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Appendix C
1. Business reports vary in length, purpose, and delivery format.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Business reports range widely in length, purpose, and delivery mode. Some are short,
informal bulleted lists with status updates. Others are formal 100-page financial forecasts.
Routine reports may be generated weekly or monthly; whereas focused reports cover specific
problems or situations. In addition, reports may be presented orally, electronically, or
2. The first step in preparing a report is locating information to support your ideas.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The first step in writing a report is analyzing or determining the problem the report will
address. Gathering the necessary research comes after determining the problem and purpose
of the report.
3. Analytical reports present data without analysis or recommendations.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Analytical reports differ significantly from informational reports. Although both seek to
collect and present data clearly, analytical reports also evaluate the data and typically try to
persuade the reader to accept the conclusions and act on the recommendations. In short,

informational reports emphasize facts; analytical reports emphasize reasoning and
4. Formal proposals are written for only external audiences.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Formal proposals are written for internal and external audiences. Proposal writers may submit
internal proposals to management when they see benefits in a new or different course of
action, and they may also submit proposals to governmental organizations or businesses.
5. Information that is common knowledge does not need to be documented in a business
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Information that is common knowledge requires no documentation. However, you must
document another person's ideas, opinions, examples, or theories; any facts, statistics, graphs,
and drawings that are not common knowledge; quotations or paraphrases of another person's
spoken or written words; and visuals, images, and any kind of electronic media.
6. The most frequently used graphic in reports is the table.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

One of the most frequently used report graphics is the table. Because a table presents
quantitative or verbal information in systematic columns and rows, it can clarify large
quantities of data in small spaces.
7. Hiring managers and recruiters view technical skills as more important than the soft skills
of professionalism, etiquette, and communication.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Soft skills refer to one's personal and professional characteristics, such as listening,
communication skills, and teamwork. Hard skills reference an individual's technical
knowledge in a given field. In a recent survey of managers, more than 60 percent cited soft
skills as more important than hard skills.
8. The richest communication channel is e-mail.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The richest communication channel is face-to-face conversation because you can use your
voice and body language to make a point, convey warmth, and build rapport. As a result, you
are less likely to be misunderstood. In addition, in conflict resolution you can reach a solution
with fewer misunderstandings and cooperate to greater levels of mutual benefit when
communicating face-to-face.
9. Individuals rather than teams generally produce quicker, more accurate decisions.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

Teams, not individuals, can make quicker and better decisions.
10. No meeting should be called unless it is important, can't wait, and requires an exchange of
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
No meeting should be called unless it is important, can't wait, and requires an exchange of
ideas. If individuals need to be merely informed, send an e-mail instead of scheduling a
costly meeting.
11. The most important part of preparing for a business presentation is creating a dynamic,
engaging multimedia presentation.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The most important part of preparing for a business presentation is deciding what you want to
accomplish. Whether your goal is to persuade or to inform, you must have a clear idea of
where you are going.
12. Effective presentations should contain deliberate repetition of ideas.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

Along with good organization, effective presentations include intentional repetition. Speakers
should tell their audience what they are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what
they have told them. This strategy works well because most people retain information best
when they hear it repeatedly.
13. Rather than memorizing or reading a presentation, you should deliver it
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Reading a presentation to an audience is boring, and listeners will quickly lose interest.
Additionally, most speakers sound robotic and unnatural when they try to memorize a speech.
Therefore, the best plan is to use an extemporaneous delivery method, which means speaking
freely, generally without notes, after preparing and rehearsing.
14. The first step in finding a job is writing a well-organized résumé.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Although it is natural to think that the first step in finding a job is writing a résumé, the jobsearch process actually begins long before you are ready to prepare your résumé. You must
first spend time and effort in getting ready by analyzing your interests and goals and
evaluating your qualifications.
15. One of the best online sources for jobs is a company's own website.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

Probably the best way to find a job online is at a company's own website because many
companies now post job openings only at their own sites to avoid being inundated by the
volume of applicants responding to postings at online job boards.
16. Most jobs today are found through referrals and person-to-person contacts.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The most successful job candidates seek to transform themselves from unknown into known
quantities through networking because more jobs today are found through referrals and
person-to-person contacts than through any other method. Therefore, your goal is to become
known to a large network of people, and this means going beyond your close friends.
17. Because jobs are scarce and you must apply to many employers, you should prepare a
generic résumé to send to every position you want.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
In today's challenging and digital job market, you will want to prepare a tailored résumé for
every position you seek. The competition is so stiff today that you cannot get by with a
generic, all-purpose résumé. You must customize your résumé to fit each company and
position if you want to stand out from the crowd.
18. The most common type of hiring or placement interview is the panel interview.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

The most common type of hiring or placement interview is the one-on-one interview where
you can expect to sit down with a company representative and talk about the job and your
19. When answering interview questions, feel free to openly admit some weaknesses to show
that you are human.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
You should always aim your answers at the key characteristics interviewers seek: expertise,
competence, motivation, interpersonal skills, decision-making skills, enthusiasm for the
company and the job, and a pleasing personality. Remember to stay focused on your
strengths. Bring up a weakness only if asked directly, and in such a case explain how you are
working to overcome it.
20. After a job interview, you should always send a thank-you note, e-mail, or letter.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
After a job interview, you should always send a thank-you note, e-mail, or letter. This
courtesy sets you apart from other applicants. Your message will also remind the interviewer
of your visit and show your good manners and genuine enthusiasm for the job.
21. Which of the following represents an informal writing style?
a. James, Deloitte, and Wilts, Inc., after extensive review of references and credentials of
contractors, has elected to contract with Peck Builders for the new office complex.
b. We selected Peck Builders as general contractor for our new office complex.

c. After conducting an exhaustive search of building design elements and cost-efficiency data,
the company has verified the qualifications of Peck Builders.
d. The findings validate the imperative of selecting a fully qualified and bonded contractor for
the new building venture of James, Deloitte, and Wilts, Inc.; that contractor is Peck Builders.
Answer: b
An informal writing style uses first-person pronouns, contractions, active-voice verbs, short
sentences with familiar words, and conversational language. The only sentence that uses an
informal writing style is We selected Peck Builders as general contractor for our new office
complex. All other answer choices use passive-voice verbs or longer sentences with
unfamiliar words.
22. You must prepare your monthly business report for company stockholders and present
your department's expected sales for the next three months. Which report format would be
most appropriate?
a. Letter format
b. Memo or e-mail format
c. Manuscript format
d. Preprinted form
Answer: d
You would most likely use a preprinted form or template to present your department's sales
projections. Preprinted forms or templates are useful for repetitive data and ensure that all
required information is included.
23. Which of the following is the best purpose statement for an informal report?
a. Employees and companies benefit from online-training opportunities.
b. Online training
c. Online training has proven to be an effective tool for employees and companies.

d. To evaluate the effectiveness of an employee online-training program
Answer: d
The best purpose statement is To evaluate the effectiveness of an employee online-training
program because it uses an action verb (evaluate) that indicates the purpose of the
24. Which of the following situations might require a feasibility report?
a. The status of a large construction project
b. The reporting of monthly sales figures for all divisions
c. The investigation results of implementing an on-site employee exercise facility
d. A one-page summary of a long article in The New York Times
Answer: c
One type of analytical report is a feasibility report, which examines the practicality and
advisability of following a course of action. Therefore, the investigation results of
implementing an on-site employee exercise facility should be written as a feasibility report.
All other answer choices are informational reports.
25. A timetable for project completion is included in which section of an informal report?
a. Staffing
b. Authorization Request
c. Budget
d. Proposal
Answer: d
Most writers include a schedule or timetable of activities showing a proposal's benchmark for
completion in the Proposal section of an informal report.

26. Bethany must write a formal business report and reveal the results of a year-long study on
employee wellness at each of her company's five locations. What type of organizational
pattern should she use?
a. Chronological
b. Topic/Function
c. Geographical
d. Simple/Complex
Answer: c
Because Bethany is reporting on the employee wellness at five different sites, she should use
the geographical organizational pattern, which is appropriate for topics that are easily divided
into locations.
27. When paraphrasing researched information,
a. use the same grammatical structure of the original information so that you do not change
the meaning of the ideas.
b. replace just a few original words with synonyms to avoid charges of plagiarism.
c. restate the researched information in your own words and in your own style.
d. place double quotation marks before and after the paraphrased information.
Answer: c
When paraphrasing, you should restate an original passage in your own words and in your
own style. To do a good job of paraphrasing, read the original material intently to
comprehend its full meaning, write your own version without looking at the original, avoid
repeating the grammatical structure of the original and merely replacing word with
synonyms, and reread the original to be sure you covered the main points but did not borrow
specific language.
28. What is the best advice to follow when integrating graphics in a report?

a. Always place graphics in the appendix of a report.
b. Mention the graphic in the text of the report.
c. Create graphics in only black and white so that the graphics do not distract the reader.
d. Do not include a title above any graphic because the graphic should be self-explanatory.
Answer: b
When incorporating graphics in reports, consider the audience to determine the kinds and
number of graphics to use, use color wisely to add visual appeal, mention every graphic in the
text of the report, place the graphic close to the point where it is referenced, use appropriate
captions or titles above each graphic, and double-check all graphics for accuracy.
29. What is the best advice to follow when participating in workplace conversations?
a. Act professionally in all social situations.
b. Address all supervisors and customers by their first name.
c. Avoid praising others so that you do not come across as a "brownnoser."
d. Feel free to openly discuss your workplace frustrations with all colleagues.
Answer: a
When participating in workplace conversations, wait for an invitation to use first names,
choose appropriate topics, avoid negative remarks, learn to listen to others, give sincere and
specific praise, and act professionally in social situations.
30. Which of the following statements about work teams is most accurate?
a. Teams should avoid conflict to prevent tension among group members.
b. To be most effective, teams should be comprised of individuals with similar backgrounds,
ethnicity, age, skills, and experience.
c. Teams produce better decisions when they agree on their purpose and develop procedures
to guide them.

d. Team members should focus on their individual needs and goals.
Answer: c
Successful teams are small and comprised of members who differ in age, ethnicity, social
background, training, and experience. They also agree on their purpose and procedures;
confront conflict; communicate effectively by encouraging feedback, asking questions, and
disagreeing constructively; collaborate rather than compete by making the team's goal their
top priority; share leadership responsibilities; and demonstrate ethical behaviors to their
companies and other group members.
31. Which of the following is the best advice for leading or participating in a business
a. Leave your cell phone on to demonstrate to others your dedication to customers and fellow
b. Let the leader do most of the talking.
c. Don't start the meeting until all attendees arrive.
d. Let members who disagree with one another make a complete case for their position while
group members give their full attention.
Answer: d
Meetings can be more efficient and productive if leaders and participants demonstrate
effective behaviors. One of the most important steps is managing conflict appropriately in
meetings. When members are in conflict, it is important to encourage each member to make a
complete case while other group members give their full attention. It is also important to start
a meeting on time, even if some members arrive late; silence all cell phones and other digital
devices; and allow all members an opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas.
32. Before what kind of audience should speakers use a dynamic and entertaining delivery
style and incorporate movement and large gestures?
a. Hostile

b. Friendly
c. Neutral
d. Uninterested
Answer: d
When addressing uninterested audiences, speakers should use a delivery style that is dynamic
and entertaining. They should also incorporate movement and expansive gestures.
33. The introduction of a presentation should include all of the following except
a. an attention-getting device that gets the audience involved.
b. a preview of the main points to be discussed in the body of the speech.
c. explanations and details of each of the main points.
d. a personal credibility statement.
Answer: c
The introduction of a presentation should include an attention-getting device that gets the
listeners involved, a personal credibility statement, and a preview of the main points.
Explanations and details of the main points should be in the body of a presentation.
34. What is the best advice to follow when creating a multimedia presentation?
a. Use the same color for all audiences and occasions.
b. Avoid using any images or graphics on your multimedia slides so that your audience
focuses on your words.
c. Limit the number of bullet points to six per slide.
d. Use as many animation and sound effects as possible to keep your audience's attention.
Answer: c

When creating a multimedia presentation, choose your colors wisely because the meanings of
colors vary among cultures, break up text with the use of meaningful images, and avoid using
animation and sound effects only because they are available. You should also follow the 6-x-6
rule: Six bullets per slide; six words per bullet.
35. What résumé style would be most appropriate for individuals who have experience in
their field of employment?
a. Chronological
b. Functional
c. Video
d. Infographic
Answer: a
Because a chronological résumé quickly reveals a candidate's education and experience, it is
favored by recruiters. The chronological résumé is most appropriate for candidates who have
experience in their field of employment and for those who show steady career growth.
36. What statement about an e-portfolio is most accurate?
a. An e-portfolio is a collection of digital files that can be navigated with the help of menus
and hyperlinks.
b. E-portfolios can be accessed only at websites.
c. A print résumé is more effective than an e-portfolio at showing off an applicant's talents
and qualifications.
d. E-portfolios have replaced traditional résumés in the screening and hiring process.
Answer: a
An e-portfolio is a collection of digital files that can be navigated with the help of menus and
hyperlinks usually at a website; however, files may also be downloaded to CDs and DVDs.
E-portfolios often include copies of a résumé, reference letters, commendations, awards,

certificates, work samples, and other files that demonstrate one's talents, skills, and
accomplishments. Although the e-portfolio is gaining popularity among job candidates, it has
not replaced the traditional résumé, but it does show off an applicant's talents and
qualifications more thoroughly.
37. Which of these statements would best explain your qualifications in the body of a cover
a. I am a qualified and fully certified criminologist.
b. Training in crisis prevention and emergency response has prepared me to serve and protect
your community at the River Valley Campus.
c. You need a licensed criminologist, and I meet those qualifications.
d. With my bachelor's degree from Luther College, I am well-prepared and eager to apply my
knowledge in criminology.
Answer: b
The body of a cover message should emphasize a candidate's strengths in relation to the
needs of the employer. In addition, it should also be audience focused rather than sender
focused. The only sentence that achieves these requirements is "Training in crisis prevention
and emergency response has prepared me to serve and protect your community at the River
Valley Campus."
38. What type of hiring or placement interview is usually conducted by people who will be
the supervisors and colleagues of a candidate and who take turns asking questions?
a. Group
b. Stress
c. Panel
d. Sequential
Answer: c

Panel interviews are typically conducted by people who will be the supervisors and
colleagues of the job candidate. Usually seated around a table, these interviewers take turns
asking questions.
39. Mai has an upcoming panel interview and wants to project positive nonverbal behaviors
during it. What is the best advice for her to follow?
a. Sit erect, leaning forward slightly to show interest and confidence.
b. Avoid a direct gaze with her interviewers, and look at only the person who asked the
c. Keep her hands in her pockets so that her interviewers will not notice her shaky hands.
d. Use words such as like or basically to fill any dead air.
Answer: a
Mai should sit erect, leaning forward slightly. She should also establish a direct gaze to show
interest and trustworthiness, establish eye contact with the entire interview panel, keep her
hands out of her pockets so that she can use appropriate gestures, and avoid empty words
such as like and basically.
40. Which of the following techniques is most effective when an interviewer asks, Why do
you want to work for us?
a. Briefly summarize current employment problems requiring you to change employers.
b. Show what you know about the interviewer’s company and demonstrate how your goals
match its point of view.
c. Explain that as a recent graduate you want to work for any company needing an employee
with your skills and background.
d. Simply tell the truth about your reasons for seeking this job; for example, you are
unemployed, you need more pay or better benefits, or you just graduated.
Answer: b

Questions like this illustrate why you must research an organization thoroughly before an
interview. The answer to this question must prove that you understand the company and its
culture. Explain what you know about the company, and discuss why you want to become a
part of this organization not only from your perspective but also from the company's point of
41. What is the difference between primary and secondary data? Give one example of each.
Answer: Primary data result from firsthand experience and observation. Secondary data come
from reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.
Students should list one of the following examples of primary data:
a. Surveys
b. Interviews
c. Observations
d. Experimentations
Students should list one of the following examples of secondary data:
a. Books
b. Periodicals
c. Bibliographic indexes
d. Electronic databases
e. The Web
f. Blogs
g. Social networks
One of the most important steps in writing a report is that of gathering information from
primary or secondary sources. Primary data result from firsthand experience and observation.
Examples of primary data include surveys, interviews, observations, and experimentations.
Secondary data come from reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.

Examples of secondary data include books, periodicals, bibliographic indexes, electronic
databases, the Web, blogs, and social networks.
42. List two advantages of properly documenting research data.
Answer: Students should list two of the following advantages of properly documenting
research data:
a. To strengthen your argument and add credibility
b. To help the reader learn more about the topic
c. To protect yourself against charges of plagiarism
d. To provide proper credit in an ever-changing world
Whether you quote or paraphrase another's ideas or words, you must document the source to
strengthen your argument and add credibility, to protect yourself against charges of
plagiarism, to help the reader learn more about the topic, and to provide proper credit in an
ever-changing world.
43. List and briefly describe two advantages of teams.
Answer: Students should list and briefly describe two of the following advantages of teams:
a. Better decisions: Because of diversity among group members, decisions are generally more
accurate and effective.
b. Faster responses: Small groups and teams can act more rapidly when action is needed to
respond to competition or solve a problem.
c. Increased productivity: Team members can see opportunities for efficiency because they
are often closer to the action and customer.
d. Greater buy-in: Decisions arrived jointly are usually better received.
e. Less resistance to change: People who have input are less hostile, aggressive, and resistant
to change.
f. Improved employee morale: Personal satisfaction and morale increase when teams are

Workplace teams are popular and effective because teams produce better decisions, respond
faster to issues, increase productivity, generate greater buy-in, improve employee morale, and
create employees who are less resistant.
44. Describe one effective technique to gain audience rapport in a presentation.
Answer: Students should describe one of these rapport-building techniques:
a. Use effective imagery, including analogies, metaphors, similes, personal anecdotes,
personalized statistics, and best- and worst-case scenarios.
b. Use verbal signposts, including previewing, summarizing, and switching directions.
c. Send powerful nonverbal messages by looking professional, animating your body, speaking
extemporaneously, punctuating your words, using appropriate eye contact, getting out from
behind the podium, and varying your facial expression.
Effective speakers build rapport with their audience by forming a bond with them. They
connect with their audience by providing effective imagery, supplying verbal signposts, and
using body language strategically.
45. Describe the functional résumé and explain its advantages for recent college graduates.
Answer: A functional résumé lists skills gleaned from all sources, including work, education,
and hobbies. It de-emphasizes work history. Because it focuses attention on what the
candidate can do for the company rather than on the candidate’s limited work experience, the
functional résumé style works well for recent college graduates.
A functional résumé focuses on a candidate's skills rather than on past employment. It can
also de-emphasize a negative work history. As a result, individuals who have changed jobs
frequently, who have recently graduated, who have gaps in their employment records, or who
are entering an entirely different field may prefer the functional résumé.
46. Define success story as it is used in an interview and provide an example of a success

Answer: A success story is a specific example of an educational or work-related experience to
demonstrate a skill, accomplishment, or achievement. Success stories are prepared before an
interview to enable the candidate to effectively respond to challenging interview questions.
Examples will vary.
Applicants should prepare and practice success stories before an interview. Such stories are
specific examples of educational and work-related experience that demonstrate an applicant's
qualifications and achievements. Success stories should be brief and incorporate numbers, if

Test Bank for Essentials of Business Communication
Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy
9781285858913, 9781337386494, 9781111821227, 9781285858890, 9780176473358, 9780176531409

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