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Chapter 15
Joe submitted a resume to a job posting he saw online. A few days later a company
representative calls to say they'd like him to come in for an interview, and wants to know if
Joe is free that week.
1) Which of the following would give the most professional impression?
A) Joe answering and replying, "That sounds great! Remind me what this position is again;
I've sent out a lot of resumes."
B) Joe answering the phone with loud music playing in the background.
C) Joe's answering machine picking up and saying, "I'm not here - you know the drill."
D) Joe answering and replying, "I'm so grateful for this opportunity. I am free to meet any
morning this week."
E) Joe answering and replying, "Sure, thanks. But since it's short notice I am only free
Answer: D
D) This reply expresses gratitude and leaves a professional impression. The others do not.
2) After Joe agrees to be interviewed, he should ask for all of the following information
A) the names of those conducting the interview
B) the titles of those conducting the interview
C) whether the representatives conducting the interview will meet with him individually or in
a group
D) if he should arrive early to fill out paperwork
E) the salary for the position
Answer: E
E) Joe should get the necessary information about the interview. Asking about the salary is
premature at this point.
3) If you appear ________ an interview, the company could get the impression you're not
very interested in the job.
A) too busy for
B) completely available for
C) very flexible in scheduling
D) extremely excited about

E) early for
Answer: A
A) When scheduling time for an interview, be as available and flexible as possible. If you
appear too busy for an interview, the company could get the impression you're not very
interested in the job.
4) When setting an appointment for a(n) ________ interview, be sure to confirm the time
zone from which the interview will be initiated.
A) group
B) phone
C) mock
D) face-to-face
E) internship
Answer: B
B) For example, "A phone interview at 10 A.M. Eastern Time works well for me."
5) You've sent in a resume to a company you are interested in. If you don't yet have an
interview secured, ________.
A) it is best to just wait and see
B) being proactive will be seen as pushy and presumptuous
C) follow up and offer the company something of value
D) call and ask the hiring manager why they haven't called you for an interview yet
E) express your interest in daily e-mails reiterating your qualifications
Answer: C
C) Open your own doors by being proactive.
6) The ________ interview is the most common type of interview employers rely upon when
hiring people.
A) in-person
B) phone
C) videoconference
D) stress

E) social setting
Answer: A
A) In-person interviews typically take place at a company's facility and involve employees
and managers who ask a variety of questions of the interviewee.
7) An in-person interview ________.
A) always involves a one-on-one meeting
B) typically takes place at a company's facility
C) doesn't include group interviews
D) won't give you the benefit of seeing the interviewer's nonverbal cues
E) is not a popular form of interview
Answer: B
B) In-person interviews typically take place at a company's facility and involve employees
and managers who ask a variety of questions of the interviewee. The number of interviews
and employees involved varies with the job and the company.
8) Carol is asked to interview for an open position at LeBon Unlimited. She is invited to the
company's headquarters, where she is led to a conference room and asked questions by heads
of four different departments. Carol has experienced a(n) ________ interview.
A) stress
B) social setting
C) group
D) phone
E) one-on-one
Answer: C
C) When a company wants an interviewee to meet as many people as possible, the company
uses group interviews. Group interviews simply involve more than one person.
9) A candidate arrives at a company's branch office to be interviewed. She meets with a
human resources representative in his office. When he is finished with his questions, she is
taken to a conference room and meets with the manager for the open position. This candidate
has undergone a ________.
A) group interview
B) series of one-on-one interviews

C) stress interview
D) virtual interview
E) mock interview
Answer: B
B) A one-on-one interview involves only one candidate and one interviewer.
10) According to the Best-Job-Interview Web site, when talking with one interviewer, you
should maintain eye contact with the person for ________ before looking away and then
reestablishing eye contact.
A) no more than five seconds
B) at least 10 seconds
C) exactly 20 seconds
D) at least one minute
E) no less than two minutes
Answer: B
B) This is the recommendation.
11) Which of the following is NOT true of group interviews?
A) They are used when a company wants an interviewee to meet as many people as possible.
B) They simply involve more than one person.
C) They can leave candidates feeling outnumbered.
D) They give the candidate the potential to make a greater impact than a one-on-one
E) They typically involve more than one interviewer asking questions at a time.
Answer: E
E) In a group interview you will typically be asked only one question by one interviewer at a
time, so the process is not as overwhelming as you might assume.
Susanna arrives at Primatech for a group interview with six representatives from the
12) When she enters the room she should ________.
A) not shake anyone's hands

B) seat herself at the head of the table
C) take a seat in the corner
D) wait to be seated
E) greet and shakes hands with only the senior representative in the interview
Answer: D
D) She should greet each of the interviewers and shake everyone's hands. Always wait to be
seated. Usually interviewers will gesture to your seat.
13) During the interview Susanna should ________.
A) make eye contact with only the senior interviewer
B) make eye contact with only the person who is asking a question
C) make eye contact only with those she feels most comfortable with
D) focus eye contact on the key decision maker no matter who is asking a particular question
E) focus eye contact on the person asking the question but occasionally look at others as well
Answer: E
E) She should make eye contact with everyone. Since your main focal point will be the
person who is asking the question, she should connect with other participants by occasionally
looking at them as well.
14) If the people participating in the interview don't give Susanna their business cards, she
should ________.
A) assume she did not get the job
B) write down all of their names
C) not address the interviewers by name during the interview
D) send thank-you cards to each interviewer addressed generically "Dear interviewer"
E) send a group thank you card addressed "Dear interviewers"
Answer: B
B) She can later look up their titles online or call the company's receptionist to find out.
Having those names will be useful later when it is time to write thank-you cards. During the
interview, address each person by name.
15) In the context of a group interview, ________ traditionally establishes dominance.

A) waiting to be seated
B) making eye contact
C) sitting at the head of the table
D) shaking hands
E) greeting everyone
Answer: C
C) However, your interviewers may invite you to sit at the head spot, so that everyone in the
room can easily interact with you.
16) In a group interview, making eye contact with everyone is ________.
A) disrespectful
B) intimidating to your interviewers
C) facilitated when you are seated across the table from many people
D) impossible unless you are seated at the foot of the table
E) not a good strategy for impressing your interviewers
Answer: C
C) If you are seated across the table from many people, don't be intimidated. Take advantage
of the fact that you will easily be able to make eye contact with everyone from this position.
17) After a group interview, a thank-you note ________.
A) is inappropriate
B) should be sent to the receptionist
C) should be sent to the key decision maker only
D) should be addressed to the group as a whole
E) should be addressed to each interviewer by name
Answer: E
E) If you don't get business cards from the people participating in the interview, write down
all of their names. You can later look up their titles online or call the company's receptionist
to find out. Having those names will be useful later when it is time to write thank-you cards.
18) All of the following are suggested reasons for having a phone interview EXCEPT
A) so the interviewer can get a sense of the applicant's phone presence

B) so that human resource reps can screen candidates and save time for hiring managers
C) the interviewer and applicant can't initially meet face to face
D) the interviewer and applicant live in different cities
E) so the interviewer won't be distracted by the applicant's body language
Answer: E
E) Not being able to see nonverbal cues and assess a candidate's poise and appearance is
actually a disadvantage of a phone interview.
19) Which of the following is an advantage of the phone interview for the applicant?
A) He or she may feel more comfortable talking from home or another location of choice.
B) He or she won't be able to use an outline or other back up materials during the interview.
C) He or she will be able to impress the interviewer with his or her poise.
D) He or she will be able to see the interviewer's nonverbal cues.
E) He or she will need to find a quiet place from which to speak.
Answer: A
A) This is a pro of a phone interview, as is being able to keep an outline of points you would
like to cover during the interview nearby without the interviewer being aware of it.
20) Which of the following is NOT appropriate during a phone interview?
A) having a notepad ready
B) jotting down key points you want to cover on a copy of your resume
C) leaving timers, mobile phones, and other devices turned on
D) dressing professionally
E) smiling as you speak
Answer: C
C) You should do all that you can to ensure quiet during the call. This includes turning off
timers, mobile phones, alarms, and any other devices that might interrupt your call.
21) Since the interviewer does not have the benefit of seeing your nonverbal cues during a
phone interview, ________.
A) your voice inflection is especially important
B) you should sink into your most comfortable couch when you take the call

C) you can multitask and send text messages throughout the call
D) arrange for your roommates to be on hand while you're talking
E) it's pointless to smile as you speak
Answer: A
A) Don't sink into your most comfortable couch when you take the call. Try to establish a
"ready for business" mindset by sitting upright at a table or standing. Smile as you speak - it
will come through in your voice. Request some private time from roommates or friends who
might interrupt and be sure to turn off timers, mobile phones, alarms and other devices that
might interrupt or distract you during the call.
22) Celia is preparing for an interview. She checks her Webcam ahead of time to make sure
it's functioning properly, and straightens up the area from which she'll be speaking. Dressed
in professional attire, she is now prepared for a(n) ________ interview which is a remote
interview telecast through computers.
A) phone
B) videoconference
C) social setting
D) stress
E) group
Answer: B
B) A videoconference interview is a remote interview telecast through computers.
23) When you are participating in a videoconference interview, ________.
A) sink into your most comfortable couch
B) it is acceptable to send texts or straighten up your work area
C) you won't have the benefit of seeing the interviewer's nonverbal cues
D) dress professionally and maintain eye contact
E) treat it as a phone interview and don't worry about a "ready for business" attitude
Answer: D
D) Treat a videoconference interview as an in-person interview by dressing the part and
maintaining eye contact during the conversation.
24) Employers sometimes conduct ________ interviews when they are trying to fill highpressure positions and want to hire candidates who can think and act quickly.

A) videoconference
B) telephone
C) stress
D) mock
E) social setting
Answer: C
C) Their purpose is to see how a candidate responds under pressure.
25) For which of the following positions would a stress interview be most likely?
A) librarian
B) telemarketer
C) crisis line operator
D) clerical assistant
E) copy editor
Answer: C
C) Stress interviews are used for when filling high-pressure positions like air traffic
controllers or 911 operators. Of the choices, a crisis line operator is most likely to employ a
stress interview.
26) Matt arrives at Digital Ink's offices for his interview appointment. When he is taken in to
meet his interviewer, he is asked to give a spontaneous presentation on how social media
could impact their sales. Matt is involved in a ________ interview.
A) mock
B) stress
C) remote
D) social setting
E) videoconference
Answer: B
B) A stress interview can come in the form of a surprise group interview or a request for an
impromptu presentation. Other times, one interviewer appears kind, whereas another
interviewer appears to be exceedingly gruff.

27) After applying to a job posting, Greg is invited out to lunch with two managers from the
company. During lunch, the managers do ask Greg some questions, but they also observe his
manner and personalty. Greg is participating in a ________ interview.
A) social setting
B) stress
C) mock
D) virtual
E) videoconference
Answer: A
A) To get a sense of an applicant's social skills, etiquette, and personality, employers
sometimes conduct a social setting interview.
28) To get a sense of an applicant's social skills, etiquette, and personality, employers
sometimes conduct a ________ interview.
A) stress
B) mock
C) social setting
D) telephone
E) screening
Answer: C
C) This could be a meeting over lunch, a cocktail event, or a golf meeting. The social
environment chosen usually mirrors social settings that occur on the job.
29) At a social setting interview the applicant ________.
A) is expected to pay
B) is not expected to pay, and should not offer to do so
C) is not expected to pay, but should offer to do so
D) may be expected to pay, so should offer to do so
E) should ask the interviewer to pay for coat checks, restroom attendants, and valets
Answer: B

B) As a guest you are not expected to pay, nor should you offer to do so. You will, however,
need to bring cash for coat checks, restroom attendants, and valets you may encounter during
the interview.
30) If you are invited to a charity event, ________.
A) be prepared to make a large donation
B) all you need to do to prepare is find out the appropriate dress code
C) learn as much as you can about the event, the cause supported, and the attendees
D) it is presumptuous to ask the interviewer if any clients will be in attendance
E) it is inappropriate to speak to any clients of the company at the event
Answer: C
C) Find out which of the firm's clients will be there. Then, research those clients just like you
researched the company. As you meet the company's clients, you can then mention their
31) You are at a lunch interview with a hiring manager who orders two alcoholic beverages
during your meal. In this situation it would be appropriate for you to ________.
A) order only one alcoholic beverage
B) order no more than two alcoholic beverages
C) order as many alcoholic beverages as you would like
D) order nonalcoholic beverages only
E) ask her to switch to nonalcoholic beverages
Answer: D
D) As a rule, never order a drink unless the interviewer does, and never drink at a lunch
interview regardless of who else does.
32) After a social interview, follow up within ________ with your new contacts so they keep
you in mind.
A) 12 hours
B) 24 hours
C) two days
D) five days
E) one week
Answer: B

B) Having a business card makes following up with the person easy.
33) All of the following are true of hiring managers EXCEPT
A) They assess a candidate's skill.
B) They assess a candidate's value.
C) They ask themselves, "Do I want to hire this person?."
D) They ask themselves, "What pay level is this person worth?"
E) They have a lot of time to devote to forming their impression of a candidate.
Answer: E
E) You have only a few minutes to make a lasting impression.
34) By interview time you should have already researched ________.
A) the most current news affecting the company with which you will be interviewing
B) all the progress reports on the Web site of the company with which you will be
C) the industry in which you are looking for a job
D) all the quarterly and recent annual reports of the company with which you will be
E) recent events happening at the firm with which you will be interviewing
Answer: C
C) By interview time you should have already researched the applicable industry. Now you
can focus your attention specifically on the company with which you will be interviewing.
35) Googling the person who will be interviewing you ________.
A) is unethical
B) serves no actual purpose
C) is more time consuming than checking all the social networking sites to find the ones in
which the interviewer participates
D) can direct you to the social networks in which the interviewer participates
E) will require you to create a profile of yourself before you can search for information on the
Answer: D

D) This search also can turn up information about the interviewer such as the person's quotes
in news article and his or her professional history. It can also direct you to the social networks
in which the interviewer participates.
36) Sammy is about to interview at Small World Inc., and knows that his friend Kate used to
work there. Then he discovers that the person who will be interviewing him is Kate's former
supervisor. In this case ________.
A) it would be unethical for Sammy to talk to Kate about Small World Inc.
B) Sammy should ask Kate about what it was like working at Small World Inc., but he
shouldn't ask her about the interview process
C) Sammy should ask Kate about the general interview process with Small World Inc., but it
would be unethical for him to ask what questions she was asked in her interview
D) Sammy should ask Kate for details of her interview process at Small World Inc., including
questions, as well as about her former supervisor's management style
E) Sammy should wait until after his interview at Small World Inc. to talk to Kate
Answer: D
D) Having insight into an interviewer's approach and the interviewing process will give you
an advantage. Contact anyone you know who formerly or currently is employed by the
company. Explain your interest in the position and your desire to be well prepared.
37) Having insight into an interviewer's approach and the interviewing process ________.
A) gives you an advantage
B) is difficult if not impossible to do
C) is possible but unethical
D) actually makes most people more nervous
E) ensures that you will receive a job offer
Answer: A
A) Having insight into an interviewer's approach and the interviewing process will give you
an advantage. Knowing what to expect will enable you to prepare for it. Contact anyone you
know who formerly or currently is employed by the company - even a contact who merely
interviewed there before.
38) All of the following are recommended by the text as ways to sharpen your interviewing
skills EXCEPT
A) practicing with companies that are your second choice

B) engaging in mock interviews
C) practicing with an advisor or friend
D) familiarizing yourself with typical interview questions
E) seeking interviews with companies you are not interested in working for
Answer: E
E) Some candidates will occasionally avoid interviewing with their favored companies until
they sharpen their interviewing skills. Practicing with companies that are your second choice
will help you interview more effectively with companies that are your first choice, as will
mock interviews with an advisor or friend. Interviewers' questions can be categorized fairly
easily. Once you understand the motives behind an interviewer's questions, you will be able
to provide effective responses to them.
39) ________ questions are nonthreatening because they pertain to a topic you know well:
A) Background
B) Interest
C) Behavioral
D) Situational
E) Illegal
Answer: A
A) Background questions focus on your past experiences.
40) Which of the following is the best response to the question, "What is your ideal job?"
A) "I'd love a job that gives me unlimited earning potential."
B) "Ideally, I'd like a position that allows me to work 9 to 5, so I'll still have time for my
personal interests."
C) "My perfect job would let me collaborate with others to reach a common goal, creating
interesting, useful products."
D) "My dream job is a career that is very prestigious and makes my parents proud of me."
E) "Right now, my ideal job is any one that I'm offered!"
Answer: C

C) This response shows direction and a commitment to career. The others emphasize salary,
free time, or prestige over an actual interest in the job itself. One is an attempt at humor that
would portray the applicant as desperate.
41) Which of the following is an example of a behavioral question?
A) What do you do in your free time?
B) Why did you choose this industry?
C) How did you choose your major?
D) How have you planned for success in previous positions?
E) What is it about our company that makes it most appealing to you?
Answer: D
D) Behavioral questions inquire about a candidate's past experience and behaviors on the job.
The other choices are background and interest questions.
42) Interviewers use the responses to ________ questions as a predictor of future
performance on the job. The interviewer assumes the candidate will respond similarly if
A) background
B) interest
C) behavioral
D) situational
E) illegal
Answer: C
C) Behavioral questions inquire about a candidate's past experiences and behaviors on the
43) When answering behavioral questions, do all of the following EXCEPT
A) give a quick synopsis of the situation
B) focus on a positive outcome
C) dwell on the negative situation
D) describe the actions you took
E) express the results you attained
Answer: C

C) The goal is to focus on the positive outcome without dwelling too much on the negative
situation that precipitated it. You want to demonstrate your ability to turn challenges into
44) The key with behavioral questions is to demonstrate your ability to take ________ and
turn them into ________.
A) positive outcomes; negative scenarios
B) challenges; opportunities
C) past experiences; intimate details
D) hypotheses; conclusions
E) behaviors; patterns
Answer: B
B) The goal is to focus on the positive outcome without dwelling too much on the negative
situation that precipitated it. You want to demonstrate you ability to turn challenges into
45) ________ questions present candidates with hypothetical challenges.
A) Situational
B) Behavioral
C) Background
D) Interest
E) Unethical
Answer: A
A) The hypothetical situation often mirrors circumstances that actually occur in the job for
which the candidates are applying.
46) When it comes to handling situational questions remember the mnemonic device HALO,
which stands for ________.
A) Handle, All, Limiting, Obstacles
B) Honesty, Accountability, Leadership, Outcomes
C) Happiness, Aggression, Longevity, Organization
D) Hard work, Attention, Likability, Options
E) Honor, Acceptance, Limitations, Oversight

Answer: B
B) These are the key principles to remember when providing solutions to hypothetical
47) Jan's GPA is not very high and during an interview her interviewer remarks, "It appears
you weren't a very serious student. Why did you receive such poor grades?" Which of the
following would be the best response to this?
A) You know how it is - my first few years at school I was still settling in.
B) My grades aren't that bad. I know a lot of people with lower GPAs than me who got jobs
at good companies, and they're doing really well now.
C) Before I decided on my major I explored a lot of different subjects, which enabled me to
learn what I truly excel at and want to pursue as my career. If you look at my major GPA you
will see it is considerably higher.
D) I don't think that you can really accurately measure a person with blunt tools like grades,
and GPAs. There is so much more that is important, like happiness, social life, extracurricular
E) I knew you'd ask about this. I wish people could just overlook a few mistakes and missteps
and give me a chance.
Answer: C
C) Pointing out that missteps are our greatest teachers, and showing what you learned from
an experience, good or bad, is an effective tactic with such questions. Only this question
emphasizes what was learned instead of getting defensive.
48) Which is recommended as a way to handle tough background questions?
A) dismiss them as being in the past and therefore irrelevant
B) address them before the interviewer does
C) decline to answer
D) use humor to deflect any such concerns
E) get defensive, so interviewers will see that you wish you had done things differently
Answer: B
B) Point out that missteps are often our greatest teachers, and what you learned from an
experience, good or bad
49) ________ questions are questions regarding your race, color, sex, religion, national
origin, birthplace, age, disability, or marital/family status.

A) Situational
B) Behavioral
C) Illegal
D) Background
E) Ethical
Answer: C
C) It is against the law for interviewers to ask you about these subjects.
50) Which of the following interview questions would be considered illegal?
A) "Do you have at least five years experience in customer service?"
B) "Are you available to work nights and weekends when the need arises?"
C) "Will you be able to fulfill the physical duties of the position?"
D) "Are you a U.S. citizen?"
E) "Are you a member of any political organizations?"
Answer: E
E) You can ask applicants about their interests and what they do in their free time, but you
cannot ask them about their political affiliations.
51) Sasha is getting ready for her first interview. All of the following tips would help Sasha
dress appropriately EXCEPT
A) Wear your hair pulled away from your face.
B) Avoid excessively long or colored nails.
C) If you have belt loops, wear a belt.
D) Dress up a conservative suit with bold jewelry pieces that make a statement.
E) Choose a shirt that is not low-cut and does not make you look pale.
Answer: D
D) Wear understated, rather than large jewelry. Keep jewelry to a minimum.
52) Guidelines on dressing for interviews advised applicants to avoid all of the following
A) damp hair

B) the odor of smoke
C) stiletto heels
D) athletic shoes
E) belts
Answer: E
E) Guidelines actually advise that if you have belt loops, you should wear a belt.
53) You are advised to bring all of the following with you to an interview EXCEPT
A) copies of your resume
B) professional references
C) laptop
D) notepad and pen
E) books and/or magazines
Answer: E
E) Aside from the items you need for your interview (mentioned in the other choices), leave
everything else in your car or at home. Walking into an interview laden with "stuff" leaves an
unpolished impression.
54) Martin has an interview scheduled for 1:30 PM. He was told that he'd need to fill out
paperwork before his interview, so he should arrive at ________.
A) 12:30
B) 1:00
C) 1:15
D) 1:25
E) 1:30
Answer: C
C) If you are told you need to fill out paperwork before the interview, arrive 15 minutes
55) Take a trip to the location in advance of your interview ________.
A) so you know where you're going and where to park
B) so you can fill out any necessary paperwork ahead of time

C) so you can visit the reception area and let the receptionist know you'll be back for your
D) so you can introduce yourself to your interviewer ahead of time and express how
interested you are in the position
E) so you can visit the office and see if anyone else if being interviewed for the position you
are interested in
Answer: A
A) If you are unfamiliar with the location of the interview you can get driving directions from
MapQuest or Google Maps.
56) Application forms ________.
A) are rarely a part of the interview process
B) require only information found on your resume
C) can be appropriate filled out by writing "please refer to resume"
D) may require you to provide addresses, names, and phone numbers not found on your
E) are merely a formality and serve no purpose beyond that of your resume
Answer: D
D) The document is used for background checks and is a necessary part of the hiring process.
57) According to the 2010 Global Assessment Trends Report, ________ percent of all
companies surveyed use some type of testing as part of the hiring process.
A) 10
B) 24
C) 57
D) 86
E) 99
Answer: D
D) This testing may be pencil and paper or online.
58) Maddy is interviewing for a position as an editorial assistant. As part of the process she is
told she will be given a page of a manuscript and asked to correct any errors in spelling,
organization, and clarity. Maddy is involved in ________.

A) stress testing
B) pre-employment testing
C) mock interviewing
D) behavioral questioning
E) volunteer work
Answer: B
B) Pre-employment testing is used to gauge both mental aptitude and personality dimensions
associated with a job.
59) At a first interview, asking questions about time off or the possibility of working from
home ________.
A) shows that you are technologically savvy
B) is an example of a probing question
C) often calls your work ethic into question
D) is perfectly appropriate
E) shows you are unprepared
Answer: C
C) Asking about time off or working from home before you have received an offer will likely
call your work ethic into question.
60) During an interview, probing questions ________.
A) invite elaboration rather than just a simple explanation
B) will likely cause your interviewer to reply, "Have you been to our Web site?"
C) position you as an "outsider" during your interview
D) are inappropriate until after you have received a job offer
E) make you appear disinterested in the job
Answer: A
A) These questions make it clear that you have done your research and also show off strategic
and critical thinking skills.
61) At the end of the interview, ________.
A) wise candidates hold their breath and hope for the best

B) you can earn respect by taking the direct approach and asking about the hiring process
C) it is inappropriate to ask the interviewer for any information he or she doesn't volunteer
D) asking about concerns regarding your qualifications will cast you in a negative light
E) trying to ensure that you will proceed in the process makes you look pushy and aggressive
Answer: B
B) At closing time your goals are to determine the next steps in the hiring process, handle any
objections regarding your qualifications, and ensure you will proceed in the process.
62) Asking about the interviewer's concerns at the close of the interview, ________.
A) is too late; they need to be addressed earlier in the process
B) is a poor idea as it will likely result in your becoming defensive
C) is appropriate, as it gives you an opportunity to address them
D) is not advised, as it ends the interview on a negative instead of a positive note
E) is a good way to find out if you're out of the running for the position
Answer: C
C) When an interviewer does express a concern don't become defensive. Instead, express
appreciation for his or her candor and then provide evidence to the contrary.
63) At the close of an interview, expressing your desire to continue participating in the hiring
process, ________.
A) makes you seem pushy and aggressive
B) shows you are interested in the job and enthusiastic to be hired
C) portrays you as overly eager and desperate
D) is too little, too late
E) ensures that you are invited back for a second interview
Answer: B
B) You can state something like, "Thank you for this opportunity. I am very interested in
continuing in the process. The position sounds like a great fit for me."
64) Which of the following would be best at the close of an interview?
A) "Thanks for your time. I hope I hear back from you."
B) "I appreciate the opportunity. With luck, I'll be seeing you again soon."

C) "Thanks for the opportunity. I'm very interested to continue in the process, as this job
sounds like a great fit for me."
D) "I'm grateful you made time to meet with me today. This job sounds like something I'd
really enjoy doing."
E) "O.K., I'd better go. Thanks for your time, but I've missed a bunch of calls during the
interview that I need to see. I'm waiting to hear back about some other interviews."
Answer: C
C) In the close, it's important to state your desire to continue participating in the hiring
65) After an interview, a thank-you card or letter ________.
A) is not necessary
B) is too formal
C) should be sent right away
D) should be sent a week after the meeting
E) must be handwritten
Answer: C
C) When you arrive home, immediately follow up with a thank-you card or letter.
66) ________ is sent by an employer to a candidate outlining a job's salary, benefits, and start
date when employment is proffered.
A) An offer letter
B) An acceptance letter
C) An interest question
D) A rejection letter
E) A phone interview
Answer: A
A) An offer is generally made in person or over the phone and later followed by an offer
letter confirming the details.
67) Brenda receives a job offer with a salary of $40,000. She is interested in the job but feels
she should receive more money. Which of the following would be the best way for her to
express this?

A) "Thank you for the job offer. I am interested in the position, however, I feel $45,000 is a
more appropriate salary."
B) "I was pleased by the job offer but not the salary. I will take the job if you pay me $45,000
C) "Thank you for the offer. Since I will be bringing a vast network of sales contacts to the
role, I am asking for a salary of $45,000."
D) "I am flattered by the offer, but given my experience I feel a salary of $45,000 is
E) It is not appropriate to ask for more money at this stage. Brenda should hope to make up
the difference later with raises.
Answer: C
C) Remember, high salaries are earned. Candidates requesting high salaries must demonstrate
their worth.
68) Once you accept a job offer in person or by phone, and your start date has been set,
A) no written notice is required
B) both you and your future employer should confirm the agreement in writing
C) confirming your acceptance in writing would be redundant
D) a written acceptance letter has become obsolete
E) a quick text to seal the deal is today's professional standard
Answer: B
B) This is the convention.
69) A letter of decline ________.
A) is sent by a candidate to refuse an offer of employment
B) is send by an employee to resign from current employment
C) is sent by a company to inform an applicant that she has not been made a job offer
D) is sent by a candidate to negotiate the terms of a job offer
E) should never be handwritten
Answer: A

A) When a candidate declines an offer for employment, it is polite to respond with both a
phone call thanking the interviewer for the offer and a letter of decline.
70) When resigning from a job, ________.
A) a letter of resignation is not necessary
B) inform your coworkers before telling your supervisor so that they will be prepared
C) be sure to detail the higher pay and better conditions you'll receive in your new job
D) give your employer your best during your final weeks at the company
E) today's convention is to send a group e-mail to your supervisor and coworkers so they will
all learn of your departure at the same time.
Answer: D
D) "Finish strong" is the motto of many athletes. The same holds true for professionals. Give
your employer your best during your final weeks by finishing any outstanding projects, or
preparing them to a point where a colleague can easily resume your work.
71) Job interviews are all about a company deciding if you are a good fit for the position and
the company.
Answer: False
Interviews are also about you determining whether the company is a good fit for you, your
skills, and career goals.
72) The hiring process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of months.
Answer: True
Candidates might meet with one person or several people from the company over a period of
73) When arranging an interview, ask whether you should arrive early to complete any
Answer: True
For legal and other reasons, companies often ask candidates to fill out applications.
74) The more people you meet during an interview, the greater your potential impact can be.
Answer: True

Though group interviews may leave candidates feeling outnumbered, they do offer this
75) A phone interview is arranged only for positions that require telephone skills, so that the
interviewer can assess the applicant's "telephone presence" during the call.
Answer: False
Phone interviews may also be used to screen candidates or in situations where geographic
issues make a face-to-face meeting problematic.
76) Make the most of "home field advantage" on a phone interview by sinking into your most
comfortable couch to feel relaxed and secure.
Answer: False
Instead, establish a "ready for business" mindset by sitting upright at a table or standing.
Also, dressing in professional clothing can also help put you in the right mindset.
77) Occasional freeze frames or blurriness are possible during a videoconference interview.
Answer: True
Try to focus on what is being asked so that you are not distracted by such occurrences.
78) If you decline an alcoholic beverage in a social setting interview, be prepared to explain
Answer: False
Never consume alcohol if you are underage or it's against your principles. Simply request a
nonalcoholic beverage. You need not explain why you are not drinking alcohol.
79) Demonstrating that you are not only familiar with the corporation's goals and challenges
but also dedicated to bringing value to it will also help you receive compensation on the
higher end of the pay scale.
Answer: True
Hiring managers assess both a candidate's skill and value. They ask themselves, "Do I want to
hire this person?" and "What pay level is this person worth?" You have only a few minutes to
make a lasting impression on hiring managers.
80) It is unethical to research the people who are conducting your interview.
Answer: False

In addition to finding current information on the company, research the people who are
conducting your interview
81) If you want to get the "inside scoop" on an upcoming interview, you must speak to a
contact who currently works at the company.
Answer: False
Contact anyone you know who formerly or currently is employed by the company. Even a
contact who merely interviewed there might have some insight that could give you an
82) Some candidates will occasionally avoid interviewing with their favored companies until
they sharpen their interviewing skills.
Answer: True
Practicing with companies that are your second choice will help you interview more
effectively with companies that are your first choices, as will mock interviews with an
advisor or friend.
83) Don't delve too deeply into personal matters when answering background questions.
Answer: True
Your answers should show direction and commitment to your career, while being succinct,
professional, and relevant.
84) It is illegal to ask applicants if they are U.S. citizens during an interview.
Answer: False
While it is illegal to ask someone about their national origin or birthplace, it is not illegal to
ask whether he or she is a U.S. citizen.
85) For women, polished, close-toed shoes are advised for interviews.
Answer: True
Avoid stiletto heels. Hosiery is required in formal offices.
86) If you are nervous about an interview you should bring a relative or close friend with you.
Answer: False

Bringing a friend or relative with you to an interview is a dealbreaker.
87) A wise candidate postpones the salary discussion until he or she has all details about the
job, know the responsibilities it entails, and has been extended a job offer.
Answer: True
If asked about your salary requirements, politely deflect the question while gathering more
88) Asking about the interviewer's concerns at the end of an interview is not advised, as it
will end the meeting on a sour note.
Answer: False
Before the interview concludes, ask your interviewers if they have any concerns regarding
your qualifications. Doing so gives you the opportunity to address them.
89) A job offer is generally made in person or over the phone.
Answer: True
It is later followed by an offer letter confirming the details regarding the start date, benefits,
and compensation.
90) The time to obtain a desirable salary is before accepting a job.
Answer: True
Many employees make the mistake of accepting a low starting salary with the intent of
"fixing it" later with raises. However, raises are usually incremental, and may be scarce and
91) Explain how to present a professional, polished image when setting up an interview.
Answer: Be prepared for a call from a hiring manager. Be sure to leave a professional
sounding message on your machine, and let anyone who might answer the phone in your
home know to sound professional as well. If you take the call, express gratitude and make
your availability known. Try to be as flexible and available as possible. If you appear too
busy for an interview, the company could get the impression you're not very interested in the
job. If you are setting an appointment for a telephone interview, confirm the time zone from
which your interviewer will call. Make sure to get the necessary information for the
interview, including the names and titles of those doing the interview.
92) Describe how to project a professional image during a group interview.
Answer: You should greet each of the interviewers and shake everyone's hand. Always wait
to be seated. Usually interviewers will gesture to your seat. Make eye contact with all of the

interviewers. It is easy to focus on people with whom we feel most comfortable, but others
present may perceive it as disrespectful. Since your main focal point will be the person who
is asking the question, connect with other participants by occasionally looking at them as
well. If the people participating in the interview don't give you their business cards, write
down all of their names. you can later look up their titles online or call the company's
receptionist to find out. Having those names will be useful later when it is time to write
thank-you cards. During the interview, address each person by name.
93) Gianna is in the interview process with a company she is very interested to work for.
After her initial on-site interview, her contact at the company invites her to a cocktail event.
Gianna wants to attend and make a good impression, but is worried because she does not
drink alcoholic beverages. What should she do?
Answer: Gianna should attend the event and simply request nonalcoholic beverages. She does
not need to explain why she is not drinking alcohol. Applicants should never consume
alcohol if they are underage or if it is against their principles. As a rule, one should never
order a drink unless the interviewer does, and never drink at a lunch interview, regardless of
who else does. Always limit yourself to one glass per occasion.
94) Should you research the people who are conducting your interview?
Answer: Researching the people who are conducting your interview is a good idea. Wouldn't
it be nice to know whether the hiring manager went to your high school? Wouldn't you want
to know if he or she previously worked for a company where you interned? Knowledge such
as this is invaluable and can be easily obtained through social networking sites. For instance,
if your interviewer is a member of LinkedIn, you can view his or her abbreviated professional
history by typing the individual's name into the LinkedIn Web site. Do you need to go to
every networking site? It doesn't hurt to do so. However, you can also "Google" your
interviewer. This search alone can turn up information about the interviewer such as the
person's quotes in news article and his or her professional history. The search can also direct
you to the social networks in which the interviewer participates.
95) What are some questions you should ask your contacts at a company with which you are
about to interview?
Answer: How many people participated in your interview?
What were the steps in the hiring process?
What were some of the questions the interviewer asked you?
Are you aware of any specific things the interviewer is looking for in a candidate?
Why is the interviewer looking to fill this position? Was the employee who previously held
the job promoted or did she resign?
What is the interviewer's management style?
How long do the interviews generally last?
96) What does "HALO" mean in the context of situational interview questions?

Answer: When it comes to handling situational interview questions, remember the mnemonic
device HALO, which stands for Honesty, Accountability, Leadership, and Outcomes.
Honesty: Propose actions that are lawful and truthful. If you witness theft or dishonesty on a
job, for instance, it is your responsibility.
Accountability: When the hypothetical situation involves a personal mistake, demonstrate
accountability. This could involve an apology.
Leadership: Hiring managers appreciate answers demonstrating a candidate's leadership
Outcomes: Demonstrate that you are outcome driven. Focus on a solution, turning an obstacle
or problem into an opportunity.
97) Didi is asked what her salary expectations are during an interview. How should she
Answer: Did would be wise to postpone a salary discussion until she has all the details about
a job, knows the responsibilities it entails, and has been extended a job offer. Since she was
asked, she should try to politely deflect the question while still gathering more information.
She could do so with a statement like, "Of course I want compensation commensurate with
my skills and education. In addition, I am also factoring in the corporate culture, training
provided, and benefits. Could you please tell me about the training offered?"
98) What is the proper etiquette for expressing gratitude after an interview?
Answer: When you arrive home, immediately follow up with a thank-you card or letter. Your
thank-you card should refer to the position, your gratitude for the interview, and your desire
to continue in the process.
99) When evaluating a job offer, what considerations should you take into account beyond
the salary figure itself?
Answer: Does the company offer health benefits?
What is the potential for advancement?
How reputable is the company?
Which company exposes you to networking opportunities?
Which company provides the most responsibility?
Where will I have the best work-life balance? How important is that to me initially?
100) What are some tips for negotiating a starting salary?
Answer: Convey your enthusiasm for the job and your desire to work for the company.
Communicate that you don't want money to be an obstacle to accepting the position.
Use "we" statements to create a feeling of partnership with the person offering you the

Mention the salary range you desire rather than specifying a particular salary, and be
prepared to negotiate.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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