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Chapter 06: Orientation and Training
1. Once employees have been recruited and selected, the next step would be
A. orientation and training.
B. discipline and counselling.
C. interviews by coworkers.
D. rules and procedures.
E. affirmative action and equal access to a job.
Answer: A. orientation and training.
2. You have been hired as the new executive director of a child and family services agency
and are considering implementing an employee orientation program at this organization. The
benefits that this new program will likely bring to the organization include
A. legal compliance.
B. affirmative action.
C. making employees more productive more quickly.
D. making employees more productive more quickly and establishing a foundation for
ongoing performance management.
E. promoting workforce diversity.
Answer: D. making employees more productive more quickly and establishing a foundation
for ongoing performance management.
3. Recent research indicates that implementing a comprehensive onboarding program in a
corporation carries which of the following additional direct benefits?
A. increasing work-life balance for employees
B. increasing customer loyalty
C. improving management's leadership ability
D. improving employee perceptions of management's leadership abilities and reducing
employee turnover
E. improving employee perceptions of management's leadership abilities
Answer: D. improving employee perceptions of management's leadership abilities and
reducing employee turnover
4. The ongoing process of instilling in all employees the prevailing attitudes, standards,
values, and patterns of behaviour that are expected by the organization and its departments is
A. performance appraisal.
B. affirmative action.

C. job evaluation.
D. socialization.
E. culture.
Answer: D. socialization.
5. The state which results from the discrepancy between what the new employee expected
from his or her new job and the realities of it is
A. reality shock.
B. job instruction training.
C. affirmative action.
D. mentoring.
E. socialization.
Answer: A. reality shock.
6. Effective means to connect the firm to employees who have been hired but have not yet
started in the workplace include
A. invitations to meet with mentors.
B. communications through newsletters and invitations to meet with mentors.
C. performance management.
D. voicemail training.
E. nothing, no means are recommended.
Answer: B. communications through newsletters and invitations to meet with mentors.
7. You have just been hired as the director of human resources at a sportswear retailer. The
employee handbook states that "all employees will have the benefits listed in the handbook
for as long as they are employed with the company." In revising the contents of the employee
handbook, it is an important component of your role to be aware of which of the following?
A. Employee handbooks should not form part of the orientation process.
B. It should not be a job requirement that employees review the handbook.
C. In employee dismissal situations courts rarely review handbooks.
D. Courts have found certain terms in employee handbooks to constitute terms of the
employment contract and, therefore, the company is at legal risk if it decides to alter the
benefits package in the future.
E. It is a best practice to keep benefits static over time.
Answer: D. Courts have found certain terms in employee handbooks to constitute terms of
the employment contract and, therefore, the company is at legal risk if it decides to alter the
benefits package in the future.

8. A new employee's supervisor orients the employee by
A. explaining the exact nature of the job.
B. explaining the retirement plan.
C. taking the entire work group out to lunch.
D. conducting an appraisal session.
E. conducting an exit interview.
Answer: A. explaining the exact nature of the job.
9. Targus, an engineering consulting company based in Vancouver, Canada, has opened new
offices in Hong Kong and Singapore. Targus wishes to hire Asian-born staff for these new
offices and would also like to increase the percentage of aboriginal persons it hires as
engineering consultants in British Columbia and Saskatchewan. Given this shift in hiring
practices, designing the orientation program for the company will present which of the
following challenges?
A. nothing, there is no challenge
B. the challenge of union vs non-union employees
C. orienting employees from a different background poses a special challenge in that the
values of the organization may be new to them
D. hiring a diverse workforce creates a new corporate culture
E. the main learning style of new employees will be auditory
Answer: C. orienting employees from a different background poses a special challenge in that
the values of the organization may be new to them
10. Any of the following may be problems with an orientation program except
A. little or no orientation is provided.
B. new employees are inundated with forms to fill out.
C. the immediate supervisor provides only a few details at a time.
D. orientation provided by the HR department is too broad to be meaningful.
E. too much information is provided in a short time.
Answer: C. the immediate supervisor provides only a few details at a time.
11. One approach to the evaluation of orientation programs is
A. regression analysis.
B. case studies.
C. cost-benefit analysis.
D. quality circles.

E. Markov analysis.
Answer: C. cost-benefit analysis.
12. An important key to successful executive integration is
A. norms of the organization must be understood before the first day of work.
B. the realization that executives rarely experience reality shock.
C. to let executives integrate on their own initiative.
D. stressing the importance of listening as well as demonstrating competency.
E. stressing the importance of listening as well as demonstrating competency and identifying
position specifications.
Answer: E. stressing the importance of listening as well as demonstrating competency and
identifying position specifications.
13. Integration at senior levels in the organization requires an ongoing process that can
continue for months as the new executive learns about
A. socialization.
B. the organizational structure.
C. performance appraisals.
D. how decisions are made and who holds what type of power.
E. senior management.
Answer: D. how decisions are made and who holds what type of power.
14. The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs is
A. recruiting.
B. training.
C. orientation.
D. affirmative action.
E. coaching.
Answer: B. training.
15. Development is training of a
A. immediate nature.
B. technical nature.
C. specific strategic nature.
D. short-term nature.

E. long-term nature.
Answer: E. long-term nature.
16. Training is part of an organization's
A. business needs.
B. tactical plan.
C. business plan.
D. strategic plan.
E. immediate plan.
Answer: D. strategic plan.
17. In today's service-based economy, a company's most important assets are often
A. cash.
B. plant facilities.
C. office premises.
D. highly knowledgeable workers.
E. machinery.
Answer: D. highly knowledgeable workers.
18. More employers today are also taking advantage of the fact that training can strengthen
A. absenteeism.
B. turnover.
C. quality.
D. complacency.
E. commitment.
Answer: E. commitment.
19. Training is essentially a(n)
A. testing process.
B. technical process.
C. learning process.
D. assessment process.
E. memorizing process.
Answer: C. learning process.

20. People have three main learning styles, one of which is
A. similarities.
B. visual.
C. presenting.
D. organizing.
E. differences.
Answer: B. visual.
21. Negligent training occurs when an employer
A. does not do a needs analysis.
B. fails to develop an employee for long-term opportunity.
C. does not implement a validation process.
D. fails to train adequately and an employee subsequently harms a third party.
E. does not evaluate the training.
Answer: D. fails to train adequately and an employee subsequently harms a third party.
22. Purposes of training needs analysis include the following except
A. developing reasonable performance objectives.
B. analyzing skills and needs of prospective trainees.
C. identifying specific job performance and skills needed.
D. ensuring employment equity goals are met.
E. developing specific knowledge objectives.
Answer: D. ensuring employment equity goals are met.
23. The following are all steps in an employee's training program except
A. evaluating the training.
B. assessing training needs.
C. designing the training program.
D. validating the training program.
E. attending the orientation program.
Answer: E. attending the orientation program.
24. The following are all steps in an ideal training program except
A. instructional design.

B. evaluation.
C. summarize and review.
D. needs analysis.
E. validation.
Answer: C. summarize and review.
25. Effective pre-training preparation includes
A. creating a perceived need for training in the mind of participants.
B. employee testing.
C. a realistic job preview.
D. reality shock.
E. employee orientation.
Answer: A. creating a perceived need for training in the mind of participants.
26. Trainees learn best when they learn at
A. the pace set by their trainer.
B. an off-the-job setting.
C. the pace set by their supervisor.
D. their own pace.
E. a country resort.
Answer: D. their own pace.
27. Under Canadian human rights legislation, several aspects of training programs must be
assessed with an eye toward the program's impact on
A. reverse discrimination.
B. white males.
C. company profits.
D. highly educated workers.
E. designated group members.
Answer: E. designated group members.
28. The legal aspects of training may require showing that the admissions procedures are
A. valid.
B. invalid.
C. external.

D. reliable.
E. reviewed regularly.
Answer: A. valid.
29. Members of designated groups should have as much chance of successfully completing
the training program as others to prevent any
A. job instruction training.
B. on-the-job training.
C. unreliable results.
D. grievance actions.
E. discrimination.
Answer: E. discrimination.
30. When an employer fails to train adequately, this is referred to as
A. job instruction training.
B. affirmative action.
C. negligent training.
D. on-the-job training.
E. simulated training.
Answer: C. negligent training.
31. To reduce the risk of negligent training accusations, an employer should
A. train all employees who work with dangerous equipment, materials, or processes.
B. never change the training program content.
C. offer basic training programs only.
D. accept all applicants for training programs.
E. hire consultants to do training.
Answer: A. train all employees who work with dangerous equipment, materials, or processes.
32. The first step in a training program is to determine
A. on-the-job training.
B. the number of trainees.
C. training needs.
D. job instruction training.
E. training evaluation.

Answer: C. training needs.
33. A technique for determining the training needs of newly hired employees is
A. task analysis.
B. observations.
C. personnel records.
D. performance analysis.
E. testing.
Answer: A. task analysis.
34. It is common for organizations to hire and train entry-level workers who are
A. very intelligent.
B. highly educated.
C. inexperienced.
D. highly experienced.
E. highly motivated.
Answer: C. inexperienced.
35. The list of specific duties and skills required on the job, which are used in determining the
training required for performing the job, are found in
A. job instruction and on-the-job training.
B. equal access and affirmative action.
C. job standards and specialization.
D. performance standards.
E. job descriptions and job specifications.
Answer: E. job descriptions and job specifications.
36. The type of information that is found on an employer task analysis record form includes
all of the following except
A. performance conditions.
B. quantity and quality standards.
C. a task list.
D. skills not required to learn.
E. how often performed.
Answer: D. skills not required to learn.

37. In a task analysis record form, the task list defines the jobs
A. primary tasks.
B. secondary tasks.
C. main tasks and subtasks.
D. supplementary tasks.
E. supplemental tasks.
Answer: C. main tasks and subtasks.
38. In column three of a task analysis record form, the standards of performance should be
A. as loose as possible.
B. tightly woven.
C. randomly selected.
D. stated in measurable terms.
E. estimated.
Answer: D. stated in measurable terms.
39. A technique for determining the training needs of current employees is
A. questionnaires.
B. task analysis.
C. training analysis.
D. motivation analysis.
E. performance analysis.
Answer: E. performance analysis.
40. The last column of the task analysis record form indicates whether the task is best learned
A. job instruction training.
B. on-the-job training.
C. on- or off-the-job training.
D. vestibule training.
E. simulated training.
Answer: C. on- or off-the-job training.

41. The technique used when verifying whether there is a significant performance deficiency,
and determining if that deficiency should be rectified through training or by some other
means (such as changing the machinery or transferring the employee), is called
A. training analysis.
B. task analysis.
C. motivation analysis.
D. employee analysis.
E. performance analysis.
Answer: E. performance analysis.
42. The first step in performance analysis is to appraise the employee's performance since, to
improve it, the firm must first determine the person's current performance compared to
A. what it should be.
B. co-workers' performance.
C. what it really is.
D. work group performance.
E. managerial performance.
Answer: A. what it should be.
43. The heart of performance analysis is distinguishing between
A. different supervisory practices.
B. can't do and won't do problems.
C. employee training levels.
D. good and bad employees.
E. experience levels of employees.
Answer: B. can't do and won't do problems.
44. Effective training needs analysis results in
A. task analysis.
B. performance analysis.
C. concrete, measurable training objectives.
D. performance standards.
E. excellent job performance.
Answer: C. concrete, measurable training objectives.

45. Training objectives provide a focus for the efforts of the trainer and the trainees, as well
A. input for Markov analysis.
B. performance analysis techniques.
C. a benchmark for evaluating the success of the training program.
D. orientation topics.
E. data for the task analysis record form data.
Answer: C. a benchmark for evaluating the success of the training program.
46. When an employee actually learns a job by performing it, it is called
A. computerized training.
B. job instruction training.
C. vestibule training.
D. on-the-job training.
E. distance learning.
Answer: D. on-the-job training.
47. Advantages of on-the-job training include all of the following except
A. learning while producing.
B. minimal or no use of classrooms or programmed learning devices.
C. trainees get quick feedback.
D. being relatively inexpensive.
E. self-paced training.
Answer: E. self-paced training.
48. A structured process by which individuals become skilled workers through a combination
of classroom instruction and on-the-job training is referred to as
A. vestibule training.
B. job instruction training.
C. apprenticeship training.
D. computerized training.
E. special assignment training.
Answer: C. apprenticeship training.

49. Many jobs consist of a logical sequence of steps and are best taught step by step. This
type of training is called
A. vestibule training.
B. job instruction training.
C. on-the-job training.
D. computerized training.
E. process training.
Answer: B. job instruction training.
50. Audiovisual training techniques are useful in all of the following situations except
A. when training is going to be used organization-wide.
B. when trainees must be exposed to events that are not easily demonstrated in live lectures.
C. when it is too costly to move trainers from place to place.
D. when stop-action, instant-replay, or fast- or slow-motion capabilities are needed.
E. when a training method less expensive than conventional lectures is needed.
Answer: E. when a training method less expensive than conventional lectures is needed.
51. A training method that joins two or more distant groups using a combination of audio and
visual equipment is called
A. computer program training.
B. videoconferencing.
C. programmed learning.
D. on-the-job training.
E. job instruction training.
Answer: B. videoconferencing.
52. Before getting in front of a camera for videoconferencing, the instructor should
A. participate in computerized training.
B. visit other cities where learners will be located.
C. arrive just before going on camera.
D. prepare a training manual for learners.
E. practice vestibule training.
Answer: D. prepare a training manual for learners.

53. A systematic method of training that is used for teaching job skills involving presenting
questions or facts, allowing the trainee to respond, and giving the trainee immediate feedback
on the accuracy of his/her answers, is known as
A. programmed learning.
B. responsive learning.
C. immediate feedback learning.
D. systematic learning.
E. on-the-job training.
Answer: A. programmed learning.
54. The following are all functions of programmed learning except
A. presenting questions or problems to the learner.
B. permitting the trainee to perform on the job.
C. presenting facts to the learner.
D. providing feedback on the accuracy of his or her answers.
E. allowing the person to respond.
Answer: B. permitting the trainee to perform on the job.
55. A training technique in which trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment they
will use on the job, but the trainees are actually trained off the job, is known as
A. on the job training.
B. actual training.
C. off the job training.
D. vestibule or simulated training.
E. programmed learning.
Answer: D. vestibule or simulated training.
56. Learning management systems are
A. learner support tools.
B. able to deliver personalized content in small "chunks."
C. educational strategies.
D. blended learning systems.
E. focused on the logistics of managing learning.
Answer: E. focused on the logistics of managing learning.

57. Web-based training costs about ________ less than traditional classroom-based training.
A. 80%
B. 40%
C. 20%
D. 50%
E. 5%
Answer: D. 50%
58. Tech Solutions Inc. is a software development firm that is considering implementing a
Web-based training program for experienced software developers who will be working on a
new program for the company. Tech Solutions wishes the training program students to be
from its offices located in Toronto, Canada; Shanghai, China; and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The e-learning training technique is ideal for which of the following reasons?
A. It is only slightly less costly than traditional classroom-based training.
B. It provides these busy professionals with flexibility in scheduling training sessions.
C. Research shows students do not have to be highly motivated to complete the training.
D. There is no instructional consistency.
E. It is blended learning.
Answer: B. It provides these busy professionals with flexibility in scheduling training
59. You have chosen the instructional design for the new training program for which you are
responsible. In order to ensure that the training program will meet its objectives, it is
important to do which of the following before implementing the program company-wide?
A. do a needs assessment
B. decide whether computer-based training is appropriate
C. conduct a job analysis
D. conduct a pilot study with a small group of employees and assess the results
E. assess employee socialization
Answer: D. conduct a pilot study with a small group of employees and assess the results
60. Employee orientation refers to the discrepancy between what the new employee expects
from his/her new job and the realities of it.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False

61. Orientation provides new employees with basic background information about the
employer and specific information that they need to perform their jobs satisfactorily.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
62. An employee handbook is never considered to represent a contract with the employee.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
63. Executives typically do not participate in formal orientation activities.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
64. Management development is training of a more long-term nature.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
65. Executive integration is of critical importance to a productive relationship between a new
executive and the business.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
66. Training is essentially a learning process.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
67. The first step in training is to determine what training is required.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True

68. Task analysis is a detailed study of a job to identify the skills required so that an
appropriate training program may be instituted.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
69. On-the-job training involves having a person learn a job by actually working at it.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
70. About two-thirds of industrial training results from day-to-day unplanned interactions
between colleagues at work.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
71. On-the-job training requires facilities like classrooms, programmed learning devices, and
textbooks, and thus can become expensive.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
72. A useful step-by-step instruction approach for a trainer giving a new employee on-the-job
training includes performance tryout as the first step.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
73. When there is a need to expose trainees to events not easily demonstrable, it is best to use
audiovisual techniques.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
74. Simulated training is a technique in which trainees learn on actual equipment.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True
75. E-learning is the delivery and administration of learning opportunities and support via
videoconferencing to enhance employee performance.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
76. Identify and briefly describe the five steps in the training and development process.
Answer: Up to 2 points each for accurate identification and description of needs analysis,
instructional design, validation, implementation, and evaluation/follow-up.
77. You have recently been hired as the human resources director of a retailer operating
across Canada. One of your first priorities is to determine whether training is an issue in some
stores that are not meeting expectations for sales. How will you determine if there is a need
for training at these stores?
Answer: Two points for stating that the objective of a needs analysis is to separate can't do
from won't do problems. Three points for outlining a process for determining the required
task analysis of store employees (perhaps by referencing performance of employees at stores
where targets are being met). Three points for outlining a process for assessing current
performance of employees at stores where the targets are not being met. Two points for
determining which aspect of the performance gap is due to insufficient skills and abilities that
can be addressed through training.
78. Identify and briefly describe five different training techniques.
Answer: Two points each for accurate identification and description of any five of on-the-job
training, apprenticeship training, informal learning, job instruction training, classroom
training, audiovisual techniques, programmed learning, and vestibule or simulated training,
E-learning and videoconferencing.
79. You are the newly hired HR manager for a manufacturing facility that makes food
products. You have been asked to review the training for workers at the facility. When
reviewing the training programs, you immediately see that there has been no evaluation of the
training that is being conducted. Outline the training effects that you would use as a focus for
your assessment of training.
Answer: Two and a half (2.5) points for correct identification, description, and application of
the four levels of evaluation: reaction, learning, behavior, and results.
80. You are the HR manager of a manufacturing facility that is about to expand to a second
shift, which means hiring about 30 new production workers who will all start their jobs at
about the same time. Outline the content of the orientation program you will design for the
new employees.
Answer: Up to 10 points that includes the following items: internal publications/employee
handbook, facility tour and introductions, job-related documents including duties and

responsibilities and company policies, training to be received, and performance appraisal
81. Young is the new director of human resources at a consulting engineering company. She
wishes to implement career management initiatives and has been asked by the CEO why this
would be of benefit to the business. How should she respond?
A. Career management initiatives promote compliance with employment equity laws.
B. Career management initiatives assist directly in human resource planning.
C. Career management initiatives reduce turnover.
D. Career management initiatives reduce turnover and increases employee commitment.
E. Career management initiatives increase employee commitment.
Answer: D. Career management initiatives reduce turnover and increases employee
82. Your colleague wishes to find a position with another employer and has asked you to
define what is meant by networking as a career development tool. You advise her that
A. it involves asking a contact for a job.
B. the objective is to let people know about your background and career goals and to share
information so both parties benefit.
C. the objective is to let people know about background and career goals and to share
information so the job seeker benefits.
D. the objective is to provide information so the employer can decide if the job seeker is the
right candidate.
E. personal networking involves speaking to external professional contacts about career goals
but not to colleagues within the organization.
Answer: B. the objective is to let people know about your background and career goals and to
share information so both parties benefit.
83. Developmental activities provide
A. educational and training resources required to help managers identify job rotations.
B. on the job training.
C. educational and training resources required to help employees identify job-sharing
D. educational and training resources required to help employees identify their career
E. educational and training resources required to help employees identify career-related

Answer: D. educational and training resources required to help employees identify their
career potential.
84. Career-oriented firms stress career-oriented appraisals that link past performance and
A. fundamental skills.
B. career preferences and developmental needs.
C. teamwork skills.
D. training resources.
E. the internal job posting system.
Answer: B. career preferences and developmental needs.
85. A series of work-related positions, paid or unpaid, that help a person grow in job skills,
success, and fulfillment is
A. a job.
B. a career.
C. a position.
D. a profession.
E. work.
Answer: B. a career.
86. A lifelong series of activities (such as workshops) that contributes to a person's career
exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment is
A. retraining.
B. a job seminar.
C. product life-cycles.
D. career development.
E. empowerment.
Answer: D. career development.
87. You are a consultant that has been hired by a large retailer to lead a workshop for
management trainees on the topic of career planning and development. Which of the
following do you advise the trainees are the required skills for an employee accepting
responsibility for his or her career?
A. goal orientation and networking
B. self-motivation, independent learning, effective time and money management, and selfpromotion
C. career planning and self-assessment

D. entrepreneurialism, networking, and money management
E. self-motivation and effective time management
Answer: B. self-motivation, independent learning, effective time and money management,
and self-promotion
88. Which of the following career development functions is performed by the employer?
A. is altruistic and kind
B. manages employees' careers
C. offers career information
D. acts as coach and appraiser
E. provides a formal career path
Answer: C. offers career information
89. The manager performs all of the following career development functions except
A. listening to and clarifying the individual's career plans.
B. shielding the employee from organizational resources and career options.
C. offering organizational support.
D. giving feedback.
E. generating career options.
Answer: B. shielding the employee from organizational resources and career options.
90. The key factors in employee retention today are
A. an organizational culture that values and nurtures talented employees.
B. employees who understand what motivates them.
C. fair processes in "people" decisions.
D. an organizational culture that values and nurtures talented employees and fair processes in
"people' decisions.
E. lifelong learning opportunities.
Answer: D. an organizational culture that values and nurtures talented employees and fair
processes in "people' decisions.
91. People who are attracted into the forestry industry are likely to have what kind of
personality orientation?
A. agricultural
B. realistic
C. enterprising

D. artistic
E. conventional
Answer: B. realistic
92. People who are attracted to work as biologists or professors are likely to have what kind
of personality orientation?
A. artistic
B. investigative
C. conventional
D. mature
E. social
Answer: B. investigative
93. People who are attracted to work as advertising executives are likely to have what kind of
personality orientation?
A. enterprising
B. artistic
C. conventional
D. social
E. executive
Answer: B. artistic
94. People who are attracted to work as accountants are likely to have what kind of
personality orientation?
A. enterprising
B. conventional
C. mature
D. investigative
E. realistic
Answer: B. conventional
95. A person with a strong social orientation might be attracted to careers that entail
interpersonal, rather than intellectual or physical, activities and to occupations such as
A. social work.
B. accountant.
C. professor.

D. research chemist.
E. contemporary artist.
Answer: A. social work.
96. The following are all personality types that John Holland found through his research
A. realistic orientation.
B. social orientation.
C. vocational orientation.
D. investigative orientation.
E. enterprising orientation.
Answer: C. vocational orientation.
97. The skills needed to be successful in a particular occupation are developed through
A. education and experience.
B. aptitudes.
C. motivation.
D. life skills.
E. job skills.
Answer: A. education and experience.
98. A person's aptitudes, such as intelligence and mathematical ability, are often measured
A. career testing.
B. an essay on their most enjoyable occupational task.
C. the general aptitude test battery.
D. intelligence testing.
E. talent testing.
Answer: C. the general aptitude test battery.
99. A concern or value that a person who is engaged in career planning will not give up if a
choice must be made, is referred to as a(n)
A. value anchor.
B. skill.
C. anchor.

D. planning anchor.
E. career anchor.
Answer: E. career anchor.
100. Yung made a choice to leave a large management consulting firm where she had worked
for 10 years to become the executive director of a newly established nonprofit association,
ChildAid, which is dedicated to helping children living in poverty. She had been volunteering
with the organization prior to become the executive director, as she was inspired by the
organization's mission. ChildAid has enough funds to give her a very modest salary for a
year. She must engage in vigorous fundraising efforts to enable the organization to continue
paying her salary beyond 1 year. Yung most likely has which of the following career anchors?
A. technical/functional
B. service/ dedication
C. service/dedication and security
D. creativity and autonomy
E. independence and lifestyle
Answer: B. service/ dedication
101. According to Schein, people who have a strong technical/functional career anchor tend
to avoid decisions that would drive them toward
A. certified public accountancy.
B. mechanical engineering.
C. specialized management.
D. technical work.
E. general management.
Answer: E. general management.
102. Renu made a choice to leave a mid-sized law firm and start her own law practice where
she is the named principal in the firm. It will take her at least a year to pay back the loan she
has taken out in anticipation that her practice will be successful. She will work very long
work hours until she establishes a good client base and gains sufficient funds to hire support
staff. Renu values the fact that she now chooses which clients to accept work from and which
area of law to practice in. Renu most likely has which of the following career anchors?
A. technical/functional
B. service/ dedication and security
C. service/dedication and autonomy
D. creativity and autonomy and independence
E. lifestyle

Answer: D. creativity and autonomy and independence
103. Edgar Schein identified all of the following career anchors except
A. technical/functional.
B. insecurity and inexperience.
C. managerial competence.
D. security.
E. autonomy and independence.
Answer: B. insecurity and inexperience.
104. People who are driven by the need to be on their own, free of the dependence that can
arise when working in a large organization where promotions, transfers, and salary decisions
make them subordinate to others, have a career anchor of
A. technical and functional.
B. creativity.
C. security.
D. managerial competence.
E. autonomy and independence.
Answer: E. autonomy and independence.
105. Consultants, professors of business, freelance writers, and proprietors of small retail
businesses tend to be identified with the career anchor of
A. managerial competence.
B. creativity and intuition.
C. technical and functional.
D. autonomy and independence.
E. security.
Answer: D. autonomy and independence.
106. According to Schein, graduates who are mostly concerned with long-run career stability
have a career anchor of
A. managerial competence.
B. autonomy and independence.
C. creativity.
D. security.
E. technical and functional.

Answer: D. security.
107. The person with the primary responsibility of managing an employee's career with an
organization is
A. the employee's manager.
B. the employee.
C. human resources.
D. executive leadership.
E. the employee's mentor, either inside or outside the organization.
Answer: B. the employee.
108. Hanan is the manager of a busy branch of a credit union. Her role in the career
development of her staff includes
A. ensuring all work is performed according to established policies and procedures.
B. ensuring that employees she likes get good performance reviews.
C. monitoring who is willing to work unpaid overtime to get ahead.
D. establishing unrealistic expectations so she can see which employees can withstand the
E. providing timely and objective performance feedback.
Answer: E. providing timely and objective performance feedback.
109. The employer's role in career development includes all of the following except
A. providing career-oriented training.
B. offering career information and career programs.
C. paying for an MBA degree for high potential employees.
D. offering developmental opportunities.
E. giving employees career options.
Answer: C. paying for an MBA degree for high potential employees.
110. An organization focused on creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at
modifying its behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights, is a(n)
A. post-secondary institution.
B. in-house development centre.
C. training and development organization.
D. learning organization.
E. mentoring organization.

Answer: D. learning organization.
111. Harold is the recently hired CEO of a telecommunications company. He wishes to create
a learning organization. Activities that are necessary for this to occur include
A. making effective promotion decisions.
B. making effective termination decisions.
C. transferring knowledge.
D. making effective transfer decisions.
E. establishing a career development program.
Answer: C. transferring knowledge.
112. A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring
knowledge, and at modifying its behaviour to reflect
A. contemporary attitudes and norms.
B. conservative views and news.
C. new knowledge and insights.
D. traditional standards and values.
E. the skills of its employees.
Answer: C. new knowledge and insights.
113. The learning organization depends on experimentation, which means
A. systematic searching for, and testing of, new knowledge.
B. observing labour market trends.
C. exploiting data from primary research.
D. random testing of information.
E. intuitive guesswork about research data.
Answer: A. systematic searching for, and testing of, new knowledge.
114. Learning organizations engage in all of the following activities except
A. learning from others.
B. unsystematic problem solving.
C. experimentation.
D. transferring knowledge.
E. learning from experience.
Answer: B. unsystematic problem solving.

115. The most important promotion-related decisions are
A. whether or not the promotion will involve a transfer.
B. whether to take future potential into account.
C. whether the promotion process will be formal or informal.
D. whether promotion will be based on seniority or competence or some combination of the
E. how competence will be defined and measured.
Answer: D. whether promotion will be based on seniority or competence or some
combination of the two.
116. Harry's competence as a manager was rated very high. How is his competence defined
and measured?
A. measuring career assessments
B. understanding employee needs
C. forecasting the person's potential
D. predicting an environmental assessment
E. predicting career-related decisions
Answer: C. forecasting the person's potential
117. When employees are not made aware of jobs that are available, criteria for promotion,
and how the decisions are made, the link between performance and promotion is
A. diminished.
B. severed.
C. strengthened.
D. weakened.
E. none of the above.
Answer: B. severed.
118. Employees seek transfers for all of the following reasons except
A. enhancement of family life.
B. a more interesting job.
C. personal enrichment.
D. better location of work.
E. greater possibility of advancement.
Answer: A. enhancement of family life.

119. A Canadian bank has, for several years, established formal promotion procedures and
published these procedures so all employees are aware of the criteria by which promotions
are rewarded. What are the benefits to the bank of doing this?
A. Replacement summaries are better utilized.
B. A greater number of qualified employees are likely to be considered for openings and
managers have more discretion in promotion decisions.
C. A greater number of qualified employees are likely to be considered for openings and
promotion becomes more closely linked to performance for employees.
D. Managers have greater autonomy and more discretion in promotion decisions.
E. None, there are no benefits.
Answer: C. A greater number of qualified employees are likely to be considered for openings
and promotion becomes more closely linked to performance for employees.
120. Avica Inc., a Toronto-based management consulting company, would like to encourage
certain key consultants to continue employment past age 60. Which of the following steps
would not be a good step for the company to take to keep older consultants fully engaged and
willing to continue employment with the firm?
A. providing career counseling
B. encouraging training and development programs for this group
C. giving this group of employees more flexibility over their work schedules
D. canceling training and development programs for this group and requiring this group of
employees to work long work weeks
E. offering creative work arrangements
Answer: D. canceling training and development programs for this group and requiring this
group of employees to work long work weeks
121. Avica Inc., a Toronto based furniture manufacturer is considering encouraging certain
key employees to continue employment past age 60. You are a consultant hired by Avica to
advise on whether the company should take this step and to discuss the latest research in to
the impacts on Canadian firms of continuing the employment of key employees past age 60.
What do you advise?
A. These employees often have a higher rate of absenteeism.
B. These employees often have a stronger work ethic.
C. These employees are usually risk averse and backward looking.
D. These employees often have a stronger work ethic but a higher rate of absenteeism.
E. Many of these employees have diminished mental capacity.
Answer: B. These employees often have a stronger work ethic.

122. The manager's role in career development includes providing timely and objective
performance feedback.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
123. According to John Holland, most people have only one orientation, which makes career
choices fairly straightforward for them.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
124. A person becomes aware of career anchors as a result of learning about his or her talents
and abilities, motives and needs, and attitudes and values.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
125. People who have a strong technical/functional career anchor tend to make decisions that
drive them toward general management.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
126. Employees with security as a career anchor are interested in either geographic security
or organizational security.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
127. Bjorn is a high performing programmer in a software development firm. He was offered
the role of manager of his work team. He declined the offer even though his salary would
have increased by 15% had he accepted this position. His career anchor is likely
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
128. Antonio owns several franchises of a successful quick-serve restaurant chain, which he
manages as a single business enterprise. He built this business from the ground up, starting

and then selling successful businesses in order to "buy into" the franchises. Antonio has two
children, Susan and Alex, who are both now in their 20's. He would like them to take over the
business from him when he retires. Susan and Alex both took the Vocational Preference Test
(VPT)—Susan's type was identified as investigative and Alex's type was identified as
realistic. Based on your knowledge of the VPT, assess whether Antonio should try to develop
either Susan or Alex (or both) to take over the business.
Answer: Students should reject Alex based on his Realistic preference for jobs that require
skill, strength, and coordination. Students could also reject Susan based on her preference for
careers that emphasize cognitive activities (thinking, organizing, understanding) over
affective activities, but students may successfully relate these to success skills required by
129. Identify and briefly describe 5 career anchors.
Answer: Two points each for accurate identification and description of any five of technical
functional, managerial competence, creativity, autonomy and independence, security,
service/education, pure challenge, or lifestyle.

Test Bank for Management of Human Resources: The Essentials
Nina D. Cole, Gary Dessler, Nita Chhinzer
9780133807332, 9780134305066

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