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Chapter 18: Ophthalmic Drugs Multiple Choice Questions 1. Topical antibiotic drugs for bacterial eye infections _________. a. block nutrients so the bacteria cannot reproduce b. disrupt the cell walls of the bacteria c. infuse the bacteria with a toxin d. interfere with DNA synthesis in the bacterium Answer: b. disrupt the cell walls of the bacteria Correct Feedback: Answer: b Feedback: Topical antibiotic drugs for bacterial eye infections disrupt the cell walls of bacteria. a. block nutrients so the bacteria cannot reproduce Incorrect Feedback: Topical antibiotic drugs do not block nutrients so the bacteria cannot reproduce. c. infuse the bacteria with a toxin Incorrect Feedback: Topical antibiotic drugs do not infuse the bacteria with a toxin. d. interfere with DNA synthesis in the bacterium Incorrect Feedback: Topical antibiotic drugs do not interfere with DNA synthesis in the bacterium. 2. Topical sulfonamide drugs are used to treat bacterial infections of the eye because they _______. a. are antibiotic drugs b. are anti-infective drugs c. kill bacteria d. are anti-inflammatory drugs Answer: b. are anti-infective drugs Correct Feedback: Feedback: A topical sulfonamide drug is categorized as an anti-infective drug. Unlike antibiotic drugs that kill bacteria, sulfonamide drugs inhibit the growth of bacteria and are used to treat bacterial infections of the eyelids and eyes. a. are antibiotic drugs Incorrect Feedback: Topical sulfonamide drugs are not antibiotic drugs. c. kill bacteria Incorrect Feedback: Topical sulfonamide drugs do not kill bacteria. d. are anti-inflammatory drugs Incorrect Feedback: Topical sulfonamide drugs are not anti-inflammatory drugs. 3. Topical antiviral drugs for viral eye infections, such as trifluridine (Viroptic), act by ________. a. disrupting the cell wall of a virus b. inhibiting the growth of viral cells c. inhibiting viral DNA from reproducing d. injecting a toxin into the virus Answer: c. inhibiting viral DNA from reproducing Correct Feedback: Feedback: Trifluridine (Viroptic) is a topical antiviral drug for viral eye infections that acts by inhibiting viral DNA from reproducing. a. disrupting the cell wall of a virus Incorrect Feedback: Topical antiviral drugs do not disrupt the cell wall of a virus. b. inhibiting the growth of viral cells Incorrect Feedback: Topical antiviral drugs do not inhibit the growth of viral cells. d. injecting a toxin into the virus Incorrect Feedback: Topical antiviral drugs do not inject a toxin into the virus. 4. Which of the following categories of drugs is NOT used to treat allergy symptoms in the eyes? a. topical antihistamine drugs b. topical decongestant drugs c. topical mast cell stabilizer drugs d. topical prostaglandin F agonist drugs Answer: d. topical prostaglandin F agonist drugs Correct Feedback: Feedback: Prostaglandin F agonist drugs are used to treat glaucoma. Allergy symptoms in the eyes are treated with topical antihistamine drugs, mast cell stabilizer drugs, and decongestant drugs. a. topical antihistamine drugs Incorrect Feedback: Topical antihistamine drugs are used to treat allergy symptoms in the eyes. b. topical decongestant drugs Incorrect Feedback: Topical decongestant drugs are used to treat allergy symptoms in the eyes. c. topical mast cell stabilizer drugs Incorrect Feedback: Topical mast cell stabilizer drugs are used in treating allergy symptoms in the eyes. 5. Which drug used to treat glaucoma blocks an enzyme that is active in the production of aqueous humor? a. alpha receptor stimulator drugs b. beta-blocker drugs c. carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drugs d. sympathomimetic drugs Answer: c. carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drugs Correct Feedback: Feedback: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drugs for glaucoma block the enzyme carbonic anhydrase which is active in the production of aqueous humor. a. alpha receptor stimulator drugs Incorrect Feedback: Alpha receptor stimulant drugs for glaucoma do not block an enzyme. b. beta-blocker drugs Incorrect Feedback: Beta-blocker drugs for glaucoma do not block an enzyme. d. sympathomimetic drugs Incorrect Feedback: Sympathomimetic drugs for glaucoma do not block an enzyme. 6. In order to examine the interior of the eye, the patient would be given eye drops containing what type of drug? a. mydriatic drug b. antibiotic drug c. antihistamine drug d. corticosteroid drug Answer: a. mydriatic drug Correct Feedback: Feedback: Mydriatic drugs are used to dilate and fix the pupil prior to an eye examination or surgery. b. antibiotic drug Incorrect Feedback: Antibiotic drugs are not used to examine the interior of the eye. c. antihistamine drug Incorrect Feedback: Antihistamine drugs are not used to examine the interior of the eye. d. corticosteroid drug Incorrect Feedback: Corticosteroid drugs are not used to examine the interior of the eye. 7. Mydriatic drugs ______. a. constrict the pupil b. dilate the pupil c. decrease the flow of aqueous humor d. all of the above Answer: b. dilate the pupil Correct Feedback: Answer: b Feedback: Mydriatic drugs are used to dilate and fix the pupil prior to an eye examination or surgery. a. constrict the pupil Incorrect Feedback: Mydriatic drugs do not constrict the pupil. c. decrease the flow of aqueous humor Incorrect Feedback: Mydriatic drugs do not decrease the flow of aqueous humor. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: Only one of these answers is correct. 8. All of the following drugs are used to treat glaucoma EXCEPT _____. a. brinzolamide (Azopt) b. latanoprost (Xalatan) c. timolol (Timoptic) d. gentamicin (Garamycin, Gentacidin, Gentak) Answer: d. gentamicin (Garamycin, Gentacidin, Gentak) Correct Feedback: Feedback: Gentamicin (Garamycin, Gentacidin, Gentak) is a drug used topically to treat bacterial infections of the eyes. a. brinzolamide (Azopt) Incorrect Feedback: Azopt is used to treat glaucoma. b. latanoprost (Xalatan) Incorrect Feedback: Xalatan is used to treat glaucoma. c. timolol (Timoptic) Incorrect Feedback: Timoptic is used to treat glaucoma. 9. All of the following are beta-blocker drugs used to treat glaucoma EXCEPT ______. a. carteolol (Ocupress) b. betaxolol (Betoptic) c. timolol (Timoptic) d. prednisolone (Econopred Plus, Pred Forte) Answer: d. prednisolone (Econopred Plus, Pred Forte) Correct Feedback: Feedback: Prednisolone (Econopred Plus, Pred Forte) is a topical corticosteroid drug used topically in the eye to treat inflammation. a. carteolol (Ocupress) Incorrect Feedback: This is a beta-blocker drug used to treat glaucoma. b. betaxolol (Betoptic) Incorrect Feedback: This is a beta-blocker drug used to treat glaucoma. c. timolol (Timoptic) Incorrect Feedback: This is a beta-blocker drug used to treat glaucoma. 10. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Mydriasis is the drug action that dilates the pupil. b. Mast cell stabilizer drugs prevent mast cells from releasing histamine. c. Silver nitrate placed in a newborn’s eyes can interfere with mother-child bonding. d. The antiviral implant Vitrasert is effective against viral infections, but not against CMV retinitis. Answer: d. The antiviral implant Vitrasert is effective against viral infections, but not against CMV retinitis. Correct Feedback: Antiviral drugs including the implant Vitrasert are effective against cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of the retina. a. Mydriasis is the drug action that dilates the pupil. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. b. Mast cell stabilizer drugs prevent mast cells from releasing histamine. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. c. Silver nitrate placed in a newborn’s eyes can interfere with mother-child bonding. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. 11. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Botox is derived from the same bacterium that causes botulism (food poisoning). b. Strabismus is caused by an abnormal constriction of the pupil. c. Fluorescein is an ophthalmic dye used to treat eye infections. d. The main symptom of glaucoma is decreased intraocular pressure. Answer: a. Botox is derived from the same bacterium that causes botulism (food poisoning). Correct Feedback: Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) is actually a diluted neurotoxin from the bacterium Clostrium botulinum type A that causes food poisoning (botulism) and is present in canned goods that have bulging ends. b. Strabismus is caused by an abnormal constriction of the pupil. Incorrect Feedback: Strabismus is not caused by an abnormal constriction of the pupil. c. Fluorescein is an ophthalmic dye used to treat eye infections. Incorrect Feedback: Fluorescein is an ophthalmic dye, but it is not used to treat eye infections. d. The main symptom of glaucoma is decreased intraocular pressure. Incorrect Feedback: The main symptom of glaucoma is increased, not decreased, intraocular pressure. 12. Miotic drugs for glaucoma have the same action as ______. a. acetylcholine b. aqueous humor c. epinephrine d. vitreous humor Answer: a. acetylcholine Correct Feedback: Miotic drugs for glaucoma have the same action as acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter for the parasympathetic nervous system. b. aqueous humor Incorrect Feedback: Aqueous humor does not have a drug action. c. epinephrine Incorrect Feedback: Miotic drugs for glaucoma do not have the same action as epinephrine. d. vitreous humor Incorrect Feedback: Vitreous humor does not have a drug action. 13. The drug tetracaine is used in the eye to ________. a. block the action of acetylcholine and increase the flow of aqueous humor b. dilate the pupil and paralyze the muscles of accommodation c. provide topical anesthesia during eye examinations and for short surgical procedures d. treat both open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma Answer: c. provide topical anesthesia during eye examinations and for short surgical procedures Correct Feedback: Tetracaine is a topical anesthetic drug used in the eye to facilitate eye examinations and for short surgical procedures, such as foreign body removal or suture removal. a. block the action of acetylcholine and increase the flow of aqueous humor Incorrect Feedback: Tetracaine does not block acetylcholine or affect aqueous humor. b. dilate the pupil and paralyze the muscles of accommodation Incorrect Feedback: Tetracaine does not dilate the pupil and paralyze the muscles of accommodation. d. treat both open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma Incorrect Feedback: Tetracaine is not used to treat glaucoma. 14. When a foreign substance (antigen), such as pollen or animal dander enters the eye, antibodies from the immune system attach to the antigen and _____ is released, which is the basis of an allergic reaction. a. acetylcholine b. epinephrine c. histamine d. all of the above Answer: c. histamine Correct Feedback: Allergy symptoms in the eyes occur for the same reason as allergy symptoms in other parts of the body. When a foreign substance, such as pollen, animal dander, or other antigen, enters the body, antibodies from the immune system attach to the antigen and form an antigen-antibody complex that the body can destroy. In the process, histamine is released. a. acetylcholine Incorrect Feedback: Acetylcholine is not the basis of an allergic reaction. b. epinephrine Incorrect Feedback: Epinephrine is not the basis of an allergic reaction. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: Only one answer is correct. 15. Which of the following drugs is NOT used to treat glaucoma? a. pilocarpine (Isopto Carpine, Pilocar) b. Cosopt (dorzolamide, timolol) c. cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl) d. betaxolol (Betoptic) Answer: c. cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl) Correct Feedback: Cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl, Pentolair) is a topical mydriatic drug used to dilate the pupil (mydriasis) and paralyze the muscles of accommodation (cycloplegia) in the iris. a. pilocarpine (Isopto Carpine, Pilocar) Incorrect Feedback: This drug is used to treat glaucoma. b. Cosopt (dorzolamide, timolol) Incorrect Feedback: This drug is used to treat glaucoma. d. betaxolol (Betoptic) Incorrect Feedback: This drug is used to treat glaucoma. 16. The topical drug natamycin (Natacyn) is used to treat _____. a. bacterial infections of the eyelids and eye b. fungal infections of the eyelids and eye c. parasitic infections of the eyelids and eye d. viral infections of the eyelids and eye Answer: b. fungal infections of the eyelids and eye Correct Feedback: The topical drug natamycin (Natacyn) is used to treat fungal infections of the eyelids and eye. a. bacterial infections of the eyelids and eye Incorrect Feedback: Natamycin is not used to treat bacterial infections. c. parasitic infections of the eyelids and eye Incorrect Feedback: Natamycin is not used to treat parasitic infections. d. viral infections of the eyelids and eye Incorrect Feedback: Natamycin is not used to treat viral infections. 17. The drug fluocinolone (Retisert) is a ______. a. corticosteroid drug that is injected into the eye b. corticosteroid drug that is inserted into the eye as an implant c. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is inserted into the eye as an implant d. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is injected into the eye Answer: b. corticosteroid drug that is inserted into the eye as an implant Correct Feedback: Anti-inflammatory drugs are administered within the eye into the vitreous humor to treat uveitis. Fluocinolone (Retisert) is an implant. a. corticosteroid drug that is injected into the eye Incorrect Feedback: Fluocinolone is a corticosteroid drug but it is not injected into the eye. c. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is inserted into the eye as an implant Incorrect Feedback: Fluocinolone is not a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. d. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is injected into the eye Incorrect Feedback: Fluocinolone is not a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. 18. Topical NSAIDs, commonly used in conjunction with cataract or LASIK surgery, ______. a. dilate the pupil b. prevent eye infection c. increase the outflow of aqueous humor d. treat pain and inflammation Answer: d. treat pain and inflammation Correct Feedback: Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used topically in the eye to treat pain and inflammation. Some of these drugs are used to decrease pain and inflammation after cataract or LASIK surgery on the eye. a. dilate the pupil Incorrect Feedback: Topical NSAIDs do not dilate the pupil. b. prevent eye infection Incorrect Feedback: Topical NSAIDs do not prevent eye infection. c. increase the outflow of aqueous humor Incorrect Feedback: Topical NSAIDs do not increase the outflow of aqueous humor. 19. Beta-blocker drugs are used to treat glaucoma by blocking beta receptors in the eye, and this ______. a. decreases the production of aqueous humor and decreases the intraocular pressure b. decreases the production of aqueous humor and increases the intraocular pressure c. increases the production of aqueous humor and decreases the intraocular pressure d. increases the production of aqueous humor and increases the intraocular pressure Answer: a. decreases the production of aqueous humor and decreases the intraocular pressure Correct Feedback: Beta-blocker drugs used to treat glaucoma block beta receptors in the eye which will decrease the production of aqueous humor to decrease the intraocular pressure. b. decreases the production of aqueous humor and increases the intraocular pressure Incorrect Feedback: Beta-blocker drugs do decrease the production of aqueous humor, but this does not increase the intraocular pressure. c. increases the production of aqueous humor and decreases the intraocular pressure Incorrect Feedback: Beta-blocker drugs do not increase the production of aqueous humor. d. increases the production of aqueous humor and increases the intraocular pressure Incorrect Feedback: Beta-blocker drugs do not increase the production of aqueous humor. 20. The combination glaucoma drugs P1E1 and P1E2 contain ______. a. a corticosteroid drug (prednisolone) and an antihistamine drug (emedastine) b. a miotic drug (pilocarpine) and an epinephrine drug c. two antibiotic drugs (polymyxin B, erythromycin) d. two mast cell stabilizer drugs (pemirolast, epinastine) Answer: b. a miotic drug (pilocarpine) and an epinephrine drug Correct Feedback: The combination glaucoma drug P1E1 or P1E2 contains a miotic drug (pilocarpine) and an epinephrine drug. a. a corticosteroid drug (prednisolone) and an antihistamine drug (emedastine) Incorrect Feedback: Corticosteroid drugs and antihistamine drugs are not used to treat glaucoma. c. two antibiotic drugs (polymyxin B, erythromycin) Incorrect Feedback: Antibiotics drugs are not used to treat glaucoma. d. two mast cell stabilizer drugs (pemirolast, epinastine) Incorrect Feedback: Mast cells stabilizer drugs are not used to treat glaucoma. 21. Which of the following is NOT a topical antibiotic drug used to treat bacterial infections of the eye? a. ciprofloxacin (Cipro) b. levofloxacin (Quixin) c. metipranolol (OptiPranolol) d. ofloxacin (Ocuflox) Answer: c. metipranolol (OptiPranolol) Correct Feedback: Beta-blocker drugs are used to treat glaucoma. The suffix–olol is common to generic beta-blocker drugs which include metipranolol (OptiPranolol). a. ciprofloxacin (Cipro) Incorrect Feedback: This is a topical antibiotic drug. b. levofloxacin (Quixin) Incorrect Feedback: This is a topical antibiotic drug. d. ofloxacin (Ocuflox) Incorrect Feedback: This is a topical antibiotic drug. 22. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Sulfonamide drugs and antibiotic drugs both kill bacteria to treat eye infections. b. Topical drugs used in the eye are specially formulated to be physiologically similar to eye fluids and tears. c. Some topical generic antibiotic drugs for the eye are also available as oral generic antibiotic drugs, but the trade names are different. d. Topical erythromycin is placed in the eyes of newborn infants to prevent infection from gonorrhea and chlamydia, two sexually transmitted diseases. Answer: a. Sulfonamide drugs and antibiotic drugs both kill bacteria to treat eye infections. Correct Feedback: Unlike antibiotic drugs that kill bacteria, sulfonamide drugs only inhibit the growth of bacteria, but are used to treat bacterial infections of the eyelids and eye. b. Topical drugs used in the eye are specially formulated to be physiologically similar to eye fluids and tears. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. c. Some topical generic antibiotic drugs for the eye are also available as oral generic antibiotic drugs, but the trade names are different. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. d. Topical erythromycin is placed in the eyes of newborn infants to prevent infection from gonorrhea and chlamydia, two sexually transmitted diseases. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. 23. Which of the following is NOT a topical corticosteroid drug used to treat eye inflammation? a. dexamethasone (Maxidex) b. diclofenac (Voltaren) c. fluorometholone (Flarex, FML) d. prednisolone (Econopred Plus, Pred Forte) Answer: b. diclofenac (Voltaren) Correct Feedback: Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used topically in the eye to treat pain and inflammation and include diclofenac (Voltaren). a. dexamethasone (Maxidex) Incorrect Feedback: This is a topical corticosteroid drug. c. fluorometholone (Flarex, FML) Incorrect Feedback: This is a topical corticosteroid drug. d. prednisolone (Econopred Plus, Pred Forte) Incorrect Feedback: This is a topical corticosteroid drug. 24. Topical antibiotic drugs for eye infections are useful in treating both bacterial infections of the eye and viral infections of the eye. Answer: False Feedback: Antibiotic drugs are not effective against viral infections. 25. The topical antiviral drug trifluridine (Viroptic) is specifically effective against herpes simplex virus, type 1 and type 2. Answer: True Feedback: Trifluridine (Viroptic), a topical antiviral drug for the eye, is specifically effective against herpes simplex virus, type 1 and type 2. 26. The drug ganciclovir (Vitrasert) is administered as an implant that is placed within the eye in the aqueous humor, so that the drug will come in contact with the cornea. Answer: False Feedback: Ganciclovir (Vitrasert) is an antiviral drug administered as an implant that is placed within the eye in the vitreous humor so that the drug will come in contact with the retina. 27. Only nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, not corticosteroid drugs, are used to treat inflammation in the eye in the areas of the eyelid, cornea, conjunctiva, or tear duct. Answer: False Feedback: Topical corticosteroid drugs and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are used to treat inflammation in the eye in the areas of the eyelid, cornea, conjunctiva, or tear duct. 28. Beta-blocker drugs used to treat glaucoma have no effect on pupil size and therefore do not cause the blurred vision or night blindness associated with some other glaucoma drugs. Answer: True Feedback: Beta-blocker drugs for glaucoma block beta receptors in the eye. This decreases the production of aqueous humor to decrease the intraocular pressure. These drugs have no effect on pupil size and therefore do not cause the blurred vision or night blindness associated with some other glaucoma drugs. 29. Alpha receptor stimulator drugs for glaucoma constrict the pupil and decrease the outflow of aqueous humor. Answer: False Feedback: Alpha receptor stimulator drugs for glaucoma stimulate alpha receptors in the eye. This dilates the pupil and increases the outflow of aqueous humor. 30. For infections in the eyes, only topical ophthalmic antibiotic drugs are used because oral antibiotic drugs are not effective in treating eye infections. Answer: True Feedback: For severe eye infections, various oral antibiotic drugs that act systemically are prescribed. 31. All carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drugs used to treat glaucoma must be given orally in order to be effective. Answer: False Feedback: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drugs for glaucoma block the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which is active in the production of aqueous humor. Acetazolamide and methazolamide are given orally, while the others are topical drugs applied to the eye. 32. Sympathomimetic drugs for glaucoma mimic the action of epinephrine, a hormone that acts as part of the sympathetic division of the nervous system. Answer: True Feedback: Sympathomimetic drugs for glaucoma are converted to epinephrine by an enzyme in the eye. Epinephrine is a hormone that acts as part of the sympathetic division of the nervous system 33. Some drugs used to treat cataracts do so by decreasing an elevated intraocular pressure which, if left untreated, can lead to blindness. Answer: False Feedback: Glaucoma, not cataracts, is a disease whose presenting symptom is increased intraocular pressure. If untreated, it can lead to blindness. 34. The drug Cosopt is a combination drug for glaucoma; it contains a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drug (dorzolamide) and a beta-blocker drug (timolol). Answer: True Feedback: Combination drugs such as Cosopt (dorzolamide, timolol) contain a miotic drug (pilocarpine), epinephrine, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drug (dorzolamide), an alpha receptor stimulant drug (brimonidine), and/or a betablocker drug (timolol). 35. Anesthetic ophthalmic drugs are administered topically, not systemically. Answer: True Feedback: Topical anesthetic drugs are used in the eye to facilitate eye examinations and for short surgical procedures, such as foreign body removal or suture removal. 36. The drug sulfacetamide (Bleph-10, Cetamide, Sulster) is classified as an antibiotic drug. Answer: False Feedback: Sulfacetamide (Bleph-10, Cetamide, Sulster), a topical sulfonamide anti-infective drug, is not classified as an antibiotic drug, but as an anti-infective drug. 37. Topical decongestant drugs constrict the blood vessels in the conjunctiva to reduce redness. Answer: True Feedback: Topical decongestant drugs constrict the blood vessels in the conjunctivae to reduce redness. 38. Miotic drugs for glaucoma have the same action as acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter for the parasympathetic nervous system. Answer: True Feedback: Miotic drugs have the same action as acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter for the parasympathetic nervous system. 39. Topical ophthalmic ointment drugs are interchangeable with topical ointment drugs for the skin because they both contain the same drug ingredient. Answer: False Feedback: Topical ophthalmic ointment is specially formulated to be nonirritating to the eye; it is not interchangeable with topical ointments used on the skin. 40. Botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Dysport) is injected into eye muscles to paralyze them and treat strabismus; it is also injected into the muscles of the face to treat skin wrinkles. Answer: True Feedback: Botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Dysport) is injected into eye muscles to paralyze them and treat strabismus; it is also a popular drug that is injected into the muscles of the face to release deep wrinkles. 41. Some drugs for glaucoma stimulate ________ F receptors, which increases the outflow of aqueous humor and decreases the intraocular pressure. Answer: prostaglandin Feedback: Prostaglandin F agonist drugs stimulate prostaglandin F receptors, which increases the outflow of aqueous humor and decreases the intraocular pressure. 42. The _____ plant was the original source of the mydriatic drugs atropine and scopolamine. Answer: belladonna Feedback: The belladonna plant was the original source of the mydriatic drugs atropine and scopolamine. 43. The suffix __________ is common to generic beta-blocker drugs used to treat glaucoma. Answer: –olol Feedback: The suffix –olol is common to generic beta-blocker drugs. 44. Most states either recommend or require a topical anti-infective drug be applied to the eyes of newborn infants to prevent the possibility of infection and possible blindness from the sexually transmitted disease of _____. Answer: gonorrhea Feedback: Most states either recommend or require a topical antiinfective drug be applied to the eyes of newborn infants to prevent the possibility of infection and possible blindness from gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted disease contracted by the baby as its head moves through the infected birth canal). 45. The first drugs to be developed to treat glaucoma were __________ drugs, which cause the pupil to constrict, and this increases the outflow of aqueous humor and lowers the intraocular pressure. Answer: miotic Feedback: Miotic drugs were the first drugs to be developed to treat glaucoma. These drugs cause the pupil to constrict, and this increases the outflow of aqueous humor and lowers the intraocular pressure. 46. One type of drug used to treat glaucoma inhibits ________, an enzyme that normally destroys acetylcholine. As acetylcholine is present, it continues to cause the pupil to constrict, and this increases the outflow of aqueous humor and lowers the intraocular pressure. Answer: cholinesterase Feedback: Cholinesterase inhibitor drugs used to treat glaucoma inhibit cholinesterase, an enzyme that normally destroys acetylcholine. 47. Dilating the pupils, a process known as ________, is done prior to an eye examination or surgery. Answer: mydriasis Feedback: Topical mydriatic drugs are used to dilate the pupil (mydriasis) and paralyze the muscles of accommodation (cycloplegia) in the iris. 48. Topical __________ drugs are used topically in the eye to treat inflammation because they suppress the immune system’s local inflammatory response. Answer: corticosteroid Feedback: Topical corticosteroid drugs are used topically in the eye to treat inflammation. They suppress the immune system’s local inflammatory response. 49. Mast cell stabilizer drugs block the effect of _________ and relieve allergy symptoms in the eyes. Answer: histamine Feedback: Topical mast cell stabilizer drugs act as antihistamine drugs, but also prevent the cell membranes of mast cells in the eyes from releasing histamine. 50. Brinzolamide (Azopt) is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drug that blocks the enzyme that produces __________ humor. Answer: aqueous Feedback: These drugs block the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which is active in the production of aqueous humor. Matching Questions 51. 1. azelastine (Optivar) A. beta-blocker drug used to treat glaucoma 2. carteolol (Ocupress) B. carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drug for glaucoma 3. ciprofloxacin (Ciloxin) C. monoclonal antibody drug for macular degeneration 4. dexamethasone (Maxidex) D. prostaglandin F agonist drug for glaucoma 5. dorzolamide (Trusopt) E. topical antibiotic drug for bacterial eye infections 6. ketorolac (Acular) F. topical antihistamine drug for eye allergies 7. latanoprost (Xalatan) inflammation G. topical corticosteroid drug for eye 8. naphazoline (Albalon) H. topical decongestant drug for eye allergies 9. olopatadine (Patanol) allergies I. topical mast cell stabilizer drug for eye 10. ranibizumab (Lucentis) J. topical NSAID drug for eye inflammation Answer: I Answer: A Answer: E Answer: G Answer: B Answer: J Answer: D Answer: H Answer: F Answer: C Feedback: These drugs and their categories are found throughout the chapter. 52. Describe one of the two mechanisms of actions for drugs used to treat glaucoma. Answer: Drugs for glaucoma act either by decreasing the amount of aqueous humor circulating in the anterior and posterior chamber (to decrease the intraocular pressure) and/or by constricting the pupil (miosis) to open the angle of contact between the iris and the trabecular meshwork (to allow the aqueous humor to flow freely). 53. Briefly describe what macular degeneration is and the difference between dry macular degeneration and wet macular degeneration. Answer: Macular degeneration is a chronic, progressive loss of central vision in the area of the macula of the retina. The macula contains the area of the fovea, which is directly opposite from the pupil and is the area of greatest visual acuity. In agerelated macular degeneration, the macula deteriorates with age. This is also called dry macular degeneration. In wet macular degeneration, abnormal blood vessels grow under the macula. They are fragile and leak, causing the macula to lift away from the retina with a loss of vision. 54. Briefly compare and contrast miotic drugs and mydriatic drugs. Answer: Both have an effect on acetylcholine. Miotic drugs have the same action as acetylcholine, which causes the pupil to constrict, increases the outflow of aqueous humor, and lowers the intraocular pressure. In contrast, mydriatic drugs are used to dilate the pupil. They block the action of acetylcholine, which normally constricts the pupil. Test Bank for Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals Susan M. Turley 9780135145708, 9780133911268

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