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Chapter 4 Research Design
1) At Momentum Market Intelligence (MMI) a client experiences a 12% decline in market
share. Since MMI knows "they don't know what the problem is," the research design they
should use is:
A) causal.
B) explanatory.
C) experimental.
D) cross-longitudinal.
E) exploratory.
Answer: E
2) Which of the following is true about research design?
A) Research design should be the first consideration in a research project.
B) Research design should be selected after thoroughly considering the problem and research
C) Research design decisions should be made after data analysis.
D) Research design should be selected during the initial meeting with a client.
E) Research designs should be made after data collection.
Answer: B
3) Which of the following is the best description of research design?
A) a set of advance decisions that makes up the master plan specifying the methods and
procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information
B) a marketing term or concept involved in the marketing management problem that will be
C) the specific pieces of information that are necessary to solve the problem at hand
D) a list from which sample elements are drawn from the sample, which contains all of the
elements in the population being studied
E) a set of advance decisions that are made after the data have been collected in order to
determine how the data will be analyzed
Answer: A
4) Which of the following best describes the significance of research design?
A) Because all research problems are different, research designs are applicable only in an
academic setting; they cannot be used in the real world.
B) Because research designs may be "matched" to different kinds of problems, the research
design may serve as a blueprint for the researcher.

C) Because research designs are like blueprints, they are most helpful during data analysis.
D) Research designs are used after studies are completed and are used to make improvements
in future research studies.
E) Research designs are important because clients often decide to fund research if they find
the design is pleasing to the eye.
Answer: B
5) The various types of research design include:
A) exploratory, exploitive, and competitive.
B) deductive, descriptive, and exploitive.
C) exploratory, causal, and competitive.
D) causal, experimental, and exhaustive.
E) exploratory, descriptive, and causal.
Answer: E
6) Which of the following is an objective of research?
A) to gain background information and to develop hypotheses
B) to measure the state of a variable of interest (for example, level of brand loyalty)
C) to test hypotheses that specify the relationships between two or more variables (for
example, level of advertising and brand loyalty)
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Answer: D
7) If the research objective is to gain background information, it is likely that the most
appropriate research design would be:
A) exploitive.
B) exhaustive.
C) deductive.
D) exploratory.
E) causal.
Answer: D
8) Which of the following is most true about research designs?
A) They follow one another in a step-by-step fashion.
B) It may be that only exploitive research design is appropriate for a given project.
C) Exploitive designs must always follow competitive designs.
D) All designs should include at least some exhaustive research.

E) None of the above is true.
Answer: E
9) Which of the following is NOT an area of ethical sensitivity in planning research design?
A) recommending a more costly design than is needed
B) designing a study in which data are collected for multiple clients
C) misrepresenting sampling methods
D) over- or under-estimating data collection costs
E) All of the above are areas of ethical sensitivity in planning research design.
Answer: E
10) Researchers should inform clients as to how the proposed sample plan will result in a
representative sample in order to avoid:
A) recommending a more costly design than is needed.
B) designing a study in which data are collected for multiple clients.
C) misrepresenting sampling methods.
D) A and C only.
E) All of the above will be prevented by sharing this information with the client.
Answer: D
11) A researcher presenting secondary data as if it were primary data collected by the
researcher is an egregious example of an ethical lapse in what area of sensitivity in planning
research design?
A) recommending a more costly design than is needed
B) designing a study in which data are collected for multiple clients
C) misrepresenting sampling methods
D) wrongfully gaining respondent cooperation to reduce costs
E) using information obtained for a client in another research project
Answer: A
12) What type of research is unstructured and informal?
A) deductive
B) causal
C) exploratory
D) exploitive
E) exhaustive
Answer: C
13) Ray Kroc, a milk shake machine salesman, noticed that one restaurant in California

burned up many milk shake machines. He inferred that the restaurant was meeting the needs
of the market better than other restaurants. His observation illustrates the use of:
A) observational deduction.
B) exploratory research.
C) explanatory research.
D) causal research.
E) discontinuous panel research.
Answer: B
14) In which of the following situations should exploratory research be used?
A) to measure the relationships among variables
B) when experimentation is needed
C) to define terms
D) in situations in which all of the concepts are clearly defined and measured
E) to determine how variable x causes variable y
Answer: C
15) Which of the following is NOT a situation in which exploratory research should be used?
A) to measure the relationships among variables
B) to clarify problems
C) to establish research priorities
D) to gain background information
E) to clarify hypotheses
Answer: A
16) Appropriate methods for conducting exploratory research would include:
A) secondary data analysis.
B) experiments.
C) sample surveys.
D) longitudinal research.
E) discontinuous panels.
Answer: A
17) The process of searching for and interpreting EXISTING information relevant to the
research problem can be described as:
A) an experience survey.
B) causal analysis.
C) exploitive research.

D) exhaustive research.
E) secondary data analysis.
Answer: E
18) Experience surveys are used in which of the following ways?
A) to search for and interpret existing information relevant to the research problem
B) to gather information from persons thought to be knowledgeable on the issues relevant to
the research problem
C) to review the available information about a former situation(s) that has some similarities to
the present research problem
D) to explore hidden consumer motives for buying goods and services by asking participants
to project themselves into a situation and then respond to specific questions regarding the
E) to use surveys that the researchers have conducted in the past and, therefore, they have
experience in how to conduct and interpret the surveys
Answer: B
19) Which of the following is a type of exploratory research that refers to a review of
available information about a former situation that has some similarities to the present
research problem?
A) secondary data analysis
B) experience surveys
C) projective techniques
D) case analysis
E) ex post facto studies
Answer: D
20) Small groups of people brought together and guided by a moderator through an
unstructured, spontaneous discussion for the purpose of gaining information relevant to the
research problem can be categorized under which type of research design?
A) exploratory research
B) causal research
C) deductive research
D) exploitive research
E) exhaustive research
Answer: A
21) What type of research design does the text state should almost always be used in research

A) causal research
B) exploratory research
C) explicit research
D) exhaustive research
E) descriptive research
Answer: B
22) What type of research design should a marketing researcher use to find out how many
customers there are, what brands they buy and in what quantities, which advertisements they
recall, what are their attitudes toward the company, and who is the competition?
A) exploratory research
B) descriptive research
C) causal research
D) explicit research
E) exhaustive research
Answer: B
23) Descriptive research studies are conducted to:
A) answer who, what, when, where, and how questions.
B) specify the causality in the problem.
C) describe previous findings in similar problems.
D) answer who, what, when, where, how, and why questions.
E) determine if x, then y, relationships.
Answer: A
24) What are the two basic types of studies that are categorized as descriptive research?
A) focus groups and case analysis
B) longitudinal studies and case analysis
C) focus groups and cross-sectional studies
D) case analysis and experiments
E) longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies
Answer: E
25) What type of descriptive research study measures a population at only one point in time?
A) sample observations
B) cross-sectional studies
C) longitudinal studies

D) "point in time" studies
E) "one point in time" studies
Answer: B
26) Longitudinal studies can be described as techniques that:
A) measure the population at only one point in time.
B) develop an understanding of a phenomenon in terms of "if-then" conditional statements.
C) search for and interpret existing information relevant to the research problem.
D) repeatedly measure the same sample units from the population over a period of time.
E) conduct parallel studies, which allows for comparisons to be made between such studies.
Answer: D
27) A panel of respondents is often used in which type of study?
A) longitudinal
B) cross-sectional
C) sample surveys
D) case analysis
E) exhaustive
Answer: A
28) Knowledge Networks provides clients with access to a representative group of Latino
households who have agreed to answer research questions sent to them by the research
service. Knowledge Networks is performing a(n) ________ research study.
A) panel
B) lead-user survey
C) case analysis
D) experiment
E) focus group
Answer: A
29) What type of panel asks the panel members the same questions on each panel
A) inquisitional panel
B) discontinuous panel
C) repeatability panel
D) continuous panel
E) exploratory panel
Answer: D

30) Of the following situations, which would be the most appropriate for using a
discontinuous panel?
A) to gain insights into changes in consumers' purchases and attitudes
B) to determine if members of the panel switched brands from one time period to the next
C) to measure changes in market shares of brands
D) to measure changes in consumers' price sensitivity
E) to determine how consumers feel about two different product concepts by varying panel
questions from one panel measurement to the next
Answer: E
31) What type of panel should be used in brand-switching studies?
A) repeatability panel
B) continuous panel
C) inquisitional panel
D) discontinuous panel
E) exploratory panel
Answer: B
32) What is the purpose of a market-tracking study?
A) to determine if consumers switched brands from one time period to the next
B) to measure some variable of interest, such as market share or unit sales over time
C) to determine the relationship among several variables
D) to search for and interpret existing information relevant to the research problem
E) to keep up with changes competitors are making in their marketing mixes
Answer: B
33) What type of research design should a researcher use if he or she wishes to determine the
effect of a change in price on the sales of a particular brand?
A) causal
B) exploitive
C) longitudinal
D) exploratory
E) discontinuous
Answer: A
34) In an experiment, over which type of variable does a researcher have control and wish to
A) dependent variable

B) extraneous variable
C) independent variable
D) complex variable
E) deductive manipulative variables
Answer: C
35) When a variable exerts influence on the dependent variable but is not an independent
variable, we refer to it as a(n):
A) influencing variable.
B) extraneous variable.
C) unwanted variable.
D) complex variable.
E) effect variable.
Answer: B
36) An experiment is defined as:
A) something men and/or women in white coats do.
B) manipulating an independent variable to see how it affects a dependent variable, while
also controlling for the effects of additional complex variables.
C) manipulating a dependent variable to see how it affects an independent variable, while
also controlling for the effects of additional complex variables.
D) holding all variables constant to observe any effects of one variable over another over
E) manipulating an independent variable to see how it affects a dependent variable, while
also controlling for the effects of additional extraneous variables.
Answer: E
37) An experimental design is a procedure for ensuring that:
A) the change in the dependent variable may be solely attributed to the change in the
independent variable.
B) the change in the independent variable may be solely attributed to the change in the
complex variable.
C) the change in the dependent variable may be solely attributed to the change in the
extraneous variable.
D) any and all effects on all experimental values are measured.
E) the manipulation made on the complex variable is accurately measured.
Answer: A

38) Which of the following symbols represents the measurement of the complex variable in
an experimental design?
A) O
B) X
C) C
D) Z
E) none of the above answers is correct as there is no such thing as a "complex" variable
Answer: E
39) Which of the following experimental design symbols represents the measurement of the
dependent variable?
A) D
B) X
C) O
D) C
E) I
Answer: C
40) Which of the following experimental design symbols represents the change or
manipulation of the independent variable?
A) I
B) X
C) D
D) C
E) M
Answer: B
41) Which of the following research designs would be considered a quasi-experimental
design as discussed in the textbook?
A) Latin square design
B) one-group, before-after design
C) before-after with control group design
D) prettiest design
E) after-only design
Answer: E
42) Which of the following designs represents the before-after with control group design?
A) X - O - C

B) E = I X O
C) E = O X O
D) X = E + X + O
E) none of the above
Answer: E
43) In experimental designs an R stands for:
A) restricted use of complex variables.
B) random assignment of research subjects (e.g., stores) to groups (experimental and control).
C) random assignment of treatments to either the independent or the dependent variables.
D) realism; which is appropriate only for studies with external validity.
E) There is no R in experimental design terminology.
Answer: B
44) How can it be determined if an experiment is valid?
A) The observed change in the dependent variable is in fact due to the independent variable.
B) The results of the experiment apply to the real world outside the experimental setting.
C) The results do not account for the effects of extraneous variables.
D) The results are reported in well-known news media.
E) A and B are correct.
Answer: E
45) Internal validity is concerned with which of the following?
A) the representativeness of the sample test units
B) the extent that the observed relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is generalizable to the real world
C) the measurement of extraneous variables that are internal to the experimental setting itself
D) the extent to which the change in the dependent variable was actually due to the
independent variable
E) the control of the complex variables not having an effect on the independent variable
Answer: D
46) What type of experimental validity is concerned with the extent that the relationship
observed between the independent and dependent variable during the experiment is
generalizable to the real world?
A) external validity
B) internal validity
C) extraneous validity

D) causal validity
E) confirmed validity
Answer: A
47) What type of experiment involves manipulating the independent variable and measuring
the dependent variable in an artificial setting contrived to control extraneous variables?
A) field experiments
B) extraneous experiments
C) laboratory experiments
D) artificial experiments
E) complex variable experiments
Answer: C
48) When are laboratory experiments desirable?
A) when the sample should be representative of the population to which the results are
B) when the experiment's context and conduct are natural so that the subjects behave
C) when the intent of the experiment is to achieve high levels of external validity
D) when the intent of the experiment is to achieve high levels of internal validity
E) when the intent is to achieve high external validity and moderate internal validity
Answer: D
49) What type of experiment involves manipulating the independent variable and measuring
the dependent variable in a natural setting?
A) extraneous experiments
B) field experiments
C) laboratory experiments
D) naturalistic experiments
E) eco-experiments
Answer: B
50) Which of the following is a potential use of test marketing?
A) to test the sales potential for a new product
B) to test variations in the marketing mix for a product
C) to test the sales potential for a new service
D) to test variations in the marketing mix for a service
E) all of the above

Answer: E
51) What type of test marketing should be used when a firm wants to test the product and/or
marketing mix variables through the company's normal distribution channels?
A) controlled test markets
B) electronic test markets
C) simulated test markets
D) norm test markets
E) standard test markets
Answer: E
52) What type of test markets are conducted by outside research firms who guarantee
distribution of the product through prespecified types and numbers of distributors?
A) controlled test markets
B) electronic test markets
C) standard test markets
D) simulated test markets
E) guaranteed distribution test markets
Answer: A
53) Of the following, which is a potential disadvantage of using a simulated test market?
A) The distribution network may or may not properly represent the firm's actual distribution
B) It is often very time consuming.
C) It is often too expensive.
D) It lacks confidentiality.
E) It is not as accurate as full-scale test markets.
Answer: E
54) Which of the following best represents the criteria discussed by the authors to be used in
selection of a test market city?
A) representativeness, isolation, and control of distribution and promotion
B) representativeness, isolation, and cost
C) representativeness, existing company presence, and control of promotion
D) representativeness, cost, and control of competitor's intelligence
E) isolation, cost, effectiveness, and control
Answer: A
55) Which of the following best represents the disadvantages of conducting test markets as

discussed by the authors?
A) cost, competitor intervention, and government regulations of test markets
B) infallibility of results, cost, and exposure of product/service to competition and ethical
C) cost, delay in getting to the market first, and competitive awareness of the product/service
D) relying on consumers in only one market, using distributors who "know" there is a test,
biased results arising from too much executive time being allocated to the test as opposed to
normal market conditions
E) Disadvantages were not discussed in the textbook.
Answer: B
56) Marketing research projects vary widely; some are taste tests in "kitchen-like" labs while
others may be confined to library research.
Answer: True
57) Research design is confined to predetermining how data are to be analyzed. It is primarily
the responsibility of statisticians.
Answer: False
58) Knowledge of research design is helpful because certain designs can be matched with
certain problems and this provides a blueprint for the researcher.
Answer: True
59) The choice of a research design depends largely upon the research objectives.
Answer: True
60) Four types of research design are exploratory, exploitive, descriptive, and longitudinal.
Answer: False
61) Research designs should always be carried out, one after another, in the following order:
exploitive, descriptive, and longitudinal.
Answer: False
62) It is an acceptable practice in research design to save on data collection costs by
collecting data for multiple clients at the same time.
Answer: False
63) Descriptive research is often carried out at the outset of research projects.
Answer: False
64) Exploratory research is best utilized when little is known about the problem.
Answer: True
65) Descriptive or causal research are best used to help gain background information about

the problem.
Answer: False
66) Exploratory research can be used to help define terms such as "satisfaction with service."
Answer: True
67) Causal research is best utilized to define terms.
Answer: False
68) Exploratory research is useful in clarifying hypotheses.
Answer: True
69) One method of conducting exploratory research is through secondary data analysis.
Answer: True
70) Experience surveys are carried out in order to assess the experience levels of several
marketing research firms in order to select the most appropriate firm to conduct the project.
Answer: False
71) Focus groups are small groups of people brought together and guided by a moderator
through an unstructured, spontaneous discussion for the purpose of gaining information
relevant to the research problem.
Answer: True
72) Descriptive research consists of exploratory research, primary research, and secondary
Answer: False
73) Because descriptive research asks who, what, where, when, and how, it also provides
conclusive answers to why.
Answer: False
74) Sample surveys are descriptive, cross-sectional studies.
Answer: True
75) Dirt Devil conducted a one-time survey of consumers and asked them about their
attitudes, preferences, and intentions regarding buying vacuum cleaners. This is an example
of a cross-sectional study.
Answer: True
76) Longitudinal studies are called such because they are very long, complex surveys. They
have large sample sizes and require several months to complete the data analysis.
Answer: False
77) Several online research firms, such as Knowledge Networks and Nielsen, use panels as a
means of conducting research.

Answer: True
78) Discontinuous panels provide data that may be used for brand-switching studies.
Answer: False
79) Discontinuous panels are sometimes called omnibus panels.
Answer: True
80) The advantage of discontinuous panels is that they represent a large group — people,
stores, or other entity making up the panel — that is agreeable to providing information.
Answer: True
81) In the example of brand-switching data provided in the textbook (Famous Amos cookies),
cross-sectional study analysis provided a less valid conclusion than did the longitudinal data
Answer: True
82) Market-tracking studies track a variable of interest, such as market share over time, and
represent a use of cross-sectional studies.
Answer: False
83) An experiment is defined as manipulating a dependent variable to see how it affects an
independent variable while controlling for the effects of a complex variable.
Answer: False
84) Independent variables are those which the experimenter has some control; in other words,
independent variables may be manipulated by the experimenter.
Answer: True
85) Dependent variables are those over which the experimenter has total, direct control; they
may be easily manipulated by experimenters.
Answer: False
86) Complex variables are those that have some effect upon the dependent variable, but are
not independent variables.
Answer: False
87) Experimental designs provide procedures for devising an experimental setting, such that a
change in a dependent variable may be attributed solely to the change in the independent
Answer: True
88) Experimental designs provide procedures for devising an experimental setting, such that a
change in an independent variable may be attributed solely to the change in the dependent
variable while controlling for the effects of complex variables.

Answer: False
89) In experimental design nomenclature, an X represents the measurement of the dependent
Answer: False
90) In experimental design nomenclature, an O represents the measurement of the dependent
Answer: True
91) In experimental design nomenclature, an E represents the experimental effect: that is, the
change in the dependent variable occurring due to a change in the independent variable.
Answer: True
92) A pretest refers to measuring the dependent variable prior to changing the independent
Answer: True
93) Designs that do not control for the effects of extraneous variables are known as quasiexperimental designs.
Answer: True
94) The dependent variable is always manipulated in the experimental group but never in the
control group.
Answer: False
95) The before-after with control group design is a quasi-experimental design.
Answer: False
96) The reason for using randomization or matching in experimental designs is to achieve
equivalency between experimental and control groups.
Answer: True
97) Internal validity, carried out through field experiments, measures the extent to which the
relationship between independent, dependent, and complex variables holds up in the real
Answer: False
98) True experimental designs do not have to resort to relying on experimental and control
Answer: False
99) If an experiment did not have a representative sample, this would be considered a threat
to the experiment's external validity.
Answer: True

100) If an experiment did not have equivalent experimental and control groups, this would be
considered a threat to the experiment's external validity.
Answer: False
101) The primary advantage of laboratory experiments is that they allow the researcher to
control the effects of extraneous variables.
Answer: True
102) Although laboratory experiments allow for the control of extraneous variables, they cost
more and take more time than do field experiments.
Answer: False
103) The primary advantage of field experiments is that they are conducted in nonnaturalistic settings, which allow for tightly controlling extraneous variables.
Answer: False
104) Test marketing is the phrase commonly used to indicate an experiment, study, or test
that is conducted in a field setting.
Answer: True
105) There is only one use of test markets: to determine the sales potential for a new product
or service.
Answer: False
106) Electronic test markets require consumers, who are members of a panel, to carry
identification cards.
Answer: True
107) Simulated test markets are conducted on computers without any consumer input.
Answer: False
108) Because all products eventually end up in the consumer market, there is no such thing as
industrial test markets.
Answer: False
109) A city that is geographically isolated may be considered a good test market city.
Answer: True
110) Test markets do not yield infallible results. Sometimes test markets lead to the wrong
Answer: True
111) A firm selects a test market city that it believes will produce very favorable results
because it knows the media will publicize the "success" of the new test product. This may be
considered stupid, but it would not be considered unethical.

Answer: False
112) Dirt Devil vacuum cleaning company is interested in knowing if a proposed advertising
message will be effective in generating interest in purchasing their portable vacuum cleaner.
They contact marketing research firm, InsightExpress®, which has a service that tests
proposed ad copy with consumers they have recruited to participate. Copies of the ad are
prepared and are shown to several hundred consumers online. Consumers evaluate the ad,
and the results are given to Dirt Devil. This is an example of which of the following?
A) longitudinal research
B) causal research
C) experimental research
D) exhaustive research
E) cross-sectional research
Answer: E
113) Your university decides it will create a panel of consumers in your local area. The
purpose of the panel is to report the local population's attitudes, preferences, and intentions
on a variety of local issues. In the first administration of the panel, the questions asked for
voter preferences for an upcoming local election. In the second administration, questions
submitted to the panel asked for their attitudes about the quality of the drinking water and air
in your area. Which type of panel has your university created?
A) continuous panel
B) inquisitional panel
C) discontinuous panel
D) repeatability panel
E) exploratory panel
Answer: C
114) Mack Trucks decides to conduct an experiment to determine if a new oil additive
actually results in increased fuel efficiency. They find a lab that contains 50 engines that are
exactly alike. Mack randomly divides the 50 engines into two groups — an experimental
group (which has the new oil additive) and the control group (which does not have the new
oil additive). They pour the exact same amount of fuel into all 50 engines and time how long
each engine runs. Afterward, they average the length of time run by the 25 engines in the
control group versus the 25 engines in the experimental group. Which of the following
represents the experimental design in this study?

Answer: B
115) Which of the following best describes the logic used in the before-after with control
group experimental design that allows this to be a true experimental design?
A) The experimental group change (O2 - O1) contains the change in the independent variable
due to a. the dependent variable and b. extraneous variables. When we subtract from this the
control group (O4 - O3), which is the change due to the extraneous variables, we are left with
the change due solely to the dependent variable.
B) The experimental group change (O2 - O1) contains the change in the complex variable
due to a. the dependent variable and b. extraneous variables. When we subtract from this the
control group (O4 - O3), which is the change due to the extraneous variables, we are left with
the change due solely to the complex variable.
C) The experimental group change (O2 - O1) contains the change in the dependent variable
due to a. the dependent variable and b. extraneous variables. When we subtract from this the
control group (O4 - O3), which is the change due to the extraneous variables, we are left with
the change in the dependent variable due solely to the independent variable.
D) The control group change (O2 - O1) contains the change in the independent variable due
to a. the dependent variable and b. extraneous variables. When we subtract from this the
experimental group (O4 - O3), which is the change due to the extraneous variables, we are
left with the change due solely to the dependent variable.
E) The experimental group change (O2 - O1) contains the change in the dependent variable
due to a. the dependent variable and b. extraneous variables. When we subtract from this the
control group (O4 - O3), which is the change due to the extraneous variables, we are left with
the change due solely to the dependent variable.
Answer: C
116) TechTrician, Inc. makes a major breakthrough in cell phone technology and design.
Their research and development department has created advanced micro-circuitry that is one
hundred times more sensitive to cell signals than conventional cell phones. This means that

there is almost never a break in cell phone signals even when the caller is several miles from
what would be considered "in range" for conventional phones. The problem is that the new
technology adds about $100 to the cost of the phone. TechTrician, Inc. must spend a
considerable amount of funds to retool in order to produce the new phones. They decide to
test market the new phones. The company is located in Los Angeles and several executives
believe it would be less costly to run the test market in their own city. However, Bob Brobst,
one of the marketing managers, has argued for running at least two test markets; one in
Phoenix, AZ, and one in Tulsa, OK. What criterion for test market selection is Bob Brobst
A) representativeness
B) degree of isolation
C) control over media
D) control over distribution
E) lower costs
Answer: B

Test Bank for Marketing Research
Alvin C. Burns, Ronald F. Bush
9780133074673, 9780134895406, 9780134167404

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