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Chapter 7 Evaluating Survey Data Collection Methods
1) Which of the following is NOT part of the definition of survey?
A) interviews
B) large number
C) predesigned questionnaires
D) respondents
E) computer
Answer: E
2) Which of the following is an advantage to the use of survey methods?
A) standardization
B) high response rates
C) nonsuitability to tabulation and statistical analysis
D) unique answers for each respondent
E) very low cost
Answer: A
3) The four questions of who, what, why and how are relevant to which of the following
aspects of conducting surveys?
A) tapping the unseen in survey research
B) computer-administered surveys
C) self-administered surveys
D) subgroup analysis
E) simplified administration
Answer: A
4) Which of the following is NOT a method for collecting survey data?
A) person-administered surveys
B) computer-administered surveys
C) self-administered surveys
D) multiple modal surveys
E) mixed-mode surveys
Answer: D
5) What is NOT a unique advantage of using person-administered surveys?
A) feedback
B) rapport
C) quality control

D) speed
E) adaptability
Answer: D
6) Adaptability refers to the ability to react to respondent differences. Which survey method
is best suited for adaptability?
A) computer-administered surveys
B) self-administered surveys
C) drop-off surveys
D) person-administered surveys
Answer: D
7) Having an independent party call back a sample of each interviewer's respondents to verify
that they took part in the survey is a way to avoid which of the following?
A) interviewer cheating
B) human error
C) adaptability
D) interviewer rapport
E) card sorting
Answer: A
8) Which of the following is a NOT a disadvantage of person-administered surveys?
A) They are slower than other methods.
B) They are more expensive.
C) They are prone to errors.
D) They are rigid, not adaptable.
E) Respondents may fear interview evaluation.
Answer: D
9) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer-administered surveys?
A) ability to develop rapport with the respondent
B) speed
C) error-free interviewing
D) use of pictures, videos, and graphics
E) possible cost savings
Answer: A
10) Interview evaluation refers to:

A) an evaluation of the quality of the interviews by an editor.
B) an evaluation of the interviews by the client/manager.
C) an overall procedure for evaluating the quality of the entire interview process.
D) respondent anxieties caused by the presence of an interviewer.
E) interviewer anxieties caused by the interview procedure.
Answer: D
11) The primary disadvantage of computer-administered surveys is that:
A) real-time data capture is error-prone.
B) because the data is entered directly into the computer, interview evaluation time is limited.
C) costs of design, programming, debugging, and set up are high.
D) a limited number of people have access to computers.
E) technology anxiety is common.
Answer: C
12) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of self-administered surveys?
A) reduced cost
B) respondent can control the pace of the survey
C) no interviewer apprehension
D) considerable interviewer-evaluation apprehension
E) respondents may be more honest without an interviewer
Answer: D
13) Which is true regarding a disadvantage of self-administered surveys?
A) Because interviewers are not present, evaluation of the interview is impossible.
B) The primary burden of respondent understanding is placed upon the questionnaire.
C) The primary burden of respondent understanding is placed upon the field editor.
D) Respondents feel anxious because they control the administration process.
E) Respondents interpret the questions themselves so the questionnaire can be somewhat
Answer: B
14) One of the main advantages of browser-based mobile data collection is that:
A) data can be collected from any region of the world.
B) virtually every mobile device worldwide supports SMS as a single global standard.
C) it can easily support multi-mode and device-agnostic solutions.
D) there is no need to worry about respondents absorbing data collection costs.
Answer: C

15) The primary disadvantage of Apps mobile data collection is that:
A) reporting lags data collection activity significantly.
B) logic cannot be easily incorporated.
C) specific types of data, such as location-based information and barcode scans, cannot be
captured easily.
D) they must be developed for each operating system.
Answer: D
16) What is a technique that is NOT a variation of person-administered surveys?
A) in-home interview
B) mall-intercept interview
C) drop-off survey
D) telephone interview
E) in-office interview
Answer: C
17) Which of the following data collection modes comes closest to being patterned after the
"man-on-the-street" interview?
A) person-on-the-street interview
B) mall-intercept interview
C) drop-off survey
D) mail survey
E) interviewer approach interview
Answer: B
18) Research companies who select shopping malls for the purpose of conducting mallintercept interviews tend to select malls:
A) only in the largest cities.
B) that have a regional versus local market area.
C) where the crime rates are exceptionally low.
D) in cities where interview cooperation rates are the highest.
E) with a wide variety of shops.
Answer: B
19) One disadvantage of mall-intercept interviewing is that:
A) mall-intercepts, because they require the cooperation of all stores in a mall, are difficult to
B) turnover rates are high.

C) mall shoppers may not be representative of the target market population.
D) interviewers in mall-intercept studies are often distracted by mall activities.
E) assault rates of interviewers can be high in some areas.
Answer: C
20) Which of the following data collection modes would be more appropriate for research on
a product requiring demonstration that is targeted to the business-to-business market as
opposed to the consumer market?
B) business-to-business surveying
C) in-office interview
D) drop-off survey
E) detailed online survey with graphics
Answer: C
21) Which data collection mode requires interviewers to "navigate around gatekeepers"?
A) gatekeeper interviewing
B) in-office interviewing
E) online surveys
Answer: B
22) What type of interview technique could be used if it was not necessary for the researcher
to watch the respondent to ensure correct procedures are followed?
A) telephone interview
B) in-office interview
C) in-home interview
D) mall-intercept interview
E) confidential interview
Answer: A
23) Which type of interview technique offers the advantages of cost, quality, and speed?
A) in-office interview
B) telephone interview
C) mall-intercept interview
D) in-home interview
E) "man-on-the-street" interview

Answer: B
24) Which of the following is NOT a potential shortcoming of the telephone survey?
A) The respondent cannot be shown anything.
B) It does not permit the interviewer to make various face-to-face judgments and evaluations.
C) It does not permit a high quality sample.
D) It does not allow for the observation of body language, facial expressions, or eye contact.
E) There is an increased use of answering machines.
Answer: C
25) What are some of the problems associated with traditional telephone interviews?
A) mistakes in administering the questions
B) insufficient call back for not-at-homes
C) dishonest interviewers
D) all of the above
E) A and B only
Answer: D
26) Which of the following data collection modes allows for recruitment and training to be
conducted at a central location, monitoring of the actual interviews by a supervisor, checking
of completed interviews "on the spot," and control of interviewers' schedules?
A) drop-off survey
C) central location telephone interviewing
D) traditional telephone interviewing
E) central location mall intercepts
Answer: C
27) Which of the following is considered a computer-assisted interview?
A) A human uses a computer.
B) A database is used to record data.
C) A DVD is used to explain the survey.
D) A CD-ROM is used to record data.
E) A software program is used to progress through a survey.
Answer: A
28) Advantages of CATI include:
A) interviews can be conducted via TV cable.
B) cable and TV interviewing may be conducted simultaneously.

C) the computer dials the respondent, brings up the questions to the interviewer, and moves
ahead to the appropriate question.
D) it can be enhanced with the drop-off survey technique.
E) setup costs are low.
Answer: C
29) Some of the major advantages of using online surveys are:
A) easy-to-use SPAMBOTS to collect email addresses, lowering cost and increasing speed.
B) real time access to data and availability of many respondents attained by sending out
randomly selected emails.
C) low cost, speed, and sample representativeness.
D) low cost, speed, and real-time access to data.
E) a high-tech image for the firm.
Answer: D
30) Online surveys are generally believed to achieve response quality equal to that of:
A) telephone surveys.
B) drop-off surveys.
C) mall-intercept surveys.
D) in-office surveys.
E) in-home surveys.
Answer: A
31) The most popular type of self-administered survey is the:
A) group self-administered survey.
B) drop-off survey.
C) email survey.
D) mail survey.
E) anonymous survey.
Answer: D
32) The essential objective of the drop-off survey is:
A) low cost because there is no mail-out expense.
B) to gain a prospective respondent's cooperation.
C) to minimize item omission bias.
D) not to have to pay interviewers.
E) to increase the speed of response.
Answer: B

33) Which of the following would be considered an example of the drop-off survey?
A) A researcher brings a questionnaire to a respondent's home and leaves it to be completed.
B) A hotel leaves a questionnaire in a room for customers to evaluate their accommodations.
C) A retail store offers a customer a survey and promises a gift certificate if they return the
questionnaire on their next visit.
D) A graduate student hands surveys out to other students to be placed in a drop box when
E) All of the above would be considered drop-off surveys.
Answer: E
34) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of mail surveys?
A) nonresponse
B) cost
C) no need for interviewer training
D) available mailing lists
E) no need for interviewer compensation
Answer: A
35) Typically, mail surveys attain response rates of:
A) about 50 percent
B) more than 80 percent
C) between 30 and 40 percent
D) less than 20 percent
E) around 75 percent
Answer: D
36) Which of the following will increase mail survey response rates?
A) use of color
B) stamps, rather than preprinted postage paid on the return envelopes
C) use of a recognizable brand name
D) confidentiality
E) use of an alert letter
Answer: E
37) Despite regional differences in the usage of various data collection modes, the highest
usage for North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific alike is in:
A) CATI (single mode).
B) web surveys (self-completion).

C) SMS text messaging (self-completion).
D) IVR (interactive voice response).
E) mixed mode CATI and web.
Answer: B
38) In selecting the proper survey method, researchers balance:
A) the cost of the project with what the client is willing to pay.
B) the time limitation of the client with the speed at which surveys must be conducted in
order to have a profitable research firm.
C) the quality of information desired with the requirement to take advantage of today's
D) the quality of information desired with time deadlines and budget constraints.
E) what their employer wants, in addition to what the researchers want.
Answer: D
39) When time is an important consideration, which data collection method is best?
A) mail surveys
B) drop-off surveys
C) in-home interviews
D) telephone surveys
E) in-office interviews
Answer: D
40) When given a data collection budget, a researcher's choice of the data collection method
A) enhanced.
B) limited to those methods falling within the budget.
C) not to be influenced by an arbitrarily determined budget.
D) flexible.
E) negotiable.
Answer: B
41) Which of the following is NOT a question to consider when choosing a survey method?
A) What is the incidence rate?
B) How much money is there for data collection?
C) How much time is there for data collection?
D) What type of respondent interaction is required?
E) Which is the easiest method for the researcher?

Answer: E
42) In ________, residents are uncomfortable allowing strangers in their homes. Therefore,
________ surveying is more popular than door-to-door interviewing.
A) Canada; mall-intercept
B) Scandinavia; telephone and online
C) India; fully automated
D) Mexico; in-office
E) the United States; computer-administered
Answer: B
43) In ________, door-to-door interviewing is popular because ________.
A) Canada; face-to-face interaction is preferred
B) Scandinavia; residents welcome strangers in their homes
C) India; few residents have access to telephones and online computers
D) Mexico; door-to-door incentives are popular
E) the United States; it is the most reliable data collection method
Answer: C
44) Surveys involve interviews with a large number of respondents using a predesigned
Answer: True
45) One of the advantages of surveys is that they can tap the "unseen" — motives, interests,
attitudes, and intentions.
Answer: True
46) Surveys allow for large samples, which are suitable for tabulation and statistical analysis.
Answer: True
47) The three major ways to collect data are: have a person ask the questions, have a
computer assist or conduct the questioning, or allow the respondents themselves to complete
the survey.
Answer: True
48) One of the advantages of the person-administered survey is that the interviewer is able to
respond to questions asked by respondents.
Answer: True
49) One of the disadvantages of computer-administered surveys is that they cannot depict
pictures, video, or other graphics to the respondent.
Answer: False

50) Real-time capture of data is available only through the use of in-home interviewing,
provided the researcher has a modem and may transmit the survey results to a computer
shortly after the interview.
Answer: False
51) Interview evaluation refers to the fact that some people become anxious about the
possible reactions the interviewer may have to their answers to survey questions.
Answer: True
52) Surveys conducted without the presence of an agent — human or computer — are
referred to as self-administered surveys.
Answer: True
53) Whereas self-administered surveys are faster than personal or computer-assisted surveys,
they have the highest cost.
Answer: False
54) Self-administered surveys eliminate interview evaluation apprehension.
Answer: True
55) Self-administered surveys place a very high premium on proper questionnaire design.
Answer: True
56) Mixed-mode surveys are also referred to as "hybrid surveys."
Answer: True
57) While mobile research is just arriving on the scene, it is an exciting approach that best fits
the mobile lifestyle of mature consumers.
Answer: False
58) It is believed that conducting an interview in the respondent's home improves the quality
of the data and facilitates the rapport between interviewer and interviewee.
Answer: True
59) All malls allow for as many research firms who wish to intercept shoppers because it
attracts more customers.
Answer: False
60) Because shopping malls usually draw customers from a large area, they excel in terms of
providing representative samples.
Answer: False
61) A disadvantage of in-office interviews is that interviewers must be at a certain place at an
exact time.
Answer: True

62) An advantage of in-office interviews is that they have low costs.
Answer: False
63) Telephone surveys have the potential to provide a high-quality sample.
Answer: True
64) Telephone surveys, although yielding high-quality samples, do not have fast turnaround
times. This is why they are rarely used for political polling.
Answer: False
65) Telephone surveys may be preferable to face-to-face surveys when the topics being
addressed are sensitive.
Answer: True
66) The data-collection landscape of China is the same as that in Western and European
Answer: False
67) "Paper-and-pencil" questionnaires are those administered by mall interviewers.
Answer: False
68) Traditional telephone interviewing offers opportunities for interviewer cheating.
Answer: True
69) Two variations of computer-administered telephone interview systems are (1) using a
human interviewer and (2) using a computer, sometimes with a synthesized or recorded
Answer: True
70) Central location telephone interviewing offers good control of interviewers.
Answer: True
71) The CATI approach has many benefits, but it does not eliminate the need for editing
completed questionnaires.
Answer: False
72) With CATI systems, tabulations may be run at any time during the study and, as a result,
questions may be added or deleted from the study.
Answer: True
73) Most CATI systems are programmed to make wrong answers impossible.
Answer: True
74) A CATI is a form of person-administered interview.
Answer: False
75) CAPI stands for computer-assisted personal interviewing.

Answer: True
76) With a CATS system, interviews are conducted entirely by computers.
Answer: True
77) Online surveys are making profound changes in the marketing research landscape.
Answer: True
78) One of the disadvantages of online surveys is that they may lack sample
Answer: True
79) Drop-off surveys are especially appropriate for local market research undertakings in
which travel is necessary, but limited.
Answer: True
80) Self-selection bias is very strong in in-home interviewing.
Answer: False
81) Mail surveys suffer from low response rates.
Answer: True
82) Company policies or procedures must prohibit the practice of multiple screening or
interviewing of a single respondent during any one interview to adhere to ethical marketing
research practices.
Answer: True
83) Key factors influencing the choice of a survey data collection method include the
researchers' time and budget.
Answer: True
84) Incidence rate is the percentage of the population that possesses some characteristic
necessary to be included in the survey.
Answer: True
85) The only practical way to do research with Millennials, who are a prime target for many
companies, is with some online-based data collection method.
Answer: True
86) Karen has just started her first research project for her new firm, Standard Research.
After meeting with the project team, Karen knows that the client, Cookies! Cookies!
Cookies! (C!C!C!), is interested in statistical analyses to help decide on a new cookie flavor
for their "healthy" line. C!C!C! needs to test whether the concept of the new flavor sounds
appealing; consumers do not actually need to taste the flavor. Which of the following survey
data collection methods should be used to best meet the client's needs?

A) telephone interview
B) mall intercept
C) in-office interview
D) in-home interview
E) mail survey
Answer: A
87) Karen, of Standard Research, contemplates which survey method she will use for a client.
She must balance:
A) the cost of the project with the level of statistical analysis that will be used.
B) the time limitation of the client with the requirement that the surveys be representative.
C) the lower quality of information generated by using a totally computer-administered
survey with the desire to make additional profits using the latest technology.
D) the quality of information desired with time deadlines and budget constraints.
E) the wishes of the employees at Standard Research.
Answer: D
88) Rick Smith, of Smith & Associates Research, has decided that a client's project should
use telephone interviewing as the method of data collection. He knows that there are
disadvantages to the telephone interview method he has chosen, and he must be ready to
discuss these limitations with the client. Which of the following disadvantages will he be
A) mistakes in administering the questions
B) insufficient call back for not-at-homes
C) dishonest interviewers
D) A and B
E) A, B, and C
Answer: E
89) Karl Pittman commissioned a research project from the research firm of ADVICE, INC.
The results of the project will be presented in a court case and Karl wonders if the opposing
lawyers in the trial will question whether or not the telephone calls, used to collect the data,
were actually made. Sue Miller, project director at ADVICE, INC., had thought ahead and
verified that the interviews were actually conducted. She used the standard industry method
for verification. Which of the following did she use?
A) use an interviewer only one time
B) call back a sample of the interviewer's respondents to verify that they were interviewed

C) have all interviewers take polygraph tests on a regular basis
D) pay interviewers to watch their peers
E) put video cameras in all work stations
Answer: B
90) Tom Cardinal, of "Healthy" Cookies, is concerned about the costs of conducting some
upcoming research. He understands that mail surveys have some of the lowest costs of all the
data collection methods. He asks Jeanne Daniel, marketing research consultant, what would
happen if a mail survey were used. Jeanne explained that, compared to online or telephone
surveys, a mail survey would have taken much longer, and the response rate would have
A) under 20 percent.
B) between 35 and 37 percent.
C) above 60 percent.
D) around 30 percent.
E) about 55 percent.
Answer: A

Test Bank for Marketing Research
Alvin C. Burns, Ronald F. Bush
9780133074673, 9780134895406, 9780134167404

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