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Chapter 16
1) Your career is a ________.
A) destination
B) journey
C) one-way street
D) location
E) detour
Answer: B
B) Your career is not a destination. It's a journey, so enjoy the trip and be mindful of the
2) Nonprofit organizations ________.
A) don't make any profits
B) distribute their profits to shareholders
C) reinvest their profits in their organizations
D) don't require business communication skills
E) allow volunteers to help their cause, but do nothing for their business skills or networking
Answer: C
C) They do this to expand the work that they do.
3) In order to influence action through your communication skills ________.
A) you must to move to a developing country
B) you need to start your own nonprofit
C) you must go to work for a nonprofit
D) you can use your business communication skills to get help for people in need
E) you need to learn a new set of communication skills to use in the nonprofit sector
Answer: D
D) You can put your business communication skills to use in volunteer work: writing a
formal report of what a homeless shelter needs, writing persuasive solicitation to local
business for charity fundraisers, etc.


4) Passion and enthusiasm ________.
A) have no place in either the corporate or nonprofit world
B) interfere with the ability to succeed in either the corporate or nonprofit world
C) go a long way in both the corporate and nonprofit world
D) are vital in the nonprofit world but hinder progress in the corporate world
E) are necessary in the corporate world but are rarely involved in the nonprofit sector
Answer: C
C) Finding out what you are enthusiastic and passionate about can help you find and pursue a
related career or volunteer opportunity.
5) All of the following are true about people who like what they do EXCEPT
A) they are fun to be around
B) they inspire others to do and be their best
C) they are preferred by employers
D) they do their jobs well
E) they are not as productive
Answer: E
E) Employers prefer people who like what they do because they tend to perform their jobs
well, are highly productive, and motivate others.
6) Employers ________ people who like what they do.
A) prefer
B) avoid
C) don't hire
D) only employ
E) can't find
Answer: A
A) Employers prefer people who like what they do because they tend to perform their jobs
well, are highly productive, and motivate others.
7) All of the following are recommended as questions you can ask to find your passion

A) Are you energized about the path of study you have chosen?
B) What interests and excites you?
C) How do you plan to integrate your interests into your career?
D) What is your minimum salary requirement?
E) What is standing between good and great for you?
Answer: D
D) Issues surrounding financial and other compensation do not address the issue of your
8) Which of the following is recommended as a question you can ask yourself to help find
your passion?
A) Have you ever had to deal with a difficult client?
B) Are you looking forward to the challenges of the working world?
C) Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?
D) How do you handle conflicts with coworkers?
E) Where would you like to be five years from now?
Answer: B
B) This is one of the recommended questions to ask to find your passion.
9) All of the following are cited as things that help sustain people's passion EXCEPT
A) the security of a prospering industry
B) the ability to pursue what they love
C) the chance to stretch themselves
D) the opportunity to help others
E) the feeling of being valued
Answer: A
A) People often forsake the stability and security of a traditional field in order to chase their
10) ________ is a situation in which you become irritated or unproductive, can no longer
think clearly, or effectively verbalize your thoughts on the job.
A) Burnout

B) Back-up behavior
C) Defamation
D) Slander
E) Libel
Answer: A
A) It is not necessarily a single incident of a meltdown that occurs during a person's career.
11) Carol is having difficulties at work. She finds herself becoming increasingly irritated each
day, and is disturbed by how unproductive she's become. Her communication skills are also
suffering, as she has more and more difficulty clearly articulating her thoughts. Carol is
A) finding her passion
B) living her dream
C) suffering from burnout
D) backing behavior
E) communicating sideways
Answer: C
C) Burnout is a situation in which you become irritated or unproductive, can no longer think
clearly, or effectively verbalize your thoughts on the job.
12) All of the following are true about burnout EXCEPT
A) it is said to be nature's way of telling you that you have been going through the motions
B) it refers to a single incident of a meltdown
C) a daily sign of burnout is becoming irritated
D) it may be characterized by becoming unproductive
E) it may affect one's communication skills
Answer: B
B) It is not necessarily a single incident of a meltdown that occurs during a person's career.
13) Which of the following is NOT recommended as a tip for managing burnout?
A) balance periods of hard work with breaks
B) push through a headache or backache until you are feeling better again

C) listen to the nonverbal ways your body communicates its need for a break
D) take a stretch break to reactivate your blood flow
E) make time to eat, rest, and exercise
Answer: B
B) To manage burnout it's important to listen to the nonverbal signals your body is sending
that it needs a break, like a headache or backache.
14) Changing your state and taking a "think break" is recommended ________.
A) so that you don't establish a system of balance
B) to avoid healthy boundaries
C) to become irritated or unproductive
D) as a way to manage burnout
E) to determine what your passion is
Answer: D
D) If you are sitting, try standing while you go about your business. If you have been
standing, sit down and relax. Or take a short walk even if it's inside the building. Take a
stretch break to reactivate your blood flow.
15) You've been sitting for several hours, so you try standing while you go about your
business. Eventually, you decide to take a short walk around the building to reactivate your
blood flow. You are ________.
A) changing your state and taking a "think break"
B) communicating under pressure
C) giving in to the inevitability of job burnout
D) trying to find your passion
E) running away from your problems
Answer: A
A) This is one of the tips recommended to manage small bouts of burnout.
16) It's 8:30 PM and you're still at the office, working late for the third night this week. You
haven't eaten or gotten up from your desk since lunch. Your head is throbbing and your eyes
are glazing over, but you keep plugging away at your computer. You are ________.
A) establishing a system of balance

B) managing your potential burnout symptoms
C) ignoring your body's signals that it needs a break
D) forming healthy boundaries at work
E) taking a "think break"
Answer: C
C) When your body is aching and your eyes are glazing over, these are signs that you need to
balance periods of hard work with breaks.
17) ________ is coping conduct that different personality types exhibit under stress.
A) Business as usual
B) Back-up behavior
C) Fair use
D) Feedback sandwich
E) Communicating sideways
Answer: B
B) In extreme circumstances of crisis or deadline, people have the potential to shift into backup behavior, a sort of "coping mode."
18) Martina is facing a tough time at work; her industry is hurting and talk of lay-offs is
swirling around the office. She is feeling extremely stressed, and putting in lots of long days
to show her dedication and value to the company. However, her coworkers are noticing that
while she is usually a generous and giving presence in the office, she is now exhibiting
passive-aggressive behavior. This is likely a case of Martina ________.
A) becoming paralyzed by indecision
B) letting her personal problems affect her job performance
C) putting her coworkers' needs ahead of her own
D) shifting into back-up behavior
E) establishing a system of balance
Answer: D
D) In extreme circumstances of crisis or deadline, people have the potential to shift into backup behavior, a sort of "coping" mode. Back-up behavior manifests itself differently across
each personality type.

19) Refueling ________.
A) involves just taking a short break
B) interferes with a system of balance
C) is an ineffective way to manage small bouts of burnout
D) is nature's way of telling you that you have been going through the motions
E) means making time to eat, rest, breathe deeply, exercise and interact with others, etc.
Answer: E
E) Refueling involves more than just a short break. It includes everything listed in this
20) When, under times of great crisis or deadline, people who are adventurers explode or lay
blame, or people who are organizers become controlling and autocratic, these are instances of
A) sacrificing one's job to maintain personal relationships
B) becoming paralyzed by indecision
C) veering into back-up behavior
D) knowing when one needs to refuel
E) changing one's state and taking a "think break"
Answer: C
C) In extreme circumstances of crisis or deadline, people have the potential to shift into backup behavior, a sort of "coping" mode. Back-up behavior manifests itself differently across
each personality type.
21) Back-up behavior ________.
A) is a sort of "coping" mode
B) manifests itself identically across each personality type
C) is when one's personality becomes a more extreme version of its usual self
D) effectively manages small bouts of burnout
E) cannot be recognized in oneself
Answer: A


A) In extreme circumstances of crisis or deadline, people have the potential to shift into backup behavior, a sort of "coping" mode. Back-up behavior manifests itself differently across
each personality type.
22) Your first instinct under pressure may be to charge forward and take action, ________.
A) which is a good way to preserve relationships
B) and this is the only truly effective way to proceed
C) but you must continue to communicate with key players
D) though you should sacrifice this checks-and-balances system
E) which helps you avoid a common pitfall of communicating under pressure
Answer: C
C) You still need to preserve relationships in the process. This collaboration will provide a
checks-and-balances system in terms of the solution your group decides upon.
23) If you rush forward and take action unilaterally, without consulting other key players, you
are ________.
A) sacrificing relationships to get the job done
B) becoming paralyzed by indecision
C) providing a checks-and-balances system
D) avoiding a pitfall of communicating under pressure
E) working out a collaborative solution
Answer: A
A) This is one of the pitfalls of communicating under pressure. Deal with it by hashing out
options in an impromptu meeting, assigning actions with everyone present agreeing to them,
and then charging forward with your own piece of the solution.
24) Which of the following is NOT recommended as a way to deal with feeling
A) going for a walk
B) listening to music
C) talking to someone
D) analyzing whether you performed perfectly
E) engaging in a mindless activity like doodling
Answer: D

D) Nothing will slow you down more than letting yourself become overwhelmed by personal
and professional quagmires and analyzing whether or not you performed perfectly.
25) Nothing will slow you down more than ________.
A) sacrificing relationships to ge the job done
B) becoming overwhelmed by problems and overanalyzing your performance
C) engaging in back-up behavior
D) learning to think before you speak and act
E) avoiding the pitfalls of communicating under pressure
Answer: B
B) This is becoming paralyzed by indecision. No one makes the right decisions all the time. If
you admit as much and keep your communication positive, the repercussions of any mistakes
will probably be minor.
26) When you work with people every day, ________.
A) it's important to start over-communicating personal information
B) you shouldn't set limits on friendships
C) you should be friendly and communicate with everyone
D) it's impossible to have healthy workplace boundaries
E) you should spend all your time communicating
Answer: C
C) If you fail to do so you might fall into the trap of not taking into account other people's
points and views.
27) Which of the following is a repercussion of spending too much time developing
friendships and communicating with coworkers who have the same personality traits as
A) improving one's ability to lead a diverse group of people
B) hurting one's chances for promotion
C) taking into account everyone's points of view
D) under-communicating personal information
E) becoming paralyzed by indecision


Answer: B
B) Spending too much time with people who have the same personality traits can lead you to
not considering other people's views and opinions. This hurts your work relationships and
your decision-making ability. It also hurts your chances for promotion because other people
don't see you as an employee who is able to listen to and lead a diverse group of people.
28) Which of the following questions is most indicative of a truly successful employee?
A) "How can I make more money?"
B) "How can I get more attention?"
C) "How can I make a difference?"
D) "How can I get promoted?"
E) "How can I get good evaluations?"
Answer: C
C) Truly successful employees are those who consistently look for ways to improve the
environment in which they work, seek opportunities to stretch their abilities, and pay
attention to the work at hand and the people they work with. This means switching gears
from the questions in the other choices to ones like this, or "What more can I do? and "What
contributions can my gifts and talents produce?"
29) A truly successful employee is distinguished by all of the following EXCEPT
A) paying attention to the people they work with
B) paying attention to the work at hand
C) just showing up on time and working long hours
D) consistently looking for ways to improve the environment in which he or she works
E) seeking opportunities to stretch his or her abilities
Answer: C
C) Truly successful employees do more than this. They consistently do all of the things
mentioned in the other choices.
30) When people are truly successful in the workplace, instead of thinking ________, they
think ________.
A) "How can I make a difference?"; "How can I get more attention?"
B) about the work at hand; more about getting to work on time
C) of ways to move up the corporate ladder; of how to get good evaluations

D) about what the company can do for them; more about what they can do for the company
E) being friendly and communicating with everyone; more about developing friendships and
communicating with people who have the same personality traits as them
Answer: D
D) This means switching gears from "How can I make more money?" to "What contributions
can my gifts and talents produce?"
31) Joanie knows that, as a recent college graduate, she should expect to ________ as she
enters the workforce.
A) pay her dues
B) have executive responsibilities at the outset
C) start at a very high salary
D) skip an entry-level position
E) get her dream job right away
Answer: A
A) It's not unusual for new college graduates who haven't been in the workforce before to
have unrealistic views of what to expect on the job. Some graduates enter the workplace with
a sense of entitlement. They believe that because they have a degree, they should
automatically be making the big bucks and have executive responsibilities when they land a
position. Be willing to pay your dues and don't think you're above the entry-level jobs where
you learn the most.
32) ________ jobs are the foundation of most people's careers, and are the positions where
you learn the most.
A) High-paying
B) Entry-level
C) Executive-tier
D) Entitlement
E) Fast track
Answer: B
B) Be willing to pay your dues and don't think you're above the entry-level jobs where you
learn the most.


33) In the context of a new graduate entering the workforce, "paying your dues" means
A) starting a new job with a sense of entitlement
B) establishing healthy boundaries with coworkers
C) creating a checks-and-balances system for collaborative work
D) earning higher positions and salaries through hard work and experience in entry-level ones
E) making big bucks so you can afford to pay membership dues for professional
Answer: D
D) Be willing to pay your dues and don't think you're above the entry-level jobs where you
learn the most. Entry-level jobs are the foundation of most people's careers. Your skills and
talents will develop over time, and your experience will increase the longer you work. Taking
a lower-paying job to start is often a great way to break into a field and gain both experience
and confidence.
34) To get a good job or be admitted to a school of higher learning, you will probably need
one or more ________.
A) entry-level jobs on your resume
B) letters of recommendation from professors or employers
C) executive responsibilities
D) back-up behaviors
E) communication pitfalls
Answer: B
B) Every type of work you do is a stepping stone to the next move in your future career. Your
supervisors and instructors will be evaluating your performance, as well as writing your
professional references for tomorrow's opportunities.
35) Paying your dues ________.
A) is overrated
B) is not expected any more
C) is unnecessary if you have a college degree
D) will help you get good references
E) helps you avoid entry-level jobs
Answer: D

D) Every type of work you do is a stepping stone to the next move in your future career. Your
supervisors and instructors will be evaluating your performance, as well as writing your
professional references for tomorrow's opportunities.
36) To best ensure your success in the workplace, ________ your job requirements.
A) just meet
B) limit yourself to
C) try to exceed
D) do not go beyond
E) loosely adhere to
Answer: C
C) Don't limit yourself to your job description. Work to exceed your job's requirements so
you're seen as someone who goes the extra mile to add value to the company.
37) Going the extra mile ________.
A) cannot be attempted until after you finish college
B) requires that you work harder
C) involves limiting yourself to your job description
D) means seeing a problem that needs solving, but backing off when you realize it's not a
direct part of your job
E) refers to what you personally bring to your job beyond your employer's expectations
Answer: E
E) Adding value - or going the extra mile - refers to what you personally bring to your job
that is beyond your employer's expectations and unique to your personality and style. It does
not necessarily mean working harder; it means working smarter and contributing to the
company's success in creative, imaginative, and useful ways.
38) All of the following questions are useful in finding ways to go the extra mile EXCEPT
A) "Do I look for problems to solve?"
B) "Do I need to do this as part of my job description?"
C) "Do I look for opportunities to take a leadership role?"
D) "Do I offer to assist my coworkers with their projects?"
E) "Do I get involved with projects outside of work?"

Answer: B
B) Working to exceed your job's requirements means going the extra mile; sticking within its
limits does not.
39) If you see a problem that needs solving, but it's not a direct part of your job, ________.
A) know your place and don't get involved
B) contributing to its solution should get you some positive attention
C) going beyond your basic job function will be seen as presumptuous
D) think, "I'm just one person. What can I do?"
E) you need to pay your dues and let others take care of it
Answer: B
B) If you tactfully bring up a problem, show genuine interest in solving it, and offer to work
on it, your manager will definitely stand up and take notice.
40) ________ relates to your ability to keep a professional outlook and communicate
positively even though you may be working through personal difficulties or setbacks.
A) Developing your game face
B) Going the extra mile
C) Paying your dues
D) Shifting into back-up behavior
E) Becoming paralyzed by indecision
Answer: A
A) This is also known as your poker face.
41) Chris is having problems with his roommate. He is late in paying his share of the bills
and has been keeping Chris up late with loud music and rowdy guests. Chris is very stressed
over the situation and hasn't been sleeping well. However, he is still getting into work on
time, fulfilling his responsibilities, and being friendly with his coworkers without
complaining about his personal details. Chris is ________.
A) stopping short of the finish line
B) not paying his dues
C) behaving unprofessionally
D) using his poker face

E) overstepping boundaries with his coworkers
Answer: D
D) Your poker face, also known as your game face, relates to your ability to keep a
professional outlook and communicate positively even though you may be working through
personal difficulties or setbacks.
42) All of the following are recommended as professional behavior EXCEPT
A) Be flexible.
B) Always wait for direction.
C) Meet your deadlines.
D) Earn respect.
E) Control your emotions.
Answer: B
B) Self-motivated people tend to be more valued in organizations.
43) To be a professional, which of the following behaviors needs to be replaced?
A) Be punctual.
B) Admit your mistakes and share your successes.
C) Speak as you would with your buddies.
D) Don't take people for granted.
E) Remember to proofread.
Answer: C
C) It is inappropriate to use slang, and tell about your wild weekend escapades.
44) Jonah started a new job. He is friendly with his coworkers, and when he needs help he is
always careful to ask whether they can spare the time to talk first. He also makes sure to
thank them for their time and assistance. Jonah is ________.
A) not taking people for granted
B) acting entitled
C) expecting instant respect
D) showing extremes of emotion
E) sacrificing relationships to get the job done

Answer: A
A) This is recommended professional behavior. Don't assume that coworkers owe you their
time. Instead, encourage them to communicate with you and give you their time when they
have a chance. Express gratitude for their help.
45) Sophia is new to the workforce and excited about her first job. Throughout the day she
stays in touch with her friends by texting and checking Facebook and her personal e-mail
account every quarter hour. She also makes time for some online games and shopping.
Sophia is ________.
A) taking the initiative
B) expressing her individuality inappropriately
C) adopting a "can-do" attitude
D) allowing herself to get distracted
E) not taking people for granted
Answer: D
D) A professional in the office focuses on work. She does not respond to every personal text,
Facebook chat, and e-mail. Don't play games, shop online, or spend time on networking sites.
46) How can you express your professionalism in the area of interpersonal communication?
A) doing unto others before they do unto you
B) valuing what seniority can bring to the workplace
C) acting entitled
D) claiming all the credit
E) expecting everyone to be just like you
Answer: B
B) Respecting those with more experience is a sign of professionalism in the workplace
47) Adopting a "can-do" attitude means ________.
A) not mentioning problems
B) being part of the problem, not the solution
C) saying things like, "It will never change"
D) being solution-oriented


E) waiting for direction before acting
Answer: D
D) Be part of the solution, not the problem. If something is bothering you, share it, but also
share a possible solution. Use phrases like, "I can," "I will," and "I'll figure it out."
48) To dress professionally, ________.
A) don't differentiate the attire you wear to work from your personal attire
B) wear whatever you want to work
C) show you are unique with tattoos and piercings
D) take a cue from coworkers and managers on what's appropriate
E) only wear flip-flops and baseball caps on casual days
Answer: D
D) What you wear reflects the way you feel about your job. Follow the lead of your
coworkers and managers to determine what's professional in your office.
49) Self-motivated people ________
A) tend to be more valued in organizations
B) always wait for directions
C) are part of the problem, not the solution
D) cannot overcome distractions
E) know it's inappropriate to take the reins
Answer: A
A) Taking the initiative shows that you can handle responsibility.
50) When you communicate with someone who has supervisory responsibility for you or
your manager you are communicating ________.
A) up
B) down
C) sideways
D) parallel
E) inside-out


Answer: A
A) Communicate with respect, and communicate to gain your manager's trust.
51) Your relationship with your manager or supervisor will be ________ than the
relationships you have with most college instructors.
A) less time-sensitive
B) less respectful
C) more interactive
D) more ineffective
E) more distant
Answer: C
C) It is important to anticipate problems and identify issues early so you can ask for
assistance in a proactive manner.
52) If you can't meet one of your goals, ________.
A) wait a while before telling your manager
B) try to find a way to cover this up
C) tell your manager via e-mail
D) document this information in a formal letter
E) let your manager know as soon as possible
Answer: E
E) Do so by phone or face to face.
53) In her weekly updates, as well as in all her communications with her manager, Lauren
takes care to communicate with respect and with an eye toward gaining her manager's trust.
She is doing an effective job of ________.
A) doing unto others before they do unto her
B) communicating upward
C) taking people for granted
D) admitting her mistakes
E) corresponding laterally
Answer: B

B) When you communicate with someone who has supervisory responsibility for you or your
manager you are communicating up. Your responsibility is to do so with respect and with the
goal of earning your manager's trust.
54) When you communicate with your ________ you are communicating downward.
A) manager
B) manager's supervisor
C) subordinates
D) peers
E) customers
Answer: C
C) To figure out what motivates a coworker or subordinate do his or her best, ask open-ended
55) Asking open-ended questions such as "What kind of recognition is important to you?" or
"What do you like best about this job?" ________
A) is less effective than asking yes/no questions to learn what your employees value
B) is inappropriate with coworkers who have less experience than you
C) is a good way to learn how to attract and motivate employees who will help you meet your
D) will lead to unsuccessful downward communication
E) is recommended for effective upward communication
Answer: C
C) Through their answers, people will give you clues about how to work with them and what
tasks they enjoy most. When you arm yourself with the knowledge of what your employees
value and how they prefer to be rewarded, you will be able to attract and motivate people
who can help you meet your goals.
56) Treating each person with respect, no matter what his or her position is within the
organization, and asking open-ended questions to engage fellow employees, are
recommended for effective ________ communication.
A) upward
B) downward
C) sideways

D) lateral
E) diagonal
Answer: B
B) Sometimes you will communicate down to subordinates, who may include coworkers with
less experience than you. No matter where those workers are located in the organization, they
can help you meet your goals. To figure out what motivates a coworker or subordinate to do
his or her best, you can ask open-ended questions.
57) Communicating ________ is a way to reach out to the others on your team so that, as a
group, you make a difference in your organization.
A) upward
B) downward
C) sideways
D) backwards
E) inversely
Answer: C
C) This is also known as lateral communication.
58) Jenna is very conscientious when communicating with the members of her team at work.
She always asks for input from all of the team's members and is sure to copy everyone on the
progress reports and updates she sends. Jenna is excelling at ________.
A) customer care
B) lateral communication
C) going the extra mile
D) sacrificing relationships to get the job done
E) utilizing back-up behavior
Answer: B
B) Communicating sideways (or lateral communication) is a way to reach out to the others on
your team so that, as a group, you make a difference in your organization.
59) Immediately stating that you're working to resolve the problem in the case of a complaint,
and communicating a concession in the case that your organization is at fault, are components
of effectively communicating ________.
A) upward

B) downward
C) sideways
D) laterally
E) with customers
Answer: E
E) These are key elements of effective communication with customers.
60) At most companies, you will receive a(n) ________ to let you know what you are doing
well and where you need to improve.
A) daily status report
B) weekly update
C) monthly analysis
D) quarterly report
E) annual performance review
Answer: E
E) Don't wait for a performance appraisal to find out how you are doing. Actively solicit
feedback from those who can give you information that will help you improve your
61) All of the following are true about receiving feedback EXCEPT
A) Respectfully accept feedback.
B) Ask for ways to work on areas of improvement.
C) Defend yourself against criticism.
D) Actively solicit feedback that will help you improve your performance.
E) Don't wait for a formal appraisal to find out how you are doing.
Answer: C
C) Respectfully accept feedback and avoid being defensive. It is far more valuable to
gracefully accept criticism than to believe you have no weaknesses and deserve only praise.
62) A(n) ________ is made up of a piece of constructive criticism in between two pieces of
positive information.
A) appraisal bookend

B) feedback sandwich
C) criticism cookie
D) review hero
E) judgment-in-the-middle
Answer: B
B) The constructive criticism becomes more palatable sandwiched between two
complimentary pieces of information.
63) Which of the following is NOT a tip for successfully giving feedback?
A) Make sure your employees understand your expectations.
B) Get everyone on the same page regarding desired outcomes.
C) Use the "feedback sandwich" technique.
D) Focus solely on the areas that need improvement.
E) Provide a performance improvement plan with a timeline.
Answer: D
D) An important aspect of providing feedback is to always look for the positive in addition to
areas for improvement.
64) One of the tips for successfully giving feedback advises that you provide a performance
improvement plan that allows ________ for the employee to show a positive change in
A) no time
B) three to five days
C) two to four weeks
D) three to six months
E) one to two years
Answer: D
D) In general, if employees do not show improvement within the time period specified, they
are usually terminated or asked to leave.
65) Organizations that do NOT communicate ethically ________
A) develop better reputations

B) are 100 percent sure their behavior is ethical
C) reduce their legal risks
D) become less subject to government regulations
E) risk running afoul of the law
Answer: E
E) Not only do you risk running afoul of the law if you or your organization communicates in
ways that are unethical, such communication can be hazardous to your company's ability to
do business.
66) ________ is a legal term for any false statement that harms another individual's
A) Slander
B) Defamation
C) Libel
D) Fair use
E) Burnout
Answer: B
B) This covers both libel and slander.
67) ________ occurs when purposeful false and defamatory communication appears in a
widely dispersed written form.
A) Slander
B) Libel
C) Copyright violation
D) Fair use
E) Back-up behavior
Answer: B
B) This includes newspapers, magazines, books, television (text), Web pages, or Internet
68) ________ occurs when a person or entity is overhead knowingly or recklessly speaking
false statements that damage the reputation of another person or entity.


A) Slander
B) Libel
C) Copyright violation
D) Fair use
E) Back-up behavior
Answer: A
A) These statements might be made in person, on television or radio, or on the Internet.
69) A ________ is a legal offense that occurs when someone wrongly republishes material
owned by another person or organization.
A) slander
B) libel
C) copyright violation
D) fair use
E) back-up behavior
Answer: C
C) A diligent business communicator will always research the need to obtain permission to
use other people's material.
70) A good rule of thumb about how long one should stay at a job before moving on to the
next is at least ________.
A) six months
B) one year
C) two years
D) three years
E) five years
Answer: C
C) You need this amount of time to understand the culture of your company, communicate
effectively within it, learn, gain new skills, and prove yourself. Only then can you honestly
assess whether it's time to move on.


71) The nonprofit sector offers salaries and benefits packages that are always well below the
market rate for similar positions in for-profit business.
Answer: False
Nonprofits offer competitive salaries and benefits packages that are often on par with
traditional for-profit businesses.
72) Writing a persuasive flyer encouraging local merchants to contribute to the local
elementary school's silent auction is a way to use your communication skills to volunteer for
a cause.
Answer: True
You don't have to move to a developing country or work for a nonprofit to influence action
for a worthy cause.
73) If your business communication is not clear and direct, then the people you want to help
the most may not get the assistance they need.
Answer: True
Your ability to convey your message successfully will directly affect the success of your
cause and so will your ability to maintain a passion for what you do.
74) Hobbies and personal interests should not affect your career choices or volunteer
Answer: False
SurfAid International, an award winning medical aid organization, was founded by people
who were indulging in their passion for surfing.
75) People who like what they do are fun to be around, but they are not very productive at
their jobs.
Answer: False
Employers prefer people who like what they do because they tend to perform their jobs well,
are highly productive, and motivate others.
76) Your passion may start with an interest, but it needs to be nurtured and sustained.
Answer: True

Many people find their passion is sustained by the ability to pursue what they love, the
chance to stretch themselves, the opportunity to help others, and the feeling of being valued
and rewarded for a job well done.
77) Setting boundaries in the workplace will lead to unhealthy relationships with coworkers.
Answer: False
No matter where your interests take you, you will still need to set boundaries in the
workplace to maintain healthy relationships with your coworkers.
78) If your head is throbbing, or your eyes are glazing over, your body is telling you that it
needs a break.
Answer: True
To avoid burnout it is important to listen to the nonverbal ways your body communicates its
need for a break.
79) In the working world, it is impossible to communicate under pressure.
Answer: False
It is one of the most difficult situations in the working world, but once you become aware of
the pitfalls of hurried communication you can communicate successfully even under duress.
80) Learning to recognize back-up behaviors in others and yourself is the first step to dealing
with this problem.
Answer: True
Become aware of your own back-up tendencies and learn how to manage them.
81) Nothing will slow you down more than letting yourself become overwhelmed by personal
and professional quagmires and analyzing whether or not you performed perfectly.
Answer: True
No one makes the right decisions all the time. If you admit as much and keep your
communication positive, the repercussions of any mistakes you make will probably be minor.
82) The sign of a truly successful employee is switching gears from "What more can I do?" to
"How can I make more money?"
Answer: False

The opposite is true. Instead of thinking about what the company can do for you, think more
about what you can do for the company.
83) It's unusual for new college graduates who haven't been in the workforce before to have
unrealistic views of what to expect on the job.
Answer: False
It's not unusual. Some graduates enter the workplace with a sense of entitlement. They
believe that because they have a degree, they should automatically be making the big bucks
and have executive responsibilities when they land a position.
84) To add value to your company you must work harder.
Answer: False
Adding value doesn't necessarily mean working harder; it means working smarter and
contributing to the company's success in creative, imaginative, and useful ways.
85) Taking initiative is indicative of a professional attitude in the workplace.
Answer: True
Taking the reins will show that you can handle responsibility.
86) The constituents of a nonprofit are its donors, members, or sponsors.
Answer: True
These people and groups are a nonprofit's customers, so to speak, and as customers, they
need to feel that the nonprofit values them.
87) "Stretch" goals are goals that are slightly out of one's reach.
Answer: True
Part of good upward communication with your manager involves asking for his or her input
on a few stretch goals for yourself.
88) In general, if employees do not show improvement within the period of time specified in
their performance improvement plan, they are usually terminated or asked to leave.
Answer: True
This is the general convention.

89) Ethical communication is morally correct but makes bad business sense.
Answer: False
Organizations that communicate ethically develop better reputations, reduce their legal risks,
and in some industries become less subject to government regulations.
90) With libel, the victim must prove the message was widely dispersed or published.
Answer: True
This is not the case for slander.
91) How can you use your communication skills to influence action for a worthy cause?
Answer: You don't have to move to a developing country or work for a nonprofit to influence
action for a worthy cause. You could write a persuasive flyer encouraging local merchants to
contribute to the local elementary school's silent auction. You could write a formal report to
the board members of a homeless shelter, writing up what the shelter needs from donors. You
could create posters publicizing an upcoming fundraiser, and then create a program event.
92) What are some questions you can ask yourself to pursue your passion?
Answer: 1. How do you feel about your current stage of life - do you like what you are
2. Are you energized by the path of study you have chosen? If not, what are you enthusiastic
about? Are you gathering information and soliciting advice so as to change your study path?
3. What interests and excites you? How do you plan to integrate your interests into your
4. When you graduate, will your first full-time job be a step toward your dream career or
simply a job to get you from point A to point B?
5. Are you looking forward to the challenges of the working world?
6. What is standing between good and great for you?
93) What is burnout?
Answer: Burnout is not necessarily a single incident of a meltdown that occurs during a
person's career. Burnout can also manifest itself in smaller ways each day. Daily signs of
burnout include becoming irritated or unproductive, no longer thinking clearly, and being
unable to verbalize your thoughts effectively. It's been said that burnout is nature's way of
telling you that you have been going through the motions - that your "soul has departed."
94) What are some tips for managing burnout?
Answer: Establish a system of balance: Listen to the nonverbal ways your body
communicates its need for a break. Is your head throbbing? Are your eyes glazing over? Do


you get tense in your neck and shoulders? If so, this is another sign that you need to balance
periods of hard work with breaks.
Change your state and take a "think break:" If you are sitting, try standing while you go about
your business. If you have been standing, sit down and relax. Or, take a short walk, even if
it's inside the building. Take a stretch break to reactivate your blood flow.
Know when you need to refuel: Refueling involves more than just a short break. Make time
to eat, rest, breathe deeply, exercise, and interact with others or take some time alone.
95) What are the pitfalls of communicating under pressure?
Answer: 1) Undergoing personality changes: In extreme crises, people often shift into backup behavior, a sort of "coping" mode. It manifests itself differently across different
personality types: thinkers can withdraw and withhold information, while givers may become
passive aggressive. Become aware of your own back-up tendencies and how to manage them.
2) Sacrificing relationships to get the job done: Although your first instinct under pressure
may be to charge forward and take action, you still need to preserve relationships in the
process. To do this, you must continue to communicate with key players. This collaboration
will provide a checks-and-balances system in terms of the solution your group decides upon.
3) Becoming paralyzed by indecision: Nothing will slow you down more than letting yourself
become overwhelmed by personal and professional quagmires and analyzing whether or not
you performed perfectly. To deal with feeling overwhelmed, do something relaxing, like
going for a walk, talking to someone, listening to music, etc.
96) Should you become friends with your coworkers?
Answer: Another aspect of healthy workplace boundaries is workplace friendships. When
you work with people every day, it's easy to start over-communicating personal information.
You may need to set limits on friendships so they do not get in the way of working
relationships. Instead of being friendly and communicating with everyone, some people
spend too much time developing friendships and communicating with people who have the
same personality traits as them. As a result, they don't take into account other people's points
and view. This hurts their work relationships and decision-making ability. It also hurts their
chances for promotions because other people don't see them as employees who are able to
listen to and lead a diverse group of people.
97) How can you exceed expectations on the job?
Answer: Be willing to pay your dues and don't think you're above entry level jobs where you
learn the most. This is a much better attitude to have than those graduates who enter the
workforce with a sense of entitlement. View all your work as a stepping stone for the next
move in your future career.
Don't limit yourself to your job description. Work to exceed your job's requirements so you're
seen as someone who goes the extra mile to add value to the company. Adding value - or
going the extra mile - refers to what you personally bring to your job that is beyond your
employer's expectations and unique to your personality and style.


Developing your game face refers to your ability to keep a professional outlook and
communicate positively even though you may be working through personal difficulties or
setbacks. Business professionals are successful because of their behaviors, attitudes, and
relationships. They have a positive, confident "game face" even when they are privately
stressed, discouraged, or agitated.
98) Do you agree that "the customer is always right?" Why or why not?
Answer: One reason it is said that the customer is always right is that someone subjected to
poor customer communication is likely to tell 10 to 14 other people about his or her bad
experience - regardless of whether the customer or organization was at fault. Since the
repercussions of negative word of mouth can be so strong, it is in a business's best interest to
make its customers happy. Pamela Hawley, founder and CEO of Universal Giving, says that,
"service is how you treat's how you listen, serve, help, and even build together with
99) Give an example of a feedback sandwich.
Answer: Positive Feedback: Todd, you are very creative thinker and come up with some very
original ideas.
Constructive Criticism: However, if you put a little more time into writing and proofreading
your proposals, they'd be a lot more compelling to readers.
Positive Feedback: Once you do that, you stand a much better chance of getting approval to
move ahead with your projects.
100) What are some indications that it's time to look for a new job?
Answer: If you find yourself making any of the following statements, your job may no longer
be a fit:
1. I am doing the same things over and over with little opportunity for change or to learn or
stretch myself.
2. I'm not paid what I'm worth.
3. My personal philosophy and values no longer match those of the company.
4. The company's processes or lack of them interfere with my ability to do my work.
5. I am unable to produce the quality of work I am capable of, and do not feel pride in what I
6. I no longer enjoy the people I work with or the tasks that I do 30

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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