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Chapter 2
1) Which of the following is true of how business teams today differ from those in the past?
A) Organizations have more managerial levels now.
B) Organizations are increasingly moving away from teams and toward individual
C) Today, more organizations are organized into divisions representing their different
D) There is a significant increase in the amount of duplication of roles in organizations.
E) Organizations are much flatter today.
Answer: E
E) Organizations are much flatter today. In other words, there are few layers of managers,
and teams are the norm. Before the 1970s, companies were generally organized into divisions
representing their different operations. However, this structure led to many managerial levels
and duplicated roles.
2) A team that is not physically in the same location and relies on technology to communicate
is termed a ________ team.
A) technical
B) virtual
C) support
D) simulated
E) phantom
Answer: B
B) A virtual team is a team that is not physically in the same location and relies on
technology to communicate. Such teams are increasingly more common in today's business
3) The process of conducting live, real-time meetings where each member uses his or her
computer to connect through the Internet and attendees use groupware to collaborate is
termed ________.
A) simulcasting
B) telecommuting
C) social networking
D) web conferencing

E) webcasting
Answer: D
D) Web conferencing is the process of conducting live, real-time meetings where each
member uses his or her computer to connect through the Internet. Attendees see and hear one
another with Webcams, and typically use groupware to collaborate.
4) ________ is the ability to understand how you process information, read the signals other
people are sending, and express yourself as perceived by others.
A) Self-awareness
B) Egocentricism
C) Self-centeredness
D) Self-absorption
E) Egotism
Answer: A
A) Self-awareness is the ability to understand how you process information, read the signals
other people are sending, and express yourself as perceived by others. Self-awareness is
critical for functioning well in any group.
5) Which of the following is the most accurate and complete definition of the term emotional
A) It is the ability to ignore one's own emotions in pursuit of personal or group goals.
B) It is the ability to always freely express your emotions through words and behavior.
C) It is the ability to monitor and control your emotions, thoughts, and feelings, while
remaining sensitive to and aware of others' feelings.
D) It is the ability to influence and control the emotions of others for one's personal gain or
for meeting the goals of the group, ignoring one's own emotions.
E) It is the ability to understand and accept one's own emotions.
Answer: C
C) Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor and control your emotions, thoughts, and
feelings, while remaining sensitive to and aware of others' feelings. Your emotional quotient
(EQ) is said to measure your emotional intelligence.
6) Which of the following is true of self-assessments like the Keirsey Sorter and
Myers/Briggs personality tests and the VARK questionnaire, that help in assessing one's
personality or emotional quotient?

A) They provide assessments that are absolute and unchanging.
B) They are infallible.
C) They show different aspects about who you are.
D) They are mostly inaccurate.
E) They provide little practical information.
Answer: C
C) Self-assessments of personality are not absolute, unchanging, infallible, or always
accurate. But they show different aspects about who you are and provide you with
information that will enable you to communicate and operate more effectively in the world.
7) The personality types described in the Keirsey Sorter include all of the following,
EXCEPT ________.
A) thinker
B) giver
C) achiever
D) adventurer
E) organizer
Answer: C
C) The Keirsey Sorter categorizes personalities as being that of giver, thinker, adventurer,
and organizer
8) You have completed the Keirsey Sorter personality types test and plotted your total score
for each of the four quadrants. When you connect the plotted points, a square is formed. This
indicates that you are ________.
A) an organizer
B) indecisive
C) a thinker
D) evenly balanced
E) faking the test
Answer: D
D) If you are evenly balanced, your figure in the Keirsey Sorter test will look like a square. If
you are predominately a thinker and organizer, your shape could look more like a trapezoid.

9) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, an adventurer is most likely to be ________.
A) disciplined
B) rational
C) logical
D) original
E) caring
Answer: D
D) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, an adventurer is likely to be skillful, risking,
original, impulsive, fast-paced, imaginative, competitive, open-minded, and adventuresome.
10) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, an organizer is most likely to be ________.
A) risking
B) imaginative
C) loyal
D) original
E) caring
Answer: C
C) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, an organizer is likely to be loyal, practical,
planning, structured, organized, procedural, predictable, disciplined, dependable, and
11) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, which of the following adjectives is most
likely to describe a thinker?
A) objective
B) impulsive
C) administrative
D) emotional
E) fast-paced
Answer: A

A) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, a thinker is likely to be mathematical,
intellectual, analytical, visionary, technical, objective, scientific, realistic, rational, and
12) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, which of the following adjectives is most
likely to describe a giver?
A) objective
B) practical
C) administrative
D) emotional
E) competitive
Answer: D
D) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, a giver is likely to be emotional, adaptable,
idealistic, sociable, trusting, spiritual, honest, giving, caring and a peacemaker.
13) After taking the Keirsey Sorter assessment, you have determined that you are
predominantly an organizer. Considering the standard profile of that personality type, which
of the following jobs would best suit you?
A) business accountant; this job involves the ability to keep track of business activity in a
regular and orderly fashion
B) news reporter; this job involves the ability to track and respond swiftly to fluid situations
C) marketing manager; this job involves the ability to devise new and creative ways to inform
consumers of the company's products
D) stock trader; this job involves the ability to analyze situations and take crucial decisions
on the spot
E) artist; this job involves the ability to be original and creative and to think out of the box
Answer: A
A) An organizer is responsible, orderly, and efficient—qualities which are likely to serve him
or her well in jobs like that of a business accountant. They have to make an effort to embrace
change and to think out of the box.
14) After taking the Keirsey Sorter assessment, you have determined that you are
predominantly an adventurer. Considering the standard profile of that personality type, which
of the following jobs would best suit you?
A) administrative assistant; this job involves the ability to perform general office duties such
as ordering supplies, maintaining records, and performing basic bookkeeping work

B) line worker; this job involves the ability to complete a task efficiently according to the
instructions given
C) auditor; this job involves pursuing and verifying the financial records of companies to
ensure that they conform to the relevant rules and regulations
D) entrepreneur; this job involves the ability to make quick business decisions, and compete
effectively in uncertain environments
E) data entry operator; this job involves the ability to type fast and accurately and a high
degree of familiarity with office software
Answer: D
D) Adventurers are risk-takers who are spontaneous, playful, and creative. However, they can
also come across as unfocused, domineering, and overexcited. They would likely make good
entrepreneurs but would need to make an effort to do well at jobs that require one to organize
one's thoughts and focus on a task.
15) Summer is a responsible and loyal employee. In the past, she has excelled in her role as
office manager and is especially good at work that involves detailed planning and followthrough. However, she prefers to have her tasks defined in clear, concrete terms and dislikes
sudden changes. In terms of the Keirsey Sorter assessment, Summer is likely a(n) ________.
A) thinker
B) giver
C) adventurer
D) organizer
E) achiever
Answer: D
D) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, an organizer is likely to be loyal, practical,
planning, structured, organized, procedural, predictable, disciplined, dependable, and
administrative. While they are often efficient, loyal and responsible employees, they can be
rigid and slow to embrace change.
16) Fred thrives in his role as marketing manager at a small start-up. He takes great pride in
being highly skilled in a variety of fields. He has a hands-on approach to his work and is a
great negotiator. Working at the start-up suits him well as he dislikes rigid structure and likes
to be the person in charge. Fred enjoys the competitive, fast-paced environment and comes up
with creative ideas to take the company forward. However, he often has to make an effort to
remain focused on the task at hand and to be open to others' ideas. In terms of the Keirsey
Sorter assessment, Fred is likely a(n) ________.
A) thinker

B) giver
C) organizer
D) planner
E) adventurer
Answer: E
E) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, an adventurer is likely to be skilful, risking,
original, impulsive, fast-paced, imaginative, competitive, open-minded, and adventuresome.
While they are often spontaneous and creative individuals, they can also come across as
being unfocussed and domineering.
17) Naomi is a sought-after business strategist because of her outstanding mathematical,
intellectual, and analytic abilities. Her strategies are usually visionary, yet realistic. However,
her detractors accuse her of not seeking out opposing viewpoints and not acknowledging
others' contributions. In terms of the Keirsey Sorter assessment, Marjorie is likely a(n)
A) thinker
B) giver
C) adventurer
D) organizer
E) planner
Answer: A
A) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, a thinker is likely to be mathematical,
intellectual, analytical, visionary, technical, objective, scientific, realistic, rational, and
logical. However, they must make an effort to keep an open mind and seek opposing points
of view. They must also ensure that they acknowledge others' contributions.
18) Alex always acts as a mediator when his team experiences a conflict. His team members
respect him for his honesty and idealism. However, he rarely expresses his own opinions and
just goes with the flow. In terms of the Keirsey Sorter assessment, Alex is most likely a(n)
A) thinker
B) adventurer
C) giver
D) organizer
E) achiever

Answer: C
C) According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, a giver is likely to be emotional, adaptable,
idealistic, sociable, trusting, spiritual, honest, giving, caring and a peacemaker. However,
they can also come across as being shy and low on confidence.
19) You need to present the marketing plan for your business unit to the Marketing VP in
order to get it approved. From your observation of his personality in terms of the dimensions
in the Keirsey Sorter, you have determined that he is a thinker. Which of the following
strategies would be most useful in helping you to communicate your plan to the VP?
A) use stories to illustrate your point and acknowledge others' contributions
B) provide attractively packaged information
C) be creative in your presentation and convey passion
D) make your presentation interesting, challenging, or entertaining
E) present a well-analyzed proposal and have your data and facts handy
Answer: E
E) When communicating with a superior who, according to the Keirsey Sorter, is a thinker,
give him or her well-analyzed memos and oral summaries. Have your data and your facts
handy and double check their accuracy.
20) You are considering asking your boss for a raise. From your observation of his
personality in terms of the dimensions in the Keirsey Sorter, you have determined that he is a
giver. Which of the following strategies would be most useful in helping you to communicate
your case to him?
A) use stories to illustrate your point and acknowledge others' contributions
B) provide solid information presented in an organized way
C) express your points in a concise and efficient manner
D) proofread, prepare, rehearse, and re-rehearse your delivery
E) present a well-analyzed case and have your data and facts handy
Answer: A
A) When communicating with a superior who is, according to the Keirsey Sorter, a giver,
provide communication that is genuine and interesting. Use stories to illustrate an
accomplishment or a job well done and be willing to give feedback and acknowledgement for
work being done.

21) You need to present the proposed quarterly budget for your department to the COO. From
your observation of her personality in terms of the dimensions in the Keirsey Sorter, you have
determined that she is an adventurer. Which of the following strategies would be most useful
in helping you to communicate your proposal to her?
A) provide solid information presented in an organized way
B) be creative and convey passion
C) express your points in a concise and efficient manner
D) proofread, prepare, rehearse, and re-rehearse your delivery
E) have your data and facts handy when making your presentation
Answer: B
B) When communicating with a superior who is, according to the Keirsey Sorter, an
adventurer, be interesting, challenging, or entertaining. Use stories and humor to illustrate
your message with visuals, music, and an element of surprise. Be creative and convey
22) You need to persuade the CEO of your company to consider opening a new office in the
neighboring state. From your observation of her personality in terms of the dimensions in the
Keirsey Sorter, you have determined that she is an organizer. Which of the following
strategies would be most useful in helping you to communicate your proposal to her?
A) be creative and convey passion
B) illustrate your message with visuals, music, and an element of surprise
C) make your presentation interesting, challenging, or entertaining
D) find the most attractive and effective way to package information
E) use stories to illustrate an accomplishment or a job well done
Answer: D
D) When communicating with a superior who is, according to the Keirsey Sorter, an
organizer, provide solid information presented in an organized way. Proofread, prepare,
rehearse, and re-rehearse your delivery. Also, find the most attractive and effective way to
package information.
23) Which of the following is the first stage in the process of team development?
A) norming
B) forming
C) storming
D) performing

E) adjourning
Answer: B
B) In the forming stage of a team's lifecycle, the team meets for the first time and explores
different approaches to working as a team. The members observe and assess one another and
gauge their chances of pursuing mutually beneficial goals.
24) R&R Corporation has put a team in place to evaluate the company's diversification plans.
This team is made up of high- and mid-level managers from Finance, Marketing, and
Research and Development. The team has had a few meetings and differences have surfaced
between the team members, largely owing to conflicting interests of the various departments.
The last meeting was stopped abruptly after the team members reached a deadlock over some
items on the agenda. Identify the stage that this team is at in the team development process.
A) norming
B) forming
C) storming
D) adjourning
E) performing
Answer: C
C) The storming stage in the process of team development occurs after the forming stage. At
this stage, conflicts between team members start to surface.
25) In the ________ stage of the team development process, the group recommits, accepts
roles and responsibilities, and begins to build consensus.
A) norming
B) forming
C) performing
D) adjourning
E) informing
Answer: A
A) After the storming stage in the group development process, the group recommits, accepts
roles and responsibilities, and begins to build consensus. This is identified as the norming
stage of the team development process.
26) In the team development process, the stage at which the group delivers what it has set out
to accomplish is the ________ stage.

A) adjourning
B) norming
C) forming
D) storming
E) performing
Answer: E
E) The stage in the team development process at which the group delivers what it has set out
to accomplish is the performing stage.
27) The software implementation team at Finchley Corp. has successfully completed its task.
The team goes out for one last drink together to celebrate their success and to toast key team
members. This team is in the ________ stage of the team development process.
A) storming
B) informing
C) adjourning
D) performing
E) norming
Answer: C
C) The adjourning stage is the last stage in the team development process, where members
meet for the last time before the team is broken up.
28) According to noted anthropologist and psychoanalyst Edward Hall, the ideal business
team has between ________ members.
A) 3 and 5
B) 8 and 12
C) 10 and 15
D) 5 and 7
E) 4 and 8
Answer: B
B) According to Edward Hall, a noted anthropologist and psychoanalyst, the ideal business
team has between 8 and 12 members. This size allows members to know one another well
enough to utilize their talents while accomplishing tasks. In groups larger than 12, Hall warns

that leadership doesn't develop naturally and instead can become political. Also, in larger
groups, the team members' participation and commitment can suffer.
29) Quest Inc., a manufacturer and retailer of hiking shoes, clothes, and gear, has been hit by
an online smear campaign that alleges that the company's factories in Brazil are polluting the
environment. The company immediately forms a team, headed by the CEO, to devise a
strategy to respond to the situation. After a brief brainstorming session, the CEO makes a
decision to hold a press conference to address the issue, ignoring suggestions from some team
members to first launch a damage-control drive online. Identify the decision-making model
used by this team.
A) group deciders
B) authoritarian
C) majority rules
D) consensus
E) rule based
Answer: B
B) In the authoritarian model of decision-making, one person, often the team leader, makes a
decision that is adopted and followed without question by the group. This decision-making
process is quick, and perhaps best used in emergency situations.
30) The design team at Vega Fashions has designated a committee to research and make a
decision on the theme of their Fall-Winter collection. Identify the decision-making model
being used by the team in this instance.
A) group deciders
B) authoritarian
C) majority rules
D) consensus
E) rule based
Answer: A
A) When a group adopts the decision-making model of group deciders, a subgroup with
authority makes the decision on behalf of the team. This process is more representative of the
entire team than the authoritative approach, but it still fails to give the members of the team
much of a role in the decision-making process.
31) The sales team at Oaktree Realty has agreed to vote on a proposal to expand their
operations to a neighboring county. The position that gets the most number of votes will be

adopted by the entire team. Identify the decision-making model being used by the team in this
A) group deciders
B) authoritarian
C) majority rules
D) consensus
E) delegation based
Answer: C
C) When a team adopts a "majority rules" model of decision-making, team members vote on
an issue and the position with the majority of votes wins. The group determines what
constitutes a majority. A simple majority means whichever side has the most number of votes
32) The Board of Directors of Opus Productions is evaluating a proposal to allow venture
capitalists to invest in the company. They debate the issue over several meetings and finally
arrive at a unanimous decision that is acceptable to all the members. Identify the decisionmaking model used by this team.
A) group deciders
B) authoritarian
C) majority rules
D) consensus
E) rule based
Answer: D
D) The consensus model of decision-making in teams allows all team members to express
their stance on an issue. After lengthy debate, team members come to a unanimous decision.
All members might not agree with each and every provision of the chosen solution, but they
can live with the resulting decision.
33) Sarah, marketing manager at a small company, is looking to decide on a marketing plan
for the next year. For the plan to succeed, every member of her sales team must be
completely committed to and enthusiastic about the plan. Which of the following decisionmaking models would be most effective in maximizing team morale and communication in
this case?
A) consensus
B) majority rules

C) group deciders
D) authoritarian
E) rule based
Answer: A
A) The consensus model of decision-making in teams allows all team members to express
their stance on an issue. All members might not agree with each and every provision of the
chosen solution, but they can live with the resulting decision. Thus, this is the most effective
model for building team morale and communication.
34) Regardless of the model a team chooses for its decision-making process, the best
communication in a team occurs when ________.
A) the team's goal is loosely defined
B) the team leader makes the final decision
C) the need for making the decision is known only to a few
D) some time is dedicated to coming up with alternative solutions
E) the opinion of the majority is upheld
Answer: D
D) Regardless of the model a team chooses for its decision-making process, the best
communication occurs when the team has a clearly defined goal, the need for making the
decision is understood by all members, supporting information has been gathered to aid in the
decision-making process, and when some time is dedicated to coming up with alternate
35) When setting ground rules for teams, you should ________.
A) have abstract and loosely defined goals
B) fix a goal that is just out of reach
C) keep the members guessing about the end result
D) develop measurable goals
E) discourage diversity of opinion
Answer: D
D) When setting ground rules for teams, you should outline the team's goals and how you
will know when those goals have been met. This will help each member be accountable to the
overall objectives.

36) Which of the following is a guideline for setting ground rules for teams?
A) identify the end result
B) fix goals that are just out of reach
C) fix general and abstract goals
D) minimize diversity of opinion
E) remove timeframes to increase motivation
Answer: A
A) When setting ground rules for teams, you should identify the end result. This will prevent
members from falling off course and becoming distracted by other issues.
37) When setting ground rules for teams, it is recommended that you ________.
A) motivate the team by taking the focus off the end result
B) have abstract and loosely defined goals
C) eliminate timeframes to increase motivation
D) discourage the airing of differences in opinions among members
E) name attainable goals to increase motivation
Answer: E
E) When setting ground rules for teams, you should define expectations and name attainable
goals to increase motivation.
38) When setting ground rules for teams, you should ________.
A) have abstract and loosely defined goals
B) eliminate timeframes to increase motivation
C) solicit different points of view
D) motivate the team by taking the focus off the end result
E) fix goals that are just out of reach
Answer: C
C) When setting ground rules for teams, you should use diversity by soliciting different
points of view to examine the pros and cons of a situation. This will allow you to see the big
picture when solving problems.
39) When setting ground rules for teams, you should ________.

A) set abstract and loosely defined goals
B) discourage difference of opinion among team members
C) fix goals that are just out of reach
D) create well-defined action steps and timeframes for completion
E) keep the team guessing about the end result
Answer: D
D) When setting ground rules for teams, you should plan ahead in detail and create welldefined action steps and timeframes for completion.
Setting Ground Rules for a Team
Ashton is in the process of putting together a team of six volunteers to sell tickets for a
charity dinner. He has created the following document to establish the ground rules for the
This team has been formed with the goal of selling as many tickets as we can for the charity
dinner. This means that we will all have to do our best in selling these tickets. Please ensure
that you keep an account of every sale. We will meet every Sunday evening in the
Community Center to monitor our weekly collections.
40) These ground rules are likely to be ineffective because they ________.
A) leave no room for interpretation
B) set goals that are too easy to achieve
C) fail to set measurable goals
D) set goals that are impossible to achieve
E) impose the leader's views on the group
Answer: C
C) Ground rules for teams should identify the desired outcome by outlining the team's goals
and how you will know when those goals have been met. This will help each member be
accountable to the overall objectives. By defining the goal as "as many tickets as we can, "
this message defines the goal in an abstract manner where it cannot be determined when the
goal has been achieved.
41) These ground rules are likely to be ineffective because they ________.
A) do not create well-defined action steps and timeframes for completion
B) leave no room for interpretation
C) set goals that are impossible to achieve

D) fail to set goals that motivate members by being just out of reach
E) impose the leader's views on the group
Answer: A
A) Ground rules for teams should create well-defined action steps and timeframes for
completion. The statement "we have to do our best" does not serve as a concrete action step.
42) An informal survey of the local population indicates that about 120-140 people are likely
to attend the event. In that case, which of the following sentences will best replace the
opening line in the document?
A) This team has been formed with the goal of collectively selling at least 140 tickets for the
charity dinner. That is, each team member must contribute at least 25 tickets.
B) This team has been formed with the goal of selling no less than 150 tickets for the charity
dinner. That translates to about 30 tickets per team member.
C) Every member of this team must sell at least 30-40 tickets, adding up to a total of 150
tickets for the event.
D) This team has been formed with the goal of collectively selling at least 120 tickets for the
charity dinner. That is, each team member must sell at least 20 tickets.
E) Every member of this team must contribute to the best of his or her ability to this fundraising effort, so that we can raise the maximum amount of funds possible.
Answer: D
D) Ground rules for teams should identify the desired outcome by outlining the team's goals
and how you will know when those goals have been met. This will help each member be
accountable to the overall objectives. Also, these goals must be attainable.
43) A meeting agenda should ________.
A) allow for an unstructured meeting
B) provide the start and end time of the meeting
C) discourage open discussions
D) avoid putting time limits on the various discussions
E) avoid specifying which items will be covered in the meeting
Answer: B
B) In order to provide structure to a meeting and to allow members to plan their schedules, a
meeting agenda should provide the start and end time of the meeting.

44) A meeting agenda should ________.
A) specify the time allocated for every item to be covered during the meeting
B) discourage open discussions
C) not fix an end time for the meeting
D) be non-specific when outlining the items to be covered in the meeting
E) not allow for the review of the points discussed in previous meetings
Answer: A
A) A meeting agenda should provide structure to the meeting by specifying the time allocated
for every item to be covered in the meeting.
45) A meeting agenda should ________.
A) not cover points discussed in previous meetings
B) allow for an unstructured meeting
C) prohibit open discussion among members
D) specify who will do what in the meeting
E) not fix an end time for the meeting
Answer: D
D) A meeting agenda should clarify the roles of the attendees by specifying who will do what
in the meeting.
46) Which of the following is NOT good team etiquette?
A) If you miss a meeting, find out what occurred during your absence.
B) If you have an issue with a teammate, always talk to other teammates before talking to the
person directly.
C) In meetings, try to sit where you can see all of the other team members.
D) Avoid sending text messages, e-mails, and instant messages during meetings.
E) Don't interrupt someone who's speaking, and raise your hand if you want to speak or ask a
Answer: B
B) If you have an issue with a teammate, talk to the person directly. Avoid talking to others
about the problem unless the issue specifically involves them.

47) ________ is a type of technology that transfers analog audio signals to digital data and
transmits the data over the Internet.
A) Public switched telephone network (PSTN)
B) Post Office Telephone Service (POTS)
C) Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
D) Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP)
E) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Answer: D
D) Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) is a type of technology that transfers analog audio
signals to digital data and transmits the data over the Internet. VoIP allows team members to
talk to one another across long distances via their computers without paying long-distance
telephone charges.
48) ________ refers to software that allows users to hold meetings and collaborate over the
Web. With this software, as they work, they can see one another's screens and collaboratively
use their software applications.
A) Groupware
B) Firmware
C) Virtualization
D) Electronic data interchange
E) Collaborative filters
Answer: A
A) Groupware is software that allows users to hold meetings and collaborate over the Web.
With this software, as they work, they can see one another's screens and collaboratively use
their software applications. With this software, members are able to view the same computer
screen at the same time and work with the application on that screen. The control of the
screen shifts back and forth between the members of the meeting.
49) ________ is the process of conducting live, real-time meetings where each member uses
his or her computer to connect through the Internet. Attendees see and hear one another with
Webcams, and typically use groupware to collaborate.
A) Virtualization
B) Web conferencing
C) Web crawling
D) Web hosting

E) Collaborative filtering
Answer: B
B) Web conferencing is the process of conducting live, real-time meetings where each
member uses his or her computer to connect through the Internet. Attendees see and hear one
another with Webcams, and typically use groupware to collaborate.
Virtual Team Scenario
Boston Global Systems is a compay based in Massachusetts with offices around the world.
The company's product development team is a large team made up of members located in the
company's offices in the U.S., in India, in Japan, and in Germany. All the team members
communicate and collaborate using technology such as VoIP, web conferencing, online
chatting, and instant messaging.
As Manager, Information Systems, you are often called upon by the team to make
recommendations regarding the appropriate use of communication technology.
50) The product development team at Boston Global Systems is a(n) ________ team.
A) simulated
B) phantom
C) nonexistent
D) virtual
E) informal
Answer: D
D) A virtual team is a team that is not physically in the same location and relies on
technology to communicate.
51) In which of the following situations would you recommend the team to use collaborative
writing software to communicate?
A) A team member in Japan needs to make a presentation regarding cultural components
affecting product development for the Japanese market.
B) A team member in India needs to talk to a team member in the U.S. regarding her travel
plans to the company headquarters.
C) Several new members have recently joined the team and need to be formally introduced to
the other members.
D) Inputs are needed from team members in different locations in order to formulate a report
justifying the team's proposed annual budget.

E) The company's interim performance report needs to be communicated to all team
Answer: D
D) Collaborative writing software allows multiple people to work on the same document
together. Teams use software such as Google Docs, Whiteboard, and Wikis to collaboratively
create, edit, and revise written reports and documents.
52) In which of the following situations would you recommend the team to use a Webcast to
A) The team lead needs to make his quarterly speech to the entire team, congratulating them
for recent achievements and outlining future projects.
B) The team needs to conduct a brainstorming session to develop a solution for a unique
problem they are facing.
C) The team needs to compare notes and create a report for their department head,
summarizing all the work done on their project so far and detailing which team member did
D) Team members in the U.S. need inputs from members in the other countries to develop a
timeline for an upcoming project.
E) A team member in Germany needs to talk to a member in India to clear some doubts about
a task he is working on.
Answer: A
A) Webcasts are on-demand or live presentations streamed over the Internet. Webcasts are
often used for formal presentations to large, dispersed audiences, as is the situation in this
case. It is not suited for hands-on, highly interactive meetings.
53) ________ are on-demand or live presentations streamed over the Internet. They are
typically formal presentations made to large, dispersed audiences.
A) RSS feeds
B) Folksonomies
C) Webcasts
D) Virtualizations
E) Torrents
Answer: C

C) Webcasts are on-demand or live presentations streamed over the Internet. They are
typically formal presentations made to large, dispersed audiences. Webcasts have a higher
production value, requiring special cameras to capture video footage, and are often created
with formal lighting and professional filming crews.
54) When working in virtual teams, one should ________.
A) not interact socially with team members
B) always use the most advanced collaboration software
C) avoid using the phone to communicate with other members
D) not interrupt the interaction by asking "Can you hear me?"
E) consider the goals of the team when choosing communication tools
Answer: E
E) Many different tools are available to aid virtual teams. When selecting among them,
consider the following: the technical proficiency of the team's members, the technology
available to each member, and the goals of the team. The most advanced collaboration
software is useless if the members of the team don't have the proper equipment or
technological savvy to use it.
55) ________ is the phenomenon that occurs when the members of a group go with the flow,
or tacitly agree with one another's ideas to avoid conflict, even when they might silently
object to those ideas.
A) Groupthink
B) Scapegoating
C) Stereotyping
D) Doublethink
E) Labeling
Answer: A
A) Irving Janis, a research psychologist from Yale University, coined the term groupthink to
describe the phenomenon that occurs when the members of a group "go with the flow," or
tacitly agree with one another's ideas to avoid conflict—even when they might silently object
to those ideas. Groupthink creates a false consensus.
56) The ________ is a toxic team member who tends to have an introverted, highly
competitive personality. He prefers to work alone, without others slowing him down.
A) passive aggressive
B) intimidated

C) lone ranger
D) taker
E) seat filler
Answer: C
C) The lone ranger tends to have an introverted, highly competitive personality. Lone rangers
prefer to work alone, without others slowing them down. They often become entrepreneurs
who work for themselves. A lone ranger's team members can feel overwhelmed by his or her
intelligence and fast pace.
57) If you have lone ranger tendencies, you can avoid demonstrating toxic behaviors by
A) being direct in your communication
B) taking more responsibility to finish the jobs you start
C) stepping up to take credit for your achievements
D) being patient when working with other people
E) voicing your opinion more frequently
Answer: D
D) The lone ranger tends to have an introverted, highly competitive personality. A lone
ranger's team members can feel overwhelmed by his or her intelligence and fast pace. If you
have lone-ranger tendencies, be patient when working with other people and work on
building consensus so the group can reach a common goal.
58) Timothy acts like he is an expert in all matters. He tends to focus exclusively on his own
ideas and some of his team members prefer keeping their ideas to themselves rather than risk
being judged by him. Judging by the toxic behaviors he is demosntrating, Timothy can be
identified as a(n) ________.
A) intimidated
B) know-it-all
C) gossip
D) slacker
E) seat filler
Answer: B

B) The know-it-all often believes he knows everything. Some teammates avoid voicing their
ideas rather than continue not to be heard by the know-it-all.
59) If you have know-it-all tendencies, you should ________.
A) listen to others without judging them
B) muster up the courage to plainly state your point of view
C) remind yourself of your strengths
D) start taking more responsibilities
E) try to be more direct in your communication
Answer: A
A) The know-it-all often believes she knows everything. If you have know-it-all tendencies,
listen to others without judging them and before you focus on your own ideas exclusively.
60) The ________ person is a toxic team member who desperately wants to make his ideas
heard but blames others for not giving him a voice. Rather than disagree with others, he will
wait until the moment of opportunity has passed and then fail to turn in an assignment,
withhold information, or in some other way hurt the person on his team with whom he has an
A) intimidated
B) taker
C) slacker
D) seat filler
E) passive aggressive
Answer: E
E) The passive aggressive person is a toxic team member who desperately wants to make his
ideas heard but blames others for not giving him a voice. Rather than disagree with others, he
will wait until the moment of opportunity has passed and then fail to turn in an assignment,
withhold information, or in some other way hurt the person on his team with whom he has an
61) If you have passive aggressive tendencies, you should work on ________.
A) being direct in your communication
B) being patient when working with people less capable than you
C) listening to others without judging them
D) taking up more responsibilities

E) resisting the temptation to steal credit from others
Answer: A
A) The passive aggressive desperately wants to make his ideas heard but blames others for
not giving him a voice. If you have these tendencies, work on being direct in your
communication. Muster up the courage to plainly and simply state your point of view.
62) Mark tends to think that others on his team are smarter and more talented than him and he
feels inferior to them. This prevents him from functioning as a good team member. Judging
by his toxic behaviors, Mark can be identified as a(n) ________.
A) taker
B) slacker
C) intimidated
D) seat filler
E) lone ranger
Answer: C
C) The intimidated person thinks that others on his team are smarter or more talented than
him and becomes easily intimidated. To function as a good team member, this person needs
to remind himself of his strengths and pledge to dismiss any thoughts of inferiority.
63) Nate habitually collects and reveals personal or sensational facts about his coworkers to
anyone who will listen. He enjoys the power he gets from being the newsmonger in the
organization. Nate can be identified as a ________.
A) slacker
B) lone ranger
C) know-it-all
D) gossip
E) taker
Answer: D
D) The gossip has developed a pattern of gossiping about others to feel better, stronger, or
more powerful about himself.
64) Chloe's team mates resent her because she has a tendency to steal the credit for
achievements that were a result of team effort. Judging from her toxic behavior, Chloe can be
identified as a(n) ________.

A) gossip
B) slacker
C) seat filler
D) taker
E) lone ranger
Answer: D
D) The taker often takes credit for the work of others. If you notice this pattern in yourself,
you should try to acknowledge the contributions of other people on a daily basis. The next
time an opportunity comes up to steal the credit, remain silent.
65) If you have the tendencies of a taker, you should ________.
A) start volunteering for assignments
B) acknowledge the contribution of others on a daily basis
C) work on being direct in your communication
D) listen to others without judging them
E) be patient when working with others
Answer: B
B) The taker often takes credit for the work of others. If you notice this pattern in yourself,
you should try to acknowledge the contributions of other people on a daily basis. The next
time an opportunity comes up to steal the credit, remain silent.
66) The ________ avoids volunteering for assignments because he does not believe in
A) taker
B) lone ranger
C) passive aggressive
D) dead wood
E) slacker
Answer: E
E) The slacker avoids volunteering for assignments because she may not believe in herself. If
you have these tendencies, make a pact with yourself to start taking more responsibility so
you become a finisher.

67) To avoid demonstrating toxic behavior, slackers should ________.
A) start taking more responsibility so they become finishers
B) regularly acknowledge the contributions of others
C) work on being direct in their communications
D) listen to others without judging them
E) be patient with coworkers
Answer: A
A) The slacker avoids volunteering for assignments because she may not believe in herself. If
you have these tendencies, make a pact with yourself to start taking more responsibility so
you become a finisher.
68) Leadership is defined as ________.
A) the power derived by individuals from their organizational positions
B) the ability to monitor and control one's own feelings
C) the ability and process of motivating people to move toward a common goal
D) the power to make important business decisions
E) the ability to communicate one's opinions and thoughts effectively
Answer: C
C) A leader can be described as an individual who significantly affects the thoughts, feelings,
and/or behaviors of a significant number of individuals. More formally, leadership can be
defined as the ability and process of motivating people to move toward a common goal.
69) Julia always meets the deadlines set by her manager, comes up with new and original
ideas, and creates a culture and an environment that is positive and affirms her manager's
goals and vision. Julia is her boss's ________.
A) gatekeeper
B) sponsor
C) detractor
D) stakeholder
E) supporter
Answer: E

E) A leader's supporters are team members who support the leader and show their
commitment by meeting deadlines, coming up with new and original ideas, and creating a
culture and an environment that is positive and affirms the leader's goals and vision.
70) Team members who do not support a group's leader and can be derisive or coercive are
the leader's ________.
A) gatekeepers
B) detractors
C) stakeholders
D) sponsors
E) reporters
Answer: B
B) Detractors are team members who do not support a group's leader and can be derisive or
coercive. If the leader is a new manager and determines there is a detractor on the team, he or
she will usually first give the person a chance to accept the new philosophy and goals. If the
person continues to be a detractor, the manager might try to find him or her a different job
within the company or let the person go.
71) Compared to organizations a couple of decades back, today's organizations have fewer
layers of managers.
Answer: True
Organizations are much flatter today. In other words, there are few layers of managers, and
teams are the norm.
72) Many companies use assessment tools like the Keirsey Sorter and Myers/Briggs
personality tests and the VARK questionnaire to identify the individual traits and tendencies
of their employees and prospective employees because these assessments are accurate and
Answer: False
The idea behind the use of a shock tactics is that the audience reacts at an emotional level.
Such gut-level responses are rarely long lasting and do not necessarily result in long-term
73) Once you have determined the personality type of an individual by using the Keirsey
Sorter assessment, you can accurately predict how that individual will react in a given
Answer: False

The personality types identified through the Keirsey Sorter assessment are a tool you can use
to better understand yourself and others, especially when it comes to working together in a
team. However, people cannot be easily categorized. You should never assume you know
everything about a person just because you think you have figured out his or her personality
74) An adventurer can often come across as unfocused, domineering, and over excited.
Answer: True
An adventurer's playful, spontaneous, and creative personality can often come across as being
unfocused, domineering, and over excited.
75) An organizer would be most effective in a role that required her to think outside the box
and involved risk-taking and constant change.
Answer: False
While an organizer is often responsible, orderly, and efficient, she can also come across as
rigid, inflexible, and close-minded. She must make an effort to embrace change and to think
outside the box.
76) When communicating with a boss who you have identified as an adventurer, you should
make your message interesting, entertaining, or challenging.
Answer: True
To communicate effectively with an adventurer, you should make your message interesting,
challenging, or entertaining. You can use stories and humor to illustrate your message with
visuals, music, and an element of surprise. You should be creative and convey passion.
77) In the process of group development, the stage at which the group delivers what it has set
out to accomplish is the storming stage.
Answer: False
In the process of group development, the stage at which the group delivers what it has set out
to accomplish is the performing stage. The storming stage occurs immediately after the group
has formed, when conflicts and differences among group members surface.
78) The performing stage is the last stage in the group development process.
Answer: False

The adjourning stage, where group members have a last meeting and then go their separate
ways, constitutes the last stage in the group development process.
79) To communicate effectively, a team should not have more than five members.
Answer: False
According to Edward Hall, a noted anthropologist and psychoanalyst, the ideal business team
has between 8 and 12 members. This size allows members to know one another well enough
to utilize their talents while accomplishing tasks.
80) A consensus model of decision-making is most effective for building team morale and
Answer: True
The consensus model of decision-making allows all team members to express their stance on
an issue and to make a unanimous decision. All members might not agree with each and
every provision of the chosen solution, but they can live with the resulting decision. Thus,
this makes this model the most effective one for building team morale and communication.
81) You should develop and use a meeting agenda every time you have a team meeting.
Answer: True
A meeting agenda provides structure to a meeting and clarifies the roles of the attendees. Its
use is recommended for every team meeting.
82) You should avoid sending text messages, e-mails, and instant messages during meetings.
Answer: True
Sending text messages, e-mails, and instant messages during meetings is a violation of team
83) Webcasts are ideal for hands-on, highly interactive meetings.
Answer: False
Webcasts are often used for formal presentations to large, dispersed audiences, not for handson, highly interactive meetings.
84) VoIP technology allows team members to speak directly to one another and avoid long
distance telephone charges.
Answer: True

VoIP technology transfers audio signals to digital data, which is transmitted through the
Internet. This allows team members to speak directly with one another and avoid long
distance telephone charges.
85) Groupthink generally yields better decisions than the ones people make alone.
Answer: False
The term groupthink to describe the phenomenon that occurs when the members of a group
"go with the flow," or tacitly agree with one another's ideas to avoid conflict, even when they
might silently object to those ideas. Decisions made under the pressures of groupthink are
often worse than the decisions people make alone. When the desire for a consensus overrides
the ability of a team's members to think thoroughly and critically about a situation, the
advantages of working as a team are lost.
86) The lone ranger tends to have an introverted, highly competitive personality.
Answer: True
The lone ranger tends to have an introverted, highly competitive personality. Lone rangers
prefer to work alone, without others slowing them down.
87) The passive aggressive should work on being direct in their communication.
Answer: True
The passive aggressive desperately wants to make his ideas heard but blames others for not
giving him a voice. If you have these tendencies, you should work on being direct in your
communication. Muster up the courage to plainly and simply state your point of view.
88) Effective leaders model best behaviors and take responsibility for their actions.
Answer: True
Leaders should demonstrate exemplary behavior and take responsibility for their actions.
They "walk their talk" and demonstrate how to do things, rather than simply telling others
what to do.
89) The best leaders hold fast to a vision of what is possible.
Answer: True
The best leaders hold fast to a vision of what is possible. They inspire others through this
vision to work toward a common goal, despite obstacles met along the way.

90) Leadership is an innate skill that cannot be learned.
Answer: False
Leaders are not born. They are made. Leadership skills can be learned or developed through
observation and experience.
91) How are work teams today different from those that existed 20 years ago?
Answer: Before the 1970s, companies were generally organized into divisions representing
their different operations. However, this structure led to many managerial levels. It also led to
duplicated roles and limited the ways teams across different divisions worked together.
Organizations are much flatter today. In other words, there are few layers of managers, and
teams are the norm.
Employees are consistently asked to take on new and different tasks as part of teams and
working in teams helps them build a stronger skill set and enables them to become as flexible
as possible. Many firms today utilize geographically dispersed teams that consist of members
who work in different locations both inside and outside of an organization. Virtual teams—
teams that are not physically in the same location and rely on technology to communicate—
are also increasingly common now.
92) Define the terms emotional intelligence and emotional quotient. What is more important
in business—EQ or IQ? Explain your answer.
Answer: Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor and control your emotions, thoughts,
and feelings, while remaining sensitive to and aware of others' feelings. Your emotional
quotient (EQ) is said to measure your emotional intelligence, much like your intelligence
quotient (IQ) measures your intellectual intelligence. Author Daniel Goleman claims that in
business, your EQ is arguably more important than your IQ. What you know is not
necessarily a measure of what you can do. Moreover, your ability to communicate effectively
is correlated with your emotional intelligence. You might have the greatest ideas in the world,
but if you don't listen to others, if you become hostile when someone questions you, or fail to
acknowledge other people's efforts, you won't get far in the world of business. (Student
answers can vary.)
93) Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the four personality types identified in the
Keirsey Sorter assessment. Also provide communication tips for each personality type to
Answer: According to the Keirsey Sorter assessment, the strengths of an individual identified
as a thinker are that he or she is often analytical, logical, and a problem solver. However, on
the flip side, this person can also come across as arrogant, judgmental, and a know-it-all. In
order to avoid these pitfalls, a thinker should avoid making assumptions, develop patience for
slower learning styles, maintain an open mind, seek opposing viewpoints, and acknowledge
others' contributions.
A giver is frequently compassionate, nurturing, and emotionally connected. However, this
person can also be perceived as shy, lacking confidence, and a pushover. Such a person
should make an effort to speak up with confidence, set boundaries with people who dominate

the conversation, assert his ideas and back them up with evidence, and employ a confident
tone when speaking.
An organizer is often responsible, orderly and efficient. However, such a person can also
come across as rigid, inflexible, and close-minded. This person should try to embrace change,
work on being flexible, see alternate solutions and points of view. He should avoid being
locked down into his own way of doing things and should try to think outside the box.
An adventurer is often playful, spontaneous, and creative. However, she can also seem to be
unfocused, domineering, and over excited. Such a person should try to organize her thoughts,
be prepared, enlist others and be open to the ideas of teammates, keep passion level efficient,
and communicate slowly and deliberately.
94) What are the various stages in the group development process? Explain with the help of a
scenario. At what stage, do you think, the ground rules for a team should be set? Explain your
Answer: The group development process typically has the following stages:
1) Forming: The group members meet for the first time, observe and assess one another, and
explore different approaches to achieving their goal.
2) Storming: Conflicts between group members surface, threatening the survival of the group.
3) Norming: The group recommits, accepts roles and responsibilities, and begins to build
4) Performing: The group delivers what it has set out to accomplish.
5) Adjourning: The team meets for the last time before they go their separate ways.
Student answers about when ground rules should be set for teams may vary. It can be argued
that ground should be set in the forming stage and reset in the norming stage. It can also be
argued that ground rules should be set only in the norming stage, after the team has
recommitted to its goals and redefined roles of team members.
95) Assume that you are the leader of a team of eight line workers in a factory that
manufactures widgets. In order to boost the productivity of its production teams, the company
is planning to change the compensation structure of the line workers. Your team has been
asked for its input in deciding the commission component of their pay. Which decisionmaking model would you use in this situation and why?
Answer: Student answers may vary. However, the student must justify his choice by talking
about the advantages and disadvantages of various models of decision-making in teams.
96) You are leading a small sales team in a company that sells computers and hardware to
businesses. In order to scale up its operations, the company is planning to completely revamp
its sales process. While the monthly sales target for each sales personnel is presently 30
complete units, it is expected that an additional marketing thrust will enable the personnel to
sell at least 25 percent more. While the sales team will be expected to work harder than usual,
the extra effort will be rewarded by additional incentives for the sales personnel who achieve

their new targets. Frame a plan memo to be sent to all team members, setting new ground
rules for the team.
Answer: Student answers may vary, but they should incorporate the following tips for setting
ground rules for teams:
1) Identify desired outcomes: Outline the team's goals and how you will know when those
goals have been met. This will help each member be accountable to the overall objectives.
2) Begin with the end in mind: Identify the end result. This will prevent members from
falling off course and becoming distracted by other issues.
3) Define expectations: Name attainable goals to increase motivation. Use an agenda every
time, agree to work through conflict, and start and end meetings on time.
4) Use diversity: Solicit different points of view and examine the pros and cons. This allows
you to see the big picture when solving problems. Starting with a diverse team can make this
5) Plan ahead in detail: Create well-defined action steps and timeframes for completion. This
is a good way to summarize a meeting and have all members on the same page.
97) What steps can you take to maximize your contribution to your team?
Answer: You can help your team achieve its goals by incorporating the following ideas at
each stage of team development:
1. Know what you have to offer.
2. Help the team clarify its objectives.
3. Deliver more than is expected.
4. Document your success.
5. Use your diplomacy skills to keep your team on track, focused, and motivated.
98) You are part of a large virtual team of software professionals working on developing and
implementing enterprise solutions from several locations around the globe. You need to make
a presentation to the team summing up the progress made on various projects. For this
purpose, you must first get updates from team members about the status of their individual
tasks. What method(s) of communication would you use to collect the information and to
make the final presentation? Justify your answer.
Answer: Student answers may vary, but they must justify their choices by mentioning the
features and uses of various communication technologies.
99) List four team member stereotypes demonstrating "toxic" behaviors and outline what an
individual can do to avoid falling into these traps.
Answer: The following is a list of team member stereotypes demonstrating "toxic" behaviors,
and what you can do to prevent yourself from falling into these traps.
1) The lone ranger: The lone ranger tends to have an introverted, highly competitive

Lone rangers prefer to work alone, without others slowing them down. They often become
entrepreneurs who work for themselves. A lone ranger's team members can feel overwhelmed
by his or her intelligence and fast pace. If you have lone-ranger tendencies, be patient when
working with other people and work on building consensus so the group can reach a common
2) The know-it-all: The know-it-all often believes she knows everything. Some teammates
avoid voicing their ideas rather than continue not to be heard by the know-it-all. If you have
know-it-all tendencies, listen to others without judging them and before you focus on your
own ideas exclusively.
3) The passive aggressive.: The passive aggressive desperately wants to make his ideas heard
but blames others for not giving him a voice. Rather than disagree with others, he will wait
until the moment of opportunity has passed and then fail to turn in an assignment, withhold
information, or in some other way "hurt" the person on his team with whom he has an issue.
If you have these tendencies, work on being direct in your communication. People can't solve
a problem they don't know about. Muster up the courage to plainly and simply state your
point of view.
4) The intimidated: If you think others on your team are smarter or more talented than you,
you may become easily intimidated. Remind yourself of your strengths and pledge to dismiss
any inferiority thoughts. You will be most effective if you can be strong and humble at the
same time.
5) The gossip: The gossip has developed a pattern of gossiping about others to feel better,
stronger, or more powerful about himself. If you are not willing to say something to someone
directly, don't say it to someone else. Let go of the tendency to criticize others. As you do,
you will begin to breed goodwill and positive results.
6) The taker: The taker often takes credit for the work of others. If you notice this pattern in
yourself, acknowledge the contributions of other people on a daily basis. The next time an
opportunity comes up to "steal" the credit, remain silent and realize that you are on your way
toward developing a more mature, professional communication style.
7) The slacker: The slacker avoids volunteering for assignments because she may not believe
in herself. If you have these tendencies, make a pact with yourself to start taking more
responsibility so you become a finisher. Employers do not retain employees who are not
strong finishers.
8) The seat filler. The seat filler resembles the slacker. The slacker does the minimum
required, while the seat filler does nothing. If you are a seat filler, you may have to do some
soul searching and start taking responsibility in your life. Ask yourself what it will cost you if
you don't.
100) Describe the elements of effective leadership.
1) Ability to influence: Leaders garner support for causes by influencing others. They
motivate others to embrace a vision, do their best work, and become part of a solution.

2) Exemplary behavior: Leaders model best behaviors and take responsibility for their
actions. They "walk their talk" and demonstrate how to do things, rather than simply telling
others what to do.
3) Follow-through skills: Effective leaders consistently deliver on their promises. They meet
deadlines and follow through with their commitments.
4) Positive self-identity: The best leaders are self-aware. They understand their strengths and
weaknesses. They believe in themselves and what they can contribute to a cause.
5) Values: Leaders possess values that reflect the team's best interests. They look to these
values to inform and guide their actions.
6) Vision: The best leaders hold fast to a vision of what is possible. They inspire others
through this vision to work toward a common goal, despite obstacles met along the way.

Test Bank for Keys to Business Communication
Carol J. Carter
9780132658737, 9780136103332, 9780133890846

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