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Chapter 10
1) ________ typically discuss things that have already happened, whereas ________ discuss
things that have not yet happened.
A) Proposals; reports
B) Reports; proposals
C) To-do lists; daily logs
D) Proposals: daily logs
E) To-do lists; reports
Answer: B
B) The reports and proposals you write will vary by industry, and even by the company,
department, or team in which you work.
2) Typically, the documents you write for ________ relate your progress on a project,
problems you have solved, or accomplishments you are proud of.
A) your eyes only
B) your peers
C) your manager
D) other departments in your company
E) entities outside of your company
Answer: C
C) The reader and the purpose of the document will affect its tone and content.
3) Reports that you write for your team members typically ________.
A) concern ideas you have, research you have done, or suggestions for new ways of doing
B) relate your progress on a project, problems you have solved, or accomplishments you are
proud of
C) provide information that is important to an interdepartment project or cross-company
D) will be read by government regulators, stockholders, or the general public
E) are quite formal and designed for your eyes only
Answer: A

A) You will commonly write reports that your team members will read.
4) In her report Dara uses a formal tone and provides hard facts about the content. Her report
is most likely NOT written for which audience?
A) her peers
B) her manager
C) other departments
D) government regulators
E) other businesses in her industry
Answer: A
A) The reader and purpose of your document will affect its tone and content. The audience's
listed in the other choices would be more likely to require a formal report and tone.
5) If the report you wrote will be read by government regulators, stockholders, or the general
public, it is a report written for ________.
A) your peers
B) your team members
C) your manager
D) other departments in your company
E) other entities
Answer: E
E) You may be asked to contribute to reports and proposals that will be read outside of your
company. They may be read by other businesses in your industry, government regulators,
stockholders, or the general public.
6) In general, you will write reports and proposals rather than make phone calls or send brief
e-mails and memos when ________.
A) the audience you are distributing your information to is very small
B) the amount of information you need to share is large
C) you are striving for an informal way to share information
D) your information is free of illustrations
E) no charts or tables are contained in your material

Answer: B
B) The three criteria that make it more likely you will send a report or proposal instead of a
brief e-mail are: 1) sharing a large amount of information that may include charts, tables, and
illustrations 2) distributing information to a large number of people and 3) providing a more
formal way of documenting information.
7) Which of the following is written for the broadest audience?
A) daily log
B) monthly status report
D) annual report
E) sales report
Answer: D
D) According to the chart in the text, an annual report is likely to be read by all of the
possible audiences: self, peers, your manager, other departments, and other entities.
8) A feasibility report is likely to be written for all of the following audiences EXCEPT
A) self
B) peers
C) your manager
D) other departments
E) other entities
Answer: A
A) According to the chart in the text, a feasibility report is likely to be read by all of the
audiences except oneself.
9) Amar is writing a formal proposal that is likely to be read by his manager, other
departments in his company, and other entities. Amar is writing a(n) ________.
A) monthly status report
B) new project proposal
C) request for proposal
D) research report

E) feasibility
Answer: C
C) According to the chart in the text, the only choice that is both a formal proposal and is
written for the three audiences described, is a request for proposal or RFP.
10) Which of the following is NOT likely to be read by other entities?
A) a new project proposal
B) a response to an RFP (request for proposal)
C) an annual report
D) a research report
E) a feasibility report
Answer: A
A) According to the chart in the text, new project proposals are likely to be read by your
manager and other departments only. All of the other choices are likely to be read by other
11) Which type of progress report has the broadest audience?
A) to-do list
B) new project proposal
C) monthly status report
D) weekly status report
E) annual accomplishments report
Answer: D
D) According to the chart in the text, all of the three progress reports listed have one's self
and one's manager as part of the audience. Additionally, the weekly status report includes
one's peers in the audience.
12) Which of the following is true of to-do lists and daily logs?
A) they are lengthy
B) they are formal
C) they are written for one's manager
D) they are designed to be read by outside entities

E) they help track one's activities
Answer: E
E) To-do lists and daily logs are brief, informal documents to help you keep track of your
13) A ________ is a list of items you hope to accomplish on a given day.
A) planner
B) to-do list
C) weekly status report
D) daily log
E) short processing time
Answer: B
B) Some people like to make the list at the end of the day when they are thinking through the
current day's events and planning the next day's tasks. Others like to make their lists first
thing in the morning.
14) A to-do list ________.
A) must be made the night before in order to plan the following day's tasks
B) cannot be made the day before
C) is always made first thing in the morning
D) is best created two or more days in advance
E) should be handy throughout the day to check off or add items as needed
Answer: E
E) Some people prefer writing their to-do lists the night before, while others do it first thing
in the morning. Either way, the list should be on hand throughout the day so you can check
off completed tasks and add new ones as needed.
15) As work is winding down on Thursday, Lisette mentally reviews what she did in the
office that day. She thinks about what she'll need to accomplish on Friday, and writes these
items down before leaving work. Lisette has ________.
A) written a daily log
B) completed a planner
C) created a to-do list

D) submitted a weekly status report
E) researched a feasibility report
Answer: C
C) A list of the items you hope to accomplish on a given day is a to-do list. A daily log, or
planner, documents what you actually did on a given day.
16) The "SPT" in the SPT method stands for ________.
A) shortest processing time
B) single proposal to-do
C) status project timeline
D) simpler planner template
E) smartest possible target
Answer: A
A) Management professionals recommend the shortest processing time method, which
involves completing the tasks with the simplest processing times first. This way you won't get
bogged down with a lot of short tasks that stack up and overwhelm you.
17) On his supervisor's advice Greg is using the SPT method. This means that he ________.
A) will tackle his hardest tasks first
B) will get bogged down with lots of little tasks
C) will omit quick-to-accomplish tasks from his to-do list
D) will do the tasks that are fastest to complete first
E) will drop tasks that he thinks are too time consuming from his to-do list
Answer: D
D) Management professionals recommend the shortest processing time method, which
involves completing the tasks with the simplest processing times first. Using the SPT method
makes it less likely that you will get bogged down with a lot of short tasks that stack up and
overwhelm you. Tasks that do not get completed one day get moved to subsequent days or
are dropped.
18) If you have problems finishing the items on your ________, try keeping a ________.
A) daily log; planner
B) planner; to-do list

C) to-do list; daily log
D) SPT method; to-do list
E) daily log; SPT method
Answer: C
C) Seeing how you actually spend your time on a given day, will help you better manage
your time.
19) All of the following are true of informal progress reports EXCEPT
A) they outline the progress employees and teams have made on various activities
B) they are typically shared with the report writer's manager
C) the manager to whom a progress report is submitted may incorporate some of its
information in reports for his or her department
D) the manager to whom a progress report is submitted may incorporate some of its
information in reports for his or her own manager
E) they are widely distributed within the company and to outside entities
Answer: E
E) The audience for informal progress reports is not generally so broad as to include these
20) Which of the following is NOT true about a weekly status report?
A) it outlines the work you accomplished for the week
B) it may include problems you encountered
C) it can include an overview of your goals for the following week
D) it is mandatory for all employees
E) it can help you track your progress
Answer: D
D) Not all managers require weekly reports. If you do not interact much with your manager,
however, a weekly status report can be particularly helpful to him or her.
21) Weekly status reports ________.
A) are more commonly required than monthly status reports
B) are unable to assisting the writer with tracking progress and prioritizing tasks

C) cannot help reveal whether new projects coming up prevent you from working on old ones
D) can be consolidated to form monthly status reports
E) should record accomplishments only
Answer: D
D) Even if weekly status reports aren't required by your manager, they are an effective way to
keep track of your accomplishments and issues. They will also make monthly status reports
much easier to compile.
22) Besides tracking an employee's progress, ________ track the progress of projects and
A) daily logs
B) to-do lists
C) weekly status reports
D) monthly status reports
E) annual accomplishments reports
Answer: D
D) In this case, the accomplishments, issues, and plans are related to an entire project and its
team, not just a single individual.
23) Monthly status reports ________.
A) are less commonly required by managers than weekly status reports
B) can be consolidated to form daily logs
C) cannot be related to an entire project
D) must be related to an entire team
E) identify issues that could affect your success
Answer: E
E) A monthly report identifies what you did during the month and issues that could affect
your success.
24) A(n) ________ is an opportunity to identify the various projects you personally worked
on during the year and write down what you have achieved.
A) daily log

B) to-do list
C) weekly status report
D) monthly status report
E) annual accomplishments report
Answer: E
E) Doing so will be useful when you are preparing for a performance review.
25) Writing an annual accomplishment log ________.
A) should not affect which new samples of work to put in your employment portfolio
B) should include quantifying the end results of your work to your company
C) is something that must be done jointly, with an entire team's participation
D) is inadmissable when preparing for a performance review
E) has no practical purpose other than to bolster your confidence
Answer: B
B) The accomplishments report should include the projects you personally worked on, your
contributions, and the measurable end results to the company.
26) Portfolios ________.
A) are just for artists
B) are not appropriate for the business world
C) should contain the highs and lows of your annual work output
D) are a good idea to keep samples of your best work
E) are a way to list the highlights of your work year in a formal report
Answer: D
D) Portfolios aren't just for artists. Everyone should keep samples of their best work. Your
annual accomplishments report will help you decide what new samples of work to put in your
personal employment portfolio.
27) Formal reports and proposals are generally ________.
A) read only by you
B) read only by your manager

C) read only by you and your manager
D) widely distributed in organizations
E) not distributed in organizations
Answer: D
D) Formal reports and proposals are documents that are generally read by more people than
just you and your manager and are widely distributed in organizations.
28) A(n) ________ proposal is a formal proposal for a new product, process, service, or job
position a person or a team put in writing for other people to read and consider.
A) request for
B) new project
C) sales report
D) annual report
E) executive summary
Answer: B
B) The proposal identifies a need, outlines how to meet that need, and explains the benefits of
doing so.
29) Which of the following is NOT true of a new project proposal?
A) it is a formal report
B) it identifies a perceived need
C) it invites vendors to submit an idea to meet a perceived need
D) it outlines a way to meet a perceived need
E) it explains the benefits of meeting a perceived need
Answer: C
C) A document that invites vendors to submit bids to provide the writer's organization with a
good or service is a request for proposals or RFP. A new project proposal identifies a need for
which it has already envisioned a solution. It's goal is to convince the audience of the benefits
of implementing its idea.
30) A ________ is a document an organization sends out inviting vendors to submit bids to
provide the organization with a good or service.
A) new project proposal

B) request for proposals (RFP)
C) response to an RFP
D) grant application package
E) feasibility report
Answer: B
B) The RFP typically defines the product or service required and then asks for a response
from vendors in a particular format.
Ryan works at a private elementary school. Parents of students enrolled in the school are very
health conscious, and have raised some concerns about the food provided in the cafeteria.
Since the school's contract with its current provider is drawing to a close, Ryan is researching
alternatives. He sends out a document to several of the food service providers he uncovers in
his research, asking each to submit a plan for an affordable food service program that would
provide meals that are health conscious and nutritious, yet still delicious and appealing to
young children.
31) Ryan has written ________.
A) a new project proposal
B) an RFP (request for proposals)
C) a response to an RFP (request for proposals)
D) a feasibility report
E) a grant application package
Answer: B
B) Ryan has invited vendors to submit bids to provide the school with a service, namely a
good service program, so he has written an RFP.
32) Questions such as, "How long have you been in business?", "What is your history of
serving schools?", "What percentage of your contracts serve populations comprised primarily
of children?," would be included in which section of Ryan's document?
A) introduction
B) solicitation, offer, and award
C) pricing schedule
D) statement of work
E) vendor qualifications
Answer: E

E) In this section of an RFP, information is requested about the vendor's specific
qualifications and capabilities.
Domenica is preparing a new project proposal, suggesting a more efficient way for her
department to process its claims.
33) In one section of the proposal she writes how the new process will improve the
satisfaction of clients submitting claims, how it will affect the day-to-day operations and
efficiency of the department, and the impact it will have on the bottom line. Which aspect of
a new project proposal has Domenica written?
A) background
B) problem
C) suggested solution
D) project objectives
E) assumptions and constraints
Answer: D
D) The "Project Objectives" section of a new project proposal outline explains how the
project will affect your company's customers, operations, and finances. The objectives should
be directly related to tangible outcomes such as customer satisfaction, efficiency, and revenue
34) Which of the following would best be included in the new project proposal outline under
"Assumptions and Constraints"
A) Customer claims processing rates have been down the last three quarters, and 2 out of 5
new claims miss our promised resolution dates.
B) Based on new process implementations in other departments, we estimate that the claims
processing team will require 4 hours of training prior to launching the new system.
C) The transition to the new process may cause some initial delays and we run the risk that
customer satisfaction may in fact decline in the first week.
D) Customer complaints are expected to decrease as a result of the new system.
E) The new process will result in a 15% increase in efficiency.
Answer: B
B) This section of the outline explains any assumptions made about the project and
constraints or limitations it faces. An estimate of the amount of training required for the
claims processing team would be one such assumption.

35) Which of the following statements concerning RFPs (requests for proposals) is true?
A) The structure of an RFP is standardized across industries.
B) In general, private industry RFPs are longer and more detailed than government RFPs.
C) Technical writers review the information in RFPs to make them more understandable to
D) RFPs are always sent as printed documents via standard mail.
E) Typically, one experienced person gathers all the information required for the RFP.
Answer: C
C) The clearer and more precise the RFP is, the greater the chance that the resulting proposals
from vendors will address the real needs of the organization.
36) The most important section of the RFP (request for proposals) is the ________.
A) introduction
B) solicitation, offer, and award
C) pricing schedule
D) statement of work
E) vendor qualifications
Answer: D
D) It clearly defines the scope of the work you need done. It begins with an objective to help
vendors understand why your organization needs assistance, then itemizes the tasks that need
to be done.
37) The introduction of an RFP (request for proposals) contains ________.
A) the title and identifying number of the RFP, an overview of what your organization is
requesting in the RFP, and the RFP's issue date, closing date, and closing time
B) your organization's contact information, an area in which the vendor provides its contact
information, and information about who will be awarding the contract
C) the duration of the contracts and the costs the vendor is expected to supply
D) the scope of the work your organization needs done, beginning with an objective to help
vendors understand why your organization needs assistance
E) questions regarding the vendor's specific qualifications and capabilities
Answer: A

A) This information is contained in an RFP's introduction. The other choices list material
contained in other sections of an RFP.
38) The response to an RFP (request for proposals) ________.
A) is structured at the discretion of the person writing it
B) must be written by a technical writer
C) should skip items from the RFP that the writer is uncomfortable with
D) should follow the instructions in the RFP down to font type and size
E) are most impressive when the writer adds sections not contained in the RFP
Answer: D
D) Organize your response according to the outline provided in the RFP. Do not skip any
items, do not add any items. Be sure to format the document correctly. The instructions in an
RFP are often very precise. They even go so far as to specify the font types, sizes, and
margins that should be used. Follow the instructions exactly.
39) Which of the following is NOT a true statement about sales reports?
A) compare actual sales with predicted sales
B) are usually in a spreadsheet format
C) are usually broken down by product or product category
D) include summary paragraphs to clarify objective and action items
E) usually show sales numbers by month, where M1 is month 1, M2 is month 2, etc.
Answer: E
E) The sales numbers are usually shown by quarters, where Q1 is quarter 1 (January through
March); Q2 is quarter 2, etc.
40) A(n) ________ is a federally required report for publicly traded companies outlining their
finances and operations.
A) sales report
B) annual report
C) quarterly report
D) feasibility report
E) research report
Answer: B

B) The annual report provides information about how well the firm met its objectives for the
year, how well the business is doing financially, upcoming changes projected for the
following year, and a list of the company's top managers.
41) Matt is compiling a spreadsheet that is organized by product category, with projected
figures versus actual figures for Q1 through Q4. Matt is creating a(n) ________.
A) automatically-generated report
B) sales report
C) annual report
D) annual accomplishments report
E) feasibility report
Answer: B
B) Sales reports compare actual sales with projected sales. They are usually in spreadsheet
format and broken down by actual product or product category. The sales numbers are
usually shown by quarters.
42) A(n) ________ is much like a scorecard, representing the performance of the entire
organization for a certain period.
A) sales report
B) annual report
C) quarterly report
D) feasibility report
E) research report
Answer: C
C) A quarterly report helps track a company's financial performance each quarter.
43) The federal government requires that all ________ produce annual reports outlining their
financials and operations.
A) hospitals
B) colleges
C) nonprofits
D) publicly traded companies
E) small businesses

Answer: D
D) An annual report is a federally required report published and distributed annually by a
publicly traded company. Although hospitals, colleges, and many nonprofits publish annual
reports in print or online, they are not required to do so by law.
44) A research report is often a logical ________ a proposal, since the ideas in the proposal
need to be explored to flush out the details.
A) predecessor to
B) successor to
C) replacement for
D) defense against
E) overhaul of
Answer: B
B) After a proposal is accepted, the ideas in it will need to be researched and explored.
45) A report that explores and investigates a particular problem or topic is a(n) ________.
A) research report
B) executive summary
C) feasibility report
D) compliance report
E) operational report
Answer: A
A) It is designed to share research you have done on a particular problem or topic with other
46) The first step in a research report is ________.
A) variable and depends on the particular situation
B) gathering secondary sources
C) conducting primary research
D) defining your purpose
E) writing an introduction
Answer: D

D) The first step in any writing project is defining your purpose. A research report is no
different. Know clearly what problem you are researching and focus on solving only that
problem, and not another related problem.
47) Many researchers find it ________ to start with existing data from secondary sources.
A) less expensive and faster
B) cheaper but more time consuming
C) quicker but more expensive
D) ill-advised and problematic
E) unethical and inefficient
Answer: A
A) Then, if necessary, researchers turn to primary sources.
Simon is working on a research report about the role smart phones are starting to play in
consumer shopping experiences.
48) His boss advises Simon to consult secondary research sources before turning to primary
sources. Which of the following sources should Simon start with?
A) records from his company regarding purchases made via smart phone assistance
B) phone calls to select smart phone users to discuss their shopping habits
C) conversations with retailers about how they are promoting and selling products through
smart phone applications
D) journal articles about the rise of smart phone-based retail applications
E) a survey he creates to be distributed to consumers on a wide scale
Answer: D
D) Secondary sources are sources of information already gathered by other people and
organizations, like this one. The other choices are all primary sources, information that Simon
would need to gather firsthand.
49) After exhausting secondary sources, Simon still needs some answers and he must turn to
primary sources. Which of the following sources might Simon turn to now?
A) journal articles about the rise of smart phone-based retail applications
B) Web sites for Apple and other smart phone manufacturers' relevant applications
C) interviews with application writers about the possibilities and limitations of smart phone
technology to enable or promote retail shopping

D) data from a research firm about the number of retail transactions enabled through smart
phone technology
E) blog entries about accessing coupons and sale information via smart phone
Answer: C
C) Primary sources are sources of information you gather firsthand, like interviewing the
application writers. All of the other choices are secondary sources, sources of information
already gathered by other people and organizations.
50) Survey questions should be written in a(n) ________ way.
A) skewed
B) neutral
C) biased
D) misleading
E) humorous
Answer: B
B) The wording of the questions should not lead respondents to answer one way or another.
51) Survey questions written in an unbiased, neutral way ________.
A) jeopardize the integrity of your research
B) are unethical
C) skew your answers toward the outcome you want
D) lead to impartial data collection
E) is an example of human error preventing objective research
Answer: D
D) As you collect your data, keep an open mind so you don't skew your answers toward the
outcome you want. For example, survey questions should be written in an unbiased, neutral
way that doesn't lead respondents to answer one way or another.
52) All of the following are tips for interpreting research findings EXCEPT
A) if the first event occurred before the second event, you can state that the first caused the
B) avoid distorting facts, even if they don't support your initial proposition

C) beware of oddities in the data gathered, which could indicate errors or bias on the part of
the collector
D) do not oversimplify your data
E) use your findings to drive your conclusions, not the other way around
Answer: A
A) You must ensure that there was an actual link between the two before making such a
53) If the facts uncovered in your research don't support your initial proposition, ________
A) omit
B) distort
C) don't ignore
D) downplay
E) discredit
Answer: C
C) To stay objective and avoid introducing human error into your research report, be sure to
stick to the facts. Avoid distorting or ignoring facts, even if they don't support your initial
54) To stay objective and avoid introducing human error into your research report, ________.
A) use your conclusions to drive your data finding
B) adjust your data if they don't support your conclusion
C) draw your conclusions despite your data
D) stay firm and don't adjust your conclusion, even if the data warrants it
E) if no conclusion can be drawn from the data, state this in your report
Answer: E
E) Use your findings to drive your conclusion, not the other way around. Study the data and
make sure they support your conclusion, or adjust your conclusion accordingly. If no
conclusion can be drawn from the data, or more or different research is necessary, state as
much in your report.
55) The ________ is a one to two page "mini-report" that summarizes your research report.

A) front matter
B) background
C) methodology
D) executive summary
E) appendix
Answer: D
D) Because they are extremely busy, high-level managers often prefer to read the executive
summary rather than the complete report.
56) In a typical research report, the "data collected" section ________
A) describes how the research was conducted
B) includes all the data that was collected
C) includes a summary of the data that was collected
D) describes the conclusions that can be drawn from the data
E) suggests next steps you recommend based on the data
Answer: C
C) This section includes a summary of the data collected for the ease of reading and decisionmaking purposes. Do not include all of the data. They can go into an optional reference
appendix for people who want to look at them.
57) In a typical research report, a description of how the research was collected is included in
the ________.
A) front matter
B) background
C) data collected
D) methodology
E) appendices
Answer: D
D) This section discusses whether the research was conducted via phone, live interviews, an
e-mail survey, or some other method.

58) Scarcely anything will undermine your credibility in the workplace more than a research
report containing ________.
A) footnotes instead of endnotes
B) secondary instead of primary sources
C) images in addition to charts and graphs
D) errors you should have caught in proofing
E) research done by multiple people
Answer: D
D) It is vital to carefully proofread your work.
59) The appendices in a research report comprise all of the following EXCEPT
A) a list of illustrations
B) sources
C) bibliography
D) endnotes
E) raw data
Answer: A
A) The list of illustrations is part of the front matter. All of the other choices do belong in the
60) If the research report was written by multiple people, ________.
A) list only the name of the primary writer in the front matter
B) make sure each individual's voice and style are apparent in the section(s) he or she wrote
C) have one person edit the report so it sounds like one person wrote it
D) indicate each person's name next to the section(s) he or she wrote within the report
E) provide a key in the appendices to show which writers are responsible for which sections
Answer: C
C) Doing so will make the writing style of the report less distracting and easier to read
61) If you decide to post your report on the Web, converting it to a PDF file ________.
A) is more work than converting it into HTML or XHTML

B) is beyond the technical expertise of most business writers
C) means readers will be able to read it but not print it
D) means readers will be able to print it but not mark it up with any feedback
E) means it will be inaccessible for the average reader
Answer: D
D) This will allow readers to view the report as well as print it, but they won't be able to mark
it up with any feedback.
62) Delivering your report on paper ________.
A) should include a cover letter on paper as well
B) is obsolete in this day and age
C) requires that you e-mail a cover letter
D) is the only way to do so; electronic delivery is not considered formal enough
E) makes it inappropriate to follow up with recipients with a phone call or e-mail to verify
that they received the report
Answer: A
A) The first paragraph of the cover letter should explain what the report is and why you are
sending it. The second should tell the recipient whether you expect feedback, and if so, when
it is due. If the report is delivered electronically, put the contents of the cover letter in an email, and include the report and any additions as attachments.
63) A recommendation about whether or not to implement the proposed idea is ________
feasibility report.
A) not included in a
B) implied but not stated explicitly in a
C) contained in the overview section of a
D) contained in the analysis section of a
E) contained in the conclusion section of a
Answer: E
E) In a typical feasibility report the conclusion section recommends whether or not to
implement the proposed idea.

64) After his team assembled in the conference room, Ben created a document in which he
recorded the purpose of the gathering, a list of attendees, the topics of discussion, and the
required action steps assigned to team members. What type of report did Ben create?
A) meeting minutes
B) auditing report
C) compliance report
D) operational report
E) health and safety report
Answer: A
A) This is an example of meeting minutes.
65) ________ how well or how poorly a company is in accordance with certain regulations,
such as financial, safety, or health regulations.
A) Meeting minutes document
B) An auditing report documents
C) A compliance report documents
D) An operational report documents
E) A health and safety report documents
Answer: C
C) This is the function of a compliance report.
66) A(n) ________ report explores the possible financial and logistical ramifications of
decisions a manager, department, or company is considering prior to the decision.
A) research
B) feasibility
C) auditing
D) compliance
E) operational
Answer: B
B) The report is typically published after a proposal and research report have been presented.
67) A feasibility report is typically published ________.

A) after a proposal and research report have been presented
B) before a proposal and research report have been presented
C) at the same time that a proposal and research report are being written
D) instead of writing a proposal and research report
E) after a proposal has been presented, but before a research report has been presented
Answer: A
A) Feasibility reports are typically written by people at the management level and shared with
those who will be affected by the decision for their comment.
68) Feasibility reports are typically written by ________ and shared with ________ for their
A) people at the management level; an impartial, objective audience
B) entry-level employees; an impartial, objective audience
C) people at the management level; those who will be affected by the decision
D) entry-level employees; those who will be affected by the decision
E) high-level managers; an impartial, objective audience
Answer: C
C) The stakeholders, or those who will be affected by the decision, will examine the
ramifications and determine how to proceed.
69) Manny's boss asks him to write a(n) ________ report. He explains to Manny that this
involves compiling statistics about work-related injuries and fatalities, as well as tips related
to employee well-being.
A) feasibility
B) health and safety
C) operational
D) auditing
E) compliance
Answer: B
B) This is a description of a health and safety report.

70) An operational report communicates the operational performance of a company, or
departments within that company, over time, usually ________.
A) weekly
B) monthly
C) quarterly
D) semi-annually
E) annually
Answer: C
C) Operational reports typically track quarterly periods.
71) The reports you will need to write in your career will be the same no matter what field
you work in.
Answer: False
The reports and proposals you write will vary by industry, and even by the company,
department, or team in which you work.
72) The reports you will be asked to write in your career will be read exclusively by people
within your company.
Answer: False
You may be asked to contribute to reports and proposals that will be read outside of your
company. They might be read by other businesses in your industry, government regulators,
stockholders, or the general public.
73) To-do lists and daily logs are written for your eyes only.
Answer: True
According to the chart in the text, the audience for these two documents is oneself.
74) The reader and purpose of a document will affect its tone and content.
Answer: True
If you are writing a report for your manager about an initiative you took to solve a problem,
you might decide to use a formal tone, provide hard facts about the problem, and highlight
your contributions.

75) To-do lists must be written first thing in the morning.
Answer: False
To-do lists can be written first thing in the morning as you prepare to start your day, or on the
previous evening when you are reviewing your accomplishments for that day and thinking
ahead to the next.
76) With the SPT method, tasks that do not get completed one day get moved to subsequent
days or are perhaps dropped.
Answer: True
With the SPT or shortest processing time method, you do the task that is fastest to complete
77) The law requires that all employees keep daily logs to document how they spend their
Answer: False
Some professions keep track of the time they spend on tasks to facilitate the billing of their
clients. And some employees keep daily logs or planners to help them better manage their
time. However, there is not a law that compels all employees to do so.
78) Phil is having trouble completing the tasks on his to-do list, so it would be a good idea for
him to try keeping a daily log.
Answer: True
Seeing how he actually spends his time on a given day will help Phil better manage his time.
79) It is unethical of a manager to incorporate information from a subordinate's progress
report into a report the manager creates to share with her department or other departments
within the company.
Answer: False
Informal progress reports outline the progress employees and teams have made on various
projects and activities. The reports are typically shared with their managers, who may
incorporate some of the information into reports for their departments, other departments, or
their managers.
80) All managers require weekly and monthly status reports.
Answer: False

Not all managers require weekly reports. However, many managers require monthly status
81) An annual accomplishment report can help you decide what new samples of work to put
in your personal employment portfolio.
Answer: True
Portfolios aren't just for artists. Everyone should keep samples of their best work. This report
can help you decide which pieces to add to it. The report is also very useful when you are
preparing for a performance review.
82) Writing a grant application package and instructions is very similar to writing an RFP
(request for proposals).
Answer: True
This is the non-profit sector equivalent of an RFP, a document that invites vendors to submit
bids to provide the organization with a good or service.
83) A new project proposal is a document an organization sends out inviting vendors to
submit bids to provide the organization with a good or service.
Answer: False
This descriptions matches an RFP, or request for proposals. A new project proposal is a
formal proposal for a new product, process, service, or job position a person or a team puts in
writing for other people to read and consider.
84) The RFP typically asks for a response from vendors in a particular format.
Answer: True
All vendors must develop their response to an RFP in the specified format so the organization
can more easily compare the bids to determine which to select.
85) Understanding your purpose is the first step in any writing assignment.
Answer: True
A research report is no different. Know clearly what problem you are researching and focus
on solving only that problem, and not another related problem.
86) Primary sources are generally consulted first by researchers.

Answer: False
Many researchers find it cheaper and faster to start with existing data from secondary
sources, such as books, the Internet, or companies that specialize in gathering data and selling
it. "Primary" and "secondary" describe the nature of the research, not the order in which it is
used by researchers.
87) If Maritza organizes focus groups with teachers to ask them to evaluate her company's
proposed educational aid, she is conducting primary research.
Answer: True
Primary research is research you gather firsthand, as in conducting focus groups, interviews,
surveys, etc.
88) Positing your research report on the Web as a PDF file will allow your readers to view
the report, print it, and mark it up with any feedback.
Answer: False
PDF files cannot be altered by the recipient or viewer.
89) A feasibility report presents the pros and cons of a proposed idea, but it does not offer a
Answer: False
A typical feasibility report presents the pros and cons of the proposed idea, and then offers
conclusions about whether or not it should be implemented.
90) An auditing report verifies the accuracy of a company's financial information.
Answer: True
This is a description of an auditing report.
91) What are the criteria for writing reports and proposals instead of making phone calls or
sending brief e-mails and memos?
Answer: In general, you will write reports or proposals rather than make phone calls or send
brief e-mails or memos when you need to: 1) share a large amount of information that may
include charts, tables, and illustrations 2) distribute information to a large number of people
and 3) provide a more formal way of documenting information.
92) Aurora is an enthusiastic and dedicated employee, but she is having issues managing her
time. She is busy throughout her day, but often finds that she is late completing the tasks that

are expected of her. What are some suggestions you can give her to help her better manage
her time?
Answer: Aurora should start prioritizing her to-do list. She could do so by labelling items as
A-B-C: A) must do, B) need to do, C) nice to do. Alternately, she could try using the SPT or
shortest processing time method. Under this system she would do the item with the shortest
processing time first. This will make it less likely for Aurora to get bogged down with a lot of
short tasks that stack up and overwhelm her. Another idea would be for her to start keeping a
daily log. This would help her to see exactly what her time is being spent on, which would
help her better manage her time.
93) What is a daily log?
Answer: A daily log (also called a planner) is sometimes used by employees to better manage
their time. It can be kept electronically or on paper, and accounts for how an employee spent
his time throughout a work day. Some employees find that keeping a daily log helps them
prioritize their tasks.
94) Bronwen believes that if your manger doesn't require you to create weekly status reports,
doing so is a waste of time. Do you agree with her?
Answer: Answers will vary; some ideas follow:
A weekly status report outlines the work you accomplished for the week, and can also include
any problems you encountered and a brief overview of what you plan to do the following
week. This can be useful for helping you keep track of your own projects, in order to better
manage your time and prioritize tasks. If you see that you have issues with a particular
activity week after week, for example, you might address it with your manager to see if
something can be changed. Weekly status reports can be consolidated into monthly status
reports, which are more commonly required of employees.
95) Alexander thinks that it is egotistical to keep an annual accomplishments report. Do you
Answer: An annual accomplishments report is not designed to be distributed around your
company, to team members or coworkers in other departments. It is intended to be read by
yourself and possibly your manager. It is not a means of bragging, it is a tool to track your
performance over the year. The report should include the projects you worked on, your
contributions, and the measurable end results to the company. It is useful to you as you
prepare for a performance review. It will also help you decide what new samples of your
work to put in your personal employment portfolio. It would also be useful for updating your
96) What elements are typically included in a new project proposal?
1) Title, author, and date
2) Table of contents
3) Background

4) Problem
5) Suggested solution
6) Project objectives
7) Project team
8) Proposed process
9) Assumptions and constraints
10) Risks and concerns
11) Benefits
97) Discuss the saying, "A research problem half defined is a problem half solved."
Answer: Understanding your purpose is the first step in any writing assignment. A research
report is no exception. Defining the problem of a research project involves pinpointing
exactly what the project is supposed to accomplish versus something else. In other words,
know clearly what problem you are researching and focus on solving only that problem and
not another related problem. The problem or purpose, once clearly defined, will then drive
the sources that you research for information.
98) Define the difference between primary and secondary research, and give some examples
of each.
Answer: Primary sources are sources of information you gather firsthand; secondary sources
are sources of information already gathered by other people and organizations. Many
researchers find it cheaper and faster to start with existing data from secondary sources, such
as books, the Internet, or companies that specialize in gathering data and selling it.
Examples of primary research: interviews, focus groups, surveys, original documents
produced by your firm and its employees
Examples of secondary research: books, articles, online databases, Web sites, etc.
99) List the elements of a typical feasibility report.
Answer: 1) An overview of the current situation
2) An analysis of the current situation
3) Competitive information
4) The pros and cons of the proposed idea versus the current situation
5) A conclusion about whether or not to implement the proposed idea
100) Create sample meeting minutes.
Team Meeting
Monday, January 7, 2011, 10:15 - 10:45

Purpose: to discuss participation in upcoming video game convention
Attendees: Mario Costanza, Peach Lambert, Mahir Koopa, Rosalina Luna
Discussion: Mario reiterated his belief that it would be productive to participate in upcoming
video game convention on March 23, 2011. Team agreed it should be pursued
Team discussed ideas for presentation and which products to promote.
Action steps: Peach will research trends appealing to female gamers
Mahir will speak to production to see if new gaming headsets will be available in time for
Rosalina will make reservation with convention organizers

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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