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This Document Contains Chapters 11 to Module D Chapter 11 Networked Applications 1) A networked application is an application that requires a network to operate. Answer: True 2) The way in which application layer functions are spread among computers to deliver service to users is called ______________. A) distributed processing B) peer-to-peer computing C) client/server computing D) an application architecture Answer: D 3) Users are primarily concerned about the ______________ layer. A) application B) transport C) internet D) physical Answer: A 4) The advance that made the client/server application architecture possible was ______________. A) the Internet B) client processing power C) application sophistication D) input/output methods Answer: B 5) If a hacker takes over an application, he or she gets all the privileges of the application on the computer. Answer: True 6) Having all privileges on a computer is known as having ______________. A) all access B) total control C) root privileges D) all of the above Answer: C 7) RFC 822 and RFC 2822 standards govern ______________. A) plain text content of e-mail messages B) HTTP page contents C) HTML commands and content D) plain text, graphic, and video content of e-mail messages Answer: A 8) E-mail bodies that have non-English text use ______________. A) RFC 822 and RFC 2822 B) HTTP C) POP D) UNICODE Answer: D 9) A traditional e-mail user sending messages to his or her mail server would most likely use ______________. A) the IMAP standard B) the POP standard C) either the IMAP or POP standard D) the SMTP standard Answer: D 10) Mail servers communicate with each other by using ______________. A) POP B) HTTP C) RFC 2822 D) SMTP Answer: D 11) If you are using a Web-enabled e-mail system ______________. A) you have to install a special Web-enabled e-mail client to access your e-mail B) you access and send mail by using a Web browser C) you are more likely to be susceptible to viruses being introduced on your computer D) you are unable to send/receive e-mail messages containing information other than letters or numbers Answer: B 12) Which of the following allows you to read your e-mail easily on an Internet cafe's computer? A) POP B) Web-enabled e-mail C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 13) Antivirus software checks e-mail attachments for ______________. A) viruses B) Trojan horses C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 14) If companies place antivirus software on all of their client PCs, this will stop almost all virus infections. Answer: False 15) Which of the following offers more reliable antivirus protection? A) antivirus software on user PCs B) antivirus software on the mail server C) Both A and B are about equally reliable. Answer: B 16) According to the principle of defense in depth, antivirus filtering should be done in at least ______________ location(s). A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Answer: B 17) VoIP uses ______________ switching. A) circuit B) packet C) either A or B Answer: A 18) Telephones that can plug directly into a VoIP network are called PCs with multimedia hardware and added software. Answer: False 19) A media gateway connects a client computer or VoIP phone to the VoIP network. Answer: False 20) A media gateway translates ______________ transmissions. A) signaling B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 21) Which of the following is likely to dominate in VoIP? A) SIP B) H.323 Answer: A 22) SIP is a ______________ protocol for VoIP. A) signaling B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 23) VoIP users have ______________ in their phones or on their computers. A) media gateways B) codecs C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 24) Speech codecs vary with respect to ______________. A) compression B) voice quality C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 25) For the transport layer, VoIP uses ______________ for transport transmission. A) TCP B) UDP C) codec standards D) IP Answer: B 26) Variability in time delays between successive packets in a transport stream is called ______________. A) a timing error B) a warble C) a SIP violation D) jitter Answer: D 27) RTP supports ______________. A) faster transmission speed B) jitter control C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 28) Which header comes SECOND in a VoIP transport packet? A) RTP B) UDP C) TCP D) Application Answer: B 29) Codec data comes after the ______________ header in VoIP transport frames. A) IP B) TCP C) UDP D) RTP Answer: D 30) Which of the following is used to retrieve Web pages? A) HTTP B) HTML C) RTP D) SQL Answer: A 31) Which of the following is used in webpage bodies? A) HTTP B) HTML C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 32) How many HTTP request-response cycles are needed to transfer a webpage containing three graphics images? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) none of the above Answer: D 33) How many HTTP request-response cycles are needed to transfer a webpage containing 88 lines of text and three different images? A) 3 B) 4 C) 88 D) 91 Answer: B 34) In HTTP, fields normally are ended by a ______________. A) colon (:) B) carriage return/line feed C) blank line D) space Answer: B 35) In HTTP, keywords usually are followed by a ______________. A) colon (:) B) carriage return/line feed C) blank line D) space Answer: A 36) The code "200" may be found in HTTP ______________ messages. A) request B) response C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 37) ______________ is a standard to describe a file's format type. A) RFC 2822 B) SMTP C) HTML D) MIME Answer: D 38) In HTTP response messages, the attached file is preceded by a ______________. A) colon (:) B) space C) blank line D) any of the above Answer: C 39) SaaS software vendors may make an application available by ______________. A) hosting it on their own webservers B) allowing the application to be downloaded to the consumer device C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 40) In cloud ______________, the user accesses the software over the Internet, often with a browser. A) SaaS B) utility computing Answer: A 41) An organization that provides cloud services is called a cloud ISP. Answer: False 42) Which of the following is an attraction of cloud SaaS? A) potential lowered costs in hardware and personnel B) mobility C) collaboration D) all of the above Answer: D 43) Which of the following is not an issue for cloud Software as a Service? A) the possibility of losing access B) the possibility of getting locked into proprietary software C) security concerns D) All of the above are issues for cloud Software as a Service. Answer: D 44) Utility computing is a new phenomenon. Answer: False 45) In ______________, a company offloads server processing work to another company at a remote site. A) utility computing B) software as a service C) none of the above Answer: A 46) Utility computing is usually offered as a pay-as-you-go service. Answer: True 47) If a company runs its own data center, it might face problems with ______________. A) overprovisioning B) underprovisioning C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 48) Which of the following is an attraction of cloud utility computing? A) flexibility B) control over operations C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 49) Which of the following is not an issue for cloud utility computing? A) the possibility of losing access B) the possibility of getting locked into proprietary software C) security concerns D) All of the above are issues for cloud utility computing. Answer: D 50) Which of the following is not an issue for cloud utility computing? A) the possibility of losing access B) the possibility of getting locked into proprietary software C) very high costs D) security concerns Answer: C 51) Which of the following is a factor that has contributed to the popularity of cloud computing? A) the Internet B) web services C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 52) Virtualization has contributed to the popularity of cloud computing. Answer: True 53) In virtualization, the real computer's capacity is divided among a number of ______________. A) hypervisors B) virtual machines C) neither A nor B Answer: B 54) In virtualization, each virtual machine acts like a stand-alone computer to its users. Answer: True 55) When deciding whether to use cloud computing, a company must consider security risk. Answer: True 56) A service-oriented architecture is an application architecture in which a few large programs interact to provide a unified service. Answer: False 57) In SOA, calls are placed to ______________. A) programs B) subprograms C) subroutines D) service objects Answer: D 58) SOAs are attractive because of ______________. A) reuse B) language independence C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 59) In SOA, what language can be used to create service objects? A) Java B) C++ C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 60) SOAs are language-independent. Answer: True 61) In SOAs, a program written in C++ can communicate with a program written in Java. Answer: True 62) ______________ use ______________ that provide services to customers using WWW interaction standards. A) Web services, service objects B) Service objects, web services Answer: A 63) The terms SOA and Web services mean the same thing. Answer: False 64) By definition, Web services are implemented using SOAP. Answer: False 65) In SOA, SOAP messages are encoded in ______________. A) HTML B) XML C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 66) The purpose of ______________ is to allow a calling program to understand how to use a service object. A) SOAP B) XML C) WDSL D) UDDI Answer: C 67) The purpose of ______________ is to help someone to find an appropriate service object. A) SOAP B) XML C) WDSL D) UDDI Answer: D 68) Which of the following is true? A) A Web service is one way to implement a SOA. B) SOAP is one way to implement a Web service. C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 69) Which of the following is true? A) Web service is one way to implement a SOA. B) SA Web service is one way to implement SOAP. C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 70) To be considered a peer-to-peer application architecture, there can be no dedicated servers included on the network. Answer: False 71) Which of the following is considered a bigger problem with traditional client/server based architectures than with peer-to-peer architectures? A) underutilized processing capacity of client PCs B) potential for essential data/services to become unavailable as a device is turned off C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 72) Transient client presence tends to be a problem in ______________. A) P2P applications B) client/server applications C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 73) In ______________ file retrieval, your computer downloads a file from a server. A) P2P B) client/server C) BitTorrent D) none of the above Answer: B 74) In BitTorrent file sharing, you download parts of the file simultaneously from multiple peers. Answer: True 75) In BitTorrent, a(n) ______________ website is a site the BitTorrent client program goes to in order to get .torrent files. A) swarm B) index C) tracker D) none of the above Answer: B 76) In BitTorrent, a(n) ______________ is a server that coordinates the file transfer. A) swarm B) index C) tracker D) none of the above Answer: C 77) In BitTorrent, the group of all connected computers that have all or part of the file to be downloaded is called the ______________. A) swarm B) index C) tracker D) none of the above Answer: A 78) Which of the following is a security risk associated with BitTorrent? A) danger caused by opening TCP ports on the firewall B) danger that an employee may download an infected file C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 79) The main advantage of ______________ file sharing is that it brings cost savings by using clients rather than server processing power. A) BitTorrent B) client/server C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 80) Skype offers ______________. A) free calling among Skype customers B) free calling to and from Public Switched Telephone Network customers C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 81) Which of the following is not one of the main elements of the Skype network? A) login server B) proxy server C) host node D) super node Answer: B 82) In Skype, ______________ is the process where a Skype application looks up the username and IP address of the party it wants to contact. A) login B) directory search C) transport D) signaling Answer: B 83) Which element of the Skype network is in charge of signaling? A) the login server B) host nodes C) super nodes D) media gateways Answer: C 84) Which element of the Skype network is in charge of transport? A) the login server B) the calling and called host nodes C) super nodes D) media gateways Answer: B 85) Which of the following steps in Skype is done P2P? A) login B) signaling C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 86) Which of the following steps in Skype is done P2P? A) most signaling B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 87) Login is done P2P (instead of using servers) in ______________. A) Skype B) traditional VoIP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 88) Signaling is done using servers (not P2P) in ______________. A) Skype B) traditional VoIP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 89) Transport is done using servers (not P2P) in ______________. A) Skype B) traditional VoIP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 90) Skype's security protocols have been publically studied and approved. Answer: False 91) The detailed method of Skype's encryption for confidentiality is unknown. Answer: True 92) Skype requires people to prove their identity before they specify a username. Answer: False 93) The Skype protocol is relatively ______________ for corporate firewalls to filter. A) easy B) difficult Answer: B 94) Which of the following is a processor-sharing application? A) BitTorrent B) SETI@home C) SIP D) Skype Answer: B 95) If most P2P applications use facilitating servers, why do we still call them peer-to-peer? A) We accept sloppy terminology. B) We do NOT still call them peer-to-peer. C) User computers do most of the work. D) P2P applications do NOT use servers. Answer: C Module A More on TCP 1) A TCP segment begins with octet 8,658 and ends with octet 12,783. What number does the sending host put in the sequence number field? A) 8,658 B) 8,659 C) 12,783 D) 12,784 Answer: A 2) A TCP segment begins with octet 8,658 and ends with octet 12,783. What number does the receiving host put in the acknowledgment number field of the TCP segment that acknowledges this TCP segment? A) 8,658 B) 8,659 C) 12,783 D) 12,784 Answer: D 3) A TCP segment carries data octets 456 through 980. The following TCP segment is a supervisory segment carrying no data. What value is in the sequence number field of the latter TCP segment? A) 456 B) 457 C) 980 D) 981 Answer: D 4) Flow control in TCP depends on the ______________ field. A) acknowledgement number B) window size C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C Module B More on Modulation 1) Frequency modulation uses two loudness levels. Answer: False 2) Amplitude modulation uses two ______________ levels. A) loudness B) frequency C) both A and B Answer: A 3) Phase modulation uses two ______________ levels. A) loudness B) frequency C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 4) BPSK uses ______________ phase levels. A) 2 B) 4 C) 8 D) 15 Answer: A 5) BPSK modulation uses two ______________. A) amplitudes B) frequencies C) phases D) none of the above Answer: C 6) QPSK modulation uses ______________ phases. A) 2 B) 4 C) 8 D) 15 Answer: B 7) QPSK sends ______________ bit(s) per clock cycle. A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 16 Answer: B 8) QAM uses ______________. A) amplitude modulation B) phase modulation C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 9) QAM uses ______________ levels. A) loudness B) frequency C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 10) In QAM, if you have four possible amplitudes, you have ______________ possible states. A) 4 B) 8 C) 16 D) none of the above Answer: C 11) In QAM, if you have eight possible amplitudes, you have ______________ possible states. A) 4 B) 8 C) 16 D) none of the above Answer: D 12) In QAM, if you have eight possible amplitudes, how many bits can you send per clock cycle? A) 3 B) 6 C) 8 D) 16 Answer: B Module C More on Telecommunications 1) In TDM, time is first divided into brief periods called ______________. A) packets B) frames C) slots D) cells Answer: B 2) In TDM, a voice conversation gets the same ______________ in each ______________. A) frame, packet B) packet, frame C) frame, slot D) slot, frame Answer: D 3) In TDM, there are more frames than slots. Answer: False 4) A ring topology is attractive because it brings ______________. A) higher speed B) lower cost C) greater reliability D) all of the above Answer: C 5) SONET/SDH uses a ______________ topology. A) point-to-point B) hierarchy C) mesh D) ring Answer: D 6) SONET/SDH applies ______________ when there is a break in a trunk line between switches. A) the Spanning Tree Protocol B) wrapping C) half-duplex transmission D) full-duplex transmission Answer: B 7) Which of the following is packet-switched? A) ATM B) TDM C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 8) ATM provides quality-of-service for voice. Answer: True 9) ______________ is/are widely used in Europe for PSTN signaling. A) C7 B) SS7 C) Both A and B D) Neither A nor B Answer: A 10) PSTN signaling in the United States uses ______________. A) SS7 B) ATM C) TDM D) SIP Answer: A 11) Incompatibilities between signaling systems in the United States and Europe cause serious problems. Answer: False 12) Because of the curvature of the earth, microwave systems that must travel over long distances need ______________. A) to operate at low frequencies B) to operate at high frequencies C) repeaters D) mirrors Answer: C 13) Satellite ______________ operate on a point-to-point basis. A) uplinks B) downlinks C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 14) Which of the following is good for mobile stations? A) GEOs B) LEOs C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 15) Which of the following has an altitude of a few thousand miles? A) GEOs B) LEOs C) MEOs D) none of the above Answer: C 16) Cross-connect devices are found in ______________. A) PBXs B) equipment rooms C) telecommunications closets D) switches Answer: C 17) In telephone wiring, there needs to be four wires for each computer on the floor in ______________. A) horizontal distribution B) vertical distribution C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 18) In data wiring, there needs to be four wires for each computer on the floor in ______________. A) horizontal distribution B) vertical distribution C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 19) Plenum wiring is needed for ______________. A) heavy traffic loads B) safety C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 20) Which of the following is NOT one of the three categories of PBX services? A) attendant services B) management services C) advanced services D) user services Answer: C 21) For PBXs, call transfer is ______________. A) a user service B) an attendant service C) a management service Answer: A 22) For PBXs, camp-on is ______________. A) a user service B) an attendant service C) a management service Answer: A 23) For PBXs, call forwarding is ______________. A) a user service B) an attendant service C) a management service Answer: A 24) For PBXs, nighttime calling is ______________. A) a user service B) an attendant service C) a management service Answer: B 25) Call restriction refers to a switch's ability to control incoming calls to a station. Answer: False 26) For PBXs, call detail reporting is ______________. A) a user service B) an attendant service C) a management service Answer: C 27) With 888 numbers, the ______________ pays and pays ______________ per minute than direct distance dialing. A) caller, more B) caller, less C) called party, more D) called party, less Answer: D 28) With 900 numbers, the ______________ pays and pays ______________ per minute than direct distance dialing. A) caller, more B) caller, less C) called party, more D) called party, less Answer: A 29) With WATS calls, the ______________ pays and pays ______________ per minute than direct distance dialing. A) caller, more B) caller, less C) called party, more D) called party, less Answer: B 30) Even for local calls, many telephone companies charge by the duration of the call. Answer: True 31) Local calls are always billed on a flat rate basis where the customer pays a monthly fee for unlimited local calling. Answer: False 32) Message units are a time and distance pricing method that can be used to charge for local calls. Answer: True 33) Which of the following would a mail order company's customers prefer? A) 900 number service B) 800 number service C) WATS service D) They would have no preference among these choices. Answer: B 34) Which of the following is an advanced carrier telephone service? A) voice mail B) caller ID C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 35) PTTs were found in ______________. A) Europe B) the United States C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 36) A ______________ provides telephone service to customers. A) PTT B) Ministry of Telecommunications C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 37) Which of the following was set up primarily to provide long-distance telephone service after the breakup of the Bell System in the early 1980s? A) AT&T B) RBOCs C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 38) Which of the following regulates intrastate telephony in the United States? A) the FCC B) PUCs C) neither A nor B Answer: B 39) In the United States, telephone customers can connect to a(n) ______________ carrier to receive telephone service. A) ILEC B) LATA C) either A or B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 40) In the United States, telephone customers can connect to a(n) ______________ carrier to receive telephone service. A) ILEC B) CLEC C) either A or B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 41) In the United States, which of the following is a carrier? A) ILEC B) LATA C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 42) In the United States, IXCs provide telephone transmission service ______________. A) within a LATA B) between LATs C) between the United States and another country D) all of the above Answer: B 43) In the United States, ______________ handle long-distance communication. A) ILECs B) IXCs C) ICCs D) PTTs Answer: A 44) ICCs provide telephone transmission service ______________. A) within LATAs B) between LATAs C) between different countries D) all of the above Answer: C 45) Within a LATA, ILECs and CLECs interconnect at ______________. A) access points B) NAPs C) POPs D) IXCs Answer: C 46) Deregulation is highest for ______________. A) customer premises equipment B) local telephone service C) long-distance telephone service D) All of the above are deregulated to about the same degree. Answer: A 47) Deregulation is lowest for ______________. A) customer premises equipment B) local telephone service C) long-distance telephone service D) All of the above are deregulated to about the same degree. Answer: B Module D Directory Servers 1) Directory servers organize information in a ______________. A) mesh B) hierarchy C) relational database D) Any of the above can be used. Answer: B 2) Which of the following is used to query a directory server to get someone's e-mail address? A) LDAP B) IMAP C) SNMP D) HTTP Answer: A 3) Active Directory is Microsoft's directory server product. Answer: True 4) A company may have many AD domains. Answer: True 5) An AD domain ______________. A) has only a single domain controller B) makes all servers domain controllers C) must have its servers organized as a tree D) none of the above Answer: D 6) In AD, there is complete replication between domain controllers ______________. A) in the same domain B) in adjacent levels in the domain hierarchy C) throughout a tree D) throughout a forest Answer: A 7) A group of Active Directory domains organized in a hierarchy is a ______________. A) network B) tree C) forest D) none of the above Answer: B 8) In AD, there is partial replication between domain controllers ______________. A) in the same domain B) in different domains at adjacent levels in the domain hierarchy C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 9) A group of Active Directory trees organized in a hierarchy is a forest. Answer: True 10) Which device holds authentication data? A) authenticator B) authentication server C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 11) If a company has multiple authentication servers, which devices are likely to hold the authentication data? A) authenticators B) authentication servers individually C) authentication servers doing replication D) directory servers Answer: D Test Bank for Business Data Networks and Security Raymond R. Panko, Julia L. Panko 9780132742931, 9780133544015, 9780134817125

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