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Chapter 4
Question 1
The nurse wishes to compile information on congestive heart failure by tomorrow morning.
When a comprehensive search is necessary and there is a limited time frame, which search
tool is preferred?
1. A search index such as AltaVista
2. A search engine such as Lycos
3. A search engine such as Google
4. A search engine unifier such as OmniMedicalSearch
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
A search engine unifier uses several search engines so it may compile results more quickly.
Other searches take more time to reveal results.
Rationale 2:
A search engine unifier uses several search engines so it may compile results more quickly.
Other searches take more time to reveal results.
Rationale 3:
A search engine unifier uses several search engines so it may compile results more quickly.
Other searches take more time to reveal results.
Rationale 4:
OmniMedicalSearch ( was created to bring the best sources of
medical information together in one easy-to-use platform for consumers and health care
professionals. It selects sources deemed as reliable.
Question 2
The nurse refers the client to a website on smoking cessation after evaluating its contents.
Which factor increases the probability that the website is appropriate for the client?

1. The site is written in technical language and has comprehensive chemical diagrams for
2. The site has a current revision date and a URAC accreditation seal that the site meets
quality standards.
3. The site is sponsored by a pharmaceutical company that manufactures a smoking cessation
4. The site has a list of broadly generalized indications for smoking cessation.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Established websites should include revision dates of all pages and be written at the
appropriate comprehension level of the intended audience. Additionally, a URAC
accreditation seal that the site meets quality standards increases the site's credibility. The
consumer should be wary of bias, poorly referenced materials, and broad generalizations of
Rationale 2:
Established websites should include revision dates of all pages and be written at the
appropriate comprehension level of the intended audience. Additionally, a URAC
accreditation seal that the site meets quality standards increases the site's credibility. The
consumer should be wary of bias, poorly referenced materials, and broad generalizations of
Rationale 3:
Established websites should include revision dates of all pages and be written at the
appropriate comprehension level of the intended audience. Additionally, a URAC
accreditation seal that the site meets quality standards increases the site's credibility. The
consumer should be wary of bias, poorly referenced materials, and broad generalizations of
Rationale 4:
Established websites should include revision dates of all pages and be written at the
appropriate comprehension level of the intended audience. Additionally, a URAC

accreditation seal that the site meets quality standards increases the site's credibility. The
consumer should be wary of bias, poorly referenced materials, and broad generalizations of
Question 3
The hospital health care library plans to switch some journals from paper format to online
subscription. Physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals would be able to access
online articles from anywhere by using a valid ID. Which of these is a disadvantage for
totally online publications?
1. Current information may require more time to be approved for posting.
2. Libraries must pay higher fees to acquire and store the materials.
3. Those persons without online access may not be able to access the materials.
4. Drawings and photographs are difficult to reproduce in electronic format.
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
Not everyone has online capabilities; this is a disadvantage for online publications. However,
the numerous advantages include: multimedia capability, lower costs, and increased currency
of information.
Rationale 2:
Not everyone has online capabilities; this is a disadvantage for online publications. However,
the numerous advantages include: multimedia capability, lower costs, and increased currency
of information.
Rationale 3:
Not everyone has online capabilities; this is a disadvantage for online publications. However,
the numerous advantages include: multimedia capability, lower costs, and increased currency
of information.
Rationale 4:

Not everyone has online capabilities; this is a disadvantage for online publications. However,
the numerous advantages include: multimedia capability, lower costs, and increased currency
of information.
Question 4
There are many Internet websites available for searching health care related questions. Web
portals are specialized websites that personalize features for individual users. Which best
describes how a Web portal can individualize user information?
1. A website that requests the user to register and then sign in each time upon entering
2. A website that provides a home page with general information about the organization
3. A website that uses the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) to display its pages
4. A website that offers specialized search engines for searching out information
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
A Web portal requires users to register, thus obtaining information from the user that allows
the site to personalize information for that user. It also assists the user in obtaining
individualized, personalized information. Web portals use many markup languages, and
provide the user with the ability to search and retrieve information (as do other websites).
Rationale 2:
A Web portal requires users to register, thus obtaining information from the user that allows
the site to personalize information for that user. It also assists the user in obtaining
individualized, personalized information. Web portals use many markup languages, and
provide the user with the ability to search and retrieve information (as do other websites).
Rationale 3:
A Web portal requires users to register, thus obtaining information from the user that allows
the site to personalize information for that user. It also assists the user in obtaining
individualized, personalized information. Web portals use many markup languages, and
provide the user with the ability to search and retrieve information (as do other websites).
Rationale 4:

A Web portal requires users to register, thus obtaining information from the user that allows
the site to personalize information for that user. It also assists the user in obtaining
individualized, personalized information. Web portals use many markup languages, and
provide the user with the ability to search and retrieve information (as do other websites).
Question 5
Which of the following is a true statement about protecting the confidentiality of clientrelated e-mail?
1. Encryption keys prevent viruses or Trojan horses from being attached to e-mail messages.
2. Digital credentials utilize biometric means, such as thumbprint, to verify the identity of the
3. Public key infrastructure (PKI) uses unique codes to confirm the identity of those sending
4. Viruses may be transmitted by e-mail messages, so each e-mail should be separately
scanned prior to being read.
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
PKI uses unique codes to verify the identity of the person who is e-mailing the sender.
Viruses are transmitted using attachments (not e-mail messages) and may not be picked up
with anti-virus programs once messages are encrypted. Encryption is used to prevent
unauthorized people from reading e-mail.
Rationale 2:
Digital credential does not require biometric measures to verify identity although there is
increased interest in the use of biometric measures as a means to ensure that only authorized
user’s access private health information (p. 14).
Rationale 3:
PKI uses unique codes to verify the identity of the person who is e-mailing the sender.
Viruses are transmitted using attachments (not e-mail messages) and may not be picked up
with anti-virus programs once messages are encrypted.

Rationale 4:
PKI uses unique codes to verify the identity of the person who is e-mailing the sender.
Viruses are transmitted using attachments (not e-mail messages) and may not be picked up
with anti-virus programs once messages are encrypted.
Question 6
Which is the most effective way to reduce SPAM (unsolicited e-messages) in the workplace?
1. Use "challenge response software" to request confirmation that the e-mail was sent by a
2. Allow the e-mail application program to filter all mail and send unwanted messages to the
3. Send and receive all company e-mail from a single e-mail account.
4. Reply to each message and request to be taken off the mailing list.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Challenge response software (such as CAPTCHAS) will not display the message unless a
person can be contacted to verify that the message was sent by a person. Filtering takes too
much time. A single e-mail account for all company e-mail might actually increase SPAM;
and if one replies to SPAM, this verifies the person's address and even more SPAM might be
Rationale 2:
Challenge response software (such as CAPTCHAS) will not display the message unless a
person can be contacted to verify that the message was sent by a person. Filtering takes too
much time. A single e-mail account for all company e-mail might actually increase SPAM;
and if one replies to SPAM, this verifies the person's address and even more SPAM might be
Rationale 3:
Challenge response software (such as CAPTCHAS) will not display the message unless a
person can be contacted to verify that the message was sent by a person. Filtering takes too

much time. A single e-mail account for all company e-mail might actually increase SPAM;
and if one replies to SPAM, this verifies the person's address and even more SPAM might be
Rationale 4:
Challenge response software (such as CAPTCHAS) will not display the message unless a
person can be contacted to verify that the message was sent by a person. Filtering takes too
much time. A single e-mail account for all company e-mail might actually increase SPAM;
and if one replies to SPAM, this verifies the person's address and even more SPAM might be
Question 7
A physician wishes to send a very large file to a consulting physician, including a patient's
chart and diagnostic images with reports. Which is the most appropriate method of sending
the data?
1. Utilize a file transfer protocol (FTP) program to upload the information to the physician
2. Remove all graphics from the file, send the file via e-mail, and fax the diagnostic images
3. Attach the file to an e-mail and send it, ensuring encryption is utilized
4. Connect to the physician's computer via dialup and transfer the information
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
FTP protocol allows the transmission of large files. Files may be too large to send as e-mail
attachments, and faxing diagnostic images slows down transmission time (as well as
increasing the probability that security may be breached during fax transmission).
Rationale 2:
FTP protocol allows the transmission of large files. Files may be too large to send as e-mail
attachments, and faxing diagnostic images slows down transmission time (as well as
increasing the probability that security may be breached during fax transmission).
Rationale 3:

FTP protocol allows the transmission of large files. Files may be too large to send as e-mail
attachments, and faxing diagnostic images slows down transmission time (as well as
increasing the probability that security may be breached during fax transmission).
Rationale 4:
FTP protocol allows the transmission of large files. Files may be too large to send as e-mail
attachments, and faxing diagnostic images slows down transmission time (as well as
increasing the probability that security may be breached during fax transmission).
Question 8
Security is an important issue for all websites. Which measure best protects the overall
security of a health-based website?
1. Connect the Web server directly to the agency computer.
2. Install an antivirus program and update annually.
3. Allow only registered users to access the website.
4. Construct separate firewalls for each Web server.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
Separate firewalls increase security of the system. Antivirus programs must be updated more
frequently than once a year. Web servers should not be directly connected to agency
computers. Registered users may not have given correct information when they registered.
Rationale 2:
Separate firewalls increase security of the system. Antivirus programs must be updated more
frequently that once a year. Web servers should not be directly connected to agency
computers. Registered users may not have given correct information when they registered.
Rationale 3:
Separate firewalls increase security of the system. Antivirus programs must be updated more
frequently than once a year. Web servers should not be directly connected to agency
computers. Registered users may not have given correct information when they registered.

Rationale 4:
Separate firewalls increase security of the system. Antivirus programs must be updated more
frequently than once a year. Web servers should not be directly connected to agency
computers. Registered users may not have given correct information when they registered.
Question 9
Which of the following statements is true regarding intranets?
1. An intranet is immune to viruses and hacker attacks, because accessibility is restricted to
2. An intranet is restricted to employees and allows them to review their personal information
at any time.
3. An intranet is open to registered vendors and may be used to price and purchase health care
4. An intranet is used to facilitate collaborative data sharing among the employees within the
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
Intranets are private computer networks used to facilitate collaborative data sharing among
the institution employees. Intranets remain vulnerable to viruses or hacker attacks, however.
Employees may not be allowed to review their personal information; and vendors typically
access information through extranets.
Rationale 2:
Intranets are private computer networks used to facilitate collaborative data sharing among
the institution employees. Intranets remain vulnerable to viruses or hacker attacks, however.
Employees may not be allowed to review their personal information; and vendors typically
access information through extranets.
Rationale 3:
Intranets are private computer networks used to facilitate collaborative data sharing among
the institution employees. Intranets remain vulnerable to viruses or hacker attacks, however.

Employees may not be allowed to review their personal information; and vendors typically
access information through extranets.
Rationale 4:
Intranets are private computer networks used to facilitate collaborative data sharing among
the institution employees. Intranets remain vulnerable to viruses or hacker attacks, however.
Employees may not be allowed to review their personal information; and vendors typically
access information through extranets.
Question 10
Which of the following is recommended when considering World Wide Web home page
content and design?
1. To improve readability always use dark backgrounds with light colored text.
2. Do not include a counter; visitors do not need to know how many people visited a site.
3. Include as much information on the introductory page as possible so the user will not need
to link to other pages.
4. Do not place a copyright notice on the introductory page; the U.S. Copyright Office does
not register Web pages.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The recommendation is not to include a counter; visitors do not need to know how many
people visited a site. Your choice would decrease readability, since dark backgrounds can
cause fatigue. To improve readability, use high-contrast backgrounds such as black text on
Rationale 2:
The recommendation is not to include a counter; visitors do not need to know how many
people visited a site.
Rationale 3:
The recommendation is not to include a counter; visitors do not need to know how many
people visited a site. Your choice would crowd pages with information and images; this is not

recommended. You should limit introductory page information so that essential data are
visible without scrolling.
Rationale 4:
The recommendation is not to include a counter; visitors do not need to know how many
people visited a site. One should register original work with the U.S. Copyright Office and
place a copyright notice with year next to protected material.
Question 11
A nurse practitioner wishes to send e-mail to all clients on a distribution list without
displaying the e-mail addresses of those on the list to the recipients. Which of the following
will appropriately accomplish this task?
1. Include the nurse practitioner's e-mail address as primary recipient and the client addresses
as carbon copies (CC).
2. The nurse practitioner must send a separate message to each individual client as primary
3. Include the nurse practitioner's e-mail address as primary recipient and the client addresses
as blind copies (BCC).
4. Include the recipient e-mail addresses as primary recipients and the nurse practitioner's
address as a blind copy (BCC).
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
The correct response is to include the nurse practitioner's e-mail address as primary recipient
and the client's addresses as blind carbon copies. The e-mail header lists who sent the
message, when, to whom, and a subject line. Messages copied to clients through "CC" will
make it possible for every client receiving the e-mail to see the e-mail addresses of all the
other clients and, therefore, violate client e-mail address confidentiality. Messages copied to
others through "BCC" (blind copy or blind carbon copy) will not display the addresses of
other recipients.
Rationale 2:

The correct response is to include the nurse practitioner's e-mail address as primary recipient
and the client's addresses as blind carbon copies. The process of sending a separate message
to each client as primary recipient will accomplish the task but would be too time consuming.
Messages copied to others through "BCC" (blind copy or blind carbon copy) will not display
the addresses of other recipients.
Rationale 3:
The correct response is to include the nurse practitioner's e-mail address as primary recipient
and the client's addresses as “BCC.” Messages copied to others through "BCC" will not
display the addresses of other recipients and, therefore, protect client e-mail address
Rationale 4:
The appropriate response is to include the nurse practitioner's e-mail address as primary
recipient and the client's addresses as “BCC”. The e-mail header lists who sent the message,
when, to whom, and a subject line. Messages copied to others through "BCC" will not display
the addresses of other recipients and, therefore, protect client e-mail address confidentiality.
If one includes the recipient e-mail addresses as primary recipients, every client receiving the
e-mail will be able to see the e-mail addresses of all the other clients.
Question 12
While visiting the American Heart Association website, a client plays the animation of the
heart at work. Which of the following was used to play the animation?
1. Browser
2. Search engine
3. Helper program
4. Plug-in
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
A browser is a retrieval program that allows access to hypertext and hypermedia documents
on the Web by using HTTP. There are some things that browsers do not do, such as play
animations. In this application, a plug-in was required (Adobe Flash Player).

Rationale 2:
Search engines use automated programs that search the Web, compiling a list of links to sites
relevant to keywords supplied by the user. The correct answer is a plug-in; it is a program
used to extend the capabilities of a browser. In this case a browser was running in order to
view the Web page and the plug-in was needed to extend its capabilities (to play animation).
Rationale 3:
There are some things that helper programs do not do, such as play animations. In this
application, a plug-in was required (Adobe Flash Player). The main difference between
helper and plug-in programs is that the first does not require the browser to be running to
function, while the second does. The correct answer is a plug-in; it is a program used to
extend the capabilities of a browser. In this case a browser was running in order to view the
Web page and the plug-in was needed to extend its capabilities (to play animation).
Rationale 4:
In this application, a plug-in was required (Adobe Flash Player). A browser was running in
order to view the Web page and the plug-in was needed to extend its capabilities.
Question 13
SPIM is defined as which of the following?
1. Unsolicited messages
2. Personal instant messaging
3. Solicited messages
4. Wiki responses
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
One of the disadvantages associated with the public versions of instant messaging (IM)
software is SPIM. SPIM refers to unsolicited messages often containing a link to a website
that the spimmer is attempting to market. SPIM is sometimes referred to as the IM version of
SPAM found in e-mail.
Rationale 2:

One of the disadvantages associated with the public versions of instant messaging (IM)
software is SPIM. SPIM refers to unsolicited messages often containing a link to a website
that the spimmer is attempting to market. SPIM is sometimes referred to as the IM version of
SPAM found in e-mail.
Rationale 3:
One of the disadvantages associated with the public versions of instant messaging (IM)
software is SPIM. SPIM refers to unsolicited messages often containing a link to a website
that the spimmer is attempting to market. SPIM is sometimes referred to as IM version of
SPAM found in e-mail.
Rationale 4:
One of the disadvantages associated with the public versions of instant messaging (IM)
software is SPIM. SPIM refers to unsolicited messages often containing a link to a website
that the spimmer is attempting to market. SPIM is sometimes referred to as the IM version of
SPAM found in e-mail.
Question 14
Which of the following statements is true about search indexes?
1. Search indexes are appropriate when specific information is requested.
2. Search indexes are appropriate when general information is requested.
3. Search indexes are necessary for access to certain databases.
4. Search indexes can only be found in libraries.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Some sites, such as Yahoo, index links by broad subject categories. Search indexes are
appropriate when general information is requested. Search engines use automated programs,
such as robots or “bots” to search the Web, compiling a list of links to sites relevant to
keywords supplied by the user. The search may also include Usenet discussions. Search
engines are indicated when it is necessary to find a specific topic.
Rationale 2:

Some sites, such as Yahoo, index links by broad subject categories. Search indexes are
appropriate when general information is requested. Search engines use automated programs,
such as robots or “bots” to search the Web, compiling a list of links to sites relevant to
keywords supplied by the user. The search may also include Usenet discussions.
Rationale 3:
Some sites, such as Yahoo, index links by broad subject categories. Search indexes are
appropriate when general information is requested. Search engines use automated programs,
such as robots or “bots” to search the Web, compiling a list of links to sites relevant to
keywords supplied by the user. The search may also include Usenet discussions.
Rationale 4:
Some sites, such as Yahoo, index links by broad subject categories. Search indexes are
appropriate when general information is requested. Search engines use automated programs,
such as robots or “bots” to search the Web, compiling a list of links to sites relevant to
keywords supplied by the user. The search may also include Usenet discussions.
Question 15
Java is a widely used programming language that enables the display of moving text,
animation, and musical excerpts on Web pages. Which of the following are true about Java?
1. Helper programs and plug-in programs are often written in Java.
2. Considered an alternative to Microsoft's ActiveX
3. Resides on the server until it is needed by client computer
4. Runs on any Java-enabled browser
5. Reduces the need to purchase, install, and maintain on-site software
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
Helper and plug-in programs are computer applications that have been designed to perform
tasks such as view graphics, construct Web pages, play sounds, or even remotely control
another PC over the Internet. Both these types of programs can be written in Java.
Rationale 2:

An alternative to Java for the development of Internet-enabled tools and technologies is
Microsoft's ActiveX.
Rationale 3:
Actual code can reside on the server until it is downloaded to the client computer as it is
Rationale 4:
Applications will run on any Java-enabled browser.
Rationale 5:
Java reduces the need to purchase, install, and maintain on-site software.
Question 16
A hospital plans to share data with all physician offices that utilize their facilities. Which of
the following approaches would best meet the need?
1. Internet
2. Intranet
3. Web portal
4. Extranet
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
Extranet is Extranets represent another variation of the Internet. Extranets are networks that
sit outside the protected internal network of an organization and use Internet software and
communication protocols for electronic commerce and for use by outside suppliers or
customers. Extranets are more private than a website that is open to the public but are more
open than an intranet, which can be accessed only by employees. Intranets sit behind
firewalls or other barriers and may not normally be available to people outside of the
Rationale 2:

Extranet is Extranets represent another variation of the Internet. Extranets are networks that
sit outside the protected internal network of an organization and use Internet software and
communication protocols for electronic commerce and for use by outside suppliers or
customers. Intranets sit behind firewalls or other barriers and may not normally be available
to people outside of the organization.
Rationale 3:
Extranet is Extranets represent another variation of the Internet. Extranets are networks that
sit outside the protected internal network of an organization and use Internet software and
communication protocols for electronic commerce and for use by outside suppliers or
customers. Extranets are more private than a website that is open to the public but are more
open than an intranet, which can be accessed only by employees. Web portals help to create
virtual communities for professionals and consumers.
Rationale 4:
Extranets represent another variation of the Internet. Extranets are networks that sit outside
the protected internal network of an organization and use Internet software and
communication protocols for electronic commerce and for use by outside suppliers or
customers. Extranets are more private than a website that is open to the public but are more
open than an intranet, which can be accessed only by employees.
Question 17
Which of the following is not an e-mail organizational domain?
1. .edu
2. .ca
3. .govn
4. .org
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
.edu represents an e-mail address to a university or college.
Rationale 2:

.ca represents an organizational domain for Canada.
Rationale 3:
.govn does not represent an e-mail organizational domain.
Rationale 4:
.org represents a nonprofit organization.
Question 18
Which nonprofit professional organization provides direction when issues arise on the
1. The Web Regulation Agency
2. The Internet Society
3. The Web Society
4. Java
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The Internet Society has the greatest overall influence on the Internet. This nonprofit
professional organization provides direction when issues arise that can impact the Internet.
The Internet Society also serves as a home for groups responsible for the promulgation of
Internet infrastructure standards. These groups include the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). The IAB is chartered both as a committee
of the IETF and as an advisory body of the Internet Society (ISOC). Its responsibilities
include architectural oversight of IETF activities and Internet Standards Process oversight
and appeal.
Rationale 2:
The Internet Society has the greatest overall influence on the Internet. This nonprofit
professional organization provides direction when issues arise that can impact the Internet.
The Internet Society also serves as a home for groups responsible for the promulgation of
Internet infrastructure standards. These groups include the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). The IAB is chartered both as a committee

of the IETF and as an advisory body of the Internet Society (ISOC). Its responsibilities
include architectural oversight of IETF activities and Internet Standards Process oversight
and appeal.
Rationale 3:
The Internet Society has the greatest overall influence on the Internet. This nonprofit
professional organization provides direction when issues arise that can impact the Internet.
The Internet Society also serves as a home for groups responsible for the promulgation of
Internet infrastructure standards. These groups include the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). The IAB is chartered both as a committee
of the IETF and as an advisory body of the Internet Society (ISOC). Its responsibilities
include architectural oversight of IETF activities and Internet Standards Process oversight
and appeal.
Rationale 4:
The Internet Society has the greatest overall influence on the Internet. This nonprofit
professional organization provides direction when issues arise that can impact the Internet.
The Internet Society also serves as a home for groups responsible for the promulgation of
Internet infrastructure standards. These groups include the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). The IAB is chartered both as a committee
of the IETF and as an advisory body of the Internet Society (ISOC). Its responsibilities
include architectural oversight of IETF activities and Internet Standards Process oversight
and appeal.
Question 19
URL is an acronym for _____________________.
Correct Answer: Uniform Resource Locator
URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator.
Question 20
One of the greatest concerns articulated by Internet users is security breaches. Which of the
following is the best method to protect the integrity of the computer and its data?

1. Construct a separate firewall for the Web server.
2. Ignore security warnings.
3. Keep antivirus systems up-to-date and do not install intrusion detection systems to hail
4. Do not install security patches.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Firewalls provide the same level of protection for Web servers as they do for private networks
with Internet access. Some, if not all, hacker attacks can be prevented with a firewall for each
Web server.
Rationale 2:
Updates on hacker attacks and warnings on new breach techniques are posted by several sites
on the Web, including the WWW Security FAQ and commercial sites such as
Webmasters should anticipate attack and take proactive measures.
Rationale 3:
Keep antivirus systems up-to-date and install intrusion detection systems to hail attacks.
Webmasters or network administrators need to maintain up-to-date virus detection to avoid
having their site(s) being brought down by the latest virus or worm. Alarms and tracking
mechanisms alert administrators or webmasters to attacks early so that action can be taken to
minimize website damage.
Rationale 4:
Download and install software security patches. Security patches for operating systems and
applications are available from the vendor once problems have been identified.
Question 21
Which of the following is not considered a search engine?
1. Google
2. Altavista

3. Webinar
4. Bing
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
Google is an example of a search engine.
Rationale 2:
Altavista is an example of a search engine.
Rationale 3:
A webinar is not a search engine but a method to deliver a class or educational online
Rationale 4:
Bing is an example of a search engine.
Question 22
Mrs. Jones is admitted to the medical-surgical unit with acute shortness of breath and
substernal chest pain that she has experienced for several days. The nurse asks her why she
did not contact her primary care provider sooner and she responded, "The website that I
checked said that I had an allergy." What is the best response to Mrs. Jones?
1. "You are right. The information on the Internet is fairly accurate."
2. "Mrs. Jones, not all websites are accurate and you should check to make sure they were
created by a reputable source."
3. "The Internet has a great deal of accurate information."
4. "Why would you check the Internet first?"
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Health information published on the Internet is not necessarily accurate. The nurse or health
care professional must scrutinize content for accuracy and relevance before recommending

the site to any patient. Patients can often rely too heavily on Internet content without first
checking its validity.
Rationale 2:
Health information published on the Internet is not necessarily accurate. The nurse or health
care professional must scrutinize content for accuracy and relevance before recommending
the site to any patient. Patients can often rely too heavily on Internet content without first
checking its validity.
Rationale 3:
Health information published on the Internet is not necessarily accurate. The nurse or health
care professional must scrutinize content for accuracy and relevance before recommending
the site to any patient. Patients can often rely too heavily on Internet content without first
checking its validity.
Rationale 4:
Health information published on the Internet is not necessarily accurate. The nurse or health
care professional must scrutinize content for accuracy and relevance before recommending
the site to any patient. Patients can often rely too heavily on Internet content without first
checking its validity.
Question 23
Which is the most important legal statement about creating personal Web pages?
1. A Web page developer does not have to abide by copyright laws before posting
2. A Web page developer must review copyright laws before posting information.
3. Nonprofit organizations are the only entities that must abide by copyright laws.
4. For profit agencies are the only entities that must abide by copyright laws.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
When creating a Web page, register original work with the U.S. Copyright Office and place a
copyright notice with year next to protected material. If outsourcing the creation and

uploading of a Web page, develop a written agreement that identifies copyright ownership
when working with a Web developer.
Rationale 2:
If uploading work developed by others, first obtain information from the author. Register
original work with the U.S. Copyright Office and place a copyright notice with year next to
protected material.
Rationale 3:
When creating a Web page, register original work with the U.S. Copyright Office and place a
copyright notice with year next to protected material. If outsourcing the creation and
uploading of a Web page, develop a written agreement that identifies copyright ownership
when working with a Web developer.
Rationale 4:
When creating a Web page, register original work with the U.S. Copyright Office and place a
copyright notice with year next to protected material. If outsourcing the creation and
uploading of a Web page, develop a written agreement that identifies copyright ownership
when working with a Web developer.

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