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Chapter 12 Using Basic Descriptive Analysis, Performing Population Estimates, and Testing Hypotheses
1) ________ is defined as the process of describing a dataset by computing a small number of
statistics that characterize various aspects of the data.
A) Data normalization
B) Data mining
C) Data analysis
D) Data coding
E) Data collection
Answer: C
2) Which of the following is NOT a basic type of statistical analysis?
A) differences analysis
B) association analysis
C) financial analysis
D) inferential analysis
E) descriptive analysis
Answer: C
3) ________ analysis is used by marketing researchers to describe the sample dataset in such
a way as to portray the typical respondent and to reveal the general pattern of responses.
A) Differences
B) Association
C) Predictive
D) Inference
E) Descriptive
Answer: E
4) Statistical concepts such as mean, medium, and frequency distribution are forms of
________ analysis.
A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Answer: E
5) Statistical concepts such as range and standard deviation are forms of ________ analysis.

A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Answer: E
6) When marketing researchers use statistical procedures to generalize the results of the
sample to the target population it represents, the process is referred to as ________ analysis.
A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Answer: D
7) Statistical concepts such as standard error and null hypothesis are forms of ________
A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Answer: D
8) ________ analysis helps determine the degree to which real and generalizable differences
exist in the population.
A) Differences
B) Association
C) Predictive
D) Inference
E) Descriptive
Answer: A
9) Statistical concepts such as t tests of differences and analysis of variance are forms of
________ analysis.
A) differences
B) association

C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Answer: A
10) ________ analysis determines the strength and direction of relationships between two or
more variables.
A) Differences
B) Association
C) Predictive
D) Inference
E) Descriptive
Answer: B
11) Statistical concepts such as correlation and cross-tabulation are forms of ________
A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Answer: B
12) Statistical procedures and models are available to the marketing researcher to help make
forecasts about future events, and these fall under the category of ________ analysis.
A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive
Answer: C
13) Multiple regression is a form of ________ analysis.
A) differences
B) association
C) predictive
D) inference
E) descriptive

Answer: C
14) The term ________ applies to any statistical measure used that somehow reflects a
typical or frequent response.
A) reversals of scale endpoints
B) third-person technique
C) central tendency
D) predictive analysis
E) nonsampling error
Answer: C
15) The ________ is a descriptive analysis measure defined as that value in a string of
numbers that occurs most often.
A) uncertainty
B) contrast
C) mode
D) mean
E) median
Answer: C
16) The ________ expresses that value whose occurrence lies in the middle of an ordered set
of values.
A) uncertainty
B) contrast
C) mode
D) mean
E) median
Answer: E
17) The ________ is the arithmetic average of a set of numbers.
A) multiple
B) matrix
C) mode
D) mean
E) median
Answer: D
18) ________ are concerned with depicting the typical difference between the values in a set
of values.

A) Cross-tabulations
B) Multiple regressions
C) Standard deviations
D) Measures of variability
E) Frequency distributions
Answer: D
19) A(n) ________ is a tabulation of the number of times that each different value appears in
a particular set of values.
A) measure of central tendency
B) hypotheses test
C) standard deviation
D) sample size
E) frequency distribution
Answer: E
20) The ________ identifies the distance between lowest value and the highest value in an
ordered set of values.
A) median
B) variance
C) standard deviation
D) sample size
E) range
Answer: E
21) The ________ indicates the degree of variation or diversity in the values in such a way as
to be translatable into a normal or bell-shaped curve distribution.
A) median
B) variance
C) standard deviation
D) sample size
E) range
Answer: C
22) To address ________, the square root of the entire equation for the standard deviation is
A) break-offs
B) variance

C) inflation
D) inference
E) range
Answer: C
23) The square of standard deviation is known as:
A) a median.
B) variance.
C) standard deviation.
D) sample size.
E) range.
Answer: B
24) A demographic question like, "What is your gender?" should have which of the following
central tendency measure for the responses?
A) mode
B) variance
C) median
D) range
E) mean
Answer: A
25) A demographic question like, "On a scale of 1 to 5, how does Starbucks rate on variety of
its coffee drinks?" should have which of the following central tendency measure for the
A) mode
B) variance
C) median
D) range
E) mean
Answer: E
26) The ________ procedure is used to produce descriptive statistics for variables with
nominal or ordinal scaling.

Answer: B
27) When reporting scale data to clients, which of the following descriptive measures should
be absolutely included in a standard metric variable table?
A) variance
B) average
C) median
D) mode
E) range
Answer: B
28) Values that are computed from information provided by a sample are referred to as the
A) parameters.
B) statistics.
C) median.
D) range.
E) standard deviation.
Answer: B
29) Values that are computed from a complete census, which are considered to be precise and
valid measures of the population, are referred to as:
A) parameters.
B) statistics.
C) median.
D) range.
E) standard deviation.
Answer: A
30) ________ is a form of logic in which you make a general statement about an entire class
based on what you have observed about a small set of members of that class.
A) Inference
B) Variance
C) Median
D) Range
E) Standard deviation
Answer: A

31) ________ is a set of procedures in which the sample size and sample statistics are used to
make an estimate of the corresponding population parameter.
A) Statistical inference
B) Frequency distribution
C) Hypothesis testing
D) Predictive analysis
E) Standard deviation
Answer: A
32) If you have five friends who tell you they all have had a great experience with their
purchase of a Chevrolet, and if you use this fact to decide to buy a Chevrolet, the form of
logic evident here is a(n):
A) median.
B) statistic.
C) inference.
D) variance.
E) parameter.
Answer: C
33) The two types of statistical inferences often used by marketing researchers are:
A) frequency distributions and standard deviations.
B) regression analyses and measures of variability.
C) parameter estimates and hypothesis tests.
D) descriptive analyses and predictive analyses.
E) medians and modes.
Answer: C
34) ________ is the process of using sample information to compute an interval that
describes the range of a parameter such as a population mean or the population percentage.
A) Sample estimation
B) Hypothesis testing
C) Parameter estimation
D) Predictive analysis
E) Regression analysis
Answer: C
35) ________ is used to compare the sample statistic with what is believed to be the
population value prior to undertaking the study.

A) Sample estimation
B) Hypothesis testing
C) Parameter estimation
D) Predictive analysis
E) Regression analysis
Answer: B
36) Ping Golf, Inc., conducts a study in which they use a probability sample of 600 golfers.
They examine the data from the sample and calculate that 28 percent of them own Ping golf
clubs. The 28 percent is the:
A) variance.
B) sample statistic.
C) measure of central tendency.
D) the population parameter.
E) the grand mean.
Answer: B
37) Which of the following refers to a measure of the variability in the sampling distribution
based on what is theoretically believed to occur if we were to take a multitude of independent
samples from the same population?
A) multiple variance analysis
B) variance
C) standard error
D) predictive analysis
E) sample statistic
Answer: C
38) ________ are the degree of accuracy desired by the researcher and stipulated as a level of
confidence in the form of a range with a lower boundary and an upper boundary.
A) Measures of variability
B) Confidence intervals
C) Standard percentages
D) Parameter estimates
E) Statistical inferences
Answer: B
39) Which of the following standard error values corresponds to 95 percent level of

A) 2.69
B) 3.14
C) 1.96
D) 2.58
E) 1.52
Answer: C
40) A 99 percent confidence interval allows us to say that if we took many samples from the
A) the whole sample would contain a range that included the population parameter.
B) 99 percent of all the samples would contain a range that included the population
C) 99 percent of all the samples would allow us to estimate the mean within ±1 percent.
D) 1 percent of all the samples would contain a range that included the population parameter.
E) 1 percent of all the samples would allow us to estimate the mean within ±1 percent.
Answer: B
41) The proper command sequence in SPSS to generate a confidence interval for a mean is:
Answer: A
42) ________ is a statistical procedure used to accept or reject the hypothesis based on
sample evidence.
A) Frequency distribution
B) Standard deviation
C) Hypothesis testing
D) Parameter estimation
E) Predictive analysis
Answer: C
43) The ________ value can be determined using either a percentage or a mean.
A) sampling distribution concept
B) measure of central tendency
C) hypothesized population parameter

D) parameter estimation
E) descriptive analysis
Answer: C
44) Which of the following is NOT used to test hypotheses?
A) sample statistic (mean or percentage)
B) parameter estimate
C) standard error of the statistic (mean or percentage)
D) hypothesized parameter value
E) desired level of confidence
Answer: B
45) The ________ holds that our actual sample is one of the many theoretical samples
comprising the assumed bell-shaped curve of possible sample results using the hypothesized
value as the center of the bell-shaped distribution.
A) standard deviation
B) sampling distribution concept
C) standard error of the statistic
D) hypothesized parameter value
E) confidence interval
Answer: B
46) Suppose we wish to test the hypothesis that an internship program allows its interns to
earn $2,750 per semester and let us assume that this hypothesis is, in fact, true. Which of the
following best illustrates the logic of hypothesis testing at the 95% confidence level?
A) From among 100 samples, 95 percent of them would generate means that fell within ±1.96
z scores.
B) From among 99 samples, 100 percent of them would generate means that fell within ±2.58
z scores.
C) From among 100 samples, 95 percent of them would generate means that fell within ±2.58
z scores.
D) From among 100 samples, 99 percent of them would generate means that fell within ±1.96
z scores.
E) From among 95 samples, 100 percent of them would generate means that fell within ±1.96
z scores.
Answer: A
47) Data gathering is defined as the process of describing a dataset by computing a small

number of statistics that characterize various aspects of the data.
Answer: False
48) Descriptive analysis allows a researcher to draw conclusions about the population based
on information in the dataset provided by the sample.
Answer: False
49) The researcher uses difference analysis to determine the degree to which real and
generalizable differences exist in the population to help the manager make an enlightened
decision on which advertising theme to use.
Answer: False
50) Statistical procedures and models are available to the marketing researcher to help make
forecasts about future events, and these fall under the category of association analysis.
Answer: False
51) Statistical concepts such as standard error and null hypothesis are forms of predictive
Answer: False
52) Statistical concepts such as correlation and cross-tabulation are forms of association
Answer: True
53) The basic data analysis goal involved in all measures of variability is to report a single
piece of information that describes the most typical response to a question.
Answer: False
54) The mode is a descriptive analysis measure defined as that value in a string of numbers
that occurs most often.
Answer: True
55) An alternative measure of central tendency is the variance, which expresses that value
whose occurrence lies in the middle of an ordered set of values.
Answer: False
56) Measures of variability are concerned with depicting the typical difference between the
values in a set of values.
Answer: True
57) A frequency distribution is a tabulation of the number of times that each different value
appears in a particular set of values.
Answer: True
58) The variance identifies the distance between lowest value and the highest value in an

ordered set of values.
Answer: False
59) The standard deviation indicates the degree of variation or diversity in the values in such
a way as to be translatable into a normal or bell-shaped curve distribution.
Answer: True
60) A demographic question such as, "About how many times did you buy fast-food for
lunch last week?" should have the median as the appropriate central tendency measure for its
Answer: False
61) When reporting descriptive statistics to clients, descriptive measures such as median and
mode need not be included in the standard metric variable table as managers do not relate to
median or modes of scale data.
Answer: True
62) Greek letters are used for sample statistics and Roman letters are used for parameters.
Answer: False
63) Values that are computed from a complete census, which are considered to be precise and
valid measures of the population, are referred to as parameters.
Answer: True
64) Values that are computed from information provided by a sample are referred to as the
sample's parameter.
Answer: False
65) Inference is a form of logic in which you make a general statement about an entire class
based on what you have observed about a small set of members of that class.
Answer: True
66) Measures of central tendency is a set of procedures in which the population size and
sample statistics are used to make estimates of population parameters.
Answer: False
67) Two types of statistical inferences are parameter estimates and hypothesis tests.
Answer: True
68) A hypothesis test is used to approximate the population value through the use of
confidence intervals.
Answer: False
69) Parameter estimation is used to compare the sample statistic with what is believed to be
the population value prior to undertaking the study.

Answer: False
70) To estimate a parameter, you need to know the sample statistic, which is either a mean or
percentage derived from sample data.
Answer: True
71) If you were investigating the percentage of high school students who eat at the local Taco
Bell, the percentage — because it is derived from the sample — is the sample statistic.
Answer: True
72) The standard error will increase if sample size is increased.
Answer: False
73) The standard error will increase if the variation (standard deviation) is increased.
Answer: True
74) The z value associated with a 95 percent confidence interval is either ±1.96.
Answer: True
75) Confidence intervals are the degree of accuracy desired by the researcher and stipulated
as a level of confidence in the form of a range with a lower boundary and an upper boundary.
Answer: True
76) The most commonly used level of confidence in marketing research is the 95% level,
corresponding to 1.96 standard errors.
Answer: True
77) To calculate the mean and to generate a confidence interval estimate of the population
mean, the sequence of menu commands in the SPSS for Windows is ANALYZE;
Answer: True
78) A practical use of confidence intervals is that they may be used to forecast likely,
pessimistic, and optimistic forecasts.
Answer: True
79) In parameter estimation, a value such as the population mean is estimated based on a
sample's mean and its size.
Answer: True
80) A parameter estimation is a statistical procedure used to accept or reject the hypothesis
based on sample evidence.
Answer: False
81) The hypothesized population parameter value can be determined using either a
percentage or a mean.

Answer: True
82) A hypothesis test gives you the probability of support for your hypothesis based on the
sample evidence and sample size.
Answer: True
83) The logic of hypothesis testing is that if we assume that the hypothesized value is the
population parameter, then, at the 95 percent level of confidence, if we took 100 separate
samples, the z value for 95 of those samples would fall between ±1.96.
Answer: True

Test Bank for Marketing Research
Alvin C. Burns, Ronald F. Bush
9780133074673, 9780134895406, 9780134167404

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