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This Document Contains Chapters 5 to 6 Chapter 5 Wired Ethernet LANs 1) A network that runs on the customer premises is a ______________. A) LAN B) WAN C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 2) A LAN is a network that ______________. A) links different sites together B) provides international service C) provides service within a site D) all of the above Answer: C 3) A WAN is a network that ______________. A) links different sites together B) provides service within about a mile C) provides service within a site D) all of the above Answer: A 4) Companies use carriers for WAN transmission because ______________. A) companies lack rights of way B) carriers have extremely strong security C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 5) The general name for a company that is given rights of way to lay wires through public areas is carrier. Answer: True 6) A company has more control over its ______________ technology. A) LAN B) WAN Answer: A 7) Typical LAN speeds are faster than typical WAN speeds. Answer: True 8) LAN speeds are faster than WAN speeds. This is because of ______________. A) technological limitations B) regulatory limitations C) the slow corporate adoption of newer WAN technologies D) economic reasons Answer: D 9) What type of switch connects users to the network? A) user switches B) core switches C) access switches D) workgroup switches Answer: D 10) What type of switch connects switches to other switches? A) trunk switches B) core switches C) workgroup switches D) none of the above Answer: A 11) In LANs, UTP typically is for ______________. A) trunk lines B) access lines Answer: B 12) In LANs, optical fiber typically is used in ______________. A) trunk lines B) access lines Answer: A 13) In LANs, workgroup switches must be able to carry more traffic than core switches. Answer: False 14) A ______________ serves a city and its suburbs. A) MAN B) PAN C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 15) What organization creates Ethernet standards? (Give the most specific answer.) A) IEEE B) IETF C) ISO D) OSI Answer: A 16) What 802 Working Group creates Ethernet standards? A) 802.1 B) 802.e C) 802.3 D) 802.11 Answer: C 17) 802.11 is the Working Group that creates Ethernet standards. Answer: False 18) What 802 Working Group tends to develop security standards to be used by multiple LAN/MAN technologies? A) 802.1 B) 802.s C) 802.3 D) 802.11 Answer: A 19) Ethernet standards govern the ______________ layer. A) physical B) internet C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 20) Ethernet standards govern the ______________ layer. A) physical B) data link C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 21) Ethernet standards govern the ______________ layer. A) internet B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 22) Ethernet processing is executed in hardware. Answer: True 23) Physical layer standards govern ______________. A) frame structure B) signaling C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 24) A ______________ is a disturbance that propagates down a transmission medium to the other side, which reads it. A) byte B) kilobyte C) signal D) bit Answer: C 25) In binary signaling there is (are) ______________ state(s). A) one B) two C) a few D) an infinite number of Answer: B 26) In digital signaling there is (are) ______________ state(s). A) one B) two C) a few D) an infinite number of Answer: C 27) Which of the following is relatively immune to small errors? A) analog signaling B) binary signaling C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 28) Analog signaling is relatively immune to small errors. Answer: False 29) Binary signaling is relatively immune to small errors. Answer: True 30) Digital signaling is somewhat immune to small errors. Answer: True 31) What form of transmission is most resistant to transmission errors? A) binary B) digital C) Both are about equally resistant to transmission errors. Answer: A 32) Clock cycles are necessary in binary transmission. Answer: True 33) A length of UTP wiring is a ______________. A) run B) fiber C) cord D) strand Answer: C 34) In the UTP wiring used in LANs, how many wires are there in a cord? A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8 Answer: D 35) In the UTP wiring used in LANs, how many wire pairs are there in a cord? A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8 Answer: C 36) Four-pair UTP uses ______________ connectors. A) universal B) binary C) ST or SC D) none of the above Answer: D 37) Serial transmission is transmission over a single wire pair. Answer: True 38) The main benefit of parallel transmission over serial transmission is ______________. A) reliability B) speed C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 39) Parallel transmission is transmission over ______________. A) 4 wire pairs B) two or more wire pairs Answer: B 40) Which type of transmission is more widely used today? A) serial B) parallel C) Both are used about equally. Answer: A 41) Untwisting wire pairs no more than 1.25 cm (a half inch) at their ends reduces ______________. A) interference B) crosstalk interference C) terminal crosstalk interference D) none of the above Answer: C 42) Untwisting wire pairs no more than 1.25 cm (a half inch) at their ends completely eliminates terminal crosstalk interference. Answer: False 43) In Ethernet, limiting transmission to 100 meters is done to limit ______________. A) attenuation B) terminal crosstalk interference C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 44) In Ethernet, limiting UTP cord runs to 100 meters normally limits ______________ to an acceptable level. A) attenuation B) noise errors C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 45) What type of interference is most frequently a problem? A) electromagnetic interference B) crosstalk interference C) terminal crosstalk interference D) noise interference Answer: C 46) UTP categories rate the ______________ of UTP cabling. A) quality B) speed C) quality-of-service performance D) error performance Answer: A 47) The Ethernet standard limits UTP propagation distances to 100 meters at all speeds up to 1 Gbps. Answer: True 48) Cat 5e and Cat 6 wiring can carry Ethernet traffic 100 meters up to ______________. A) 10 Mbps B) 100 Mbps C) 1 Gbps D) 10 Gbps Answer: C 49) Which UTP quality levels can send signals at 10 gigabits per second? A) category 6 B) category 6A C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 50) Which UTP quality levels are needed to send signals 100 meters at 10 gigabits per second? A) category 6 B) category 6A C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 51) In optical fiber, light travels through the ______________. A) core B) cladding C) both A and B Answer: A 52) Optical fiber cords use two strands ______________. A) for reliability through redundancy B) to form a complete electrical loop C) to double the transmission speed D) for full-duplex transmission Answer: D 53) The ability to transmit in two directions simultaneously is ______________. A) parallel communication B) full-duplex communication C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 54) The ability to transmit in two directions simultaneously is called parallel transmission. Answer: False 55) For full-duplex transmission, optical fiber normally uses ______________. A) 1 strand B) 2 strands C) 4 strands D) 8 strands Answer: B 56) When the light energies of two pulses arrive at overlapping times, this is ______________. A) multimode transmission B) modal bandwidth C) modal dispersion D) modal interference Answer: C 57) Modal dispersion limits transmission distance in ______________. A) multimode fiber B) single-mode fiber C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 58) Modal bandwidth is a measure of ______________. A) modal dispersion B) multimode fiber quality C) fiber quality D) propagation speed Answer: B 59) Multimode fiber distance is limited primarily by ______________. A) modal dispersion B) absorptive attenuation C) both A and B about equally Answer: A 60) Businesses can select multimode fiber to transmit 1000BASE-SX signals farther by ______________. A) buying fiber with lower modal bandwidth B) buying fiber with wider core diameter C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 61) Light will travel farther in 50 micron fiber than in 62.5 micron fiber. Answer: True 62) Carrier fiber can carry signals farther than LAN fiber. Answer: True 63) LAN fiber often uses ______________ nm light. A) 850 B) 1,310 C) 1,550 D) all of the above Answer: A 64) Which is a diameter of multimode fiber? A) 50 microns B) 62.5 microns C) either A or B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 65) Which is a diameter of multimode fiber? A) 8.3 microns B) 62.5 microns C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 66) The principal distance limiting factor for carrier fiber is ______________. A) modal bandwidth B) modal dispersion C) latency D) none of the above Answer: D 67) The principal distance limiting factor for LAN fiber is ______________. A) modal bandwidth B) modal dispersion C) latency D) none of the above Answer: B 68) Modal bandwidth is a fiber quality measure for ______________ fiber. A) LAN B) carrier C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 69) The use of two or more trunk lines between a pair of switches is ______________. A) possible through link aggregation B) impossible because it would create a loop Answer: A 70) Using link aggregation with two or three trunk lines ______________ going to a single, faster Ethernet port. A) is usually less expensive than B) is just as fast as C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 71) If both 1000BASE-LX and 1000BASE-SX will serve your needs, which one should you use? A) 1000BASE-LX B) 1000BASE-SX C) Either, because both run at the same speed. Answer: B 72) At what layer is the 100BASE-TX standard? A) physical B) data link C) Internet D) physical and data link Answer: A 73) The 1000BASE-T standard has a maximum distance of 100 meters. When this standard is used, 100 meters is the maximum distance span of an Ethernet network. Answer: False 74) LANs that span distances of several kilometers by using multimode fiber are made possible by ______________. A) multimode optical fiber B) high modal dispersion C) high modal bandwidth D) regeneration Answer: D 75) In Ethernet, synchronization is the purpose of the ______________ field. A) preamble B) frame check sequence C) both A and B Answer: A 76) Ethernet addresses are called MAC addresses. Answer: True 77) Ethernet MAC layer addresses are also called physical addresses. Answer: True 78) Ethernet addresses are called ______________ addresses. A) MAC B) physical C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 79) B2-CC-66-0D-5E-BA is a valid MAC address. Answer: True 80) H2-BC-66-0D-5E-BA is a valid MAC address. Answer: False 81) B2-CC-66-0D-5E is a valid MAC address. Answer: False 82) The Ethernet length field gives the length of the ______________. A) frame B) frame, less the frame check field's size C) data field D) data field plus PAD Answer: C 83) The Ethernet data field contains ______________. A) a packet B) the LLC subheader C) both A and B Answer: A 84) The Ethernet data field normally contains an IP packet. Answer: True 85) A purpose of the LLC subheader is to describe the type of packet contained in the data field. Answer: True 86) The maximum length of the Ethernet data field is ______________ octets. A) 46 B) 100 C) 1,500 D) 10,000 Answer: C 87) If there is a PAD field, it will be added by the ______________. A) sender B) receiver C) switch D) any of the above Answer: A 88) The minimum length of an Ethernet data field is ______________. A) 46 octets B) 64 octets C) 1,500 octets D) There is no minimum length for the Ethernet data field. Answer: D 89) An Ethernet data field is 40 octets long. How long will the PAD be? A) There will not be a PAD. B) 6 octets C) 46 octets D) 1,460 octets Answer: B 90) An Ethernet data field is 100 octets long. How long will the PAD be? A) There will not be a PAD. B) 46 octets C) 1,400 octets D) 1,500 octets Answer: A 91) Ethernet receivers detect errors by using the value in the ______________ field. A) PAD B) preamble C) data D) frame check sequence Answer: D 92) If an Ethernet receiver detects an error in an arriving frame, it ______________. A) drops the frame B) sends an ACK to the sender C) sends a NACK to the receiver D) sends the sender a retransmission request frame Answer: A 93) In an Ethernet LAN, switches know the entire data link between the source and destination host. Answer: False 94) An Ethernet switch knows ______________. A) the IP address for each MAC address B) a single port number for each MAC address C) multiple port numbers for each MAC address D) the entire path from the source host to the destination host Answer: B 95) Switches in an Ethernet LAN are organized in a ______________ topology. A) mesh B) hierarchical C) point-to-point D) bus Answer: B 96) In a ______________ topology, there is only one possible path between any two hosts. A) mesh B) hierarchical C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 97) Ethernet is inexpensive thanks to ______________. A) its hierarchical topology B) its use of multiple switches C) its use of regeneration D) its use of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol Answer: A 98) Ethernet became the dominant LAN technology because of its ______________. A) high speed, compared with competing technologies B) use of multiple switches C) low cost, compared with competing technologies D) sophistication, compared with competing technologies Answer: C 99) A router spends more time deciding how to forward a packet than a switch spends to forward a frame. Answer: False 100) Ethernet's hierarchical topology makes it ______________. A) expensive B) reliable C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 101) Ethernet's hierarchical topology tends to create ______________. A) greater reliability B) lower cost per frame handled C) both A and B D) none of the above Answer: B 102) Which of the following can increase reliability considerably in an Ethernet LAN? A) using a hierarchical topology B) using a mesh topology C) using a bus topology D) using the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol Answer: D 103) Creating effective backup links in RSTP is ______________. A) completely automatic B) simple and largely automatic C) difficult and time consuming D) impossible Answer: C 104) Hosts in a VLAN can only communicate with other hosts on the same VLAN. Answer: True 105) VLANs address the problem of ______________. A) congestion B) reliability C) convergence D) loops Answer: A 106) VLANs can be used to provide security. Answer: True 107) A VLAN ID would be found in a ______________ field. A) tag Protocol ID B) tag Control Information C) logical Link Control Subheader D) none of the above Answer: B 108) Managed switches ______________. A) increase overall costs B) decrease overall costs C) have no impact on overall costs Answer: B 109) A company must have strong security to use the SNMP ______________ command. A) Get B) Set Answer: B 110) What is the maximum power for POE in the standard? A) 15 watts B) 25 watts C) 75 watts D) 150 watts Answer: B 111) Under the standard, Ethernet switches can provide enough power over UTP for ______________. A) wireless access points B) voice over IP telephones C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 112) Under the standard, Ethernet switches can provide enough power over UTP for ______________. A) wireless access points B) laptop computers C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 113) The ______________ standard was created to prevent attackers from walking in and simply plugging a computer into a wall jack and therefore accessing the network. A) Ethernet firewall B) 802.1AE C) 802.3X D) 802.1X Answer: D 114) In 802.1X, the workgroup switch is the ______________. A) authentication server B) authenticator C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 115) Which of the following is a benefit of using a central authentication server? A) consistency in authentication B) faster changes when authentication information needs to be changed C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 116) Under the Ethernet 802.3ba standard, physical links typically have ______________. A) multiple virtual lanes B) multiple media lanes C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 117) Under the Ethernet 802.3ba standard, physical links typically have multiple media lanes Answer: True Chapter 6 Wireless LANs I 1) Wireless network standards operate at ______________. A) the data link layer B) the internet layer C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 2) Wireless network standards come from ______________. A) OSI B) TCP/IP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 3) Wireless LAN standards are created by the ______________ Working Group. A) 802.1 B) 802.3 C) 802.11 D) 802.3W Answer: C 4) Wireless access points typically link wireless clients to ______________. A) wireless servers B) servers on the wired network C) both A and B Answer: B 5) Wireless radio transmission usually is expressed in terms of ______________. A) wavelength B) frequency C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 6) Frequency is measured in terms of ______________. A) nano meters B) hertz C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 7) The other wireless device is far away in a known direction. You should use ______________. A) an omnidirectional antenna B) a dish antenna C) neither A nor B Answer: B 8) Cellular telephones use ______________. A) an omnidirectional antenna B) a dish antenna C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 9) Radio has more reliable transmission than UTP. Answer: False 10) Attenuation increases with distance faster with ______________. A) UTP transmission B) radio transmission C) both A and B about equally Answer: B 11) If the signal strength at 20 meters is 90 mW, the signal strength at 60 meters would be 10 mW. Answer: False 12) The most serious problem with wireless transmission in WLANs is ______________. A) inverse square law attenuation B) absorptive attenuation C) shadow zones D) multipath interference Answer: D 13) What propagation problem becomes worse as frequency increases? A) inverse square law attenuation B) electromagnetic interference C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 14) What propagation problem becomes worse as frequency increases? A) absorptive attenuation B) electromagnetic interference C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 15) What propagation problem becomes worse as frequency increases? A) absorptive attenuation B) shadow zones C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 16) The frequency spectrum extends ______________. A) into the gigahertz range B) into the visible light range C) into the ultraviolet range D) to infinity Answer: D 17) The total range of possible 802.11 WLAN frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band constitutes ______________. A) a frequency spectrum B) a broadband C) a channel D) a service band Answer: D 18) The terms channel and service band mean roughly the same thing. Answer: False 19) To handle multiple conversations in radio transmission, you use multiple ______________. A) channels B) frequencies C) service bands D) wires Answer: A 20) Signals usually ______________. A) travel at a single frequency B) spread over a range of frequencies Answer: B 21) A channel extends from 55 MHz to 60 MHz. Its bandwidth is ______________. A) 60 MHz B) 55 MHz C) 65 MHz D) none of the above Answer: D 22) To transmit very rapidly in RADIO, you need ______________. A) single-frequency transmission B) single-mode transmission C) wide bandwidth D) narrow bandwidth Answer: C 23) Channels with wide bandwidths are called ______________ channels. A) multimode B) full-duplex C) broadband D) modulated Answer: C 24) To transmit data very rapidly, you would want a ______________ channel. A) narrowband B) broadband C) single-frequency band D) any of the above Answer: B 25) Networks that are fast are often called broadband whether or not they use radio channels. Answer: True 26) In the Shannon Equation, C is the ______________. A) actual speed of transmission in a channel B) maximum possible speed of transmission in a channel C) minimum possible speed of transmission in a channel D) channel bandwidth Answer: B 27) In the Shannon Equation, if you quadruple the bandwidth in a channel while the signal-to-noise ratio remains the same, you can transmit ______________. A) Log2(1+4) times as fast B) Log2(1+1/4) times as fast C) about 4 times as fast D) at the same speed, but more reliably Answer: C 28) The frequency range from 500 megahertz to 10 gigahertz is called the ______________. A) frequency spectrum B) commercial mobile service band C) unlicensed band D) golden zone Answer: D 29) If a radio transmission is easily blocked by obstacles, then you need to maintain ______________. A) a clear line of sight B) spread spectrum transmission integrity C) broadband transmission D) deep transmission Answer: A 30) WLANs normally use ______________. A) licensed bands B) unlicensed bands Answer: B 31) In unlicensed bands, ______________. A) you can use radios wherever you please B) you can prevent nearby businesses from setting up access points in the same channel C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 32) Interference is minimized in ______________. A) licensed bands B) unlicensed bands Answer: A 33) 802.11 standards are being developed to work in the ______________ unlicensed band. A) 2.4 GHz B) 5 GHz C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 34) In 802.11g, channel bandwidth usually is ______________. A) 20 GHz B) 40 GHz C) 20 MHz D) 40 MHz Answer: C 35) Which unlicensed band is defined the same way in most countries around the world? A) 2.4 GHz B) 5 GHz C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 36) Which unlicensed band provides greater propagation distance for a given level of power? A) 2.4 GHz B) 5 GHz C) Both A and B allow about the same propagation distance. Answer: A 37) The 2.4 GHz band supports ______________ non overlapping 20 MHz channel(s). A) 1 B) 3 C) 7 D) 11 Answer: B 38) The 5 GHz band supports about ______________ non overlapping 20 MHz channel(s). A) 1 B) 3 C) 6 D) 12 Answer: D 39) Spread spectrum transmission is used in WLANs because ______________. A) it is required by regulators B) it offers strong security C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 40) Spread spectrum transmission is used in WLANs for ______________. A) higher transmission speed B) more reliable transmission C) greater security D) all of the above Answer: B 41) Spread spectrum transmission is used in commercial WLANs for security reasons. Answer: False 42) A channel has more bandwidth than is necessary given data transmission speeds requirements in ______________ transmission. A) normal radio B) reliable commercial C) spread spectrum D) licensed Answer: C 43) Which of the following uses OFDM? A) 802.11g B) 802.11n C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 44) When a WLAN is in use, the distribution system is the ______________. A) collection of access points B) Ethernet network C) radio transmitter in an access point D) radio transmitter in the access point controller Answer: B 45) Access points take frames from wireless devices and send these frames on to devices on the wired LAN. Answer: False 46) Access points take ______________ from wireless devices and send them on to devices on the wired LAN. They also do the converse. A) packets B) frames C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 47) A wireless host sends a packet to a server on the company's wired Ethernet LAN via an access point. How many frames will be involved in this one-way transmission? A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) There will be one frame for each switch along the way. Answer: B 48) A single access point and the set of hosts it serves is called a(n) ______________. A) BSS B) BSSID C) ESS D) none of the above Answer: A 49) The identifier of the access point in a basic service set us the ______________. A) SSID B) BSSID C) ESSID Answer: A 50) To connect to an access point, you must know its ______________. A) BSSID B) DSS C) ESSID D) none of the above Answer: D 51) When a host moves from one wireless access point to another in a WLAN, this is ______________. A) a handoff B) roaming C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 52) In 802.11 WLANs, the terms handoff and roaming mean the same thing. Answer: True 53) An extended service set (ESS) is a group of BSSs that ______________. A) are connected to the same distribution system B) have the same SSID C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 54) In an extended service set, each access point ______________. A) must have the same SSID B) must have different SSIDs C) must have coordinated SSIDs D) none of the above Answer: A 55) The standard for roaming among access points is ______________. A) 802.11r B) 802.11s C) 802.11W D) none of the above Answer: A 56) What happens if two nearby access points use the same channel? A) They will interfere with each other. B) They will be bonded for joint operation automatically. C) They will be bonded for joint operation automatically if they use CSMA/CA+ACK. D) They will be bonded for joint operation automatically if they use RTS/CTS. Answer: A 57) There is an access point that serves eight wireless hosts. On how many channels will these devices transmit and receive during the course of an hour or two? A) 1 B) 2 C) 7 D) 8 Answer: A 58) ______________ is a technique for preventing two wireless stations from transmitting at the same time and therefore interfering with each other. A) Creating extended service sets B) Roaming C) The distribution system D) Media access control Answer: D 59) An access point and a host it serves can transmit to each other simultaneously. Answer: False 60) Media access control governs transmission by ______________. A) access points B) wireless hosts C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 61) When a wireless NIC wishes to transmit, it listens for traffic. If there is traffic, it waits. If there is no traffic, it may transmit. A) true B) sometimes true C) false Answer: B 62) When a wireless NIC using CSMA/CD receives a frame correctly, it immediately sends back a reply without listening for traffic. Answer: True 63) CSMA/CA+ACK is reliable. Answer: True 64) CSMA/CA+ACK is ______________. Answer: False 65) In ______________, when a wireless host wishes to send, it first sends a message to the wireless access point asking for permission to send. When the access point sends back a response, the host sending the original message may transmit. All other hosts must wait. A) CSMA/CA+ACK B) CSMA/CA C) CSMA/CD D) RTS/CTS Answer: D 66) CSMA/CA+ACK usually is ______________. A) required B) optional Answer: A 67) Which of the following is usually optional in access point operation? A) CSMA/CA+ACK B) RTS/CTS C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 68) Which of the following is more efficient? A) CSMA/CA+ACK B) RTS/CTS C) Both are about equally efficient. Answer: A 69) Which of the following is a full standard, according to the book? A) 802.11ac B) 802.11ad C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 70) Which of the following is a draft standard, according to the book? A) 802.11g B) 802.11n C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 71) For which standard is 300 Mbps a typical rated speed? A) 802.11ac B) 802.11ad C) 802.11g D) 802.11n Answer: D 72) Which of the following has longer range? A) 802.11g B) 802.11n C) Both have about the same range. Answer: B 73) Which of the following can bring gigabit speeds to clients? A) 802.11ac B) 802.11g C) 802.11n D) none of the above Answer: A 74) For wireless backup, which of the following is adequate? A) 802.11ac B) 802.11g C) 802.11n D) all of the above Answer: A 75) Which of the following uses OFDM? A) 802.11g B) 802.11ac C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 76) Wider channel bandwidth ______________. A) decreases transmission speed B) allows more channels to be used in a service band C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 77) Which of the following can operate in the 5 GHz band? A) 802.11n B) 802.11ac C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 78) In the 5 GHz band, how many channels can you have with 802.11ac with 80 GHz channels? A) 1 B) 6 C) 12 D) 24 Answer: B 79) In the 60 GHz service band, ______________. A) signals travel farther B) channel bandwidth can be very wide C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 80) MIMO ______________. A) bonds channels for higher speed B) is used in all forms of 802.11 C) uses a single spatial stream but multiple signals D) transmits multiple signals in the same channel Answer: D 81) MIMO allows you to transmit two signals in the same channel. Answer: True 82) MIMO ______________. A) increases throughput B) lowers propagation distance C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 83) Beamforming can direct signal strength at individual wireless hosts Answer: True 84) Beamforming can allow an access point to ______________. A) direct power to individual clients B) send signals to two different clients at the same time C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 85) Multiuser MIMO can send signals to two different clients at the same time Answer: True 86) Another name for beamforming is having a smart antenna. Answer: True 87) In 802.11 networks, the speed I receive on my portable devices is a(n) ______________. A) aggregate throughput B) individual throughput C) rated speed D) none of the above Answer: B 88) If more users move to an access point, this decreases ______________. A) individual throughput B) aggregate throughput C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 89) As a station moves away from an access point, the access point transmits more slowly to it. Answer: True 90) The presence of a client that is distant from the access point reduces the individual throughput of other clients served by that access point. Answer: True 91) If an 802.11n access point and an 802.11g client communicate, they communicate using ______________. A) 802.11g B) 802.11n C) either A or B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 92) Using unused transmission channels in a service band is called using ______________. A) dark spectrum B) a smart antenna C) opportunistic agility D) white space Answer: D 93) Two wireless devices communicate via Wi-Fi Direct using ______________. A) an access point that lets them talk directly B) an Ethernet network to connect their access points C) either A or B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 94) Mesh networking in 802.11 is likely to use ______________. A) only wireless devices B) wireless devices and the site's wired LAN C) both A and B Answer: A 95) The 802.11 standard for mesh networking is ______________. A) 802.11m B) 802.11r C) 802.11ac D) none of the above Answer: D 96) Two WLAN products that conform to the same standard will have almost equal performance. Answer: False 97) If a wireless client only has two MIMO antennas, an access point with three MIMO antennas will produce better performance than an access point with two MIMO antennas. Answer: True Test Bank for Business Data Networks and Security Raymond R. Panko, Julia L. Panko 9780132742931, 9780133544015, 9780134817125

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