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Chapter 10 1. An IV of NS 1000 mL is to infuse over 12 hours. The drop factor is 10 gtt/mL. Calculate the flow rate in gtt/min. 1. 14 gtt/min 2. 13.8 gtt/min 3. 50 gtt/min 4. 500 gtt/min Answer: 1 Rationale: 1000 mL/12 h × 10 gtt/mL × 1 h/60 min = 13.8 gtt/min. 2. Order: 2000 mL D5W IV infused in six hours. The drop factor is 15 gtt/mL. Calculate the flow rate in gtt/min. 1. 83 gtt/min 2. 133 gtt/min 3. 3 gtt/min 4. 84 gtt/min Answer: 1 Rationale: 2000 mL/6 h × 15 gtt/mL × 1 h/60 min = 83.3 gtt/min. 3. An IV of 1000 mL NS is to infuse over eight hours. The drop factor is 10 gtt/mL. Calculate the flow rate in gtt/min. 1. 13 gtt/min 2. 21 gtt/min 3. 75 gtt/min 4. 23 gtt/min Answer: 2 Rationale: 1000 mL/8 h × 10 gtt/mL × 1 h/60 min = 20.8 gtt/min. 4. An IV is infusing at 75 mL/h. If the drop factor is 20 gtt/mL, what would this rate of flow equal in gtt/min? 1. 4 gtt/min 2. 240 gtt/min 3. 25 gtt/min 4. 225 gtt/min Answer: 3 Rationale: 75mL/hour × 20 gtt/mL × 1 h/60 min = 25 gtt/min. 5. An IV is infusing at 125 mL/h. If the drop factor is 15 gtt/mL, what would this rate of flow equal in gtt/min? 1. 8 gtt/min 2. 31 gtt/min 3. 32 gtt/min 4. 50 gtt/min Answer: 2 Rationale: 125mL/hour × 15 gtt/mL × 1 h/60 min = 31.25 gtt/min. 6. Order: 1000 mL NS to infuse in eight hours. At what rate in mL/h will you set the pump? 1. 125 mL/h 2. 250 mL/h 3. 1600 mL/h 4. 16,000 mL/h Answer: 1 Rationale: 1000 mL/8 h = 125 mL/h 7. Order: 600 mL D5W IV to infuse in six hours. At what rate in mL/h will you set the pump? 1. 100 mL/h 2. 10 mL/h 3. 1.7 mL/h 4. 60 mL/h Answer: 1 Rationale: 600 ÷ 6 = 100 mL/h. 8. An IV is infusing at 30 gtt/min. If the drop factor is 20 gtt/mL, what would this rate of flow equal in mL/h? 1. 600 mL/h 2. 10 mL/h 3. 100 mL/h 4. 90 mL/h Answer: 4 Rationale: 30 gtt/min × mL/20 gtt × 60 min/h = 90 mL/h. 9. An IV is infusing at 25 gtt/min. If the drop factor is 10 gtt/mL, what would this rate of flow equal in mL/h? 1. 250 mL/h 2. 4.2 mL/h 3. 150 mL/h 4. 15,000 mL/h Answer: 3 Rationale: 25 gtt/min × mL/10 gtt × 60 min/h = 150 mL/h. 10. An IV is infusing at 45 gtt/min. If the drop factor is 15 gtt/mL, what would this rate of flow equal in mL/h? 1. 30 mL/h 2. 180 mL/h 3. 18 mL/h 4. 3 mL/h Answer: 2 Rationale: 45 gtt/min × mL/15 gtt × 60 min/h = 180 mL/h. 11. An IV is infusing at 47 mcgtt/min. What would this rate of flow equal in mL/h? 1. 47 mL/h 2. 4.7 mL/h 3. 470 mL/h 4. 12 mL/h Answer: 1 Rationale: mcgtt/min = mL/h. 12. An IV is infusing at 120 mL/h. What would this rate of flow equal in mcgtt/min.? 1. 53 mcgtt/min 2. 120 mcgtt/min 3. 12 mcgtt/min 4. 1.2 mcgtt/min Answer: 2 13. An IV is infusing at 10 mcgtt/min. What would this rate of flow equal in mL/h? 1. 10 mL/h 2. 1 mL/h 3. 100 mL/h 4. 0.6 mL/h Answer: 1 Rationale: mcgtt/min = mL/h. 14. An IV is infusing at 23 mcgtt/min. What would this rate of flow equal in mL/h? 1. 23 mL/h 2. 230 mL/h 3. 2.3 mL/h 4. 18 mL/h Answer: 1 Rationale: mcgtt/min = mL/h. 15. An IV is infusing at 73 mL/h. What would this rate of flow equal in mcgtt/min? 1. 730 mcgtt/min 2. 73 mcgtt/min 3. 7.3 mcgtt/min 4. 53 mcgtt/min Answer: 2 Rationale: mcgtt/min = mL/h. 16. An IV is infusing at 15 mL/h. What would this rate of flow equal in mcgtt/min? 1. 1.5 mcgtt/min 2. 15 mcgtt/min 3. 18 mcgtt/min 4. 150 mcgtt/min Answer: 2 Rationale: mcgtt/min = mL/h 17. A continuous IV is infusing at the rate of 120 mL/h. How many mL will infuse in a three-hour period? 1. 40 mL 2. 6 mL 3. 360 mL 4. 400 mL Answer: 3 Rationale: 3 × 120 = 360 mL. 18. A continuous IV is infusing at the rate of 15 mL/h. How many mL will infuse in an eight-hour period? 1. 1.9 mL 2. 2 mL 3. 120 mL 4. 7200 mL Answer: 3 Rationale: 15 × 8 = 120 mL. 19. A continuous IV is infusing at the rate of 300 mL/h. How many mL will infuse in a 12-hour period? 1. 250 mL 2. 25 mL 3. 360 mL 4. 3600 mL Answer: 4 Rationale: 300 × 12 = 3600 mL. 20. A continuous IV is infusing at the rate of 30 gtt/min. The drop factor is 10 gtt/mL. How many milliliters will infuse in 1 1/2 hours? 1. 7.5 mL 2. 45 mL 3. 450 mL 4. 270 mL Answer: 4 Rationale: 30 gtt/min × mL/10 gtt × 60 min/h = 180 mL/h. 21. A continuous IV is infusing at the rate of 21 gtt/min. The drop factor is 15 gtt/mL. How many milliliters will infuse in 24 hours? 1. 2016 mL 2. 7560 mL 3. 126 mL 4. 525 mL Answer: 1 Rationale: 21 gtt/min × mL/15 gtt × 60 min/h = 84 mL/h. 22. A continuous IV is infusing at the rate of 10 mcgtt/min. How many milliliters will infuse in 24 hours? 1. 4 mL 2. 14,400 mL 3. 240 mL 4. 24 mL Answer: 3 Rationale: 10 mcgtt/min = 10 mL/h. 23. Calculate the infusion time for an IV of 1000 mL running at 75 mL/h. 1. 13 hours, 20 minutes 2. 13.5 hours 3. 13 hours, 33 minutes 4. 13 2/3 hours Answer: 1 Rationale: 1000 ÷ 75 = 13.33 h. 24. Calculate the infusion time for an IV of 2000 mL running at 125 mL/h. 1. 250,000 minutes 2. 16 h 3. 4166 minutes 4. 8 h Answer: 2 Rationale: 2000 ÷ 125 = 16 h. 25. Calculate the infusion time for an IV of 1500 mL running at 25 gtt/min. if the drop factor is 15 gtt/mL. 1. 15 h 2. 41.7 h 3. 898 h 4. 60 h Answer: 1 Rationale: 1500 mL × 15 gtt/mL × min/25 gtt × h/25 gtt = 15 h. 26. The time is 4:30 p.m. An IV has 1400 mL remaining in the bag. The pump is running at 125 mL/h. At what time (use military time) will the IV finish? 1. 1642 hours 2. 1542 hours 3. 0342 hours 4. 0330 hours Answer: 3 Rationale: 1,400 ÷ 125 = 11.2; 11.2 h = 11 h, 12 min. 27. The time is 8:00 a.m. An IV has 200 mL remaining in the bag. The pump is running at 15 mL/h. At what time (use military time) will the IV finish? 1. 2120 hours 2. 2133 hours 3. 9:33 p.m. 4. 9:20 a.m. Answer: 1 Rationale: 200 ÷ 15 = 13 1/3 h. 28. The time is 8:30 p.m. An IV has 400 mL remaining in the bag. The pump is running at 80 mL/h. At what time (use military time) will the IV finish? 1. 0130 hours 2. 1330 hours 3. 1230 hours 4. 0030 hours Answer: 1 Rationale: 400 ÷ 8 = 5 h. 29. Order: NS 1000 mL IV stat. at 125 mL/h for eight hours. Because the drop factor is 10 gtt/mL, the initial flow rate was correctly set at 21 gtt/min. After four hours, 600 mL remain to be infused. The infusion is behind schedule. Compute the new flow rate in gtt/min so that the infusion will finish on time. If flow rates may not be adjusted by more than 25% of the original rate, to what rate would you reset the drip rate, or would you contact the prescriber instead? 1. Contact the prescriber. 2. 25 gtt/min 3. 150 gtt/min 4. 23 gtt/min Answer: 2 Rationale: 25 ÷ 125 = 20% 30. Order: D5W 1000 mL IV at 50 mL/h for 20 hours. The initial flow rate was correctly set at 50 mcgtt/min. After five hours, 600 mL remain to be infused. The infusion is ahead of schedule. Compute the new flow rate in mcgtt/min so that the infusion will finish on time. If flow rates may not be adjusted by more than 25% of the original rate, to what rate would you reset the drip rate, or would you contact the prescriber instead? 1. Contact the prescriber. 2. 40 mcgtt/min 3. 12 mcgtt/min 4. 2.4 mcgtt/min Answer: 2 Rationale: 10 ÷ 50 = 20%. 31. Order: NS 1500 mL IV at 125 mL/h for 12 hours. Since the drop factor is 20 gtt/mL, the initial flow rate was correctly set at 42 gtt/min. After six hours, 900 mL remain to be infused. The infusion is behind schedule. Compute the new flow rate in gtt/min so that the infusion will finish on time. If flow rates may not be adjusted by more than 25% of the original rate, to what rate would you reset the drip rate, or would you contact the prescriber instead? 1. Contact the prescriber. 2. 45 gtt/min 3. 21 gtt/min 4. 50 gtt/min Answer: 4 Rationale: 25 ÷ 125 = 20%. 32. Order: NS 2000 mL IV at 125 mL/h for 16 hours. Since the drop factor is 10 gtt/mL, the initial flow rate was correctly set at 21 gtt/min. After 10 hours, 850 mL remain to be infused. The infusion is behind schedule. Compute the new flow rate in gtt/min so that the infusion will finish on time. Note that flow rates may not be adjusted by more than 25% of the original rate. To what rate would you reset the drip rate, or would you contact the prescriber instead? 1. Contact the prescriber. 2. 23 gtt/min 3. 24 gtt/min 4. 85 gtt/min Answer: 3 Rationale: 17 ÷ 125 = 14%. 33. Order: D5 1/4 NS 240 ml IV at 10 ml/h to infuse over 24 hours. The initial flow rate was correctly set at 10 mcgtt/min. After eight hours, 220 ml of IV fluid remains to be infused. The infusion is behind schedule. Compute the new flow rate in gtt/min so that the infusion will finish on time. Note that flow rates may not be adjusted by more than 25% of the original rate. To what rate would you reset the drip rate, or would you contact the prescriber instead? 1. Contact the prescriber. 2. 13 gtt/min 3. 14 gtt/min 4. 9 gtt/min Answer: 1 Rationale: 3.75 ÷ 10 = 37.5%. 34. Order: For every 100 mL of urine output, replace with 30 mL of water via PEG tube q.4h. The client's urine output is 350 mL. What is the replacement volume? 1. 10.5 mL 2. 105 mL 3. 1050 mL 4. 11.67 mL Answer: 2 Rationale: 350 mL (out) × 30 mL (in)/100 mL (out) = 105 mL. 35. The client drinks one container of milk (1 cup), one container of juice (4 oz.), and a 6 oz. bowl of juice. Record the client’s intake in mL. 1. 210 mL 2. 540 mL 3. 420 mL 4. 240 mL Answer: 2 Rationale: 8 oz + 4 oz + 6 oz = 18 oz = 540 mL 36. Order: Infuse 1 mL of normal saline IV for every 2 ml of urine in excess of 50 mL. The client's urine output is 80 mL. How much normal saline will you administer? 1. 30 mL 2. 15 mL 3. 40 mL 4. 20 mL Answer: 2 Rationale: 80 – 50 = 30; 30 (out) × 1 (in)/2 (out) = 15 mL. 37. Order: Replace every 2 mL of urine output with 1 mL of water via g-tube. The client's urine output is 350 mL. How many mL of water would you administer? 1. 175 mL 2. 350 mL 3. 700 mL 4. 17.5 mL Answer: 1 Rationale: 350 (out) × 1(in)/2 (out) = 175 mL. Test Bank for Dosage Calculations: A Multi-Method Approach Anthony Patrick Giangrasso, Dolores M. Shrimpton 9780132158626

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