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This Document Contains Chapters 6 to 7 CHAPTER 6 SOLUTIONS Positive and Neutral Messages Critical Thinking Discussion Guide 11. As you have seen in this chapter, some businesses seek to protect themselves from negative online reviews by slipping non-disparagement clauses into their terms of service. Then, in some cases, they sue the authors of negative posts. Lawmakers have taken note, and a new law might void such statements in small print. Is trying to silence online reviewers fair, or are businesses within their rights to protect from illegitimate, damaging complaints? (L.O. 2, 3) Answers will vary. Some students might defend the right to write honest, authentic online reviews on which so many consumer today depend to make a buying decision. Others may recognize that organizations and professionals are sometimes taking desperate steps to defend themselves against arbitrary and unfair reviews that may genuinely hurt their business interests. Pending legislation, the Consumer Review Fairness Act, aims to void non-disparagement clauses—most commonly known in separation agreements that departing employees often must sign—and to protect consumers from terms of service that force them, most often without their knowledge, to sign away their free speech right to talk about their consumer experience. As before, though, businesses could request that false or defamatory reviews be removed. Whether this action will resolve the problem of dishonest reviewing online is a big question. After all, because business and profits are at stake, sometimes companies resort to questionable tactics to boost their online reputation—for example, by buying likes. And some consumers choose to retaliate for what they perceive as unfair treatment. Discerning students might recognize that those of us who read and depend on reviews (80 to 90 percent of online shoppers!) cannot fully trust that those posts are necessarily truthful or real—a healthy attitude toward other Internet sources as well. 12. Why is it smart to remain cool when making a claim, and how should one go about it? (L.O. 3) Avoid becoming angry or trying to fix blame. Bear in mind that the person reading the message is seldom the one responsible for the problem. Instead, state the facts logically, objectively, and unemotionally; let the reader decide on the causes. In the body of a claim message, explain the problem and justify the request. Provide the necessary details so that the difficulty can be corrected without further correspondence. Some people believe that by being very vocal and rude, they are more likely to get their way; however, incivility breeds ill will. As the saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. 13. Why is it important to regain the trust of a customer in an adjustment message? How can it be done? (L.O. 4) Unhappy customers have, naturally, lost some degree of confidence in the company and its products or services. Regaining confidence and reestablishing good feelings is crucial for future business. Regaining confidence requires more than empty statements such as We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. When possible, companies should provide specific explanations of what is being done to rectify the conditions leading to the product failure or dissatisfaction. Warm, simple, and sincere language helps, too. Many companies extend coupons for free products or services so that customers will give the company a second chance. 14. Why should you respond when you receive a congratulatory note or some other written pat on the back and how? (L.O. 5) The simplest answer is perhaps that it’s the right thing to do by the standards of polite society and a workplace that values decorum. But because students are learning the conventions of the world of work, it might be useful to point out the indirect benefits of being courteous and thanking others for kindnesses received. Goodwill messages are attempts to reach out and connect; they foster professional and personal bonds. Most would agree that ignoring notes of congratulations and most other goodwill messages is like failing to say You're welcome when someone says Thank you. Responses to notes of congratulations should be short, simple, and free of false humility. Writers should not minimize their achievements with comments that suggest that they don't deserve the praise or that the sender is exaggerating their good qualities. 15. Is it fair for creditors to continue reporting late payments after the payments have been made? What do you think about experts’ suggestion that people with credit blemishes write a sincere “goodwill” letter to creditors asking for compassion and requesting that the records of their late payments be erased? (L.O. 5) A person with an otherwise good credit history might be able to stop negative reporting about a few late payments. Such a letter should identify the account for which the update is sought, briefly discuss the otherwise positive payment history, explain why the payments were late, and request a “goodwill adjustment.” A letter is much more credible and effective than a phone call because low-level representatives may not have the power to execute changes. Even if a higher-up is available for a phone conversation, approval is not guaranteed. Of course, a letter is not automatically going to achieve positive results, but its formality and the opportunity for formulating a thoughtful request make it more likely to succeed. In addition, unlike e-mail, such a letter is confidential and can be sent by certified mail with return receipt. Radical Rewrites 6.1 Radical Rewrite: Information Request Letter—Workstation Security (L.O. 2) Weaknesses a. Uses outdated Dear Sir instead of addressing the receiver by name. b. Fails to open directly with a summary of the main request. c. Does not explain the request logically. d. Does not group all the questions together and clearly enumerate them in parallel form. e. Includes wordy and outdated expressions (due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, until such time as, thank you in advance). f. Fails to request action and place the due date at the close of the letter. Outline a Writing Plan for a Direct Request •Opening: Ask the most important question first or express a polite command. •Body: Explain the request logically and courteously. Ask other questions if necessary. •Closing: Request a specific action with an end date, if appropriate, and express appreciation. 6.1 Radical Rewrite: Information Request Letter—Workstation Security (L.O. 2) Revision Current date Mr. Kyle Gregory, Sales Manager Micro Supplies and Software 830 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46205 Dear Mr. Gregory: Please provide information and recommendations regarding security equipment to prevent theft of office computers and printers. Our office now has 18 computer workstations and 12 printers that we must secure to desks or counters. Answers to the following questions will help us select the best devices for our purposes: 1. What device would you recommend to secure a workstation consisting of a computer, monitor, and keyboard? 2. Are professionals needed to install your security devices and remove them? 3. Can the devices be easily removed when we need to move equipment around? 4. What is the price of each device? Do you offer quantity discounts? If so, how much? Thanks for responding before February 15 so that we can meet an April 1 deadline from our insurance carrier. Sincerely, 6.2 Radical Rewrite: Instruction E-Mail—Tips for Avoiding Hackers (L.O. 2) Weaknesses a. Suffers from a vague and imprecise subject line. b. Includes a long lead in (This is to inform you that) and wordy opening paragraph. c. Uses a numbered list suggesting a sequence of steps instead of the preferred bulleted list. d. Fails to begin each line of instruction with a verb. e. Could have improved readability with bold summary headings for each item. f. Includes needless repetition (vacant and not monitored; that will educate and train). g. Suffers from wordiness throughout. 6.2 Radical Rewrite: Instruction E-Mail—Tips for Avoiding Hackers Revision To: Staff Members From: G. B. Goldman Subject: New Procedures to Avoid Loss of Data Through Hacking Staff Members: Like other banks, we at First Federal fear that our employees will unwittingly expose valuable information to hackers. Cybersecurity experts have advised that we can reduce some threats by following these procedures: •Avoid out-of-office messages. Please do not leave voice mail or e-mail messages explaining when you will be away. Such messages alert hackers that your computer is not being monitored. •Do not take photos of documents on phones. Smartphones can be lost or stolen, and when important documents appear on these phones, the data can be compromised. •Do not use thumb drives. Although handy, small memory devices are easily lost. Do not store company information on these drives. •Do not use work e-mail addresses for social media. Sharing details about your job can help hackers determine an organization’s best target. •Never click phishing links. Be suspicious of all requests for password information and of links to click. Even messages that seem to be from high-level officials or the human resources department within the company can be sophisticated, realistic fakes. For example, don’t click a link to receive a package or to download a form from within the company. Within the next two months, we will begin implementing a program that includes fake phishing messages to train employees about what to avoid. You will learn more about this program from your managers in training workshops beginning September 1. G. B. Goldman, CEO First Federal Savings and Loan | [email protected] | 678-405-3302 6.3 Radical Rewrite: Adjustment Letter—Sagging Canvas Needs Restretching (L.O. 4) Weaknesses a. Fails to develop goodwill by opening with the good news. b. Begins with an unnecessary, obvious statement (Your letter has been referred to me for reply). c. Uses negative language (you claim that, your complaint). d. Challenges the veracity of the writer (frankly, I find it difficult to believe). e. Provides an explanation that sounds more like an excuse. f. Makes a feeble effort to win back the confidence of the customer; fails to explain what steps will be taken to prevent a recurrence of the problem. g. Sounds grudging in granting the adjustment. h. Neither tells the customer exactly what to do nor explains who will pay for the repair. i. Neglects to close with effective resale. Revision Current date Ms. Sharon Nickels 2459 Drew Street Clearwater, FL 33765 Dear Ms. Nickels: We agree that your newly purchased painting for your executive offices should have arrived without sags in the canvas, and we urge you to engage a local framing shop to restretch it. When any Central Park Gallery painting is shipped, we encase it in three layers of protection: two layers of convoluted foam and one layer of Perf-Pack foam. These multiple layers work together to provide superior shock absorption and guard your art from bumps and scrapes during shipping. However, the shipper may have laid the package down instead of standing it, thus allowing the canvas of this large painting to sag somewhat. You can be sure that we will review our transport instructions with our shippers so that future deliveries follow our strict guidelines, thus preventing your experience. Central Park Gallery takes pride in offering works of art of the highest quality and value to collectors and decorators. Your satisfaction is important to us, and that’s why we encourage you to have your new painting restretched at a local framing shop so that you will be completely satisfied with the way your work of art hangs in your executive offices. Please have the framing shop bill us directly. To see our latest collection of original fine art at extraordinary prices, please look at the enclosed catalog of collectible, custom-framed works. We appreciate your patronage, and our dedicated staff looks forward to continuing to serve you. Sincerely, Activities and Cases 6.4 Responding to Online Posts (L.O. 2, 3) a. Box and Barrel responded within 16 hours with this post: Hi Dani! We’re so glad you like the Pumpkin Yippee Pie mix but sorry that your local store is sold out. It looks as though many of our stores will have stock available. Please call us at 800.867.5596, and we can get you to the next closest store that has stock available! Thank you! This reply does not have any apparent negatives. The pros: The brand reaches out to provide unsolicited advice to a user who shares her frustration about her inability to find a product that she loves. This effort paid off. Dani posted this enthusiastic reply: Thank you so much!! Ah the power of social networking! I love it. I just got off the phone and the Westchester, CA location is holding 2 for me! Thank you!!! b. The company responded very promptly: Hi Carrie, unfortunately you ordered an item that needs to be shipped ground. We are terribly sorry that you were not notified in advance. The pros of this reply: The response is personal and addresses the writer by name. The explanation is humble and apologetic. The cons: Because direct contact information (e-mail, link, or telephone number) is not provided, the consumer cannot pursue the complaint further if more problems arise. Carrie could have used more specific language (things) and minded her punctuation. c. Yes, the company did respond to this positive message to demonstrate that it is listening to consumers and to reinforce the positive feelings of this devoted customer: That’s a great story, Mr. McGee. It’s hard for us to imagine that you’ve been shopping at Brooks for only 6 years. Immediately Steve replied: Well, I did manage to struggle into a suit or two before Brooks. I must somehow get you a picture of a vintage Brooks Brothers hat I have made by Locke and Co. in England – forties I think. It fits me perfectly. Within an hour Brooks Brothers wrote back: That would be lovely and most appreciated, sir. Send away to [email protected]. Another positive feature of this exchange: The brand is true to its stylish image and addresses Steve by his last name and sir. The personal responses also include direct contact information inviting the user to share a photograph and his positive feelings about the brand. d. Did Geico take this tempting opportunity and fire a cheap shot at the competition? No. The insurer replied graciously about two hours after Allison’s message was posted: While filing a claim is never fun, and we are glad you are okay, we are happy to hear that the process was a smooth one for you. Thanks for being a policyholder, Allison! The reply is personal and prompt. The brand shows concern for the user of the Facebook page and keeps a positive emphasis on its wall. e. Requests must be answered and preferably quickly. Monte Carlo Resort & Casino in Las Vegas wrote back two hours later: Our lagoon pool and hot tubs are open year round… and heated of course! The benefit of this answer is the quick response with exactly the information Mikaela needed. The drawback of this answer: The resort missed the opportunity to provide an even more valuable customer experience. A potential guest could have become a confirmed reservation had a link to the booking website been provided. Attentive students will notice that opened in Mikaela’s message should be open. 6.5 Direct Request: Seeking a Social Media Specialist (L.O. 2) To: Doug Goodwin From: [Your name] Subject: Searching for Advice and Information About Social Media Experts Dear Mr. Goodwin: You have been recommended by HomeCenter CEO John Brauburger as a trusted source of information. I’m hoping you can help me learn more about social media experts, as my company is considering hiring one. Our company wonders whether it would benefit from hiring a social media specialist who could keep abreast of online social venues and promote our company’s brand as well as perform other beneficial tasks. Answers to the following questions will assist me in deciding whether to suggest pursuing this issue: •How could a social media specialist benefit HomeCenter? •What salary range is appropriate for such a specialist? •What qualifications would we seek in such a specialist? •In what corporate areas do social media specialists usually work: corporate communications, marketing, customer support, or some other area? •How could we evaluate that person’s success on the job, once hired? I’m sure many other questions could be asked, but I’d like to start with these. A written response before March 15 would enable me to report to our CEO on a topic that concerns him as well as our entire company. Sincerely, [Your name] [Your contact information] 6.6 Direct Request: Puppies, Philanthropy, and PR (L.O. 2) Current date Ms. Clea Zayas Southwestern Guide Dogs 500 Caja Del Rio Road Santa Fe, NM 87507 Dear Ms. Zayas: Please answer some questions regarding Southwestern Guide Dogs’ program for volunteers to raise puppies for guide dog training. My corporation is interested in extending its community outreach program, and we want to explore the possibility of providing volunteers. We are excited about the possibility and have a number of questions. 1. Does Southwestern Guide Dogs have any programs that encourage corporate sponsors to provide volunteers? 2. If no programs are currently available, would Southwestern Guide Dogs be interested in pursuing the possibility? 3. Do puppy raisers require any special training? 4. Do Southwestern Guide puppies require special food? 5. Can a person be gone during the day and still raise a Southwestern Guide puppy? 6. Who pays for a puppy’s food and other expenses? We are exceedingly interested in an opportunity to develop a corporate program encouraging volunteers to become Southwestern Guide puppy raisers. We admire this excellent program that enriches the lives of blind people and helps them travel safely and confidently. Your answers to these questions before June 1 will enable me to bring the matter to our next board meeting. You may write to me at the above address or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Sincerely, 6.7 Direct Request: Planning a Winter Retreat in Vail, Colorado (L.O. 2) To: Kiersten Dunn From: [Your name] Subject: Requesting Information About Potential Conference and Facilities for 85 Guests Dear Ms. Dunn: Can Four Seasons Resort and Residences Vail provide 50 rooms accommodating about 85 guests for either December 16–20, 2019, or January 13–17, 2020? My company will be hosting a four-day combination sales conference/vacation/retreat for 55 of our marketing and media professionals and their partners and spouses. Please answer the following questions about the Four Seasons, to help us determine whether this is a suitable resort: •What are the room rates? Is there any discount for groups or for corporate customers? •Do you have two conference rooms available that would hold 25 people? We would need these rooms for one and a half days. What are the sizes and cost of these rooms? •Do the conference rooms have audiovisual and computer facilities as well as Internet access? •Do you have facilities for us to host a banquet for 85 people one evening? •What leisure activities are available for the families of our staff onsite and in Vail? •What skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports options are available to groups? •Can you arrange tours to any of the nearby national parks? •Do you operate a shuttle from and to the airport? Your answers to these questions before September 2 will help me make a complete presentation to our CEO, who is eager to select a spectacular resort for this conference and retreat. Sincerely, 6.8 Direct Response: Chesapeake Sail & Canvas Receives a Poor Customer Rating on Yelp (L.O. 2) Barry’s options are many, but not all are equally wise. He could respond on Yelp, which gives businesses the opportunity to address poor reviews. He could write Angela an e-mail or call her. What really happened was that Barry decided to call the customer. He left messages on both her mobile phone and her home phone. In both messages Barry apologized for not getting back to Angela, explained how busy he was, and reported that his administrative assistant had been sick. He offered to expedite the work Angela wanted to have done. Angela was pleased about the message and decided to change her Yelp review. She wrote an update explaining her change of heart. Calling the customer was very effective in this case because it showed a personal touch. Writing a Yelp response would most likely not have been as effective. If students decide that Barry should call the customer, they could write a potential script for him. Following is an e-mail solution. To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Your Recent Request for an Estimate Dear Angela: You have every right to be disappointed in our service, and I promise to give special attention to your needs from this day forward. I have also left a voice mail message to tell you that I will personally come to your boat and take the measurements for your marine canvas covers. Just so that you know, our business has been severely shorthanded. As the summer is getting underway, we have a lot of inquiries from boat owners like you who wish to replace their aging canvas covers. I am scrambling to hire additional installers. However, worst of all, my trusted administrative assistant has been sick lately, and our communication with customers has suffered as a result. As you may have seen, we usually receive nothing but 5-star ratings online. We will be happy to make up for our delayed response by expediting the manufacturing of your custom canvas. Please call me at 410.388.3388 to make an appointment, so that I can meet you at your boat and get the new canvas order started for you. Cordially, Barry Barry Gregg | Owner | Chesapeake Sail & Canvas | Annapolis, MD 21401 | 410.491.4912 6.9 Direct Response: Interviewing at Marmont & Associates (L.O. 2) Note: Memo guide words (Date, To, From, Subject) may appear in all caps or as upper- and lowercase. Date: Current To: Carl Mekeel, CEO From: [Your name] Subject: Rescheduling Interviews for Environmental Architect/Designer As you requested, I have rescheduled three candidates for the position of environmental architect/designer. Here is a summary of the schedule with brief information about their backgrounds: Do you want me to send this summary to Mr. Barker so that he can plan to attend? Please let me know by March 16 so that he can plan his schedule. 6.10 Instruction Message: E-Mail Inviting Down-Editing Needs Revision (L.O. 2) To: New Team Members From: [Your name] Subject: Instructions for Moving to Your New Location The office move to your new location will take place on either November 8 or November 15. The movers will arrive between 4 p.m. and midnight. Your responses to the following questions and completion of the tasks involved will help ensure that your things arrive safely and are where you want them. Please answer the following questions: •Because move requests for your personal items will be arranged on 11/8 or 11/15 (Fridays), which of those days is better for you? •Do you have an ergonomic desk or chair (or other large furniture) that you want moved to your new office location? If so, please list those items. •Because boxes, labels, tape, and a move map will arrive four or five business days before the move, will this time frame work for you? Please let me know if these supplies do not arrive on schedule. •What office equipment will you be bringing from your current team? Company policy allows you to take a workstation/laptop from your current team. However, some groups allow transferring employees to take more, so check with your admin regarding this policy. Your new office will be set up with a workstation, monitor, and peripherals. Please complete the following tasks: •Use foam pads to box up fragile and valuable items: IT plaques, glass, or anniversary glass sculptures. Glass replacements are expensive, and the cost center is responsible for replacement. As an option, you may personally move glass sculptures or valuables. •Pack the contents of all gray filing cabinets, as movers do not move them. •Indicate on the move map the number and delivery location of whiteboards, corkboards, and rolling cabinets. •Add a name label to your belongings, such as desk phones, docking stations, peripherals, monitors, tables, ergo desks, and ergo chairs. •Remove or cross out old move labels if using recycled boxes. Please e-mail me your responses to the preceding questions by Friday, October 25, so we’ll have two weeks’ notice before the move dates. We look forward to having you on the team and greeting you in your new office! Regards, 6.11 Instruction Message: How to Copy Pictures and Text From PDF Documents (L.O. 2) Date: Current To: All Marketing Employees From: Jenny Zhang Subject: How to Copy Images and Text From PDF Documents After requests from several of you, I’m sending instructions detailing how to copy images and text passages from PDF documents. Copying content from portable document format (PDF) files is easy and convenient for those of us working on our yearly catalog. The process works as follows in the open PDF document: 1. Select the Edit pull-down menu. 2. Click Take a Snapshot to activate the copying tool. (It is identified by a camera icon.) 3. Now you are ready to select the portion of the PDF document you wish to copy; your cursor will take the shape of a square cross. 4. Click and hold down your left mouse button near the spot where you wish to copy an image or text passage; simultaneously drag the mouse over the page. You will see a selected area that you can expand or collapse as long as you don’t release the left mouse button. 5. As soon as you let go of the left mouse button, the snapshot will be taken for you. The note The selected area has been copied will appear on the screen. Click OK. 6. Now open a blank Word document or an existing one and paste the selection into the file by right-clicking the mouse and choosing Paste or Paste Options. 7. You will see the image or passage you have selected and can further manipulate it by making it smaller or larger, as far as the image resolution will allow. Of course, you can paste the images and text into Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. If you wish to copy an entire page, simply go to your PDF document and the page you wish to capture and left-click once. The same message will appear that your image was copied to the clipboard. This is a useful feature. The whole procedure will make your work much easier when you need image files from previous catalog editions (no more photocopying!) or when you need to transfer a figure from one catalog to another. Let me know if you need help with these instructions. 6.12 Direct Claim: A Not-So-Smart TV (L.O. 3) To: Christopher Sanchez From: Your name Subject: Requesting Price Adjustment on a New Samsung HDTV Dear Mr. Sanchez: After purchasing two faulty Insignia Ultra HD TVs (Model NS-50DR710) from your store, I believe you should sell me a similar-sized set for a price close to that of the Insignia TV. I recently decided to purchase an Ultra HD TV and chose the Insignia for its features and benefits. I found a great deal at Digital Depot and purchased the set for $399.93 plus tax. I sold my old set and installed the new one, spending considerable time and energy to get it up and running. That evening, the set worked fine, but the next day it didn’t turn on. Figuring that I had a faulty set, I packed it up and returned it to your store, which is a 30-minute drive from my home. I brought home another Insignia TV and set it up. It worked for a few days, but then it conked out as well. When I returned the second set, I was told I could get yet another Insignia. But after the two faulty TVs, hours of my time assembling and repacking the Insignia sets, and hours spent driving to and from your store, I did not want to take another chance. Digital Depot sells a Samsung (model UN50KU6300) that is the same size as the Insignia, but it costs more. Because I am a loyal customer who wants to continue to enjoy the great prices and service Digital Depot offers, please provide me with the necessary approval to purchase the Samsung at the same or nearly the same price that I paid for the Insignia. Sincerely, 6.13 Direct Claim: Door Fell Short! (L.O. 3) Current date Mr. Bryan Mumm Operations Manager American Wood Products 4230 North Superior Street Lincoln, NE 68521 Dear Mr. Mumm: Please send a check for $940.50 to cover the cost of rebuilding a door opening. This construction was necessary to adjust the size of the opening to the smaller door we received from American Wood Products. In a telephone request on May 17, I ordered an oversized 12-foot mahogany entry door (“Cape Cod”). I asked that the door measure 12 feet 2 inches. However, when it arrived, it measured 11 feet 10 inches. After consulting my carpenter, we decided to rebuild the door opening since that was faster than waiting for a new door to be made and shipped. My client wanted the door installed immediately. Rebuilding the opening also made sense in that it saved the cost of returning the door and making a new custom door. Enclosed are copies of my carpenter’s bill for his work and the invoice for the door. The quality of your products generally complements the quality of service that I give my discerning customers. I would like to continue to use American Wood Products doors, windows, and hardware for future custom projects. You may credit my account or send a check for $940.50 to my company. Sincerely, 6.14 Direct Claim: Asking Customer Service to Fix Snafu (L.O. 3) Current date Ms. Alicia Stevenson Customer Service Department Avery Dennison Office Products Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Dear Ms. Stevenson: Please send me a new box of laser labels or refund three quarters of the purchase price for a box of labels that will not work in my printer. On March 3 I purchased a box with 100 sheets of Avery Laser Labels (No. 5166). The cost was $36.99 plus tax. I used 25 sheets immediately, and they worked well in my laser printer. Then I put the box away and didn’t need it again until June 14. At that time the labels would not feed through my printer. In fact, some of the labels lifted off their sheets and jammed my printer. Although I was able to get the printer working again, I threw out the remaining labels because I could not risk ruining my printer. Since I am forced to buy a box with 100 sheets when I need many fewer, I wonder if you have considered packaging these labels in smaller units. Apparently, they do not store well and must be used fairly soon after purchase. I would appreciate your check for $30 (which is about three quarters of the purchase price) or a replacement of the 75 sheets of Avery address labels that I had to discard. Enclosed is the bar code from the box I purchased. Sincerely, 6.15 Adjustment: Responding to TV Claim (L.O. 4) To: Thomas Heffernan From: Your name Subject: Granting Price Adjustment on a Samsung HD TV With Two Options Cc: Herbert Greene Dear Mr. Heffernan: Yes, you may purchase a Samsung TV at a special price that’s relatively close to what you paid for the Insignia TV, although the Samsung models—whether the newest 4K Ultra HD TV or older 1080p HD TV—usually cost a lot more. That’s because they are far superior to the Insignia brand and generally less prone to malfunctions. Because you have suffered an inordinate amount of trouble with two Insignia TVs, I understand that you don’t wish to try more of the same. Naturally, you could exchange your current Insignia TV under warranty without any additional payment on your part. If you insist on a Samsung model, I can offer you the following two options at a cost that is close to the price you paid for your Insignia TV: 1. Accept a brand new Samsung 1080p HD TV that costs $449.99. For only $50 more, you would own a television set that is not as advanced as your current Insignia TV but is a higher-quality product. 2. Choose a Samsung 4K Ultra HD TV that served as a display model and will soon be discontinued. This television costs $749.99 new, out of the box. Your local Digital Depot store will sell you this floor model at a deep discount for $499.99, only $100 more than your current TV. Mr. Heffernan, when you decide which option suits you best, please bring a copy of this e-mail to your local store manager or sales representative. They will honor this offer. I am copying the store manager, Herbert Greene, who has notified me about your request. I hope you agree that Digital Depot offers great prices as well as generous warranty and return policies. Sincerely, 6.16 Adjustment: Responding to Door Claim (L.O. 4) Current date Ms. Sue Ewerth New Century Interiors 4808 W Victoria Street Chicago, IL 60646 Dear Ms. Ewerth: Subject: Our Check for $940.50 Requested in Your June 20 Letter The enclosed check for $940.50 tells you that American Wood Products takes pride not only in its quality doors but also in its commitment to customer service. We examined your May 17 order and saw the discrepancy in measurements. Apparently, you requested our Cape Cod mahogany door measuring 12 feet 2 inches. However, our telephone order taker recorded the measurement at 11 feet 10 inches. At the time your order was placed, we had just hired two new telephone clerks. Although I’m not certain that the discrepancy occurred at this point, you can be sure that I will personally investigate our training program for telephone clerks. We want to ensure that measurements for custom orders are verified so that your experience is not repeated. I will also institute a new policy of confirming custom measurements in writing via e-mail or text message. Over the years we have worked hard to build a reputation as manufacturer of the finest wood doors and frames on the market. Our products combine prime woods, meticulous craftsmanship, award-winning design, and ingenious engineering. Quality products, though, are not enough. We realize that we must also provide service that satisfies our customers. You might also be interested in our new greenhouse windows that can be ordered in three convenient sizes. Please see the attached brochure or visit our website ( Sincerely, 6.17 Goodwill Message: U.S. President’s Statement on Fidel Castro’s Death (L.O. 5) No one probably envied the president’s duty to offer condolences following the death of a totalitarian leader who has been a thorn in the side of the United States for six decades. However, such are the rules of diplomacy that even controversial heads of state are acknowledged in death. Note that Obama’s message is called a statement, not a message of condolences. Neither President Obama nor Vice President Joe Biden attended Castro’s funeral. Other heads of state also bowed out, French President François Hollande and Russian President Vladimir Putin among them. The U.S. Embassy in Havana was one of the few diplomatic missions in the Cuban capital that did not lower its flag to half-staff, refusing the typical nod to a high-level death. This ambivalent stance may explain the delicate eloquence needed to acknowledge the death of a head of state while staying true to American values. Obama’s message fulfills the five Ss—to an extent. To be tactful, the former president used euphemisms and ambiguous language when he spoke about Castro’s death eliciting “powerful emotions,” leaving room for the assumptions that some might actually welcome the demise of the strongman. The U.S. president focused on the things the Cuban people and the American people have in common. He also expressly stated his desire to leave the troubled past behind and look to the future. The message is selfless in that it broadly hints at the relationship between the two countries but focuses mostly on our shared humanity and the grieving Castro family as well as the Cuban people. The message is sincere in the sense that it is measured and formal as befits the occasion. The tone matches the problematic relationship with Cuba. Obama remained as factual as possible, for example, when calling Fidel Castro a “singular figure” who changed the course of individuals’ lives and his nation’s history. He refrained from judging Castro while acknowledging the difficult relations between the two countries. Instead, Obama left judgment to history. Had Castro been a friend of the American people and/or a personal friend of the U.S. president, the remarks would have been more detailed and cordial. The message is spontaneous to the degree that it’s fresh, not relying on clichés and stock phrases, but it cannot be called enthusiastic. Obama’s message is definitely short. The ancient Greek maxim “Speak no ill of the dead” might sum up this particular dilemma President Obama faced in commemorating a highly controversial political figure. 6.18 Goodwill Message: Extending Sympathy to a Spouse (L.O. 5) 851 Park Street Fairfield, CT 06825 Current date Dear Grace, Your many friends and I here at RelayCom were deeply saddened to learn of the death of your husband Ken. I remember when we first met Ken at a company party many years ago. He was extremely entertaining, especially when he affectionately referred to you as the Maiden of Mirth. You and Ken were a remarkable couple. Although it’s difficult for others to understand what a deep loss you must feel, I hope that your strong faith and your beautiful memories can outlast the pain of your grief. Please know that we share your profound loss and are available to help if needed. Fondly, 6.19 Goodwill Message: Thank You for a Glowing Letter of Recommendation (L.O. 5) 6745 West Axel Drive Kansas City, KS 41126 Current date Dr. Thomas Hirsch School of Business Mt. Carmel College P.O. Box 410 Carmel, IN 46952 Dear Dr. Hirsch: Thank you for your teaching and encouragement during my four years at Mt. Carmel. Your courses in financial management, advanced investment finance, and international finance helped to prepare me for my new job as a junior financial analyst. Your supportive recommendation letter was instrumental in helping me obtain a position with Fidelity Investment Services. The company was also impressed with the investment portfolio I compiled in your advanced investment finance course. The portfolio and other assignments helped me to respond knowledgeably when interviewers questioned me about real-world financial situations. Thank you for writing highly of my work as a student. You were an excellent teacher, and I learned a great deal from your courses. Sincerely, 6.20 Goodwill Message: Responding to Good Wishes by Saying Thank You (L.O. 5) Current date Dear Brad: I appreciated very much receiving your good wishes at the time of my graduation. It made me feel good to know that you cared enough to write. Cordially, Communication Workshop: Ethics Choosing Tools for Doing the Right Thing Solutions will vary, but here are a few potential outcomes of an ethics debate: Recruiting: Most people would probably agree that lying to potential job candidates would be wrong, as lying in general is unethical, even illegal or criminal at times. The recruiter finds himself or herself in an unenviable position and might be demoralized too. Who would in good conscience want to tout a toxic workplace? Yet the recruiter’s dilemma is that someone must be hired for open positions; it’s the recruiter’s job to find the right candidates. Some students might defend a neutral point of view and advocate not actively volunteering any information. Others may see nothing wrong with actively warning an application of what might await him or her if hired, but that would work against the recruiter’s obligations. A tough nut to crack! Ultimately it comes down to whether one can afford to work in an environment that clashes with one’s own values. Training program: Although the desire to visit Hawaii on the company’s dime may be tempting to some, this junket isn’t free. It’s contingent on providing something in return, i.e. the employer expects that the training in Hawaii will cement the employee’s long-term commitment to the business and improve his or her job performance. The trip is not a reward for a job well done but constitutes an investment in the company’s future and the worker’s future with the company. It would be unethical to participate in the training knowing full well that the company won’t be able to recoup its investment. An honest way to proceed would be to discuss career plans candidly with the supervising manager and politely decline the opportunity to visit Hawaii under false pretenses. Thievery: Generally speaking, the employer has the right to fire someone who is shown to have a proven serious irregularity or “inconsistency” in his or her record. The action may depend on the gravity of the inconsistency. If the problem uncovered by accident proves to be egregious, a dismissal might be warranted. On the other hand, using another transgression as a pretext in order to fire the employee without having evidence in hand that the worker is definitely stealing from the company appears to be dishonest. However, some managers probably would consider this measure expedient, unburdening themselves of the need to produce proof for their suspicions. The better, more ethical way to proceed, if the other transgression isn’t grave, is to try to collect evidence first. It is entirely possible that the suspicions would turn out to be groundless. Downsizing: This action seems shady. It’s best to own up to the realities of rising commodity prices and other factors affecting price. Selling product in smaller packages is not illegal. Businesses frequently change packaging and may distribute various package sizes to different markets. What makes this action unethical is the intent to deceive, but it isn’t fraudulent—unlike some companies that have been reprimanded, even fined, for misrepresenting the size and content of packaging. Whole Foods comes to mind. This otherwise admired company was embroiled in an embarrassing scandal for routinely selling consumers less content than the packaging advertised. The outcome of this discussion should ideally be a greater awareness in students not that ethics is fuzzy and everybody has different notions of what constitutes right or wrong, but that in each situation multiple, often clashing factors and aspects need to be considered. A shared sense of right and wrong exists, but what complicates matters is that people differ in the weight they assign to various decision criteria. When reasoning, it’s important to explain which assumptions and values have led to the judgment or decision on how to proceed. CHAPTER 7 SOLUTIONS Negative Messages Critical Thinking Discussion Guide 11. Why might it be shortsighted to bluntly refuse lending money or issue credit cards to people without a credit history—such as young students—or to consumers with less-than-stellar credit? (L.O. 1–4) A person’s financial situation can change. When a recession hits, the economic circumstances of average citizens can dramatically worsen, yet they may also eventually improve. In due course, a student will graduate and find a job, at which point his or her finances usually recover. Consumers generally remember poor treatment and tend to tell others about it. This negative word of mouth can hound insensitive companies for a long time. Tact is a prized skill in business correspondence when bad news is involved. A diplomatic attitude is the ultimate goodwill and reputation builder for a company and its representatives. 12. Robert Bies, professor of management at Georgetown University, believes that an important ethical guideline in dealing with bad news is never to shock the recipient: “Bad news should never come as a surprise. Failure to warn senior leadership of impending bad news, such as poor sales or a loss of a major client, is a cardinal sin. So is failure to warn subordinates about mistakes in their performance and provide an opportunity for them to make corrections and improve.” Discuss the motivation of people who keep quiet and struggle with dispensing bad news. (L.O. 1–3) Giving bad news is unpleasant, and many of us prefer to avoid it or hide behind technology to avoid facing the other person. We may be feeling guilty or embarrassed; we may fear the “kill the messenger” response. Some managers are afraid of tears and emotional outbursts. The indirect approach may be helpful in such dreaded situations. 13. Should organizations fear websites where consumers post negative messages about products and services? What actions can companies take in response to this potential threat? (L.O. 4) Proactive companies are creating their own Twitter and Facebook accounts and trawling the Web so that they can monitor comments and respond directly to consumers through social networking sites. Tech-savvy staffers search for keywords, complaints, and issues related to their brands. The most progressive companies see social networking as a new channel or communication tool for interacting with consumers. Social networking is indeed a disruptive influence in customer relations, but in a positive way. These sites provide opportunities for companies to engage their customers directly and quickly. 14. Consider times when you have been aware that others were using the indirect strategy in writing or speaking to you. How did you react? (L.O. 2) Students may indicate that they appreciated the indirect pattern because it was more tactful and made them feel that the communicator cared about their feelings. On the other hand, students may suggest that they felt they were being manipulated and that they distrusted the communicator who was not forthright. Others may say that they were impatient to hear the bottom line. They disliked the other person’s “beating around the bush.” Most business communicators feel that using the indirect pattern prepares the recipient for bad news or for an important idea. Other communicators contend that the indirect strategy is unethical. However, it is not unethical to make the best presentation possible. To say that something is unethical is to suggest dishonesty. It’s not dishonest to delay bad news in an effort to protect the feelings of the receiver. The important point to recognize here is the need to assess the receiver’s reaction. A writer who feels that the receiver would prefer to have the news directly should do just that. 15. What might be some advantages and disadvantages to being let go remotely, if any? Why might it be a good idea to rein in one’s frustration and anger? (L.O. 5 Although it is brutal, being told over the phone may help the person absorb the bad news and respond to it in private rather than in front of coworkers. This advantage is lost, of course, when the layoff notice happens on camera. The downside of a remote layoff may be that a part-time telecommuter must clear out a cubicle. A full-time homeworker may still need to return company property such as a computer. Companies that fire workers insensitively may taint their reputations and damage the morale of the remaining staff. Experts recommend that fired workers who are not telecommuting not hide out at home but “put on [their] game face[s] and head back to the office one last time” to collect their belongings and say goodbye. Also, telecommuters should call their former colleagues, business professionals believe. The relationships at work might help with job hunting or consulting opportunities later. Experts advise against parting on bad terms by being rude or hostile on the phone, on camera via Skype, or in person. Instead, in the long term it may be wiser to demonstrate professionalism and resilience in an adverse situation. [Gunn, E. 2012, January 5. Fired by email or phone? Here’s how to deal with it. Reuters.] Radical Rewrites 7.1 Radical Rewrite: Request Refusal—Nuptials Nixed at Napa Inn (L.O. 1–4) Weaknesses a. Turns off the reader with the immediate, blunt announcement of bad news. b. Uses an offensive tone suggesting that the bride is not too smart. c. Does not organize reasons in a rational, logical sequence. d. Does not use an alternative to benefit the reader and to soften the bad news. e. Does not close with contact information or a pleasant forward look. f. Fails to motivate the recipient, and leaves the impression that the writer doesn’t care too much about making a sale. Writing plan for a request refusal: Buffer: Start with a neutral statement. Begin with a compliment, appreciation, or a quick review of the facts. Reasons: Present valid reasons for the refusal. Explain logically why the request must be refused. Avoid words that create a negative tone. Bad news: De-emphasize the bad news. Soften the bad news by using the passive voice, accentuating the positive, or implying the refusal. Suggest a compromise, alternative, or substitute, if possible. Closing: Renew good feelings with a positive statement. Avoid referring to the bad news. Look forward to continued relations. 7.1 Radical Rewrite: Request Refusal—Nuptials Nixed at Napa Inn Revision Current date Ms. Sonya Capretta 2459 Sierra Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 Dear Ms. Capretta: Thanks for your inquiry regarding weddings at the Napa Valley Inn, one of the most beautiful and romantic settings in the country. June is our busiest month, and this year is no exception. Although all of the Saturdays in June are booked, we can accommodate your party in midweek if you reserve soon. With unparalleled cuisine and service, along with panoramic Napa Valley and vineyard views, our inn offers a unique, intimate ambiance in a breathtaking location for your special event. Let the Napa Valley Inn with its 45 Mediterranean-style rooms and suites, each with its own sun-drenched private terrace, provide the perfect location for you and your guests to celebrate your union. Afternoon ceremonies typically begin at 11 a.m., while evening ceremonies usually begin at 6 p.m. Please call me at 1-800-435-3321 so that I can help you plan a midweek event in June. But act quickly to ensure your reservation. Sincerely, 7.2 Radical Rewrite: Bad News to Employees—Software Is Strictly Business (L.O. 1–3, 5) Weaknesses a. Opens with a direct refusal and a harsh reference to the prohibitive cost of additional software licenses. b. Sounds petulant and makes no attempt to soften the bad news. c. Includes many sentence fragments (Or for any other use, Which is cost prohibitive, Or to develop new software, and others). d. Is repetitious throughout, reiterating the no to buying additional licenses for home use. e. Includes a long lead-in and a wordy phrase (This e-mail is to inform you and due to the fact that). f. Closes with a reminder of the bad news and a cliché (Thank you for your cooperation). 7.2 Radical Rewrite: Bad News to Employees—Software Is Strictly Business Revision To: Staff computer users From: Anna He Wong Subject: Request to Provide Software Licenses for Home Use Staff computer users: A number of computer users have expressed interest in the latest Adobe Creative Cloud apps and services. We recently purchased software licenses to access Adobe Creative Cloud on the computers in our Document Production Department. Like most software makers, Adobe has moved its coveted Creative Cloud suite to the cloud. Rather than forcing users to buy the popular graphic and web designer package for thousands of dollars every few years, Adobe has shifted to a subscription model. We now pay a monthly fee per computer, per user. We have purchased expensive licenses for Adobe Creative Cloud where it is needed the most—in the Document Production Department. Although the licenses cannot be provided for home use because of their high cost, you do have access to this excellent suite of apps and services at your workstations. For personal use, consider using lunch breaks or time after hours to work on your own projects. We look forward to using the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for many of your projects—work related as well as personal—here in the Document Production Department. When you have a chance, please drop by to see our new graphics and presentation capabilities. Anna He Wong, Manager Document Production [Full contact information] Activities and Cases 7.3 Request Refusal: Rising Phoenix Team Sinks Application To: Jenny Johnson From: [Your name] Subject: Your Request for Adobe Sponsorship Dear Jenny: We enjoyed learning about the fascinating sport of dragon boat racing and about the role it plays in the lives of many active breast cancer survivors. Your team is to be commended for its competitive spirit and positive attitude. Our company supports a variety of great causes, breast cancer among them. We receive requests for sponsorships daily; therefore, we have decided to streamline the application process by asking that proposals be submitted on our website (the link is listed below). Although we would like to accommodate every request, our sponsorship funds are finite. We must evaluate each organization’s purpose, the audiences served by the sponsorship, and any potential benefits Adobe will receive from the sponsorship. To have enough time to assess the merit of each application, we require submissions at least six weeks before the event for which the sponsorship is being requested. Although the deadline for the upcoming dragon boat festival has already passed, we encourage you to apply again in the future and give us at least six weeks before your event to respond. Jenny, we wish your team much success and hope that the dragon boat festival in Portland next month will be a hit with participants and spectators alike. Best regards, [Your name] [Your full contact information] Sponsorship request form: 7.4 Request Refusal: Turning Down an Award-Winning Charity Current date Ms. Elliana Larios 1450 Opechee Way Glendale, CA 91208 Dear Ms. Larios: Let me commend you on the fine work you are doing as a volunteer with Interval House Crisis Shelters & Centers for Victims of Domestic Violence. Since 1979, Interval House has worked tirelessly to develop innovative programs that have been recognized with over 500 awards and served as a model domestic violence program to the nation. My heart goes out to the youth and adult victims in crisis. Interval House performs an invaluable service to people who are battered, abused, or at risk. In the past my company was able to make generous contributions. This fiscal year, however, has been difficult for us and required serious internal restructuring. Although funds are unavailable for charitable donations this year, we hope to be able to continue our support of Interval House when our future looks brighter. Sincerely, 7. 5 Request Refusal: I’m Flattered, But I Can’t Speak to Your Club Current date Ms. Chelsea Landry Associated Students Wysocki College 246 Bay State Road Boston, MA 02215 Dear Ms. Landry: Your invitation to speak at beautiful Wysocki College thrilled me because I enjoy meeting young people and discussing the importance of soft skills with them. I was particularly impressed with your professionalism in communicating with me and following up. As The Protocol School of Washington is growing, so are my responsibilities. Most recently I have established a subsidiary in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to expand the training of protocol officers and etiquette experts internationally. As I’m trying to get this new venture off to a good start, I’m also writing a new book on dining etiquette and diplomatic protocol. Although a campus visit during your spring semester is not possible due to a scheduling conflict with a conference I am planning, I would be happy to speak at Wysocki College at some time in the near future. Alternatively, I would be delighted to offer you the expertise of my right-hand man and deputy director, Robert Hickey. Mr. Hickey is a popular senior trainer with many illustrious clients of his own. He indicated his enthusiasm for discussing soft skills and business etiquette with students on your campus this spring. You are to be commended for showing an avid interest in developing skills that will be crucial to your career success and, in fact, your personal life. Please let me know whether you can wait until my schedule eases up a little or whether you would like to invite Mr. Hickey. Sincerely, 7.6 Request Refusal: Can’t Evict Noisy Tenant Current date Mr. Charles Costerisan, CPA Suite 200, Edgewood Towne Center 300 Frandor Avenue Lansing, MI 48912 Dear Mr. Costerisan: Subject: Your Recent Inquiry About a Neighboring Tenant Thank you for bringing up your concerns about the loud music coming from Mr. Brenner’s office. I can understand how frustrating the noise must be, especially when you are conducting business with clients. Leasing commercial property is frequently a challenge, as the working environments of tenants are invariably diverse. A commercial tenancy is different from a residential tenancy. A lease for an apartment can include specific language regarding issues such as noise, but a standard commercial lease may not. Because Mr. Brenner has not broken any of the covenants in his lease, he is entitled to conduct business in the building. Mr. Costerisan, as one of my most valued tenants, you can be sure that I will work with you to resolve this matter. I suggest that we meet with Mr. Brenner to discuss an equitable resolution to the problem. We might consider sharing the cost of soundproofing. I will set up a meeting for later this week. Sincerely, 7.7 Claim Denial: Pricey Prescription Eyewear Left on Plane Current date Ms. Cynthia Mercier-Walters 8400 S 51st Avenue Glendale, AZ 85301 Dear Ms. Mercier-Walters: We can imagine that the loss of your glasses on our flight from Philadelphia to Phoenix with a stopover at Atlanta International Airport must be truly frustrating. Our flight attendants are instructed to remind passengers that the cabins will be cleaned during brief layovers. Most passengers leave the plane and do not return because they are catching connecting flights. During these brief layovers, cleaning crews must work swiftly as they pass through the cabins picking up discarded newspapers and other items. However, they should have recognized your glasses and given them to an attendant. We regret your loss, and we will definitely review our instructions to crews about warning passengers to remove their personal belongings if they deplane. Although the cost of the glasses cannot be refunded, we can offer you an equivalent value in travel vouchers. Thank you for flying Pacific Southern Airlines, and we hope to see you soon as you use the enclosed travel vouchers. Sincerely, Enclosure 7.8 Claim Denial: Whining on the Web Students will find numerous legitimate complaints about products and services. For example, one writer complained that after three months of use, his expensive iPhone stopped working. He sent it to Apple for repair and received a form letter telling him to buy a new one—despite a repair policy suggesting that within ten days of their initial purchase, buyers would receive a working iPhone. The form letter could have been greatly improved using techniques from this chapter. 7.9 Claim Denial: Sorry—Smokers Must Cough Up Cash Current date Mr. Wilson M. Weber 634 Wetmore Avenue Everett, WA 98201 Dear Mr. Weber: Century Park Hotel is committed to providing an attractive setting and comfortable surroundings for every guest’s visit. We realize that our guests have high expectations, and to meet or exceed those expectations we recently completed a two-year plan to refurbish many rooms with new carpets, upholstery, finishes, and draperies. You stayed in one of our renovated nonsmoking rooms. That room was clearly marked as a “Nonsmoking Room.” In addition to the notice inside the room, guests are given a handout detailing our nonsmoking policy for selected rooms. The handout says that guests who disregard our nonsmoking policy will have a fee of $150 charged to their accounts. Your business is very important to us. We hold each guest in the highest regard and are truly thankful for your patronage. On your next visit to the Century Park Hotel, we would be happy to reserve for you a smoking room. Sincerely, 7.10 Customer Bad News: Pick a Price Hike Note: Student messages will vary. Here are portions of an authentic letter announcing a newspaper rate increase. Current Date Dear Home Delivery Subscriber: Effective February 6, there will be a modest increase in the price of home delivery of ______, the first home delivery price increase in four years. This increase reflects the rising costs of printing and delivery. The new weekly rates are shown in a separate box. In the four years since our last increase, we have significantly enhanced our coverage of the arts, travel, business, and real estate—giving you even richer perspectives on vital aspects of your life and helping you make the most of your free time, investments, and so much more. We introduced new sections, Thursday Styles and Friday’s Escapes, to help you discover new looks and new destinations. We also introduced such new features as The Funny Pages and Freakonomics to our Sunday magazine. _____ is also rewarding our readers in new ways. Home delivery customers now have free access to a powerful online resource featuring articles going back 25 years, as well as information that’s unavailable anywhere else, exclusive multimedia events, blogs, interaction with our columnists, and more. Home delivery remains the most convenient and reliable way to benefit from all that ______ has to offer. It continues to be a cost-effective way to stay exceptionally well informed. We thank you for your business and for choosing _______. Sincerely, 7.11 Customer Bad News: Blunder in Scheduling Fairytale Thorncrown Chapel Wedding In a memo, students should outline a course of action, such as the following: • Call each bride-to-be, describe the problem, and apologize. • Explain why the problem occurred, what you are doing to resolve it, and how you will prevent it from happening again. • Offer a bonus if one of the brides will switch days. • Promote goodwill by following up with messages that document the phone calls and provide details of the bonus offer. Assume that Debbie Hungeling was able to switch her wedding date to June 5. The following might serve as a follow-up message. Current date Ms. Debbie Hungeling 4590 Clairmont Road Atlanta, GA 30346 Dear Ms. Hungeling: Please accept our sincere apology for the disruption of your wedding plans here at Eureka Springs. We realize how distressing it is to change plans for such an important event in your life. Normally, I personally schedule all Thorncrown Chapel weddings. However, while I was gone for two weeks last fall, two weddings were inadvertently scheduled for June 16. I can assure you that this will not happen again as I have installed a new scheduling app that prevents double booking. Although you will not be using the Thorncrown Chapel on June 16, we are delighted that you were able to change your wedding date to June 5. We promise to help you plan a perfect ceremony in the unforgettable Thorncrown Chapel followed by a reception in the luxurious Victorian Crescent Hotel & Spa. Because you graciously switched dates, we are pleased to offer you one night in a sumptuous bridal suite as the guests of the historic hilltop hotel, the 1886-built Crescent Hotel & Spa, known as the Castle in the Sky. We look forward to welcoming you and your guests for your wedding on June 5. Please call my private line at 479-995-3011 to allow me to work with you in organizing the details of your magical and joyous event. Sincerely, 7.12 Customer Bad News: Selecting Sturdy Stepper for Snap Fitness Gym Current date Mr. Lawrence Holder Snap Fitness Gym 1212 Bahama Drive Richmond, KY 40475 Dear Mr. Holder: Thank you for your order! Your new Lifecycle Trainers, Pro Abdominal Boards, and Tunturi Muscle Trainers have been shipped and should arrive soon via UPS. The Dual-Action StairClimbers you ordered are a favorite of many of our home customers. StairClimbers offer an enjoyable full-body workout without the harmful impact of running or walking. However, most fitness centers purchase our LifeStep machine, which is designed for the heavy use and varying needs of fitness center customers. In addition to its sturdier construction, LifeStep offers a choice of workouts that challenge muscles progressively. It provides computer-controlled interval training and electronic monitoring of step height, calories burned, elapsed time, and adherence to fitness levels. Although LifeStep costs more at $2,395, the machine will withstand the constant climbing your customers will give it and will last longer than the home gym model. With all of its advanced features, the LifeStep climber is sure to be a favorite among your customers. Before we ship your LifeStep stair climbing machines, however, I’d like to be sure that we’re sending you the equipment that is best for Snap Fitness Gym. Of course, we’re happy to ship the three Dual-Action StairClimbers if you prefer. Please call me at 1-800-254-9001 so that we can confirm the correct model and ship this final part of your order. Sincerely, 7.13 Employee Bad News: No More Help With Sky-High Tuition To: Lea Tyra From: [Your name] Subject: Your Inquiry Regarding Tuition Reimbursement Lea, We appreciate your thoughtful message requesting that Unified Federal Bank establish a program to reimburse the costs of college expenses such as tuition and books. You’re smart, Lea, in striving to further your education by returning to school to take additional courses that improve your career skills. Thriving companies are able to offer tuition reimbursement to selected employees when they return to school. These programs are expensive to organizations because they involve not only the actual cost of tuition and books but also the cost of program administration. As you know, Unified Federal is facing stiff competition in the banking industry, and our profits have not been strong. Although a tuition reimbursement program cannot be considered at this time, we are hopeful that it might be possible in the future. Our CEO Owen Barnett joins me in expressing our appreciation for the fine work you are doing at Unified Federal. We admire your desire to advance your education and wish you all the best. Sincerely, [Your name] [Your full contact information] 7.14 Employee Bad News: Saying Goodbye to Gourmet Meals and Perks Dear Minx Employees, Your hard work and creative talents have produced a number of amazingly successful products for Minx customers. As a result of your efforts, we have been able to offer an outstanding workplace with many amenities to attract the best and brightest talent. As you know, some products did not succeed, and we face a period of contracting profits. Although we must cut back on some perks we have been able to offer in the past, we are very pleased that we are not forced to release any employees. The amenities that we must forgo include our in-house chef, free meals, on-site acupuncture, and yoga classes. However, we are able to provide unlimited snacks and pet-friendly offices. You’ll also be able to challenge your colleagues to a spirited game of table tennis or foosball when you need a break from work. Minx has always been a fun place to work, and we promise to continue our efforts to encourage the kind of camaraderie that we have enjoyed since our start. If you have any questions about this matter or suggestions for moving forward, please know that I am always eager to talk with you. Warmly, Christina M. Rollins Founder and CEO, Minx [Full contact information] 7.15 Employee Bad News: No Social Media at Work To: Staff members From: Emma P. Sharpe Subject: Avoiding the Perils of Social Media Most of us would probably agree that sharing information on social media can lead to professional networking opportunities. Social media and Web-based collaboration tools such as Slack, Google Docs, and wikis can increase productivity and create digitally savvy workers. However, by now most workers know that overexposure or inappropriate behavior online can lead to privacy breaches and have very negative consequences, including job loss. Despite the obvious advantages and even fun aspects of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, we are highly concerned about the risk of confidential or privileged information leaking via social networking sites. This concern has led us to formulate a detailed social networking policy, which is available on our intranet. Although the use of social media on company time is prohibited effective immediately, you may continue to use social networks off the clock. Nevertheless, all Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter users should always be cautious about any content posted online, even if it’s just a seemingly harmless comment such as “Rough day at work” or “Talked to the most idiotic client ever!” Such errors of judgment have cost workers their jobs. At the least, privacy settings should be used consistently, and extreme caution ought to be exercised when friending virtual strangers. We all benefit if we apply common street smarts online: Don’t talk to strangers and don’t run around intoxicated or improperly dressed. The digital equivalent of these precautions will ensure that no one needs to feel embarrassed or worse. Please review the latest employee handbook, which includes a section on social media. You will find a link to the policy manual prominently displayed on the portal page of our intranet. Emma P. Sharpe [Full contact information] Communication Workshop: Intercultural Skills Saying No Across Cultures This workshop asks students to interview fellow students or work colleagues who are from other cultures. They are also asked to collect business letters from companies in other countries and cultures. These interviews and documents should help students recognize that what seems appropriate in the United States may be less appropriate in other cultures. The topic of this workshop could become part of a larger assignment that involves writing a report and making an oral presentation regarding cross-cultural issues. In the textbook, you will find a list of questions suitable for a long report assignment that investigates cultural diversity. The questions cover social systems, family life, housing, clothing, food, class structures, political patterns, religion, folk beliefs, economic institutions, and values. Solution Manual for Essentials of Business Communication Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy 9781337386494

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