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Chapter 4
1) Planning your message ________.
A) is not recommended for simple e-mails or voice mails
B) is only effective for reports or presentations
C) will increase your chances of communicating effectively
D) wastes time, both yours and the person you are communicating with
E) is too time-consuming to be worth the bother
Answer: C
C) It doesn't matter whether you are a newly hired assistant or a chief executive officer, you
can increase your chances of being successful by planning how to best communicate your
2) Which of the following is analogous to planning a business message?
A) drafting a story by just typing whatever comes into your head
B) plotting out your route on a GPS before starting a car trip
C) shopping at the grocery store without a list
D) cooking a meal by just throwing a bunch of random ingredients into a pot
E) buying furniture without measuring the dimensions of the room beforehand
Answer: B
B) This is the only choice that involves thinking abut the task before attempting it. The other
choices are haphazard approaches to common activities and, like communicating without a
plan, can lead you down the wrong path.
3) ________ includes knowing why you are communicating and what you want to achieve.
A) Creating goodwill
B) A defined purpose
C) Adapting for the audience
D) An informal tone
E) The "you" attitude
Answer: B

B) In other words, what action do you want the receivers of the message to take? Or, what
emotions do you want them to feel?
4) When you are thinking about the recipients of your message and adjusting the tone,
amount of background material, and medium of delivery of your message accordingly, you
are ________.
A) defining your purpose
B) creating goodwill
C) deconstructing
D) adapting for the audience
E) miscommunicating
Answer: D
D) Adapting a message also includes using the "you" attitude;" in a nutshell, your messages
should have more "you" words and fewer "I" and "we" words.
5) A(n) ________ chain of command is an organization structure that gives staff members
easier access to their superiors because there are fewer levels of hierarchy above them.
A) flat
B) vertical
C) external
D) centralized
E) tall
Answer: A
A) A flat chain of command gives staff members easier access to superiors because there are
fewer levels of management above them. A vertical chain of command has more levels of
hierarchy, which can make it harder for staff members, managers, and executives to access
and communicate with one another.
6) The organization structure that determines the communication channels for sending and
receiving messages from supervisors and those reporting to you is referred to as the
A) social network
B) grapevine
C) chain of command
D) network of practice

E) community of practice
Answer: C
C) The organization structure that determines the communication channels for sending and
receiving messages from supervisors and those reporting to you is referred to as the chain of
command. The communication channels for sending and receiving messages from
supervisors and those reporting to you are determined by your company's chain of command.
7) An organization structure with numerous levels of hierarchy, which can make it harder for
staff members, managers, and executives to access and communicate with one another, is
referred to as a(n) ________ chain of command.
A) external
B) inverted
C) decentralized
D) flat
E) vertical
Answer: E
E) A vertical chain of command has more levels of hierarchy, which can make it harder for
staff members, managers, and executives to access and communicate with one another. A flat
chain of command gives staff members easier access to superiors because there are fewer
levels of management above them.
8) Which of the following is true about how knowing your role in the company before you
prepare your message will impact the message?
A) A vertical chain of command generally allows for faster communication within the ranks.
B) The messages that you send up the chain of command will be more formal than those you
send down the chain of command.
C) Messages that you send down the chain of command can be less formal and
D) Your place in the organization's chain of command must not determine the tone of the
E) Promises you make on behalf of the organization are not, in most instances, legally
Answer: B

B) Messages you send up the chain of command will be more formal, professional, and
serious in tone. Messages sent across the chain of command to colleagues or down the chain
to those who report to you can be slightly less formal. However, they must remain
9) Which of the following is true about how knowing your role in the company before you
prepare your message will impact the message?
A) A vertical chain of command generally allows for faster communication within the ranks.
B) The messages that you send up the chain of command will be less formal than those you
send down the chain of command.
C) Messages that you send down the chain of command can be less formal, but not
D) Your place in the organization's chain of command must not determine the tone of the
E) Promises you make on behalf of the organization are not, in most instances, legally
Answer: C
C) Messages you send up the chain of command will be more formal, professional, and
serious in tone. Messages sent across the chain of command to colleagues or down the chain
to those who report to you can be slightly less formal. However, they must remain
10) Which of the following is true about how knowing your role in the company before you
prepare your message will impact the message?
A) A vertical chain of command generally allows for faster communication within the ranks.
B) The messages that you send up the chain of command will be less formal than those you
send down the chain of command.
C) Messages that you send down the chain of command can be less formal and
D) Your place in the organization's chain of command must not determine the tone of the
E) Promises you make on behalf of the organization are, in most instances, legally binding.
Answer: E
E) The promises you make on behalf of the organization are, in most instances, legally
binding. Therefore, understanding your role in a company as you prepare messages to
customers or people outside of the organization is very important.

11) A company's ________ usually consists of several sentences summarizing the purpose
and goals of a company, while highlighting its overarching philosophies and values.
A) auditor's report
B) profit and loss statement
C) balance sheet
D) credit report
E) mission statement
Answer: E
E) A company's mission statement usually consists of several sentences summarizing its
purpose, goals, overarching philosophy, and values. The mission statement serves as a
compass for the organization and helps employees chart a proper course for organization.
12) A message requesting information should ________.
A) state the purpose of the message
B) present a non-specific request to ensure compliance
C) not set a deadline for complying with the request
D) avoid revealing the reason the information is required
E) ask for abstract information, rather than concrete figures
Answer: A
A) A message requesting information should clearly communicate the purpose of the
13) When writing a message requesting information, you should ________.
A) avoid revealing the purpose of the communication
B) avoid dictating when the information is needed
C) ask for abstract information, rather than concrete figures
D) ask for more information than you need
E) ask for specific information
Answer: E
E) In order for it to be effective, a message requesting information should clearly state the
specific information required.

14) For it to be effective, a message requesting information should ________.
A) not reveal the purpose of the message
B) ask for abstract information, rather than concrete figures
C) present a non-specific request to ensure compliance
D) clearly explain when the information is needed and why
E) adopt an urgent, demanding tone
Answer: D
D) An effective message requesting information closes with sentence that explains when the
information is needed and why.
A Message Requesting Information
In order to develop a new company-wide marketing strategy, Nathan Harris, Marketing
Manager of Gia Fashions, needs the latest information about the gender, age, and income
levels of the population constituting the local market for one of the brand's stores. He drafts
the following message to Hannah Clark, the store manager, requesting the information.
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Local Market Information Required
Hi Hannah,
Please send us the latest figures relating to the local market.
This information is required at the earliest, so please give it top priority.
15) This message is not effective because it ________.
A) fails to indicate why the information is needed
B) reveals the purpose of the message
C) asks for an early reply
D) asks for information that is difficult to collect
E) does not make an open-ended, abstract request
Answer: A

A) A message requesting information should clearly communicate the purpose of the
message. This message asks for the information without stating why it is needed.
16) This message is not effective because it ________.
A) asks for information that is difficult to collect
B) reveals the purpose of the message
C) asks for an early reply
D) fails to make an open-ended request
E) does not specify exactly what information is needed
Answer: E
E) In order for it to be effective, a message requesting information should clearly state the
specific information required. This message fails to identify the exact nature of the
information required.
17) This message is not effective because it ________.
A) asks for information that is difficult to collect
B) reveals the purpose of the message
C) does not specify when it needs the information
D) fails to make an open-ended request
E) asks for an early reply
Answer: C
C) An effective message requesting information closes with sentence that explains when the
information is needed and why. This message only asks that the information be provided "at
the earliest" but fails to give a specific deadline. It also does not say why the information is
needed soon.
18) Which of the following sentences would make for a more effective opening line in the
above message?
A) Please send us the latest information about various statistics relating to the local market.
B) We request you to survey the local market and send us the latest statistics.
C) We need the latest information about the gender, age, and income levels of your store's
local market in order to formulate the company's new marketing strategy.
D) Please make suitable arrangements to collect and send us relevant market information
after surveying the local market as this information is needed by the company.

E) The company urgently needs information about your store's local market for a specific
Answer: C
C) A message requesting information should clearly communicate the purpose of the message
and specify what information is needed. This sentence clearly states what information is
needed and why.
19) Which of the following sentences would make for a more effective closing line in the
above message?
A) Please have this information ready as soon as possible because this information is very
vital to the company.
B) This information should be sent in a day or two.
C) Please ensure that this information is e-mailed to me at the same address as soon as you
collect it.
D) This information is required by Wednesday evening so that it can be included in the report
that will be presented to the COO on Thursday.
E) This information is of vital importance to the company and should be collected and sent to
my office marked as high importance.
Answer: D
D) An effective message requesting information closes with a sentence that explains when
the information is needed and why. This sentence provides a clear deadline and explains the
reason for the deadline.
20) In the context of choosing an appropriate audience for your message, a gatekeeper is
someone who ________.
A) can take the decision that will fulfill your purpose
B) is a top level manager in an organization
C) ensures that the company is on track with achieving its broad goals
D) sets and enforces the organization's mission
E) controls or monitors access to decision makers
Answer: E
E) A gatekeeper is someone who controls or monitors access to decision makers. Usually a
gatekeeper is an administrative staff member who screens their phone calls and e-mails.

21) In the context of choosing an appropriate audience for your message, a gatekeeper is
usually a(n) ________.
A) ethics officer
B) top level manager in an organization
C) member of the board of directors
D) external auditor
E) administrative staff member
Answer: E
E) A gatekeeper is someone who controls or monitors access to decision makers. Usually a
gatekeeper is an administrative staff member who screens their phone calls and e-mails.
22) In response to a job ad, Simon sends out his résumé by e-mail to the HR manager of a
large organization. However, the HR manager's assistant, Martin, first screens her e-mails.
Martin is not impressed by Simon's covering letter and deletes his e-mail. In this instance,
Martin is acting as the ________ who controls or monitors access to the actual decisionmaker.
A) insurer
B) gatekeeper
C) springboard
D) fulcrum
E) repository
Answer: B
B) A gatekeeper is someone who controls or monitors access to decision makers. Usually a
gatekeeper is an administrative staff member who screens their phone calls and e-mails.
23) Tamara sent her manager an e-mail demonstrating how the department could cut costs by
making a few minor changes to its work processes. Her manager was so impressed by her
idea that he forwarded the e-mail to his bosses, suggesting that these changes be instituted
across the organization. In this case, Tamara's manager was the ________ of the message and
his bosses constituted the ________ of the message.
A) gatekeeper; primary audience
B) intended audience; gatekeepers
C) primary audience; secondary audience
D) secondary audience; gatekeepers

E) secondary audience; intended audience
Answer: C
C) Your primary audience is your main target. However, when sending a message, you
should also consider your secondary audience, or others who might receive your message.
24) Using voice mails for oral communication is appropriate when you need to ________.
A) communicate with several persons at the same time
B) deliver short informative messages or ask simple questions that don't require an immediate
C) make formal presentations or speeches
D) have interactive discussions, build consensus, develop interpersonal relationships, or get
an immediate response
E) find an inexpensive way to communicate with several people in different locations and yet
observe their nonverbal responses
Answer: B
B) Voice mails are effective for delivering short informative messages or asking simple
questions. The use of voice mail allows receivers to respond at their convenience.
25) ________ provides an inexpensive way for people who are separated geographically to
communicate using voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) technology.
A) Voice mail
C) Torrent
D) Skype
Answer: D
D) Skype provides an inexpensive way for people who are separated geographically to
communicate using voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) technology.
26) Which of the following is an advantage of oral communication?
A) enables senders to revise or refine their message
B) details cannot be lost or misconstrued
C) usually provides a permanent record of the communication

D) messages are less susceptible to losing focus
E) provides the opportunity to respond to nonverbal cues
Answer: E
E) Oral communication, when carried out face to face or by video conferences, provides the
opportunity to respond to nonverbal cues.
27) Which of the following is an advantage of oral communication?
A) details cannot be lost or misconstrued
B) enables senders to revise or refine their message
C) usually provides a permanent record of the communication
D) allows for immediate feedback
E) messages are less susceptible to losing focus
Answer: D
D) Most forms of oral communication like face-to-face meetings, phone calls,
teleconferencing, and Skype allow for immediate feedback.
28) Which of the following is an advantage of oral communication?
A) details cannot be lost or misconstrued
B) provides opportunity to answer questions and address misunderstandings
C) enables senders to revise or refine their message
D) messages are less susceptible to losing focus
E) usually provides a permanent record of the communication
Answer: B
B) Oral communication usually provides opportunity to answer questions and address
29) Which of the following is an advantage of oral communication?
A) allows for spontaneous discussion and interaction
B) enables senders to revise or refine their message
C) usually provides a permanent record of the communication
D) messages are less susceptible to losing focus

E) details cannot be lost or misconstrued
Answer: A
A) Oral communication allows for spontaneous discussion and interaction between the sender
and receivers.
30) Which of the following is an advantage of oral communication?
A) details cannot be lost or misconstrued
B) messages are less susceptible to losing focus
C) usually provides a permanent record of the communication
D) helps develop consensus, team building, and rapport
E) enables senders to revise or refine their message
Answer: D
D) The highly personal and interactive nature of oral communication helps develop
consensus, team building, and rapport.
31) Which of the following is a disadvantage of oral communication?
A) does not allow for immediate feedback
B) spontaneity and interaction is limited
C) participants must be in same location or have same time availability
D) nonverbal cues cannot be captured
E) inhibits team building and consensus building
Answer: C
C) In order to carry out oral communication, the participants must be in the same location or
be available at the same time.
32) Which of the following is a disadvantage of oral communication?
A) usually doesn't provide a permanent record of the communication
B) nonverbal cues cannot be captured
C) inhibits team building and consensus building
D) spontaneity and interaction is limited
E) does not allow for immediate feedback

Answer: A
A) Unless a conversation is recorded, there is no permanent record of oral communication.
33) Which of the following is a disadvantage of oral communication?
A) inhibits team building and consensus building
B) spontaneity and interaction is limited
C) does not allow for immediate feedback
D) senders are unable to revise or refine message
E) nonverbal cues cannot be captured
Answer: D
D) Internal requests are requests made within an organization. Typically they flow upward (to
a superior), downward (to a subordinate), or laterally (to a co-worker).
34) Which of the following is a disadvantage of oral communication?
A) does not allow for immediate feedback
B) nonverbal cues cannot be captured
C) details can be lost or more easily misconstrued
D) inhibits team building and consensus building
E) spontaneity and interaction is limited
Answer: C
C) Since oral communication is generally not recorded, details can be lost or the message
more easily misconstrued.
35) Which of the following is a disadvantage of oral communication?
A) spontaneity and interaction is limited
B) inhibits team building and consensus building
C) nonverbal cues cannot be captured
D) does not allow for immediate feedback
E) messages are more susceptible to losing focus
Answer: E

E) Owing to the fluid and spontaneous nature of oral communication, messages are more
susceptible to losing focus.
36) Writing is the best choice for communicating when ________.
A) you need an immediate response
B) you want to capture nonverbal cues
C) an interactive discussion is needed
D) you need a legal record of the communication
E) your message is short and simple
Answer: D
D) Writing is the best choice for communicating when you need a legal record of the
communication, the message contains complicated details or numbers, the sender needs time
to compose and organize the message, the receiver needs the freedom to take in the
information at his or her own pace, or when the the message is formal.
37) Writing is the best choice for communicating when ________.
A) your message needs to be spontaneous and unplanned
B) you want to capture nonverbal cues
C) the message contains complicated details or numbers
D) you need an immediate response
E) an interactive discussion is needed
Answer: C
C) Writing is the best choice for communicating when you need a legal record of the
communication, the message contains complicated details or numbers, the sender needs time
to compose and organize the message, the receiver needs the freedom to take in the
information at his or her own pace, or when the the message is formal.
38) Writing is the best choice for communicating when ________.
A) the sender needs time to compose and organize the message
B) an interactive discussion is needed
C) you need an immediate response
D) your message needs to be spontaneous and unplanned
E) you want to capture nonverbal cues
Answer: A

A) Writing is the best choice for communicating when you need a legal record of the
communication, the message contains complicated details or numbers, the sender needs time
to compose and organize the message, the receiver needs the freedom to take in the
information at his or her own pace, or when the the message is formal.
39) Writing is the best choice for communicating when ________.
A) you have no time to plan your message
B) an interactive or spontaneous communication is required
C) the receiver needs the freedom to respond at his convenience
D) you want to capture nonverbal cues
E) your message is short and simple
Answer: C
C) Writing is the best choice for communicating when you need a legal record of the
communication, the message contains complicated details or numbers, the sender needs time
to compose and organize the message, the receiver needs the freedom to take in the
information at his or her own pace, or when the the message is formal.
40) Writing is the best choice for communicating when ________.
A) you want to capture nonverbal cues
B) the message is formal
C) you have no time to plan your message
D) the message needs to be spontaneous and unplanned
E) the message is short and simple
Answer: B
B) Writing is the best choice for communicating when you need a legal record of the
communication, the message contains complicated details or numbers, the sender needs time
to compose and organize the message, the receiver needs the freedom to take in the
information at his or her own pace, or when the the message is formal.
41) Which of the following is an advantage of sending a written message?
A) gives the sender time to design the message
B) allows sender to capture nonverbal cues
C) allows the sender to immediately address the receiver's concerns
D) allows the sender to know when and where communication is breaking down

E) provides an opportunity to receive an immediate response
Answer: A
A) A written message usually allows the sender time to plan and design the message
42) Which of the following is an advantage of sending a written message?
A) allows the sender to know when and where communication is breaking down
B) provides an opportunity to receive an immediate response
C) allows the sender to immediately address the receiver's concerns
D) offers the sender control over how the reader receives the message
E) allows sender to capture nonverbal cues
Answer: D
D) Written messages offer the sender control over how the reader receives the message, such
as the order of information and its format.
43) Which of the following is an advantage of sending a written message?
A) allows sender to capture nonverbal cues
B) provides control over word choice and rhythm of the message
C) provides an opportunity to receive an immediate response
D) allows the sender to know when and where communication is breaking down
E) allows the sender to immediately address the receiver's concerns
Answer: B
B) Written messages provide control over word choice and rhythm of the message to create
the greatest impact.
44) Which of the following is an advantage of sending a written message?
A) provides an opportunity to receive an immediate response
B) allows the sender to know when and where communication is breaking down
C) allows sender to capture nonverbal cues
D) allows the sender to immediately address the receiver's concerns
E) gives the sender an opportunity to communicate from a distance

Answer: E
E) Written messages give the sender an opportunity to communicate from a distance when
dealing with an emotionally charged situation.
45) Which of the following is an advantage of sending a written message?
A) allows sender to capture nonverbal cues
B) allows the sender to immediately address the receiver's concerns
C) creates documentation for later reference
D) allows the sender to know when and where communication is breaking down
E) provides an opportunity to receive an immediate response
Answer: C
C) Written messages serve as documents for later reference.
46) Which of the following is a disadvantage of sending a written message?
A) sender has no control over the format in which readers receive the message
B) details can be lost or more easily misconstrued
C) receivers cannot respond at their own convenience
D) time lapse between sending and receiving the message
E) senders are unable to revise or refine their message
Answer: D
D) Sending a written message results in a time lapse between sending and receiving the
47) Which of the following is a disadvantage of sending a written message?
A) details can be lost or more easily misconstrued
B) senders are unable to revise or refine their message
C) does not allow the sender to immediately address the receiver's concerns
D) receivers cannot respond at their own convenience
E) sender has no control over the format in which readers receive the message
Answer: C

C) Written messages are not as interactive as oral communication. They do not allow the
sender to immediately address the receiver's concerns.
48) Which of the following is a disadvantage of sending a written message?
A) keeps the sender from knowing when and where communication is breaking down
B) senders are unable to revise or refine their message
C) sender has no control over the format in which readers receive the message
D) receivers cannot respond at their own convenience
E) details can be lost or more easily misconstrued
Answer: A
A) Since written messages do not allow for immediately interpreting audience reactions, they
keep the sender from knowing when and where communication is breaking down.
49) Which of the following is a disadvantage of sending a written message?
A) details can be lost or more easily misconstrued
B) sender has no control over the format in which readers receive the message
C) receivers cannot respond at their own convenience
D) does not allow for spontaneity and improvisation
E) senders are unable to revise or refine their message
Answer: D
D) Written messages do not allow the sender to suddenly inject the emotion necessary to
inspire and persuade the receiver.
50) A general rule of thumb for writing for business is to spend ________ of your time
planning, ________ of your time putting your ideas into words, and ________ revising and
A) one-quarter; one-half; one-quarter
B) one-half; one-quarter; one-quarter
C) one-quarter; one-quarter; one-half
D) one-third; one-third; one-third
E) one-eighth; three-fourth; one-eighth
Answer: B

B) A general rule of thumb for writing for business is to spend one-half of your time
planning, one-quarter of your time putting your ideas into words, and the final quarter
revising and editing.
51) ________ is the process of capturing as many individual ideas as possible about a given
topic without censoring them
A) Benchmarking
B) Data mining
C) Social loafing
D) Brainstorming
E) Data warehousing
Answer: D
D) Brainstorming is the process of capturing as many individual ideas as possible about a
given topic without censoring them. Specify a certain amount of time for the activity and
capture any and all items on paper or a computer as they come to mind. Once the time is up,
go back and analyze each idea to see if it can truly enhance your message.
52) As marketing manager of her company, Suzanna needs to formulate a strategy to counter
a competitor's aggressive promotional campaign. In a bid to generate some fresh and creative
ideas, Suzanna organizes a meeting of the marketing and sales teams and asks everybody to
freely discuss the problem and write down all ideas—good and bad—as they come to mind.
At the end of the meeting, Suzanna and the team leads sit down and analyze each idea to see
if it has any merit. Identify the method used by Suzanna to generate ideas.
A) mind mapping
B) benchmarking
C) brainstorming
D) social loafing
E) free-writing
Answer: C
C) Brainstorming is the process of capturing as many individual ideas as possible about a
given topic without censoring them. Specify a certain amount of time for the activity and
capture any and all items on paper or a computer as they come to mind. Once the time is up,
go back and analyze each idea to see if it can truly enhance your message.
53) When, in order to generate ideas for your message, you put your pen to paper and let your
ideas flow freely, narrative style, without censoring them, you are practicing ________.
A) collaborative writing

B) free-writing
C) asemic writing
D) creative writing
E) mind mapping
Answer: B
B) To free-write, put your pen to paper and let your ideas flow freely, narrative style, without
censoring them. Free-writing can help you not only generate ideas but make connections
between them you might not otherwise see. Once you have your thoughts down, you can then
evaluate them to see how well they serve your purpose.
54) A ________ is an idea-generating device whereby you write a main idea in a circle. As
new ideas are triggered from this idea, you draw offshoots to record them.
A) brain atlas
B) semantic network
C) synonym ring
D) mind map
E) WordNet
Answer: D
D) A mind map is an idea-generating device whereby you write a main idea in a circle. As
new ideas are triggered from this idea, you draw offshoots to record them. Mind maps are
especially valuable for visual thinkers and can help you generate secondary ideas from main
55) Which of the following is NOT true of considering other viewpoints when you are
gathering information for a written business message?
A) It means looking at your message from different angles.
B) It will help you generate ideas.
C) It means focusing on one category at a time.
D) It will help you make connections.
E) It will help you more deeply analyze the idea you are writing about.
Answer: C

C) Considering other viewpoints means looking at your message from different angles and
multiple perspectives. This choice refers to making lists. Lists can help you focus on one
category at a time instead of having to generate ideas that cover the entire gamut of your task.
56) Informal research refers to ________.
A) using methods such as surveys, interviews, experiments, and studies to gather empirical
B) the use of methods such as a formal survey of a large group of people, the gathering of
special sales data, lab data, manufacturing data, and so forth
C) using methods such as asking questions, referring to company files, and talking with
colleagues in order to gather information for smaller or daily writing tasks
D) using methods like mind mapping and free-writing generate ideas
E) the method of forming a hypothesis and then confirming it by observation or
Answer: C
C) Informal research refers to the various informal ways to gather information, such as asking
questions, referring to company files, and talking with colleagues, for smaller or daily writing
57) All of the following are forms of informal research EXCEPT
A) referring to company files
B) talking with your supervisor
C) conducting customer surveys
D) consulting you company's database
E) talking with your colleagues
Answer: C
C) The other choices are used to gather informal information to explore a problem for a
writing task. When your research includes references and supporting data from surveys and
experiments, this is considered formal research. Conducting customer surveys is actually
considered primary research, as it is gathered by you firsthand.
58) Secondary sources of information ________.
A) involve speaking informally with colleagues and customers to gain insight into your
writing task
B) are considered informal research
C) are sources of information that you gather firsthand

D) are the starting point of research for most business professionals
E) include experiments and surveys you conduct
Answer: D
D) Most business professionals begin their formal research using secondary sources such as
the Internet because it's faster and cheaper than primary research like conducting experiments
or surveys.
59) Which of the following is a form of qualitative research?
A) systematically talking to small groups of people and summarizing the general information
they give you
B) formally surveying a large group of people
C) gathering sales data
D) gathering lab data
E) gathering manufacturing data
Answer: A
A) By contrast, quantitative research gathers data that is then statistically calculated.
60) Online databases such as Business Source Premier ________.
A) are considered informal research
B) help you conduct large scale studies and other forms of primary research
C) offer writers easy access to published articles and data
D) are a costly and time-consuming form of primary research
E) are informal forms of research inappropriate for longer, complex writing projects
Answer: C
C) Most business professionals begin their formal research with secondary sources such as
the Internet because it's faster and cheaper than conducting primary research.
61) You are conducting secondary research for a presentation. Your initial Internet search
yields up the following five Web sites. Based on nothing more than these addresses, which
would you expect to be the most reliable?

Answer: A
A) You can evaluate Internet sources based on their domain extensions. In order from most
credible to least they are: .gov, .edu., .org., and .com.
62) Cutting and pasting information from the Web ________.
A) requires great technical skill
B) is difficult and time-consuming
C) is unethical but not illegal
D) constitutes plagiarism
E) does not require the author's permission
Answer: D
D) Any and all original copy you write is protected by copyright laws, as are original
pictures, cartoons, and graphics. So while cutting and pasting information from the Web is
easy, it's not legal.
63) Sources in the public domain ________.
A) include material with expired copyrights
B) do not include government documents
C) always require you to pay a fee
D) require the permission of the author if you wish to use them
E) should never be cited in business writing
Answer: A
A) The public domain also includes material that will never be copyrighted, such as
government documents.
64) When writing about a product ________.
A) there are no legal repercussions for avoiding full disclosure
B) your messages must be accurate and ethical
C) what you write about your product cannot be legally binding

D) you shouldn't raise the issue of harmful effects of the product
E) warnings are best written in stylized, technical language
Answer: B
B) What you write about your product can be legally binding, so these messages need to be
accurate and ethical. It is critical that you disclose in simple, everyday language warnings
about your product that can adversely affect customers. Companies that don't hold themselves
to the highest legal and ethical standards can find themselves beleaguered with problems,
including legal fines, fees, and a loss of credibility among consumers.
65) ________ means creating a guide consisting of the topics you plan to write about, in the
order you plan to write about them.
A) Free-writing
B) Outlining
C) Mind mapping
D) Mission stating
E) Adapting for the audience
Answer: B
B) Creating an outline helps you organize the ideas you have generated and the material you
have gathered.
66) The ________ of a message typically informs the readers about the purpose of the
document or attracts the attention of the reader.
A) outline
B) body
C) closing
D) call to action
E) introduction
Answer: E
E) The introduction is information at the beginning of a message that informs readers about
the purpose of the document.
67) The closing of a message does all of the following EXCEPT
A) highlights the message's main ideas

B) presents any conclusions
C) creates goodwill
D) contains a "call to action"
E) includes details supporting the message's purpose
Answer: E
E) Details and explanations supporting the message's purpose are included in the body of the
68) The indirect approach ________.
A) presents the main point of the message in the introduction
B) helps the reader quickly understand the purpose of the message
C) is the most common method for structuring business messages
D) should be used when the reader is excited about your main point
E) is appropriate for delivering bad or sensitive news
Answer: E
E) When you use an indirect approach you wait to mention your main purpose in the body of
your message and use your introduction to build up to the main point.
69) The direct approach ________.
A) builds up to the main point
B) requires more time on the reader's part to get to the point of the message
C) is appropriate for communicating news you expect the reader to react to negatively
D) places the main point in the body of the message
E) is the most common method for structuring business messages
Answer: E
E) The direct approach presents the main point of the message in the introduction so the
reader quickly understands its purpose. Use the direct approach when the reader is interested
in or excited about the main point you are making, or is at least neutral about it.
70) The direct approach would be appropriate for which of the following messages?
A) a message informing a client that you will exceed the project's budget
B) a letter informing a candidate that he did not get the job for which he interviewed

C) an e-mail informing a customer that the repairs she seeks are not covered under her
D) a message telling your clients about your company's new products
E) an e-mail informing a vendor that you awarded the contract to another supplier
Answer: D
D) The news in this message will likely generate a neutral or positive reaction in the reader,
so the direct approach is appropriate. The other choices all include news that is likely to
engender a negative reaction, making the indirect approach appropriate.
71) Planning your message should only be done if it's a report or presentation.
Answer: False
Whether it's a report or a simple voice mail or e-mail, you increase your chances of being
successful by planning how to best communicate your messages.
72) Defining the purpose of your message involves thinking about what emotion you want
your audience to feel in response to your message.
Answer: True
A defined purpose includes knowing why you are communicating and what you want the
communication to achieve.
73) Adapting a message includes using the "you" attitude.
Answer: True
This means emphasizing the audience's wants and needs instead of your own.
74) In a nutshell, the "you" attitude means your message should include more "I" and "we"
words and fewer "you" words.
Answer: False
The opposite is true.
75) A vertical chain of command gives staff members easier access to superiors because there
are fewer levels of management above them.
Answer: False

A vertical chain of command actually has more levels of hierarchy, which can make it harder
for staff members, managers, and executives to access and communicate with one another.
76) Messages you send up the chain of command should be more formal, professional, and
serious in tone.
Answer: True
Messages sent across the chain of command to colleagues or down the chain to those who
report to you can be slightly less formal. However, they must remain professional.
77) Promises that you make on behalf of the organization you work for are, in most instances,
legally binding.
Answer: True
If you make promises that you lack the authority to authorize, you could end up costing your
company money. Your goal is to communicate effectively yet not overstep your bounds.
78) Anticipating objections to messages is not a good use of time for communicators.
Answer: False
Anticipating negative reactions to messages and ways to address them, pays off for
communicators. Look for any issues that might interfere with your message producing your
desired outcome and address them.
79) In general, oral communication is best when interaction with the receiver is needed for a
rapid response.
Answer: True
For oral communication to work, however, participants must be in the same location or have
same time availability.
80) Planning is not necessary for oral communication like a phone call or one-on-one
Answer: False
One of the pitfalls of oral communication is that people often fail to plan in the same way
they do for written communication. When conducting face-to-face meetings, teleconferences,
and phone calls, you need to be able to speak spontaneously and planning ahead of time will
help you do so.

81) Writing is the best choice for communicating when the message contains complicated
details or numbers.
Answer: True
This way both you and the receiver will have a written copy of the message to refer back to.
82) In general, written communication provides the sender flexibility, whereas spoken
communication offers the sender control.
Answer: False
The opposite is actually true.
83) It is a general rule of thumb for writing for business to spend one-quarter of your time
planning, one-half of your time writing, and the final quarter revising and editing.
Answer: False
The rule of thumb is actually to spend one-half of your time planning, and only one-quarter
drafting. This may sound daunting, but for longer, more formal communications, planning
will save you time.
84) When you try to generate ideas for a writing task by capturing as many individual ideas
as possible about your topic without censoring them, you are engaged in brainstorming.
Answer: True
When brainstorming, specify a certain amount of time for the activity and capture any and all
items on paper or a computer as they come to mind. Once the time is up, go back and analyze
each idea to see if it can truly enhance your message.
85) Cmap is a tool that can be downloaded from the Internet to help you with the process of
Answer: False
This tool is actually used to help with the process of mind mapping. This process involves
writing a main idea in a circle and, as new ideas are triggered from it, drawing off-shoots to
record them.
86) Most business professionals begin their research using primary sources.
Answer: False

It is not called primary research because it is used first. It is called primary because it refers
to sources of information you gather firsthand, as in interviewing customers or conducting
studies. Most business professionals actually begin their research using secondary sources
(sources of information already gathered by other people and organizations) because it's
faster and cheaper than conducting experiments or surveys.
87) Referring to company files for needed information, or talking with your supervisor,
colleagues or customers are considered informal research.
Answer: True
These methods help you find information that might already exist at your company, or get
insights from stakeholders that will help you with your writing task.
88) Based on their domain extensions, the Web site is more reliable than the
Web site
Answer: False
You can evaluate Internet sources based on their domain extensions. In order from most
credible to least they are: .gov, .edu., .org., and .com.
89) Only material that shows a copyright notice is protected under U.S. copyright laws.
Answer: False
Any and all original copy you write is protected by copyright law. So are the pictures,
cartoons, and graphics you create.
90) A great tip for improving your writing skills is to practice editing other people's writing.
Answer: True
Get in the habit of asking yourself, "How could I rewrite this material to make it better?"
91) Discuss why it is important to plan business messages.
Answer: Many people recognize the importance of planning business communications like
reports, or presentations. However, even simple messages like e-mails and phone calls will
benefit from some advance planning. If you fail to plan ahead you could be caught off guard
by a question you don't know the answer to, or without important information that you need
to complete your message. This could necessitate further e-mails and phone calls to clarify or
complete the message which takes up time (both yours and your audience's) and portrays you
as a disorganized person.
92) What is a benefit of the flat chain of command model?

Answer: A flat chain of command gives staff members easier access to superiors because
there are fewer levels of management above them. Generally speaking, a flatter
communication chain allows for faster communication within the ranks, whereas a vertical
chain creates a more complex communication flow.
93) Write a mission statement for the fictional company Bonanza, a socially conscious chain
retailer that emphasizes quality merchandise at low prices.
Our mission is for Bonanza to be the primary shopping destination for our customers by
giving them exceptional value, innovation, and a first-class customer experience. We support
our mission with commitments to providing great value, contributing to our local
communities, and operating in an environmentally sustainable way.
94) Explain what is meant by the question, "Where do you want your message to land?"
Answer: This means planning for a message to reach its optimal destination and not just its
first stop. It means researching, asking questions, and positioning your message to land in the
right hands. Legwork such as this can make the difference between your proposal being
rejected by a gatekeeper in the first round versus in front of the final review committee.
95) You work in the U.S. headquarters of your company and need to coordinate on a project
with an American colleague who recently relocated to an overseas branch. You need to get
some specific data from her for use in an upcoming presentation you are preparing. In this
case would written or oral communication be the best option?
Answer: Answer will vary; some ideas follow: Written communication would probably be
the better option in this case. Oral communication would be difficult since the participants are
not in the same location, and are in different time zones. Finding common time availability
could be challenging. And because the data under discussion could include complicated
details or numbers, written communication would be preferable. Each of you would have a
written copy of the communication to refer to in case of any confusion.
96) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.
Answer: Face-to-face communication or video conferencing allow participants to see and
respond to nonverbal cues. Immediate feedback is available, so speakers can answer
questions and address misunderstandings. Oral communication allows for spontaneous
discussion and interaction, and helps develop consensus, team building, and rapport. It is not
without its challenges or disadvantages, though. Participants must be in the same location or
at least have the same time availability. It doesn't provide a permanent record unless
conversations are recorded. Senders are unable to revise or refine messages, details can be
lost or more easily misconstrued, and messages are more susceptible to lose focus.
97) You are charged with coming up with a flyer telling customers about a new stain remover
produced by your company. Brainstorm some ideas for this communication.
Features of new remover

Stains it gets out
Stains it gets out that others don't
Comparisons to company's other products
Comparisons to competitor's products
Product reviews
Testimonials from customers who sampled it
Ease of use
98) You work in the purchasing department of your company and need to communicate with
a supplier who is late in delivering your most recent order. Before you write this, you decide
to consider other viewpoints. Discuss these below.
Answer: Supplier's viewpoint: long history working with your company; never late before, in
fact has often rushed orders to help your company out; could be circumstances beyond
supplier's control
Your company's production manager: may only be a few days late, but our production is shut
down until we receive shipment; costing us time and money; impacting our ability to ship out
completed merchandise
Big picture view: Want to maintain good relationship, perhaps supplier can suggest another
who can fulfill this order more quickly; perhaps supplier will offer a discount or other
incentive for the inconvenience
99) For a report you are writing for work you are instructed to begin with secondary research
sources. You start searching on the Internet. Describe how to evaluate the sources you find.
Answer: Not all internet sources are equally credible. You can evaluate Internet sources
based on their domain extensions. In order from most credible to least they are: .gov, .edu.,
.org., and .com. As stated, government sites (.gov) are considered the most credible.
Educational institution sites (.edu) are generally considered credible. If the site name is
appended by a tilde ( ) and the author's name, the site's documents may require further
examination for credibility. Nonprofit institutions (.org) may be more credible than sites
authorized by an independent individual. However, their documents may reflect the
organization's mission and point of view. The least credible are business enterprises (.com). It
is more difficult to determine if the materials on these sites are aimed at advertising or biased
in another way.
100) How can you improve your writing skills?
Answer: Getting a mentor to help you one-on-one will help you make lots of progress with
your writing skills. A writing class or creative writing group can also help you develop skills
that will transfer to the business arena. Another tip is to practice editing other people's
writing. Text messages, e-mails, and postings on social networking sites give ample
opportunities to do so. Try reading a business letter and then recreating it in your own words.
Experiment writing from the perspective of an intern, mid-level manager, and CEO to see
how your writing changes with each role you play. Outside of practicing, nothing can help improve your writing more than reading. Study how experts write by reading business magazines, trade magazines, newspapers, and company blog sites.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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