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Chapter 13
1. Which of the following statements about today's job market is most accurate?
a. Today's job market remains stable and remarkably similar to the job market ten years ago.
b. Personal networking and referrals continue to be the primary route to hiring.
c. Despite its popularity, the Internet has not affected the way in which individuals search for
d. Job candidates should avoid using job boards, search engines, and social networks to hunt
for jobs.
Answer: b
The job market has changed due to the economy, outsourcing, and globalization. In addition,
the Internet has changed the way individuals search for jobs. Job prospects now find job
boards, search engines, and social networks indispensable tools in hunting for a job. Despite
these changes, personal networking and referrals continue to be the primary route to hiring.
2. Which of the following statements about today's job search is most accurate?
a. The emphasis of today's job search is on the needs of the employer.
b. Today's job searchers should create a universal résumé that can be used for every job for
which they apply.
c. Career paths for employees are now linear; that is, employees can expect to remain in the
same position throughout their employment years.
d. Jobs are long lasting; therefore, today's employees will need little relearning and retraining.
Answer: a
Today the emphasis is on what the employer wants. Employers are most interested in how a
candidate will add value to their organizations. That's why today's most successful candidates
customize their résumés to highlight their qualifications for each opening. In addition, career

paths are no longer linear; most new-hires will not start in a job and steadily rise through the
ranks. Today's employees can also expect constant relearning and retraining.
3. All of the following are important preliminary steps for securing an interview except
a. developing a job-search strategy.
b. preparing a résumé.
c. knowing the hiring process.
d. writing a thank-you message to an interviewer.
Answer: d
Your plan for landing the job of your dreams involves (a) analyzing yourself, (b) developing
a job-search strategy, (c) preparing a résumé, and (d) knowing the hiring process. Although
writing a thank-you message is an important step that all interviewees should complete after
an interview, it is not a preliminary step in securing an interview.
4. The first step in the job-search process is to
a. prepare a résumé.
b. contact professional and personal references.
c. analyze individual interests and goals and evaluate personal qualifications.
d. purchase appropriate interview clothing.
Answer: c
The first step in a job search is analyzing your interests and goals and evaluating your
qualifications. This means looking inside yourself to explore what you like and dislike so that
you can make good employment choices.
5. Which of the following would help an individual assess his or her employment
a. Do I speak, write, or understand another language?

b. How would you describe the perfect job, boss, and coworkers?
c. Would you like to work for someone else or be your own boss?
d. Do you enjoy working with people, data, or things?
Answer: a
The one question that would help an individual assess his or her qualifications is "Do you
speak, write, or understand another language?" The other answer choices would help an
individual determine his or her interests and goals.
6. How can an individual find career data?
a. Using a library
b. Searching the Web
c. Conducting an interview with someone in a particular field
d. All answer choices are sources for finding career data.
Answer: d
Individuals can find career data by visiting a campus career center; searching the Web; using
a library; taking a summer job, internship, or part-time position; interviewing someone in a
chosen field; volunteering; monitoring the classified ads; and joining a professional
7. Which statement about open and hidden job markets is most accurate?
a. More jobs are secured through the open job market than through the hidden job market.
b. The open job market consists of jobs that are advertised or listed.
c. Most job seekers start searching for jobs using the hidden job market.
d. The hidden job market refers to those jobs that are filled through illegal or unethical
Answer: b

The open job market consists of jobs that are advertised or listed. The hidden job market
consists of jobs that are never advertised or listed. Although most openings are filled through
the hidden job market, most job seekers start searching for jobs using the open job market.
8. Kendra is searching for a job and wants to use electronic sources. Which of the following
will probably be her best source of online job listings?
a. Big job boards such as Monster and CareerBuilder
b. Specific company websites
c. Her college website job board
d. Niche websites
Answer: b
Probably the best way to find a job online is at a company's own website.
9. Which online source is used most for job searching and recruiting?
a. Twitter
b. Monster
c. CollegeGrad
d. LinkedIn
Answer: d
LinkedIn dominates the world for job searching and recruiting.
10. Which of the following tips will best help you protect yourself when posting at online job
a. Respond only to "blind" job postings.
b. Post your résumé on any online site to increase your employment opportunities.

c. Post your résumé only on sites that charge a fee.
d. Consider omitting your home address and home phone number.
Answer: d
To protect yourself when posting at online job boards, you should limit personal information
such as your home address and phone number. Other tips include posting only at free sites,
using a separate e-mail account for your job search, posting privately, and keeping careful
records of your postings. You should also avoid responding to "blind" job postings and
revealing your references' information.
11. Most jobs today are found through
a. referrals and person-to-person contacts.
b. newspaper advertisements.
c. college career fairs.
d. employment agencies.
Answer: a
Most jobs today are found through referrals and person-to-person contacts than through any
other method. That's because people trust what they know. Therefore, your goal in the jobsearch process should be to become known to a large network of people, and this means
going beyond close friends.
12. To help you develop your personal network, you should do all of the following except
a. develop a contact list of anyone who would be willing to talk with you about finding a job.
b. make contacts with people in person and online.
c. follow up on referrals.
d. use only online resources to help you connect with others.
Answer: d

Because most individuals find jobs today through networking, job candidates should build
their personal networks by developing a contact list of anyone who would be willing to talk
to them about finding a job, making contact with individuals in person and online, and
following up on any referrals.
13. Many job candidates use LinkedIn to
a. research companies.
b. receive job alerts.
c. expand their personal and professional networks.
d. All answer choices are ways that LinkedIn can help candidates locate jobs.
Answer: d
LinkedIn enables job candidates to receive job alerts, expand their personal and professional
networks, research a company, get recommendations, and help companies find them. As a
result, LinkedIn is the No. 1 social media site to use in the job-search process.
14. A large part of your job-search strategy should be deciding what makes you special and
desirable in the job market. This introspective process is called
a. networking.
b. personal branding.
c. desired workplace behavior.
d. cognitive reflection.
Answer: b
Personal branding involves deciding what makes you special and desirable in the job market.
Developing a personal brand is important so that you know what you want to emphasize.
15. All of the following are ways you can develop a personal brand except

a. preparing a brief speech that describes who you are and what problems your skills can
b. creating an individual tagline that separates you from other candidates.
c. distributing business cards whenever you have an opportunity.
d. creating an attractive résumé.
Answer: d
To create a personal brand, create your own tagline that distinguishes you from other job
candidates, distribute business cards at all opportunities, and prepare an elevator speech that
describes who you are and what problems your skills can solve. You should also build a
positive online presence through LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
16. Because job competition is stiff, you must have a customized résumé. Having a
customized résumé means that you
a. prepare a special résumé for every position you want.
b. add pictures, color, and other graphics on the résumé.
c. hire a professional résumé preparation company to review and refine your basic résumé
and then "dress it up."
d. include your personal information such as height, weight, and ethnicity.
Answer: a
A customized résumé should be created to match the needs of the company to which you are
applying. By matching the contents of your résumé to the needs of the target employer, you
are more likely to receive the interview; and the interview is your doorway to the job offer.
17. The most popular résumé format is the
a. chronological format.
b. direct format
c. functional format.

d. indirect format.
Answer: a
The chronological format is the most popular résumé format.
18. Most recruiters favor a
a. video résumé.
b. functional résumé.
c. chronological résumé.
d. plain-text résumé.
Answer: c
Recruiters favor chronological résumés because such résumés quickly reveal a candidate's
education and experience.
19. You are just graduating from college and have little employment experience, yet you want
to put together a persuasive résumé. What would be the best résumé style to use?
a. Chronological résumé
b. Video résumé
c. Functional résumé
d. Infographic résumé
Answer: c
Functional résumés highlight skills persuasively. Recent graduates with little experience,
those entering a different career field, and older job seekers who want to de-emphasize a long
work history benefit from functional résumés.
20. Which of the following is the best advice about résumé length?

a. Because recruiters are busy, keep it to one page.
b. Because recruiters and hiring managers want to know your skills, make it as long as
needed to sell yourself.
c. Because recruiters interview applicants with two-page résumés, make it two pages.
d. Because experts are divided between one- or two-page résumé length, make your résumé a
page and a half.
Answer: b
Experts are divided about the ideal length for a résumé. Perhaps the best advice is to make
your résumé as long as needed to sell your skills to recruiters and hiring managers.
21. Which of these is the best tip for organizing the parts of a résumé?
a. Place your most important qualifications last so that they will be remembered.
b. Use as many headings as needed to present your experiences and skills.
c. Emphasize your skills and achievements aimed at a particular job or company.
d. Always place the education section before the work experience section.
Answer: c
When organizing the information on your résumé, present the most important qualifications
first, and limit the number of headings to six or fewer. Most importantly, remember to
customize your résumé by emphasizing skills and achievements aimed at a particular job or
22. When creating the main heading of your résumé,
a. place your name on the first line.
b. include your current work e-mail address so that you can check your messages frequently.
c. include your home and cell phone numbers, along with the phone numbers of any family
members who might take messages for you.

d. incorporate a catchy e-mail address such as [email protected].
Answer: a
Begin the main heading of your résumé with your name. Following your name, list your
contact information, including your complete address, your phone number, and a personal,
professional-sounding e-mail address.
23. Opinions on the use of a career objective are mixed. Which of the following is the best
reason for candidates to add a career objective to their résumés?
a. An objective shows flexibility and indicates that a candidate is adaptable and willing to
change to suit the employer's needs.
b. The primary goal of an objective is to make the recruiter's life easier by quickly classifying
the résumé, which means the applicant is more likely to be hired.
c. An objective can rapidly disqualify a candidate if the stated objective does not match a
company's job description.
d. An objective can tell the prospective employer that this candidate is sure about what he or
she wants to do.
Answer: d
A concise, focused objective shows that the applicant is committed to the career and is sure
about what he or she wants to do. That commitment may persuade the hiring manager to
select the candidate for an interview.
24. Which of the following is the best career objective for a résumé?
a. An entry-level position in the marketing area with a possibility of promotion
b. A challenging job at an organization that raises the bar in data security
c. Serving as a team player in a company where independent thinking is a top priority

d. An accounting position in which 10 years' experience and a license as a CPA will allow me
to assist your company with payroll, employee benefits, and governmental tax and records
Answer: d
A career objective should be specific, should focus on the employer's needs, and should not
downplay your talents. The best example of this is "An accounting position in which 10
years' experience and a license as a CPA will allow me to assist your company with payroll,
employee benefits, and governmental tax and records reporting."
25. What statement best describes the summary of qualifications portion of a résumé?
a. Recruiters and hiring managers dislike the summary of qualifications section because it
adds reading time.
b. The summary of qualifications usually appears at the end of a résumé to provide a strong
c. Smart job seekers add a summary of their most impressive qualifications to their résumés
to save the time of recruiters and hiring managers.
d. The summary of qualifications section is typically one or two concise paragraphs.
Answer: c
A summary at the top of your résumé saves the time of recruiters and hiring managers, makes
it easier to read, and ensures that your most impressive qualifications are not overlooked by a
recruiter who skims résumés quickly.
26. In the education section of your résumé, you should
a. list all college courses that you have taken to give the employer a complete picture.
b. include relevant seminars attended and workshops completed.
c. list only colleges where you have completed a degree or certificate program.
d. specify your high school and college GPAs.

Answer: b
In the education section, you should include relevant courses only, certificates earned,
seminars attended, workshops completed, and honors earned. Focus on your college
experiences, but don't include high school information.
27. Which of these résumé tips is most accurate?
a. Don't list awards and honors on a résumé; if you list them, you will appear to be bragging.
b. Omit school and community activities from your résumé because they are unrelated to
your work experience.
c. Include your personal information (height, weight, and marital status) to give a potential
employer a complete picture.
d. Improve the visual impact of your résumé by placing your employment achievements and
relevant job duties in an easy-to-read bulleted list.
Answer: d
The most accurate statement is "Improve the visual impact of your résumé by placing your
employment achievements and relevant job duties in an easy-to-read bulleted list."
28. Which of the following statements describing employment achievements would be most
effective on a résumé?
a. Directed work flow and scheduling for emergency room personnel
b. Performed preventative maintenance on production equipment
c. Achieved 125 percent of production goal for three consecutive quarters
d. Knowledgeable in a variety of production processes and Just-in-Time theories
Answer: c

The most effective statements describing employment achievements quantify
accomplishments concisely. The statement that best does this is "Achieved 125 percent of
production goal for three consecutive quarters."
29. Which of the following statements uses an action verb to highlight an aptitude?
a. Competent in creation of multimedia presentations
b. Mastered QuickBooks Pro accounting software in 20 hours with minimal instruction
c. Ability to develop innovative and interactive Web pages
d. Adaptable to changing work environments
Answer: b
The one item that uses an action verb to highlight an aptitude is "Mastered QuickBooks Pro
accounting software in 20 hours with minimal instruction."
30. Which of the following statements about personal data on a résumé is most accurate?
a. Résumés should include an individual's birth date, marital status, height, weight, national
origin, health, disabilities, and religious affiliation.
b. Smart job seekers do not include hobbies or interests on their résumés because they know
that recruiters cannot legally inquire about such information.
c. Résumés in the United States should omit personal data.
d. All answer choices reflect accurate statements about the inclusion of personal data on a
Answer: c
Résumés in the United States omit personal data, such as birth date, marital status, height,
weight, national origin, health, disabilities, and religious affiliation. However, some job
seekers do include hobbies and interests that might grab the recruiter's attention or serve as
conversation starters.
31. Which statement represents the best advice on the use of references?

a. Include a list of references directly on the résumé.
b. Do not include personal or character references.
c. Remember that companies generally check references before a job interview to learn about
a candidate in advance.
d. Be sure to add the statement References furnished upon request at the bottom of your
Answer: b
Do not include personal or character references, such as friends, family, or neighbors because
recruiters rarely consult them. Instead, your references should include instructors, your
current employer or previous employers, colleagues or subordinates, and other professional
32. Which of the following statements about résumés is inaccurate?
a. A résumé is expected to showcase your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
b. An ethical résumé may include half-truths but not outright lies.
c. Even after you have been hired, a misrepresentation on the résumé can be cause for firing.
d. Although they can't verify everything, most recruiters will verify your previous
employment and education before hiring.
Answer: b
A résumé is expected to showcase your strengths, but it is not ethical to include either halftruths or outright lies.
33. Which of the following is considered unethical on a résumé?
a. Misrepresenting a job title to make it sound more important
b. Extending employment dates to avoid showing periods of unemployment
c. Making your job duties sound more impressive and responsible than they really were

d. All answer choices are unethical.
Answer: d
All of these are considered unethical and should be avoided when preparing your résumé. It is
also unethical to inflate your education, grades, or honors.
34. Because your résumé is probably the most important document you will ever write, you
a. enhance your job titles to make your résumé more impressive.
b. include ample use of the personal pronoun I to make it more personal.
c. consider having a knowledgeable friend or relative proofread it.
d. use a professional résumé service to prepare your résumé.
Answer: c
Because your résumé is one document that must be perfect, have a knowledgeable friend or
relative proofread it. In today's tight job market, one typo, misspelled word, or grammatical
error could eliminate you from consideration.
35. Some of today's employers often use applicant tracking software to sort and evaluate
résumés. Which of these steps will maximize the "hits" your résumé receives from this kind
of software?
a. Describe your experience, education, and qualifications in general terms.
b. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms, especially those related to the job title.
c. Include a keyword summary that highlights your qualifications and experiences.
d. Focus on nouns that describe your skills and qualifications.
Answer: d

To produce the most "hits" from an applicant tracking software system, use specific keywords
or keyword phrases that describe your skills, qualifications, experiences, and job titles. In
addition, use nouns when describing your skills and qualifications, and incorporate variations
of the job title through the use of acronyms and abbreviations. However, do not include a
keyword summary.
36. An e-portfolio is
a. an electronic copy of a résumé recorded on a CD or flash drive.
b. the addition of work samples and personal information as an attachment to an embedded
c. a collection of digital files that can be accessed with the use of menus and hyperlinks.
d. the name given to résumés posted on job-search websites such as
Answer: c
An e-portfolio is a collection of digital files that can be navigated with the help of menus and
hyperlinks much like a personal website. It provides viewers with a snapshot of a candidate's
performance, talents, and accomplishments.
37. Video résumés
a. present a job candidate's experiences, qualifications, and interests in video form.
b. are appropriate for all professional fields.
c. should be at least 15 minutes in length to showcase a candidate's background and skills.
d. are appropriate only for individuals who are applying for management-related positions.
Answer: a
Video résumés, which are usually three minutes or less, present a job candidate's experiences,
qualifications, and interests in video form. Although video résumés can demonstrate a
candidate's public speaking, interpersonal, and technical skills more impressively than
traditional résumés, they may not be appropriate for all fields.

38. What kind of résumé uses colorful charts, graphics, and time lines to illustrate a
candidate's work history and experience?
a. Chronological résumé
b. Video résumé
c. Infographic résumé
d. Plain-text résumé
Answer: c
An infographic résumé uses colorful charts, graphics, and time lines to illustrate a candidate's
work history and experience. Although this type of résumé may be appropriate for some
fields such as graphic design and journalism, it may not be an appropriate résumé format for
more traditional fields such as accounting and financial services. Therefore, before you invest
time and energy in creating an infographic résumé, decide whether it is appropriate for your
career field.
39. What is the most accurate statement about plain-text résumés?
a. Plain-text résumés are in high demand for electronic applications because recruiters and
employers no longer ask candidates to send application materials by postal mail.
b. A plain-text format is widely used for posting to online job boards and for applying by email.
c. Plain-text résumés will look exactly like the original and cannot be altered without Adobe
Acrobat and other conversion software.
d. A plain-text résumé enables a job candidate to present his or her experiences,
qualifications, and interests in video form.
Answer: b
Plain-text résumés are widely used for posting to online job boards and for applying by email.

40. When creating a plain-text résumé,
a. use white space or a line of hyphens or equal signs to separate sections.
b. add page breaks, sections breaks, tabs, and tables to emphasize important information.
c. use bullets to enhance the readability of your résumé.
d. add lots of images, designs, and colors for visual impact.
Answer: a
Plain-text résumés should use white space or a line of hyphens or equal signs to separate
sections, capital letters instead of bolding, and asterisks or plus signs instead of bullets.
However, plain-text résumés should not contain images, designs, colors, special keyboard
characters, page breaks, sections breaks, tabs, or tables.
41. Employers today will probably ask you to submit your résumé in any of following
formats except as a
a. PDF document.
b. professionally typeset document.
c. Word document.
d. plain-text document.
Answer: b
Most organizations request one of the following submission formats: Word document, plaintext document, PDF document, company database, or fax. Therefore, you must carefully read
the posting directions to understand how to submit your résumé.
42. The purpose of a cover message is to
a. showcase an applicant's command of the English language.
b. secure a job interview.
c. introduce the résumé.

d. repeat the information presented on the résumé.
Answer: c
The purpose of a cover message, also known as a "cover letter" or "letter of application," is to
gracefully introduce the résumé.
43. The biggest error most applicants make when writing a cover message is
a. misspelling the receiver's name or the company's name.
b. forgetting to enclose their résumé.
c. making the letter too generic.
d. not asking for the interview.
Answer: c
The biggest error most applicants make when crafting a cover message is being too generic.
Just as the résumé must be customized for each job, the cover message must also be
customized. A generic message will not showcase your skills for the job and will not help you
land the desired interview.
44. A job opening has been announced. Which of these answer choices will be the best
opening sentence for the cover message?
a. You seek a master Web engineer, and I need a job; we are perfect for each other!
b. Dr. Matthew Skalski, IT director at Northwestern University, told me that you have an
opening for a Web engineer with experience in networking, data management, and
c. Please consider this letter my application for your opening in the IT Department.
d. Do you need a Web engineer with over three years of experience?
Answer: b

Openers for solicited jobs refer to the source of the information, the job title, and
qualifications for the position. The response that best does this is "Dr. Matthew Skalski, IT
director at Northwestern University, told me that you have an opening for a Web engineer
with experience in networking, data management, and innovations."
45. Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding the opening in a cover message
for an unsolicited job?
a. If you are unsure whether a position exists, use a more persuasive opening.
b. Demonstrate knowledge of the reader's business to convince the person to continue
c. Show how your special talents will benefit the company and convince the reader that your
skill is exactly what this position demands.
d. Be vague about the type of position you're seeking so that you might be considered for a
variety of jobs.
Answer: d
In an unsolicited cover message, be specific, not vague, about the type of position you seek.
Specifying the type of position will allow you to show how your strengths match that type of
46. In the body of a cover message, you should
a. repeat the information presented on your résumé.
b. explain why you need a job.
c. emphasize writer benefits because hiring officers want to know what appeals to you about
this particular company.
d. demonstrate your qualifications and show how they fit the targeted job.
Answer: d

Your message should detail your qualifications for the job. Additionally, you should stress
reader benefits and demonstrate how your strongest qualifications fit the targeted job.
47. Which of these is the best statement to present a job candidate's information in the body
of a cover message?
a. I am a qualified and fully licensed pediatric nurse.
b. Your posting description closely matches my experiences assisting dysfunctional families
in crisis, and recently I've taken seminars in family dynamics to develop the additional skills
that your ad indicates are essential.
c. You need a licensed, registered nurse, and I meet those qualifications.
d. Having graduated summa cum laude from Southwest College, I am well-prepared and
eager to apply my knowledge in nursing.
Answer: b
The best statement is "Your posting description closely matches my experiences assisting
dysfunctional families in crisis, and recently I've taken seminars in family dynamics to
develop the additional skills that your ad indicates are essential." This statement shows how a
strong qualification fits the targeted job.
48. Choose the best closing sentence for a cover message.
a. You should schedule my interview on Tuesday, September 7, at 10 a.m.
b. Please feel free to call me at your earliest convenience.
c. I hope you contact me soon to set up an interview for the systems analyst position.
d. To add to your team an experienced systems analyst with proven analytical and
troubleshooting skills, call me at (555) 555-4321 to arrange an interview.
Answer: d
The closing of a cover message should confidently request an interview, highlight your
strongest points, and make it easy to respond. The statement that does this best is "To add to

your team an experienced systems analyst with proven analytical and troubleshooting skills,
call me at (555) 555-4321 to arrange an interview."
49. Which of the following is the best advice to follow for a cover message accompanying a
résumé sent by e-mail or fax?
a. Take the time to prepare a customized cover message to accompany your résumé sent
b. Send your cover message separately from a faxed or e-mailed résumé.
c. Shorten your e-mail or fax cover message to a brief statement such as Please consider the
attached résumé for your opening.
d. Skip the cover message entirely because the fax or e-mail includes your name.
Answer: a
Serious job candidates send a customized cover message with a résumé sent via e-mail or by
50. Which of the following is the best tip for creating a successful cover message?
a. Use different paper colors and paper types for your résumé and cover message to create a
strong visual impact.
b. Make activities and outcomes, not yourself, the subject of sentences to reduce overuse of
c. Use a creative letter style to surprise the reader and make a big impact.
d. Keep the focus on your skills and traits through frequent use of "I" statements.
Answer: b
The best tip is to make activities and outcomes the subject of sentences to reduce the overuse
of "I." The message should also use a traditional style and the same high-quality paper as the
51. The Internet has changed the way individuals search for jobs.

a. True
b. False
Answer: True
In this digital age, the Internet has fundamentally changed the way individuals search for
jobs. Job boards, search engines, and social networks have all become indispensable tools in
hunting for a job.
52. In today's competitive job market, the emphasis of the job search is on what the applicant
wants and needs.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Today, the emphasis of the job search is on what the employer, not the applicant, wants.
Employers are most interested in how a candidate will add value to their organizations. That's
why today's most successful candidates customize their résumés to highlight their
qualifications for each opening.
53. The job-search process begins long before you are ready to prepare your résumé because
you must invest time and effort in self-evaluation.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Before writing your résumé, you must take the time to identify your interests and goals,
assess your qualifications, and explore career opportunities. This reflection will help you
make wise employment decisions.
54. The first step in a job search is selecting an appropriate résumé format.

a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The first step in a job search is analyzing your interests and goals and evaluating your
55. You can decide what qualifications you possess and how you can prove them by asking
yourself What evidence can I offer that I am a self-starter or a leader?
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Your responses to questions targeting your thinking about specific skills will prepare a
foundation for your résumé. Employers seek more than empty assurances; they will want
proof of your qualifications. Questions like this will help you identify specific examples and
56. Students who are serious about the job search should include an internship in their
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
An internship is one of the best ways to learn about a career. Additionally, it often results in
an offer of a full-time position because research indicates that 60 percent of employers do
offer a full-time job to their interns.
57. Today, most jobs are filled through the open job market.
a. True

b. False
Answer: False
The open job market consists of jobs that are advertised or listed. The hidden job market
consists of jobs that are never advertised or listed. Some research has revealed that between
50 and 80 percent of all jobs are filled before they even make it to online job boards or
58. Using the big job boards such as Monster or CareerBuilder to locate an open position is a
waste of time.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The number of jobs found through all job boards is increasing. Therefore, savvy job hunters
use job boards as one of their sources when exploring the open job market.
59. The best way to find a job online is at a company's own website.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Probably the best way to find a job online is at a company's own website. Many companies
now post job openings only at their own sites to avoid being inundated by the volume of
applicants responding to postings at online job boards.
60. Many job seekers today use social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn to
network and to find positions.
a. True
b. False

Answer: True
The big job boards such as are facing recent competition from social
networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook. In fact, LinkedIn continues to dominate the
world for job searching and recruiting.
61. To conduct a safe job search online, you should post your information privately and limit
your personal information.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
You can ensure a safe online search by choosing reputable sites, protecting your personal
information and that of your references, keeping careful records, and renewing your posts
62. More jobs are found through referrals and person-to-person contacts than through any
other method.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The most successful job candidates seek to transform themselves from unknown into known
quantities through networking because more jobs today are found through referrals and
person-to-person contacts than through any other method.
63. LinkedIn is the No. 1 social media site to use when looking for a job.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

If you are looking for a job, LinkedIn is the No. 1 social media site for you to use. Although
some young people have the impression that LinkedIn is for older individuals, that perception
is changing as more and more college students and graduates sign up.
64. An important step in the job-search process is building a brand for yourself.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
A large part of your job-search strategy should be building a brand for yourself. Personal
branding involves deciding what makes you special and desirable in the job market.
65. The résumé format most popular with recruiters and hiring managers is the functional
résumé because it focuses on the job applicant's skills and abilities related to the position
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The most popular résumé format with recruiters and hiring managers is the chronological
résumé, which lists work history job by job, starting with the most recent position.
66. A résumé should never exceed one page.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

Experts disagree on how long a résumé should be. The best advice is to make your résumé as
long as needed to sell your skills.
67. Begin your résumé by placing the word Résumé at the top to identify the purpose of your
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The first line of your résumé should always be your name.
68. Every résumé should include a career objective.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Opinion is divided about the effectiveness of including a career objective on a résumé. If one
is included, it must be customized for the position and focus on what the applicant can do for
an organization.
69. The purpose of a summary of qualifications is to present your most impressive
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The purpose of the summary of qualifications is to ensure that your most impressive
qualifications are not overlooked by a recruiter. A summary of qualifications also makes your
résumé easier to read.

70. In the education section of your résumé, list all courses you have taken.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
In the education section, you should include the name and location of schools, dates of
attendance, major fields of study, relevant courses, GPA, and degrees received. However, the
education section should not contain a list of all courses you have taken. Include courses only
if you can relate them to the position sought.
71. In the work experience section of your résumé, you should include only those jobs that
you think will help you win the targeted position.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
You should list your most recent employment first and work backward, including only those
jobs that you think will help you win the targeted position.
72. A résumé should include personal data (birth date, health, height, weight, and sometimes
a photograph) to help the recruiter finalize his or her decision.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Today's résumés omit personal data, such as birth date, marital status, height, weight, national
origin, health, disabilities, and religious affiliation, because this information can lead to
charges of discrimination.
73. References should be listed on a résumé.

a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Listing references directly on a résumé takes up valuable space. In addition, references are
not normally important in securing an interview. Instead, recruiters prefer that you prepare a
separate list of individuals willing to discuss your qualifications.
74. Because they expect you to showcase your strengths and hide your weaknesses,
employers say it is acceptable to self-promote and distort facts on your résumé.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
You may only self-promote honestly. Distorting facts on a résumé is unethical; lying is
illegal. Most importantly, either practice can destroy a career.
75. Proofreading a résumé is important because a résumé must be perfect.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
You must proofread your résumé thoroughly for spelling, grammar, mechanics, content, and
format because a résumé is one document that must be perfect. Because the job market is so
competitive, one typo, misspelled word, or grammatical error could eliminate you from
76. Once your résumé is submitted to a company, the first reader of it may be a computer.
a. True

b. False
Answer: True
Because many companies today use an applicant tracking system (ATS), the first reader of
your résumé may be a computer.
77. You can maximize recognition of your résumé by a tracking system if you use targeted
keywords and incorporate words from the advertisement or job description.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
One tip for maximizing "hits" by a tracking system include using keywords and words from
the job description or advertisement. Other tips include focusing on nouns, using variations of
the job title, concentrating on keywords when describing skills and qualifications, and
skipping a keyword summary.
78. The most important reason to prepare an e-portfolio is that it shows off your talents and
qualifications more thoroughly than a print résumé.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
E-portfolios have many advantages, but the real reason for preparing one is that it shows off
your talents and qualifications more thoroughly than a print résumé.
79. A video résumé allows candidates to demonstrate their public speaking, interpersonal, and
technical skills more impressively than they can in a traditional print résumé.
a. True
b. False

Answer: True
Although a video résumé allows candidates to demonstrate their public speaking,
interpersonal, and technical skills more impressively than they can in a traditional print
résumé, such résumés may not be appropriate for all career fields. Therefore, before you
commit time and energy to a video résumé, consider your audience.
80. Another name for a video résumé is an infographic résumé.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
A video résumé presents a job candidate's experience, qualifications, and interests in video
form. An infographic résumé uses charts, graphics, and time lines to demonstrate a
candidate's background and experience.
81. Many applicants prepare a plain-text résumé because it can be pasted directly into the
body of an e-mail message.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
A plain-text résumé is an electronic version suitable for e-mailing or copying and pasting into
online résumé bank submission forms at online job boards or into application forms on
company websites.
82. All résumés should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

The format for submitting a résumé depends on what is required by the employer. Some
employers will want résumés submitted as Microsoft Word documents. Others may request
that an online form be completed on the company's database or that the résumé be sent as a
fax, plain-text document, or PDF file. Therefore, always read the job advertisement closely
for submission instructions.
83. The purpose of a cover message is to secure a job interview.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The purpose of a cover message is to introduce your résumé.
84. A cover message should always be limited to one page.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Recruiting professionals disagree about how long to make a cover message. Many prefer
short messages with no more than two paragraphs. Others desire longer messages that supply
more information, thus giving them a better opportunity to evaluate a candidate's
85. The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing cover messages is making them
sound too generic.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

When putting your cover message together, remember that the biggest mistake job seekers
make when writing cover messages is making them sound too generic. You should, therefore,
write a personalized, targeted cover message for every position for which you apply.
86. You can make your cover message more appealing by addressing it specifically to the
Human Resources Department or Hiring Manager.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The first step in gaining the interest of your reader is addressing your cover message to an
individual by name. The use of the reader's name makes the message more appealing and
more likely to be read.
87. If an employment position has been announced and applicants are being solicited, you can
write your cover message using a direct approach.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
If an employment position has been announced and applicants are being solicited, you can
use the direct approach when writing a cover message.
88. I hope to hear from you soon is an effective closing for a cover message.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The closing of a cover message should avoid expressions such as "I hope" because they
weaken the closing. Instead, an effective closing asks confidently for an interview, suggests

reader benefits or reviews an applicant's strongest points, and makes it easy for the reader to
contact an applicant.
89. A cover message doesn't always need to accompany your résumé; for instance, if you
send your résumé by fax or e-mail, a cover message is not necessary.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Whether you are mailing your résumé using the U.S. Postal Service, submitting it by e-mail,
or transmitting it by fax, don't send it on its own. Regardless of the submission format, a
résumé should be accompanied by a cover message.
90. Although a résumé must be perfect, a few errors or typos in a cover message are
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
As with your résumé, your cover message must look professional and suggest quality.
Therefore, proofread your cover message several times yourself; then have a friend read it for
content and mechanics. Don't rely on spell-check to find all the errors. Just like your résumé,
your cover message must be perfect.
91. The ________________ job market consists of jobs that are advertised or listed.
Answer: open
The open job market consists of jobs that are advertised or listed.
92. The ____________________ job market consists of jobs that are not announced or

Answer: hidden
The hidden job market consists of unadvertised or unannounced jobs, and more jobs are
available in this area than in the open job market. Therefore, today's job candidates should
plan to spend a considerable portion of their job-search time developing a personal network.
93. Personal ____________________ involves deciding what makes you special and
desirable in the job market.
Answer: branding
Personal branding involves deciding what makes you special and desirable in the job market
so that you know what you want to emphasize.
94. A résumé that lists work history job by job, starting with the most recent position, has
been prepared using the ____________________ style.
Answer: chronological
A résumé that lists work history starting with the most recent position is using the
chronological style, which is preferred by recruiters.
95. A résumé that focuses on a candidate's skills rather than on past employment has been
prepared using the ____________________ style.
Answer: functional
Résumés that focus on skills are prepared in the functional style, which may be advisable for
recent graduates with little work experience.
96. A(n) ____________________ of qualifications, which presents three to eight bulleted
statements identifying your most impressive accomplishments to prove that you are the ideal
candidate for the position, appears near the top of your résumé.
Answer: summary

A summary of qualifications, located near the top of your résumé, will include three to eight
bulleted statements that prove you are the ideal candidate for the position.
97. A(n) ____________________ résumé uses colorful charts, graphics, and time lines to
illustrate a candidate's work history and experience.
Answer: infographic
A hot trend among creative types is the infographic résumé, which uses colorful charts,
graphics, and time lines to illustrate a candidate's work history and experience. Although
infographic résumés certainly help candidates set themselves apart, they may not be
appropriate for every kind of job,
98. A(n) ____________________ résumé is used for e-mailing or pasting into online résumé
submission forms.
Answer: plain-text
A plain-text résumé is used for e-mailing or pasting into online résumé submission forms.
These types of résumés are void of images, designs, colors, special keyboard characters, page
and section breaks, tabs, or tables. They do, however, use asterisks instead of bullets, lots of
white space, and capital letters instead of boldface type.
99. Another name for a letter of application is a(n) ____________________ message or letter.
Answer: cover
A cover message, also known as a cover letter or letter of application, should accompany and
introduce a résumé.
100. In the ____________________ of your cover message, you should promote your
qualifications for the position.
Answer: body

The body of your cover message sells your strengths for the position.

Test Bank for Essentials of Business Communication
Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy
9781285858913, 9781337386494, 9781111821227, 9781285858890, 9780176473358, 9780176531409

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