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This Document Contains Chapters 1 to 2 Chapter 1 Welcome to the Cloud 1) Google Docs, a cloud-based word processing program, is an example of a ______________. A) cloud data service B) cloud synchronization service C) cloud software service D) none of the above Answer: C 2) What did Claire learn about individual access points? A) SSIDs B) BSSIDs C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 3) The Ethernet address of an access point is its ______________. A) SSID B) BSSID C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 4) An unauthorized access point is a(n) ______________. A) SSID B) BSSID C) rogue access point D) evil twin access point Answer: C 5) A network is a system that permits networked applications on a host to work together. Answer: False 6) Which of the following is a networked application? A) the Internet B) the World Wide Web C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 7) Which of the following is a networked application? A) E-mail B) the World Wide Web C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 8) Users create or enhance website content in ______________ applications. A) Web-based B) WWW C) Web 2.0 D) streaming media Answer: C 9) Social media applications facilitate the creation of group relationships. Answer: True 10) A device attached to a network is called a ______________. A) client B) server C) host D) either A or B Answer: C 11) Which of the following is a host when it is on a network? A) a client PC B) a server C) a mobile phone D) all of the above Answer: D 12) If a laptop PC is connected to a network, it is a host. Answer: True 13) A smartphone connected to the Internet is a host. Answer: True 14) To emphasize the fact that the user does not have to see how it works internally, the ______________ is often drawn as a cloud. A) network core B) access link C) host D) server Answer: A 15) Network speeds usually are measured in ______________. A) bits per second B) bytes per second C) both A and B Answer: A 16) 20,000 bits per second is ______________. A) 20 kbps B) 20 Mbps C) 20 Gbps D) none of the above Answer: A 17) 200,000 bits per second is ______________. A) 20 kbps B) 200 kbps C) 200 Mbps D) none of the above Answer: B 18) 320,000 kbps is ______________. A) 320 bps B) 320 Mbps C) 320 Gbps D) none of the above Answer: B 19) The correct metric prefix for kilo is K. Answer: False 20) Packet switching is most efficient for ______________ data. A) relatively constant B) bursty C) high-priority D) all of the above Answer: B 21) Fragmentation is done on the ______________. A) source host B) destination host C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 22) A typical packet is about ______________ long. A) 100 bits B) 100 bytes C) 1,000 bytes D) 40 bytes Answer: B 23) Reassembly is done on the ______________. A) source host B) destination host C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 24) Multiplexing reduces transmission cost. Answer: True 25) Packet switching is desirable because it ______________. A) reduces transmission cost B) reduces transmission time C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 26) When a switch receives a packet, the switch selects the ______________. A) destination host B) path through the switched network C) port to send the packet out D) none of the above Answer: B 27) A switch knows a packet's entire path through a switched network. Answer: False 28) A ______________ is the path that a frame takes across a single switched network. A) physical link B) data link C) route D) connection Answer: B 29) If a packet passes through seven switches between the source and destination hosts, how many physical links would there be? A) 1 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8 Answer: D 30) If a frame passes through eight switches between the source and destination hosts, how many data links would there be? A) 1 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8 Answer: A 31) On the ARPANET, packet switches were called ______________. A) routers B) gateways C) IMPs D) NCPs Answer: C 32) The Network Working Group called its standards ______________. A) IMPs B) NCPs C) RFCs D) all of the above Answer: B 33) Ray Tomlinson extended e-mail from being a communication system among users of a single computer to being a communication system among users of many computers. Answer: True 34) Ray Tomlinson used the @ sign to separate the username from the password in e-mail. Answer: False 35) What device connects different networks into an internet? A) router B) switch C) Network Access Point D) core switch Answer: A 36) A router connects different networks into an internet. Answer: True 37) Routers used to be called ______________. A) IMPs B) switches C) Network Access Points D) gateways Answer: D 38) Spelling internet with a lowercase i indicates that you are talking about the global internet. Answer: False 39) Hosts on the Internet have two addresses. Answer: True 40) Hosts on the Internet have ______________ address(es). A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) none of the above Answer: B 41) An IPv4 address is ______________ bits long. A) 48 B) 32 C) 8 D) 128 Answer: B 42) For human reading, IPv4 addresses usually are expressed in ______________. A) hexadecimal notation B) dotted decimal notation C) both A and B Answer: B 43) Packets are carried inside frames. Answer: True 44) A frame usually is carried inside a packet. Answer: False 45) If two hosts are separated by seven networks, how many packets will there be along the way when a host transmits a packet to another host? A) 1 B) 2 C) 7 D) 14 Answer: A 46) If two hosts are separated by seven networks, how many frames will there be along the way when a host transmits a packet to another host? A) 1 B) 2 C) 7 D) 14 Answer: C 47) Frames are carried inside packets. Answer: False 48) ______________ are carried inside ______________. A) Frames, packets B) Packets, frames C) Both A and B D) Neither A nor B Answer: B 49) In internets, different networks are connected by ______________. A) switches B) routers Answer: B 50) A route is the path a frame takes across a single network, from the source host to the destination host, across multiple switches. Answer: False 51) A ______________ is the path that a frame takes across a single switched network. A) physical link B) data link C) route D) connection Answer: B 52) Dividing a message into a series of smaller messages is called ______________. A) fragmentation B) packetization C) serialization D) framing Answer: A 53) Which of the following is written in dotted decimal notation? A) IPv4 addresses B) IPv6 addresses C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 54) What layer number is the transport layer? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) none of the above Answer: D 55) What layer number is the physical layer? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) none of the above Answer: A 56) What layer number is the internet layer? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) none of the above Answer: C 57) What layer number is the data link layer? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) none of the above Answer: B 58) Layer 2 is the data layer. Answer: True 59) Which of the following layers governs internet transmission? A) the internet layer B) the transport layer C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 60) Which of the following layers governs internet transmission? A) the data link layer B) the transport layer C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 61) Which layer governs the hop-by-hop transmission of packets across an Internet? A) Internet B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 62) Which of the following layers governs internet transmission? A) physical layer B) data link layer C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 63) Which of the following layers governs internet transmission? A) layer 2 B) layer 4 C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 64) Which layer governs the hop-by-hop transmission of packets across an Internet? A) layer 1 B) layer 2 C) layer 3 D) none of the above Answer: C 65) Which standard deals with addresses and functionality for routers to move packets across an Internet? A) IP B) TCP C) UDP D) all of the above Answer: A 66) Which standard deals with addresses and functionality for switches to move frames across a network? A) IP B) TCP C) UDP D) none of the above Answer: D 67) Which standard places packets that arrive out of order in order? A) IP B) TCP C) UDP D) none of the above Answer: B 68) The Internet Protocol is responsible for placing in order packets that arrive out of order. Answer: False 69) Which standard does fragmentation? A) IP B) TCP C) UDP D) none of the above Answer: B 70) Which standard corrects errors? A) IP B) TCP C) UDP D) none of the above Answer: B 71) Which standard does fragmentation? A) UDP B) TCP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 72) Applications that do not need error correction will probably use ______________ at the transport layer. A) UDP B) TCP Answer: A 73) Applications that need error correction will probably use ______________ at the transport layer. A) UDP B) TCP C) either A or B Answer: B 74) TCP/IP is a ______________. A) standard B) family of standards C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 75) TCP/IP includes UDP. Answer: True 76) Commercial activity has always been acceptable on the Internet. Answer: False 77) The NSF Acceptable Use Policy permitted commercial activity on the Internet. Answer: False 78) Carriers that provide Internet service are called Internet service providers. Answer: True 79) Different ISPs interconnect at ______________. A) routers B) switches C) Network Access Points D) portals Answer: C 80) A ______________ IP address does not change. A) static B) dynamic C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 81) Servers use dynamic IP addresses. Answer: False 82) Which protocol provides a client PC with its dynamic IP address? A) the Post Office Protocol (POP) B) the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) C) the Domain Name System (DNS) D) none of the above Answer: D 83) The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides ______________. A) dynamic IP addresses B) several types of configuration information C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 84) Manually configuring client PCs is efficient. Answer: False 85) In a DNS response message, you get the IP address of a host. Of which host is this the IP address? A) your ISP's access server B) your own host (your PC) C) the DNS server D) a host you are trying to reach Answer: D 86) Which of the following gives you the IP address of a host you wish to communicate with? A) DHCP B) DNS C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 87) The type of wiring used in home networks is ______________. A) 4-pair UTP B) RJ-45 C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 88) RJ-45 is a connector standard for wired connections. Answer: True 89) What is the standard for wireless PCs and printers to connect to a wireless access point? A) RJ-45 B) 802.11 C) IP D) TCP/IP Answer: B 90) Which of the following is not a function of a wireless access router? A) Ethernet switch B) DHCP server C) Network address translation (NAT) D) DNS server Answer: D 91) A home access router contains a DHCP server. Answer: False 92) Your ISP gives your home a single IP address. What in the access router allows you to have multiple devices share a single IP address? A) DNS B) NAT C) multiplexing D) none of the above Answer: B Chapter 2 Network Standards 1) Network standards are also called protocols. Answer: True 2) Standards govern ______________. A) semantics B) syntax C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 3) The meaning of a message is referred to as the message's ______________. A) protocol B) order C) value D) semantics Answer: D 4) How a message is organized is its ______________. A) syntax B) semantics C) order D) both A and B Answer: A 5) In HTTP, a server may initiate an interaction with the client. Answer: False 6) Host P transmits a SYN to Host Q. If host Q is willing to open the connection, it will transmit a(n) ______________ segment. A) ACK B) SYN C) SYN/ACK D) none of the above Answer: C 7) If the destination host does not receive a segment, it will ______________. A) transmit an ACK segment B) transmit a NAC segment C) transmit an RSND segment D) none of the above Answer: D 8) If the destination host receives a segment that has an error, it will ______________. A) transmit an ACK segment B) transmit a NAC segment C) transmit an RST segment D) none of the above Answer: D 9) A sending host will retransmit a TCP segment if ______________. A) it receives an ACK segment B) it receives a NAC segment C) it receives an RPT segment. D) none of the above Answer: D 10) The side wishing to close a TCP segment sends a(n) ______________ segment. A) SYN B) ACK C) FIN D) none of the above Answer: C 11) After the side wishing to close a TCP connection sends a FIN segment, it will ______________. A) not send any more segments B) only send ACK segments C) only send FIN segments D) none of the above Answer: B 12) Which of the following is not one of the three general parts of messages? A) address field B) header C) data field D) trailer Answer: A 13) The ______________ contains the content being delivered by a message. A) address field B) header C) data field D) trailer Answer: C 14) The header is defined as everything that comes before the data field. Answer: True 15) Messages always have data fields. Answer: False 16) The trailer is defined as everything that comes after the data field. Answer: True 17) Most messages have trailers. Answer: False 18) Headers usually are divided into fields. Answer: True 19) "Octet" is the same as ______________. A) "bit" B) "byte" C) either A or B, depending on the context D) neither A nor B Answer: B 20) Ethernet MAC addresses are ______________. A) 32 bits long B) 48 bits long C) 128 bits long D) none of the above Answer: B 21) Ethernet MAC addresses are ______________ long. A) 4 octets B) 6 octets C) 32 octets D) 48 octets Answer: B 22) ______________ read(s) the destination MAC address in an Ethernet frame. A) The destination host B) Switches in the network C) Both A and B D) Neither A nor B Answer: C 23) If the destination host finds an error in an Ethernet frame, it ______________. A) sends back a NAK B) retransmits the frame C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 24) Ethernet does ______________. A) error detection B) error correction C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 25) Ethernet detects errors but does not correct them. Therefore, Ethernet is reliable. Answer: False 26) In an IP header, the first bit in the second row is bit ______________. A) 0 B) 31 C) 32 D) none of the above Answer: C 27) How long are IPv4 addresses? A) 32 octets B) 48 bits C) 20 octets D) none of the above Answer: D 28) How long are IPv4 addresses? A) 4 octets B) 6 octets C) 20 octets D) 32 octets Answer: A 29) Routers make forward decisions based on a packet's source IP address. Answer: False 30) Routers make packet forwarding decisions based on a packet's ______________. A) source IP address B) destination IP address C) both A and B Answer: B 31) IP is reliable. Answer: False 32) IP detects errors but does not correct them. Therefore, IP is reliable. Answer: False 33) To handle internetwork transmission control tasks that IP cannot handle, the IETF created TCP. Answer: True 34) TCP messages are called ______________. Answer: False 35) One-bit fields in headers are called ______________ fields. A) digital B) flag C) ACK D) none of the above Answer: B 36) If someone says that a 1-bit flag is set, this means that it is given the value ______________. A) 0 B) 1 C) either A or B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 37) If the ACK bit is set, the acknowledgement number field MUST have a value. Answer: True 38) Which of the following has a header checksum field? A) TCP B) UDP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: C 39) UDP checks messages for errors but does not correct them. UDP is ______________. A) reliable B) unreliable C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 40) On a server, well-known port numbers indicate ______________. A) applications B) connections with client computers C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 41) On a client, ephemeral port numbers indicate ______________. A) applications B) connections with servers C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 42) The range 1024 to 4999 is the usual range for ______________ port numbers. A) well-known B) ephemeral C) both A and B Answer: B 43) 2500 is in the range for ______________ port numbers. A) well-known B) ephemeral C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 44) An IP address, a colon, and a port number constitute a(n) ______________. A) well-known port number B) ephemeral port number C) connection D) socket Answer: D 45) The application layer standard always is HTTP. Answer: False 46) Which of the following layers has the most standards? A) data link B) internet C) transport D) application Answer: D 47) Which layer has more standards? A) internet B) application C) Both of the above have about the same number of standards. Answer: B 48) At which layer would you find standards for requesting videos from a video sharing site such as YouTube? A) application B) transport C) internet D) none of the above Answer: A 49) At which layer would you find file transfer protocol standards for downloading files? A) application B) transport C) internet D) none of the above Answer: A 50) Nearly all application standards are simple like HTTP. Answer: False 51) In HTTP, most response message header fields consist of a keyword, an equal sign, and the value for the keyword. Answer: False 52) In HTTP, the end of a header field is indicated by a ______________. A) byte position B) CRLF C) colon D) blank line Answer: B 53) An HTTP request message usually has a ______________. A) header B) data field C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 54) An HTTP response message usually has a ______________. A) trailer B) data field C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 55) Converting application messages into bits is called ______________. A) encapsulation B) encryption C) encoding D) conversion Answer: C 56) At what layer is encoding done? A) application B) transport C) internet D) none of the above Answer: A 57) How many bytes will it take to transmit "Brain Dead" without the quotation marks? A) 2 B) 3 C) 9 D) none of the above Answer: D 58) How many bytes will it take to transmit "Can you hear me now?" without the quotation marks? A) 5 B) 6 C) 10 D) none of the above Answer: D 59) Binary counting usually begins at 1. Answer: False 60) In binary, 13 is 1101. What is 14? A) 1110 B) 1111 C) neither A nor B Answer: A 61) If you have a field with N bits, you can represent N2 items. Answer: False 62) A 5-bit field can represent ______________ alternatives. A) 8 B) 16 C) 32 D) 64 Answer: C 63) Increasing an alternatives field length by one bit always doubles the number of alternatives it can represent. Answer: True 64) A 7-bit field can represent ______________ alternatives. A) 14 B) 49 C) 128 D) 256 Answer: C 65) To represent 65 alternatives, your alternatives field would have to be ______________ bits long. A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8 Answer: C 66) The electrical signal generated by a microphone is called a(n) ______________ signal. A) binary B) digital C) analog D) either A or B Answer: C 67) A codec ______________. A) encodes voice signals into analog signals B) encodes voice signals into binary signals C) compresses the signal D) both B and C Answer: A 68) ______________ is placing a message in the data field of another message. A) Nesting B) Vertical communication C) Layering D) Encapsulation Answer: D 69) After the internet layer process does encapsulation, it passes the IP packet to the ______________ layer process. A) transport B) data link C) physical D) none of the above Answer: B 70) After the data link layer process does encapsulation, it passes the IP packet to the ______________ layer process. A) physical B) internet C) transport D) none of the above Answer: A 71) Which layer process does not do encapsulation when an application layer process transmits a message? A) physical B) data link C) internet D) All do encapsulation. Answer: A 72) Network standards architectures break the standards functionality needed for communication into layers and define the functions of each layer. Answer: True 73) Which of the following is a network standards architecture? A) ISO B) TCP/IP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 74) A corporate network can use either OSI standards at all layers or TCP/IP standards at all layers, but cannot use OSI standards at some layers and TCP/IP standards at other layers. Answer: False 75) What is the dominant network standards architecture in most real firms today? A) OSI B) TCP/IP C) neither A nor B Answer: C 76) Which of the following is a standards agency for OSI? A) IETF B) ITU-T C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 77) Which of the following is a network standards architecture? A) ISO B) OSI C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 78) OSI is dominant at the ______________ layer. A) physical B) internet C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 79) OSI is dominant at the ______________ layer. A) data link B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 80) OSI is dominant at the ______________ layer. A) internet B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 81) Which of the following is an architecture? A) IP B) TCP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 82) Which of the following is a standard? A) TCP/IP B) IP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 83) Which of the following is a standards agency for TCP/IP? A) ITU-T B) IETF C) OSI D) none of the above Answer: B 84) TCP/IP became dominant in corporations primarily because of ______________. A) its use on the Internet B) its relatively simple standards, which led to low costs C) a government mandate D) all of the above Answer: B 85) Most IETF documents are called ______________. A) official internet standards B) TCP/IP standards C) RFCs D) none of the above Answer: C 86) TCP/IP is dominant at the ______________ layer. A) physical B) internet C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 87) TCP/IP is dominant at the ______________ layer. A) data link B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 88) TCP/IP is dominant at the ______________ layer. A) physical B) data link C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D 89) Which standards architecture is dominant at the application layer? A) OSI B) TCP/IP C) IEEE D) none of the above Answer: D 90) Almost all applications, regardless of what standards architecture they come from, can run over TCP/IP standards at the internet and transport layers. Answer: True 91) Which layer(s) of the hybrid TCP/IP-OSI standards architecture normally use(s) OSI standards? A) data link B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 92) Which layer(s) of the hybrid TCP/IP-OSI standards architecture normally use(s) TCP/IP standards? A) data link B) transport C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 93) Wireless LAN transmission normally is governed by ______________ standards. A) OSI B) TCP/IP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 94) Switched WAN transmission is governed by ______________ standards. A) OSI B) TCP/IP C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: A 95) The OSI ______________ layer allows application communication to be restarted at the last rollback point. A) application B) presentation C) session D) none of the above Answer: C 96) The OSI ______________ layer is designed to handle data formatting differences between two computers. A) application B) presentation C) session D) none of the above Answer: B 97) The OSI ______________ layer is designed to handle compression and encryption for applications. A) application B) presentation C) session D) none of the above Answer: B 98) The OSI presentation layer is actually used ______________. A) to convert between file formats B) as a category for data file standards used by multiple applications C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: B 99) Which of the following is NOT an OSI layer name? A) data link B) internet C) session D) presentation Answer: C 100) In OSI, the presentation layer is Layer ______________. A) 7 B) 6 C) 5 D) none of the above Answer: B Test Bank for Business Data Networks and Security Raymond R. Panko, Julia L. Panko 9780132742931, 9780133544015, 9780134817125

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