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Chapter 17: Dermatologic Drugs Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is NOT a prescription antibiotic drug used to treat acne vulgaris? a. benzoyl peroxide (Benzac, Desquam, PanOxyl) b. clindamycin (Cleocin T) c. erythromycin (Eryderm, Emgel) d. triclosan (Clearasil, Oxy, Stri-Dex) Answer: d. triclosan (Clearasil, Oxy, Stri-Dex) Correct Feedback: The drug triclosan (Clearasil, Oxy, Stri-Dex) is an over-thecounter drug used to treat acne vulgaris. a. benzoyl peroxide (Benzac, Desquam, PanOxyl) Incorrect Feedback: Benzoyl peroxide is a prescription drug for acne vulgaris. b. clindamycin (Cleocin T) Incorrect Feedback: Clindamycin is a prescription drug for acne vulgaris. c. erythromycin (Eryderm, Emgel) Incorrect Feedback: Erythromycin is a prescription drug for acne vulgaris. 2. Of the following vitamin A-type drugs, which is the only one that is used to treat severe cystic acne vulgaris, not common acne vulgaris? a. adapalene (Differin) b. isotretinoin (Accutane) c. tazarotene (Avage, Tazorac) d. tretinoin (Retin-A) Answer: b. isotretinoin (Accutane) Correct Feedback: Severe cystic acne vulgaris that is unresponsive to other drugs is treated systemically with an oral vitamin A-type drug: isotretinoin (Accutane). a. adapalene (Differin) Incorrect Feedback: Adapalene is used to treat acne vulgaris. c. tazarotene (Avage, Tazorac) Incorrect Feedback: Tazarotene is used to treat acne vulgaris. d. tretinoin (Retin-A) Incorrect Feedback: Tretinoin is used to treat acne vulgaris. 3. Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of coal tar drugs used to treat psoriasis? a. cleanse away dead tissue b. correct abnormalities of keratinocytes c. decrease itching d. increase the rate of epithelial cell production Answer: d. increase the rate of epithelial cell production Correct Feedback: Coal tar drugs decrease the rate of epithelial cell production. They correct abnormalities of keratinocytes, cleanse away dead skin (keratolytic action), and decrease itching. a. cleanse away dead tissue Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs do cleanse away dead tissue for psoriasis. b. correct abnormalities of keratinocytes Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs do correct abnormalities of keratinocytes for psoriasis. c. decrease itching Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs do decrease itching for psoriasis. 4. Which of the following is NOT a suffix common to generic corticosteroid drugs? a. –lone b. –nide c. –side d. –sone Answer: c. –side Correct Feedback: The suffixes –sone, –lone, and –nide are common to generic corticosteroid drugs. a. –lone Incorrect Feedback: The suffix –lone is common to generic corticosteroid drugs. b. –nide Incorrect Feedback: The suffix –nide is a common suffix to generic corticosteroid drugs. d. –sone Incorrect Feedback: The suffix –sone is common to generic corticosteroid drugs. 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of drug used to treat wrinkles? a. filler drugs b. muscle relaxant drugs c. topical drugs for debridement d. topical vitamin-A type drugs Answer: c. topical drugs for debridement Correct Feedback: Topical debridement drugs are enzymes that are used to dissolve necrotic tissue and scar tissue at the base of a burn, skin ulcer, or wound. Drugs used to treat wrinkles include topical vitamin A-type drugs, muscle relaxant drugs to relax the muscles that pull the skin into wrinkle lines, or filler drugs to plump up the skin to minimize wrinkle lines. a. filler drugs Incorrect Feedback: Filler drugs are used to plump up the skin to minimize wrinkle lines. b. muscle relaxant drugs Incorrect Feedback: Muscle relaxant drugs relax the muscles that pull the skin into wrinkle lines. d. topical vitamin-A type drugs Incorrect Feedback: Topical vitamin-A type drugs are used to treat wrinkles. 6. Which of the following is NOT a category of topical drugs used to treat psoriasis? a. antihistamine drugs b. corticosteroid drugs c. coal tar drugs d. vitamin A-type and vitamin D-type drugs Answer: a. antihistamine drugs Correct Feedback: Antihistamine drugs inhibit inflammation, redness, and itching due to the release of histamine, which is released during an allergic reaction such as contact dermatitis. Corticosteroid drugs, coal tar drugs, vitamin A-type drugs, and vitamin D-type drugs are used to treat psoriasis. b. corticosteroid drugs Incorrect Feedback: Corticosteroid drugs are used to treat psoriasis c. coal tar drugs Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs are used to treat psoriasis d. vitamin A-type and vitamin D-type drugs Incorrect Feedback: Vitamin A-type and vitamin D-type drugs are used to treat psoriasis. 7. Which of the following is NOT a topical, over-the-counter antibiotic drug used to treat superficial bacterial skin infections? a. bacitracin b. gentamicin c. mupirocin d. ketoconazole Answer: d. ketoconazole Correct Feedback: Ketoconazole (Nizoral A-D) is a topical antiyeast drug. a. bacitracin Incorrect Feedback: Bacitracin is a topical, over-the-counter antibiotic drug used to treat superficial bacterial skin infections. b. gentamicin Incorrect Feedback: Gentamicin is a topical, over-the-counter antibiotic drug used to treat superficial bacterial skin infections. c. mupirocin Incorrect Feedback: Mupirocin (Bactroban) is a topical, over-the-counter antibiotic drug used to treat superficial bacterial skin infections. 8. Which of the following is a topical over-the-counter combination drug that contains three antibiotic drugs? a. cortisporin b. Lotrisone c. Neosporin d. Caladryl Answer: c. Neosporin Correct Feedback: Neosporin is a topical over-the-counter, triple antibiotic combination drug that contains bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B. a. cortisporin Incorrect Feedback: Cortisporin contains an antibiotic drug (neomycin) and a corticosteroid drug (hydrocortisone) b. Lotrisone Incorrect Feedback: Lotrisone contains an antifungal (clotrimazole) and a corticosteroid drug (betamethasone). d. Caladryl Incorrect Feedback: Caladryl contains an antihistamine drug (diphenhydramine) and an astringent drug (zinc oxide). 9. Which of the following is the only antiviral drug that is used both topically and orally to treat herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 infections? a. acyclovir (Zovirax) b. docosanol (Abreva) c. famciclovir (Famvir) d. nystatin (Mycostatin, Nilstat) Answer: a. acyclovir (Zovirax) Correct Feedback: Acyclovir (Zovirax) is used topically to treat both the herpes simplex virus type 1 that involve the mouth and face and are known as cold sores. It is also used orally to treat herpes simplex virus type 2 infections, a sexually transmitted disease that is also known as genital herpes. b. docosanol (Abreva) Incorrect Feedback: Docosanol (Abreva) is only used topically to treat the herpes simplex virus type 1 infections. c. famciclovir (Famvir) Incorrect Feedback: Famciclovir (Famvir) is only used orally to treat the herpes simplex virus type 2 infections. d. nystatin (Mycostatin, Nilstat) Incorrect Feedback: Nystatin is an antiyeast drug that is not used to treat herpes simplex virus infections. 10. Coal tar drugs are used to treat ______. a. acne b. psoriasis c. fungal infections d. scabies Answer: b. psoriasis Correct Feedback: Coal tar drugs used to treat psoriasis decrease the rate of epithelial cell production, correct abnormalities of keratinocytes, cleanse away dead skin (keratolytic action), and decrease itching (antipruritic action). a. acne Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs are not used to treat acne. c. fungal infections Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs are not used to treat fungal infections. d. scabies Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs are not used to treat scabies. 11. Topical corticosteroid drugs are used to treat all of the following EXCEPT _____. a. an insect bite b. a mild case of poison ivy c. psoriasis d. lice Answer: d. lice Correct Feedback: Topical corticosteroid drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription, are indicated to treat inflammation and itching caused by contact dermatitis, poison ivy, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, and yeast or fungal infections. They are not used to treat lice. a. an insect bite Incorrect Feedback: Topical corticosteroid drugs are used to treat an insect bite. b. a mild case of poison ivy Incorrect Feedback: Topical corticosteroid drugs are used to treat a mild case of poison ivy. c. psoriasis Incorrect Feedback: Topical corticosteroid drugs are used to treat a mild case of psoriasis. 12. All of the following pairs of trade names are corticosteroid drugs EXCEPT ______. a. Cloderm and Lidex b. Topicort and Halog c. Decadron and Kenalog d. Lotrimin and Penlac Answer: d. Lotrimin and Penlac Correct Feedback: Miconazole (Lotrimin AF 2%, Micatin, Ting 2%) is a topical antiyeast drug, and ciclopirox (Loprox, Penlac Nail Lacquer) is a topical antifungal drug. a. Cloderm and Lidex Incorrect Feedback: Cloderm and Lidex are trade name corticosteroid drugs. b. Topicort and Halog Incorrect Feedback: Topicort and Halog are trade name corticosteroid drugs. c. Decadron and Kenalog Incorrect Feedback: Decadron and Kenalog are trade name corticosteroid drugs. 13. The topical drug used to treat male pattern baldness is ______. a. minoxidil (Rogaine) b. capsaicin (Zostrix) c. finasteride (Propecia) d. metronidazole (MetroGel) Answer: a. minoxidil (Rogaine) Correct Feedback: The topical drug minoxidil dilates the arteries in the scalp to increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth. b. capsaicin (Zostrix) Incorrect Feedback: Capsaicin (Zostrix) is not used to treat male pattern baldness. c. finasteride (Propecia) Incorrect Feedback: Finasteride (Propecia) is used to treat male pattern baldness, but it is an oral, not topical, drug. d. metronidazole (MetroGel) Incorrect Feedback: Metronidazole (MetroGel) is not used to treat male pattern baldness. 14. Which of the following generic dermatologic drugs is correctly matched to its trade name? a. coal tar: Retina-A b. miconazole: Accutane c. betamethasone: Maxivate d. botulinum toxin type A: Topicort Answer: c. betamethasone: Maxivate Correct Feedback: The topical corticosteroid drug betamethasone (Diprolene, Diprosone, Maxivate) is used to treat inflammation and itching. a. coal tar: Retina-A Incorrect Feedback: This is not a correct match. b. miconazole: Accutane Incorrect Feedback: This is not a correct match. d. botulinum toxin type A: Topicort Incorrect Feedback: This is not a correct match. 15. Scabies is caused by mites that bury under the skin; this skin problem is treated with _____. a. A and D ointment b. topical permethrin (Acticin, Elimite) c. intradermal corticosteroid drug injection d. a coal tar drug Answer: b. topical permethrin (Acticin, Elimite) Correct Feedback: Scabies is caused by tiny, barely visible parasites called mites that tunnel under the skin and cause itchy lesions. Permethrin (Acticin, Elimite) is a topical prescription drug used to treat scabies. a. A and D ointment Incorrect Feedback: A and D ointment cannot treat scabies. c. intradermal corticosteroid drug injection Incorrect Feedback: Scabies is not treated with intradermal injections. d. a coal tar drug Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs are not used to treat scabies. 16. Acne rosacea is treated topically with ______. a. Retin-A b. MetroGel c. Botox d. Tinactin Answer: b. MetroGel Correct Feedback: Metronidazole (MetroGel) is a topical drug that comes in the form of a gel. It has an antibiotic action and antiprotozoal action that kills bacteria and protozoa on the skin of patients with acne rosacea. a. Retin-A Incorrect Feedback: Retin-A is not used to treat acne rosacea. c. Botox Incorrect Feedback: Botox is not used to treat acne rosacea. d. Tinactin Incorrect Feedback: Tinactin is not used to treat acne rosacea. 17. All of the following drugs are used topically to treat acne vulgaris EXCEPT ______. a. salicylic acid (Clearasil, Fostex, Stri-Dex) b. benzoyl peroxide (Benzac, Desquam, PanOxyl) c. metronidazole (MetroGel) d. clindamycin (Cleocin T) Answer: c. metronidazole (MetroGel) Correct Feedback: Metronidazole (MetroGel) is a topical drug that comes in the drug form of a gel. It has an antibiotic action and antiprotozoal action that kills bacteria and protozoa on the skin of patients with acne rosacea. a. salicylic acid (Clearasil, Fostex, Stri-Dex) Incorrect Feedback: Salicylic acid (Clearasil, Fostex, Stri-Dex) is used topically to treat acne vulgaris. b. benzoyl peroxide (Benzac, Desquam, PanOxyl) Incorrect Feedback: Benzoyl peroxide (Benzac, Desquam, PanOxyl) is used topically to treat acne vulgaris. d. clindamycin (Cleocin T) Incorrect Feedback: Clindamycin (Cleocin T) is used topically to treat acne vulgaris. 18. Some of the same drugs used to treat fungal infections are also used to treat yeast infections. This is because ______. a. both types of drugs come in the same strength of doses b. fungi are closely related (biologically) to yeasts. c. they are both over-the-counter drugs d. all of the above Answer: b. fungi are closely related (biologically) to yeasts. Correct Feedback: Some of the same drugs used to treat fungal infections are also used to treat yeast infections. This is because fungi are closely related (biologically) to yeasts. a. both types of drugs come in the same strength of doses Incorrect Feedback: This is not the reason why the same drugs are used to treat fungal and yeast infections. c. they are both over-the-counter drugs Incorrect Feedback: This is not the reason why the same drugs are used to treat fungal and yeast infections. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: Only one of these answers is correct. 19. Which of the following is NOT a topical antifungal drug? a. ketoconazole (Nizoral A-D, Xologel) b. tolnaftate (Aftate, Tinactin, Ting 1%) c. valacyclovir (Valtrex) d. miconazole (Lotrimin AF 2%, Micatin, Ting 2%) Answer: c. valacyclovir (Valtrex) Correct Feedback: Valacyclovir (Valtrex) is an oral drug used to treat herpes simplex virus type 2 (genital herpes) and herpes zoster virus. a. ketoconazole (Nizoral A-D, Xologel) Incorrect Feedback: This is an antifungal drug. b. tolnaftate (Aftate, Tinactin, Ting 1%) Incorrect Feedback: This is an antifungal drug. d. miconazole (Lotrimin AF 2%, Micatin, Ting 2%) Incorrect Feedback: This is an antifungal drug. 20. An antipruritic drug is used to treat ______. a. fungal infections b. burns c. itching d. bacterial infections Answer: c. itching Correct Feedback: Topical antihistamine drugs inhibit inflammation, redness, and itching due to the release of histamine. As a group, these drugs are also known as antipruritic drugs (pruritus is a Latin word that means itching). a. fungal infections Incorrect Feedback: An antipruritic drug is not used to treat fungal infections. b. burns Incorrect Feedback: An antipruritic drug is not used to treat burns. d. bacterial infections Incorrect Feedback: An antipruritic drug is not used to treat bacterial infections. 21. Which of the following drugs is used topically to treat viral infections of the skin? a. erythromycin (Eryderm, Emgel) b. desoximethasone (Topicort) c. acyclovir (Zovirax) d. EMLA Answer: c. acyclovir (Zovirax) Correct Feedback: Acyclovir (Zovirax) is a topical drug for herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. a. erythromycin (Eryderm, Emgel) Incorrect Feedback: Erythromycin (Eryderm, Emgel) is not used topically for viral infections of the skin. b. desoximethasone (Topicort) Incorrect Feedback: Desoximethasone (Topicort) is not used topically for viral infections of the skin. d. EMLA Incorrect Feedback: The combination drug EMLA is not used topically for viral infections of the skin. 22. ______ injections in the skin of the face help to minimize wrinkles. a. Coal tar b. Retin-A c. Zingo d. Botox Answer: d. Botox Correct Feedback: Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) is injected to minimize wrinkles by relaxing the underlying muscle. a. Coal tar Incorrect Feedback: Coal tar drugs are not given by injection used to minimize wrinkles. b. Retin-A Incorrect Feedback: Tretinoin (Retin-A) is used topically to treat acne vulgaris. As the trade name Renova, it is used to treat wrinkles, but topically, not by injection. c. Zingo Incorrect Feedback: Zingo is not given by injection to minimize wrinkles. 23. Zingo, EMLA, and Xylocaine are all trade name topical ______ drugs. a. anesthetic b. corticosteroid c. antibiotic d. antiviral Answer: a. anesthetic Correct Feedback: Drugs used for topical anesthesia include lidocaine (Lidoderm, Xylocaine, Zingo) and the combination drug EMLA. b. corticosteroid Incorrect Feedback: Zingo, EMLA, and Xylocaine are not topical corticosteroid drugs. c. antibiotic Incorrect Feedback: Zingo, EMLA, and Xylocaine are not topical antibiotic drugs. d. antiviral Incorrect Feedback: Zingo, EMLA, and Xylocaine are not topical antiviral drugs. 24. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Corticosteroid drugs mimic the action of corticosteroid hormones produced by the adrenal gland. b. Hydrocortisone, introduced in 1952, was the first topical corticosteroid drug. c. Hydrocortisone was the first topical corticosteroid approved in a nonprescription strength for over-the-counter sales. d. All of the above statements are true. Answer: d. All of the above statements are true. Correct Feedback: Corticosteroid drugs mimic the action of corticosteroid hormones produced by the adrenal gland. Hydrocortisone, introduced in 1952, was the first topical corticosteroid drug. In 1983, hydrocortisone was also the first topical corticosteroid approved in a nonprescription strength for over-the-counter sales. a. Corticosteroid drugs mimic the action of corticosteroid hormones produced by the adrenal gland. Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct statement. b. Hydrocortisone, introduced in 1952, was the first topical corticosteroid drug. Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct statement. c. Hydrocortisone was the first topical corticosteroid approved in a nonprescription strength for over-the-counter sales. Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct statement. 25. Which of the following drugs is NOT a combination antihistamine and astringent drug? a. Caladryl b. Calamycin c. EMLA d. Ziradryl Answer: c. EMLA Correct Feedback: EMLA is a combination anesthetic drug. Caladryl, Calamycin, and Ziradryl are combination drugs containing a topical antihistamine drug (diphenhydramine) to decrease itching and an astringent drug (calamine, zinc oxide). a. Caladryl Incorrect Feedback: Caladryl is a combination antihistamine and astringent drug. b. Calamycin Incorrect Feedback: Calamycin is a combination antihistamine and astringent drug. d. Ziradryl Incorrect Feedback: Ziradryl is a combination antihistamine and astringent drug. 26. All of these are topical antiviral drugs used to treat herpes simplex virus type 1 infections EXCEPT ______. a. acyclovir (Zovirax) b. docosanol (Abreva) c. diphenhydramine (Benadryl) d. penciclovir (Denavir) Answer: c. diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Correct Feedback: Topical drugs used to treat herpes simplex type 1 infections of the face and mouth (cold sores) include acyclovir (Zovirax), docosanol (Abreva), and penciclovir (Denavir). a. acyclovir (Zovirax) Incorrect Feedback: Acyclovir (Zovirax) is used topically to treat herpes simplex virus type 1 infections. b. docosanol (Abreva) Incorrect Feedback: Docosanol (Abreva) is used topically to treat herpes simplex virus type 1 infections. d. penciclovir (Denavir) Incorrect Feedback: Penciclovir (Denavir) is used topically to treat herpes simplex virus type 1 infections. 27. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. A keratolytic action cleanses away oil and dead skin. b. Oral contraceptive drugs have been found to be effective in treating acne vulgaris. c. Coal tar drugs have been used to treat common warts since the 1800s. d. Diphenhydramine is a topical antihistamine drug. Answer: c. Coal tar drugs have been used to treat common warts since the 1800s. Correct Feedback: Coal tar, a byproduct of the processing of bituminous coal, contains over 10,000 different chemicals. It has been used since the 1800s to treat psoriasis. a. A keratolytic action cleanses away oil and dead skin. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. b. Oral contraceptive drugs have been found to be effective in treating acne vulgaris. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. d. Diphenhydramine is a topical antihistamine drug. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. 28. Which of the following is NOT a type of fungal infection of the skin? a. jock itch b. ringworm c. contact dermatitis d. athlete’s foot Answer: c. contact dermatitis Correct Feedback: Histamine is released during an allergic reaction such as contact dermatitis. Fungal infections include ringworm (tinea capitis, tinea corporis), athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris), and fungal infections of the nails (onychomycosis). a. jock itch Incorrect Feedback: Jock itch is a fungal infection of the skin. b. ringworm Incorrect Feedback: Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. d. athlete’s foot Incorrect Feedback: Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin. 29. Which of the following statements is FALSE about acne vulgaris? a. Bacteria feed on the oil in the pores, create infection, and form comedos. b. It is the form of acne that is commonly seen during adolescence. c. It is characterized by large amounts of oil that block the pores and form papules. d. White blood cells come to the area and form pustules. Answer: a. Bacteria feed on the oil in the pores, create infection, and form comedos. Correct Feedback: As bacteria feed on the oil, they cause infection. This draws white blood cells to the area, forming pustules (whiteheads). The hardened oil turns black as it is exposed to the air, forming comedos (blackheads). b. It is the form of acne that is commonly seen during adolescence. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. c. It is characterized by large amounts of oil that block the pores and form papules. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. d. White blood cells come to the area and form pustules. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. 30. Isotretinoin (Accutane) has been linked to the unusual and severe adverse effect of ______. a. MRSA infections b. severe cystic acne c. vitiligo d. suicide Answer: d. suicide Correct Feedback: Isotretinoin (Accutane) has been linked to the unusual and severe adverse effects of depression and suicide. a. MRSA infections Incorrect Feedback: Isotretinoin (Accutane) is not linked to MRSA infections. b. severe cystic acne Incorrect Feedback: Isotretinoin (Accutane) is not linked to severe cystic acne. c. vitiligo Incorrect Feedback: Isotretinoin (Accutane) is not linked to vitiligo. 31. Which of the following statements about psoriasis is FALSE? a. It is a chronic, autoimmune skin disorder. b. It can be treated with coal tar which is an over-the-counter drug. c. It exhibits an abnormally slow rate of epithelial cell division. d. It is characterized by scaly, raised, silvery-red patches on the skin. Answer: c. It exhibits an abnormally slow rate of epithelial cell division. Correct Feedback: Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin disorder that is characterized by scaly, raised, silvery-red patches on the skin. It is often resistant to treatment. In psoriasis, the skin is abnormal at the cellular level, exhibiting an abnormally accelerated rate of epithelial cell division. a. It is a chronic, autoimmune skin disorder. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. b. It can be treated with coal tar which is an over-the-counter drug. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. d. It is characterized by scaly, raised, silvery-red patches on the skin. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. 32. Which of the following drugs is NOT a monoclonal antibody drug used to treat severe psoriasis? a. sulconazole (Exelderm) b. adalimumab (Humira) c. efalizumab (Raptiva) d. infliximab (Remicade) Answer: a. sulconazole (Exelderm) Correct Feedback: Adalimumab, efalizumab, and infliximab are monoclonal antibody drugs (as evidenced by the suffix –mab) used to treat severe psoriasis. b. adalimumab (Humira) Incorrect Feedback: Adalimumab (Humira) is a monoclonal antibody drug used to treat severe psoriasis. c. efalizumab (Raptiva) Incorrect Feedback: Efalizumab (Raptiva) is a monoclonal antibody drug used to treat severe psoriasis. d. infliximab (Remicade) Incorrect Feedback: Infliximab (Remicade) is a monoclonal antibody drug used to treat severe psoriasis. 33. The immunomodulator drug etanercept (Enbrel) is used to treat ______. a. vitiligo b. psoriasis c. skin wrinkles d. severe fungal infections of the nails Answer: b. psoriasis Correct Feedback: Etanercept (Enbrel) and tacrolimus (Protopic) are oral immunomodulator drugs used to treat severe psoriasis. a. vitiligo Incorrect Feedback: Etanercept (Enbrel) is not used to treat vitiligo. c. skin wrinkles Incorrect Feedback: Etanercept (Enbrel) is not used to treat skin wrinkles. d. severe fungal infections of the nails Incorrect Feedback: Etanercept (Enbrel) is not used to treat severe fungal infections of the nails. 34. PUVA uses _______ to treat psoriasis. a. ultraviolet wavelength A light b. an immunomodulator drug c. the psoralen drug methoxsalen (Oxsoralen) d. a and c Answer: d. a and c Correct Feedback: Severe, disabling psoriasis can also be treated by exposure to ultraviolet light in combination with a drug that sensitizes the skin to the effects of ultraviolet light. These drugs are collectively known as psoralen drugs. The treatment is known as PUVA (psoralen/ultraviolet wavelength A). a. ultraviolet wavelength A light Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. b. an immunomodulator drug Incorrect Feedback: PUVA does not use an immunomodulator drug. c. the psoralen drug methoxsalen (Oxsoralen) Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 35. Which of the following is treated with topical antibiotic drugs? a. infected superficial abrasions and cuts b. skin infections associated with acne vulgaris c. superficial skin burns d. all of the above Answer: d. all of the above Correct Feedback: Superficial abrasions, cuts, and burns that become infected are treated with topical antibiotic drugs. These drugs are also used to treat skin infections that develop as a result of skin diseases, such as acne vulgaris, contact dermatitis, or bacterial invasion into areas of fungal or viral skin infections. a. infected superficial abrasions and cuts Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. b. skin infections associated with acne vulgaris Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. c. superficial skin burns Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 36. The generic drug hyaluronic acid is used to treat wrinkles of the skin. Which of the following is NOT a trade name for this drug? a. Hylaform b. Sculptra c. Juvéderm d. Restylane Answer: b. Sculptra Correct Feedback: Poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra) is used to treat skin wrinkles. The trade names for hyaluronic acid are Hylaform, Juvéderm, and Restylane. a. Hylaform Incorrect Feedback: This is a trade name for hyaluronic acid. c. Juvéderm Incorrect Feedback: This is a trade name for hyaluronic acid. d. Restylane Incorrect Feedback: This is a trade name for hyaluronic acid. 37. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Hyaluronic acid is derived from the chili pepper plant. b. Botox parties, where patients gather to enjoy food and drinks and get Botox injections, are quite popular. c. Actinic keratoses are raised, rough areas of skin caused by chronic sun exposure. d. Mites and lice are parasites that cause infection in the skin. Answer: a. Hyaluronic acid is derived from the chili pepper plant. Correct Feedback: The drug hyaluronic acid used to be manufactured from the combs of chickens, but is now manufactured from nonanimal sources. b. Botox parties, where patients gather to enjoy food and drinks and get Botox injections, are quite popular. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. c. Actinic keratoses are raised, rough areas of skin caused by chronic sun exposure. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. d. Mites and lice are parasites that cause infection in the skin. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. 38. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Scabies in humans is caused by the same parasite that causes mange in dogs. b. Laypersons often refer to pediculosis as crabs. c. Lice eggs are known as nits. d. Lindane, an agricultural pesticide, is the drug of choice for scabies and pediculosis. Answer: d. Lindane, an agricultural pesticide, is the drug of choice for scabies and pediculosis. Correct Feedback: The prescription drug lindane is used to treat both scabies and lice, but only if other drugs have been ineffective. Lindane is never the first choice for treatment. a. Scabies in humans is caused by the same parasite that causes mange in dogs. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. b. Laypersons often refer to pediculosis as crabs. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. c. Lice eggs are known as nits. Incorrect Feedback: This is a true statement. 39. Which of the following topical anti-infective drugs is NOT used to treat burns? a. mafenide (Sulfamylon) b. diclofenac (Solaraze) c. nitrofurazone (Furacin) d. silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene) Answer: b. diclofenac (Solaraze) Correct Feedback: Diclofenac (Solaraze) is a topical keratolytic drug used to treat actinic keratoses. a. mafenide (Sulfamylon) Incorrect Feedback: This drug is used to treat burns. c. nitrofurazone (Furacin) Incorrect Feedback: This drug is used to treat burns. d. silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene) Incorrect Feedback: This drug is used to treat burns. 40. Oral antibiotic drugs, such as doxycycline (Vibramycin, Vibra-Tabs) and tetracycline (Sumycin), provide topical treatment for cases of severe acne vulgaris. Answer: False Feedback: Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Vibra-Tabs) and tetracycline (Sumycin) are oral antibiotic drugs that provide systemic treatment for cases of severe acne vulgaris. They travel through the blood to kill bacteria in the deeper layers of the skin. 41. Acitretin (Soriatane) is an oral vitamin A-type drug used to treat psoriasis. Answer: True Feedback: The prescription drug acitretin (Soriatane) is an oral retinoid vitamin A-type drug that acts systemically to treat severe psoriasis that cannot be controlled with topical drugs 42. Triclosan is a topical antibiotic drug that is used to prevent outbreaks of serious bacterial infections due to MRSA. Answer: True Feedback: Showering or bathing with triclosan is used to prevent outbreaks of serious bacterial infections due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). 43. A deficiency of vitamin C can produce abnormal changes in the epithelial cells of the skin. Answer: False Feedback: A deficiency of vitamin A can produce abnormal changes in the epithelial cells of the skin. 44. The topical retinoid drug tretinoin (Retin-A) is used to treat acne vulgaris and, under the trade name Renova, is used to treat skin wrinkles. Answer: True Feedback: Tretinoin (Retin-A) comes as a topical cream or gel to treat acne vulgaris. Under the trade name Renova, tretinoin is also used to treat wrinkles. 45. Synthetic vitamin D-type drugs for psoriasis activate vitamin D receptors in the epithelial cells and increase the rate of cell growth. Answer: False Feedback: Vitamin D-type drugs for psoriasis activate vitamin D receptors in the keratinocytes and slow their abnormal cell growth. 46. Topical drugs used to treat the herpes simplex virus type 1 interfere with cellular DNA synthesis and keep the herpes virus from reproducing. Answer: True Feedback: Topical drugs for herpes simplex virus type 1 interfere with cellular DNA synthesis and keep the herpes virus from reproducing. 47. Over-the-counter and prescription keratolytic drugs used to treat warts are also used to remove corns, calluses, and the skin plaques associated with psoriasis. Answer: True Feedback: Over-the-counter and prescription keratolytic drugs are applied topically to treat common warts and plantar warts (verrucae). They remove layers of skin, which then removes the wart. They are also used to remove corns, calluses, and the skin plaques associated with psoriasis. 48. Some corticosteroid drugs are injected directly into individual skin lesions to decrease inflammation. Answer: True Feedback: Intradermal corticosteroid drugs are injected directly into individual skin lesions to decrease inflammation. 49. Topical anesthetic drugs provide brief periods of anesthesia to a limited depth in the skin by blocking the movement of sodium ions across the cell membrane. Answer: True Feedback: Topical anesthetic drugs provide brief periods of anesthesia to a limited depth in the skin. These drugs block the movement of sodium ions across the cell membrane, part of the process of the transmission of nerve impulses. 50. Drugs used to treat vitiligo produce repigmentation of the skin in patients. Answer: True Feedback: Drugs used to treat vitiligo produce repigmentation of the skin in patients with vitiligo. 51. Because of their content, ointments are generally the most common type of drug that is used to treat acne vulgaris. Answer: False Feedback: Ointments are not used to treat acne vulgaris because their high oil content clogs the pores. 52. Oral antibiotic drugs for acne vulgaris travel through the blood to kill bacteria in the deeper layers of the skin. Answer: True Feedback: These oral antibiotic drugs provide systemic treatment for cases of severe acne vulgaris. They travel through the blood to kill bacteria in the deeper layers of the skin. 53. Drugs used to treat acne rosacea include oral over-the-counter tetracycline prescription drugs. Answer: False Feedback: Drugs used to treat acne rosacea are topical antibiotic drugs. They are prescription drugs. 54. Both topical and oral vitamin A-type drugs as well as topical and oral vitamin D-type drugs are used to treat psoriasis. Answer: False Feedback: Both topical and oral vitamin A-type drugs are used to treat psoriasis. However, only topical vitamin D-type drugs are used to treat psoriasis. 55. The prescription drug interferon alfa-2b (Intron A) is used to treat genital warts. Answer: True Feedback: Interferon alfa-2b (Intron A) is a prescription drug applied topically or injected locally to treat genital warts. 56. Topical corticosteroid drugs used to treat inflammation and itching are only available by prescription and are not available over-the-counter. Answer: False Feedback: Topical corticosteroid drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription, are indicated to treat inflammation and itching caused by contact dermatitis, poison ivy, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, and yeast or fungal infections. 57. For severe hives, itching, or dermatitis caused by an allergy, antihistamine drugs are administered orally. Answer: True Feedback: For severe hives, itching, or dermatitis caused by an allergy, an antihistamine drug is given orally. 58. Severe fungal infections that are embedded in the nails are treated topically with undecylenic acid (Cruex, Desenex). Answer: False Feedback: When fungal skin infections penetrate deeply into the skin or nails, cover large areas, or are particularly severe, they are treated with drugs that act systemically. 59. Botox is derived from Clostridium botulinum, the same bacteria that causes cans to bulge at the ends and causes food poisoning. Answer: True Feedback: The toxin in Botox that relaxes muscles in the face is the same toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium that causes food poisoning. 60. Some topical drugs for inflammation and itching contain oatmeal to decrease itching. Answer: True Feedback: Some topical drugs contain vitamins A and D to promote skin healing, colloidal oatmeal to decrease itching, or an astringent drug (calamine, zinc oxide). 61. The over-the-counter drug salicylic acid (Clearasil, Fostex, Stri-Dex) has a __________ action that removes oil and dead skin to cleanse the pores. Answer: keratolytic Feedback: Salicylic acid (Clearasil, Fostex, Stri-Dex) is an over-the-counter drug that has a keratolytic action that removes oil and dead skin to cleanse the pores. 62. Topical antibiotic drugs can inhibit the growth of bacteria (a ________ action) or kill bacteria (a bactericidal action). Answer: bacteriostatic Feedback: Over-the-counter and prescription antibiotic drugs are used topically to treat superficial bacterial skin infections. They inhibit the growth of bacteria (bacteriostatic action) or kill bacteria (bactericidal action) by blocking their ability to maintain a cell wall. 63. Drugs used to treat acne vulgaris, that are structurally similar to vitamin A or similar to the metabolites of vitamin A, are known as __________ drugs. 64. The suffix __________ is common to generic antifungal drugs. Answer: retinoid Feedback: These drugs, which are known as retinoid drugs, are structurally similar to vitamin A or similar to metabolites of vitamin A. 64. The suffix __________ is common to generic antifungal drugs. Answer: –azole Feedback: The suffix –azole is common to generic antifungal drugs. 65. Topical antihistamine drugs inhibit inflammation, redness, and itching due to the release of histamine during an allergic reaction such as contact dermatitis. As a group, these drugs are also known as __________ drugs (based on the Latin word that means itching). Answer: antipruritic Feedback: Topical antihistamine drugs inhibit inflammation, redness, and itching due to an allergic reaction such as contact dermatitis. As a group, these drugs are also known as antipruritic drugs (pruritus is a Latin word that means itching). 66. The suffix __________ is common to generic topical anesthetic drugs. Answer: –caine Feedback: The suffix –caine is common to generic topical anesthetic drugs. 67. Topical drugs used for __________ contain enzymes that dissolve necrotic tissue and scar tissue and allow new tissue to begin to form at the base of a burn, skin ulcer, or wound. Answer: debridement Feedback: Topical drugs used for debridement contain enzymes that dissolve necrotic tissue and scar tissue and allow new tissue to begin to form at the base of a burn, skin ulcer, or wound. 68. Severe, disabling psoriasis may also be treated by exposure to ultraviolet light in combination with a drug that sensitizes the skin to the effects of ultraviolet light. These drugs that sensitize the skin are collectively known as __________ drugs. Answer: psoralen Feedback: Severe, disabling psoriasis may also be treated by exposure to ultraviolet light in combination with a drug that sensitizes the skin to the effects of ultraviolet light. These drugs are collectively known as psoralen drugs. 69. The AF in some trade name drugs, such as Lotrimin AF, stands for __________. Answer: antifungal Feedback: The AF in some trade name drugs stands for antifungal. 70. Capsaicin or lidocaine is used to treat the pain associated with herpes zoster infections, an infection that is also known as __________. Answer: shingles Feedback: Herpes zoster virus infections or shingles are due to a reemergence of the same virus that first caused chickenpox in the patient. Capsaicin (Capsin, Zostrix) or lidocaine (Lidoderm Patch) is used to treat the pain associated with herpes zoster infections 71. Widespread use of antibacterial compounds and the routine use of antibiotic drugs in animal feed are believed to have contributed to the rise of antibiotic-resistant _____. Answer: bacteria Feedback: Widespread use of antibacterial compounds and the routine use of antibiotic drugs in animal feed are believed to have contributed to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. 72. Match the drug in Column 1 with its drug category in Column 2. 1. EMLA (lidocaine, prilocaine) A. drug used to treat acne rosacea 2. etanercept (Enbrel) B. drug used to treat alopecia 3. Gardisil C. oral drug used for herpes simplex type 2 4. hydrocortisone (Dermolate, Westcort) D. oral immunomodulator drug for psoriasis 5. ketoconazole (Nizoral A-D, Xologel) E. topical anesthetic drug 6. metronidazole (MetroGel) F. topical antifungal drug 7. minoxidil (Rogaine) G. topical corticosteroid drug 8. salicylic acid (Compound W, Dr. Scholl’s) H. topical drug for warts 9. tazarotene (Tazorac) I. topical vitamin A-type drug for psoriasis 10. valacyclovir (Valtrex) J. vaccine to prevent HPV and genital warts Answer: E Answer: D Answer: J Answer: G Answer: F Answer: A Answer: B Answer: H Answer: I Answer: C Feedback: These drugs and their categories are found throughout the chapter. 73. Choose a drug used to treat alopecia—either finasteride (Propecia) or minoxidil (Rogaine)—and describe how the drug is administered and what its therapeutic effect is. Answer: Shrinking hair follicles on a balding scalp contain an increased amount of DHT. The oral drug (finasteride) blocks an enzyme that must be present in order to produce DHT. The topical drug (minoxidil) dilates the arteries in the scalp to increase blood flow and stimulate hair growth. 74. What is unique about the way in which lidocaine (Zingo) is administered to produce local anesthesia? Answer: Zingo consist of a single-dose, helium-powered system that delivers powdered lidocaine into the skin. The device is held firmly against the skin while the “start” button is pushed. The powder is propelled with a loud popping sound (a “zing”), similar to that of a balloon popping. 75. Choose either scabies or pediculosis and describe what it is and provide a drug name used to treat it. Answer: Scabies is a skin condition caused by tiny, barely visible parasites called mites that tunnel under the skin and cause itchy lesions. They lay eggs under the skin which then hatch within a week and continue the cycle. The lesions occur on the trunk, pubic area, and in skin folds. The scalp is rarely affected. Scabies can be transmitted to others through contact with furniture, clothing, bedsheets, towels, close personal contact, or sexual intercourse. Topical prescription drugs are used to treat scabies and include Crotamiton (Eurax), lindane, and permethrin (Acticin, Elimite). Pediculosis is a skin condition caused by an infestation of lice and their eggs (nits) that can be found on the scalp, body, and pubic area. Lice feed on human blood, and their bites cause severe itching. Their eggs are attached to body hairs, particularly on the scalp and pubic area. Lice are easily transmitted from one person to another by means of hairbrushes, combs, hats, headphones, towels, clothing, upholstery, carpets, and from close personal contact or sexual intercourse. Topical prescription drugs are used to treat pediculosis and include Lindane, malathion (Ovide), permethrin (Acticin, Elimite), RID, and Tisit. 76. Describe how the topical antibiotic drug bacitracin was discovered and how it was named. Answer: Bacitracin was developed from a strain of Bacillus subtilis, a bacterium found growing in fluid draining from a wound in a patient named Margaret Tracy. The drug name bacitracin is a combination of the bacterium's name and the patient's name: Bacillus subtilis + Tracy + in. 77. Although women as well as men can develop alopecia, discuss why the oral drug finasteride (Propecia) which is used to treat alopecia in men, is not prescribed for women. Answer: The oral drug finasteride (Propecia) is not approved for use in women because of its connection with the male hormone testosterone. Women are advised not to take finasteride. They are also warned not to handle finasteride tablets when they are pregnant because of the risk of birth defects in a male fetus. Test Bank for Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals Susan M. Turley 9780135145708, 9780133911268

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