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Chapter 12
1) Which would the average person be most likely to remember from a presentation her or
she attended?
A) a piece of music
B) an expression spoken by the speaker
C) a phrase from the middle of the presentation
D) a visual presented on a slide
E) the speaker's introductory comments
Answer: D
D) Most people remember the pictures, colors, and patterns they are shown better than they
remember what is said during a presentation.
2) The ability to create presentations using visual aids is important in any profession, but it is
particularly vital to those working in the ________ industry.
A) healthcare
B) technology
C) accounting
D) food service
E) financial
Answer: B
B) When it comes to presenting hard-to-understand technical knowledge, good visual aids
provide a necessary boost by clarifying complicated concepts and keeping people from
becoming bored during presentations.
3) All of the following statements about the use of visual aids in presentations are true
A) they keep people from becoming bored
B) they clarify complicated concepts
C) they are more likely to be retained in people's memories
D) they engage your audience
E) they must be high-tech
Answer: E

E) There are a variety of low-tech visual aids that can effectively enhance the message of
your presentation. These include flipcharts, whiteboard, and handouts.
4) A(n) ________ allows you to leaf through its pages, which gives your hands something to
do so you look less nervous.
A) flipchart
B) whiteboard
C) overhead projector
D) visual projector
E) pointer
Answer: A
A) A flipchart is a large, portable pad of paper placed on an easel.
5) If you use a flipchart, ________.
A) you must write all your pages ahead of time
B) all writing is done extemporaneously
C) jotting down ideas as you collect them from the crowd saves writing time
D) writing pages in advance means you don't need to use note cards
E) you can add or cross out points in the middle of your presentation
Answer: E
E) This is a benefit of using a flipchart. Many presenters write on flipcharts
extemporaneously as they collect ideas from the audience. However, other presenters choose
to prepare some of their flipchart pages in advance to avoid using note cards and save writing
6) When writing on a flipchart, make sure that ________.
A) your letters are at least two inches tall so everyone can see
B) your text is one-inch or smaller so that all your writing will fit on the sheet
C) you stand in front of the flipchart as you write so that people won't read your content until
you are done writing it
D) you change the flipchart's lightbulb before you begin so that it doesn't burn out in the
middle of your presentation
E) you don't flip through the pages of the flipchart since this makes you look nervous.

Answer: A
A) Write in large letters that everyone can see (at least two inches tall).
7) The real power of the flipchart is when it's used as a parking lot, so to speak, ________.
A) which is a way to align the audience's ideas and suggestions in neat rows and columns
B) which means labelling related ideas with letters and numbers, the way some parking lots
are labelled to help people remember where they parked their cars
C) which means the audience's questions and comments are organized according to their
"size" or importance, as some lots divide parking for compact cars and sport-utility vehicles
D) which is a place to put the audience's questions or objections that you cannot address at
the moment
E) which means that you write down the comments that you don't want to deal with and
discard that sheet
Answer: D
D) If you have time at the end of the session, review the parking lot questions during a
question-and-answer period. If you don't have time to answer all the questions, write down
the names and e-mail addresses of the questioners and respond to them later.
8) When writing on a whiteboard, write your main content with a thick marking pen in a
color like ________.
A) yellow
B) orange
C) purple
D) red
E) green
Answer: C
C) Dark colors like blue, black, and purple are best because they are visible against a white
background. Red and green are fine for accent colors, but are not visible enough for writing
the main content. Never use yellow or orange. They will make it hard for people to see what
you are writing.
9) A replacement for blackboards, you write on a(n) ________ with special colored, dryerase markers instead of chalk.
A) parking lot

B) whiteboard
C) overhead projector
D) visual presenter
E) multimedia slide chart
Answer: B
B) Dry-erase whiteboards are smooth, white porcelain-on-steel boards that replace
10) Whiteboards are useful for ________. Which of the following does NOT accurately
complete the statement above?
A) interactive presentations
B) formal presentations
C) small-group presentations
D) low-tech presentations
E) presentations in which you want to capture your audience's thoughts, erase them, and then
generate more ideas.
Answer: B
B) Whiteboards are useful for more casual, interactive presentations to smaller groups of
people where you want to capture thoughts, erase them, and then generate more ideas. The
nice thing about whiteboards is that many presentation rooms have them, so you don't need to
bring any special or high-tech equipment with you.
11) When writing on a whiteboard, ________.
A) red or yellow markers are effective colors to use
B) permanent markers will work if you don't have any dry erase markers
C) bringing your own dry-erase pens is wise in case those with the whiteboard have dried up
D) write all the way down to the very bottom of the board
E) don't stand to the side of the words when you write
Answer: C
C) Don't make the mistake of using permanent marking pens (the kind you use with
flipcharts) on a whiteboard. You will not be able to erase your writing, and you will probably
have ruined the board because you won't be able to reuse it. As with writing on a flipchart,

use a marker in blue, black, or purple, and stand to the side of the words as you write. Don't
write on the very bottom of the board; no one will see what you have written.
12) If you prefer to write on a horizontal surface, rather than a vertical one, you might
consider using transparencies and a(n) ________.
A) visual presenter
B) overhead projector
C) flipchart
D) whiteboard
E) slide projector
Answer: B
B) An overhead projector typically consists of a large box with a very bright lamp in it, a
wide, flat lens, above the lamp, and a mirror above the lens. You place a transparency on top
of the lens, and the light travels through the transparency and is projected by the mirror onto a
screen the audience can see.
13) Which of the following comments about overhead projectors is NOT true?
A) it serves as a good backup visual aid for slide presentations, should you have technical
problems with your computer
B) it projects transparencies onto a screen
C) it doesn't allow you to add notes to your transparencies during the presentation
D) anything printed or drawn can be copied onto a transparency
E) the text on transparencies can be handwritten
Answer: C
C) You can also handwrite your transparencies, add notes and comments to them as you
make your presentation, and later erase them from the transparency
14) If you plan to give your presentation using an overhead projector, being well prepared
means always brining an extra ________.
A) overhead projector
B) transparency
C) lens
D) light bulb
E) mirror

Answer: D
D) Do so in case the light on the projector burns out.
15) A(n) ________ room with a(n) ________ presenter and the humming sound of a
projector fan can easily put any audience to sleep.
A) lit; mobile
B) lit; immobile
C) dark; mobile
D) dark: immobile
E) cold; nervous
Answer: D
D) If possible, keep the lights in the room on and move around as you seek to engage with
your audience.
16) A(n) ________ is the high-tech version of a(n) ________.
A) visual presenter; overhead projector
B) overhead projector; white board
C) white board; visual projector
D) visual projector; white board
E) white board; overhead projector
Answer: A
A) It consists of a stage (a pad where you put the object you want to project) and a camera
head above the stage. You can place any three-dimensional object or flat document page on
the stage.
17) Which of the following is NOT possible with a visual presenter?
A) displaying a three-dimensional object
B) scrolling down on an object
C) showing a flat document
D) running an animation
E) zooming in on an object
Answer: D

D) You can place any three-dimensional object or flat document page on the stage of a visual
presenter. They can show objects to your audience, as well as scroll down or zoom in on
18) One of the biggest mistakes presenters make is ________.
A) keeping a presentation simple
B) trying to communicate too much information
C) giving the audience the big picture
D) explaining everything
E) presenting details after the main idea has been conveyed
Answer: B
B) If you're worried about not being able to provide enough details during your presentation,
you can always provide them in a handout in the end.
19) If you bring a handout for your presentation it is most effective to ________.
A) pass it out before you begin
B) pass it out halfway through your presentation
C) inform participants that it will be passed out at the end of the presentation
D) not mention it and just wait until the end of the presentation to pass it out
E) not pass it out unless people request it
Answer: C
C) If you're worried about not being able to provide enough details during your presentation,
you can always provide them in a handout in the end. If you hand it out during your
presentation you run the risk of people reading it instead of listening to you. Letting people
know they can refer to the handout later for more detailed information helps them relax
instead of feeling like they must desperately scramble to take notes on everything you say.
20) All of the following are actual activities that audience members would do in their seats by
themselves or with others during a presentation, EXCEPT
A) answering questions
B) holding discussion
C) solving problems
D) performing a demonstration

E) creating things
Answer: D
D) The other choices are hands-on activities that your audience can engage in. If you feel like
doing an activity yourself, consider performing some type of demonstration.
21) ________ is the most commonly used presentation software.
A) Apple Keynotes
B) Corel Presentation
C) Microsoft PowerPoint
D) Adobe Illustrator
E) Google Docs
Answer: C
C) If you are presenting many graphics, speaking to a large audience, or plan to post your
presentation on the Web, multimedia slides created using presentation software like
PowerPoint can be useful.
22) All of the following are reasons that flipcharts, whiteboards, and overheads would be
inadequate for your presentation and would be replaced by multimedia slides EXCEPT
A) you will be presenting to a small audience
B) your presentation includes many graphics
C) you plan to post your presentation on the web
D) you want to incorporate audio into your presentation
E) you are including animation in your presentation
Answer: A
A) The low-tech mediums are not adequate when you are presenting to a large audience; they
are more suited to smaller, intimate gatherings.
23) Unlike a flipchart, a slide presentation fits on a(n) ________, which is a portable memory
storage device.
A) storyboard
B) thumb drive
C) parking lot

D) flowchart
E) keychain
Answer: B
B) A slide presentation fits on a memory stick or thumb drive, which are portable memory
storage devices. You can post the slides on the Web, allowing people who were unable to
attend your live presentation to view them.
24) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of slide presentations?
A) portability: they can be stored on a memory stick
B) novelty: they stand out to audiences since they are unusual and unfamiliar
C) versatility: you can post the slides on the Web for audiences who couldn't attend in person
D) media-richness: they can contain audio and animation
E) flexibility: they work well with other visual aids, like flipcharts and whiteboards
Answer: B
B) Most audiences are very comfortable with slideshow presentations - they have seen so
many of them.
25) Slideshows work best to reinforce your message when ________.
A) your material is poorly organized
B) you haven't critically thought through your points
C) you haven't creatively thought through your points
D) your points are ambiguous
E) you have practiced your presentation
Answer: E
E) If your material is poorly organized and you haven't critically and creatively thought
through you points, don't expect your slideshow to save the day.
26) Gavin is planning a presentation for senior managers at his company about Cloud
Computing. As he puts his slides together, which of the following should he start with?
A) Customers don't have to worry about their networks going down.
B) With Cloud Computing there is no equipment to buy.

C) The advantages of Cloud Computing are low costs, convenience, reliability, and
D) Nontechnical personnel can utilize the system.
E) You can sign up and cancel immediately when you work with cloud computing.
Answer: C
C) Your slides should keep your audience focused on the main points of your presentation.
So as you put your slides together, don't start with the details. Structure your presentation
around the big picture, then support the idea with key details. This is the main idea of Gavin's
presentation, and the other choices are details that support it.
27) Structure your presentation around ________.
A) the big picture
B) supporting details
C) peripheral asides
D) humorous anecdotes
E) startling statistics
Answer: A
A) Your slides should keep your audience focused on the main points of your presentation.
So as you put your slides together, don't start with the details. Structure your presentation
around the big picture, then support the idea with key details.
28) Using ________ to tell a story visually, panel by panel, in sequence can help presenters
organize their visual presentations.
A) brainstorming
B) podcasting
C) outlining
D) storyboarding
E) mind mapping
Answer: D
D) This technique used by animators, advertising agencies that create TV commercials, and
filmmakers can help you with your own presentations.
29) All of the following are commonly used to create storyboards EXCEPT

A) paper
B) index cards
C) sticky notes
D) overhead transparencies
E) computer templates
Answer: D
D) With a storyboard you jot down a few notes or sketch a quick graphic for each slide. Some
people like to use index cards and sticky notes to create a storyboard (they are easy to
rearrange). Other people prefer paper. Still others use downloadable templates.
Eileen works in the marketing department at a small chain of retail stores, Finch & Sparrow.
She is working on a presentation for upper management about incorporating social media into
the company's marketing strategy.
30) Eileen gets some sticky notes, and on each one she jots down a few words or quick
picture for each slide. She arranges and rearranges the sticky notes as necessary to come up
with the order that best conveys her points. Eileen is ________.
A) designing graphics
B) anchoring her points with quotes
C) creating a storyboard
D) slide sharing
E) building a "parking lot"
Answer: C
C) With a storyboard, you tell a story visually, panel by panel, in sequence, kind of like a
comic book.
31) Which of the following should appear on the first slide in Eileen's presentation?
A) Finch & Sparrow
B) Eileen Barnett
C) Did you know that Facebook has 400 billion active users, 50% of which log on in any
given day?
D) Social Media and Retail Marketing
E) Marketing Department
Answer: C

C) While this startling statistic might make a good attention-grabbing first line for her
presentation, it should not appear on the first slide.
32) Eileen wants to use some professional looking photos in her presentation, but she doesn't
have a lot to spend. Her colleague recommends that she try ________, a Web site of images
grouped by topic, all of which are free.
A) iStockphoto
B) Getty Images
C) Flickr
D) iPhoto
E) Stockxpert by Jupiter Images
Answer: E
E) All of the images at this site are free. Flickr provides mostly free images posted by
members, but there is a cost related to using some images.
33) All of the following are true about the first slide in your presentation EXCEPT
A) it should be attractive and attention-getting
B) it should include the title of your presentation
C) it should include your name and organization
D) if you are making a presentation within your company, list your department
E) it should include the attention-grabbing first sentence of your presentation
Answer: E
E) This information is not listed on the first slide of your presentation.
34) Set the stage for your presentation by providing an introduction slide that ________.
A) displays a detailed outline laying out the structure of your main points and supporting
B) includes an a list of your research sources
C) provides deep background on the reasons that led to your presentation
D) describes its purpose and the main points you will address
E) urges people to take the course of action you support
Answer: D

D) This is the purpose of an introduction slide.
35) A summary slide ________.
A) is redundant
B) reminds the audience of your key points
C) must be identical to your introduction slide
D) is where you put your contact information
E) describes your research methodology
Answer: B
B) You want the audience to leave the presentation with a clear sense of your main points.
36) Your contact information ________.
A) does not belong on a presentation slide
B) should appear as a footer on each slide in your presentation
C) belongs on the first slide of your presentation
D) is included on the last slide of your presentation
E) should only be included in your handouts
Answer: D
D) This is the appropriate place for your contact information.
37) The ________, the greater the need is for a picture.
A) harder it is to explain a concept
B) less important a concept is
C) easier it is to relate to a concept
D) more familiar a concept is
E) more peripheral a concept is to your presentation
Answer: A
A) Good visual aids clarify complicated concepts.
38) All of the following are Internet sources for professional stock photos EXCEPT

A) iStockphoto
B) Adobe Photoshop
C) Getty Images
D) Flickr
E) Stockxpert by Jupiter Images
Answer: B
B) Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program, not a source for photographs.
39) iStockphoto ________
A) groups images by topic
B) provides free images
C) provides expensive images
D) allows you to search by keywords
E) provides images that usually cost between $50 and $100
Answer: D
D) It provides good quality, reasonably priced images that usually cost anywhere from $1 to
$20. You can search for images by keyword.
40) Although ________ provides mostly free images, you must be sure to check the
copyright information for each image to determine if there is a cost related to using the
A) iStockphoto
B) Getty Images
C) Flickr
D) Stockxpert by Jupiter Images
E) iPhoto
Answer: C
C) Images on Flickr are posted by members. You must give credit to the person who took the
41) ________ are line drawings that helps illustrate complicated procedures.
A) Storyboards

B) Flowcharts
C) Line charts
D) Bubble charts
E) Organizational charts
Answer: B
B) For a professional look, use a single, commonly used font in an easy-to-read size.
42) A flowchart ________.
A) presents information in rows and columns
B) is more effective the more different colors it uses
C) should use a small font so the text doesn't overwhelm the drawing
D) should use a common font like Arial or Times New Roman
E) achieves a professional look with a variety of fonts and font sizes
Answer: D
D) For a professional look, use a single, commonly used font (Times New Roman or Arial) in
an easy-to-read size.
43) The slides in a presentation should ________.
A) contain every word you plan to say
B) be text-heavy
C) contain as much detail as you can fit, to show your audience all the research and
preparation you put into your presentation
D) not omit information that will be included in handouts
E) not be too wordy or they will detract attention from what you are saying
Answer: E
E) If the slides are too wordy, your audience will be too busy reading them to listen or so
overwhelmed by all of the information in the slides that they tune you out completely.
44) Some people like to use ________ in their presentation slides, but this should only be
done if you will be able to connect to the Internet during your presentation and access the
associated Web pages.
A) hyperlinks

B) flowcharts
C) thumb drives
D) webinars
E) "parking lots"
Answer: A
A) Hyperlinks are links to web pages. If you print your slides, the hyperlinks will simply
appear as underlined text.
45) Using quotes in your presentation ________.
A) can get audience members thinking, and generate interest in your presentation
B) is risky, as your audience may be unfamiliar with the person who made the quote
C) will backfire on you if the audience disagrees with the quote
D) makes your presentation seem less professional
E) is unethical, as you are presenting others words as your own
Answer: A
A) Quotes lend credibility and generate interest in presentations, because they make audience
members think. Whether they agree or disagree with the quote, the audience's reaction can
generate discussion.
46) When you must present hard facts to an audience, ________.
A) let the data drive the presentation
B) a skillful presenter can always make attractive photos and memorable quotes do a better
job of this than dry, boring charts
C) include every chart you are able to create
D) add a chart only if it reinforces a point you are making
E) there is no way to get around boring your audience
Answer: D
D) Just because you have conducted analysis and used it to craft an attractive chart doesn't
mean it should be in your presentation. Only include it if it clarifies or reinforces a point.
Eileen works in the marketing department at a small chain of retail stores, Finch & Sparrow.
She is working on a presentation for upper management about incorporating social media into
the company's marketing strategy.

47) Eileen wants to impress upon her audience how large of a percentage of Finch &
Sparrow's marketing budget is allocated to traditional media outlets. Which of the following
charts would be the most effective way for her to do so?
A) table
B) vertical bar chart
C) horizontal bar chart
D) pie chart
E) line chart
Answer: D
D) Since Eileen wants her audience to see just how big a percentage of the whole budget
traditional media represents, a pie chart would be most effective. It presents information as
wedges of a circular pie to show percentages. The bigger the slice, the bigger the percentage,
so the audience can see the relationship at first glance.
48) Amrita wants her audience to be see the changes in the number of manufacturing defects
in the production of several items over the last six months. Which chart would be best to
present this data?
A) bubble chart
B) vertical bar chart
C) horizontal bar chart
D) pie chart
E) line chart
Answer: B
B) A vertical bar chart shows changes in quantities over time.
49) Jonah wants to compare the research and development expenditures among the three
product divisions of his company. Which of the following charts would be most appropriate?
A) table
B) vertical bar chart
C) horizontal bar chart
D) pie chart
E) line chart
Answer: C

C) A horizontal bar chart compares quantities, for example, sales figures among the four
regions of a company. So it would be most appropriate to compare research and development
expenditures among Jonah's company's three product divisions.
50) ________ are used to demonstrate trends, and can effectively show whether a company's
sales have gone up or down.
A) Tables
B) Vertical bar charts
C) Horizontal bar charts
D) Pie charts
E) Line charts
Answer: E
E) A line chart presents information as a series of connected line segments.
51) Which of the following statements about tables is NOT true?
A) They present information in columns and rows.
B) They are easy to scan.
C) They are good for side-by-side comparisons of data.
D) They display data more dramatically than other charts.
E) They make it easy to find exact values.
Answer: D
D) Tables show information in a less dramatic way than charts.
52) The vertical axis of a graph ________.
A) is called its x-axis
B) often shows the time from left to right
C) sometimes shows quantities
D) often shows gains going up and losses going down
E) is sometimes omitted from a line graph
Answer: D

D) The vertical or y-axis often shows gains going up and losses going down.
53) A(n) ________ displays a set of numeric values as circles, with the area of each circle
corresponding to a particular value.
A) pie chart
B) bubble chart
C) line chart
D) flowchart
E) organizational chart
Answer: B
B) The bigger the circle, the bigger the value.
54) Ali wants to create a graphic to display the number of times each of several hundred
songs available on his company's Web site has been downloaded in the last six months.
Which of the following would be best for Ali to use?
A) table
B) pie chart
C) horizontal bar chart
D) bubble chart
E) line chart
Answer: D
D) A bubble chart displays a set of numeric values as circle. It is especially useful for data
sets with dozens to hundreds of values.
55) When you are creating a bubble chart, the circle representing the biggest value should be
A) the circle in the top right position
B) the circle in the bottom left position
C) the circle in the center
D) the smallest circle
E) the largest circle
Answer: E

E) The sizes of the circles, not their positions, indicate the relative sizes of the value they
represent. The bigger the circle, the bigger the value.
56) All of the following are tips for keeping your slides simple EXCEPT
A) Present no more than two concepts per slide.
B) Include a maximum of three bullet points on a slide.
C) Keep your sentences two lines or less.
D) Limit yourself to three-to-five lines of text per slide.
E) A simple diagram or photo is often better than words.
Answer: A
A) To keep your slides simple, present only one concept per slide.
Megan is working on her first presentation and asks you, a colleague with more experience
creating presentations, for your opinion of what she's done.
57) On each slide she presents just one concept, and limits the text to three-to-five lines and
keeping sentences short. She uses bulleted lists instead of dense blocks of text, using at least
five bullet points per slide. She intersperses images where they reinforce the points she is
making. What is your assessment of Megan's slides?
A) Megan should aim to present at least two concepts per slide.
B) Megan should limit her text to only three lines per slide.
C) Megan should use a maximum of three bullet point per slide.
D) Megan should eliminate photos from her slides.
E) Megan's slides don't violate any recommendations for professional simplicity.
Answer: C
C) Use no more than three bullet points on a slide.
58) Megan feels that images will really enhance and clarify some of the points she is making
in her presentation. She finds some free photos on Flickr so she includes them without
crediting the photographer. She selects photographs such that their backgrounds blend with
the background of the slide. Her photos are large, with many filling up the whole slide. What
is your assessment of Megan's use of images?
A) Megan should credit the photographer(s) of the images she is using from Flickr.
B) Megan should find photos whose backgrounds contrast the background color of the slides
so that the images really pop.
C) Megan should replace the photos with clip art.

D) Megan should use smaller images.
E) Megan's use of images doesn't violate any of the recommendations.
Answer: A
A) Even if the images are free, the person who took the pictures needs to be credited.
59) Megan formats her slides using Times New Roman for body text and Verdana for
headings. She sizes the body text at 16 points, and the headlines at 20 points. What is your
assessment of her formatting?
A) Megan should have used fonts more unusual than Times New Roman and Verdana.
B) Megan should have made her body text 10 points and her headings 14 points.
C) Megan should have used the same font for body text and headings.
D) Megan should not have mixed a sans-serif font with a serif font.
E) Megan's formatting doesn't violate any of the recommendations.
Answer: D
D) Do not mix sans-serif fonts with serif fonts.
60) Which of the following is NOT recommended to make your slides easy to read?
A) right-justify your text
B) use active voice instead of passive voice
C) number your lists when the order of the points is important
D) use bullet points when the order of the points on your list is not important
E) pull out the important points from a long paragraph and insert bullet points in front of each
Answer: A
A) Your text is easier to read when it is left-justified.
61) In Western cultures, people's eyes naturally travel from ________.
A) the bottom left of a slide to the top right
B) the top left of a slide to the bottom right
C) the bottom right of a slide to the top left
D) the top right of a slide to the bottom left
E) the middle of the slide to the lower right

Answer: B
B) Bear this in mind as you compose your slides so that you can help people efficiently scan
your slides.
62) When scanning a slide, ________.
A) people are attracted to text first and images second
B) people avoid patterns
C) in Western culture people's eyes travel from bottom to top
D) people see large objects first, followed by smaller objects
E) dense paragraphs of text draw viewers in
Answer: D
D) Bear this in mind as you compose your slides so that you can help people efficiently scan
your slides.
63) When giving a presentation, ________.
A) read the text word for word off your slides
B) rely on the slides to get you through
C) never glance at the slides
D) know your presentation inside out and use the slides to keep on track
E) never take your eyes off your audience
Answer: D
D) You are the presenter, not the slideshow. You should know your presentation backward
and forward and not rely on the slides to get you through it.
64) Rushing through your slides ________.
A) is fine if that's what you need to do to cover all your points
B) won't impact the audience's ability to keep up with your message
C) can be a sign that you are trying to cover too much information
D) is necessary to present a complete and compelling message
E) makes for a lively delivery that will keep your audience engaged
Answer: C

C) Rushing through slides is bad for your audience. Presenters often rush through their slides
because they are trying to present too much information.
65) Which of the following statements about an introduction is NOT true?
A) always have an introduction
B) you can introduce yourself
C) someone can introduce you
D) it is boastful to include your qualifications in it
E) it can include a question or anecdote
Answer: D
D) Always have an introduction, whether you introduce yourself or someone else does.
Introducing yourself quickly tells your audience who you are, what you're going to talk
about, and why you're qualified to talk about it. Include an interesting quote, short story, or
question to get people interested in what you have to say.
66) Presentations that are not made face to face typically include all of the following
A) podcasts
B) slide shares
C) flipcharts
D) Webinars
E) video presentations
Answer: C
C) Flipcharts are used in live presentations, with the presenter writing on the large portable
67) Miranda's presentation can't be presented live, as her audience is too geographically
dispersed. Which of the following would enable her to do a presentation that's not face to
A) flipchart
B) whiteboard
C) overhead projector
D) visual presenter

E) slide shares
Answer: E
E) Slide shares are Web sites where you can post your presentation so others can view them
when they need to. The other choices are all elements of live presentations.
68) When you use a slide-share site so people can access your presentation remotely, you can
do all of the following to make your slides easier to understand EXCEPT
A) add more explanatory text to the slides
B) add additional slides to the presentation
C) provide a downloadable handout your audience can read as they view the slides
D) add background music with vocals
E) add an audio voiceover or narrative
Answer: D
D) Background music can be added when appropriate, but it should not include vocals.
69) ________ allow speakers to digitally record their presentations and make them available
on their Web sites or through "really simple syndication" (RSS) feeds.
A) Slide shares
B) Podcasts
C) Webinars
D) Video presentations
E) Wikis
Answer: B
B) The beauty of podcasts is that they are short and can be downloaded at any time.
70) Webinars ________.
A) work well for introductory-level topics that do not require a lot of interaction
B) are Web sites that allow you to upload and publicly or privately share your slides
C) provide audio-only presentations, with no ability to present video or slides
D) are typically 2-3 hours long
E) should never provide handouts

Answer: A
A) Limiting the coverage to an introductory level is important because Webinars are typically
only 30-45 minutes.
71) Vision is our most dominant sense.
Answer: True
Our brains are hardwired to remember visual information.
72) Good visual aids clarify complicated concepts and keep people from becoming bored
during presentations.
Answer: True
This is especially helpful in a field like the technology industry, where a lot of time is spent
communicating hard-to-understand technical information.
73) These days, all presentations use PowerPoint slides.
Answer: False
Although slide presentations are very popular, not all live presentations use them. Instead,
they may use flipcharts, whiteboards, or overhead projectors.
74) When using a flipchart, it's appropriate to talk while your back is turned to the audience.
Answer: False
If you do this, your audience will not be able to hear you.
75) One downside to using a whiteboard is that there is no way to preserve the text that you
write on the board during your presentation.
Answer: False
Some whiteboards have a special mechanism that allows you to scan the text on the board
and print it out on paper.
76) In high-tech and educational environments, digital visual presenters are quickly becoming
more popular than overhead projectors.
Answer: True

However, they are typically expensive, so you might need to reserve one ahead of time if
your organization has only a limited number of them.
77) Kinesthetic learners are people who need to do something to learn, like move their hands
and write.
Answer: True
These kinds of learners appreciate note-taking handouts at presentations.
78) Snazzy slideshow features can compensate for the fact that your material isn't well
thought out or organized.
Answer: False
If your material is poorly organized and you haven't critically and creatively thought through
your points, don't expect your slideshow to save the day.
79) If you use index cards to create your storyboard it is easy to rearrange the order of the
Answer: True
Sticky notes offer the same advantage.
80) The more difficult it is to explain a concept in words, the greater the need is for a picture.
Answer: True
These can include photos, diagrams, and flowcharts.
81) If the image you select from Flickr is free, you do not need credit the photographer.
Answer: False
Whether the image is free or has a cost, you must give credit to the person who took the
82) Drawings and diagrams should be clear, attractive, and readable from a distance.
Answer: True
Assess images by putting yourself in your audience's shoes and viewing the images from the
audience's vantage point.
83) If you print your slides, the hyperlinks will simply appear as underlined text.

Answer: True
Readers will not be able to see the Web pages you have linked to.
84) The x-axis of a graph often shows the time from left to right.
Answer: True
This horizontal axis often shows the time; sometimes it shows quantities.
85) The positions of the circles on a bubble chart indicate the relative sizes of the values they
Answer: False
It it the size of the circles, not their positions, that indicate the sizes of the values they
86) Light text on a dark background is easier to read than dark text on a light background.
Answer: False
The opposite is true. If you do choose to use light text on a dark background, use white on
87) People naturally see patterns, so group related points together or use different colors to
show relationships.
Answer: True
Keep this in mind when you create your slides.
88) In a good presentation, the slides contain enough to grab the audience's attention and the
presenter fills in the missing information.
Answer: True
Your slides shouldn't contain every single word in your presentation.
89) Webinars always have a single presenter.
Answer: False
Explanation: One or two people make the presentation using slides.

90) If you plan to make your live presentation available as a video, avoid wearing clothing
with small stripes or patterns.
Answer: True
They appear to vibrate when recorded, and will distract your audience.
91) Ella thinks visual aids are nice bells and whistles to dress up a presentation, but they don't
play a real role in communicating ideas. What do you think?
Answer: Effective visuals can play a key role in driving home the information in your
presentation. Vision is our most dominant sense. Our brains are hardwired to remember
visual information. Most people remember the pictures, colors, and patterns that are shown
better than they remember what is said during a presentation. Using visuals to support key
ideas will increase the chance that your audience will remember them. Visuals can also be
very effective in clarifying hard-to-understand concepts, like technical information. Another
plus is that visuals help keep people from becoming bored during presentations. If you can
keep their attention, you are more likely to get your message through to your audience.
92) Caro wants to give a casual, impromptu presentation to a group of 5 or 6 people. She's
looking to tap into the creativity of the participants and collect lots of ideas from them on a
variety of related topics. Which mediums would be most appropriate for Caro's presentation?
Answer: A flipchart would work for Caro. It invites comments and discussion from the
audience, and allows Caro to add or cross out points in the middle of the presentation. All
Caro needs is the flipchart and some thick, dark-colored markers and she is ready to go. She
could also use a whiteboard, which is commonly found in many presentation rooms. She
would do well to bring some pens and erasers in case those in the presentation room are dried
out or missing. Whiteboards are appropriate for a more casual, interactive presentation to
smaller groups where you want to capture thoughts, erase them, and generate more ideas.
93) Describe the process of creating a storyboard on paper.
Answer: A storyboard is used to tell a story visually, panel by panel, in sequence, kind of like
a comic book. To create one you jot down a few notes or sketch a quick graphic for each
slide. Divide graph or lined paper into several small "screens" with room for notes. This lets
you see multiple slides on the same page.
94) You are organizing a slide presentation that you will make before upper management
about the declining sales and increased turnover of salespeople at your retail locations. Show
the information that belongs on the first slide of your presentation.
Answer: • Analysis of Declining Sales and Employee Retention Rate (title)
• John Smith (presenter)
• Tech City (company)
• Operations (department)

95) Greg wants to explain the software development process to his audience and make them
understand that it is not just a linear progression from A to Z. After design and coding, testing
can reveal issues that require the process to snake back to the beginning. How might Greg
visually represent this on a slide?
Answer: Greg could create a flowchart to visualize the nature of this process for his audience.
A flowchart is a line drawing that helps illustrate complicated procedures. Arrows would
indicated the path through the process and this would help the audience to really see its
cyclical nature. Greg would be well-advised to stick with a single, commonly used font like
Arial or Times New Roman, in an easy to read size. He should also avoid using too many
different colors.
Eileen works in the marketing department at a small chain of retail stores, Finch & Sparrow.
She is working on a presentation for upper management about incorporating social media into
the company's marketing strategy.
96) Eileen came across the quote below and is considering whether to use it in her
presentation. Do you think she should? It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not
the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin
Answer: Quotes lend credibility and generate interest in presentations, because they make
audience members think. Whether they agree or disagree with the quote, the audience's
reaction can generate discussion. If the audience knows the person who made the quote, or if
that person is an expert in the subject, even better. Eileen can expect that her audience will be
familiar with Charles Darwin, so the quote should carry some weight. Eileen may think that
senior management will be uncomfortable with the idea of a social media strategy, seeing it
as something new and untried and unfamiliar to them. If this is the case, this quote can help
convey the idea that change is necessary for moving forward and evolving.
97) What are the general guidelines to follow when creating charts?
Answer: 1) Title the chart: Provide a title for the chart, including a figure number.
2) Label the contents: Label the contents of your chart, including units of measure, axes,
column headings, and so forth.
3) Use readable fonts: Use a font big enough for people to read.
4) Use colors that are visible: Use colors that people can see from a distance.
5) Proofread the chart: Proofread your charts and get someone else to proofread them too.
98) Arthur and Brigid are working together on a presentation that will be posted on the Web
without either of their voices to narrate it. Arthur wants to use music and animation to liven
up the presentation. Brigid disagrees because she feels it will be distracting. What do you
Answer: Since their presentation will be posted on the Web without either of their voices to
narrate it, light music might be appropriate. Although viewers find music and animation
interesting and entertaining, if overused, both can easily distract form the information you are
attempting to present. For example. animations on the same page as text can make it difficult

for viewers to focus on words they are trying to read. Use music and animation sparingly to
enhance your presentation, not distract from it.
99) How can you avoid rushing through the slides in your presentation?
Answer: One of the reasons presenters rush through their slides is because they are tying to
present too much information. If you have honed the focus of your messages you won't need
a million slides to make your point. Practice ahead of time to determine the timing. As you
practice, time the length of the presentation by asking some questions at strategic places and
then answer them yourself. If you cannot get through the presentation in the allotted time
without talking at the speed of light, you are trying to cover too many points. Reduce the
number of points and eliminate some slides.
100) Describe the advantages of podcasts.
Answer: Podcasts allow speakers to digitally record their presentations and make them
available on their Web sites or through "really simple syndication" (RSS) feeds. The beauty
of podcasts is that they are short in length and can be downloaded any time. Many
professional bloggers and presenters use podcasts as a way to share information on a regular
basis. Visitors can listen to the conversations in their homes or offices or on their personal
computers. Or, if they have a mobile device, they can listen to the podcasts anywhere.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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