Preview (12 of 37 pages)

Chapter 12
1. Which of the following statements about public speaking is most accurate?
a. Only high-level executives must give business presentations.
b. Good speakers are born, not made.
c. Most people are apprehensive about speaking in public.
d. Presentations are rarely given in the business world.
Answer: c
It is normal to feel some apprehension about speaking in public, but at some point all
businesspeople have to inform others or sell an idea. Because good speakers are made, not
born, you can learn to conquer your fear of public speaking and hone your skills with
instruction and practice.
2. Which of the following statements about speaking skills is most accurate?
a. Speaking skills are not necessary for entry-level workers.
b. Recruiters rank speaking skills as an important "soft skill" desired in employees.
c. Effective speaking skills are not important for a successful career.
d. Speaking skills are important only when communicating face-to-face with others.
Answer: b
Effective speaking skills, whether face-to-face or virtual, are essential for success at every
career stage. In addition, speaking skills are the most desirable "soft skill" sought in job
candidates by employers. In fact, speaking skills rank higher than a strong work ethic,
teamwork, analytical skills, and initiative.
3. Business presentations
a. are always informative in nature.
b. may vary in complexity.

c. are always delivered face-to-face.
d. are always persuasive in nature.
Answer: b
Business presentations will vary in format, purpose, complexity, and delivery mode. Some
business presentations are informative, whereas others are persuasive. Some are face-to-face;
others, virtual. Some are performed before big audiences, whereas others are given to smaller
groups. Some presentations are elaborate; others are simple.
4. What kind of business presentation uses technology to allow remote colleagues to
collaborate in real time?
a. Podcast
b. Briefing
c. Report
d. Virtual presentation
Answer: d
Today's employees can expect many different types of business presentations on the job,
including briefings, reports, podcasts, Webinars, and virtual presentations. Virtual
presentations use technology to allow remote colleagues to collaborate in real time.
5. The most important part of preparing for an oral presentation is
a. creating visual aids.
b. determining the purpose.
c. gathering research.
d. creating a professional appearance.
Answer: b

Although creating visual aids, gathering research, and looking professional are important,
determining the purpose is the most important part of the preparation for an oral presentation.
6. After determining your purpose for the presentation, what is your next important step?
a. Conducting research
b. Examining the room where the presentation will be made
c. Preparing a multimedia presentation
d. Analyzing the audience
Answer: d
After determining your purpose, the second key element in preparation is analyzing your
audience to understand key characteristics of the target receivers of your message. This
allows you to best adapt your message to your audience to maximize message effectiveness.
7. When analyzing your audience, you should consider the
a. educational level of the audience members.
b. size of the audience.
c. approximate age of the audience members.
d. All answer choices are important factors to consider when analyzing an audience.
Answer: d
When speakers analyze an audience, they should determine the type of audience, along with
the age, gender, educational level, experience, and size of the audience.
8. Presentations are given to many types of audiences. According to your text, what are the
four categories of audiences?
a. Informed, uninformed, misinformed, and overinformed
b. Hostile, friendly, neutral, and uninterested
c. Workplace, school-related, community, and political

d. Manuscript, extemporaneous, impromptu, and memorized
Answer: b
An audience may be characterized by its anticipated response. The four general response
categories for audiences are hostile, friendly, neutral, and uninterested. Based on the category
of audience, you should adapt both your content and delivery style to maximize your results.
9. Your audience analysis reveals that audience members will be friendly and interested in
your topic. You should be
a. warm, pleasant, and open; and you should use a lot of eye contact and smiles.
b. be calm and controlled, and you should speak evenly and slowly.
c. controlled and do nothing showy; you should use confident, small gestures.
d. dynamic and entertaining; you should also use large gestures and move around.
Answer: a
When you believe your audience will be friendly and interested, your delivery style should be
warm, pleasant, and open; you should also use lots of eye contact and smiles.
10. Irina will make her presentation to a large audience of members whose negative attitudes
range from displeased to outraged. What advice should Irina follow in preparing her
presentation for this audience?
a. Include plenty of personal stories, several anecdotes, and lots of jokes or humor.
b. Use facts, statistics, and expert opinions along with an energizing, upbeat delivery style.
c. Be humorous, add colorful visuals and startling statistics, and keep the presentation brief.
d. Present objective data and expert opinion in a calm, controlled delivery style.
Answer: d

Because she faces a hostile audience, Irina should plan to present objective data and expert
opinion in a calm and controlled delivery.
11. After you determine your purpose and analyze your audience, your next step is to
a. practice your delivery.
b. collect information.
c. organize the ideas.
d. choose your topic.
Answer: b
After determining your purpose and analyzing the audience, you must collect and organize
information. You cannot organize ideas until all the information is collected, and you cannot
practice delivery until you organize the content. Finally, you identified the topic when
developing your purpose statement.
12. Two of the most effective techniques to improve your audience's ability to understand and
remember your speech are
a. good organization and intentional repetition.
b. eliminating repetition and removing obvious signposting.
c. appropriate business attire and a multimedia presentation.
d. striking quotations and well-placed gestures.
Answer: a
Increase audience comprehension and retention with good organization and intentional
repetition using this method: "Tell them what you will tell them. Tell them. Tell them what
you told them." Then choose an organizational scheme suited to your purpose and audience,
and implement transitional expressions and signposts to help your audience recognize your
13. You should do all of the following in the introduction of a presentation except

a. preview the main points of your presentation.
b. capture your listeners' attention and get them involved.
c. develop the main points with adequate explanation and details.
d. introduce yourself and establish your credibility.
Answer: c
The opening of your presentation should capture the listeners' attention and get them
involved, identify yourself and establish your credibility, and preview your main points.
14. The best technique to establish your credibility in a business presentation is
a. describing your knowledge, position, or experience.
b. telling the audience your salary, age, and hometown.
c. revealing your ethnicity, cultural heritage, and religious background.
d. discussing your love for public speaking.
Answer: a
Establish credibility by describing your knowledge, position, and experience. In business
your personal information will not likely impact your audience.
15. Jessica tells her audience about her five years' experience as a social networking
professional helping over 100 local businesses learn to use social networking as an effective
marketing tool. Jessica is attempting to
a. capture her listeners' attention and get them involved.
b. preview the main points of her presentation.
c. present the main goals of her presentation.
d. identify herself and establish credibility.
Answer: d

Stating these facts in a presentation is a way to identify the speaker and establish credibility.
16. Connor opened his presentation to an audience of business owners with this statement: If
you want to reduce employee benefit costs by at least 15 percent without hurting employee
morale or impacting your work environment, please stand up right now. By asking them to
stand, Connor is
a. identifying himself and establishing credibility.
b. previewing the main points of his presentation.
c. capturing listeners' attention and getting them involved.
d. misleading his audience.
Answer: c
Connor's statement captures his audience's attention and gets them involved by hinting at
money-saving and morale benefits and asking them to stand.
17. The body of a short, 20-minute presentation should focus on
a. at least five to eight main points.
b. up to ten main points.
c. approximately two to four main points.
d. as many points as necessary to convey your message.
Answer: c
The body of a short presentation should include a limited number of main points, preferably
two to four.
18. Paul is explaining to upper-level management how converting to a four-day workweek
can solve their budget woes by decreasing expenses. How will he most likely organize his

a. Geography/space
b. Chronological
c. Problem/solution
d. Value/size
Answer: c
Paul is identifying a problem (budget woes) and offering a solution (compressed workweek
to decrease costs).
19. As the human resources director for your company, you must give a presentation to the
company owners about the staff demographics in each of your company's two locations.
What organizational pattern would be best for you to present your data?
a. Chronological
b. Simple/complex
c. Value/size
d. Geography/space
Answer: d
The geography/space organizational pattern works best when presenting ideas according to
regions, areas, or locations.
20. In an effective presentation conclusion, you will strive to accomplish three goals:
a. state your recommendation, prove your persuasion, and reinforce the purpose.
b. remind the audience of your credibility, review the attention getter, and restate the purpose.
c. summarize the main themes, give the audience a memorable take-away, and include a
statement that allows for a graceful exit.
d. promote your primary claim, advance your supporting claims, and elevate the most viable

Answer: c
Your conclusion has three primary tasks: review the main themes of the presentation, leave
the audience with a memorable take-away, and include a statement that allows you to exit the
podium gracefully.
21. In the conclusion of your speech, you say, I recommend developing and posting highquality video podcasts on our website to recruit new employees. You are using the conclusion
a. preview your main points.
b. review the main theme of the presentation and to provide a final recommendation.
c. seek personal recognition by company management.
d. prove your intelligence.
Answer: b
You are using a final, action-oriented focus to tell your listeners how they can use the
information presented and what you want them to do.
22. Your speech will be more effective if you have audience rapport. Rapport can be defined
a. a bond connecting the speaker with the audience.
b. the awareness of topic importance.
c. an understanding of key points.
d. the ability to hear clearly.
Answer: a
Good speakers are adept at forming a bond with the audience. This bond that connects the
audience with the speaker is called "rapport."

23. Speakers build audience rapport by
a. researching thoroughly and organizing the speech effectively.
b. establishing credibility and demonstrating authority.
c. incorporating imagery, supplying verbal signposts, and using body language strategically.
d. speaking loudly, clearly, and rapidly.
Answer: c
Speakers can build rapport by connecting with their audiences through verbal and nonverbal
techniques. Some of these techniques include providing effective imagery, supplying verbal
signposts, and using body language strategically.
24. To help his listeners keep track of where he is in the presentation, Dominic has just said,
Next I will discuss three plans for reducing waste. What verbal signpost is Dominic using?
a. Summarizing
b. Previewing
c. Switching directions
d. Enumeration
Answer: b
This verbal signpost is an example of previewing.
25. In her presentation on improving employee morale, Jillian makes this statement: So far,
you've heard only about the problems we have with morale; let's move to some solutions.
Jillian has employed the verbal signpost called
a. summarizing.
b. previewing.
c. switching directions.
d. revealing.

Answer: c
This verbal signpost is an example of switching directions because it states where the speaker
has been (discussing problems) and where the speaker is going (moving to solutions).
26. Effective speakers must be aware of their nonverbal messages. Nonverbal means
a. content delivered by visual aids.
b. information included on the outline, but not in the speech.
c. appearance, movements, and vocal qualities.
d. body language only.
Answer: c
How you look (appearance), how you move (movements), and how you speak (vocal
qualities) are the nonverbal components that have a powerful effect on how well your
message will be received. Effective speakers concentrate on these items.
27. Tyrone has just told his audience that engineering a hostile business takeover is similar to
conducting guerilla warfare. He is using what technique?
a. Personal anecdote
b. Quotation
c. Personalized statistic
d. Analogy
Answer: d
This is an example of an analogy, which compares similar traits between dissimilar items.
28. Like it or not, speakers are judged on their appearance. Which of these is the best advice
on choosing your attire for a business presentation?

a. Dress only as well as the best-dressed person in your audience, even if that means shorts
and a t-shirt.
b. Dress professionally.
c. Conduct a survey among your colleagues to determine their opinion about your attire.
d. Wear your most casual, comfortable clothing so that you feel more relaxed.
Answer: b
Whether male or female, you must dress professionally for all presentations. Wearing
professional attire will always boost your confidence and help ensure that you perform your
29. All of these are good advice for nonverbal messages during a presentation except
a. avoid being planted behind the podium.
b. use a variety of gestures planned and rehearsed in advance.
c. punctuate your words by varying your tone, volume, pitch, and pace.
d. maintain appropriate eye contact to show your confidence and preparation.
Answer: b
The only error in this list of tips is planning and rehearsing your gestures. You should use
gestures, but you should not plan the actual gestures. Instead, allow these gestures to happen
naturally during the presentation for the best results.
30. When selecting and preparing your visual aids, keep in mind your goals as a speaker:
a. to make listeners understand, remember, and act on your ideas.
b. to observe your audience, adjust your delivery, and continue your presentation.
c. to inform, entertain, and persuade.
d. to plan and collect information, organize and rehearse, and deliver your presentation.
Answer: a

Your goals as a speaker are to make listeners understand, remember, and act on your ideas. To
ensure that your audience members do understand and can act on your ideas, you should
include effective visual aids.
31. An effective visual aid
a. emphasizes and clarifies main points.
b. increases audience interest.
c. helps to jog the memory of a speaker.
d. All answer choices are correct.
Answer: d
Good visual aids emphasize and clarify main points, thus improving comprehension and
retention. They increase audience interest, and they make the presenter appear more
professional, better prepared, and more persuasive. Good visuals also serve to jog the
memory of a speaker, helping self-confidence, poise, and delivery.
32. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
a. Today's speakers rely exclusively on the use of multimedia slides in their presentations
because they know that multimedia slides have no disadvantages.
b. Low-tech visual aids are not appropriate for the business world.
c. Effective speakers analyze their audience and the speaking occasion to help them
determine what type of visual aid to use.
d. Multimedia presentations are no longer used in the business world.
Answer: c
Speakers have many forms of media, some high-tech and some low-tech, at their fingertips to
enhance their presentations. Effective speakers don't rely exclusively on multimedia
presentations because they understand that multimedia presentations, like all visuals, have

advantages and disadvantages. Instead, they analyze their audience and the speaking occasion
to help them determine which type of visual to use.
33. Because the presenter can create dynamic, colorful presentations that incorporate audio,
videos, images, animation, and hyperlinks, one of the most popular visual aids is
a. overhead transparencies.
b. flipcharts.
c. multimedia slides.
d. handouts.
Answer: c
Today's software programs allow users with little expertise to create dynamic multimedia
presentations that contain audio, videos, images, animation, and hyperlinks. These digital
slides can also be uploaded to a website or broadcast on the Web.
34. Which of these tips regarding the use of handouts as a visual aid is most accurate?
a. Handouts should be discussed during the presentation, but they should not be distributed
until the presentation is finished.
b. Savvy speakers no longer distribute handouts because audiences view the lowly handout as
outdated and environmentally unfriendly.
c. Handouts should be included in the registration packet, along with name tags, lunch tickets,
and other event materials distributed prior to the presentation.
d. All answer choices are correct statements about handouts.
Answer: a
Audiences appreciate handouts. Timing the distribution of any handout, though, is tricky. If
given out during a presentation, your handouts tend to distract the audience, causing you to
lose control. Therefore, discuss handouts during the presentation, but wait to distribute them
after you finish.

35. Zoom presentations
a. use 3D to help audiences better understand and remember content, details, and
b. deliver content and materials in fewer than five minutes for busy business professionals
who need just a snapshot of the main ideas.
c. present information in a linear manner, much like traditional PowerPoint presentations.
d. are appropriate for only informative presentations.
Answer: a
Zoom presentations are 3D. They allow the speaker to zoom in and out of images to help the
audience better understand and remember content, details, and relationships. These nonlinear
presentations are becoming a growing alternative to multimedia slides.
36. What statement about the use and meaning of color is most accurate?
a. Secondary ideas are generally best conveyed with bold colors such as blue, green, and
b. Colors can be used to arouse different responses or to symbolize concepts.
c. Effective multimedia presentations use light text on a light background.
d. The messages that colors convey are universal among all cultures.
Answer: b
Audiences respond differently to colors. Therefore, you must select colors wisely because
colors can be used to arouse certain emotions and to symbolize a variety of concepts. Follow
these color tips: adapt slide colors to the location of the presentation; use bold colors such as
blue, green, and purple to convey primary ideas; and remember that the messages colors
convey can vary from culture to culture.
37. For effective presentation slides, you should apply the 6-x-6 rule to most slides. The 6-x-6
rule means that

a. the entire presentation has no more than six slides.
b. each slide has no more than six words per line and no more than six lines.
c. each main idea has no more than six bullet points.
d. each slide is discussed for six minutes.
Answer: b
The 6-x-6 rule produces the most readable slides. It means that each slide should include no
more than six words in a line and no more than six total lines.
38. Which of the following tips for using special effects in a slideshow is most accurate?
a. Incorporate as many special effects as possible to keep the attention of your audience.
b. Add animation features only if doing so helps convey your message or adds interest to the
c. Never use any special effects in a slideshow because all special effects distract from the
content of a slideshow.
d. Include special effects only if you are giving a sales presentation.
Answer: b
Special effects can add value to a presentation. However, using special effects only because
they are available is not a good idea. You should add special effects only if doing so helps
convey your message and adds interest to the content.
39. You should create a multimedia slide for all of the following reasons except to
a. illustrate and simplify complex ideas.
b. provide a transition from one major point to the next.
c. demonstrate your use of technology.
d. introduce or review your key points.
Answer: c

Create a slide or canvas only if it generates interest in what you are saying and helps the
audience follow your ideas, highlights points you want your audience to remember,
introduces or reviews your key points, provides a transition from one major point to the next,
or illustrates and simplifies complex ideas.
40. Which is the best advice to follow when using presentation templates?
a. Adjust the color scheme or font style of existing templates to suit your needs.
b. Never use preinstalled templates when you create a presentation.
c. Always use the same template each time you create a presentation.
d. All answer choices provide good advice about the use of presentation templates.
Answer: a
Using preinstalled templates allows you to get started quickly. In fact, even novice and
advanced users use existing templates because they are designed by professionals who know
how to combine harmonious colors, borders, bullet styles, and fonts for pleasing visual
effects. However, viewers can become weary after seeing the same template; therefore, adjust
your color scheme or font to customize a template to suit your needs.
41. What is the best advice to follow when revising and proofreading your multimedia
a. Rely solely on spell-check to locate and correct any errors.
b. Don't worry about a few spelling and grammatical errors on slides because the attention
will be on you rather than on the slides.
c. Proofread your slideshow using a printed copy.
d. Don't worry about being consistent with spacing, capitalization, or punctuation.
Answer: c

Nothing is as embarrassing as projecting errors on a huge screen in front of an audience.
Therefore, use spell-check to locate spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. However,
don't rely on it. You should also proofread from a printed copy, and look for errors missed by
spell-check, paying close attention to consistency in spacing, capitalization, and punctuation.
42. Which of the following is the best recommendation for delivering an effective oral
a. Memorize the entire oral presentation so that you don't have to use notes.
b. Read the entire oral presentation to the audience so that nothing important will be
c. Use an extemporaneous delivery.
d. Wing it!
Answer: c
Neither memorizing nor reading creates very convincing business presentations. The best
plan, by far, is to present extemporaneously.
43. When you give a speech without multimedia technology, you may need to prepare notes.
You should prepare these notes by writing major ideas
a. as single words.
b. in paragraph form.
c. in a complete sentence or two.
d. on a Kleenex so that your audience won't know you have any notes.
Answer: c
If you give a talk without multimedia technology, you may use note cards or an outline
containing your major ideas. These notes should be neither entire paragraphs nor single
words. Instead, they should contain a complete sentence or two to introduce each major idea.

44. Nearly every speaker must overcome stage fright; one of the most effective techniques to
decrease stage fright is
a. wearing comfortable, relaxed clothing to enhance self-confidence.
b. knowing the subject thoroughly.
c. displaying a fully animated PowerPoint presentation.
d. picturing the audience naked.
Answer: b
One of the most effective strategies for reducing stage fright is knowing your subject
45. Niccolo is nervous about his upcoming presentation. Which of these techniques will
overcome his case of nerves and allow Niccolo to deliver a good presentation?
a. Hold his breath as long as he can to clear his head.
b. Tell the audience that he's nervous to get them to empathize with him.
c. Ignore any stumbles and keep going.
d. Avoid using visual aids.
Answer: c
If Niccolo makes a mistake during his presentation, he shouldn't apologize or confess his
nervousness. If he keeps going, the audience will forget any mistakes quickly.
46. Before giving a presentation, you should
a. practice repeatedly.
b. arrive early to prepare the room and test any equipment.
c. practice stress-reduction techniques.
d. All answer choices are steps that a speaker should complete prior to giving a presentation.

Answer: d
Before giving a presentation, you should prepare thoroughly, rehearse repeatedly, time the
speech, dress professionally, request a lectern, prepare the room, greet members of the
audience, and practice stress reduction.
47. Follow all of these guidelines to deliver your presentation effectively except
a. present your first sentence from memory.
b. begin speaking immediately; that is, speak as soon as you are behind the lectern.
c. control your voice and your vocabulary.
d. show enthusiasm.
Answer: b
Use a silent pause before starting a presentation to establish control; then present the first
sentence from memory. Other tips include showing enthusiasm, controlling your voice and
vocabulary, and pausing and pacing the presentation effectively.
48. Which of these is the most accurate description regarding the use of pauses or silence in a
a. Speakers should never pause before starting a presentation because they will appear
b. Short fillers such as you know, like, um, or ah are better than any silence or pausing.
c. Speakers should avoid the use of pauses to ensure that they complete their speeches within
the expected time frame.
d. Silence can be effective for speakers when they are transitioning from one point to another.
Answer: d
Silence is an effective alternative to meaningless fillers such as "ah," "er," "like," "you know,"
and "um." It is also a good tool for speakers as they transition from one point to another.

Speakers should also use pausing at the start of their speeches to make themselves
comfortable and during their speeches to give their audience time to absorb an important
49. Anna plans to use a PowerPoint presentation in her speech. What advice should she
a. Avoid discussing and interpreting each visual aid for her audience; instead, she should let
her audience members draw their own conclusions about what the visual is conveying.
b. Use a laser pointer to draw her audience's attention to important points on her PowerPoint
c. Leave each PowerPoint slide on the screen after she is done talking about it to ensure that
her audience understands the slide.
d. Anna should practice all these tips as she uses PowerPoint in her presentation.
Answer: b
To use visual aids effectively, you should discuss and interpret each visual aid for the
audience, ensure complete viewing by the audience, user a laser point to reference specific
slide content, and remove the slides from viewing after they have been discussed.
50. If you will take questions at the end of your presentation, which of these is the best
a. Announce the question-and-answer period in the conclusion of your presentation.
b. If you don't know the answer to a question, you should offer your best guess or make up an
c. Begin each answer with a repetition of the question.
d. Direct your answers just to the person who asked the question.
Answer: c

The best advice for taking audience questions is to begin each answer with a repetition of the
question because audience members often do not hear the question.
51. Only top-level executives must make business presentations.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Top-level executives are not the only individuals required to give business presentations. At
some point all businesspeople have to inform others or sell an idea.
52. Most people have some apprehension about public speaking.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Feeling some apprehension when speaking in public is normal for most people.
53. Good speakers are born with an innate ability to give informative and persuasive
presentations to audiences of all sizes.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Good speakers are made, not born. Even if you are not a good speaker or are apprehensive
about speaking in public, you can learn to conquer the fear of public speaking and hone your
skills with instruction and practice.
54. Effective speaking skills are important to recruiters.
a. True

b. False
Answer: True
Speaking skills rank very high on recruiters' wish lists. According to one survey of
employers, spoken communication took the top spot as the most desirable "soft skill" sought
in job candidates over a strong work ethic, teamwork, analytical skills, and initiative.
55. The only type of presentation that business professionals must deliver is an oral report.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Business professionals can expect to deliver a variety of presentations, including briefings,
reports, podcasts, virtual presentations, and Webinars.
56. The most important part of preparation for an oral presentation is deciding the purpose.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The most important part of your preparation is deciding what you want to accomplish.
57. Analyzing your audience can help you decide how to organize your presentation.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

A key element in preparation for a business presentation is analyzing your audience and
anticipating its reactions. By analyzing your audience, you have a better idea of how to
organize your presentation.
58. No matter what kind of audience you will have, you must plan your presentation to focus
on audience benefits.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The audience analysis may lead you to adapt your delivery style and message; but whatever
type of audience you will have, remember to plan your presentation so that it focuses on
audience benefits.
59. Good organization and conscious repetition are the two most powerful keys to audience
comprehension and retention.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Good organization and conscious repetition are two powerful keys to audience
comprehension and retention.
60. Smart presenters never announce what they are going to talk about prior to the body of
the speech to increase suspense and to avoid redundancy.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

When you must present a speech, follow this three-fold plan: tell your audience what you are
going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you have told them. Although this plan is
repetitious, it works well because most people retain information best when they hear it
61. One of the best ways to begin a speech is with a statement such as "Today I am going to
talk about..."
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The opening of a speech should capture the audience's attention and get them involved.
Beginning with "Today I am going to talk about..." is boring and doesn't grasp the attention of
the audience. Effective attention getters include questions, promises, startling facts, jokes,
stories, or quotations.
62. You can avoid one of the biggest problems with most oral presentations if you focus your
speech on a few key ideas.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The best oral presentations focus on a few key ideas. Therefore, the body of a short
presentation (20 minutes or shorter) should include a limited number of main points, say two
to four.
63. Natalia is presenting statistics about the diversity of college students in different parts of
the country. She will most likely organize by chronology.
a. True
b. False

Answer: False
Because Natalia is presenting statistics organized for various geographic areas, she is likely to
organize her presentation by geography/space.
64. Listeners will remember the conclusion of a speech more than any other part of a speech.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Listeners will remember the conclusion more than any other part of a speech. As a result,
effective speakers spend some time making the conclusion as effective as they can.
65. Good speakers try to form a bond with the audience.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Good speakers are adept at building audience rapport. They form a bond with the audience by
using verbal and nonverbal techniques to connect with their audiences.
66. You can create a stronger organization in your presentation through the use of verbal
signposts that will help your audience recognize your previews, summaries, or changes of
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

Knowledgeable speakers provide verbal signposts to indicate when they are previewing,
summarizing, or switching directions.
67. Your goals as a speaker are to make listeners understand, remember, and act on your
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Your goals as a speaker are to make listeners understand, remember, and act on your ideas. To
get them interested and involved, include effective visual aids.
68. An oral presentation that incorporates visual aids is far more likely to be retained than one
lacking visual enhancement.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Because humans acquire much of their knowledge visually, an oral presentation that
incorporates visual aids is far more likely to be retained than one lacking visual enhancement.
69. The only advantage of visual aids is that they improve the comprehension and retention of
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Visual aids serve many purposes. They emphasize and clarify main points, thus improving
comprehension and retention. They also increase audience interest and make the speaker
appear more professional, better prepared, and more persuasive.

70. The use of visual aids can increase the self-confidence of a speaker.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Because good visuals can serve to jog the memory of a speaker, they can improve a speaker's
self-confidence, poise, and delivery.
71. The only type of visual a business speaker should use is a multimedia presentation.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Speakers have many forms of visuals at their fingertips to enhance their presentations. Some
visuals are high tech, such as multimedia slides, zoom presentations, and video, and some are
low tech, such as handouts, flipcharts or whiteboards, and props. Each type of visual can be
an effective tool if it is designed well and used appropriately.
72. Lindsay plans to give her audience a handout with images of her PowerPoint slides.
Lindsay should distribute this handout after her presentation to maintain audience control.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
It will be best for Lindsay to distribute handouts after her presentation. If given out during her
presentation, her handouts may distract the audience, causing her to lose control. If she plans
to give her audience handouts at the end, she should tell them near the beginning of the

73. Zoom presentations are becoming a popular alternative to multimedia presentations
because of their interactivity and cinematic capabilities.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Zoom presentations have become a popular alternative to the traditional multimedia slide
presentation because they are more cinematic and interactive. Zoom presentations are 3D and
convey ideas in a nonlinear manner. As a result, speakers can zoom in and out of images to
help the audience better understand and remember content, details, and relationships.
74. The most effective multimedia presentations rely heavily on text, use frequent bulleted
lists, and employ few graphics or images.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Experts recommend creating slideshows that tell a story and send a powerful message with
much less text and more images. Using frequent bulleted lists will bore your audience; avoid
this problem by converting text to a chart or graph.
75. By preparing a visually appealing multimedia presentation and ensuring that each slide is
great looking, you can compensate for thin content.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Don't spend hours creating a fabulous PowerPoint presentation and leave little time to
research your information because great-looking slides never compensate for thin content.

76. Before you create a multimedia presentation, you must first analyze the speaking situation
and determine the purpose of your slideshow.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
You must first know your speaking situation and the purpose of your slideshow. Analyzing
these areas will help you make the best design choices for your presentation.
77. Roberto is preparing a PowerPoint multimedia presentation for a multicultural audience.
He must choose his background colors carefully.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Because the messages that colors convey can vary from culture to culture, colors must be
chosen carefully.
78. It is acceptable for a speaker to break the 6 x 6 rule for multimedia slides when the users
will be reviewing the presentation on their own with no speaker assistance.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Speakers may need to break the 6 x 6 rule, particularly when their users will be viewing the
presentation on their own with no speaker assistance.
79. To maintain audience interest in a multimedia presentation, add as many animation and
sound effects as possible.

a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Using animation and sound effects only because they are available is not a good idea. Special
effects distract your audience, drawing attention away from your points. Add special effects
only if doing so helps convey your message and adds interest to the content.
80. Create a slide in your multimedia presentation only if that slide will create interest, help
the audience follow your ideas, highlight points you want your audience to remember,
introduce or review key points, provide a transition from one idea to the next, or illustrate and
simplify complex ideas.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Create a slide only if the slide (1) generates interest in what you are saying and helps the
audience follow your ideas, (2) highlights points you want your audience to remember, (3)
introduces or reviews your key points, (4) provides a transition from one major point to the
next, or (5) illustrates and simplifies complex ideas.
81. You should never use a standard template that comes preinstalled in a multimedia
presentation software package.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Novice and even advanced users often choose existing templates because they are designed
by professionals who know how to combine harmonious colors, borders, bullet styles, and

fonts for pleasing visual effects. However, overused templates and clip art can weary viewers
who have seen them repeatedly in presentations.
82. Rely on the spell-check feature in PowerPoint to catch all spelling and grammar errors
appearing on your slides.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Use the PowerPoint spell-check, but don't rely on it without careful proofing, preferably from
a printed copy of the slideshow. Nothing is as embarrassing as projecting errors on a huge
screen in front of your audience. Spell-check won't catch everything.
83. Your best plan to create a convincing presentation is to read your entire presentation from
a manuscript so that your audience is confident that you have not omitted anything.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Reading to an audience is boring and ineffective. Because reading suggests that you don't
know your topic well, the audience loses confidence in your expertise. Reading also prevents
you from maintaining eye contact. You can't see audience reactions; consequently, you can't
benefit from feedback.
84. One of the best ways to reduce stage fright is to know your subject thoroughly.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

One of the most effective strategies for reducing stage fright is knowing your subject
thoroughly. Therefore, research your topic diligently and prepare a careful sentence outline.
Speakers who attempt to "wing it" usually suffer the worst butterflies and give the worst
85. It is normal to experience some degree of stage fright when speaking before a group.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Nearly everyone experiences some degree of stage fright when speaking before a group.
86. You should present your first sentence from memory to establish rapport with the
audience through eye contact.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
By memorizing your opening, you can immediately establish rapport with the audience
through eye contact. You will also sound confident and knowledgeable.
87. If you make an error during your presentation, you will recover more rapidly and
reconnect most effectively with your audience if you immediately issue a sincere apology.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Usually, apologies are counterproductive. Instead, focus on your presentation.

88. To hide your nervousness, stand behind a speaking lectern while delivering your entire
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
If you have a lectern, use it as a note holder, but don't lean on it or hide behind it. Instead,
move about casually and naturally.
89. You should discuss and interpret each visual aid for an audience.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Don't allow an audience to come to its own conclusion about the meaning of a visual aid.
Instead, discuss and interpret each visual so that you can guide the audience in understanding
and retaining the idea being communicated through the visual aid.
90. When answering audience questions following a presentation, feel free to make up an
answer if you don't know the answer.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
If you don't know the answer to a question asked by an audience member, don't make one up
or panic. Instead, offer to find the answer within a day or two, and be sure to follow through
with your promise.

91. A(n) ____________________ is a Web-based presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar
that is transmitted digitally with or without video to train employees, interact with customers,
and promote products.
Answer: Webinar
A Webinar is a Web-based presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar that is transmitted
digitally with or without video to train employees, interact with customers, and promote
products. Webinars, like briefings, reports, podcasts, and virtual presentations, are one of the
many presentation types that today's business employees may encounter in their careers.
92. An important preliminary step in public speaking is performing ____________________
analysis, which helps a speaker determine his or her organizational pattern, delivery style,
and supporting material.
Answer: audience
A key element in speech preparation is audience analysis. Speakers should determine the type
of audience and other key elements such as age, gender, educational level, expertise, and size.
Knowing these elements helps a speaker select his or her organizational pattern, delivery
style, and supporting material.
93. The introduction of a speech should capture the listeners' attention and get them involved,
preview the main points of the speech, and establish the speaker's ____________________.
Answer: credibility
The introduction of a speech should capture the listeners' attention and get them involved,
preview the main points of the speech, and establish the speaker's credibility. A speaker can
establish his or her credibility by describing his or her position, knowledge, or experience in
relation to the topic.
94. The ____________________ organizational pattern answers these questions: who, what,
when, where, why, and how.
Answer: journalistic

The journalistic organizational pattern answers these questions: who, what, when, where,
why, and how.
95. Good speakers try to build audience ____________________ by forming a bond with
their audience.
Answer: rapport
Good speakers are adept at building audience rapport or a bond with their audience by
providing effective imagery, supplying verbal signposts, and using body language effectively.
96. Verbal ____________________, such as previews, summaries, and transitions, help an
audience recognize the organization and main points of an oral message.
Answer: signposts
Knowledgeable speakers help the audience recognize the organization and main points in an
oral message with verbal signposts such as previews, summaries, and transitions. Such
signposts keep listeners on track.
97. A comparison of two things or ideas using the words "like" or "as," such as Turning the
course of this economic downturn has been like stopping an avalanche; it's possible, but very,
very difficult, is a(n) ____________________.
Answer: simile
A simile is a comparison of two things or ideas using the words "like" or "as." It can be
effective in both explaining and drawing conclusions.
98. ____________________ presentations use 3D to allow a speaker to focus on images to
help the audience better understand and remember content, details, and relationships.
Answer: Zoom

Zoom presentations use 3D to allow a speaker to focus on images to help the audience better
understand and remember content, details, and relationships. Such presentations avoid the
linear display of ideas that is typical in many PowerPoint presentations. As a result, zoom
presentations are more cinematic and interactive.
99. ____________________ points in a PowerPoint presentation consist of concise and
parallel key phrases.
Answer: Bullet
Bullet points should be short phrases that are parallel.
100. A(n) ____________________ delivery involves speaking freely, generally without
notes, after preparing and rehearsing.
Answer: extemporaneous
An extemporaneous delivery involves speaking freely, generally without notes, after
preparing and rehearsing.

Test Bank for Essentials of Business Communication
Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy
9781285858913, 9781337386494, 9781111821227, 9781285858890, 9780176473358, 9780176531409

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