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Appendix A
True / False
1. Highly developed technical or "hard" skills are the most sought-after employment skills
demanded by employers.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Although technical or "hard" skills are needed on the job, they are not as important as "soft"
skills. In fact, in a poll of recruiters, oral and written communication skills were by a large
margin the top skill set sought.
2. Most people are good listeners.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Most people are poor listeners. According to researchers, we misinterpret, misunderstand, or
change 70 to 90 percent of what we hear.
3. Nonverbal communication includes only those behaviors that are intended.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Nonverbal communication includes all unwritten and unspoken messages, whether intended
or not.

4. Communicators in high-context cultures (such as those in China, Japan, and Arab
countries) tend to be intuitive, contemplative, and group oriented.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Communicators in high-context cultures (such as those in China, Japan, and Arab countries)
assume that the listener does not need much background information. They are also more
likely to be intuitive and contemplative, may not take words literally, and value group
5. Ethnocentrism is inherent in all cultures.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The belief in the superiority of one's own culture is called ethnocentrism, a natural attitude
found in all cultures.
6. The central objective of communication is the transmission of meaning.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Only when the receiver understands the meaning intended by the sender does communication
take place.
7. Good writers spend most of their time on the revising phase of the 3-x-3 writing process.
a. True

b. False
Answer: True
Good writers spend about half of their time on the revising phase of the 3-x-3 writing
8. The richest communication channel is e-mail.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The richest communication channel is face-to-face conversation because it allows for more
interactivity and feedback.
9. Skilled business communicators use an abundance of first-person pronouns such as I, we,
and our to connect with an audience.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Skilled communicators concentrate on audience benefits by using the "you" view. They
emphasize second-person pronouns (you, your) instead of first-person pronouns (I, we, us,
our). In fact, whether the goal is to inform, persuade, or promote goodwill, the catchiest
words you can use are you and your.
10. Every mechanic must submit his timesheet by Friday is a well-written sentence.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

This example is not a well-written sentence because it incorporates insensitive and biased
language. Therefore, it should be revised. One way to revise this sentence is Every mechanic
must submit a timesheet by Friday.
11. Many routine tasks, such as drafting e-mails, memos, letters, informational reports, and
oral presentations, require the writer to collect formal research.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Many routine tasks, such as drafting e-mails, memos, letters, informational reports, and oral
presentations, require information that can be collected informally by searching company
files, talking with the boss, interviewing the target audience, brainstorming, and preparing an
informal survey.
12. Use the indirect strategy when your audience may be uninterested, unwilling, hostile, or
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
When you expect the audience to be uninterested, unwilling, displeased, or even hostile, the
indirect strategy is appropriate. In this strategy the main idea is revealed after an explanation
and evidence.
13. Although writing a résumé is part of the job-search process, you should begin the process
by analyzing your interests and goals and evaluating your qualifications is an example of a
compound sentence.
a. True

b. False
Answer: False
This sentence is a complex sentence. A complex sentence contains an independent clause
(You should begin the process by analyzing your interests and goals and evaluating your
qualifications) and a dependent clause (Although writing a résumé is part of the job-search
14. Active-voice verbs are preferred in business writing.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Most business writing should be in the active voice. Active-voice sentences are more direct
because they reveal the subject immediately. In addition, they are easier to understand and
usually shorter.
15. You should strive to write paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Although no rule regulates the length of paragraphs, business writers recognize the value of
short paragraphs. Paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines look inviting and readable.
Long, solid chunks of print appear formidable.
16. I am sending this message to let you know that Tuesday's meeting has been cancelled is a
concise and direct message.
a. True
b. False

Answer: False
This sentence is not concise because it contains unnecessary introductory words: I am
sending this message to let you know that. A more concise and direct message eliminates the
long lead-in: Tuesday's meeting has been cancelled.
17. Please give consideration to our latest offer is an effectively written sentence for a
business message.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
This sentence is not effective because it contains a buried verb (consider) that has been
needlessly converted to a wordy noun expression: give consideration to. Wordy noun
expressions increase sentence length, slow the reader, and muddy the thought. This sentence
can be cleaner and more forceful by unburying the verb: Please consider our latest offer.
18. Well-designed documents increase readability and audience comprehension.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Well-designed documents enhance readability and comprehension. Techniques to improve
readability and comprehension include the appropriate use of white space, margins,
typefaces, fonts, numbered and bulleted lists, and headings for visual impact.
19. To save time, you should thoroughly proofread a document as you write it.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

You should proofread a document when it is in its final form. Don't proofread earlier because
you may waste time checking items that eventually will be changed or omitted.
20. The best way to judge the success of your communication is through feedback.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The best way to judge the success of your communication is through feedback. For this
reason you should encourage the receiver to respond to your message.This feedback will tell
you how to modify future efforts to improve your communication technique.
Multiple Choice
21. Which of the following statements about writing skills in today's business world is most
a. Because of today's emphasis on technology, the need for good writing skills is not
b. Employees today can expect to write fewer messages than in previous years.
c. Today's employees must use a variety of media to communicate with others.
d. Only employees in fields such as communications and public relations must be able to
write effective business messages.
Answer: c
Because of today's hyperconnected business world, writing skills are very important. In
addition, employees in all fields should be prepared to write more messages and to use a
variety of media, such as e-mail, instant messaging, texting, blogs, wikis, and social media
sites, to communicate with others.

22. Several barriers may cause poor listening. Which of the following is a psychological
barrier to effective listening?
a. Focusing on a speaker's unusual voice
b. Concentrating on a speaker's unfamiliar words
c. Having noisy surroundings
d. Tuning out speakers whose ideas do not match our own
Answer: d
Every one of us brings to the communication process a unique set of cultural, ethical, and
personal values. As a result, each of us has an idea of what is right and important. If other
ideas run counter to our preconceived thoughts, we tend to "tune out" speakers and fail to
receive their messages. This demonstrates a psychological barrier to listening.
23. To improve your nonverbal communication, which of the following tips should you
a. Establish and maintain eye contact with others.
b. Minimize any distracting or competing background sounds.
c. Associate with people from diverse cultures.
d. All answer choices are effective ways to improve your nonverbal communication.
Answer: d
To improve your nonverbal communication skills, some tips include establishing and
maintaining eye contact, using posture to show interest, reducing or eliminating physical
barriers, closely watching the facial expressions and body language of others, asking
questions when verbal and nonverbal messages contradict, and associating with people from
different cultures.
24. The most important dimension of culture is
a. time orientation.

b. context.
c. individualism.
d. power distance.
Answer: b
According to cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall, context, the most important dimension
of culture, refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding an event.
25. When you have a conversation with someone from another culture, you can reduce
misunderstandings if you
a. speak in short sentences.
b. accept a yes or a nod to affirm comprehension.
c. wait until you finish a long explanation to request feedback.
d. use lots of slang to demonstrate your knowledge of your culture's language.
Answer: a
To prevent miscommunications across cultures, use short sentences using familiar words,
speak slowly, encourage feedback often, ask questions, observe eye contact, accept blame for
mistakes, smile, and avoid interrupting.
26. Communication begins when
a. an idea is put into words or conveyed through gestures.
b. the idea is sent through a communication channel.
c. the sender has an idea.
d. the receiver decodes the message.
Answer: c

The communication process begins when the sender has an idea. The form of the idea may be
influenced by the sender's mood, frame of reference, background, culture, physical makeup,
and context.
27. Business messages should be
a. writer oriented.
b. purposeful.
c. complex.
d. lengthy.
Answer: b
Business messages should be purposeful, economical, and audience oriented.
28. Before you write a message, your first step should be to
a. conduct research.
b. prepare an outline of your ideas.
c. analyze the audience and anticipate its reaction to the message.
d. select an appropriate organizational pattern.
Answer: c
If you begin the writing process by analyzing your purpose and audience, you can avoid
backtracking and starting over. Analyzing your purpose and audience can also help you
organize your message and select appropriate wording.
29. Shipping Clerk Christina included this sentence in her message to a customer: Pertaining
to your returns, we must verify the shipping numbers and lot codes of all outstanding
merchandise prior to issuance of a refund. This sentence is an example of
a. an unprofessional tone.
b. overly formal language.

c. a conversational style.
d. plain English.
Answer: b
This sentence includes overly formal language. Formal language may involve the use of big
words, long sentences, legal terminology, or third-person constructions. Instead of using
formal language, business writers should concentrate on a warm, friendly tone that is
professional because one of their goals is to express, not impress.
30. Which of the following sentences uses positive language?
a. Your order cannot be shipped before June 1.
b. Your August 15 letter claims that your new computer is malfunctioning.
c. We can't provide a free printer with your purchase of a computer.
d. We look forward to completing your order when we receive your credit card information.
Answer: d
Positive language generally conveys more information than negative language. In addition,
positive language tells what is and what can be done rather than what isn't and what can't be
done. It also avoids words that can create ill will, such as complaint, criticism, claim,
defective, mistake, and neglected. The only sentence that uses positive language is We look
forward to completing your order when we receive your credit card information.
31. Which of the following is a formal research method?
a. Performing a scientific experiment
b. Searching the Web
c. Conducting an interview
d. All answer choices are examples of formal research methods.
Answer: d

Long reports and complex business problems generally require formal research methods,
such as accessing electronic sources; searching for information in libraries; investigating
primary sources through questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups; and conducting
scientific experiments.
32. All of the following are advantages of the direct strategy except
a. saving the reader's time.
b. respecting the feelings of the audience.
c. setting a proper frame of mind.
d. reducing frustration.
Answer: b
The direct strategy places the good news or main idea first. It is then followed by
explanations and details. This strategy saves the reader's time, sets a proper frame of mind,
and reduces frustration.
33. Ethan wrote the proposal for MPEX Associates and submitted it on May 1 is an example
of a
a. simple sentence.
b. compound sentence.
c. complex sentence.
d. compound-complex sentence.
Answer: a
This is a simple sentence because it contains one complete thought. This sentence contains
one subject (Ethan) and two predicate verbs (wrote, submitted).
34. Melissa completed her undergraduate studies in May, she is now pursuing a master's
degree in business administration is an example of a

a. complete sentence.
b. fused or run-on sentence.
c. fragment.
d. comma splice.
Answer: d
This example is a comma splice. A comma splice results when a writer joins two independent
clauses with a comma. To correct a comma splice, add a coordinating conjunction (and, or,
not, but) after the comma, or replace the comma with a semicolon and follow it with a
conjunctive adverb (however, consequently, therefore, etc.).
35. Which of the following sentences demonstrates parallel structure?
a. Marian will interview all candidates, Dale will train new employees, and annual reviews
will be conducted by Paul.
b. The proposal affected all students, educators, and administrators.
c. The committee plans to review all proposals, interview contractors, and then it must select
a certified vendor.
d. Successful job candidates must demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and they must possess
strong communication skills.
Answer: b
Parallelism is a skillful writing technique that creates balanced writing. To achieve parallel
writing, you must use similar structures to express similar ideas by matching, for instance,
nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, and clauses with clauses. The only sentence that
expresses ideas similarly is The proposal affected all students, educators, and administrators.
36. What kind of sentence reveals the main idea of a paragraph?
a. Pivoting
b. Supporting

c. Topic
d. Transitional
Answer: c
The main idea of a paragraph is revealed in a topic sentence. Business writers generally place
the topic sentence first in a paragraph because it tells readers what to expect and helps them
understand the paragraph's central thought immediately.
37. Which of the following statements best demonstrates concise writing?
a. There are several things that every employee must know about workplace hazards.
b. The directors believe that HAZMAT training is absolutely essential.
c. Although this training is a company requirement, it must be completed at the employee's
d. This is to inform you that HAZMAT training will be scheduled in the near future.
Answer: c
The sentence that is most concise is Although this training is a company requirement, it must
be completed at the employee's expense. All other answer choices contain fillers (There are),
redundancies (absolutely essential), long lead-ins (This is to inform you that), or flabby
expressions (in the near future).
38. Which of the following sentences demonstrates the best writing?
a. Enclosed please find my résumé.
b. Our committee will analyze the proposals on Monday.
c. Finding an acceptable solution will be easier said than done.
d. This new paradigm shift will impact all employees.
Answer: b

The clearest writing is Our committee will analyze the proposals on Monday. All other
answer choices contain trite business phrases (Enclosed please find), clichés (easier said than
done), or buzzwords (paradigm shift).
39. Which statement regarding headings is most accurate?
a. Headings provide visual distraction for readers; thus they should be avoided.
b. Headings appear most often in business letters.
c. Headings highlight information and improve readability.
d. Headings should be written in complete sentences.
Answer: c
Headings are an effective tool for highlighting information and improving readability.
Although they appear most often in reports, they can also improve the readability in e-mails,
letters, and memos. When they are incorporated in business messages, they should be
expressed using just key words or phrases.
40. Which of the following is the best advice for proofreading long, complex documents?
a. Proofread complex documents immediately after writing while your thoughts are still fresh.
b. Thoroughly proofread your document only once.
c. Expect to find mistakes.
d. Rely completely on a spell-checking program to find any errors.
Answer: c
Long, complex, or important documents demand careful proofreading. Begin by using your
computer spell-checker, but don't rely it! You must then proofread for errors that might go
undetected. To do so, read from a printed copy, reduce your reading speed, use standard
proofreading marks, enlist a proofreading buddy, read the document at least twice, allow
extra time, and wait at least a day.
Subjective Short Answer

41. List two techniques that could help you become an active and effective listener.
Students should list two of the following techniques:
1. Stop talking.
2. Control your surroundings.
3. Establish a receptive mind-set.
4. Keep an open mind.
5. Listen for main points.
6. Capitalize on lag time.
7. Listen between the lines.
8. Judge ideas, not appearances.
9. Hold your fire.
10. Take selective notes.
11. Provide feedback.
To become a better listener, practice these tips: stop talking, control your surroundings,
establish a receptive mind-set, keep an open mind, listen for main points, capitalize on lag
time, listen between the lines, judge ideas rather than appearances, hold your fire, take
selective notes, and provide feedback.
42. List and describe two techniques to improve your chance of being understood when
writing to someone from a different culture.
Answer: Students should list and describe two of the following techniques for improving
their chance of being understood when writing to an intercultural audience:
1. Consider local styles and conventions.
2. Hire a translator.
3. Use short sentences and short paragraphs.

4. Avoid ambiguous wording.
5. Cite numbers carefully.
When you write to someone from a different culture, you can improve your chances of being
understood if you consider local styles and conventions, hire a translator, use short sentences
and short paragraphs, avoid ambiguous wording, and cite numbers carefully.
43. Revise the following sentence to express the idea using the "you" view: All applicants
must complete the attached form by December 1.
Answer: Because your information is important for the application process, complete your
form by December 1. Student answers may vary.
The "you" view emphasizes second-person pronouns (you, your): Because your information
is important for the application process, complete your form by December 1.
44. Revise the following sentence to use positive language: Because you neglected to include
a copy of your cash register receipt, we can’t process your rebate.
Answer: We look forward to processing your rebate as soon as we receive a copy of your
cash register receipt. Student answers may vary.
This sentence does not use positive language. Positive language tells what is and what can be
done rather than what isn't and what can't be done. In addition, positive messages do not
blame or accuse; they also avoid loaded words such as complaint, criticism, defective, failed,
mistake, and neglected. Therefore, this sentence should be revised: We look forward to
processing your rebate as soon as we receive a copy of your cash register receipt.
45. Revise the following sentence to use bias-free language: Every manager must review his
employees annually.
Answer: Students may submit any of the following:
a. Every manager must review employees annually.
b. Every manager must review his or her employees annually.

c. Managers must review their employees annually.
Business writers must be cautious about expressions and wording that might be biased in
terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age, and disability. The sample sentence suggests that all
managers are male. To remove this gender bias, the sentence must be revised: Every manager
must review employees annually, Every manager must review his or her employees annually,
or Managers must review their employees annually.
46. Revise the following sentence to avoid misplaced modifiers: Waiting for the interview,
sweat formed on Rich.
Answer: Waiting for the interview, Rich began to sweat. Student answers may vary.
Modifiers must be close to the words they describe or limit. In the sample sentence, the
modifying phrase Waiting for the interview is currently modifying the word sweat, suggesting
that the sweat is waiting for the interview! To correct the problem, the modifying phrase must
be moved to modify the correct word in the sentence: Sweat formed on Rich as he waited for
the interview.
47. Revise the following sentence to demonstrate direct, concise language: This is to inform
you that due to the fact that health care costs are rising, there is a new employee wellness
program that will be offered starting on May 1.
Answer: Because health care costs are rising, a new employee wellness program will be
offered May 1. Student answers may vary.
This sentence must be revised to eliminate a long lead-in (This is to inform you that), flabby
expression (due to the fact that), and filler (there is): Because health care costs are rising, a
new employee wellness program will be offered May 1.
48. Revise the following sentence to avoid trite business phrases: Pursuant to your request,
enclosed please find a copy of our current catalog.
Answer: Enclosed is our current catalog that you requested. Student answers may vary.

The sample sentence contains two trite business phrases: Pursuant to your request and
enclosed please find. These stale expressions should be eliminated: Enclosed is our current
catalog that you requested.

Test Bank for Essentials of Business Communication
Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy
9781285858913, 9781337386494, 9781111821227, 9781285858890, 9780176473358, 9780176531409

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