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Chapter 1: Introduction to Pharmacology and the History of Drugs 1. Pharmacology is _______. a. the study of how drugs are dispensed b. the study of pills, drugs, and medications c. the study of drugs and their interactions with living organisms d. the study of plants, herbs, minerals, and animals Answer: c. the study of drugs and their interactions with living organisms Correct Feedback: Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their interactions with living organisms. a. the study of how drugs are dispensed Incorrect Feedback: The dispensing of drugs is only a small part of the field of pharmacology. b. the study of pills, drugs, and medications Incorrect Feedback: While part of pharmacology covers these items, the field of pharmacology covers much more. d. the study of plants, herbs, minerals, and animals Incorrect Feedback: Some drugs come from these sources, but it is not the focus of the study of pharmacology. 2. The word pharmacology comes from _____. a. the Dutch word droog and a suffix meaning the study of b. the Greek word pharmakon and a suffix meaning the study of c. the Greek word prophylaxis and a suffix meaning to study d. the Latin word medicina and a suffix meaning the study of Answer: b. the Greek word pharmakon and a suffix meaning the study of Correct Feedback: The word pharmacology comes from the Greek word pharmakon, which means medicine or drug, and the suffix –logy, which means the study of. a. the Dutch word droog and a suffix meaning the study of Incorrect Feedback: The Dutch word droog is where we get the word drug, not pharmacology. c. the Greek word prophylaxis and a suffix meaning to study Incorrect Feedback: The Greek word prophylaxis means to keep guard before. Prophylaxis is used as a preventive method. d. the Latin word medicina and a suffix meaning the study of Incorrect Feedback: The Latin word medicina is where we get the word medicine or medication, not pharmacology. 3. Drugs have three medical uses. Which of the following is NOT one of those uses? a. to diagnose disease b. to treat symptoms, signs, conditions, and diseases c. to prevent disease d. to cause conditions or diseases Answer: d. to cause conditions or diseases Correct Feedback: While some drugs have side effects that can cause conditions or diseases, causing conditions or diseases is not one of three desired medical uses for drugs. a. to diagnose disease Incorrect Feedback: Diagnosing disease is one of the three medical uses for drugs. b. to treat symptoms, signs, conditions, and diseases Incorrect Feedback: Treating symptoms, signs, conditions, and diseases is one of the three medical uses for drugs. c. to prevent disease Incorrect Feedback: Preventing disease is one of the three medical uses for drugs. 4. The medical use of drugs during radiological procedures and other types of medical tests to provide evidence of a disease process is known as _______. a. a preventive use b. a diagnostic use c. treating symptoms and signs of a disease d. none of the above Answer: b. a diagnostic use Correct Feedback: Diagnostic use. Drugs are used by themselves or in conjunction with radiological procedures and other types of medical tests to provide evidence of a disease process. a. a preventive use Incorrect Feedback: The preventive use of drugs is to prevent the occurrence of diseases or conditions not to provide evidence of a disease process. c. treating symptoms and signs of a disease Incorrect Feedback: Drugs used during radiologic procedures and other types of medical tests are not for treating symptoms and signs of a disease. d. none of the above Incorrect Feedback: One of these answers is correct. 5. The medicinal use of foxglove to make the drug digoxin (Lanoxin) is an example of a modern drug derived from ______. a. animals b. minerals c. plants d. trace elements Answer: c. plants Correct Feedback: A derivative of the foxglove plant, the drug digoxin (Lanoxin), is still used today. a. animals Incorrect Feedback: Foxglove is not derived from an animal. b. minerals Incorrect Feedback: Foxglove is not derived from a mineral. d. trace elements Incorrect Feedback: Foxglove is not derived from trace elements. 6. The drug Premarin, a female hormone replacement used to treat the symptoms of menopause, is derived from _______. a. pregnant mares’ urine b. margarine, oils, and olive oil c. purified fat of processed sheep’s wool d. powdered rose hips Answer: a. pregnant mares’ urine Correct Feedback: The drug Premarin and the drug name Premarin are derived from pregnant mares’ urine. b. margarine, oils, and olive oil Incorrect Feedback: Premarin is not derived from margarine, oils, and olive oil. c. purified fat of processed sheep’s wool Incorrect Feedback: Premarin is not derived from lanolin from purified fat of processed sheep’s wool. d. powdered rose hips Incorrect Feedback: Premarin is not derived from powdered rose hips. 7. Which of the following is NOT a source of a drug used to treat diabetes mellitus? a. ground-up animal pancreas b. Gila monsters c. pork d. sheep Answer: d. sheep Correct Feedback: Ground-up pig pancreas is the source of insulin, and the saliva of the Gila monster is the source of the antidiabetic drug Byetta. Processed sheep’s wool is used to make the drug lanolin, a common ingredient in skin drugs. a. ground-up animal pancreas Incorrect Feedback: Ground-up animal pancreas is the source of insulin for treating diabetes mellitus. b. Gila monsters Incorrect Feedback: The saliva of the Gila monster is the source of the antidiabetic drug Byetta. c. pork Incorrect Feedback: Ground-up pig pancreas is the source of insulin for treating diabetes mellitus. 8. It took a national tragedy to force a much-needed update of the Food and Drugs Act of 1906. The drug that caused this national tragedy was ________. a. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, which was used to treat respiratory ailments b. Cocaine Toothache Drops, which was used to treat toothache pain c. sulfonamide, which was an early anti-infective drug d. thalidomide, which was used to treat morning sickness Answer: c. sulfonamide, which was an early anti-infective drug Correct Feedback: The drug sulfonamide was tested for flavor and fragrance, but not for safety. A number of children died after taking less than 1 ounce of the drug, and over 350 people were poisoned. a. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, which was used to treat respiratory ailments Incorrect Feedback: This drug did not cause the national tragedy, but was an example of a drug that contained an addictive substance. b. Cocaine Toothache Drops, which was used to treat toothache pain Incorrect Feedback: This drug did not cause the national tragedy, but was an example of a drug that contained an addictive substance. d. thalidomide, which was used to treat morning sickness Incorrect Feedback: This drug did not cause the national tragedy because it was only available in Europe, but was an example of why foreign drugs are not automatically approved by the FDA. 9. As a result of a national tragedy, Congress passed The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. One of the key parts of this act ________. a. required manufacturers to list their drugs in the United States Pharmacopeia or National Formulary b. made it mandatory that drugs had a pleasing taste and odor c. required accurate labeling of drugs to prevent substitutions or mislabeling of ingredients d. stated that the government no longer needed proof of fraud to stop the sale of a drug Answer: d. stated that the government no longer needed proof of fraud to stop the sale of a drug Correct Feedback: Prior to the national tragedy of sulfonamide the government had to prove fraud before they could remove a drug from the market. But, because of the tragedy, the bill that had not gained support before was easily passed. a. required manufacturers to list their drugs in the United States Pharmacopeia or National Formulary Incorrect Feedback: It was an amendment to The Food and Drugs Act of 1912 that stated that only drugs listed in these volumes could be prescribed. b. made it mandatory that drugs had a pleasing taste and odor Incorrect Feedback: This was part of the reason for the national tragedy, not a result. The makers of the drug sulfonamide tested the taste and odor, but not the safety of the drug. c. required accurate labeling of drugs to prevent substitutions or mislabeling of ingredients Incorrect Feedback: It was the amendment to The Food and Drugs Act of 1912 that ensured this, not the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. 10. In response to criticism related to the time lag for drug approval, which act was passed in 1997? a. Compassionate Use IND b. Emergency Treatment Investigational New Drug (IND) c. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act d. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Answer: c. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act Correct Feedback: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act of 1997 was approved to allow the FDA to accelerate the approval process for certain types of drugs. a. Compassionate Use IND Incorrect Feedback: The Compassionate Use IND is an application that is filed with the FDA to prescribe a drug for a life-threatening disease; it does not deal with the time lag issue. b. Emergency Treatment Investigational New Drug (IND) Incorrect Feedback: The Emergency Treatment Investigational New Drug is an application that is filed with the FDA to prescribe a drug for a life-threatening disease; it does not deal with the time lag issue. d. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Incorrect Feedback: HIPAA deals with privacy and insurance; it does not deal with the time lag issue. 11. Prescription drugs are defined as those drugs _______. a. that meet clinical trial requirements and are approved by the FDA b. whose strength does not meet the requirements for over-the-counter use c. that are not safe to use except under professional medical supervision d. contain addictive properties which require professional medical supervision Answer: c. that are not safe to use except under professional medical supervision Correct Feedback: Prescription drugs are defined as those drugs that are not safe to use except under professional medical supervision. a. that meet clinical trial requirements and are approved by the FDA Incorrect Feedback: This is not a complete description of a prescription drug. b. whose strength does not meet the requirements for over-the-counter use Incorrect Feedback: This is not a complete description of a prescription drug. d. contain addictive properties which require professional medical supervision Incorrect Feedback: This is a definition of a schedule drug rather than a prescription drug. 12. Which of the following statements concerning scheduled drugs is TRUE? a. Schedule I drugs are included, in small doses, in over-the-counter drugs. b. Schedule I drugs have the highest potential for abuse and addiction, while Schedule V drugs have the lowest. c. Schedule V drugs are not available under any circumstances, even with a prescription. d. Schedule V drugs have the highest potential for abuse and addiction, while Schedule I drugs have the lowest. Answer: b. Schedule I drugs have the highest potential for abuse and addiction, while Schedule V drugs have the lowest. Correct Feedback: Schedule I: Extremely high potential for abuse and addiction; no currently accepted medical use. Schedule V: Limited potential for abuse. a. Schedule I drugs are included, in small doses, in over-the-counter drugs. Incorrect Feedback: Schedule I drugs have no currently accepted medical use. c. Schedule V drugs are not available under any circumstances, even with a prescription. Incorrect Feedback: It is Schedule I drugs, not Schedule V drugs, that are not available under any circumstances. Schedule V drugs are available. d. Schedule V drugs have the highest potential for abuse and addiction, while Schedule I drugs have the lowest. Incorrect Feedback: It is Schedule I drugs that have the highest potential for abuse and addiction, while Schedule V drugs have the lowest. 13. The Orphan Drug Act was passed to _______. a. facilitate the development of new drugs to treat rare diseases b. make the manufacturers of drugs accountable for substitution and mislabeling c. require drug companies to provide an accurate list of the drug’s ingredients d. speed up the approval process of new drugs Answer: a. facilitate the development of new drugs to treat rare diseases Correct Feedback: The Orphan Drug Act was passed to facilitate the development of new drugs to treat rare diseases. b. make the manufacturers of drugs accountable for substitution and mislabeling Incorrect Feedback: Holding manufacturers accountable for substitution and mislabeling fell under the 1912 amendment to The Food and Drugs Act of 1906. c. require drug companies to provide an accurate list of the drug’s ingredients Incorrect Feedback: The 1912 amendment to The Food and Drugs Act of 1906 required the accurate labeling of drugs. d. speed up the approval process of new drugs Incorrect Feedback: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act gave the FDA the authority to accelerate the approval process for certain types of drugs. 14. The word pharmacodynamics is concerned with ______ a. the molecular structure of drugs b. how the genetics of different people affect their response to drugs c. how drugs produce their effects based on time and dose d. processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs Answer: c. how drugs produce their effects based on time and dose Correct Feedback: Pharmacodynamics is concerned with the mechanism of action by which drugs produce their effects (desired or undesired) based on time and dose. a. the molecular structure of drugs Incorrect Feedback: Molecular pharmacology, not pharmacodynamics, studies the molecular structure of drugs. b. how the genetics of different people affect their response to drugs Incorrect Feedback: Pharmacogenetics, not pharmacodynamics, is concerned with how the genetics of different people affect their response to drugs. d. processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs Incorrect Feedback: Pharmacokinetics, not pharmacodynamics, is concerned with the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs. 15. When analgesic drugs are used to control arthritis pain, this is an example of the _____ use of drugs. a. therapeutic b. pharmacologic c. preventive d. diagnostic Answer: a. therapeutic Correct Feedback: Analgesic drugs have a therapeutic use to control the pain and inflammation of arthritis. b. pharmacologic Incorrect Feedback: The pharmacologic use of drugs is too broad of a concept and would include every drug and every use. c. preventive Incorrect Feedback: Analgesic drugs are not used to prevent pain. d. diagnostic Incorrect Feedback: Analgesic drugs are not used to diagnose pain. 16. One drug used to treat Alzheimer’s disease was originally derived from ____. a. yams b. periwinkle c. daffodils d. autumn crocus Answer: c. daffodils Correct Feedback: The drug galantamine (Razadyne), which is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, is derived from daffodil bulbs. a. yams Incorrect Feedback: Some estrogen hormone replacement therapy drugs are derived from yams. b. periwinkle Incorrect Feedback: The drug vincristine to treat cancer is derived from periwinkle. d. autumn crocus Incorrect Feedback: Colchicine to treat gout is derived from the autumn crocus. 17. Original plant sources of some commonly used drugs today include all of the following EXCEPT _________. a. oak tree b. rose hips c. hot pepper plant d. opium poppy Answer: a. oak tree Correct Feedback: The chapter does not list the oak tree as the original source of any modern drug. b. rose hips Incorrect Feedback: Rose hips are an original plant source for vitamin C. c. hot pepper plant Incorrect Feedback: The hot pepper plant is an original plant source of capsaicin for topical pain relief. d. opium poppy Incorrect Feedback: The opium poppy is an original plant source for morphine. 18. What common ingredient of topical skin drugs is derived from the purified fat of processed sheep’s wool? a. vitamin C b. lanolin c. aspirin d. calcium Answer: b. lanolin Correct Feedback: Lanolin, a common ingredient of topical skin drugs, is obtained from the purified fat of processed sheep’s wool. a. vitamin C Incorrect Feedback: Vitamin C is derived from rose hips. c. aspirin Incorrect Feedback: Aspirin was derived from willow bark. d. calcium Incorrect Feedback: Calcium is a mineral. 19. Which drugs were introduced in the decade of the 1990s? a. penicillin (first antibiotic drug), Benadryl (first antihistamine drug), cortisone (first corticosteroid drug) b. Thorazine (first antipsychotic drug), hydrocortisone (first topical corticosteroid drug), Librium (first antianxiety drug) c. Inderal (first beta-blocker drug), Tagamet (first H2 blocker drug), levodopa (for Parkinsons’s disease) d. Proscar (for benign prostatic hypertrophy), Nicoderm (for stopping smoking), Viagra (for erectile dysfunction) Answer: d. Proscar (for benign prostatic hypertrophy), Nicoderm (for stopping smoking), Viagra (for erectile dysfunction) Correct Feedback: Proscar was introduced in 1992, Nicoderm was introduced in 1996, and Viagra was introduced in 1998. a. penicillin (first antibiotic drug), Benadryl (first antihistamine drug), cortisone (first corticosteroid drug) Incorrect Feedback: Penicillin was introduced in 1941; Benadryl was introduced in 1945, and cortisone was introduced in 1948. b. Thorazine (first antipsychotic drug), hydrocortisone (first topical corticosteroid drug), Librium (first antianxiety drug) Incorrect Feedback: Thorazine was introduced in 1952, hydrocortisone was introduced in 1952, and Librium was introduced in 1957. c. Inderal (first beta-blocker drug), Tagamet (first H2 blocker drug), levodopa (for Parkinsons’s disease) Incorrect Feedback: Inderal was introduced in 1967, Tagamet was introduced in 1977, and levodopa was introduced in 1970. 20. Penicillin was first introduced about the year____. a. 1860 b. 1900 c. 1940 d. 2000 Answer: c. 1940 Correct Feedback: Penicillin (first antibiotic drug) was introduced in 1941. a. 1860 Incorrect Feedback: Penicillin was introduced much later than 1860. b. 1900 Incorrect Feedback: Penicillin was introduced much later than 1900. d. 2000 Incorrect Feedback: Penicillin was introduced much earlier than 2000. 21. Aspirin was first introduced about the year_____. a. 1900 b. 1940 c. 1960 d. 2000 Answer: a. 1900 Correct Feedback: Aspirin was introduced in 1899. b. 1940 Incorrect Feedback: Aspirin was introduced much earlier than 1940. c. 1960 Incorrect Feedback: Aspirin was introduced much earlier than 1960. d. 2000 Incorrect Feedback: Aspirin was introduced much earlier than 2000. 22. A drug used today for treating congestive heart failure _____. a. has been used since the thirteenth century b. is derived from the belladonna plant c. is derived from the opium plant d. is not derived from a natural source Answer: a. has been used since the thirteenth century Correct Feedback: The medicinal use of the foxglove plant was noted in thirteenthcentury writings. A derivative of this plant, the drug digoxin (Lanoxin), is still used today to treat congestive heart failure. b. is derived from the belladonna plant Incorrect Feedback: A drug from the belladonna plant is not used to treat congestive heart failure. c. is derived from the opium plant Incorrect Feedback: A drug from the opium plant is not used to treat congestive heart failure. d. is not derived from a natural source Incorrect Feedback: A drug used to treat congestive heart failure is derived from a natural source. 23. The first monoclonal antibody drug Orthoclone OKT3 was developed in _____. a. 1896 b. 1936 c. 1986 d. 2006 Answer: c. 1986 Correct Feedback: Orthoclone OKT3 (first monoclonal antibody drug) was introduced in 1986. a. 1896 Incorrect Feedback: The first monoclonal antibody drug was developed later than this. b. 1936 Incorrect Feedback: The first monoclonal antibody drug was developed later than this. d. 2006 Incorrect feedback: The first monoclonal antibody drug was developed before this. 24. Which drug was historically introduced first? a. Tagamet for peptic ulcers (first H2 blocker drug) b. Morphine for pain, from crude opium c. Humulin (human insulin) (first recombinant DNA technology drug) d. AZT (first drug for HIV) Answer: b. Morphine for pain, from crude opium Correct Feedback: Morphine was isolated from crude opium in 1803. a. Tagamet for peptic ulcers (first H2 blocker drug) Incorrect Feedback: Tagamet was introduced in 1977. c. Humulin (human insulin) (first recombinant DNA technology drug) Incorrect Feedback: Humulin (human insulin) was introduced in 1982. d. AZT (first drug for HIV) Incorrect Feedback: AZT was introduced in 1987. 25. The government agency responsible for regulating the manufacturing and dispensing of controlled substances is called the _____. a. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) b. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) c. United States Pharmacopeia d. Scheduled Drug Agency Answer: a. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Correct Feedback: The Controlled Substance Act established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 1973 to regulate the manufacturing and dispensing of controlled substances b. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Incorrect Feedback: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews drugs during clinical trials and evaluates their safety. c. United States Pharmacopeia Incorrect Feedback: The United States Pharmacopeia is a book that lists all the drugs that are approved. d. Scheduled Drug Agency Incorrect Feedback: There is no such governmental agency. 26. Currently, the burden of proof for showing that a drug is safe before it can be marketed is the responsibility of the ______. a. drug manufacturer b. consumer c. physician d. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Answer: a. drug manufacturer Correct Feedback: The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 shifted the burden of proof to the drug manufacturers who were required to provide data based on scientific experiments to show that their product was safe before they were allowed to market it. b. consumer Incorrect Feedback: The consumer cannot prove that a drug is safe before it is marketed. c. physician Incorrect Feedback: The physician cannot prove that a drug is safe before it is marketed. d. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Incorrect Feedback: The burden of proof used to lay with the government to show fraud on the part of the seller, but that was before the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. 27. A schedule defines drugs by their _____. a. classification or category b. potential for physical dependence c. potential for psychological dependence d. b and c Answer: d. b and c Correct Feedback: The Controlled Substances Act divided potentially addictive drugs into five categories or schedules based on their potential for physical or psychological dependence a. classification or category Incorrect Feedback: A schedule is a classification or category, but not a definition. b. potential for physical dependence Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. c. potential for psychological dependence Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 28. An example of a Schedule I drug is _____. a. aspirin b. Ambien c. LSD d. all of the above Answer: c. LSD Correct Feedback: Schedule I drugs include heroin, LSD, marijuana, methaqualone, peyote, and psilocybin. a. aspirin Incorrect Feedback: Aspirin is not a schedule drug. It is an over-the-counter drug with no potential for addiction. b. Ambien Incorrect Feedback: Ambien is a Schedule IV drug, not a Schedule I drug. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: Aspirin and Ambien are not Schedule I drugs. 29. The Controlled Substances Act created _____ categories of drugs based on their potential for addiction. a. seven b. three c. five d. ten Answer: c. five Correct Feedback: The Controlled Substances Act also divided potentially addictive drugs into five categories or schedules. a. seven Incorrect Feedback: There are not seven categories of controlled substances. b. three Incorrect Feedback: There are not three categories of controlled substances. d. ten Incorrect Feedback: There are not ten categories of controlled substances. 30. The FDA Modernization Act ______. a. gave the FDA the authority to accelerate the approval process for certain types of drugs b. was signed in 1997 by then-president Clinton c. can decrease the review time for critically needed drugs as well as for drugs for which the manufacturer pays a special fee d. all of the above Answer: d. all of the above Correct Feedback: In 1997, then-President Clinton signed the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act. It gave the FDA the authority to accelerate the approval process for certain types of drugs. Critically needed drugs (as well as those for which the manufacturer pays a special fee) can be approved in as little as six months. a. gave the FDA the authority to accelerate the approval process for certain types of drugs Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. b. was signed in 1997 by then-president Clinton Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. c. can decrease the review time for critically needed drugs as well as for drugs for which the manufacturer pays a special fee Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 31. In response to the tragedy of babies born with seal limbs because of thalidomide, this legislation required drugs to be both safe and effective before being marketed. a. Food and Drug Modernization Act of 1997 b. Kefauver-Harris Amendment of 1962 c. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 d. The Food and Drugs Act of 1906 Answer: b. Kefauver-Harris Amendment of 1962 Correct Feedback: In the late 1950s, the drug thalidomide was developed in West Germany and was used extensively during early pregnancy to treat morning sickness in women. Over 8,000 babies in Europe were born with deformed limbs (“seal limbs,” or phocomelia). This tragedy resulted in the passage of the 1962 Kefauver-Harris Amendment. a. Food and Drug Modernization Act of 1997 Incorrect Feedback: The FDA Modernization Act of 1997 came much later than the thalidomide tragedy. c. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 Incorrect Feedback: The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 came before the thalidomide tragedy. d. The Food and Drugs Act of 1906 Incorrect Feedback: The Food and Drugs Act of 1906 came before the thalidomide tragedy. 32. Complete this inscription that is commonly seen on drug package labels: “Caution: Federal law prohibits _____ “ or “Rx only.” a. the use of Schedule I drugs b. the regulation of prescription drugs c. dispensing by a nurse d. dispensing without a prescription Answer: d. dispensing without a prescription Correct Feedback: One of these two legends (inscriptions) are added to the drug package and to the filled prescription bottle: “Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription” or “Rx only.” a. the use of Schedule I drugs Incorrect Feedback: Schedule I drugs are not available under any circumstances and are not mentioned on drug package labels. b. the regulation of prescription drugs Incorrect Feedback: This is not mentioned on drug package labels. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs. c. dispensing by a nurse Incorrect Feedback: Drug package labels do not refer to nurses or any other healthcare provider. 33. The belladonna plant was the original source of the drugs _______ that are still used today. a. atropine and digoxin b. ephedrine and morphine c. atropine and scopolamine d. colchicine and morphine Answer: c. atropine and scopolamine Correct Feedback: The belladonna plant was the original source of two drugs that are still in use today—atropine and scopolamine. a. atropine and digoxin Incorrect feedback: Atropine is from the belladonna plant, but digoxin is from the foxglove plant. b. ephedrine and morphine Incorrect feedback: Ephedrine is from the Ephedra shrub, and morphine is from the opium poppy plant. d. colchicine and morphine Incorrect Feedback: Colchicine is from the autumn crocus, and morphine is from the opium poppy plant. 34. Powdered rose hips from the rose plant are still used as a natural source of ____. a. morphine b. vitamin C c. insulin d. all of the above Answer: b. vitamin C Correct Feedback: Powdered rose hips are still the source of natural vitamin C in some over-the-counter vitamin C dietary supplements. a. morphine Incorrect Feedback: Morphine is from the opium poppy plant. c. insulin Incorrect feedback: Insulin is from ground-up animal pancreas. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: Powdered rose hips are the natural source for only one of these drugs. 35. All of the following are minerals that are included in multivitamin supplements EXCEPT _____. a. iron b. calcium c. zinc d. vitamin C Answer: d. vitamin C Correct Feedback: Minerals, such as calcium and iron, are available as individual dietary supplements, and trace minerals, such as copper, magnesium, selenium, and zinc, are included in many multivitamin supplements. Vitamin C is in multivitamin supplements, but it is not a mineral; it is derived from plant sources or produced synthetically. a. iron Incorrect Feedback: Iron is a mineral that is included in multivitamin supplements. b. calcium Incorrect Feedback: Calcium is a mineral that is included in multivitamin supplements. c. zinc Incorrect Feedback: Zinc is a mineral that is included in multivitamin supplements. 36. Jamie Alvarez is going to fly in an airplane for the first time. She is afraid she might experience motion sickness, so she has decided to take the over-the-counter drug Dramamine. This is an example of _____. a. the preventive use of drugs b. the therapeutic use of drugs c. the diagnostic use of drugs d. all of the above. Answer: a. the preventive use of drugs Correct Feedback: Preventive use of drugs. Dramamine is an over-the-counter drug that is taken to prevent motion sickness and vomiting. b. the therapeutic use of drugs Incorrect Feedback: Dramamine is not used therapeutically to treat nausea and vomiting once it has occurred. c. the diagnostic use of drugs Incorrect Feedback: Dramamine is not used diagnostically to diagnose motion sickness. d. all of the above. Incorrect Feedback: Dramamine only falls under one of these uses of drugs, not all of these uses. 37. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is concerned with the _____ of patient medical and drug information. a. validity b. identity c. security d. all of the above Answer: c. security Correct Feedback: Under the federal regulations of HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, all healthcare settings must provide patients with a statement that verifies that their health record information, including all drug information, is kept secure. a. validity Incorrect Feedback: HIPAA does not address the validity of patient medical and drug information. b. identity Incorrect Feedback: HIPAA does not address the identify of patient medical and drug information. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: HIPAA is not concerned with the validity and identify of patient medical and drug information. 38. The majority of drugs are used to control, improve, or cure symptoms, conditions, or diseases of a physiological or psychological nature. These drugs would be said to have a _____ use. a. preventive b. diagnostic c. prescription d. therapeutic Answer: d. therapeutic Correct Feedback: The majority of drugs are used therapeutically to control, improve, or cure symptoms, conditions, or diseases of a physiological or psychological nature. a. preventive Incorrect feedback: Drugs for preventive use are taken before symptoms and diseases occur. b. diagnostic Incorrect feedback: Drugs for diagnostic use do not cure symptoms or diseases. c. prescription Incorrect feedback: Prescription drugs are not the only kinds of drugs used to cure symptoms or diseases. 39. A prescription drug can be obtained with a _______. a. written prescription from a physician b. verbal order from a dentist c. written prescription or verbal order from a healthcare professional whose license permits this d. all of the above Answer: d. all of the above Correct Feedback: Prescription drugs can only be obtained with a written prescription or voice order from the physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or other healthcare provider whose license permits this. a. written prescription from a physician Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. b. verbal order from a dentist Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. c. written prescription or verbal order from a healthcare professional whose license permits this Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 40. Which of these ancient peoples practiced pharmacology? a. Sumerians and Egyptians b. Chinese c. Native Americans of North America and Aztec Indians of Mexico d. all of the above Answer: d. all of the above Correct Feedback: Ancient peoples such as the Sumerians and Egyptians recorded the use of drugs on clay tablets, on wall paintings in tombs, and on papyrus. The ancient Chinese practiced healing arts that emphasized the use of herbs and some minerals. Native Americans of North America and the Aztec Indians of Mexico grew many herbs with medicinal properties. a. Sumerians and Egyptians Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. b. Chinese Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. c. Native Americans of North America and Aztec Indians of Mexico Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 41. If you had lived during the 1700s and 1800s, it would not have been unusual for you ______. a. to have taken a drug that contained opium, morphine, or cocaine b. to be addicted without knowing it after taking a drug for a common disease c. to take a drug whose addictive ingredients were not listed on the label d. all of the above Answer: d. all of the above Correct Feedback: Drugs often contained one of the addicting ingredients of opium, morphine, or cocaine without its presence being listed on the label. It is estimated that in the early 1900s one out of every 200 Americans was addicted. Even when a drug included the name of the addictive ingredient in its title or on its label, consumers were often not aware of its addictive qualities. a. to have taken a drug that contained opium, morphine, or cocaine Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. b. to be addicted without knowing it after taking a drug for a common disease Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. c. to take a drug whose addictive ingredients were not listed on the label Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 42. Drug legislation was passed in the early 1900s to protect the public from ________. a. unscrupulous drug sellers b. prescription drugs c. worthless, mislabeled, and dangerous drugs d. a and c Answer: d. a and c Correct Feedback: Laws were passed in the early 1900s to protect the public from unscrupulous drug sellers, as well as from worthless, mislabeled, and dangerous drugs that were then on the market. a. unscrupulous drug sellers Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. b. prescription drugs Incorrect Feedback: It was not until the Durham-Humphrey Amendment of 1951 that prescription drugs were defined. c. worthless, mislabeled, and dangerous drugs Incorrect Feedback: This is true, but it is not the only correct answer. 43. The first federal drug law was _________. a. the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act b. the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act c. the Food and Drugs Act d. the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act Answer: c. the Food and Drugs Act Correct Feedback: The drug manufacturers strongly opposed drug laws, but public outrage resulted in the passage of the Food and Drugs Act of 1906, the first federal drug law. a. the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Incorrect Feedback: This was not the first federal drug law as it was passed in 1938. b. the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act Incorrect Feedback: This was not the first federal drug law as it was passed in 1994. d. the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act Incorrect Feedback: This was not the first federal law as it was passed in 1997. 44. The 1951 Durham-Humphrey Amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act defined _____ drugs as those drugs that could only be given to patients under the care of a physician. a. dangerous b. prescription c. schedule d. all of the above Answer: b. prescription Correct Feedback: In 1951, the Durham-Humphrey Amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act defined prescription drugs as those drugs that could only be given to patients under the care of a physician. a. dangerous Incorrect Feedback: The Durham-Humphrey Amendment did not talk about dangerous drugs. c. schedule Incorrect Feedback: Schedule drugs were defined by the Controlled Substances Act, not the Durham-Humphrey Amendment. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: The Durham-Humphrey Amendment did not talk about dangerous or schedule drugs. 45. The FDA will allow a prescription drug to be reclassified as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug if _____. a. the prescription drug is too dangerous to use at its higher doses b. patients can monitor their own conditions and don’t need to have special monitoring or tests c. there is enough public pressure after a drug tragedy d. all of the above Answer: b. patients can monitor their own conditions and don’t need to have special monitoring or tests Correct Feedback: The FDA approves a prescription drug being reclassified as an OTC drug if the following criteria are met: (1) the indication for the drug’s OTC use is similar to its use as a prescription drug, (2) the patient can easily diagnose and monitor his or her own condition when using the OTC drug, (3) the OTC drug has a low rate of side effects/toxicity and a low potential for abuse, and (4) use of the OTC drug does not require the patient to have any special monitoring or ongoing tests. a. the prescription drug is too dangerous to use at its higher doses Incorrect Feedback: If a prescription drug is too dangerous, the FDA will remove it from the market, not reclassify it as an over-the-counter drug. c. there is enough public pressure after a drug tragedy Incorrect Feedback: This is not one of the reasons for reclassifying a prescription drug to an OTC drug. d. all of the above Incorrect Feedback: One of these is a reason for reclassifying, but not all of them. 46. All of the following are advantages to reclassifying a prescription drug to be an over-the counter drug (OTC) EXCEPT _______. a. the cost of the drug will be lower b. the patient will have better access to quick treatment c. there is a greater chance for drug-drug interactions d. the patient will need fewer doctor visits Answer: c. there is a greater chance for drug-drug interactions Correct Feedback: Supporters of the reclassification of some prescription drugs to an OTC status claim that this will lower drug prices and allow better access to treatment and fewer visits to the doctor. Opponents to reclassification have these arguments: (1) consumers may actually pay more because health insurance plans will not reimburse for OTC drug purchases, and (2) excessive use of OTC drugs may increase the number of adverse drug-drug interactions. a. the cost of the drug will be lower Incorrect Feedback: This is an advantage for OTC drugs. b. the patient will have better access to quick treatment Incorrect Feedback: This is an advantage for OTC drugs. d. the patient will need fewer doctor visits Incorrect Feedback: This is an advantage for OTC drugs. 47. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 did all of the following EXCEPT ______. a. regulate controlled substances b. introduce the word narcotic c. divide potentially addictive drugs into categories d. regulate schedule drugs Answer: b. introduce the word narcotic Correct Feedback: It was the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914 that introduced the word narcotic, not the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. a. regulate controlled substances Incorrect Feedback: It did do this. c. divide potentially addictive drugs into categories Incorrect Feedback: It did do this. d. regulate schedule drugs Incorrect Feedback: It did do this. 48. In 1843, Dr. Alexander Wood of Scotland created the first ______ and injected his patients with morphine. a. drug b. prescription c. syringe d. antibiotic Answer: c. syringe Correct Feedback: In 1843 Dr. Alexander Wood of Scotland created the syringe and injected patients with morphine a. drug Incorrect Feedback: The first drugs were created in ancient times, not 1843. b. prescription Incorrect Feedback: A prescription is not used to inject a drug. d. antibiotic Incorrect Feedback: An antibiotic is not used to inject a drug. True/False Questions 49. The discipline of pharmacology impacts both your chosen career and your personal life. True Correct Feedback: Pharmacology is a fascinating and multifaceted discipline that impacts not only our chosen career in health care, but also our personal lives. Answer: True Feedback: The study of pharmacology covers a broad spectrum of diverse, yet interrelated, topics: botany, molecular chemistry, research, toxicology, legislation, and patient education. 50. The study of pharmacology covers a broad spectrum of diverse, yet interrelated topics. Answer: True Feedback: The study of pharmacology covers a broad spectrum of diverse, yet interrelated, topics: botany, molecular chemistry, research, toxicology, legislation, and patient education. 51. The word drug can NOT be used interchangeably with the word medicine. True Feedback: The word drug can be used interchangeably with the word medicine. Answer: False Feedback: The word drug can be used interchangeably with the word medicine. 52. The Egyptians applied moldy bread to abrasions, a practice that actually had some therapeutic basis. Answer: True Feedback: The Egyptians did apply moldy bread to abrasions, a practice that actually had some therapeutic basis, as many years later, penicillin was extracted from mold. 53. The opium poppy has been used for centuries as a painkiller and also as a recreational drug to induce euphoria and a trance-like state. Answer: True Feedback: The opium poppy has been used for centuries as a painkiller and also as a recreational drug to induce euphoria and a trance-like state. 54. Some estrogen replacement therapy drugs are derived from yams. Answer: True Feedback: Some estrogen hormone replacement therapy drugs are derived from yams. 55. Thyroid supplement drugs are composed of synthetic materials and the mineral iodine. Answer: False Feedback: Thyroid supplement drugs are composed of dried (desiccated) thyroid gland tissue taken from animals. 56. The isolation of potassium from water in 1803 by a German pharmacist marked the beginning of modern drug treatment using chemically pure ingredients. Answer: False Feedback: The isolation of morphine in 1803 by a German pharmacist marked the beginning of modern drug therapy using chemically pure ingredients. 57. In the early 1900s, cocoa butter was an ingredient in making hand-rolled suppositories. Answer: True Feedback: Pharmacists at that time actually prepared the drugs they dispensed. Daily, they made milk of magnesia, paregoric, and syrup bases for liquid medicines. In addition, they hand-rolled cocoa butter suppositories. 58. Drugs in the 1700s and 1800s were mostly useless, containing only water and oils, and they never contained addictive drugs. Answer: False Feedback: During the 1700s and 1800s, drugs were commonly sold without regulation and were accompanied by extravagant claims of cures. Drugs often contained one of the addicting ingredients of opium, morphine, or cocaine. 59. Herbal products and dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA. Answer: False Feedback: In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was passed. This legislation allowed the FDA to set up guidelines for the manufacturers of herbal products and dietary supplements, although the FDA could not regulate these products. 60. The FDA regulates prescription drugs, but not over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Answer: False Feedback: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates both prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs. 61. Prescription drugs must be obtained with a written order or a voice order. Answer: True Feedback: Prescription drugs can only be obtained with a written prescription or voice order from the physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or other healthcare provider whose license permits this. 62. An OTC drug is defined as a drug that can be purchased without a prescription and is generally considered safe for consumers to use if the label’s directions and warnings are followed carefully and all warnings are heeded. Answer: True Feedback: An OTC drug is defined as one that can be purchased without a prescription and is generally considered safe for consumers to use if the label’s directions and warnings are followed carefully and all warnings are heeded. 63. The FDA regulates prescription drugs, but the DEA regulates over-the-counter drugs. Answer: False Feedback: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs. The Controlled Substance Act established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 1973 to regulate the manufacturing and dispensing of controlled substances. 64. The FDA only allows physicians to prescribe approved drugs, even in the case of lifethreatening diseases for which no alternative therapy exists. Answer: False Feedback: The FDA does allow physicians to prescribe some investigational drugs even before they are officially approved for marketing. These drugs are for lifethreatening diseases for which no other alternative therapy exists. The first drug for HIV was prescribed for patients before its approval in 1987. 65. In order to prevent diseases, the American Academy of Pediatrics issues an annual immunization schedule listing the immunizations to be given to children before they enroll in school. Answer: True Feedback: The American Academy of Pediatrics issues an annual immunization schedule to prevent childhood diseases. All children must receive certain immunizations before they are permitted to enroll in school. 66. A drug or a medicine can be thought of as any nonfood chemical substance that affects the mind or the body. Answer: True Feedback: A drug or a medicine can be thought of as any nonfood chemical substance that affects the mind or the body. 67. The word drug can mean a medicine, but it can also refer to illicit or street drugs. Answer: True Feedback: The word drug can be used interchangeably with the word medicine, but drug can also refer specifically to chemical substances that do not have a preventative, diagnostic, or therapeutic use (e.g., illicit or street drugs). 68. The 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act gives the FDA the authority to regulate dietary supplements as drugs. Answer: False Feedback: In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was passed. This legislation allowed the FDA to set up guidelines for the manufacturers of herbal products and dietary supplements, although the FDA could not regulate these products. 69. On a prescription written for a schedule drug, the physician must include his/her DEA number. Answer: True Feedback: The provider's DEA number must be clearly written on any prescription for a schedule drug 70. As they did in the early 1900s, pharmacists today still daily prepare the drugs they dispense, but they now have the added duties of dispensing those drugs and providing patient education and information. Answer: False Feedback: The pharmacist no longer prepares drugs, but dispenses them and provides patient information and education. 71. Marijuana is a legal drug and it is sold as the prescription drug dronabinol (Marinol). Answer: False Feedback: Schedule I drugs such as heroin, LSD, marijuana are not legal. It is the main active ingredient in marijuana (not marijuana itself) that is available as the prescription drug dronabinol (Marinol), which is a Schedule III drug. 72. Legend drugs are also known as over-the-counter drugs. Answer: False Feedback: Prescription drugs are also known as “legend drugs” because the drug manufacturer and pharmacist add one of these two legends (inscriptions) to the drug package and to the filled prescription bottle: “Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription” or “Rx only.” 73. Traditional Chinese herbal remedies have not been found to be effective or therapeutic according to Western standards of medicine. Answer: False Feedback: In 1970, the Chinese Academy of Medical Science compiled a collection of traditional herbal remedies. American pharmacists evaluated those remedies and found that 45 percent of them were therapeutic, according to Western standards of medicine. 74. We know from reading the newspaper that cocaine is available illegally as a street drug, but cocaine is also a Schedule II drug with legitimate medical uses. Answer: True Feedback: Schedule II drugs have accepted medical uses. 75. The manufacturing, storage, dispensing, and disposal of controlled substances are strictly regulated by both federal and state laws. Answer: True Feedback: The manufacturing, storage, dispensing, and disposal of controlled substances are strictly regulated by both federal and state laws. 76. Pharmacology is one of the oldest branches of medicine. True Answer: True Feedback: Pharmacology is one of the oldest branches of medicine. 77. A schedule drug is also known as a controlled substance. True Answer: True Feedback: The drugs known as schedule drugs are also called controlled substances. 78. Before approving a new drug, the FDA must weigh the inherent risks of the drug against its potential benefits. Answer: True Feedback: For each new drug, the FDA must weigh the inherent risks of the drug against its potential benefits. 79. The Orphan Drug Act facilitates the development of drugs to treat patients who are poor and needy and cannot afford medical care. Answer: False Feedback: In 1983, The Orphan Drug Act was passed. Its purpose was to facilitate the development of new drugs to treat rare diseases. 80. Usually, the over-the-counter version of a prescription drug is the same as the prescription drug except the recommended dose is half the dose of the prescription drug. Answer: True Feedback: The OTC drug is the same as the original prescription drug, but the recommended dose is usually just a fraction (often half) of the dose of the prescription drug. 81. The word __________ is derived from a Dutch word that means dry, and it refers to the use of dried herbs and plants as the first medicines. Answer: drug Feedback: The word drug is derived from the Dutch word droog, which means dry. 82. The administration of a preventive drug is known as _______, from a Greek word meaning to keep guard before. Answer: prophylaxis Feedback: The administration of a preventive drug is known as prophylaxis. Prophylaxis is from a Greek word meaning to keep guard before. 83. The symbol Rx, which comes from the Latin word _______ meaning take, indicates a prescription, the combining of ingredients to form a drug. Answer: recipe Feedback: The symbol Rx, which comes from the Latin word recipe meaning take, indicates a prescription, the combining of ingredients to form a drug. 84. The Controlled Substance Act divided potentially addictive drugs into five categories or _________ based on their potential for physical or psychological dependence. Answer: schedules Feedback: The Controlled Substance Act divided potentially addictive drugs into five categories or schedules based on their potential for physical or psychological dependence. 85. The study of the chemical structure of drugs and the actions of drugs at the molecular level within cells is known as ________ pharmacology. Answer: molecular Feedback: The study of the chemical structures of drugs and the actions of drugs at the molecular level within cells is known as molecular pharmacology. 86. The word _______ refers to a drug that is deliberately administered for its medicinal value as a preventive, diagnostic, or therapeutic agent. Answer: medicine Feedback: The word medicine refers to a drug that is deliberately administered for its medicinal value as a preventive, diagnostic, or therapeutic agent. 87. The abbreviation FDA stands for the __________. Answer: Food and Drug Administration Feedback: The abbreviation FDA stands for the Food and Drug Administration. 88. The abbreviation IND, as used in the Emergency Treatment IND or Compassionate Use IND, stands for _______. Answer: Investigational New Drug Feedback: The abbreviation IND, as used in the Emergency Treatment IND or Compassionate Use IND stands for Investigational New Drug. 89. In 1983, the topical prescription drug ______ was the first prescription drug approved for use as an over-the-counter drug. Answer: hydrocortisone Feedback: For many years, there was a clear distinction between prescription drugs and OTC drugs. Then, in 1983, the topical prescription drug hydrocortisone was approved for over-the-counter sales and many other drugs followed. 90. Define these abbreviations. DEA ________________________ IND ________________________ FDA ________________________ OTC ________________________ Answer: DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration, IND (Investigational New Drug), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), OTC (over-the-counter) Matching Questions 91. 1. pharmacodynamics A. how the genetic makeup of different people affects their responses to certain drugs 2. pharmacogenetics B. description of how drugs move through the body in the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion 3. pharmacogenomics C. using drugs to affect the body therapeutically 4. pharmacokinetics D. the mechanism of action by which drugs produce their effects (desired or undesired) based on time and dose 5. pharmacotherapy E. using genome technology to discover new drugs Answer: D Answer: A Answer: E Answer: B Answer: C 92. 1. vaccinations given to immunize children A. prevent diseases 2. radiopaque dye used during x-ray procedures B. diagnose disease 3. antibiotics to kill bacteria and cure an infection C. treat symptoms, signs, conditions, and diseases 4. insulin to treat diabetes mellitus 5. contraceptive pills taken to prevent pregnancy Answer: A Answer: B Answer: C Answer: C Answer: A 93. The FDA approves a prescription drug being reclassified as an over-the-counter drug if one of four criteria are met. List one of the four criteria that needs to be met. Answer: (1) the indication for the drug’s OTC use is similar to its use as a prescription drug, (2) the patient can easily diagnose and monitor his or her own condition when using the OTC drug, (3) the OTC drug has a low rate of side effects/toxicity and a low potential for abuse, and (4) use of the OTC drug does not require the patient to have any special monitoring or ongoing tests. 94. List and describe one of the incentives given to manufacturers under the Orphan Drug Act to encourage them to develop drugs for rare diseases. Answer: The incentives include grants to offset drug development costs, a tax credit that allows the manufacturer to deduct up to 75 percent of the cost of clinical trials, a streamlined process for obtaining FDA approval, and exclusive marketing rights for seven years. 95. Provide a brief comparison between the definitions of these words: drug, medicine, and prescription drug. Answer: Drugs can include any kind of substance that is used for either medical or illegal purposes. Medicines are those substances that are used for medical reasons, and the word medicine is often used interchangeably with the word drug. A prescription drug is a drug is given by a written or verbal order from a physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or other healthcare provider whose license permits this. 96. What was the Supreme Court’s decision concerning marijuana in May 2001? Answer: In May 2001, the Supreme Court issued a decision that federal drug laws banning the manufacture and distribution of marijuana allow for no exceptions, even for medical necessity. Test Bank for Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals Susan M. Turley 9780135145708, 9780133911268

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