Answer: B
B) The benefit of posting jobs online is the Web's expanded reach. Job seekers are no longer
bound by geography and can look for jobs anywhere in the world.
59) The ________ refers to the job openings that have not yet been advertised or made
public, either in classified ads or online.
A) hidden job market
B) hiring freeze
C) elevator pitch
D) online job bank
E) talent acquisition
Answer: A
A) Jobs in the classifieds or online represent only 20 percent of available jobs; the hidden job
market refers to the other 80 percent of the job openings that haven't been advertised or made
public yet.
60) According to the hidden job market, ________ percent of job openings haven't been
advertised or made public yet.
A) 20
B) 30
C) 50
D) 75
E) 80
Answer: E
E) Jobs in the classifieds or online represent only 20 percent of available jobs; the hidden job
market refers to the other 80 percent of the job openings that haven't been advertised or made
public yet.

61) Develop a(n) ________, a 30-second presentation given by a job seeker to outline his or
her career goals and strengths as a candidate.
A) elevator pitch
B) Facebook page
C) business card
D) shadow
E) hidden job market
Answer: A
A) You never know whom you will meet or where. Having an elevator pitch ready will make
you prepared for any opportunity that presents itself.
62) If you find a potential contact on a friend's Facebook page, ________.
A) it is good etiquette to introduce yourself to this person without telling your friend
B) it is appropriate to inform the friend that you will correspond with the contact
C) reach out to the person by inviting them as a "friend," no further explanation is necessary
D) don't mention the work angle until you become real friends
E) be sure to update your dating status prior to corresponding
Answer: B
B) If you find a contact while on a friend's Facebook page, ask the friend to introduce you to
the contact first - or at least inform your friend of your intention to correspond with the
contact. Give a reason for corresponding, and remove your single/married status.
63) According to professional social networking etiquette you should NOT include
A) professional pictures of yourself
B) a reason indicating why you are corresponding with a potential contact
C) your updated single/married status
D) the name of the mutual friend when corresponding with a potential contact
E) your professional profile
Answer: C
C) This information appears juvenile and unprofessional.
64) Online job banks ________.

A) typically require job seekers to pay to view job postings
B) are a much better use of your time than networking
C) automatically update your resume when you change it
D) often provide employers with access to resume databases
E) all use the same standardized instructions for posting your resume
Answer: D
D) Employers can search resumes by typing in keywords of their own.
65) At a(n) ________, invited companies set up booths or tables staffed by their internal
A) informational interview
B) job fair
C) online job bank
D) temporary placement agency
E) elevator pitch
Answer: B
B) The people staffing the booths are prepared to answer questions about the company and its
opportunities for employment.
66) Independent recruiters ________.
A) charge the job seeker for their services
B) are sometimes referred to as temporary placement agencies
C) typically represent companies at campus job fairs
D) do not have direct access to hiring managers
E) are probably unnecessary for job seekers who are good networkers with extensive
Answer: E
E) If your network is extensive it will help you tap the hidden job market.
67) A(n) ________ is a situation in which a company decides not to engage any new
employees for a period of time, even if positions within the company become available.
A) hidden job market

B) temporary placement
C) informational interview
D) hiring freeze
E) shadowing
Answer: D
D) The key is to remain at the top of the candidate list until the "thaw"occurs.
68) If the company you're interested in has a hiring freeze, ________.
A) don't contact anyone there until you find out a "thaw" has occurred
B) cross it off your list and move on
C) ask a contact there how you might prepare for the position during the interim
D) sending notes to contacts at the company during the freeze is considered harassment
E) take a well deserved break from job hunting
Answer: C
C) The key is to remain at the top of the candidate list until the "thaw"occurs. Do this by
staying connected with the people you've interacted with by occasionally sending notes of
continued interest to them. If you ask hiring managers how you can prepare for the position
during the interim they will be impressed by your drive, initiative, and commitment.
69) A(n) ________ is not an employee but someone who often works with several companies
on a contract basis.
A) freelancer
B) part-timer
C) intern
D) shadow
E) networker
Answer: A
A) Freelancing as an alternative to permanent employment can be very beneficial.
70) If you want to use your skills to better the lives of others you might consider checking out
________, a Web site posting nonprofit and international experiences.
A) Teach for America

B) the Peace Corps
C) AmeriCorps
D) Idealist
E) Cool Works
Answer: D
D) Many professionals look back on their careers and regret the time they spent trying to get
ahead instead of choosing their own paths. Consider all opportunities before choosing your
71) You shouldn't start planning for your employment options until you are very close to
Answer: False
Students need to prepare to find jobs long before graduation.
72) Most experts predict that U.S. job opportunities in fashion and design will increase
dramatically during the next few years.
Answer: False
Many experts expect these opportunities to continue to decline, so there will be stiff
competition for these jobs.
73) College is a great time to start defining your interests and talents.
Answer: True
In the workforce you will have less time and opportunity to engage in the variety of activities
you can in college.
74) You can find career and personality tests at Web sites like CareerPath and MyPlan.
Answer: True
You can also have these tests administered in your school's career services center.
75) Networking is exclusively about getting information from other people about their jobs,
their industry, and how they got into that line of work.
Answer: False

It also involves telling people something about yourself.
76) You need to be an expert in order to attend events where you can listen to a speaker and
meet people in a profession in which you are interested.
Answer: False
You just need to be an interested listener who is willing to introduce yourself and ask
77) Your college's alumni center is a valuable resource for networking.
Answer: True
Some of your school's alumni may be prominent professionals more than willing to offer
career advice.
78) An informational interview involves observing someone in his or her own work
environment to better understand the individual's roles and responsibilities.
Answer: False
This is what is meant by shadowing a professional. An informational interview is a
conversation you initiate with a person in an occupation or career in which you get to ask the
person questions and find out firsthand what his or her job is really like.
79) When setting up an informational interview, it is appropriate to invite the subject out for
lunch or coffee.
Answer: True
You can also suggest interviewing over the phone or at their office.
80) At an informational interview, you should let your subject take the lead in introducing his
or herself, guiding the interview, and bringing it to a close.
Answer: False
Since you asked for the interview, you should take the lead in introducing yourself, guiding
the interview, and bringing it to a close on time.
81) All internships are unpaid positions that gain you academic credit.
Answer: False

Internships are paid or unpaid positions that allow candidates the opportunity to gain
experience in their fields. Regardless of whether your school allows you to accept pay or
offers academic credit, your goals as an intern include self-discovery, gaining experience, and
making contacts.
82) If you intern in a field that you don't eventually pursue as a career, the internship will still
be worthwhile.
Answer: True
Your goals as an intern include self-discovery, gaining experience, and making contacts.
83) Volunteering is another great way to get hands-on experience in a field and build your
Answer: True
When you volunteer with an organization, you meet new people and expand your network.
84) Social media is not a good source of information on companies.
Answer: False
Various companies share product information on Facebook, communicate via Twitter, and
make podcasts available for download on iTunes.
85) It is illegal for a company to require mandatory drug testing before they will hire you.
Answer: False
Many companies do this. Others spontaneously and randomly test employees for drug use
throughout the course of employment.
86) If you have material on your Facebook page that you think may not present you in a
professional light, use the security settings to restrict access.
Answer: True
If you intend to use your Facebook account as a way to advertise yourself to potential
employers, make sure its content is professional and not embarrassing. Otherwise, restrict
87) Companies often prefer to fill open positions through classified ads or online postings
instead of having to rely on references from employees or vendors.
Answer: False

The opposite is true. The hidden job market refers to the 80 percent of job openings that have
not yet been advertised to the general public.
88) It's a good idea to use a quirky, whimsical motif on your business card so that you stand
out from the pack.
Answer: False
Keep the motif professional.
89) Job boards should trump social networking.
Answer: False
Using a social networking site to develop contacts within an organization might be time
better spent.
90) During an economic downturn, companies are often more open to freelance or contract
workers than permanent employees.
Answer: True
Companies contract for all kinds of services including writing, design, editing, sales, legal
services, and accounting. Freelancing as an alternative to permanent employment can be very
91) Discuss the following quote as it relates to your job search.
"Dig your well before you're thirsty." Harvey Mackay
Answer: This quote means that you should be preparing for future employment opportunities
well in advance of graduation. If you just get your degree without a thought toward its
employment applicability, you may find yourself struggling to find a job. If you think about a
possible career path you can add courses to your studies that will make you a more attractive
candidate, which is more important than ever in a tight job market. Starting early gives you
time to change course, refine your ideas about your future, and leave college better equipped
for professional life.
92) Provide your answers to some of the questions suggested for the process of selfdiscovery.
I like ________.
When I die, I want to be remembered for ________.
Contributions I want to make to the world include ________.

Things that give me peace of mind are ________.
93) After discussing with your career advisor that you are interested in publishing, she gives
you the contact information for an alum who works for a publishing company located near
your university. What next steps should you take?
Answer: Send correspondence to the contact at the publishing company explaining that you
attend her alma mater and are interested in a summer internship at her company. You should
also outline your skills. Mentioning the name of your career advisor will increase the chances
of a response. If you have a professional portfolio of work, providing a link to it will enable
the contact to view your qualifications. Include your contact information.You can send the
message via e-mail or a letter; a letter is more formal and avoids the issue of a corporate
firewall consigning your message to the junk mail folder. Either way, if you don't hear back
to your initial correspondence follow up with a phone call. Finally, send your career advisor a
thank-you note.
94) List the things you can do now to start networking.
Answer: Read the newspaper and attend events
• Join professional organizations
• Get to know your college's alumni center
• Conduct informational interviews
• Obtain internships
• Shadow professionals
• Research specific companies
• Harriet is thinking of pursuing a career in IT.
95) Her career advisor suggested that she contact George Knightley, an alum who is a
professional in that field. Harriet plans to write him an e-mail requesting an informational
interview. Provide a draft of this e-mail.
SENT: 2/15/11 3:35 PM
SUBJECT: Request for an informational interview
Dear Mr. Knightley:
As a current student at Columbia University, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance.
Ms. Anne Weston in Columbia's career services center suggested I contact you regarding my
interest in the IT field.

As I am early in my college career I am open to many possibilities, so some insight from you
as to the different career paths would be invaluable. Would you be willing to set aside some
time for a brief phone call?
Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Knightley. I look forward to hearing from you.
Harriet Smith
96) She considers an internship as a way to get some hands-on experience and insight into
actual positions in the field. How might Harriet go about finding a relevant internship?
Answer: To research companies looking for interns, Harriet can visit the career services
center at her school for suggestions. She could also look for opportunities at any of the
following Web sites: CareerRookie, CollegeGrad, InternAbroad, RisingStarInternships. If
none of these offer what Harriet is looking for, she can look into creating her own internship
opportunities. To do so, she should create a brief proposal outlining her proposed activities,
contributions, and measurements for success. Before submitting such a proposal she should
run it by her career advisor for general improvements and to make sure it complies with her
school's internship policies.
97) Discuss the implications of a negative online image.
Answer: Increasing numbers of employers perform Google, MySpace, or Facebook searches
to get a clearer picture of candidates. Oftentimes, they discover far more than the candidate
revealed during the hour-long interview. A candidate with a negative online image may lose
job opportunities. What will people see on your page? Will it damage your credibility or hurt
your chances for a promotion? If you intend to use your Facebook account as a way to
advertise yourself to potential employers, make sure its content is professional and not
embarrassing. Other people's postings on your page can also shed a negative light on you.
Pictures of you drinking, smoking, partying, wearing a bathing suit or otherwise revealing
outfits are inappropriate, as are posts that disparage others or refer to your dating life. If your
page reveals a minute-by-minute replay of your life, or if your social networking page
contains a large number of posts, employers might wonder about your work ethic. Many
social networking sites have security settings that allow you to restrict who can view your
98) Come up with an elevator pitch for yourself.
Answer: It's a pleasure to meet you, and a happy coincidence. I am interested in a marketing
position at N.B. Rhodes. I am very excited about an opportunity because I want to apply my
knowledge of researching market conditions and competition to work in the publishing
99) How can you stand out as a professional at a job fair?
Answer: Be informed by researching the companies that are participating in the job fair.

Be prepared with three intelligent questions that will make you stand out from the pack.
Bring your resume and business cards to pass out.
Dress in clean, professional clothing.
Get information about the hiring managers for specific positions, and be sure to get the
contact information fo the representative with whom you spoke.
Follow up with the contacts you made at the job fair by sending thank-you cards.
100) Should you be willing to compromise on your pay expectations?
Answer: During difficult economic times you may sometimes have to make compromises on
your salary. However, these compromises can be made strategically. For instance, consider
offering to accept lower pay for a set number of months before ramping up to your desired
pay scale, or offer to work on a part-time basis. Although dividing your workweek between
two part-time positions might not be ideal, you will still gain valuable experience. Negotiate
an option for the first permanent position should one arise.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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