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Qualitative Interviewing
1. Field research is often associated with qualitative techniques.
Answer: True
2. When it is necessary to study phenomenon in their natural setting, experiments are the best
approach to take.
Answer: False
3. Sometimes, the only way to obtain the information that you need is through qualitative
data collection.
Answer: True
4. A qualitative interview involves an interaction between an interviewer and a respondent
Answer: True
5. A focus group is a type of qualitative interview, and involves a directed discussion with a
small group of people.
Answer: True
6. Qualitative interviews are important tools for producing thick description that helps reveal
the richness of human experience.
Answer: True
7. Theoretical sampling is not a part of this theory generating process.
Answer: False
8. When examining qualitative data, there are many ways to find concepts that become
higher-level themes.
Answer: True
9. Missing data is a type of connector where you are alert for what participants are failing to

Answer: True
10. Grounded theory is not built from qualitative field observations.
Answer: False
1. Field research is a data collection method that involves the ____of phenomena in their
natural settings.
a. direct observation
b. written records
c. grounded theory
d. accurate measure
Answer: A
2. Which approaches are considered inappropriate for initiating field research among active
a. telephone survey, informal gatherings, and club meetings
b. focus group meetings and movies
c. letters, phone calls, and formal meetings
d. all forms of formal and informal contacts
Answer: C
3. Often developed through ____, grounded theory combines a naturalist approach with a
positivist concern for a systematic set of procedures.
a. qualitative interviewing
b. focus groups
c. letters, phone calls, and meetings
d. None of the above are true.
Answer: A

4. Which type of interview is the most natural, in-depth, and exploratory?
a. semi-structured interviewing.
b. structured interviewing.
c. unstructured interviewing.
d. focus group interviewing.
Answer: C
5. Which activity would not be a logical crime to study using the field research techniques?
a. prostitution
b. shoplifting
c. embezzlement
d. drug use
Answer: C
6. Qualitative field research is the preferred method for studying many ____.
a. subjects who change language
b. types of crimes
c. types of phenomena
d. types of active offenders
Answer: D
7. A researcher feels that he or she will need to ask questions of the subjects. Which field
research technique is best to use?
a. complete observer
b. complete participant
c. a combination of observer and participant
d. surveys
Answer: C

8. Reflexivity refers generally to one’s subjectivity in the research process. Thus, the process
of reflexivity requires that one be critically conscious of ____.
a. one’s feelings
b. one’s resources
c. who their subjects are
d. whether they will be using subjects in formal or informal organizations
Answer: A
9. Research involving which group would not be receptive to the use of unstructured
a. criminals
b. police officers
c. judges
d. probation officers
Answer: A
10. The main thing to keep track of with respect to focus group dynamics are ____.
a. spontaneity
b. the emergence of themes
c. groupthink and dominant group members
d. group dynamics
Answer: C
11. To gain access to a formal criminal justice organization for the purpose of conducting
qualitative interviewing, which step should be followed?
a. find an informant and then send a letter to gain access
b. find a sponsor, send a letter, follow up with a phone call and then set up a meeting
c. telephone the agency and speak with the director and set up a meeting

d. field research cannot be done in formal criminal justice organizations because only the use
of written records is allowed
Answer: B
12. A letter used to gain access to a formal organization should include all of the following
topics except ____.
a. the purpose of your research
b. who is funding your research
c. the action that you request someone to do for you
d. name your sponsor within the organization
Answer: B
13. Probes are important tools for qualitative interviewing because they prompt participants
to ____.
a. elaborate on responses by filling in more detail and depth
b. be careful when speaking
c. be concerned about others’ feelings
d. be concerned about time
Answer: A
14. The qualitative interview can also be thought of as a(n) ____.
a. well-designed survey
b. difficult exercise
c. purposeful conversation
d. expensive venture
Answer: C
15. Generalizability of qualitative studies is often limited by ___.
a. representative of the population

b. of sufficient size
c. generalizable
d. of insufficient size
Answer: D
16. Audit trails consists of extensive logs of data, such as ____.
a. letters and phone calls
b. meetings
c. interviews
d. field notes and memos
Answer: D
17. Which statement is false regarding the use of field notes for recording observations?
a. field notes include what you are sure you have observed
b. field notes should not include unanticipated events
c. field notes should include what you think you observed
d. note taking can be done on standardized recording forms that you create prior to the start of
the research
Answer: B
18. Which statement is NOT a guideline for good field note taking?
a. don’t trust your memory, write down as much as possible unobtrusively
b. develop your notes from sketchy to more detailed with rewrites
c. use only key words and phrases in your notes, you will remember the details at a later date
d. record as many details as you can right after each observation session
Answer: C
19. Environmental surveys are used for which research purpose?
a. determining the grounded theory

b. planning police strategies in drug enforcement and to assess the impact of those strategies
c. developing notes on graffiti and vandalism damage in an urban area
d. finding out green environment
Answer: B
20. Which statement is false with regard to field research?
a. It has greater validity and reliability than survey research.
b. It often involves theory creation.
c. It often combines observation and asking questions.
d. It can provide both qualitative and quantitative data.
Answer: A Topics Appropriate for Qualitative Interviewing
21. Field notes should include all but which of the following?
a. specific names of those being studied and where events happen even if those being studied
are criminals
b. what you specifically witnessed
c. what you think that you witnessed
d. your interpretations of what you witnessed
Answer: A
22. What is an advantage to using unstructured interviewing techniques when conducting
field research?
a. the researcher knows a lot about the subject under study
b. the researcher won’t enter into casual conversation with the subject as a means of gathering
c. the researcher and subject may have short fixed time for the interview
d. the researcher and subject may witness an event together
Answer: C

23. Which statement is false with regard to structured interviews?
a. they enable the researcher to generate numeric measures of observed conditions
b. they are best suited for studies where a researcher is expected to encounter a wide variety
of situations
c. they are more reliable than other methods
d. they require careful training
Answer: B
24. The reliability of quantitative field studies can be enhanced by ____.
a. By reviewing police records.
b. Reviewing by the director of the organization.
c. Contacting various personnel within the organization.
d. Careful attention to the details of observation.
Answer: D
25. Which element should NOT be in a letter that serves as a follow up to identification of the
a. the name of your sponsor
b. a detailed description of your research
c. arranging a time and date for a phone call
d. identify that you want to meet and talk with the contact person
Answer: B
26. After you have identified a sponsor and sent a letter to a formal organization stating your
interest in research, a phone call is typically the next step in the process. You have agreed
upon a time and day for the phone call and at the appointed time, you call. The director will
not take your call. What should you do next?
a. forget that organization as a target of your research because if the director will not take
your call now, you cannot expect much from him once the research begins

b. keep calling back until your call is taken by the director
c. ask to speak the director’s assistant and make an appointment for a meeting
d. find another sponsor and see if you have better luck getting access to the director
Answer: C
27. Qualitative research ____.
a. is unable to generate theory
b. being the basis of grounded theory
c. can be used to produce only quantitative data
d. is unreliable
Answer: B
28. Which factor is a serious consideration for researchers who adopt the role of complete
participant when doing field research?
a. generalizability
b. ethics
c. validity
d. all of these answers are correct
Answer: D
29. Regardless of the techniques used to identify subjects from subcultures, there will be
concerns. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. lack of probability sampling
b. selection bias
c. generally a small sample size
d. there are no concerns once you get an informant to introduce members of their subculture
Answer: D

1. A researcher engaged in interviewing would likely use _______________ data that is
defined as observations that are not easily reduced to numbers.
Answer: qualitative
2. A theory that stems from an analysis of patterns, themes, and common categories
discovered in data is referred to as a(n) _______________ theory.
Answer: grounded
3. Theoretical sampling is part of generating a(n) _______________ theory.
Answer: grounded
4. The semi-structured interview format allows asking a spontaneous question and
discovering a(n) _______________.
Answer: emerging theme
5. While planning qualitative interviews, think carefully about your role as ____________.
Answer: sponsor
6. The ___________________ is the person who will assist you in gaining access to a
Answer: informant
7. The focus group moderator must guide the conversation and be aware of dominant group
members and _______________.
Answer: groupthink
8. Transferability occurs when working hypotheses can be transferred from one
_______________ to another.
Answer: context
9. Qualitative research has covered the wide range of applications from highly structured
counting to less structured field observations and _______________.
Answer: interviews

Test Bank for Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology
Michael G. Maxfield, Earl R. Babbie
9781305261105, 9781111346911

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