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Chapter 7
1) Positive, everyday messages do all of the following EXCEPT
A) ask questions
B) deliver bad news
C) respond to questions
D) request action
E) express appreciation
Answer: B
B) Positive, everyday messages are routine messages that deliver good news or neutral news.
They fall into five categories. They are messages that: inform, ask questions, respond to
questions, request action, express appreciation.
2) Positive, everyday messages ________.
A) are written in an indirect structure
B) convey bad news
C) relate neutral news
D) attempt to persuade
E) are irregular
Answer: C
C) Positive, everyday messages are routine messages that deliver good news or neutral news.
3) The ability to write effective, everyday messages ________.
A) is less significant due to remote office sites
B) has not been impacted by globalization
C) has been made unnecessary by telecommuting
D) is more important because of changes in the workplace
E) is increasingly less relevant in today's business environment
Answer: D
D) Most business communication is sent via everyday messages. Changes in the workplace
such as remote office sites, telecommuting, and globalization have reduced the amount of
time employees spend together. Instead of being able to walk directly into a coworker's office

to ask a question, you may need to e-mail a colleague on the other side of the world. As a
result, writing effective, everyday messages is a necessary skill for succeeding in business.
4) Which of the following is a message that informs?
A) a message thanking a colleague for her help on a project
B) a message asking your coworkers when they plan to take vacation
C) a message providing your boss with the data she asked you for
D) a message telling your clients about a policy change
E) a message requesting that a vendor lower its prices
Answer: D
D) A message that informs simply updates the reader. The other choices express appreciation,
ask questions, respond to questions, and request action.
5) A message that updates your boss on when you will wrap up your current project is an
everyday message that ________.
A) informs
B) asks questions
C) responds to questions
D) requests action
E) expresses appreciation
Answer: A
A) A message that informs simply updates the reader.
6) A message that includes answers, which can be as short as one-line responses or lengthier
explanations, is a routine message that ________.
A) informs
B) asks questions
C) responds to questions
D) requests action
E) expresses appreciation
Answer: C

C) Messages that respond to questions can include simple one-line answers, such as a date, a
time, a name, or a resource. They can also include longer responses, such as detailed
explanations, action plans, and recommendations.
7) All of the following are routine messages that ask questions EXCEPT
A) a message inquiring when you will be ready for a presentation
B) a message requesting the time and address for an off-site meeting
C) a message inquiring whether you are free to meet
D) a message requesting the date of an upcoming event
E) a message giving an e-mail address that your boss requested
Answer: E
E) This message provides a response to a question or request that was made of you. All of the
others are routine messages that ask questions.
8) A message providing your colleague with the vendor contact information he requested is
an everyday message that ________.
A) informs
B) asks questions
C) responds to questions
D) requests action
E) expresses appreciation
Answer: C
C) Messages that respond to questions can include simple one-line answers, such as a date, a
time, a name, or a resource. They can also include longer responses, such as detailed
explanations, action plans, and recommendations.
9) Sending a message to a colleague that inquires why he didn't send you the sales projections
by the deadline is an example of a routine message that ________.
A) informs
B) asks questions
C) responds to questions
D) requests action
E) expresses appreciation
Answer: B

B) Messages that ask direct questions and require a response fall into this category. They
might be as simple as clarifying the time of a meeting or as complex as asking for a detailed
explanation of an issue.
10) Messages that respond to questions ________.
A) cannot be sent via instant messaging
B) do not include one-line answers
C) must provide lengthy, detailed explanations
D) are always sent from bosses to employees
E) might give a simple piece of information, like a name or date
Answer: E
E) Messages that respond to questions can include simple one-line answers, such as a date, a
time, a name, or a resource. They can also include longer responses, such as detailed
explanations, action plans, and recommendations.
11) Which of the following is an example of an everyday message that requests action?
A) a message asking a vendor to bid on a new contract
B) a message accepting an invitation to speak at a conference
C) a message giving your supervisor a status report
D) a message requesting an e-mail address from a colleague
E) a message giving your boss the piece of information he requested
Answer: A
A) Requests can range from simple to complex.
12) If you receive an e-mail from your supervisor asking you to create a survey to be
distributed within your department, you have received an everyday message that ________.
A) informs
B) asks questions
C) responds to questions
D) requests action
E) expresses appreciation
Answer: D

D) The requests can range from simple to complex.
13) Expressing appreciation in business messages ________.
A) happens too frequently
B) is inappropriate
C) must be done via e-mail
D) means more if handwritten
E) should only be done if a gift is received
Answer: D
D) People frequently fail to express their appreciation in business messages. This is a
mistake. Writing a thank-you note for a job well done, a favor granted, or a gift received goes
a long way toward showing your appreciation. Although sending an e-mail is acceptable, a
letter or handwritten note on an appropriate card or stationery makes a longer-lasting
impression and will set you apart in the minds of both your managers and colleagues.
14) Which of the following is NOT an example of a message that expresses appreciation?
A) a message acknowledging a colleague's impressive presentation at a recent conference
B) a message expressing gratitude to a coworker for the help she gave you on your report
C) a message thanking your former employer for agreeing to act as a reference
D) a message asking a merchant to exchange an item you received as a gift
E) a message thanking an associate for the flowers she sent you when you were promoted
Answer: D
D) Writing a thank-you note for a job well done, a favor granted, or a gift received goes a
long way toward showing your appreciation. Asking to exchange a gift would be considered
a request for action.
15) People ________ express their appreciation in business messages.
A) never fail to
B) should never
C) often do not
D) mistakenly
E) always remember to

Answer: C
C) People frequently fail to express their appreciation in business messages. This is a
mistake. Writing a thank-you note for a job well done, a favor granted, or a gift received goes
a long way toward showing your appreciation. Although sending an e-mail is acceptable, a
letter or handwritten note on an appropriate card or stationery makes a longer-lasting
impression and will set you apart in the minds of both your managers and colleagues.
16) All of the following will have a positive impact on your career EXCEPT
A) dressing professionally
B) arriving at work promptly
C) displaying proper office etiquette
D) providing action plans and timeframes in messages
E) remembering to always "reply to all" on e-mail exchanges
Answer: E
E) Doing so clutters people's inboxes with irrelevant correspondence, and would be perceived
17) In terms of writing positive, everyday business messages, which of the following is
A) sending lengthy, rambling memos
B) specifying necessary next steps in messages
C) embedding important points in dense text
D) typing e-mails and instant messages in all capital letters
E) using "reply to all" for all e-mail correspondence
Answer: B
B) Effective business communications includes giving people the information they need to
take the necessary next steps in response to your message.
18) Hitting "reply to all" on all your e-mail responses ________.
A) is thoughtful and courteous
B) is required for thorough business communication
C) will positively impact your career
D) gives the impression that you are a true professional

E) overwhelms recipients with irrelevant correspondence
Answer: E
E) Cluttering people's inboxes with unnecessary correspondence is a nuisance.
19) Typing e-mails and instant messages in all capital letters ________.
A) gives the impression you are shouting at people
B) clutters people's inboxes
C) makes it difficult for recipients to understand them
D) is an acceptable way to draw attention to your message
E) gives the impression that you are technologically savvy
Answer: A
A) Doing this makes many people feel that you are shouting at them.
20) A poorly written e-mail ________.
A) will reflect badly on your writing skills, but has no other ramifications
B) is sure to build goodwill
C) might be misunderstood and have negative consequences
D) is fine if you don't have time to do any better
E) may add to your credibility, showing that you have better things to do than spend lots of
time on everyday messages
Answer: C
C) If you fail to make your point clear, readers may be confused and require clarification. It
could lead to people not performing the action you intend. It also could generate ill will.
21) Today's fast-paced communications make it ________ for a person to take the time
needed to write well-conceived messages.
A) challenging
B) easier
C) unnecessary
D) impossible
E) futile

Answer: A
A) However, your communication can still be effective if you remember to plan your
message, use simple language and formatting, and to review and revise it prior to distribution.
22) Writing well-conceived messages in a climate of fast-paced communications requires that
you do all of the following EXCEPT
A) plan your message before you write
B) strive for impressive, sophisticated language
C) aim for simplicity in formatting and design
D) review your message for errors and omissions
E) revise your message if necessary
Answer: B
B) Strive for simple language that will be easier for your audience to read and understand.
Your goal is not to impress them with your language, but to make sure your message is
understood as you intend it.
23) Avoid ________ when you write messages.
A) planning in advance
B) simple language
C) concentration
D) distractions
E) straightforward formatting
Answer: D
D) Avoid multitasking and other distractions when you write messages.
24) Which of the following is true regarding multitasking?
A) It is vital to successful communication in today's fast-paced environment.
B) It should be avoided when you write messages.
C) It will ensure that you communicate more effectively.
D) It will help you prevent rambling messages and misspelled words.
E) It is a great way to save time while increasing your concentration.
Answer: B

B) Avoid multitasking and other distractions when you write messages. Many successful
business communicators set aside specific times each day to send and respond to messages.
By giving this part of your job your undivided attention, you will communicate more
25) Writing quickly and efficiently ________.
A) requires neither skill nor training
B) is a skill that cannot be developed; you're either born with it or you're not
C) can be improved with practice
D) is resistant to training
E) is not worth the effort it requires
Answer: C
C) It takes skill and practice to write quickly and efficiently. The best way to develop this
skill is to learn to distill a message, thought, or idea down to its essence. Reread the messages
you write and find a way to eliminate words, phrases, and sentences that aren't necessary.
26) Which of the following is a way to develop your ability to write quickly and efficiently?
A) Write an e-mail while you are having a phone call on an unrelated subject.
B) Reread an e-mail you received and try to eliminate words, phrases, and sentences that
aren't necessary.
C) Use a thesaurus to find more impressive sounding synonyms for the words in a message
that you already sent.
D) Experiment with different fonts and font sizes to add visual appeal to your messages.
E) Write messages off the top of your head, without any advance thinking about your purpose
or desired outcome.
Answer: B
B) The best way to develop this skill is to learn to distill a message, thought, or idea down to
its essence. Reevaluating messages to unearth their main ideas, and to pare away unnecessary
words will help you do so.
27) Doing which of the following would be most helpful in improving your ability to
communicate directly?
A) concentrating your most important thought into one sentence
B) stating things as abstractly as possible

C) revising simple statements into longer, more complicated statements
D) practicing doing three things at once
E) making your sentences as long as possible
Answer: A
A) With practice you will become good at stating things as simply as possible. Knowing how
to zero in on a situation and put the most important idea into one sentence will help you learn
to communicate directly.
28) When sending an everyday, positive message, open with ________.
A) a conciliatory buffer
B) its main objective
C) a polite closing
D) supporting details
E) small talk
Answer: B
B) The first one or two sentences of a positive or neutral, everyday message should be
straightforward and designed to let the reader know why you are writing.
29) The ________ of a positive or neutral, everyday message should be straightforward and
designed to let the reader know why you are writing.
A) buffer
B) greeting
C) first couple of sentences
D) opening sentence of the middle paragraph
E) closing
Answer: C
C) The first one or two sentences of a positive or neutral, everyday message should be
straightforward and designed to let the reader know why you are writing.
30) Which would be the most effective first sentence for a message expressing appreciation
for a colleague who wrote you a letter of reference?
A) I hope that you are well - what's new with you these days?

B) I will let you know if I get a new job.
C) I am so sorry that I had to trouble you with my request.
D) It is so nice when colleagues do favors for one another.
E) Thank you for the letter of reference you wrote for my job search.
Answer: E
E) The first one or two sentences of a positive or neutral, everyday message should be
straightforward and designed to let the reader know why you are writing. This choice does
the best job of getting to the point.
31) Mandy works for Mitchell Incorporated in the Human Resources department. She is
writing a message to accompany the annual employee satisfaction survey, which will be sent
to all company employees. Which of the following would be the best opening for this
A) Please complete the attached employee satisfaction survey to help us maintain a pleasant
working environment.
B) Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Would you like to change something? Don't forget, the
squeaky wheel gets the oil.
C) The Human Resource Department wants to help you, but we can only help you if you first
help us.
D) In today's hectic and fast-paced world, it is no surprise that so many people are
E) We know that everyone is busy, but some things are important enough that you need to
make time for them.
Answer: A
A) The first one or two sentences of a positive or neutral, everyday message should be
straightforward and designed to let the reader know why you are writing. This choice does
the best job of getting to the point.
32) After the opening of your message, follow with ________.
A) a restatement of your main objective, to be sure that readers know why you are writing
B) asides that are not directly related to your main point, but are interesting
C) a direct appeal to the reader to read your message in its entirety
D) further details supporting your main point, organized in a clear and logical way
E) small talk that aims to build goodwill with your audience
Answer: D

D) Using lists, bullet points, italics, and other graphical devices can help you structure your
content in a way that is easy to understand.
33) Hannah has written an effective opening to her e-mail that clearly tells readers why she is
writing, but she is unsure of how to organize the supporting details. She asks her colleague
John for help and he gives her a number of techniques for structuring her content in a way
that is easy to understand. Which of the following is NOT one of the techniques John
recommended to Hannah?
A) lists
B) italics
C) graphical devices
D) dense paragraphs
E) bullet points
Answer: D
D) All of the other choices are recommended as ways to make your supporting content easy
to understand.
34) The tone of your everyday message should be ________.
A) apologetic
B) positive
C) negative
D) familiar
E) condescending
Answer: B
B) Avoid negative words like "unfortunately," "error," "mistake," etc.
35) Which of the following would be best to include in an everyday message?
A) I regret to inform you that the item will not be available until March 23.
B) Unfortunately the item will not be available until March 23.
C) It's not our fault but the item will not be available until March 23.
D) The item will be available beginning March 23.
E) Due to an unforseen problem, the item will not be available until March 23.

Answer: D
D) The tone of your message should be positive. Avoid negative words like "unfortunately,"
"error," "mistake," etc.
36) Which of the following conveys the message with the appropriate tone?
A) The terms of your warranty do not cover this sort of repair.
B) Since your mistake caused the device to break, it is not covered by your warranty.
C) Unfortunately, damage due to operator error is not covered under your warranty.
D) I regret to inform you that the terms of your warranty do not cover this sort of problem.
E) I wish we could help you, but sadly the damage was your fault and is not covered by your
Answer: A
A) The tone of your message should be positive. Avoid negative words like "unfortunately,"
"error," "mistake," etc.
A customer e-mails to ask whether you have a particular style of jacket available. An excerpt
from your reply follows:
We do carry the style of jacket you inquired about, but sadly we don't offer as many colors as
we did at the start of the season. All that's left is red, blue, or brown. Sorry!
37) Which of the following statements about the excerpt is correct?
A) it uses the wrong tone
B) it doesn't get to the point
C) it hides the important information in dense text
D) it contains spelling errors
E) it is fine as is and needs no improvement
Answer: A
A) This excerpt is direct and conveys the desired information clearly. It is also free from
spelling errors. However, it has a negative tone. The tone of your message should be positive.
Avoid negative words like "unfortunately," "error," "mistake," etc.
38) Which of the following best improves the excerpt?
A) In response to your inquiry, yes.

B) I am thrilled that you took the time to e-mail us. We love hearing from our customers!
That's why we got into this business in the first place. Now, what did you ask again? The
jacket- that's right. We do carry it. It has been a cold winter so we all need to keep warm!
C) I'm happy to tell you that we do have the jacket you inquired about in stock. It is available
in a deep red, a sky blue, and a rich brown.
D) Happly we do have a few jackets left. If you dont mind red, blue or brown that is..
E) it is fine as is and needs no improvement
Answer: C
C) The original excerpt had a negative tone. This choice eliminates the negative language and
emphasizes the positive. The other choices are alternately terse, hide the point within
irrelevant chatter, and include spelling mistakes/typos.
39) Which of the following would be the best closing for your message in response to the
customer's inquiry about the jacket?
A) Thanks for writing!
B) I think that answers your question. Good day.
C) Next time, you shouldn't wait until so late in the season to shop for a coat. If you had tried
earlier we would have more colors for you to choose from.
D) Please let us know if you'd like to purchase a jacket. For your convenience, you can place
your order over the phone or online.
E) Your business is important to us, and we are happy to answer any and all questions you
might have. With us, the customer always comes first.
Answer: D
D) Since the reader inquired about a jacket, the natural assumption is that she'd like to
purchase one. This closing makes clear to her how she can do so, but doesn't push a "hard
sell" on her. Some of the other closings are pleasant enough, but they fail to offer the
customer information on carrying through her purchase.
40) An effective ________ creates goodwill and includes any directions for action.
A) opening
B) greeting
C) body
D) closing
E) objective
Answer: D

D) Don't miss the opportunity to create goodwill in your closing. And be sure to include any
directions for action. If the reader needs to take action, outline what needs to be done, by
when, and why. If you are taking action to benefit the reader, explain what you will do and
when the reader can expect the action to be completed.
41) Your business is important to us. Please call by December 29 to take advantage of our
special limited-time offer for valued customers.
The closing above ________.
A) uses the wrong tone
B) fails to create goodwill
C) omits directions for action
D) is unclear
E) is effective as is
Answer: E
E) An effective closing should take advantage of the opportunity to create goodwill. Be sure
to include any directions for action. This closing does both.
42) Choosing the channel for a positive, everyday message ________.
A) matters very little
B) is a moot point, as there is little variation among them
C) is a challenging process
D) is determined by a simple formula
E) is nearly impossible
Answer: C
C) One of the greatest challenges a communicator faces is choosing the most effective
communication medium for a given situation. Different channels for written communication
have advantages and disadvantages, which need to be considered to make the optimal choice.
43) ________ is the most formal way to communicate an everyday message.
A) An e-mail
B) A letter
C) A memo
D) A text message

E) A Facebook post
Answer: B
B) Letters are often used to correspond with people outside of an organization to
communicate information about a company's products, services, policies, etc. Letters are also
sent to people when the communication needs to be legally documented. They also stand out
from the large number of e-mails received daily.
44) Letters ________.
A) are usually only used to communicate with people within an organization
B) are less formal than instant messages
C) do not stand out from the large number of e-mails received daily
D) are used to legally document a communication
E) should not be used when privacy is a concern
Answer: D
D) Letters are sent to people both outside of an organization and within it when the
communication needs to be legally documented or confidentiality is important.
45) In block style letters, ________.
A) almost all of the components begin at the left-hand margin
B) almost all of the components begin at the right-hand margin
C) none of the components begin at the left-hand margin
D) all of the components begin at the center of the page
E) all of the components begin at the right-hand margin
Answer: A
A) Although both formats are acceptable, the block style is more common and easier to
46) The modified block style format ________.
A) is not acceptable for business letters
B) is easier to create than the block style
C) is less common than the block style
D) omits the inside address

E) starts the date and signature at the left-hand margin
Answer: C
C) Although both formats are acceptable, the block style is more common and easier to
47) The ________ appears at the top of the page and includes the company's logo, its name
and address, and sometimes its phone, fax number, e-mail, and Web address.
A) letterhead
B) inside address
C) salutation
D) body
E) signature block
Answer: A
A) Always use your organization's letterhead for business correspondence, but don't write a
personal message on letterhead.
48) If the recipient of your letter is a woman, and you don't know her, it is best to use
________ as the salutation.
A) Miss
B) Ms.
C) Mrs.
D) Madam
E) To Whom it May Concern
Answer: B
B) Whenever possible, find out the way the person prefers to be addressed.
49) The salutation ________.
A) consists of the writer's name, title, and signature at the end of the letter
B) is generally "Sincerely," "Sincerely yours," or "Cordially" followed by a comma
C) includes the company's logo
D) is omitted if you use letterhead
E) is the greeting that begins the letter

Answer: E
E) Always try to identify the right person to receive the letter and the spelling of his or her
name. In addition, find out the way in which the person prefers to be addressed.
50) Which of the following is NOT true?
A) In a letter you should single space the paragraphs and insert a double space between them.
B) If possible, a letter should be kept to one page.
C) If you have used letterhead, be sure to type your company's name in the signature block.
D) A letter's inside address consists of the recipient's name, title, and address.
E) If you are sending a letter to another country, remember to use the appropriate date format.
Answer: C
C) This is unnecessary, since your company's name already appears in the letterhead at the
top of the page.
51) Which of the following would be the most appropriate closing for a business letter?
A) Love,
B) Ciao!
C) Take care,
D) Sincerely,
E) Later,
Answer: D
D) For a business letter, use a standard closing such as "Sincerely," "Sincerely yours," or
"Cordially" followed by a comma.
52) If you compose a letter but someone else types it for you, ________.
A) do not use letterhead
B) include reference initials
C) add the typist's signature
D) it will be an ineffective letter
E) you don't need to do anything differently than if you typed it yourself
Answer: B

B) Reference initials indicate both the writer and the typist who prepared the message.
53) Lisa Jane Fowler wrote a letter, which was then typed for her by Phil Grant Mitchell.
What, if anything, should be included in the letter to indicate this?
B) ljf: pgm
C) LJF: pgm
D) ljf: PGM
E) nothing needs to be added to the letter
Answer: C
C) Reference initials should appear one blank line down from the writer's printed name and
title. The writer's initials should be capitalized and followed by a colon and the typist's initials
in lowercase.
54) All of the following are true EXCEPT
A) Memos are usually reserved for messages sent within an organization.
B) Memos are used by managers to present important messages in a formal manner.
C) Memos are used to convey confidential details such as legal information.
D) Memos are not appropriate for conveying salary information.
E) Memos can serve as official records when used for changes in policy.
Answer: D
D) Conveying confidential details like this is one of the uses of a memo.
55) In a standard memo, a subject line ________.
A) is unnecessary
B) should never be included
C) should be concise and clear
D) should be ambiguous and enticing
E) must be typed in all capitals
Answer: C

C) The subject line should be detailed so that it accurately and quickly informs the reader
about the message's content.
56) Summer is a busy time at The Crown Corporation, and each year there are days on which
employees are not permitted to schedule time off. Which of the following would be the best
subject line to head this year's memo communicating this information?
A) When Are You Taking Vacation in 2011?
B) Summer Vacation
C) Vacation Schedule This Year
D) Vacation Black-Out Dates for Summer 2011
E) Times, This Summer, When Pressing Office Business and Concerns Will Not Enable You
to be Taking Your Vacation Time
Answer: D
D) This subject line clearly explains the content of the message that will follow. Several of
the other choices are too vague. One of the choices does attempt a more detailed description
of the content, but it is wordy and unclear.
57) For many organizations, ________ have replaced ________ as the primary form of
internal written communication.
A) letters; memos
B) e-mails; memos
C) memos; letters
D) memos; e-mails
E) letters; e-mails
Answer: B
B) E-mails are similar to memos but less formal. They are quick to send, inexpensive, and
easy to distribute around the globe, and they don't create a lot of paper waste.
58) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of e-mails?
A) They are quick to send.
B) They are inexpensive.
C) They are highly private and confidential.
D) They are easy to distribute.
E) They don't create a lot of paper waste.

Answer: C
C) If you make a mistake in the "To" line of an e-mail, you can accidentally send it to the
wrong people. It is also very easy for people to forward e-mails, so there can be privacy
59) Sending attachments with your e-mails ________.
A) should be done when your information is shorter than a page or two
B) is inappropriate for material with complicated formatting, like detailed outlines or varied
C) is impossible if your information consists of non-text files such as an "html" file or
PowerPoint file
D) can cause your e-mails to be rejected by some spam and virus detectors
E) ensures that your material will be received by your recipients
Answer: D
D) Some Internet providers have spam and virus detectors that reject e-mails with large files
attached or with certain file extensions.
60) When communicating via e-mail, don't overwhelm your coworkers by overusing the
________ button.
A) "Reply to Sender"
B) "Reply to All"
C) "Save"
D) "Delete"
E) "Subject"
Answer: B
B) Consider who does and does not need to receive your messages and keep them short to
save your readers time.
61) Google Chat is an example of ________ software
A) e-mail
B) Instant message
C) text message
D) blog

E) social networking
Answer: B
B) An IM differs from an e-mail in that it is distributed directly to the recipient in real time,
rather than first going through a server.
62) An Instant message (IM) differs from an e-mail in that it ________.
A) is distributed directly to the recipient in real time
B) goes through a server before being "delivered" to the recipient
C) can be widely disseminated
D) has no security issues
E) is automatically archived
Answer: A
A) Instant messaging is designed for short messages and quick questions. It provides
communicators with a sense of immediacy e-mail doesn't always afford.
63) Text messaging ________.
A) is not yet showing up in the workplace
B) is used by doctors to remind patients of their appointments
C) does not require proper spelling
D) should be written in all lowercase letters
E) is considered unprofessional
Answer: B
B) It is also used to alert consumers of sales and to notify people of dangerous weather
64) All of the following are true EXCEPT
A) A blog is a shortened expression for the two words "Web log."
B) Blogs are used to deliver good or neutral news.
C) Companies use blogs to inform the public about events involving the company.
D) Blogs are similar to the articles newspaper columnists write.
E) Simply creating a blog ensures that anyone will know it exists.

Answer: E
E) A frequently visited blog is one that is advertised, has well-written content, and is updated
65) ________ are Web sites that allow people to connect with one another online for personal
or professional reasons.
A) Blogs
B) Wikis
C) Social networking sites
D) E-Zines
E) RSS feeds
Answer: C
C) Many people and businesses use social networking sites on a daily basis to deliver
positive, everyday messages. The idea behind social networking is that as your social
network grows, so does your influence.
66) ________ is primarily used by people to present their "professional faces" to the online
world and is trolled by human resource recruiters looking for potential employees.
A) LinkedIn
B) Twitter
C) Facebook
D) Tumblr
E) Google Docs
Answer: A
A) People use LinkedIn to connect with their coworkers, people who could become their
coworkers and share their interests, and potential employers.
67) If privacy is a major concern, which of the following communication channels would be
most appropriate for your message?
A) e-mail
B) letter
C) instant message
D) blog post

E) LinkedIn
Answer: B
B) Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed when you are using e-mail and other electronic
media. If privacy is a concern, consider writing a letter or a confidential paper memo.
68) Checking your Facebook page at work ________.
A) only takes a minute away from your work time
B) shows that you have drawn appropriate boundaries between your personal and
professional communications
C) is fine if you are reconnecting with work associates you have known in the past
D) shifts your attention from work, requiring additional time to refocus
E) is a way to demonstrate that you are letting technology serve you, rather than becoming a
slave to it
Answer: D
D) Although you may think checking your Facebook page only takes a minute, it shifts your
attention. You are then likely to need several more minutes to refocus on your work and
finish your projects.
69) Which of the following is true?
A) To be as productive as possible on the job, you should not draw boundaries between your
personal and professional communications.
B) Receiving "feeds" from Web sites and reading them at your desk is not the same as
reading a magazine at your desk.
C) Checking your Facebook page at work is fine since it only takes a minute.
D) Electronic interruptions have been shown to improve employee productivity at Intel.
E) Information overload is a common reason why people cease to be productive.
Answer: E
E) Consider when you need to distance yourself from the information that flows to you
everyday via technology. Intel learned that each of its employees was losing about eight
hours of productivity per week due to electronic interruptions.
70) Which of the following demonstrates appropriate professional behavior toward

A) posting personal commentary that is not representative of your company on a work-related
B) reading updates from your favorite Web sites at your desk
C) closing your e-mail application when you are finishing up a project
D) forwarding joke messages while at work
E) looking up a client on Facebook and carrying on a lengthy electronic conversation when
you realize you know each other from the past
Answer: C
C) Doing so is a good way to minimize the electronic interruptions and information overload
that diminishes productivity.
71) The healthcare industry is a promising sector of the economy, with abundant
opportunities even for those whose area of education is not healthcare-related.
Answer: True
The healthcare industry hires graduates for jobs in accounting, finance, marketing, sales,
manufacturing, and human resources, among others. As the Baby Boomer generation retires
over the next decade, for the first time in history there will be more people over the age of 65
than under 65.
72) A routine message responding to questions should be written in an indirect, rather than a
direct, structure.
Answer: False
Positive, everyday messages are routine messages that deliver good news or neutral news.
They are written in a direct, rather than an indirect, structure. One of the five categories of
everyday messages are those that ask questions.
73) A message asking an online retailer to accept the return of an incorrectly shipped item is
an example of a message that requests action.
Answer: True
Such requests can be simple like this one, or more complex.
74) Positive, everyday messages are routine message that deliver bad news or attempt to
Answer: False

Positive, everyday messages are routine messages that deliver good news or neutral news.
75) It would be appropriate to use the direct structure to write a message requesting that a
vendor send information outlining their billing policies.
Answer: True
This is a positive, everyday message so it should be written in a direct, rather than indirect,
76) It is inappropriate to send a business message expressing appreciation that is handwritten
on stationery.
Answer: False
Although sending an e-mail is acceptable, a letter or handwritten note on an appropriate card
or stationery makes a longer-lasting impression and will set you apart in the minds of both
your managers and colleagues.
77) The ability to write effective message affects both how business is conducted and how
your managers and fellow workers perceive you.
Answer: True
The inability to write positive, everyday messages can adversely affect one's career.
78) Typing e-mails and instant messages in all capital letters gives the impression that you
are a mature, technologically savvy writer.
Answer: False
Typing in all caps is often perceived as if you are shouting at people. It is an irritant and gives
the impression that you are not familiar with the appropriate conventions for electronic
79) In today's world of fast-paced communications, planning your messages before you write
is not advised.
Answer: False
In order for your communication to be effective you should plan your message before you
write, even if you must do so quickly.
80) Getting right to the point in an everyday, positive or neutral message is considered rude
and abrupt.
Answer: False

The first one or two sentences of a positive or neutral, everyday message should be
straightforward and designed to let the reader know why you are writing.
81) Messages should end with a goodwill closing and any directions for action.
Answer: True
If the reader needs to take action, outline what needs to be done, by when, and why. If you
are taking action to benefit the reader, explain what you will do and when the reader can
expect the action to be completed.
82) One of the greatest challenges a communicator faces is choosing the most effective
communication medium for a given situation.
Answer: True
Explanation: Different channels for written communication have advantages and
disadvantages that need to be considered to make the optimal choice.
83) Fabio wants his message to stand out from the pack, so he thinks using a letter format is
Answer: True
Letters make messages stand out from the large number of e-mails received daily by
84) If you send a copy of your letter to Elizabeth Bennett, indicate this on the letter by typing
the following: cc: EB.
Answer: False
To indicate that a copy is being sent to another reader, follow the letters cc: (or c:) with the
name of the recipient of the copy.
85) To avoid sending e-mails to the wrong people, complete the "To" line after you finish
writing your message.
Answer: True
You can't accidentally send an e-mail without the "To" line completed.
86) Don't worry about grammar, punctuation, and spelling in e-mails; the expectations for
this medium are lower than those for messages printed on paper.
Answer: False

Your e-mails represent you and your company, as a professional in the workplace. Revise,
edit, and proofread, and format your messages for clarity, grammar, punctuation, and
87) Instant messaging provides communicators with a sense of immediacy e-mail doesn't
always afford.
Answer: True
Instant messaging is designed for short messages and quick questions. The messages are
distributed in real time instead of going through a server first.
88) Some of the more popular microblogging sites include Twitter and Tumblr.
Answer: True
A microblog is a short message sent to specific networks of people. The messages are
generally no more than 140 characters long.
89) People who do not separate their professional and personal communications run into
Answer: True
Sending personal e-mails, checking your Facebook page, and texting friends while at work
not only waste time, but they unfocus your attention from your responsibilities. People can
also get into trouble for positing material online that is considered inappropriate by their
90) Messages sent by electronic media cannot be used against you in court.
Answer: False
They can, just as official letters and memos can.
91) Discuss how changes in the workplace have made the ability to write everyday messages
even more important.
Answer: Most business communication is sent via everyday messages. Changes in the
workplace such as remote office sites, telecommuting, and globalization have reduced the
amount of time employees spend together. Instead of being able to walk directly into a
coworker's office to ask a question, you may need to e-mail a colleague on the other side of
the world. As a result, writing effective, everyday messages is a necessary skill for
succeeding in business.
92) Give an example of each of the five types of positive, everyday messages.

Answer: Message that informs: a message informing clients of your new contact information
Message that asks questions: a message asking who the speakers will be at an upcoming
Message that responds to questions: a message giving a vendor the details on your payment
Message that requests action: a message asking employees to submit proposals for a new
Message that expresses appreciation: a message thanking a co-worker for her help on a recent
93) Discuss the importance to one's career of being able to write everyday, positive messages.
Answer: The ability to write effective messages affects both how business is done and how
your managers and fellow workers perceive you. Even if you dress and behave
professionally, your inability to write positive, everyday message can impair your career.
When your writing gets in the way of your message, you are in trouble. In a company where
your written word becomes your professional face, poor writing skills can be your downfall.
94) Martha sends a message out to all her staff, directing them to attend a mandatory off-site
meeting next Monday at 9:00 AM at 25 Elm Street. When Martha arrives at 25 Elmhurst
Street for the meeting she doesn't see any of her co-workers. After 10 minutes she starts
calling and texting her staff, angrily demanding to know why they aren't there. She is
informed that the message she sent specified Elm Street, not Elmhurst Street where the
meeting is actually taking place. Discuss the ramifications of this "small" mistake.
Answer: In business the ability to write well is important for conveying essential details.
While the difference between the words "Elm" and "Elmhurst" is just five letters, the
ramifications of this are huge. By not taking the time to proof her message to make sure it
indicated the proper location, her staff will miss or be late for the meeting. They will be
inconvenienced in having to rush over to the correct location, and will likely be irritated at
Martha's initial anger when her mistake caused the problem. She would have been wise to at
the least proof her message, and would have done well to provide directions or perhaps a map
of the location (which is made so easy these days by google maps and other services.
95) Write the first one or two sentences of a message informing families and students that if
cell phones are used in the classroom they will be confiscated.
Answer: To put an end to the increasing number of interruptions they are causing during
instructional time, cell phones will be banned in the classroom. Effective Monday, February
7, if a student is seen using a cell phone during class, the phone will be confiscated.
96) You are applying to graduate school and are approached by one of your college
professors about writing a letter of recommendation for you. She agreed, and asked you to
send her an e-mail with all the details necessary. Write an appropriate closing for this

Answer: I want to reiterate my appreciation for your help in this process. If you have any
additional questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected] or by phone
The letter is due on March 15; please use the attached envelope to mail the letter directly to
the graduate program.
97) While at work, Jamie decides to write a letter to a colleague asking some information
about starting her own business. She uses her company's letterhead for this message. Discuss
whether this is appropriate.
Answer: The letterhead appears at the top of the page and includes your company's logo, its
name and address, and sometimes its phone, fax number, e-mail, and Web address. You
should always use your organization's letterhead for business correspondence. But if you are
writing a personal message, don't put it on your company's letterhead. Doing so could
confuse the reader and get you in trouble with your company. If you are sending a personal
business letter and you lack stationery with a letterhead, you can create one by typing your
name and contact information at the top of the page.
98) This Monday your boss asks you to write an e-mail that will be sent to a mailing list of all
the people who requested applications to your company's training program. The message will
remind prospective applicants that the deadline is February 11, just four days away. Write an
effective subject line for this e-mail.
Answer: Reminder: Deadline for Training Program this Friday, February 11
99) What are some of the disadvantages of Instant messages (IM) as a communication
Answer: There are a number of drawbacks to using instant messages. Unlike e-mails, they
can't be widely disseminated. They occur between a sender and a receiver only. Security and
archiving issues have also been a problem with IM. Instant messages generally disappear
once a communication exchange has occurred. This is problematic because if companies do
not properly archive IMs, they will not comply with various regulatory agencies. Another
downside is that IMs popping up on your screen can be distracting. It is also easy to
accidentally send a message to the wrong recipient or forget about a colleague who is waiting
for a response while you respond to another IM.
100) Discuss the following line from the book: Let technology serve you rather than
becoming a slave to it.
Answer: Your success in business depends upon your ability to manage your time effectively
while still using electronic resources. Information overload is a common reason why people
cease to be productive. A company study found that its employees lost about eight hours of
productivity per week due to electronic interruptions. When you have work to complete,
close your e-mail application and silence your phone if possible. You might think that these
and other interruptions like checking your Facebook page only take a minute, but they shift
your attention. You are then likely to need several more minutes to refocus on your work and
finish your projects.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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