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Chapter 4
Hardware and Software
True/False Questions
1) Hardware includes electronic components that are used to input, process, output, and store
Answer: True
Hardware encompasses physical components such as input devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse),
processing units (e.g., CPU), output devices (e.g., monitor, printer), and storage devices (e.g.,
hard drive, SSD) that together enable the input, processing, output, and storage of data in
computing systems.
2) All hardware today has, at least to the level that is important to us, more or less the same
Answer: True
At a fundamental level, most modern computing hardware shares common components such
as a CPU, memory, storage devices, input/output interfaces, and power supply. While
variations exist in terms of performance, capacity, and features, the basic building blocks of
hardware remain consistent across different devices.
3) A CPU is an example of an input device.
Answer: False
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is not an input device. Instead, it is the primary
component responsible for executing instructions, performing calculations, and coordinating
the activities of other hardware components. Input devices, such as keyboards and mice, are
used to provide data and instructions to the CPU.
4) The CPU stores results of computations on the hard drive.

Answer: False
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) does not store results of computations on the hard drive.
Instead, the CPU temporarily stores data and instructions in its cache and registers during
processing. Results may be temporarily stored in memory (RAM) but are typically written to
a storage device such as a hard drive or SSD for long-term retention.
5) The random access memory is called the main memory of a computer.
Answer: True
Random Access Memory (RAM) is often referred to as the main memory of a computer
because it is the primary memory used for storing data and instructions that are actively being
processed by the CPU. RAM provides fast access to data and is volatile, meaning its contents
are lost when the computer is powered off.
6) The CPU of a computing device stores data and programs.
Answer: False
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) of a computing device is responsible for executing
instructions and performing calculations but does not store data and programs permanently.
Instead, data and programs are typically stored on storage devices such as hard drives or
SSDs, and they are loaded into RAM for processing by the CPU when needed.
7) A server is a computer that is designed to support processing from many remote computers
and users.
Answer: True
A server is a computer or software system that provides services or resources to other
computers, known as clients, over a network. Servers are designed to handle requests from
multiple clients simultaneously and can provide various services such as file storage, email,
web hosting, and database management.

8) Bytes cannot be used to measure sizes of noncharacter data.
Answer: False
Bytes can be used to measure the sizes of both character and noncharacter data. A byte is a
unit of digital information that consists of 8 bits, and it is commonly used to quantify the
amount of data stored or transmitted in a computer system. Regardless of the type of data
(character or noncharacter), its size can be expressed in bytes.
9) A megabyte, or MB, is 1,024 bytes.
Answer: False
Traditionally, a megabyte (MB) is defined as 1,024 bytes in binary systems, specifically in
the context of digital storage capacity. However, in some contexts, particularly in marketing
parlance, a megabyte may be considered as 1,000,000 bytes, following the decimal system.
This discrepancy arises due to the difference between binary and decimal numbering systems.
10) As predicted by Moore's Law, CPU speeds continually increase.
Answer: True
Moore's Law, formulated by Gordon Moore, predicts that the number of transistors on a
microchip doubles approximately every two years, leading to an exponential increase in
computing power. While originally referring to the number of transistors, Moore's Law has
been associated with the continuous improvement in CPU performance, including increases
in clock speeds, transistor density, and overall computational capability over time.
11) The cache and main memory are nonvolatile.
Answer: False
Both cache and main memory are volatile memory types, meaning they lose their stored data
when power is turned off. Nonvolatile memory, on the other hand, retains data even when
power is removed, such as flash memory or hard disk drives.

12) Volatile memory devices can store data without using external power.
Answer: False
Volatile memory devices, such as RAM (Random Access Memory), require continuous
power to maintain the stored data. When power is removed, the data stored in volatile
memory is lost. Nonvolatile memory devices, like SSDs (Solid State Drives) and hard disk
drives, retain data even without external power.
13) A 64-bit processor is needed to effectively utilize more than 4GB of memory.
Answer: True
A 64-bit processor can address a much larger memory space compared to a 32-bit processor.
With a 32-bit processor, the maximum addressable memory is limited to 4 gigabytes (GB)
due to the inherent limitations of a 32-bit memory address space. However, a 64-bit processor
can handle memory capacities well beyond 4GB, making it necessary for systems with larger
memory configurations.
14) Program instructions for programs such as Microsoft Excel are stored in the main
memory of a computer.
Answer: True
Program instructions, along with data required for program execution, are loaded into the
main memory (RAM) of a computer when a program is executed. This allows the CPU to
access the instructions and data quickly during program execution, enhancing performance.
15) Magnetic and optical disks are nonvolatile.
Answer: True
Magnetic and optical disks, such as hard disk drives (HDDs) and CDs/DVDs, are nonvolatile
storage devices. They retain data even when power is turned off, making them suitable for
long-term storage of files and programs.

16) The cache and main memory are volatile.
Answer: False
Both the cache and main memory are volatile types of memory, meaning they require
continuous power to maintain the stored data. When power is turned off, the data stored in
cache and main memory is lost.
17) Every computer need not have an operating system.
Answer: False
Virtually all modern computers require an operating system (OS) to manage hardware
resources, provide a user interface, and facilitate interaction between software applications
and the hardware. While some specialized embedded systems may operate without a
traditional OS, the majority of computers, including personal computers and servers, rely on
an OS for proper functioning.
18) The operating system creates and manages the user interface, including the display,
keyboard, mouse, and other devices.
Answer: True
One of the key functions of an operating system is to manage the user interface, including
interaction with input and output devices such as the display, keyboard, mouse, and others.
The operating system coordinates input from these devices and renders output to the display,
facilitating user interaction with the computer system.
19) The operating system controls a computer's resources.
Answer: True
The operating system acts as a resource manager, controlling and allocating various hardware
resources such as CPU time, memory, storage, and peripheral devices. It ensures that multiple

processes or applications running concurrently on the system can access and utilize these
resources efficiently and without conflicts.
20) Although the operating system makes the computer usable, it does little applicationspecific work.
Answer: True
While the operating system provides essential services and manages system resources to
make the computer usable, it typically does not perform application-specific tasks. Instead,
application software, such as word processors, web browsers, and games, are responsible for
performing specific functions tailored to the user's needs.
21) Both client and server computers need an operating system.
Answer: True
Both client and server computers require an operating system to manage hardware resources,
facilitate communication between software applications and hardware devices, and provide
essential services. While client operating systems are typically designed for personal use and
interaction, server operating systems are optimized for hosting services and managing
network resources.
22) Native applications are programs that are written to use a particular operating system.
Answer: True
Native applications are developed specifically for a particular operating system, utilizing its
native APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and frameworks. This allows them to take
full advantage of the features and capabilities offered by the underlying OS, resulting in
optimized performance and seamless integration with the platform.
23) Native applications are sometimes called thick-client applications.
Answer: True

Native applications, which are designed to run directly on a specific operating system, are
often referred to as thick-client applications. This term distinguishes them from web-based or
thin-client applications, which rely on a web browser or remote server for execution.
24) A thin-client application is designed to run within a computer browser such as FireFox,
Chrome, Opera, and Internet Explorer.
Answer: True
Thin-client applications, also known as web-based applications, are designed to run within a
web browser environment. Users access these applications through a browser such as Firefox,
Chrome, Opera, or Internet Explorer, eliminating the need for installation or management of
software on individual client devices.
25) Thin-client applications cannot run within the browser.
Answer: False
Thin-client applications are specifically designed to run within a web browser environment,
allowing users to access them directly through the browser interface. These applications rely
on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to deliver functionality to users
without the need for installation or execution outside the browser.
26) Windows operating system is used for Macintosh clients.
Answer: False
Windows operating system is developed by Microsoft and is primarily designed for use on
PCs (Personal Computers) and compatible devices. Macintosh clients, on the other hand,
typically run macOS, which is the operating system developed by Apple Inc. for its
Macintosh computers.
27) Android is used as a non-mobile operating system.
Answer: False

Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, primarily designed for
smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. While Android has been adapted for other
platforms such as smart TVs and automotive systems, it is primarily known for its use in
mobile computing environments.
28) Symbian operating system is used for Nokia, Samsung and other mobile devices.
Answer: True
Symbian OS was a popular mobile operating system developed primarily for smartphones,
initially by Symbian Ltd. and later by Nokia. It was widely used in Nokia smartphones and
was also licensed to other manufacturers such as Samsung. However, Symbian OS has
largely been replaced by other mobile operating systems like Android and iOS.
29) The term open source means that the source code of the program is not available to the
Answer: False
The term "open source" refers to software whose source code is made available to the public
under a license that allows users to view, modify, and distribute the code freely. Open source
software promotes collaboration, transparency, and community-driven development.
30) Source code is computer code as written by humans and understandable by humans.
Answer: True
Source code refers to the human-readable form of a computer program, written in
programming languages such as C, Java, Python, etc. It consists of instructions and
statements that are understandable by programmers and can be translated into machine code
by a compiler or interpreter for execution by a computer.
31) In a closed source project, say Microsoft Office, the source code is highly protected and
only available to trusted employees and carefully vetted contractors.
Answer: True

Closed source projects, such as Microsoft Office, typically protect their source code as
proprietary information. Access to the source code is restricted to authorized personnel within
the company, including trusted employees and contracted developers who have signed nondisclosure agreements. This helps maintain control over the intellectual property and prevents
unauthorized use or distribution of the code.
32) With open source, anyone can obtain the source code from the open source project's Web
Answer: True
In open source projects, the source code is freely available to anyone who wishes to access it.
Users can obtain the source code from the project's website, version control repositories, or
other distribution channels. This openness encourages collaboration, transparency, and
community involvement in the development process.
33) Programmers cannot alter or add to an open source code.
Answer: False
One of the key principles of open source software is that users have the freedom to modify
and extend the source code to suit their needs. Programmers can contribute enhancements,
bug fixes, and new features to open source projects by submitting patches, pull requests, or
directly modifying the source code. This collaborative approach fosters innovation and
continuous improvement within the open source community.
34) Mac OS and iOS applications are constructed using Java.
Answer: False
Mac OS and iOS applications are primarily developed using Apple's proprietary
programming languages and frameworks, such as Objective-C and Swift. While Java can be
used to develop applications for other platforms like Android, it is not the primary language
used for developing macOS or iOS applications.

35) Linux applications are constructed using Objective-C.
Answer: False
Linux applications can be developed using a variety of programming languages and
development frameworks, but Objective-C is not commonly used for Linux application
development. Instead, developers often use languages like C, C++, Python, Java, or scripting
languages such as Bash or Perl to create Linux applications.
36) Object-oriented languages cannot be used to create difficult and complex applications.
Answer: False
Object-oriented languages like Java, C++, and Python are well-suited for creating difficult
and complex applications. The object-oriented paradigm provides powerful features such as
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, which enable developers to organize and
manage complex systems effectively. Many large-scale software projects, including operating
systems, enterprise applications, and video games, are built using object-oriented languages.
37) Object-oriented languages can only be used by professional programmers who have
devoted years to learning object-oriented design and coding skills.
Answer: True
Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages can be complex and require a solid
understanding of object-oriented principles and design patterns to use effectively. While
professional programmers with experience in OOP may be better equipped to utilize these
languages, they are not the exclusive domain of seasoned developers. Novice programmers
can also learn and use object-oriented languages with proper training and practice.
38) Thin-client applications are developed by professional programmers and technically
oriented web developers and business professionals.
Answer: True

Thin-client applications, which run on remote servers and are accessed via web browsers, are
typically developed by professional programmers with expertise in web development
technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side scripting languages (e.g., PHP,
Python, Ruby). Additionally, technically oriented web developers and business professionals
may also be involved in the development process, contributing to the design, requirements,
and usability of thin-client applications.
39) Mobile device users cannot move across various devices.
Answer: False
Mobile device users have the flexibility to move across various devices, including
smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearable devices, while accessing the same applications
and services. Cloud-based services and synchronization capabilities enable users to
seamlessly transition between different devices, ensuring continuity of experience and access
to essential data and functionality.
40) Desktop computers, Xboxes, and large, heavy, power-hungry laptops are not mobile
Answer: True
Mobile devices are typically characterized by their portability, lightweight design, and ability
to operate on battery power. Desktop computers, gaming consoles like Xboxes, and large,
heavy laptops that rely on external power sources are not considered mobile devices due to
their lack of mobility and portability. Mobile devices, on the other hand, include
smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and wearable devices that are designed for on-the-go use.
41) Mobile devices cannot be connected through cloud.
Answer: False
Mobile devices can indeed connect to cloud services, allowing users to access and store data
remotely, synchronize information across devices, and utilize cloud-based applications. Cloud

connectivity is a fundamental feature of modern mobile technology, enabling seamless access
to resources and services from anywhere with an internet connection.
42) Mobile systems offer the potential of just-in-time data, which is data delivered to the user
at the precise time it is needed.
Answer: True
Just-in-time data delivery ensures that users receive relevant information exactly when they
need it, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of mobile applications. By providing
timely and contextually appropriate data, mobile systems can optimize user experiences and
support real-time decision-making processes.
43) Just-in-time data improves the premium on the ability to memorize vast quantities of
product data.
Answer: False
Just-in-time data delivery reduces the reliance on users' memory by providing on-demand
access to relevant information as needed. Instead of memorizing vast quantities of data, users
can rely on mobile systems to deliver the right information at the right time, minimizing
cognitive load and improving productivity.
44) A user interface (UI) is the presentation format of an application.
Answer: True
The user interface (UI) of an application refers to the presentation format through which users
interact with the software. It encompasses visual elements such as screens, menus, buttons,
and other graphical components, as well as the layout, design, and navigation structure of the
45) Using content to drive application behavior is called indirect interaction.
Answer: False

Using content to drive application behavior is typically referred to as content-driven
interaction or content-driven functionality. Indirect interaction usually involves intermediary
elements or processes that facilitate communication or interaction between users and the
application, but content-driven interaction focuses on leveraging content to determine or
influence the behavior of the application itself.
46) Applications must be designed to scale up and down without appearing awkward or
taking over the device.
Answer: True
Mobile applications should be designed to scale seamlessly across different screen sizes,
resolutions, and device capabilities to provide a consistent and optimal user experience.
Whether running on smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices, applications should adapt
their layout, content, and functionality dynamically to accommodate varying device
configurations without appearing awkward or overwhelming the user interface.
47) Mobile applications can share their device with other mobile applications.
Answer: True
Mobile applications can share data and resources with other applications on the same device
through mechanisms such as inter-app communication, shared storage, and application
programming interfaces (APIs). This allows for integration between different applications,
enabling functionalities like data sharing, content exchange, and cross-app interactions to
enhance the user experience.
48) A BYOD (bring your own device) policy is a statement concerning employees'
permissions and responsibilities when they use their own device for organizational business.
Answer: True
A BYOD (bring your own device) policy outlines the rules, guidelines, and procedures
governing the use of personal devices for work-related activities within an organization. It
defines employees' rights and responsibilities regarding the use of their own devices for

accessing company resources, data security measures, acceptable use policies, and procedures
for device management and support.
49) Numerous vendors license products called mobile device management (MDM) software
to assist.
Answer: True
Mobile device management (MDM) software enables organizations to manage and secure
mobile devices, applications, and data used within their network. Many vendors offer MDM
solutions that provide features such as device provisioning, configuration management,
application deployment, security enforcement, and remote device monitoring and support to
assist organizations in managing their mobile infrastructure effectively.
50) BYOD policies are rapidly evolving, and many organizations have not yet determined
what is best for them.
Answer: True
The adoption of BYOD policies varies across organizations, and many are still in the process
of defining and refining their approach to accommodate the growing trend of employees
using personal devices for work purposes. BYOD policies must balance the benefits of
increased flexibility and productivity with potential security risks, compliance requirements,
and management challenges, leading to ongoing evolution and adaptation based on
organizational needs and priorities.
Multiple Choice Questions
1) Which of the following devices is used during the processing stage of computing?
A) UPC reader
B) main memory
C) printer
D) bar code scanner
Answer: B

Main memory, also known as RAM (Random Access Memory), is used during the processing
stage of computing to temporarily store data and program instructions that the CPU (Central
Processing Unit) needs to access quickly. It serves as a workspace for active programs and
facilitates the execution of tasks by providing fast access to data.
2) Which of the following is an input hardware device?
A) plotter
B) bar code scanner
C) projector
D) printer
Answer: B
A bar code scanner is an input hardware device that is used to capture and input data into a
computer system. It reads barcodes printed on products or items and converts them into
digital data that can be processed by the computer. Bar code scanners are commonly used in
retail, inventory management, and logistics for efficient data entry.
3) Which of the following is an output device?
A) video camera
B) projector
C) mouse
D) bar code scanner
Answer: B
A projector is an output device that displays visual information from a computer onto a large
screen or surface. It takes digital data from the computer and projects it as images or
presentations that can be viewed by an audience. Projectors are commonly used in

classrooms, boardrooms, theaters, and other settings for presentations and multimedia
4) The ________ is called the "brain" of the computer.
A) random access memory
B) read only memory
C) storage hardware
D) central processing unit
Answer: D
The central processing unit (CPU) is often referred to as the "brain" of the computer because
it is responsible for executing instructions, performing calculations, and coordinating the
various components of the computer system. The CPU interprets and processes instructions
fetched from memory, enabling the computer to perform tasks and operations.
5) Which of the following devices is an example of an output hardware device?
A) overhead projector
B) keyboard
C) mouse
D) bar code scanner
Answer: A
An overhead projector is an output hardware device that projects images or text onto a screen
or surface. It takes visual information from a transparency or document placed on its surface
and projects it onto a larger area for viewing by an audience. Overhead projectors are
commonly used in classrooms, conference rooms, and presentations for displaying visual
6) Main memory is also known as ________.
A) cache memory

B) random access memory
C) read-only memory
D) optical memory
Answer: B
Main memory, often referred to as random access memory (RAM), is a type of volatile
memory that stores data and program instructions temporarily while a computer is running. It
allows the CPU to quickly access and manipulate data, facilitating efficient computation and
processing of tasks.
7) Which of the following devices is an example of a storage hardware device?
A) universal serial bus
B) central processing unit
C) optical disk
D) random access memory
Answer: C
An optical disk is an example of a storage hardware device that is used to store data
permanently or temporarily. It typically consists of a flat, circular disc with a reflective
surface that stores data in a digital format using laser technology. Optical disks, such as CDs,
DVDs, and Blu-ray discs, are commonly used for data backup, distribution of software, and
multimedia storage.
8) Which of the following terms refers to a collection of servers?
A) server database
B) server farm
C) portal
D) data server

Answer: B
A server farm refers to a collection of multiple servers that are interconnected and used
together to provide computing resources, services, or applications to users or clients over a
network. Server farms are commonly deployed in data centers or cloud computing
environments to handle large volumes of network traffic, process data-intensive tasks, and
ensure high availability and scalability.
9) Bits are used for computer data because they ________.
A) do not support multiple voltage levels
B) are easy to represent electronically
C) are used in common calculations
D) do not function as switches in networks
Answer: B
Bits, which represent the smallest unit of data in computing, are used because they are easy to
represent electronically. A bit can have two distinct states, typically represented as 0 or 1,
making it well-suited for digital representation and manipulation within electronic circuits
and systems.
10) Bits are grouped into 8-bit chunks called ________.
A) switches
B) strings
C) bytes
D) nibbles
Answer: C
Bits are grouped into 8-bit chunks called bytes. A byte consists of eight bits and is used as a
fundamental unit of data storage and processing in computing systems. Bytes are commonly

used to represent characters, numbers, and other types of data, and they serve as the building
blocks for larger data structures and operations within computer systems.
11) A ________ is equivalent to 1,024 bytes.
A) gigabyte
B) kilobyte
C) terabyte
D) megabyte
Answer: B
A kilobyte (KB) is equivalent to 1,024 bytes. This is a standard unit of digital information
storage used in computing. It represents a relatively small amount of data and is commonly
used to measure the size of files, programs, and memory capacity in computers.
12) 10 TB is equivalent to ________ gigabytes.
A) 10,240
B) 1,000
C) 1,024
D) 102.4
Answer: A
To convert terabytes (TB) to gigabytes (GB), one needs to multiply by 1,024 (since each
terabyte contains 1,024 gigabytes). Therefore, 10 TB is equivalent to 10,240 gigabytes.
13) To run a program or process data, the computer first transfers the program or data from
disk to the ________.
A) cache memory
B) main memory
C) input device

D) central processing unit
Answer: B
Main memory, also known as RAM (Random Access Memory), is where programs and data
are temporarily stored while the computer is running. When a program is executed or data is
processed, it is first transferred from the disk (storage) to the main memory for quick access
by the CPU.
14) When using volatile memory, the ________.
A) processor heats up during operation
B) files are stored permanently
C) processing becomes very slow
D) contents are lost when power is off
Answer: D
Volatile memory, such as RAM, loses its contents when the power is turned off or interrupted.
This means that any data stored in volatile memory is only retained temporarily and is lost
when the computer is shut down. In contrast, nonvolatile memory retains its contents even
when the power is off.
15) Which of the following is a nonvolatile memory device?
A) optical memory device
B) main memory
C) cache memory
D) random access memory
Answer: A

An optical memory device, such as a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, is an example of nonvolatile
memory. Nonvolatile memory retains its contents even when the power is turned off or
interrupted. This allows data stored on optical discs to be accessed and read repeatedly
without loss of information.
16) Which of the following memory devices is volatile in nature?
A) magnetic disk
B) cache
C) hard drive
D) optical disk
Answer: B
Cache memory is a type of volatile memory that is used to temporarily store frequently
accessed data and instructions for quick access by the CPU. Like other forms of volatile
memory, cache memory loses its contents when the power is turned off or interrupted.
17) Server application programs are programs that ________.
A) control the client computer's resources
B) are processed on client computers
C) are processed on server computers
D) control the server computer's resources
Answer: C
Server application programs are programs that are executed on server computers to provide
various services or functionalities to client computers over a network. These programs run on
the server hardware and manage resources, data, and communication with client devices.
18) Which of the following is an example of an application program?
A) Microsoft Word

B) Unix
C) Linux
D) Windows
Answer: A
Microsoft Word is an example of an application program, specifically a word processing
application. Application programs are software applications designed to perform specific
tasks or functions for end-users, such as word processing, spreadsheet management, or web
19) Which of the following is a function of an application program?
A) allocating main memory to programs
B) performing memory swapping
C) accessing a customer database
D) allocating resources to a computer
Answer: C
Accessing a customer database is a function of an application program. Application programs
are designed to perform specific tasks or functions based on user requirements, such as
accessing, manipulating, and managing data stored in databases.
20) ________ are commands that the central processing unit can process.
A) Recursive functions
B) Instruction sets
C) Operational bits
D) Application programs
Answer: B

Instruction sets are commands or instructions that the central processing unit (CPU) can
process and execute to perform various tasks or operations. These instructions are encoded in
binary format and are part of the machine language understood by the CPU. Instruction sets
govern the operation of the CPU and dictate how programs are executed.
21) Which of the following is the operating system designed by Apple?
A) Android
B) Unix
C) Linux
D) Mac OS
Answer: D
Mac OS is the operating system designed by Apple Inc. It is specifically developed to run on
Apple's Macintosh computers and is known for its user-friendly interface and integration with
other Apple products and services.
22) ________ is a version of Unix that was developed by an open source community.
A) Symbian OS
B) Android
C) Linux
D) Mac OS
Answer: C
Linux is a version of Unix developed by an open-source community. It is a freely available
and customizable operating system that is widely used in various computing environments,
including servers, desktops, and embedded systems.
23) Linux is an example of a(n) ________.
A) open source operating system

B) mobile operating system
C) user community
D) application software that creates documents
Answer: A
Linux is an example of an open-source operating system. Being open source means that its
source code is freely available, allowing users to study, modify, and distribute the software.
Linux has a large and active user community contributing to its development and
24) Which of the following is a mobile operating system licensed by Google?
A) Blackberry OS
B) Symbian
C) Android
D) Windows mobile
Answer: C
Android is a mobile operating system licensed by Google. It is an open-source platform
designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android
has a large market share in the mobile operating system market.
25) Virtualization is the process by which ________.
A) a single server is used to host the operations of a work station
B) many computers are used to control a server
C) one computer hosts the appearance of many computers
D) a single operating system is licensed for multiple computers
Answer: C

Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something,
such as a server, storage device, network, or operating system. In the context of operating
systems, virtualization allows a single physical computer to host multiple virtual machines,
each running its own operating system instance.
26) With ________, a computer, such as a desktop or portable computer, hosts several
different operating systems.
A) PC virtualization
B) parallel computing
C) cloud computing
D) grid computing
Answer: A
PC virtualization, also known as desktop virtualization, refers to the process of running
multiple operating systems on a single physical computer, such as a desktop or portable
computer. Each operating system runs in its own isolated virtual environment, allowing users
to switch between them as needed.
27) Ronald runs both Windows 7 and Linux on his desktop computer. This process is called
A) PC virtualization
B) server virtualization
C) cloud computing
D) desktop virtualization
Answer: A
Running multiple operating systems, such as Windows 7 and Linux, on a single desktop
computer is an example of PC virtualization. In this scenario, the computer hosts multiple
virtual machines, each running its own operating system instance concurrently.

28) With server virtualization, a server computer hosts ________.
A) multiple operating systems
B) one or more server computers
C) virtual host operating systems
D) databases that contain information about servers
Answer: B
Server virtualization involves a server computer hosting one or more virtual machines, each
of which can run its own operating system instance. This allows multiple virtual servers to be
created and managed on a single physical server, optimizing resource utilization and
simplifying administration.
29) Which of the following terms refers to the process of a single server hosting many
versions of desktop operating systems?
A) PC virtualization
B) cloud computing
C) desktop virtualization
D) server virtualization
Answer: C
Desktop virtualization is the process of running multiple desktop operating systems on a
single server computer. Each desktop operating system runs as a separate virtual machine,
allowing users to access and interact with different desktop environments from a single
physical server.
30) When you buy an operating system for your personal computer, you are actually buying a
software ________.
A) copyright
B) upgrade

C) patent
D) license
Answer: D
When purchasing an operating system for personal use, such as Windows or macOS, users
are acquiring a software license that grants them the legal right to use the operating system on
their computer. The license outlines the terms and conditions of use, including restrictions
and permissions granted by the software provider.
31) Programs that perform business functions, such as general ledger and accounting, are
known as ________.
A) application software
B) system software
C) firmware
D) operating systems
Answer: A
Application software refers to programs designed to perform specific tasks or functions for
users, such as word processing, spreadsheet management, or accounting. These software
applications are tailored to meet the needs of various business functions, such as accounting
software like QuickBooks or general ledger software like DenTimes for dentists.
32) A spreadsheet program is an example of a(n) ________.
A) vertical-market application software
B) operating system
C) firmware
D) horizontal-market application software
Answer: D

Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets are examples of horizontalmarket application software. They are designed to be widely applicable across various
industries and functions, allowing users to create and manipulate spreadsheets for tasks such
as data analysis, budgeting, and financial modeling.
33) Which of the following is an example of a vertical-market application software?
A) inventory tracking software for an auto manufacturer
B) at-home tax preparation software
C) Adobe suite used by graphic designers
D) Microsoft PowerPoint used to create presentations
Answer: A
Vertical-market application software is designed to meet the specific needs of a particular
industry or vertical market. Inventory tracking software for an auto manufacturer, for
example, is tailored to the unique requirements of managing inventory in the automotive
industry, making it an example of vertical-market application software.
34) DenTimes, a software package for dentists, is an example of a ________.
A) horizontal-market application software
B) vertical-market application software
C) generic market application software
D) one-of-a-kind application software
Answer: B
DenTimes, a software package designed specifically for dentists to manage patient
appointments, records, and billing, is an example of vertical-market application software. It is
customized to meet the specialized needs of dentistry practices, making it vertical-market

35) ________ is installed in special, read-only memory in devices like printers or
communication devices.
A) Vertical-market software
B) Application software
C) Firmware
D) Operating system
Answer: C
Firmware refers to software that is embedded into special, read-only memory (ROM) in
devices such as printers, communication devices, or computer peripherals. It provides lowlevel control over the hardware components of these devices and is responsible for their basic
36) Which of the following statements is true of firmware?
A) The software is coded differently from other software.
B) Users do not need to load firmware into the device's memory.
C) Firmware is the same as system cache.
D) Firmware cannot be changed or upgraded.
Answer: B
Firmware is pre-installed software that is stored in non-volatile memory within devices, such
as printers or communication devices. Users do not typically need to load firmware into a
device's memory separately, as it is already integrated into the device's hardware.
37) Which of the following is an open-source browser?
A) Internet Explorer
B) Ubuntu
C) Firefox

D) Apache
Answer: C
Firefox is an example of an open-source browser. It is developed and maintained by the
Mozilla Foundation and its community of contributors. Being open source means that its
source code is freely available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute.
38) Which of the following is an example of an open-source operating system?
A) MS Office
B) Apache
D) Ubuntu
Answer: D
Ubuntu is an example of an open-source operating system. It is a Linux distribution based on
Debian and is developed and maintained by Canonical Ltd. Being open source, Ubuntu's
source code is freely available for users to study, modify, and distribute.
39) The term "open source" means that the source code of the program is ________.
A) less stable and platform dependent
B) available to the public
C) available for licensing if desired
D) available only to carefully vetted contractors
Answer: B
In the context of software, "open source" refers to the practice of making the source code of a
program freely available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. This fosters
collaboration, transparency, and innovation within the software development community.

40) Source code is computer code ________.
A) as written by humans
B) that is not understandable by humans
C) that is represented as bits and bytes
D) as processed by a computer
Answer: A
Source code refers to the human-readable instructions written by programmers in
programming languages such as Java, C++, or Python. It is the raw form of a computer
program before it is compiled or interpreted into machine code that computers can execute.
41) Machine code ________.
A) is written in high-level languages
B) cannot be modified by humans
C) is usually written by humans
D) is the simplest mode of communicating with computers
Answer: B
Machine code, also known as object code, is the binary representation of instructions that a
computer's central processing unit (CPU) can execute directly. It is not designed to be
modified by humans directly and represents the lowest level of abstraction in programming
42) Which of the following statements is true of closed source projects?
A) Only users and developers are allowed to alter the source code in closed source projects.
B) Anyone can obtain the source code for a closed source project.
C) Only trusted programmers are allowed to make changes to a closed source project.
D) Programmers alter or add to closed source code based on their interests and goals.

Answer: C
In closed source projects, access to the source code is restricted, and only trusted
programmers, typically employed by the organization that owns the project, are allowed to
make changes. This control over the source code ensures that the organization maintains
proprietary control and security over its software.
43) Which of the following is an example of a closed source project?
A) Firefox
B) Android
C) Microsoft Office
D) Ubuntu
Answer: C
Microsoft Office is an example of a closed source project. The source code of Microsoft
Office applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, is proprietary and not freely
available to the public. Users cannot modify or redistribute the software without permission
from Microsoft.
44) Mac OS and iOS applications are constructed using ________.
A) Objective C
B) C#
C) Java
D) VB.Net
Answer: A
Mac OS and iOS applications are primarily developed using Objective-C, which is a
programming language specifically designed for Apple's platforms. Objective-C allows

developers to create native applications that can fully leverage the features and capabilities of
Apple's operating systems.
45) Linux applications are developed using ________.
A) Objective C
B) C#
C) Java
D) VB.Net
Answer: C
Linux applications are commonly developed using programming languages such as C, C++,
and Java. Java, in particular, is popular for developing cross-platform applications that can
run on various operating systems, including Linux.
46) Android applications are developed using _______.
A) Objective C
B) C#
C) Java
D) VB.Net
Answer: C
Android applications are primarily developed using Java programming language, along with
the Android Software Development Kit (SDK). Java provides a robust and flexible
environment for creating mobile applications that run on the Android operating system.
47) Java, C#, and VB.Net are examples of ________.
A) native applications
B) client operating systems
C) structured queries

D) object-oriented languages
Answer: D
Java, C#, and VB.Net are all examples of object-oriented programming languages. These
languages are designed to organize code into objects, which encapsulate data and behavior,
making them well-suited for building complex software systems.
48) A client-server application that requires nothing more than a browser is called a
A) thick-client application
B) desktop application
C) firmware
D) thin-client application
Answer: D
A thin-client application is a client-server application that relies on a web browser to provide
the user interface and access to the application's functionality. Users only need a browser to
interact with the application, as all processing is done on the server side.
49) An application that requires support beyond a browser on the user's computer is known as
a(n) ________.
A) thick-client application
B) cloud application
C) open-source program
D) thin-client application
Answer: A

A thick-client application, also known as a rich client or fat client application, is an
application that requires additional software beyond a web browser to run on the user's
computer. These applications often have more extensive user interfaces and processing
capabilities compared to thin-client applications.
50) Thin-client applications are developed using ________.
B) Java
C) Objective-C
D) C#
Answer: A
Thin-client applications typically rely on web technologies such as HTML5, CSS, and
JavaScript for development. These technologies allow developers to create dynamic and
interactive web applications that can run in a browser without requiring additional software
installation on the client side.
51) Thin-client applications are limited by the capabilities of the ________.
A) programming language
B) browser
C) hardware
D) operating system
Answer: B
Thin-client applications rely heavily on web browsers to render and execute code. The
capabilities of the browser, including support for web standards, scripting languages, and
plugins, determine what functionality and features the thin-client application can provide to

52) A ________ is a small, lightweight, power-conserving, computing device that is capable
of wireless access.
B) mainframe computer
C) server
D) mobile device
Answer: D
Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, fit the description provided in the question.
They are designed to be portable, energy-efficient, and capable of wireless connectivity,
making them suitable for use on the go.
53) Which of the following is an example of a mobile device?
A) smartphone
B) Xbox
C) desktop
D) Play Station 3
Answer: A
A smartphone is a typical example of a mobile device, designed for communication, internet
access, and running various applications. The other options, Xbox, desktop, and Play Station
3, are not considered mobile devices as they are not designed for portability or wireless
54) ________ is data delivered to the user at the precise time it is needed.
A) Real-time data
B) Just-in-time data
C) Block data

D) Raw data
Answer: B
Just-in-time data refers to information that is delivered to the user exactly when it is needed,
without unnecessary delays. This ensures that users have access to relevant data precisely
when they require it for decision-making or other purposes.
55) A user interface (UI) is the ________ format of an application.
A) underdeveloped
B) graphical
C) web-based
D) presentation
Answer: D
The user interface (UI) of an application refers to its presentation format, including how
information is displayed and how users interact with the application. It encompasses elements
such as menus, buttons, forms, and visual design.
56) ________ is a term that refers to the visual overhead in a computer display.
A) Chrome
B) Charm
C) Prime
Answer: A
In the context provided, "Chrome" refers to the visual elements surrounding the main content
on a computer display, such as toolbars, menus, and borders. It can also include browser
features like tabs and navigation buttons.

57) ________ occurs when users move their activities, especially long-running transactions,
across devices.
A) Tracking
B) Reaping
C) Formatting
D) Roaming
Answer: D
Roaming refers to the ability of users to move their activities, such as ongoing tasks or
transactions, across different devices seamlessly. This allows users to continue their work
from one device to another without interruption.
58) Which of the following is an advantage to the organization if its BYOD policy offers
wireless network to mobile devices?
A) The organization can sniff employees' mobile traffic.
B) Employees gain public access from any device, not just mobile devices.
C) The policy appears to be permissive without actually being so.
D) Employees resist turning over the management of their hardware to the organization.
Answer: A
By providing wireless network access to mobile devices, the organization gains the ability to
monitor and analyze employees' mobile traffic. This can help ensure security compliance,
detect unauthorized activities, and protect sensitive data.
59) Which of the following is an advantage to the organization if its BYOD policy holds the
employee responsible for any kind of damage?
A) The organization can sniff employees' mobile traffic.
B) Employees gain public access from any device, not just mobile devices.

C) The policy appears to be permissive without actually being so.
D) Employees resist turning over the management of their hardware to the organization.
Answer: C
Holding employees responsible for any damage caused by their devices under a BYOD
policy creates a perception of accountability and responsibility among employees. This can
deter careless behavior and encourage compliance with security protocols without imposing
overly restrictive controls.
60) ________ install and update software, back up and restore mobile devices, wipe software
and data from devices in the event the device is lost or the employee leaves the company,
report usage, and provide other mobile device management data.
A) MDM software
B) Data managers
C) BYOD managers
D) IS departments
Answer: A
Mobile Device Management (MDM) software solutions are designed to manage and secure
mobile devices within an organization's network. They enable IT administrators to perform
various tasks, including software installation, updates, data backup, remote wiping, and usage
monitoring, to ensure compliance and security.
Essay Questions
1) Describe the various components of hardware and provide examples.
Answer: Hardware consists of electronic components and related gadgetry that input, process,
output, and store data according to instructions encoded in computer programs or software.
Typical input hardware devices are the keyboard, mouse, document scanners, and bar-code
(Universal Product Code) scanners like those used in grocery stores.

Processing devices include the central processing unit (CPU), which is sometimes called "the
brain" of the computer. The CPU works in conjunction with main memory. The CPU reads
data and instructions from memory, and it stores results of computations in main memory.
Main memory is sometimes called RAM, for random access memory. Output hardware
consists of video displays, printers, audio speakers, overhead projectors, and other specialpurpose devices, such as large flatbed plotters. Storage hardware saves data and programs.
Magnetic disk is by far the most common storage device, although optical disks such as CDs
and DVDs also are popular.
2) Describe how data is represented in computers.
Answer: Computers represent data using binary digits, called bits. A bit is either a zero or a
one. Bits are used for computer data because they are easy to represent electronically. Bits are
grouped into 8-bit chunks called bytes. For character data, such as the letters in a person's
name, one character will fit into one byte. Bytes are used to measure sizes of noncharacter
data as well. A kilobyte, abbreviated K, is a collection of 1,024 bytes. A megabyte, or MB, is
1,024 kilobytes. A gigabyte, or GB, is 1,024 megabytes, and a terabyte, or TB, is 1,024
3) Briefly describe the nonmobile client operating systems.
Answer: Nonmobile client operating systems are used on personal computers. The most
popular is Microsoft Windows. Some version of Windows resides on more than 85 percent of
the world's desktops, and, if we consider just business users, the figure is more than 95
percent. The most recent client version of Windows is Windows 8, a major re-write of prior
versions. Windows 8 is distinguished by what Microsoft calls Metro-style applications. These
applications are touch-screen oriented and minimize non-user data by providing contextsensitive, pop-up menus. They can also be used with a mouse and keyboard. Microsoft claims
that Metrostyle applications work just as well on portable, mobile devices such as slate
computers as they do on desktop computers. One key feature of Metro applications is the
minimization of menu bars, status lines, and other visual overhead.
4) List the various categories of application software.
Answer: The three major categories of application software are horizontal-market, verticalmarket, and one-of-a-kind application software.

Horizontal-market application software provides capabilities that are common across all
organizations and industries. Word processors, graphics programs, spreadsheets, and
presentation programs are all horizontal-market application software. Examples of such
software are Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Vertical-market application software
serves the needs of a specific industry. Examples of such programs are those used by dental
offices to schedule appointments and bill patients, those used by auto mechanics to keep track
of customer data and customers' automobile repairs, and those used by parts warehouses to
track inventory, purchases, and sales. Vertical applications usually can be altered or
customized. One-of-a-kind application software is developed for a specific, unique need. The
IRS develops such software, for example, because it has needs no other organization has.
5) What are open source and closed source programs?
Answer: The term "open source" means that the source code of the program is available to
the public. Source code is computer code as written by humans and understandable by
humans. Source code is compiled into machine code that is processed by a computer.
Machine code is, in general, not understandable by humans and cannot be modified. In a
closed source project, say Microsoft Office, the source code is highly protected and only
available to trusted employees and carefully vetted contractors. The source code is protected
like gold in a vault. Only those trusted programmers can make changes to a closed source
project. With open source, anyone can obtain the source code from the open source project's
Web site. Programmers alter or add to this code depending on their interests and goals. In
most cases, programmers can incorporate code they find into their own projects. They may be
able to resell those projects depending on the type of license agreement the project uses.
6) Write a short note on developing native applications.
Answer: Native applications are developed using serious, heavy-duty, professional
programming languages. Mac OS and iOS applications are constructed using Objective-C,
Linux (Android) applications are constructed using Java, and Windows applications are
constructed using C#, VB.Net, and others. All of these languages are object-oriented, which
means they can be used to create difficult, complex applications, and, if used properly, will
result in high-performance code that is easy to alter when requirements change. Objectoriented languages can only be used by professional programmers who have devoted years to
learning object-oriented design and coding skills. Typically, such developers were computer
science majors in college.

7) Describe the thin-client development languages.
Answer: Thin-client development languages are HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. These are
not object-oriented languages and hence are much easier to learn to use. HTML5 is the latest
version of HTML. The advantages of this version are support for graphics, animation, 3D
drawing, and other sophisticated user experiences. CSS3 is used with HTML5 to specify the
appearance of content coded in HTML. JavaScript is a scripting programming language that
is much easier to learn than object-oriented languages. It is used to provide the underlying
logic of the application.
8) Why are mobile systems important?
Answer: Mobile systems are information systems that support users in motion. Mobile
systems users access the system from any place–at home, at work, in the car, on the bus, at
the beach, using any smart device–smartphone, tablet, PC. The possibilities are endless.
Mobile systems users move not only geographically, but also from device to device. The user
who starts reading a book on an iPad on a bus, continues reading that book on a PC at work,
and finishes it on Kindle Fire at home is mobile both geographically and across devices. The
major elements in a mobile system are users in motion, mobile devices, wireless connectivity,
and a cloud-based resource. A mobile device is a small, lightweight, power-conserving,
computing device that is capable of wireless access. Almost all mobile devices have a display
and some means for data entry. Mobile devices include smartphones, tablets, personal digital
assistants, and small, light laptops. Desktop computers, Xboxes, and large, heavy, powerhungry laptops are not mobile devices.
9) What is UI?
Answer: A user interface (UI) is the presentation format of an application. It consists of
windows, menus, icons, dialog boxes, toolbars, etc., as well as user content. A user
experience (UX) is a newer term that refers not only to the UI, but also to the way the
application behaves within that UI.
10) What are the disadvantages of employee use of mobile system at work?
Answer: Employee use of mobile devices has significant disadvantages. First, there is the real
danger of lost or damaged data. When data is brought into employee-owned computing
devices, the organization loses control over where it goes or what happens to it. In May 2012,
IBM disallowed the use of Apple's voice searching application, Siri, on employees' mobile

devices for just that reason. Also, if an employee loses his or her device, the data goes with it,
and when employees leave the organization, the data on their personal devices needs to be
deleted, somehow.

Test Bank for Using MIS
David M. Kroenke
9780133029673, 9780135191767, 9780134106786, 9780138132484, 9780136100751, 9780134606996

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