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Chapter 3: Sexuality, Media, and the Internet Discussion Topics Discussion 3.1: Sexuality in Advertising Shared sexual images can range from the sublime to the ridiculous; they can be funny, sarcastic, angry, political, and even religious—all at the same time. In the past hundred years, the media has helped to break down taboos and have created new, shared visual imagery. Bring in several advertisements and using the document camera (or use web based ads), discuss how sexuality is being portrayed. Does the target audience for the publication affect how it is portrayed? In analyzing the portrayal of sexuality in advertisements, it's crucial to consider the diverse range of messages and emotions conveyed through shared sexual images. Over the past century, media has played a pivotal role in dismantling taboos and constructing new visual narratives around sexuality. Advertisements, in particular, reflect this evolution, often blending humor, sarcasm, anger, politics, and even religious elements into their portrayals. To illustrate this, let's examine a few advertisements: 1. Funny: A beer commercial featuring a group of friends at a bar, where the punchline revolves around a playful innuendo related to the product. The humor serves to make the ad memorable and engaging, potentially appealing to a younger, more lighthearted audience. 2. Sarcastic: A clothing ad that uses irony to critique societal beauty standards, depicting a diverse range of body types and styles. The ad's tone challenges conventional notions of attractiveness, likely targeting a more progressive and socially conscious audience. 3. Political: An ad campaign advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, using powerful imagery and slogans to promote inclusivity and acceptance. These ads are designed to resonate with individuals who support equality and diversity, potentially influencing their brand loyalty. 4. Religious: An ad for a charity organization that utilizes religious symbolism to evoke compassion and empathy towards marginalized communities. The ad's message is intertwined with spiritual values, appealing to individuals who prioritize philanthropy and social responsibility. The portrayal of sexuality in advertisements is indeed influenced by the target audience for the publication. Advertisers carefully craft their messages to resonate with specific demographic groups, tailoring the tone, imagery, and language to align with their values and interests. Advertisements targeting younger audiences, for example, may use humor and relatable scenarios, while those targeting older demographics may focus on nostalgia or aspirational lifestyles. Understanding the target audience is key to creating impactful and effective advertisements that resonate with viewers. Discussion 3.2: Vampires as a Sexual Archetype Based on ancient superstitions about death, vampires were considered to be horrific figures, and have been a subject of popular fiction since the late 19th century. Now, however, vampires have come to symbolize shared sexual and romantic fantasies. In 1819, John William Polidori, friends with Mary Shelly, Lord Byron, and Percy Shelly, published The Vampyre, a short story that described a monstrous creature with much sexual connotations. Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula was published in 1897 and also portrayed an aristocratic monster. Today in the United States, vampires are often portrayed as beautiful, intelligent, protective, loyal, wealthy, wise, and extremely erotic—generally positive traits. Edward, the vampire of the Twilight series, has these characteristics, and many fans, especially teenage females, perceive him to be a nearly “perfect” man because of his imagined masculinity. Discuss with students how the vampire has become a modern archetype of sexuality. The modern portrayal of vampires as beautiful, intelligent, protective, loyal, wealthy, wise, and extremely erotic individuals with generally positive traits reflects a significant evolution in the archetype of sexuality. This transformation from horrific figures to romanticized beings can be attributed to various factors, including changing societal attitudes towards sexuality, the influence of media and literature, and the desire for fantasy and escapism. In the United States, vampires are often depicted as embodying an idealized version of masculinity or femininity, depending on the character. Edward Cullen from the Twilight series is a prime example of this modern vampire archetype. He is portrayed as a perfect man by many fans, especially teenage females, due to his imagined combination of physical attractiveness, emotional depth, and supernatural abilities. This portrayal taps into the desire for a romantic partner who is not only physically attractive but also possesses qualities such as protectiveness, loyalty, and wisdom. Additionally, the eroticism associated with vampires adds an element of excitement and danger to their allure, further enhancing their appeal as romantic and sexual beings. The modern vampire archetype of sexuality reflects society's fascination with fantasy and the supernatural, as well as its evolving views on love, relationships, and gender roles. By embodying traits that are often idealized in romantic partners, vampires have become a powerful symbol of desire and longing, capturing the imaginations of audiences and inspiring countless works of literature, film, and television. Discussion 3.3: Sex in Chick Lit One of the most popular books of 2011 was Fifty Shades of Grey. It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes. In the same way, Vampires have become a dominant sexual archetype because of the way they have been portrayed in the Twilight series. Discuss with students how might books like these alter societal views of what is “normal” sexually? Books like "Fifty Shades of Grey" and the Twilight series have the potential to alter societal views of what is "normal" sexually by introducing new and sometimes unconventional ideas about sexuality and relationships. These books can challenge traditional norms and encourage discussions about consent, power dynamics, and personal desires. "Fifty Shades of Grey," known for its explicit erotic scenes and exploration of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, and Masochism), sparked conversations about the nature of sexual relationships and the boundaries of consent. While some critics argue that the book romanticizes unhealthy behaviors, others view it as a starting point for discussions about sexual preferences and fantasies. Similarly, the Twilight series contributed to the modern portrayal of vampires as romantic and sexually alluring beings. By presenting vampires as desirable partners, the series challenged traditional notions of sexuality and opened up discussions about attraction and relationships beyond human norms. Overall, books like these can broaden our understanding of sexuality and relationships by presenting alternative perspectives and challenging societal norms. They can encourage individuals to explore their own desires and preferences, fostering a more open and accepting attitude towards diverse expressions of sexuality. However, it's important to approach these works critically and consider their impact on individual and societal views of sexuality. Discussion 3.4: TV and Movies: Influences on Sexual Norms Movies and then television have always depicted idealized versions of romance and sex, desire and pleasure, and life itself. Some films explicitly challenged taboos about homosexuality (Brokeback Mountain, 2005) and marriage (The Kids Are All Right, 2010). Cable television has also broken taboos, such as a restriction on showing genitals, and has blurred the line between shared imagery of sex and pornography. Cable porn channels even show raw sex. Discuss with student if they think TV and movies have gone too far in their portrayal of sex. What is the most shocking thing they’ve seen in visual media in terms of sex acts portrayed? What made these scenes shocking? What about media portrayal of rape (i.e., Jodi Foster in The Accused—images available online—the instructor may refrain from showing the scene in class as it is quite disturbing). The portrayal of sex in movies and television has evolved over time, often depicting idealized versions of romance, desire, and pleasure. Some films, like "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Kids Are All Right," have challenged taboos regarding homosexuality and marriage, respectively, contributing to a broader cultural conversation about these topics. However, as cable television and streaming platforms have pushed boundaries, questions arise about whether TV and movies have gone too far in their portrayal of sex. The increasing availability of explicit content blurs the line between shared imagery of sex and pornography. Cable porn channels, for example, depict raw sex, raising concerns about the impact of such content on viewers and societal norms. When discussing the most shocking scenes in visual media in terms of sex acts portrayed, students may bring up scenes that challenged their expectations or comfort levels. Scenes that depict graphic or violent sexual acts, such as those in "The Accused," can be particularly shocking due to their explicitness and emotional intensity. These scenes can evoke strong reactions from viewers, prompting discussions about the depiction of sex and violence in media. Overall, the portrayal of sex in TV and movies can be a powerful tool for challenging norms and sparking conversations about sexuality and consent. However, it's essential to consider the impact of these depictions on viewers and to approach such content with critical thinking and sensitivity. Discussion 3.5: Music: Influences on Sexual Norms Music may influence people’s sexual well-being in a variety of ways, including how they feel about their own body, their sexual feelings, and an intimate partner. But visual imagery like movies and television has come to have greater influence on sexuality than music. So when you combine music and visual media, like in a music video, how powerful an effect do you get? A good example here may be rap video girls. You could start the discussion with either a clip from a rap video or from the reality TV show that portrays rap video girls. What effect does this portrayal have on young males and females? When music and visual media are combined, such as in music videos, the effect can be particularly powerful in influencing people's perceptions of sexuality. Music videos often feature explicit imagery, including depictions of sexuality and relationships, which can shape viewers' attitudes towards their own bodies, sexual feelings, and intimate partners. A good example of this phenomenon is the portrayal of "rap video girls" in hip-hop music videos. These videos often feature scantily clad women dancing provocatively, portraying a hypersexualized image of femininity. This portrayal can have a significant impact on young males and females. For young males, these videos may reinforce stereotypes about masculinity and sexual prowess, suggesting that objectifying women is normal or desirable behavior. This can contribute to unhealthy attitudes towards sex and relationships, potentially leading to issues such as disrespect for women and unrealistic expectations of sexual performance. For young females, the portrayal of women in rap videos can create unrealistic standards of beauty and sexuality, leading to feelings of inadequacy or pressure to conform to these standards. This can impact their self-esteem and body image, potentially leading to negative consequences for their sexual well-being. Overall, the combination of music and visual media in music videos can have a powerful effect on shaping societal norms and attitudes towards sexuality. It's important for viewers to critically evaluate the messages portrayed in these videos and to consider how they may influence their own beliefs and behaviors regarding sexuality. Discussion 3.4: Internet and Perceptions of Shared Norms The Internet allows individuals to locate others who share the same sexual desires, thus allowing them to avoid local laws and rules that prevent certain forms of sexual expression and to create, among other things, more sexual communities online. One area where this has shown to be problematic is in pedophiles. By allowing pedophiles to connect, the traffic in child pornography may have increased. It may also allow individuals to overestimate the number of people who share their paraphalia, thus leading them to think of it as more “normal”. How problematic is this? What are the pros and cons of people with similar sexual desires being able to find each other in a virtual world? How can Craig’s list lead to a real world meeting that may go awry? The Internet has revolutionized how people connect and communicate, including in the realm of sexuality. It allows individuals to find others who share similar sexual desires, creating online communities and forums where they can discuss and explore their interests. While this can be beneficial for some, allowing them to find acceptance and support, it also raises concerns, particularly in areas like pedophilia. One of the major issues with the Internet's role in connecting individuals with similar sexual desires is the potential for harm, particularly in the case of pedophiles. The ability to connect online may lead to an increase in the trafficking of child pornography and the normalization of pedophilic tendencies, as individuals may overestimate the prevalence of their desires. However, there are also potential benefits to people with similar sexual desires being able to find each other in a virtual world. It can provide a sense of community and support, reducing feelings of isolation and shame. It can also facilitate education and awareness, leading to better understanding and management of certain sexual behaviors. Craig's List, a popular classified ads website, illustrates how online connections can lead to real-world meetings that may go awry. While Craig's List offers a platform for individuals to connect, it also presents risks, as meetings arranged online may not always be safe. There have been cases where individuals have been harmed or victimized after meeting someone through Craig's List, highlighting the importance of caution and awareness when engaging in online interactions. In conclusion, while the Internet has opened up new possibilities for connection and exploration in the realm of sexuality, it also presents risks, particularly in areas like pedophilia. It is essential for individuals to approach online interactions with caution and for society to address the challenges posed by the Internet in terms of sexual norms and behaviors. Discussion 3.5: Sex Ed and the Internet A recent study suggests that just as there was a decline in comprehensive school based sex education in the United States, adolescents’ use of the Internet became nearly universal. A high percentage of young people may somehow relate what they see online to their own feelings and experiences. This is a challenge to healthy sexuality, because they may pick up ideas about sex that may be grossly inaccurate (e.g., seeing images of anatomy or bodies in sexual ways that are weird or abnormal for their age group or forms of sexual practice that are atypical). Discuss with students what the ramifications of getting all of your information about sex from the internet are. What are the pros? What are the cons? Relying solely on the internet for information about sex can have significant ramifications, both positive and negative. Pros: 1. Accessibility: The internet provides easy access to a wide range of information about sex, including educational resources, advice, and support. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may not have access to comprehensive sex education in school or who are seeking information on specific topics or concerns. 2. Privacy and Anonymity: The internet allows individuals to explore sensitive or taboo topics about sex without fear of judgment. This can be empowering for some, especially those who may feel uncomfortable discussing sex openly. 3. Diversity of Perspectives: The internet offers a diverse range of perspectives on sex, including information from different cultures, communities, and experiences. This can help individuals develop a more comprehensive understanding of sex and sexuality. 4. Interactive Learning: Online platforms can provide interactive learning experiences, such as quizzes, videos, and forums, that engage users and enhance their understanding of sex education. Cons: 1. Inaccuracy: One of the major drawbacks of relying solely on the internet for sex education is the prevalence of misinformation and myths. The internet is full of inaccurate information about sex, which can be misleading and harmful if taken as fact. 2. Unrealistic Portrayals: The internet can present unrealistic or unhealthy portrayals of sex, including images and ideas that may be inappropriate or damaging for young people. Exposure to such content can distort perceptions of normal sexual behavior and anatomy. 3. Lack of Context and Guidance: Unlike comprehensive sex education programs, which are designed to provide accurate information in a structured and age-appropriate manner, the internet offers information in a largely unregulated and unfiltered manner. This can make it difficult for young people to navigate and interpret the information they find online. 4. Normalization of Atypical Practices: The internet may also normalize atypical or unhealthy sexual practices, leading young people to believe that these practices are more common or acceptable than they actually are. In conclusion, while the internet can be a valuable resource for accessing information about sex, it is important for young people to approach online resources with caution and to seek out reliable and accurate sources. Supplementing online information with comprehensive sex education from trusted sources can help ensure that young people develop healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships. Discussion 3.6: Online Dating The Internet has allowed millions of adults in the United States to turn online dates into long-term relationships or marriages. So it is not surprising that the sexual norm is changing to accept online relationships as real dating in real time. How many of you think that online dating is acceptable for your age group? What age groups is it appropriate for? The acceptance of online dating has grown significantly in recent years, with many adults in the United States finding long-term relationships or marriages through online platforms. This shift in perception reflects a changing sexual norm, where online relationships are increasingly seen as legitimate forms of dating in real time. When considering the acceptability of online dating for different age groups, opinions can vary. Younger adults, who are more familiar and comfortable with technology, often view online dating as a natural and acceptable way to meet potential partners. For them, online dating offers a convenient and efficient way to connect with others and explore romantic relationships. On the other hand, older adults may have different views about online dating, with some still preferring more traditional forms of dating and meeting people in person. However, as online dating becomes more mainstream and widely accepted, even older adults are increasingly open to the idea of using online platforms to find love and companionship. In terms of age appropriateness, online dating can be considered acceptable for adults of all ages, as long as they approach it with caution and prioritize their safety. While online dating can be a valuable tool for meeting new people and forming meaningful connections, it's important for individuals to exercise caution and use common sense when interacting with strangers online. Overall, the acceptability of online dating is likely to continue evolving as technology and societal norms change. What's important is for individuals to make informed decisions about online dating based on their own comfort levels and preferences, regardless of their age. Discussion 3.7: Hard Core Pornography Hard-core pornography, which depicts penetrative sex and aggressive, raw sexual interactions between adults, followed the first issue of Playboy by about 10 years. Hustler, the iconic magazine of hard-core pornography, was produced for heterosexual men who wanted more explicit sexual material than was offered in Playboy. Discuss with students if they think that this type of porn should be available? What about porn that involves sex with animals or children? Where does free speech end? The availability and ethical considerations surrounding hard-core pornography, including its more extreme forms involving sex with animals or children, are complex issues that raise questions about free speech, harm, and societal values. Availability of Hard-Core Pornography: Some argue that adults should have the right to access and consume pornography, including hard-core material, as a form of sexual expression and freedom. They contend that consenting adults should be able to make their own choices about what they view and that censorship of pornography infringes on individual rights. Others argue that hard-core pornography can be harmful, promoting unrealistic and harmful attitudes towards sex and relationships. They raise concerns about the impact of pornography on individuals, relationships, and society, including its potential to contribute to sexual violence and exploitation. Extreme Forms of Pornography: When it comes to pornography involving sex with animals or children, the ethical considerations become even more complex. Such forms of pornography are widely considered to be harmful and exploitative, as they involve non-consenting individuals (animals or children) and can contribute to the normalization of abusive behaviors. Free Speech and Limits: The question of where free speech ends in the context of pornography is a contentious issue. While free speech is a fundamental right, it is not absolute and can be limited in cases where it causes harm to others. The production and distribution of child pornography, for example, are illegal in most countries due to the harm inflicted on children. In conclusion, the availability of hard-core pornography raises important questions about free speech, harm, and societal values. While some argue for the right to access pornography as a form of expression, others raise concerns about its potential harms, especially in extreme forms involving non-consenting individuals. It is essential to consider the ethical implications of pornography and to balance free speech rights with the protection of individuals and society from harm. Discussion 3.8: Is Soft Core Porn, Porn? Mass-produced in print initially in the late 1800s, French pornographers began to market inexpensive sexual material featuring “artistic” poses of women. Mass-produced soft pornography, which features nude images but no actual penetrative sex scenes, began with Playboy magazine in 1953. Today we often see nude images in fashion magazines and advertisements. Are these images porn? What about a mother breast-feeding? When do nude images cross the line from art or fashion to porn? The classification of soft-core pornography, as well as the distinction between artistic or fashion-related nude images and pornography, can be subjective and context-dependent. Soft-Core Pornography: Soft-core pornography typically features nudity and suggestive poses but does not depict explicit sexual acts. While some may argue that these images are pornographic due to their sexual nature, others may view them as more artistic or erotic in nature. The distinction often depends on individual perceptions and cultural norms. Nude Images in Fashion and Advertising: Nude images in fashion magazines and advertisements can be considered pornographic or artistic depending on their intent and context. While some images may be intended to evoke sexual arousal, others may be part of a fashion spread or artistic expression. Again, the distinction can be subjective and dependent on individual interpretation. Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding, as a natural and essential aspect of infant care, is typically not considered pornographic. While some may view images of breastfeeding as sexual, the intent and context of the image are important considerations. Images depicting breastfeeding in a non-sexualized manner are generally viewed as appropriate and non-pornographic. When Do Nude Images Cross the Line? Nude images may cross the line from art or fashion to pornography when they are intended primarily to stimulate sexual arousal and lack artistic or cultural merit. Context, intent, and presentation are key factors in determining whether an image is considered pornographic. In conclusion, the classification of soft-core pornography and the distinction between art, fashion, and pornography can be complex and subjective. While some images may be universally viewed as pornographic, others may be open to interpretation based on individual perceptions and cultural norms. Polling Questions Polling 3.1: Media and Sexuality In the past hundred years, the media has helped to break down taboos and have created new, shared visual imagery. How many of you think that the media has gone too far in terms of sex in advertising? What about sex in movies? What about sex in Literature? How many of you read “Fifty Shades of Grey”? The media has indeed played a significant role in shaping societal attitudes towards sex and sexuality over the past century. While it has helped break down some taboos and created new shared visual imagery, there are varying opinions on whether it has gone too far, particularly regarding sex in advertising, movies, and literature. Regarding sex in advertising, some argue that the explicitness of sexual content can be gratuitous and objectifying, potentially promoting unrealistic expectations and unhealthy attitudes towards sex. Others believe that advertising should reflect the diverse aspects of human experience, including sexuality, and that responsible advertising can contribute to open discussions about sex. In movies, the portrayal of sex has evolved over time, becoming more explicit in some genres while remaining more subdued or suggestive in others. Some feel that explicit sex scenes can add depth to storytelling, while others argue that they can be unnecessary and even exploitative. In literature, the discussion often revolves around the depiction of sex and sexual relationships. Books like "Fifty Shades of Grey" have sparked debates about the portrayal of BDSM and consent in literature and media. Some criticize such works for romanticizing unhealthy relationships, while others defend them as exploring consensual and alternative forms of sexuality. As for the question of whether the media has gone too far, opinions will vary based on individual values, cultural norms, and personal experiences. It's essential to recognize that media content can influence perceptions and attitudes towards sex, and discussions around these topics should consider the diverse perspectives and impacts of media representations. Polling 3.2: How Personal Do You Get Online? People can express their opinions openly on many intimate subjects, including things we once discussed with only our family or a few friends (Hine, 2000). These opinions and reactions are public and are open to response; but because of the openness of the Internet, it’s easy for people to misrepresent themselves. Ask students to discuss how much personal information they put on the web. Ask students if they think most of their friends share too much personal information online? Do they feel there is a safety issue in having too much personal information online? What about if they are looking for jobs? Does their personal information affect how others see them? In the age of the internet, the boundaries between public and private information have become increasingly blurred. People can now freely express their opinions on intimate subjects online, subjects that were once reserved for discussions with close family or friends. However, this openness comes with risks, as it's easy for individuals to misrepresent themselves online. When it comes to personal information online, individuals vary in how much they choose to share. Some may be very open, sharing details about their personal lives, thoughts, and experiences. Others may be more cautious, sharing only basic information or keeping their online presence minimal. Asking students to discuss how much personal information they put on the web can lead to insights into their attitudes towards online privacy. Some students may feel comfortable sharing a lot, viewing the internet as a place for open expression. Others may be more reserved, concerned about the potential risks of sharing too much information online. Regarding their friends' online sharing habits, students may have differing opinions. Some may feel that their friends share too much personal information online, while others may see it as a natural part of online interaction. When it comes to safety issues, students may be aware of the risks of having too much personal information online. They may discuss concerns about identity theft, online harassment, or other forms of online abuse. In the context of job searching, students may be more cautious about their online presence. They may be aware that potential employers may look at their online profiles and consider how their personal information could affect their professional image. Overall, the discussion around personal information online is complex and multifaceted. It involves considerations of privacy, identity, safety, and professional image, and individuals may have different perspectives based on their own experiences and values. Polling 3.3: Cyberbullying Abuses occur every day on the Internet. Celebrities, politicians, and everyday people get caught violating sexual norms and rules on the Internet. Other negative influences, including cyberbullying, fake information, and online predators, suggest that sexual illiteracy is widespread on the Internet. Ask students if they feel that cyberbullying is an issue? Have they ever been cyberbullied? Do they have a close friend who has been cyberbullied? Cyberbullying is indeed a prevalent issue in today's digital age. It can take many forms, from hurtful comments and rumors to the sharing of private or embarrassing information online. This form of bullying can have serious consequences for those targeted, leading to emotional distress, anxiety, and even depression. When asking students if they feel that cyberbullying is an issue, it's likely that many will acknowledge its presence and impact. Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background, making it a concern for all internet users. As for personal experiences, some students may have been victims of cyberbullying themselves, while others may have witnessed it happening to friends or acquaintances. Sharing these experiences can help raise awareness about the realities of cyberbullying and its effects on individuals. Discussing the prevalence of fake information and online predators is also important. The internet can be a valuable resource, but it also has its dangers. Teaching students how to navigate the online world safely and responsibly is crucial in preventing cyberbullying and other negative influences. Overall, addressing the issue of cyberbullying requires a combination of education, awareness, and support. By fostering a culture of respect and empathy online, we can work towards creating a safer and more positive digital environment for everyone. Polling 3.4: Sexting Sharing highly explicit sexual images of oneself through the Internet, a practice known as sexting is an easy way for people to express their sexual individuality. This sort of sharing is becoming more common among teens: in one major study of 23,000 high school students, 13% reported that they have received “sext” messages, and 1 in 10 have forwarded, sent, or posted sexually suggestive, explicit, or nude photos or videos of people they know by phone or online. How many of you have “sexted”? How many of you have received a “sext” from someone? The practice of sexting, or sharing explicit sexual images of oneself through the internet, has become increasingly common, especially among teens. Studies have shown that a significant number of high school students have either sent or received sext messages. When asking students if they have engaged in sexting, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and without judgment. Some students may feel comfortable sharing their experiences, while others may not. For those who have sexted, it's important to discuss the potential risks and consequences associated with this behavior, such as the possibility of images being shared without consent or the impact on one's reputation. For those who have received a sext, it's important to discuss the importance of respecting others' privacy and boundaries. It's also important to discuss how to handle receiving a sext in a responsible and respectful manner. Overall, the topic of sexting opens up important discussions about consent, boundaries, and the responsible use of technology. By engaging in open and honest conversations, we can help educate students about the potential risks and consequences associated with sexting. Polling 3.5: Online Dating The Internet has allowed millions of adults in the United States to turn online dates into long-term relationships or marriages. So it is not surprising that the sexual norm is changing to accept online relationships as real dating in real time. How many of you have tried online dating? How many of you would try online dating? How many of you think online dating is only for people over 40? Online dating has become increasingly popular in recent years, with millions of adults in the United States turning to the internet to find long-term relationships or marriages. This shift in dating norms has led to online relationships being accepted as genuine forms of dating in real time. When asking students about their experiences with online dating, it's important to recognize that attitudes towards online dating can vary. Some students may have tried online dating and found success, while others may be hesitant to try it or may not be interested in it at all. For those who have tried online dating, they may have positive or negative experiences to share. They may discuss the convenience of meeting people online and the potential for finding meaningful connections. However, they may also discuss the challenges of navigating online dating, such as the prevalence of fake profiles or the difficulty of establishing genuine connections. For those who have not tried online dating, they may have reservations or concerns about the process. They may worry about the authenticity of online relationships or the safety of meeting people online. Regarding the perception that online dating is only for people over 40, it's important to debunk this stereotype. Online dating is popular among people of all ages, and there are dating platforms tailored to different age groups and preferences. Overall, the discussion of online dating can open up conversations about modern dating practices, the role of technology in relationships, and the changing norms around dating and intimacy. Polling 3.6: Hooking Up The Internet allows people to find romance and sex online, whether to find a potential mate or for the purpose of hooking up, defined as casually engaging in a sexual encounter with someone outside of a romantic or committed relationship. People may use the Internet to locate mates because they do not always have the time to go out to meet others. A major study has found that in three key cities around the world, San Francisco, Amsterdam, and Stockholm, young male “techies” have a lot of money but little time to meet people and some turn to higher-end sex workers they meet online and pay for their “girlfriend experience” with no strings attached. How many of you have “hooked up” in the past year? How many of you think more boys than girls “hook up”? How many of you think that “hooking up” is wrong? The concept of "hooking up," defined as engaging in a sexual encounter with someone outside of a romantic or committed relationship, has become more prevalent in today's society, facilitated by the internet. The internet allows people to find potential partners or engage in casual encounters, especially when they may not have the time to meet others in traditional social settings. When discussing hooking up, it's important to acknowledge that attitudes and experiences can vary widely among individuals. Some may have engaged in hookups in the past year, while others may not have. Additionally, perceptions of who engages in hooking up more frequently, boys or girls, may also vary. The idea of hooking up being "wrong" is subjective and can depend on individual values and beliefs. Some may see hooking up as a natural and enjoyable part of exploring one's sexuality, while others may view it as morally or ethically questionable. It's essential to approach discussions about hooking up with sensitivity and respect for differing opinions. Encouraging open and non-judgmental dialogue can help foster understanding and empathy among students with diverse perspectives on this topic. Polling 3.7: Pornography Pornography is any form of media created to sexually arouse the user, especially for commercial purposes. Pornography may be as old as civilization and it exists in many cultures of the world. Today it is largely digital. How many of you have looked at porn in the past 12 months? How many of you look at porn at least once a week? Do you think porn should be protected under freedom of speech? Pornography, defined as any form of media created to sexually arouse the user, has a long history and is now predominantly digital. It exists in many cultures around the world and has become increasingly accessible due to the internet. When discussing pornography, it's important to acknowledge that attitudes and behaviors towards it can vary widely among individuals. Some may have looked at porn in the past 12 months, while others may not have. Similarly, some may look at porn at least once a week, while others may not engage with it as frequently. The question of whether porn should be protected under freedom of speech is a complex and debated topic. Advocates for freedom of speech argue that individuals should have the right to access and consume pornography as a form of expression and personal choice. However, opponents may argue that pornography can have negative effects on individuals and society, such as promoting unrealistic expectations or contributing to the objectification of individuals. Ultimately, opinions on pornography and its place in society can vary widely, and it's important to approach discussions about it with an open mind and respect for differing viewpoints. Understanding the complexities of pornography and its impact can help foster meaningful and respectful dialogue on this topic. Activities Activity 3.1: Sexuality in Advertising Have students bring in a collage of at least eight different images from print advertisements that depict sexuality; four images should be blatant and four more subtle. Have them document where the ads were found and who the target audience is for that publication (magazines can be found for free typically at your local library once they are past date). Then, have students write up a brief (one or two) paragraph analysis of how sex is portrayed and what this means socially. In analyzing the depiction of sexuality in advertising, it's crucial to consider both blatant and subtle representations. Blatant portrayals often involve explicit imagery or language, while subtle depictions may use more suggestive or implicit cues. For my collage, I selected four blatant and four subtle examples. The blatant examples included a perfume ad featuring a nearly nude model, a lingerie ad with provocative poses, a beer ad using sexual innuendo, and a fashion ad showcasing intimacy between models. These ads were found in magazines targeting young adults and adults, suggesting that advertisers believe sex appeals to these demographics. On the other hand, the subtle examples included a car ad emphasizing sleek, phallic design, a watch ad associating the product with luxury and status, a food ad using sensuous language, and a travel ad promoting romantic getaways. These ads appeared in a variety of magazines targeting different demographics, indicating that subtle sexual imagery can be used to appeal to a broad range of consumers. The portrayal of sex in advertising reflects societal norms and values regarding sexuality. Blatant depictions may be seen as provocative and attention-grabbing, while subtle representations can be more sophisticated and nuanced. However, both types of ads contribute to the commodification of sex and the objectification of bodies, perpetuating narrow and often unrealistic standards of beauty and desirability. This can have implications for how individuals perceive themselves and others, as well as how they understand and negotiate intimate relationships in a broader social context. Activity 3.2: Musical Genres and Sex Symbols Of all the media in pop culture that may truly transform sexual attitudes, none is more potentially powerful, holistic, and personal than popular music. It is the auditory way in which a culture fashions what is beautiful or ugly and significant of sexual love. In the United States, sex and love have been the most enduring themes of popular music and pop culture since the modern period. Music may influence people’s sexual well-being in a variety of ways, including how they feel about their own body, their sexual feelings, and an intimate partner. Musical Genres and Sex Symbols Music often has romantic and sexual associations for people. Consider how music from the following musical genres might remind people about romance and sex. Note that some of the singers listed either were or are sex symbols in the United States. Blues Bessie Smith 1920–1930s Big Band Frank Sinatra 1930–1940s Jukebox Johnson Sisters 1940s (wartime) Samba/Chic Carmen Miranda 1940–1950s Jazz Miles Davis 1950s Rock and Roll Elvis Presley 1950–1970s Pop The Beatles 1960–1970s Swing/Classic Frank Sinatra 1960–1970s Disco/Soul Gloria Gaynor 1970–1980s Soul Marvin Gaye 1970s Early Country Patsy Cline 1950–1960s; Johnny Cash 1950–2000s Rap Eminem 1990s; Wiz Kalifa 2012 R&B Rhianna 2000s New Country Carrie Underwood 2000s Adult Rock Lady Gaga 2011 Now think about how your favorite music links to your own sexuality. Is there one song that blends your desires, identity, and sexual behavior together? How does your current choice of music relate to your own sexuality? Has this music ever put you into a romantic mood? Have you ever gotten sexual to the sound of this music? Do these lyrics come back to you when you are being intimate with someone? Do you associate a particular song with someone you care for deeply, perhaps from when you first met? Have you wanted someone to share a song that is dear to your heart? Do the songs you love communicate what you feel or do they just provide you with a ready-made line or lyric when you need it? Whatever your answers to these questions, music can play a large role in how we experience sexuality. Activity 3.3: Online Safety The Internet allows individuals to locate others who share the same sexual desires, thus allowing them to avoid local laws and rules that prevent certain forms of sexual expression and to create, among other things, more sexual communities online. One area where this has proved to be problematic is in case of pedophiles. By allowing pedophiles to connect, the traffic in child pornography may have increased. It may also allow individuals to overestimate the number of people who share their paraphalia, thus leading them to think of it as more “normal”. Have students perform a brief Internet review. Have them look at cases like a Craig’s list sex ads gone wrong; or the case of Meiwes in Germany who found a willing victim, Brandes, to engage in his cannibalistic sex fantasies with, which ultimately lead to Brandes death; or another case that catches their eye. Then, have them share either in presentation, written form, or as a discussion board topic the case and the pros and cons of people with similar sexual desires being able to find each other in a virtual world? The internet has created opportunities for individuals to connect with others who share similar sexual desires, allowing them to bypass local laws and norms that restrict certain forms of sexual expression. While this can lead to the formation of online sexual communities, it has also raised concerns about the potential risks and consequences of such connections, particularly in cases involving pedophiles. One area where this has been problematic is in the case of child pornography, where the internet has facilitated the exchange of illegal material among pedophiles. This has led to increased concerns about the exploitation of children and the need for stricter measures to combat online child exploitation. Additionally, the internet may contribute to individuals overestimating the prevalence of their sexual desires, leading them to perceive them as more "normal." This can have implications for how individuals perceive and express their sexual desires in both online and offline settings. When examining cases such as Craigslist sex ads gone wrong or the case of Meiwes and Brandes in Germany, it's important to consider the pros and cons of individuals with similar sexual desires being able to find each other in a virtual world. On one hand, the internet can provide a sense of community and support for individuals who may feel marginalized or stigmatized because of their sexual desires. On the other hand, it can also facilitate harmful behaviors and illegal activities, such as the exploitation of vulnerable individuals or the perpetuation of harmful sexual practices. Overall, the internet has both positive and negative implications for individuals with similar sexual desires being able to find each other. It is essential to address the risks and challenges associated with online sexual communities while also recognizing the potential benefits of online support and community for individuals exploring their sexual identities and desires. Activity 3.4: How Personal Are You Willing to Get Online? People can express their opinions openly on many intimate subjects, including things we once discussed with only our family or a few friends (Hine, 2000). These opinions and reactions are public and are open to response; but because of the openness of the Internet, it’s easy for people to misrepresent themselves. Ask students to discuss how much personal information they put on the web. How Personal Are You Willing to Get Online? Use this scale to rate how you feel you would express yourself for each question: 1 = Very unlikely 2 = Somewhat unlikely 3 = Unsure 4 = Somewhat likely 5 = Very likely 1. You will post the news of a break up with your intimate partner on Facebook. 2. You will discuss your friends’ sexual behaviors and relationships online. 3. You will review a movie that has sexually explicit information and attach your name to it. 4. You will post graphic photos of yourself online. 5. You will post your actual birth date online. 6. You will post a photo of yourself kissing your current romantic partner online. 7. You will go out on a date with someone you met online. 8. You will reveal your personal sexual feelings online. 9. You will reveal religious or spiritual feelings online. 10. You will chat or text about your parents and post this online. 11. You will talk about your use of contraceptives or condoms online. 12. You will discuss the sexual features and attraction of TV characters online. 13. You will actually share your sexual fantasies with people online. 14. You will discuss your sexual health online. 15. You will talk about masturbating online. 16. You will criticize other people’s Facebook pages for their sexual content. 17. You will consider marrying someone you would meet online. 18. You will check out the background of someone who connects to you online. 19. You will travel to another country to meet someone sexually you have been hooking up with online. 20. You will try new sexual techniques in your relationship you saw online. Score: Over 40: You are very willing to reveal your personal self online, without boundaries. 31–40: You are willing and are fairly comfortable with revealing your personal self online. 26–30: You have set boundaries on how much of yourself you will reveal online. 20–25: You are very personal and have set tight boundaries on how much you are willing to express about yourself online. Now, considering how you answered these questions, would you change how much of your intimate life you might be willing to publicize online? Activity 3.5: Your Sexual Individuality Online The Internet allows people to find romance and sex online, whether to find a potential mate or for the purpose of hooking up, defined as casually engaging in a sexual encounter with someone outside of a romantic or committed relationship. Have students fill out the following and then discuss. Your Sexual Individuality Online In terms of your own sexual literacy, what does it mean to you that the Internet is a virtual experience? As you think about these questions, consider how you would respond to these online experiences: Creating personal blogs Sending personal Twitter messages Accepting online information as fact Having a lack of control online Expressing things online that would be completely private offline Trying out risky sexual things online Now circle the numbers to answer the following questions to rate yourself and your sense of virtual reality and sexuality today. Use the numbers to mean the following: 1 = Never 2 = Hardly ever 3 = Some of the time 4 = Most of the time 5 = Always 1. I tend to believe that what I read online is fact. 2. I reveal personal things to strangers in blogs and web pages. 3. I am willing to engage in online sex. 4. I think that I may find and meet my mate online. 5. I am willing to pretend I am someone or something else sexually online. 6. I let my sexual feelings get carried away online. 7. I have a feeling of total control online. 8. For some reason there is a huge difference between how I am in real life and online. 9. My friends think that I am out of control when it comes to what I say and do online. 10. I have done something sexually online I would never do in real life. We encourage you to return to the questions after you’ve finished reading the chapter to see if you would answer them differently. Activity 3.6: Hooking Up The Internet allows people to find romance and sex online, whether to find a potential mate or for the purpose of hooking up, defined as casually engaging in a sexual encounter with someone outside of a romantic or committed relationship. People may use the Internet to locate mates because they do not always have the time to go out to meet others. A major study has found that in three key cities around the world, San Francisco, Amsterdam, and Stockholm, young male “techies” have a lot of money but little time to meet people and some turn to higher-end sex workers they meet online and pay for their “girlfriend experience” with no strings attached. You can show students excerpts from: Friends with Benefits (2011) Starring: Milla Kunis, Justin Timberlake, and Patricia Clarkson. This movie explores a “friends with benefits” relationship and “hooking up” behaviors. The internet has revolutionized the way people seek romance and sexual encounters, including the phenomenon of hooking up, which involves engaging in casual sexual encounters outside of a romantic or committed relationship. With the rise of online dating platforms and social media, individuals can easily connect with others who share their interests and desires, making it more convenient to find potential partners. One study highlighted in the text focuses on young male "techies" in cities like San Francisco, Amsterdam, and Stockholm, who have the financial means but limited time to meet people in traditional social settings. Some of these individuals turn to higher-end sex workers they meet online, seeking a "girlfriend experience" without the commitments of a traditional relationship. A movie that provides insight into the dynamics of "friends with benefits" relationships and hooking up behaviors is "Friends with Benefits" (2011), starring Milla Kunis and Justin Timberlake. This film explores the complexities of maintaining a casual sexual relationship without developing romantic feelings, highlighting the blurred lines between friendship and sexual intimacy in modern dating culture. Overall, the internet has expanded the possibilities for finding romantic and sexual partners, offering both convenience and challenges in navigating the complexities of modern relationships. It's important for individuals to approach online interactions with caution and respect, recognizing the importance of clear communication and mutual consent in any sexual encounter. Activity 3.7: Hooking Up Have students read Lambert, T.A., Kahn, A.S. & Apple, K.J. (2003). Pluralistic Ignorance and Hooking Up. The Journal of Sex Research, 40(2) 129-133. (See: for abstract. Can be found through your university library) and using both the article and your text, answer the following questions. Each answer should be a paragraph in length—keep in mind two sentences does not a paragraph make! Rather you are aiming for about a half page answer for each. In total this should be about two to three pages of writing in length. 1. In general do you think that college students today are more interested in “hooking up” then dating, why or why not? 2. What is hooking up? 3. Describe the research methodology used in this article. 4. Describe the results of the research in this article. 5. Based on these results, what could a college administrator do to reduce “hooking up” behaviors in incoming freshman? 6. What types of future research could be proposed to further this research? 1. College students today may be more interested in "hooking up" than traditional dating due to various factors. The cultural shift towards individualism and casual relationships, facilitated by social media and dating apps, has normalized hooking up as a common practice. Additionally, busy academic and extracurricular schedules may leave students with less time for traditional dating rituals, making casual encounters more appealing. 2. "Hooking up" is a term used to describe a range of sexual activities between individuals who are not in a committed relationship. It can include anything from kissing and touching to sexual intercourse, and the definition may vary among individuals and contexts. 3. The research methodology used in the article involved surveying college students to assess their attitudes and behaviors regarding hooking up. Participants were asked about their own experiences with hooking up, as well as their perceptions of their peers' attitudes and behaviors. This method allowed the researchers to explore the phenomenon of pluralistic ignorance, where individuals privately reject a norm but incorrectly assume that others accept it. 4. The results of the research showed that college students tended to overestimate their peers' interest in and participation in hooking up. This phenomenon of pluralistic ignorance led to a normalization of hooking up as a social norm, even among students who personally did not engage in such behaviors. 5. Based on these results, a college administrator could implement programs or interventions aimed at correcting misperceptions about hooking up. Providing accurate information about the prevalence of hooking up and promoting healthy relationship norms could help reduce the pressure to engage in casual sexual encounters. 6. Future research could explore the long-term effects of hooking up on individuals' mental and emotional well-being. Additionally, studies could examine the role of social media and dating apps in shaping attitudes and behaviors related to hooking up. Comparative studies across different cultural contexts could also provide insights into how cultural norms influence hookup culture. Activity 3.8: Online Dating Have students ask themselves the question, “Who dates online and does online dating really work?” Ask students to perform an online review of this information from the past eight years and report their findings in a table. Then have either your TA or yourself compile everyone’s results and present the data to the class. Who dates online by gender, age & race? Why do people say they date online? Does online dating work? This could also be modified as a group activity in class or on discussion boards in online courses. Who Dates Online: Gender: Both men and women participate in online dating, with some variations in the platforms they use and their preferences for potential partners. Studies have shown that women tend to be more selective in their online dating behavior, while men are more likely to initiate contact and pursue a larger number of potential matches. Age: Online dating is popular across age groups, but usage tends to be highest among young adults and decreases with age. However, older adults are increasingly turning to online dating as a way to meet potential partners, indicating a shift in attitudes towards online dating across generations. Race: Online dating is used by individuals of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, but there are differences in the racial preferences of online daters. Studies have shown that people tend to prefer partners of their own race in online dating, reflecting broader patterns of racial bias in dating preferences. Reasons for Online Dating: People say they date online for a variety of reasons, including convenience, the ability to meet a larger number of potential partners, and the opportunity to find individuals who share their interests and values. Online dating also allows people to overcome geographic barriers and connect with others they may not have encountered in their daily lives. Does Online Dating Work: The effectiveness of online dating varies depending on how it is defined and measured. Some studies suggest that online dating leads to more successful and longer-lasting relationships than traditional offline dating, while others argue that the outcomes of online dating are similar to or only slightly better than those of offline dating. Factors such as the quality of the online dating platform, the individual's approach to online dating, and their overall goals and expectations play a role in determining the success of online dating experiences. Activity 3.9: Larry Flynt Hard-core pornography, which depicts penetrative sex and aggressive, raw sexual interactions between adults, followed the first issue of Playboy by about 10 years. Hustler, the iconic magazine of hard-core pornography, was produced for heterosexual men who wanted more explicit sexual material than was offered in Playboy. You may want to show the movie The People vs. Larry Flynt 1996 (Staring Woddy Harrelson, Courtney Love and Edward Norton), a movie that looks at the controversial pornographer and the relation of free speech to porn. Larry Flynt is a controversial figure known for his involvement in the production of hard-core pornography, particularly through his magazine, Hustler. Unlike Playboy, which featured more soft-core content, Hustler catered to heterosexual men seeking more explicit and raw sexual material. Flynt's magazine was considered iconic in the world of hard-core pornography, pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms around sexuality. One of the key aspects of Larry Flynt's career is his legal battles over free speech and the right to publish sexually explicit material. The movie "The People vs. Larry Flynt" (1996), starring Woody Harrelson, Courtney Love, and Edward Norton, explores Flynt's life and the legal challenges he faced. The film delves into the complexities of free speech, censorship, and the cultural impact of pornography. Flynt's story raises questions about the boundaries of free speech and the role of pornography in society. While some view his work as a form of expression protected by the First Amendment, others criticize it for its explicit nature and potential harm to individuals and society. Larry Flynt remains a polarizing figure, sparking debates about the intersection of free speech, sexuality, and media. Activity 3.10: Risk Taking in Young Adults Online risks include distorting personal boundaries, online pornography, the factuality of online sexual information, the authenticity of people online, and the ability to detect fakery. False information provided by others makes many parents worry about younger people meeting sexual predators or pedophiles online. Young adults, particularly those engaging with the internet, face various risks related to sexuality. These include distorting personal boundaries, exposure to online pornography, the accuracy of online sexual information, the authenticity of online identities, and the difficulty in detecting deception. Concerns about meeting sexual predators or pedophiles online are valid, as false information can lead to dangerous situations. Distorting personal boundaries can occur when individuals engage in online interactions that blur the lines between fantasy and reality, potentially leading to risky or harmful behavior. Exposure to online pornography can shape unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships, affecting young adults' perceptions and behaviors. The factuality of online sexual information is a concern, as misinformation or inaccurate information can lead to uninformed decision-making regarding sexual health and relationships. Additionally, the authenticity of people online is often questioned, as individuals may misrepresent themselves, leading to trust issues and potential dangers in online interactions. Parents and educators should be aware of these risks and provide guidance on safe internet use. Encouraging open communication about online experiences and promoting critical thinking skills can help young adults navigate the complexities of the digital world and make informed decisions regarding their sexual health and relationships. Judgment and Decision-Making Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition Part of the series “Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition”, this clip looks at decision-making and risky behavior. ( or through the McGraw Hill Higher Education General Resources for Students and Faculty Annenberg / CPB projects link ( Internet Resources Pediatrics journal research looking at effect of lyrics on sexual behavior. MSNBC clip looking at the effects of music on teen sexual behavior. The Electronic Frontier Foundation Website. Looks at safety and online dating. The Get Net Wise online safety guide. Has safety advice broken down by age. Sexual Content on TV and Teenage Pregnancy. McGraw Hill Higher Education General Resources for Students and Faculty. The APA website. APA site for research on sexuality. The Ten-Minute Test Name: __________ Answer the questions below utilizing the following terms: Avatar Hooking up Kinky sex Transgender Virtual sex Shared sexual images Sexting Soft pornography Pornification Hard-core pornography 1. Sexual culture and communication in all societies involve _____, whether real or imagined, visual or auditory, the content of which contains explicit or hidden sexual messages. 2. Sharing highly explicit sexual images of oneself through the Internet is a practice known as _____. 3. Sexual activity through communication by computer is called _____. 4. Casually engaging in a sexual encounter with someone outside of a romantic or committed relationship. Instead of seeking potential mates only in physical settings is known as _____. 5. A _____ is an online representation or alter ego (literally “another self”) for someone online. 6. _____ features nude images but no actual penetrative sex scenes. 7. _____ depicts penetrative sex and aggressive, raw sexual interactions between adults, 8. _____ is a form of sexual interaction that may involve pain and ritual rules, pushing sexuality to the extreme. 9. Making everyday sexual images available to anyone, even when the material is not for sale or is not strictly pornographic, is known as _____. 10. _____ people express gender behavior that varies from the norm. Answers to the Ten-Minute Test 1. shared sexual images 2. sexting 3. virtual sex 4. hooking up 5. avatar 6. soft pornography 7. Hard-core pornography 8. kinky sex 9. pornification 10. Transgender Solution Manual for Human Sexuality: Self, Society, and Culture Gilbert Herdt, Nicole Polen-Petit 9780073532165, 9780077817527

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