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Chapter 8
1. Persuasion in today's businesses focuses on
a. distorting the facts to bolster sales.
b. generating and sending messages using only electronic media.
c. influencing others.
d. writing direct messages.
Answer: c
As businesses change their hierarchies, persuasive skills are becoming ever more important at
work as teams and managers abandon the traditional command structure and focus instead on
influencing others.
2. Persuasion is necessary when
a. you anticipate that your audience will agree with your position.
b. your audience is skeptical about your idea.
c. audience attitudes match the objectives of your plan.
d. your message is especially attractive to the audience.
Answer: b
Persuasion is necessary when we are making more than routine demands and facing skeptical
3. Which statement about persuasion in today's society is most accurate?
a. The number of persuasive messages Americans receive per day has declined.
b. Individuals need not be concerned about persuasive practices and their influence on human
c. Persuasive messages sent via social media have not impacted individuals or American

d. Today's persuasion is different from persuasion used in previous times.
Answer: d
Although persuasive efforts date back to ancient Greece, persuasion in the twenty-first
century is different from persuasion in previous historic periods.
4. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
a. Only large corporations use persuasion when selling their products.
b. Today's persuasion is obvious and blatant.
c. Persuasive messages are sent faster and reach greater audiences today.
d. Today's successful marketers have learned to standardize their persuasive efforts to reach
their audiences.
Answer: c
The volume and reach of persuasive messages have exploded today because individuals,
groups, and businesses of all sizes use persuasion. In addition, these messages, which are
more subtle, misleading, complex, and impersonal, are sent at increasing speeds.
5. As a persuasive writer, you should practice all of the following except
a. showing that you are truthful, experienced, and knowledgeable.
b. offering a bribe or kickback to ensure that you win over your audience.
c. anticipating opposition from conflicting beliefs, values, and attitudes and being prepared to
counter with well-reasoned arguments and facts.
d. incorporating statistics, reasons, and analogies and then converting these facts into specific
audience benefits.
Answer: b

To be an effective persuader, you should establish your credibility; make reasonable, specific
requests; tie facts to audience benefits; recognize the power of loss; expect and overcome
resistance; and share solutions and compromise. However, you should never bribe your
audience. It is illegal and unethical.
6. Most persuasive requests should be organized
a. directly.
b. chronologically.
c. quickly.
d. indirectly.
Answer: d
Unlike direct claim messages, persuasive requests are generally more effective when they are
organized using the indirect strategy.
7. Which of the following messages would most likely require the indirect strategy to
persuade an audience?
a. Informing employees of an upcoming all-staff meeting
b. Announcing the hiring of a new sales director
c. Asking an employer for agreed-upon benefits such as vacation time
d. Requesting favors and action from coworkers
Answer: d
The indirect strategy is needed when resistance is expected such as when requesting favors
and action from coworkers. The other answer choices would be presented using the direct
8. When using the indirect strategy in a persuasive message, you should place the reasons and
a. in the closing of the message.

b. after the main idea.
c. before the main idea.
d. in an attachment to the message.
Answer: c
To overcome possible resistance, you must first lay a logical foundation before delivering the
request, which means that your reasons and explanations for the persuasive request should
precede the main idea.
9. Sammie is planning a persuasive request. What advice should she follow for the opening of
her request?
a. Provide her telephone number.
b. Capture the reader's attention and interest.
c. Cite facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples, and specific details to support her request.
d. Identify herself and her company.
Answer: b
To be persuasive, the opening must capture the reader's attention and interest by asking a
stimulating question, describing a problem, making an unexpected statement, suggesting
reader benefits, or offering praise or compliments.
10. Select the most effective opening for a persuasive request that invites a state
representative to speak at your organization's Flag Day celebration.
a. If you have June 14 open, would you be interested in speaking at our Flag Day ceremony?
b. Please consider this letter an invitation to address our organization on June 14.
c. Your patriotism and leadership in the House of Representatives have improved the quality
of life across our state.
d. The Patriotic Council promotes respect for the flag and our country, just as you do, which
is why we are asking you to be our guest speaker for our Flag Day ceremony on June 14.

Answer: c
"Your patriotism and leadership in the House of Representatives have improved the quality of
life across our state" is the best opening for a persuasive request because it is indirect,
captures the reader's attention and interest, and focuses on an indirect reader benefit.
11. In the body of a persuasive request, you can reduce resistance by
a. focusing exclusively on benefits to the writer of the request.
b. shifting reader attention through praise and compliments.
c. avoiding any potential reasons for resistance.
d. anticipating objections and offering counterarguments.
Answer: d
You reduce resistance by anticipating objections and offering counterarguments. Other
effective techniques include establishing your credibility, demonstrating your competence,
and showing the value of your proposal.
12. On behalf of your civic organization, you are inviting a motivational speaker to your
semiannual meeting. In your request you guarantee the speaker an enthusiastic audience and a
positive impact on the community, both of which emphasize
a. praise for the reader.
b. indirect benefits to the reader.
c. the indirect strategy.
d. the direct strategy.
Answer: b
The discussion of the positive impact on the community and the enthusiastic audience
focuses on indirect benefits.

13. The closing of a persuasive request should
a. establish your credibility and demonstrate your competence.
b. meet governmental regulations.
c. describe the problem.
d. motivate action.
Answer: d
The closing of a persuasive request should motivate action. To motivate action, ask for a
particular action that is easy to complete. Don't forget to show courtesy, respect, and gratitude
toward your reader as well.
14. Choose the best closing for a message requesting the receiver's support for a proposed
change in a benefits plan.
a. Please e-mail me at your earliest convenience with your decision.
b. Contacting me by December 1 about your support of this new benefits plan will allow me
to present this proposal at the next strategic planning session.
c. If you have any further questions about this new benefits plan, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
d. We really need to implement this new benefits plan soon.
Answer: b
The closing of a persuasive request message should be courteous, ask for a specific action,
and make the action easy to take. "Contacting me by December 1 about your support of this
new benefits plan will allow me to present this proposal at the next strategic planning
session" is the best example of an effective closing.
15. Persuasive claim messages are also called
a. inquiries.
b. adjustment messages.

c. sales messages
d. complaint messages.
Answer: d
Persuasive claim messages are also called complaint messages.
16. Persuasive claim or complaint messages are often written when
a. products are damaged.
b. wrong shipments are delivered.
c. mistakes in billing occur.
d. All answer choices are correct.
Answer: d
Persuasive claim or complaint messages are often written for damaged products, mistaken
billing, inaccurate shipments, warranty problems, limited return policies, insurance problems,
or faulty merchandise.
17. Effective persuasive claim messages
a. vent the writer's anger and frustration.
b. present a logical case with clear facts.
c. help the reader by showing who is to blame for the problem.
d. display strong emotion.
Answer: b
Anger, emotion, and blame placing are not effective persuaders. Effective claim messages
make a reasonable claim, present a logical case with clear facts, and adopt a moderate tone.
18. When developing a claim message, you should

a. close the message by clearly specifying what you want done.
b. describe the problem without providing a long, detailed account of the issue.
c. include copies of relevant materials.
d. All answer choices are correct.
Answer: d
You can develop your claim message effectively by avoiding a blow-by-blow chronology of
the details, including relevant materials, and clearly specifying your resolution to the
19. When writing persuasive claim or complaint messages, you should
a. suggest that the receiver intentionally deceived you or intentionally created the problem.
b. use a moderate tone.
c. inform the reader that you will contact the Better Business Bureau if your claim is not
d. use a strong tone with accusatory language to demonstrate your dissatisfaction.
Answer: b
The tone of your message is important. Your best approach is to remain calm and to use a
moderate tone to describe the problem and the action you are seeking to resolve the problem.
20. Mikhail's claim has been denied once. Now, he is writing a second persuasive claim
message to his digital media services company asking for a promised rebate package.
Because he expects resistance, what should he do?
a. Appeal to the receiver's sense of responsibility and pride in the company's good name.
b. Begin by presenting his resolution to the problem.
c. Address the message to a department or "To Whom It May Concern."
d. Show specifically how the receiver or the receiver's company caused the problem.

Answer: a
The most persuasive claim messages appeal to the receiver's sense of responsibility and pride
in the company's good name.
21. Graciella is making a persuasive complaint at work. Which of these sentences will be
most effective in achieving her goal?
a. If you can't be bothered with maintaining our equipment in good working order, how can I
be confident that you care about your employees? I can't be bothered filing repeated repair
requests either.
b. I have put up with a broken fax in Workroom 223 for three weeks, and I am just fed up
with this waste of my time. Repair the fax or else!
c. Did you realize that Bill has still not fixed the fax in Workroom 223 despite the work
request I completed two weeks ago? Make Bill fix it soon.
d. For the past two weeks, fax machine No. 223- 51 has been unavailable to complete
essential business for 25 of our employees due to incomplete service. Please ensure our
equipment is repaired by Friday.
Answer: d
Claim messages should adopt a moderate tone, appeal to the receiver's sense of responsibility,
and specify needed actions. Only the response that specifies the number of employees
impacted, the duration of the service request, and the date repair is expected meets these
22. Which statement about today's organizations and their employees is most accurate?
a. Organizations are establishing more levels of management to conduct operations and to
oversee employees.
b. Executives today rely on persuasion to achieve buy-in from subordinates.
c. There have been few changes in today's organizations for employees.
d. Today's information-age workers rely on managers to be their information providers.

Answer: b
The lines of authority are blurry in today's information-age workplaces, and the roles of
executives are changing. Technology has empowered rank-and-file employees who can turn
to their companies' intranets and don't need their managers to be information providers.
Additionally, today's executives increasingly rely on persuasion to achieve buy-in from
23. Which of the following situations would most likely require persuasion within an
a. Outlining company policy on personal use of e-mail
b. Explaining a new procedure that will go into effect next month
c. Asking employees to accept a pay cut to avoid layoffs or plant closings
d. Informing employees about the new process for reporting overtime hours
Answer: c
Because employees will probably not want to take a pay cut, persuasion would be necessary.
All other answer choices reflect instructions or directions that usually require little
24. All of the following messages to subordinates would use the indirect strategy except
a. instructions to operate the new phone system installed in all offices.
b. suggestions to begin an exercise program in conjunction with the new health insurance
c. requests to contribute to the organization's United Way campaign goal.
d. discussion of their opportunities to participate in a company-sponsored charity event.
Answer: a

Most messages delivered to subordinates in the workplace will follow the direct strategy
when the message gives instructions or directives such as explaining how to operate a new
phone system. However, when the message asks employees to participate voluntarily in a
program at work or to contribute to an activity outside the workplace, the indirect strategy
should be used to create a persuasive appeal.
25. Which of the following is most accurate about the use of persuasion in business?
a. Honesty is not just the best policy; it's the only policy.
b. The goal is to manipulate employees into accepting a message.
c. Some puffery and skillful misrepresentation make persuasive messages more effective.
d. The key to persuasion is proving the weakness of the receiver's position.
Answer: a
In business honesty is a cornerstone. It is never acceptable to manipulate, misrepresent, or
deceive others. Attacking the reader's position is seldom effective as well.
26. As a manager, Corbin must inform his staff that all employees must now contribute more
to their health insurance premiums. What advice should Corbin follow when delivering his
a. Avoid telling the employees the reason for the decision.
b. Use a threatening tone so that employees know that this is a serious matter.
c. Be honest and provide the important reasons for the increase in individual contributions.
d. Tell the employees to "Suck it up" and deal with the increased individual costs.
Answer: c
Being dishonest and misleading are not effective ways to communicate important messages.
Therefore, Corbin should be honest and provide the reasons for the increase in individual
contributions. He should also use warm words and a conversational tone to convey a caring

27. You want to propose a workplace change to your employer. Which of these is the best
advice for you?
a. Because your supervisor should already be aware of the pros of changing the procedure,
avoid providing any evidence.
b. Stress your own needs and how you will benefit from the change because this is your
c. Avoid words like suggest and recommend because these words make you look weak.
d. Focus on how much money the proposed change will save the company.
Answer: d
When selling an idea to management, writers often are successful if they make a strong case
for saving or earning money.
28. Which statement about direct-mail messages is most accurate?
a. Direct mail is an effective channel for personalized, tangible, three-dimensional messages
that are less invasive than telephone solicitations.
b. Today's companies no longer send direct-mail messages to market their products or
services; they rely exclusively on electronic media instead.
c. Direct-mail marketing is less effective than online marketing.
d. All answer choices are accurate statements about direct-mail messages.
Answer: a
Direct mail is an effective channel for personalized, tangible, three-dimensional messages
that are less invasive than telephone solicitations. Many companies still use direct mail as
part of their multichannel marketing campaigns to sell their products and services because
direct mail outperforms online marketing.
29. Choose the best advice to craft an effective direct-mail sales letter.
a. Use slightly illegal sales tactics to get the desired sale.

b. Develop and present a strong rational selling point early in the body of the letter. Later, add
emotional appeals, using each appeal only once.
c. Present information completely, using a personalized tone.
d. Design your message for a general audience.
Answer: c
Because direct mail is an expensive way to advertise, messages should present complete
information with a personalized tone for specific, well-targeted audiences.
30. Learning to compose effective sales and marketing messages benefits you because
a. most employees are expected to write sales and marketing messages.
b. techniques for sales writing can be applied in any persuasive communication.
c. sales campaigns are typically conducted by entry-level employees.
d. companies in today's economy cannot afford to hire specialists to write sales and marketing
Answer: b
Because sales letters are usually written by specialists, you may never write one on the job.
However, learning the techniques of sales writing helps you become more successful in any
communication that requires persuasion and promotion. Learning to compose effective sales
messages will also help you become a more savvy consumer.
31. Your primary goal in writing a sales or marketing message is to
a. demonstrate creativity and marketing skills.
b. create a strong personal and professional image for yourself.
c. get your audience to devote a few moments of attention to your message.
d. become a perceptive consumer of ideas, products, and services.
Answer: c

Whether you are promoting a product, a service, an idea, or yourself, your primary goal in
writing a sales or marketing message is getting your reader to spend some time reading the
32. Professional marketers and salespeople follow the AIDA strategy in their sales messages
because it is effective. What does AIDA represent?
a. Attention, interest, desire, and action
b. Attraction, innovation, determination, and activity
c. Appeal, input, develop, and attune
d. Access, incite, determine, and activate
Answer: a
When persuading consumers, professional marketers and salespeople follow the AIDA
strategy, which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. This strategy works very well
for written messages.
33. When you use the AIDA persuasive approach, your first task is to gain the reader's
attention (A). Which of the following represents your second step, or "I" tasks, of AIDA?
a. Describe the benefits a product or service offers and make rational or emotional appeals.
b. Include details of your company's reliability and reputation.
c. Grow more excited about your product and yourself as a salesperson.
d. Identify a proverb or famous quotation.
Answer: a
Step 2 of the AIDA persuasive process is to build interest by describing the benefits a product
or service offers and by making rational or emotional appeals. The body should also elicit
desire and reduce resistance.
34. The opener for a sales message should be

a. provocative, humorous or entertaining, and medium length (5-10 lines).
b. stimulating, relevant, honest, and short (1-5 lines).
c. appealing, informative, persuasive, conversational, and medium length (5-10 lines).
d. entertaining or serious, focused, persuasive, and short (1-5 lines).
Answer: b
One of the most critical elements of a sales message is its opening paragraph. This opener
should be short (1-5 lines), honest, relevant, and stimulating.
35. You must write a sales message to prospective customers. What should you do in the
opening of your sales message?
a. Offer something valuable, promise a benefit to the reader, or use some other technique to
gain your reader's attention.
b. Convince your reader of the superiority of the product or service being sold.
c. Motivate your reader to take action.
d. Promise an incentive for responding by a specific date.
Answer: a
In the opening you can offer something valuable; promise a benefit; ask a question; or
provide a quotation, fact, product feature, testimonial, startling statement, or personalized
action setting. Building interest and desire occur in the body; motivating the reader to take
action and promising incentives occur in the closing.
36. You can effectively build interest in a sales message by
a. including your credentials.
b. motivating action in the closing.
c. emphasizing central selling points identified in the prewriting analysis.
d. suggesting the reader lacks good judgment if he or she doesn't buy today.

Answer: c
You build interest by clearly describing the product or service and by using simple language
to emphasize central selling points.
37. Rational appeals focus on making or saving money, increasing efficiency, and
a. soothing the egos of managers.
b. making good use of resources.
c. identifying status in the workplace or community.
d. enjoying sensory input.
Answer: b
Rational appeals are associated with reason and intellect. They translate selling points into
references to making or saving money, increasing efficiency, or making the best use of
38. Emotional appeals
a. focus on making or saving money.
b. explain how to increase efficiency or protect resources.
c. solve workplace problems.
d. focus on status, ego, and sensual feelings.
Answer: d
Emotional appeals focus on status, ego, and sensual feelings.
39. Use an emotional appeal when the
a. product is expensive; long-lasting; or important to health, security, and financial success.
b. product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.

c. reader is comparing similar products from other companies.
d. reader has a college education.
Answer: b
You should use emotional appeals when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.
40. Which of the following is the most effective emotional appeal?
a. For a limited time you will receive our employee discount on any new General Motors
b. Surround yourself in the uncompromising safety and luxury of a Lincoln because you've
earned it.
c. Purchase a Jeep today, and you will receive a $1,500 college savings bond for tomorrow.
d. Save now and save later. With its low sticker price and great gas mileage, this Focus hybrid
is a best buy.
Answer: b
Emotional appeals focus on status, ego, and sensual feelings. Saying that a car will surround
the customer in well-earned safety and luxury creates a sales message that appeals to the
buyer's ego.
41. Techniques to elicit audience desire and overcome reader resistance in a marketing
message include all of the following except
a. testimonials.
b. money-back guarantees.
c. application forms.
d. free samples or trials.
Answer: c

Overcome resistance and elicit desire by offering free samples or trials, testimonials,
guarantees or warranties, names of satisfied customers, and performance polls.
42. Which of the following illustrates a testimonial?
a. After completing your training, I received job offers from three employers in one week!
b. We are confident that your skills in applying for jobs and interviewing with employers will
improve with this training.
c. Scientifically proven self-actualization techniques will increase your self-confidence and
boost your interviewing skills.
d. Employers respond positively to well-written application letters and résumés, and they
offer jobs to candidates who are confident and well prepared.
Answer: a
A testimonial is a statement from a satisfied customer. The response illustrating a testimonial
is "After completing your training, I received job offers from three employers in one week!"
43. Which of the following most effectively reduces resistance and builds desire?
a. If you are worried about booking a tour with us, please know that our European walking
tours were rated the safest and best planned in the industry.
b. Join one of our European walking tours this summer for an unbelievable cultural
c. Going on a walking tour of Europe is fun.
d. Our travel company knows Europe and is eager to show it to you.
Answer: a
"If you are worried about booking a tour with us, please know that our European walking
tours were rated the safest and best planned in the industry" reduces resistance and builds
desire. All other sentences do not anticipate possible audience objections and questions.

44. Techniques to motivate action in the closing of a sales message include offering a gift,
promising an incentive, guaranteeing satisfaction, and
a. setting an application opening date.
b. limiting the offer.
c. setting no boundaries or limits.
d. quoting a well-known proverb.
Answer: b
Strategies to motivate action in the closing of a sales message include limiting the offer,
setting a deadline, offering a gift, promising an incentive, and guaranteeing satisfaction.
45. Which of the following is the most effective closing for a sales message?
a. Making this training choice for your employees today may be the smartest business
decision you'll ever make. Consider the benefits, and I am sure that you will agree.
b. Because we are confident that you will choose us for your training needs, we will visit you
on Friday to finalize your contract.
c. Complete the enclosed interest card and mail it to us at your earliest convenience.
d. If your sales don't increase at least 10 percent after your salespeople complete our "Closing
the Deal" training, you get a full refund. Use our toll-free number to call me by August 1 and
begin training on September 1.
Answer: d
You can motivate action in your closing if you make it easy for readers to act and include
additional motivators. By providing a toll-free phone number, offering an end date, and
guaranteeing results or a refund, you effectively motivate action.
46. The primary channel that consumers use to interact with brands today is
a. e-mail.
b. focus groups.

c. mall and shopping center surveys and sample booths.
d. direct mail.
Answer: a
E-mail is the primary channel that consumers use to interact with brands today. In addition, it
is the most used channel for written, personal communication.
47. Purposes of e-mail marketing include attracting new customers, keeping existing
customers, encouraging future sales, cross-selling, and
a. seeking new employees.
b. lobbying local legislators.
c. cutting costs.
d. importing products from international businesses.
Answer: c
Much like traditional direct mail, e-mail marketing can attract new customers, keep existing
ones, encourage future sales, cross-sell, and cut costs.
48. The main information in an e-mail sales message should be placed above the fold, which
means that
a. all main points follow standard business etiquette and online netiquette.
b. you are certain that your e-mail adheres to all legal standards.
c. your primary points appear early in the message.
d. your e-mail message does not exceed one screen in length.
Answer: c
"Above the fold" means that you put your primary points early in the message so that they
capture the reader's attention.

49. Which of the following is the best way to increase the effectiveness of an online sales
a. Send online sales messages only to customers or prospects who have given you permission
to send them e-mail marketing messages.
b. Use a subject line such as "Hey You" to get the reader's attention.
c. Avoid the use of testimonials.
d. Make the message formal, focused, and extensive.
Answer: a
Effective online sales messages are sent to those who have given permission. Other good
techniques include using a catchy subject line, using a minimum of text, keeping main
information "above the fold," making the message short and conversational, and conveying
50. Which of the following statements about short persuasive online messages is most
a. More writers are using social network posts to promote their businesses, further their
causes, and increase their online personas.
b. Social media are not primarily suited for overt selling.
c. Many individuals have been successful in using tweets consisting of 140 characters or
fewer to pitch offers, prompt responses, and draw the attention of their audiences to
interesting events and media links.
d. All answer choices are correct.
Answer: d
Although social media are not primarily suited for overt selling, more and more individuals
are using social network posts to promote and build their businesses, causes, and online
personas. Additionally, many individuals have found that Twitter, despite its character
limitations, can be an effective medium to persuade others.

51. Persuasion used in today's business environment focuses on manipulating others.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Persuasion used in today's business environment focuses on influencing, not manipulating,
52. You will need to use persuasion if you anticipate resistance.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Persuasion is needed when you are making more than routine demands and facing skeptical
53. The number of persuasive messages has increased drastically within the last decade.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The number and reach of persuasive messages have exploded. For example, research has
revealed that the average American adult receives between 300 and 1,500 persuasive appeals
a day.
54. Only large companies actively try to persuade consumers.
a. True
b. False

Answer: False
Companies of all sizes, along with ad agencies, PR firms, social activists, lobbyists, and
marketers, use persuasion to sell products, increase brand awareness, and rally their
55. Persuasive techniques today are subtler and more misleading than of the past.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Persuasion techniques today are subtler, more misleading and complex, and impersonal
because of the diversity in consumers and the volume of messages being sent through an
array of communication channels.
56. An effective persuasive technique is to tie the facts to writer benefits.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Effective persuasion involves tying facts such as statistics, reasons, and analogies to
audience, not writer, benefits.
57. You do not need to establish your credibility when attempting to persuade others.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

Establishing personal credibility is a vital component of persuasion. You should show that
you are truthful, experienced, and knowledgeable, and you should use others' expert opinions
and research to support your position.
58. When creating a persuasive message, you should expect and overcome resistance.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
You should anticipate audience opposition because of conflicting beliefs, values, and attitudes
and overcome this resistance by countering with well-reasoned arguments and facts.
59. Both direct claim messages and persuasive requests should begin with the main idea.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Direct claim messages are straightforward and organized directly with the main idea
presented first. Persuasive requests, on the other hand, should begin with the reasons and
60. Persuasive requests are generally more effective when they are organized directly.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Persuasive requests are generally more effective when they are organized indirectly.
61. The opening of a persuasive request should gain your reader's attention and interest.
a. True

b. False
Answer: True
An effective opening for a persuasive request gains the reader's attention and interest.
62. To capture the reader's attention and interest in a persuasive request, you can make an
unexpected statement, suggest reader benefits, offer praise or compliments, or ask a
stimulating question.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Making an unexpected statement, suggesting reader benefits, offering praise or compliments,
and asking a stimulating question are all effective techniques to capture the reader's attention
and interest in a persuasive request.
63. The body of a persuasive request should motivate action.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The body of a persuasive request should build interest, explain logically and concisely the
purpose of the request, and reduce resistance.
64. To reduce resistance in a persuasive request, you should avoid offering counterarguments
so that you do not offend your reader.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

Offering counterarguments is an effective technique to reduce resistance. You can also reduce
resistance by establishing your credibility and competence, including direct and indirect
reader benefits, and showing the value of your request.
65. When requesting a favor or action, you should discuss only the direct benefits to the
reader because indirect benefits are not persuasive.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Both direct and indirect benefits can be persuasive.
66. In the closing of a persuasive request, your goal is to prove the merit of your request.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The body of a persuasive request should prove the merit of the request. Your closing should
motivate action; ask for a particular action; make the action easy to take; and show courtesy,
respect, and gratitude.
67. Another name for a complaint message is a claim message.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Another name for a complaint message is a claim message.

68. Persuasive claim or complaint messages may involve damaged products, mistaken billing,
inaccurate shipments, warranty problems, limited return policies, insurance snafus, or faulty
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Persuasive claim or complaint messages may involve damaged products, mistaken billing,
inaccurate shipments, warranty problems, limited return policies, insurance snafus, or faulty
69. Your claim message will be most effective if you make a reasonable and valid request,
present a logical case with clear facts, and display some anger and emotion.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Effective claim messages make a reasonable and valid request, present a logical case with
clear facts, and adopt a moderate tone. Anger and emotion are not effective persuaders.
70. Claim messages should include a blow-by-blow chronology of the details of the problem
to adequately inform the reader of the problem.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
As a writer of a claim message, don't provide a blow-by-blow chronology of details; just hit
the highlights.

71. Lynette received unsatisfactory service at a recent business dinner. In her persuasive
claim message to the restaurant manager, she should enclose a copy of her restaurant receipt.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Anyone writing a claim message should enclose copies of relevant receipts, invoices,
shipping orders, warranties, and payments.
72. An effective technique when writing a persuasive claim message is to suggest that the
reader intentionally created the problem.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The tone of a persuasive claim message is important. Don't suggest that the receiver
intentionally created the problem.
73. Claim messages should appeal to the receiver's sense of responsibility and pride in the
company's good name.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Effective claim messages appeal to the receiver's sense of responsibility and pride in the
company's good name.
74. Directives moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually follow the indirect

a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Instructions or directives moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually require
little persuasion; thus they usually follow the direct strategy by stating the purpose
75. When a manager writes a persuasive memo to employees using the indirect strategy, his
or her goals are to present a strong but honest argument and to avoid manipulation or trickery.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
In business honesty is the only policy. Because employees see right through
misrepresentation, the indirect strategy is effective only when supported by accurate, honest
76. As a manager, Mary must inform her production employees that they will need to work
extra hours to meet a customer's order. Mary's message will be most effective if she uses
warm words and a conversational tone.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Messages flowing downward in an organization require attention to tone. Warm words and a
conversational tone convey a caring attitude, which increases the likelihood that the request
will be accepted.

77. Michelle needs to sell her idea to remodel their business waiting room to her boss.
Michelle is more likely to succeed if she can base her argument on saving or earning money.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
When selling an idea to management, writers often are successful if they make a strong case
for saving or earning money.
78. Messages to management are more persuasive when they include words such as "you
must" or "we should."
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Persuasive messages traveling upward in an organization require a special sensitivity to tone.
To avoid sounding pushy or argumentative, use words such as "suggest" or "recommend"
rather than "you must" or "we should."
79. A successful persuasive message is typically longer than a direct message.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
A successful persuasive message typically takes more space than a direct message because
proving a case requires evidence.
80. Traditional direct-mail marketing is more effective than online marketing.
a. True

b. False
Answer: True
Despite ever-increasing spending on digital and mobile advertising, traditional direct-mail
marketing still outperforms online marketing. Therefore, businesses still use traditional sales
letters as an important tool for reaching customers and prospects.
81. Your primary goal in writing a sales message is to get someone to devote a few moments
of attention to it.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Your primary goal in writing a sales message is to get someone to devote a few moments of
attention to it.
82. The most effective sales messages follow the AIDA strategy.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Whether selling a product, a service, an idea, or an individual, sales messages are most
effective when they follow the AIDA strategy: gain attention, build interest, elicit desire and
reduce resistance, and motivate action.
83. The opening of a sales message is one of its most critical elements.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

One of the most critical elements of a sales message is its opening paragraph, the attentiongetter.
84. You will receive a free one-year subscription to Netflix when you purchase any Sony flatpanel television is an example of a rational appeal.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
This is a rational appeal because it includes references to saving money.
85. A sales message is wasted if your reader fails to act.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
For a sales message to be effective, your reader must act. Therefore, learning how to motivate
your reader in the conclusion of a sales message is vitally important.
86. Because postscripts make letters appear poorly organized and unprofessional, you should
avoid adding them to sales messages.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Postscripts make irresistible reading; consequently, most sales messages include a postscript
to reveal the strongest motivator, to add a special inducement for quick response, or to
reemphasize a central selling point.

87. One tip for successful online sales messages it to provide a means to opt out.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
It's polite and a good business tactic to include a statement that tells receivers how to be
removed from the sender's mailing database.
88. Online sales messages are generally much longer than direct-mail messages.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Online sales messages are much shorter than direct mail, feature colorful graphics, and
occasionally even come with sound or video clips. They offer a richer experience to readers
who can click hyperlinks at will to access content that interests them.
89. The most important points in an e-mail sales message should be placed at the end of the
message where they will be remembered the most.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
E-mails should be top heavy; that is, primary points should appear early in the message to
capture the reader's attention.
90. Tweets and other online posts are now being used to persuade others.
a. True
b. False

Answer: True
Although social media are not primarily suited for overt selling, tweets and other online posts
are being used to influence others and to project a professional, positive online presence.
91. ____________________ is needed when we are making more than routine demands and
facing skeptical audiences.
Answer: Persuasion
Persuasion is needed when we are making more than routine demands and facing skeptical
92. Persuasive requests are generally more effective when they are written using the
____________________ organizational strategy.
Answer: indirect
Persuasive requests are generally more effective when they use the indirect strategy. In the
indirect strategy, reasons and explanations precede the main idea to overcome possible reader
93. In the ____________________ of a persuasive request, you should build interest, explain
the purpose of the request logically and concisely, prove its merit, and reduce resistance.
Answer: body
In the body of a persuasive request, you should build interest, explain the purpose of the
request logically and concisely, prove its merit, and reduce resistance.
94. You should motivate action in the ____________________ of a persuasive request.
Answer: closing
You should motivate action in the closing of a persuasive request.

95. Persuasive ____________________ messages, also called complaint messages, are used
to complain about damaged products, mistaken billing, inaccurate shipments, warranty
problems, limited return policies, insurance snafus, faulty merchandise, and other problems.
Answer: claim
When consumers need to complain about faulty service or products, they write persuasive
claim messages, which are also called complaint messages.
96. ____________________ or directives moving downward from superiors to subordinates
usually require little persuasion.
Answer: Instructions
Instructions or directives moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually require
little persuasion.
97. Messages such as information about procedures, equipment, or customer service should
be organized using the ____________ strategy.
Answer: direct
Messages such as information about procedures, equipment, or customer service should be
organized using the direct strategy, with the purpose immediately stated.
98. Professional marketers and salespeople follow the _______________ strategy (attention,
interest, desire, and action) when persuading consumers.
Answer: AIDA
Professional marketers and salespeople follow the AIDA strategy (attention, interest, desire,
and action) when persuading consumers.
99. A(n) ____________________ appeal focuses on making or saving money, increasing
efficiency, or making good use of resources.

Answer: rational
Rational appeals focus on saving money, increasing efficiency, or making good use of
100. A(n) ________________ appeal focuses on status, ego, and sensual feelings.
Answer: emotional
An emotional appeal focuses on status, ego, and sensual feelings.

Test Bank for Essentials of Business Communication
Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy
9781285858913, 9781337386494, 9781111821227, 9781285858890, 9780176473358, 9780176531409

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