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Chapter 9
1. Which of the following statements about reports in today's business environment is most
a. Business writers now deliver reports orally, electronically, or digitally.
b. Efficient reporting plays an important role in helping organizations sift through data and
make decisions.
c. Business reports range widely in length, purpose, and delivery mode.
d. All answer choices reflect accurate statements about reports in today's business
Answer: d
Although business reports range widely in length, purpose, and delivery mode, they help
organizations sift through data and make major decisions. They are also delivered in many
different formats: orally, electronically, and digitally.
2. Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are
a. informational reports.
b. analytical reports.
c. cost-benefit analysis reports.
d. justification reports.
Answer: a
An informational report presents data without analysis or recommendations.
3. Which of the following is most likely to be written as an informational report?
a. A recommendation from the Information Technology Department that your company install
a wireless network
b. A feasibility study addressing possible tuition reimbursement for employees

c. A comparison of five handheld communication devices that your company might purchase
d. A summary of information presented at a recent conference for technical writers
Answer: d
An informational report presents data without analysis or recommendations. A report
summarizing information presented at a conference for technical writers is most likely to be
written as an informational report. All other examples would require analysis or
4. Reports that provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions are
a. informational reports.
b. analytical reports.
c. summaries.
d. progress reports.
Answer: b
Analytical reports provide data, analyses, conclusions, and, if requested, recommendations.
Analytical reports may also intend to persuade readers to act or to change their beliefs.
5. Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report?
a. A report summarizing the details of a recent seminar you attended
b. A report recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit
c. A report outlining the new company procedure for reporting workplace injuries
d. A report showing state budget allocations for education
Answer: b

An analytical report provides data, analyses, conclusions, and recommendations. A report
recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit is an analytical report. All
other examples represent informational reports.
6. The direct strategy of organization is appropriate for a business report when readers
a. need to be educated.
b. must be persuaded.
c. are informed.
d. may be disappointed or hostile.
Answer: c
The direct strategy is helpful when readers are informed, supportive, or eager to have the
results first. Other answer choices reflect reasons to use the indirect strategy.
7. When you organize an informational report directly, in what order should the ideas be
a. Introduction/background, facts/findings, and summary
b. Introduction/background, summary, and facts/findings
c. Summary, introduction/background, and facts/findings
d. The direct strategy presents ideas in any order for maximum effectiveness and flexibility.
Answer: a
When the organizational strategy is direct, reports open with an introduction/background,
followed by the facts/findings and a summary.
8. The indirect strategy of organization is appropriate for a business report when readers
a. are supportive of the topic.
b. must be persuaded.
c. are familiar with the topic.

d. want to know the results immediately.
Answer: b
The indirect strategy is helpful when readers must be persuaded or educated. The indirect
strategy is also useful when readers may be disappointed in or hostile toward the findings.
Other answer choices reflect reasons to use the direct strategy.
9. When you organize an analytical report indirectly, in what order should the ideas be
a. Introduction/problem, conclusions/recommendations, facts/findings, and
b. Introduction/background, facts/findings, and summary
c. Introduction/problem, facts/findings, discussion/analysis, and
d. The indirect strategy does not follow a set order of ideas.
Answer: c
When the conclusions and recommendations, if requested, appear at the end of the report, the
organizational strategy is indirect. Such reports usually begin with an introduction or
description of the problem, followed by facts and explanations. They end with conclusions
and recommendations.
10. An informal writing style includes
a. contractions (for example, wouldn't, don't, they're).
b. second-person pronouns (for example, you and your).
c. mainly passive-voice verbs.
d. longer sentences.
Answer: a

An informal writing style includes first-person pronouns, contractions, active-voice verbs,
short sentences, and familiar words.
11. Which of the following constructions uses the best writing style for an informal report?
a. James, Deloitte, and Wilts, Inc., after extensive review of references and credentials of
contractors, has elected to contract with Peck Builders for the new office complex.
b. We're pleased to announce the selection of Peck Builders as general contractor for our new
office complex.
c. After conducting an exhaustive search of building design elements and cost-efficiency data,
the company has verified the qualifications of Peck Builders.
d. The findings demonstrate the imperative of selecting a fully qualified and bonded
contractor for the new building project of James, Deloitte, and Wilts, Inc.; that contractor is
Peck Builders.
Answer: b
An informal writing style includes first-person pronouns, contractions, active-voice verbs,
short sentences, and familiar words. The answer choice that best demonstrates this style is
"We're pleased to announce the selection of Peck Builders as general contractor for our new
office complex."
12. Which of the following sentences demonstrates active-voice verbs?
a. Superior writing skills are required by many employers.
b. Employee use of e-mail was monitored by management.
c. Research indicates a correlation between strong writing skills and promotions.
d. The proposals were carefully reviewed by the screening committee.
Answer: c

Using active-voice verbs is one way you can demonstrate an informal writing style. Only
"Research indicates a correlation between strong writing skills and promotions" demonstrates
active-voice verbs.
13. The format of a report depends primarily on
a. its topic, recommendations, and organizational pattern.
b. the writer's command of the English language.
c. its length, topic, audience, and purpose.
d. the amount of time the writer devotes to the writing process.
Answer: c
The format of a report is governed by its length, topic, audience, and purpose.
14. You are writing a short informal report that you will send to one of your customers.
Which format would be most appropriate?
a. Letter format
b. Memo or e-mail format
c. Manuscript format
d. Preprinted form
Answer: a
Use letter format for short informal reports addressed outside an organization. Letter reports
usually are longer and show more careful organization than most letters. They also include
15. You are writing a short informal report that will stay inside your organization. Which
format would be most appropriate?
a. Letter format
b. Memo or e-mail format

c. Manuscript format
d. Preprinted form
Answer: b
Memo or e-mail format would be most appropriate for a short informal report that will stay
within your organization.
16. You work for a development firm and must explain to a customer the results of a yearlong study of potential sites for new stores. In what format should you develop this report?
a. Memo or e-mail format
b. Preprinted form
c. Letter format
d. Manuscript format
Answer: d
Manuscript format is appropriate for longer, more formal reports such as the results of a yearlong study.
17. You are an inventory specialist for a retail store. Your boss has asked you to compile a
year-end report listing the merchandise sold each month through the company's website. In
what format should you present this data?
a. Memo or e-mail format
b. Preprinted form
c. Letter format
d. Manuscript format
Answer: b

Preprinted forms are often used for repetitive data, such as monthly sales reports,
performance appraisals, merchandise inventories, and personnel and financial reports.
Standardized headings on these forms save time for the writer, make similar information easy
to locate, and ensure that all necessary information is provided.
18. Which statement about digital slide decks is most accurate?
a. Many business writers deliver their informal reports as digital slideshows, which are also
called slide decks.
b. Slide decks are more inviting to read than hard copies of informal reports.
c. Slide decks are often used by individuals in marketing, technology, media, entertainment,
and consulting.
d. All answer choices are accurate statements about digital slide decks.
Answer: d
Many business writers in the fields of marketing, technology, media, entertainment, and
consulting deliver their informal reports as digital slideshows, also called slide decks. When
used in reports, slide decks are heavier on text than typical presentation slides; however, slide
decks are more inviting to read than print pages of dense report text because they contain
19. Headings that show the sections of a report are called
a. talking headings.
b. signposts.
c. functional headings.
d. cross-sectional divisions.
Answer: c
A functional heading (such as "Findings" or "Recommendations") shows the sections of a

20. Headings that provide specific information about the content of a report section are called
a. talking headings.
b. signposts.
c. functional headings.
d. cross-sectional divisions.
Answer: a
Talking headings describe content and provide more information to the reader than functional
headings ("Workers Learn About Healthy Lifestyles" vs. "Lifestyles").
21. Which of the following is a talking heading?
a. IT Outsourcing
b. Savings
c. Cost Savings
d. Projected Cost Savings for IT Outsourcing
Answer: d
"Projected Cost Savings for IT Outsourcing" is a talking heading. Talking headings describe
content and provide more information to the reader than functional headings.
22. Katherine must use headings in a report. What should she do to make sure that her
headings are effective?
a. Place first- and second-level headings in all capital letters.
b. Use a period after each stand-alone bolded heading.
c. End a page with a heading to entice her audience to read the report further.
d. Include at least one heading per report page.
Answer: d

To make her headings effective, Katherine should use appropriate heading levels, use parallel
construction in all levels, capitalize and underline headings carefully, keep headings short but
clear, punctuate headings appropriately, and include at least one heading per report page.
23. The purpose of most business reports is to
a. present data.
b. answer questions.
c. solve problems.
d. All answer choices provide purposes for business reports.
Answer: d
Business reports are systematic attempts to compile data, answer questions, and solve
24. When you receive an assignment to write a report, you should begin the report-writing
process by
a. determining the appropriate format.
b. analyzing or determining the purpose.
c. beginning your research.
d. looking for someone else to write the report.
Answer: b
The first step in writing a report is analyzing or determining the problem the report will
25. To help you clarify a report problem, you should write a
a. thesis statement.
b. transitional sentence.

c. problem statement.
d. topic sentence.
Answer: c
Preparing a problem statement helps report writers clarify the task. The problem statement
can be further refined by developing a statement of purpose that defines the report's purpose
and scope.
26. Which of the following is the best statement of purpose for a report?
a. A wellness program will improve the health of all employees.
b. Most companies offer voluntary wellness programs.
c. Wellness programs have proven to be effective in improving the health of individuals.
d. Establish a wellness incentive program for all employees.
Answer: d
The best purpose statement is "Establish a wellness incentive program for all employees"
because it begins with an action verb (Establish).
27. One of the most important steps in writing an informal report is that of
a. gathering information.
b. using the direct organizational strategy.
c. using the indirect organizational strategy.
d. incorporating figurative language.
Answer: a
One of the most important steps in writing a report is that of gathering information (research)
because a good report is based on solid, accurate, and verifiable facts.

28. Primary data
a. result from reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.
b. come from firsthand experience and observation.
c. are the only type of factual information that should be included in informal reports.
d. include printed materials found in libraries or through electronic resources.
Answer: b
Primary data result from firsthand experience and observation. Secondary data come from
reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.
29. Many business writers begin their report research by
a. conducting interviews.
b. observing others.
c. constructing questionnaires and inventories.
d. visiting company records and files.
Answer: d
Many business reports begin with an analysis of company records and files. From these
records report writers can observe past performance and methods used to solve previous
problems and collect pertinent facts to determine a course of action.
30. What type of research source provides the best firsthand information?
a. Web pages or articles
b. Interviews
c. Company records
d. Databases
Answer: b

Interviews provide accurate firsthand information because interviewers can explain the
questions and ideas to elicit the most accurate information from experts in their fields.
31. Reports that describe periodic, recurring activities or situational, nonrecurring events are
a. justification/recommendation reports.
b. informational reports.
c. analytical reports.
d. yardstick reports.
Answer: b
Reports that describe periodic, recurring activities or situational, nonrecurring events are
informational reports. These types of reports generally delivery nonsensitive data without
analysis or recommendations.
32. Most informational reports are written
a. using the indirect organizational strategy.
b. by only top business executives.
c. using a formal writing style.
d. for a neutral or receptive audience.
Answer: d
Most informational reports are organized directly using an informal writing style and are
intended for a neutral or receptive audience. In addition, informational reports may be written
by employees at all levels within a company.
33. Kendra just attended a sales conference in Baltimore. She must now write a report
summarizing her conference. What advice should she follow?
a. Mention every topic that was discussed at the conference.

b. Begin her report by identifying the event.
c. Use a chronological organizational pattern.
d. Avoid the use of headings or bullets so that the reader does not become distracted.
Answer: b
Instead of being organized chronologically, trip, conference, or convention reports should
focus on three to five main topics in which the reader will be most interested. In addition, the
report should begin by identifying the event, summarize the main topics that might benefit
others, include headings and bullets to enhance readability, close with appreciation, and
include an itemized expense list, if requested.
34. A report that gives status updates on a current project is called
a. the minutes of a meeting.
b. an analytical report.
c. a progress report.
d. a summary.
Answer: c
Continuing projects often require progress, or interim, reports to give status updates on the
35. Which of the following situations might require a progress report?
a. The work of a committee preparing for an open house when a new wing of a hospital is
b. The reporting of monthly sales figures for all divisions
c. A study of whether a company should provide on-site childcare
d. A one-page summary of a long article in The Wall Street Journal
Answer: a

The work of a committee preparing for an open house is likely to require a progress report.
36. Progress reports should include
a. any background information if it gives the reader a better perspective.
b. the purpose and nature of the project in the opening of the report.
c. an explanation of the work currently in progress, including names, activities, methods used,
and locations.
d. A progress report should include all these elements.
Answer: d
A progress report should specify the purpose and nature of the project in the opening. The
body should provide background information if relevant, describe the work completed,
explain work currently in progress, and describe current or anticipated problems. The report
closing should discuss future plans and completion dates.
37. As chairperson of a customer service task force, you must update management on your
team's progress. What kind of report will you write?
a. Justification/recommendation report
b. Trip report
c. Progress report
d. Feasibility report
Answer: c
You would most likely write a progress report. Progress reports monitor the headway of
unusual or nonroutine activities such as those of a task force.
38. A record of the proceedings of a meeting is called
a. a progress report.

b. an analytical report.
c. a summary.
d. the minutes.
Answer: d
A record of the proceedings of a meeting is called the minutes. Like summaries, minutes of
meetings organize and condense information for quick reading and reference.
39. Thomas is in charge of taking formal minutes during an Institute of Internal Auditors
chapter meeting. Which of the following is the best advice for him to follow as he prepares
these minutes?
a. Record only new business because old business will appear in previous minutes.
b. Avoid using the exact wording of motions because that would be too time consuming.
c. Record voting results and actions taken.
d. Omit his name and signature as the person recording the minutes because he is acting on
behalf of the organization.
Answer: c
The best advice is to include all voting results and actions taken. Formal minutes should also
refer to both old business and new business and include the precise wording of motions and
the name and signature of the person recording the minutes.
40. What kind of report condenses the primary ideas from a book, report, article, website,
meeting, or convention?
a. Progress report
b. Justification/recommendation report
c. Summary
d. Analytical report

Answer: c
A summary condenses the main ideas from a book, report, article, website, meeting, or
41. A summary should condense a report or article by what percentage?
a. 5 percent
b. 25 percent
c. 85 to 90 percent
d. 50 percent
Answer: c
A summary saves time by reducing a report or article by 85 to 95 percent.
42. Which of the following is the best advice to follow when writing a summary?
a. Include specific examples from the report, article, or book you are summarizing.
b. Copy passages word for word to ensure that you cover the main ideas.
c. Avoid headings or lists to prevent reader distraction.
d. State the main idea or purpose as well as the source of the document being summarized.
Answer: d
A summary should state the main idea or purpose as well as the source of the document being
summarized. Other helpful advice when writing a summary includes using headings or lists;
omitting illustrations, examples, and references; and paraphrasing.
43. Your current assignment is to condense a 200-page government policy report on oil
drilling in Alaska into a shorter report for Sierra Club members to read. What kind of
informational report would you most likely write?
a. Trip report

b. Summary
c. Meeting minutes
d. Progress report
Answer: b
You would most likely write a summary. Summaries condense the primary ideas,
conclusions, and recommendations of a longer report or publication.
44. How do informational reports and analytical reports differ?
a. Informational reports emphasize facts; analytical reports emphasize reasoning and
b. Informational reports are intended for internal audiences; analytical reports are intended
for external audiences.
c. Informational reports are written using a formal writing style; analytical reports are written
using an informal writing style.
d. Informational reports emphasize reasoning and conclusions; analytical reports emphasize
Answer: a
Although both informational and analytical reports seek to collect and present data clearly,
informational reports emphasize facts. Analytical reports, on the other hand, emphasize
reasoning and conclusions.
45. The purpose of a justification/recommendation report is to
a. justify or recommend actions.
b. summarize the progress of an ongoing project.
c. examine the practicality and advisability of following a specific course of action.
d. examine problems with two or more solutions.

Answer: a
Justification or recommendation reports justify or recommend actions, such as buying
equipment, changing a procedure, hiring an employee, consolidating departments, or
investing funds.
46. In what order should you organize your ideas when you believe your audience will be
agreeable to the suggestions in your justification/recommendation report?
a. Announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation, identify the problem or need,
and provide necessary action.
b. Provide necessary action, identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, and
explain the recommendation.
c. Identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation,
and provide necessary action.
d. Identify the problem or need, provide necessary action, announce the recommendation, and
explain the recommendation.
Answer: c
For nonsensitive topics and recommendations that will be agreeable to readers, organize
directly: identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, explain the
recommendation, and provide necessary action.
47. Your department needs a new copier, and your job is to research the options. Based on
your research, you have selected an all-in-one machine that you believe will be cost effective
and will perform well. What kind of report would you write to present your findings?
a. Feasibility report
b. Justification/recommendation report
c. Yardstick report
d. Progress report

Answer: b
Because you are to research options and present your findings, you will write a
justification/recommendation report.
48. Your company currently processes its payroll internally but is considering the use of an
external accounting firm. You are in charge of determining whether your company should
proceed with this plan. What kind of report would you most likely write?
a. Feasibility report
b. Progress report
c. Informational report
d. Summary
Answer: a
You would most likely write a feasibility report. Feasibility reports are prepared when a
company must decide whether to proceed with a plan of action.
49. Which of the following should be included in a feasibility report?
a. The background and problem necessitating the proposal
b. Problems that may result from implementation
c. Costs of implementing the proposal
d. All answer choices should be included in a feasibility report.
Answer: d
Feasibility reports should announce the decision being advised, provide a description of the
background and problem if necessary, discuss the benefits of the proposal, describe the
problems that may result, include the costs associated with the proposal, and show the time
frame necessary for implementing the proposal.

50. Yardstick reports
a. are long formal reports used only in the manufacturing industry.
b. do not include researched data.
c. are rarely written or used in businesses today.
d. examine problems with two or more solutions against set criteria.
Answer: d
Yardstick reports examine problems with two or more solutions. To determine the best
solution, the writer establishes criteria by which to compare the alternatives. The criteria then
act as a yardstick against which all the alternatives are measured.
51. Business reports are always presented in writing or orally, but they are not presented
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Report findings may be presented orally in a meeting or shared electronically on the Web. In
addition, many reports today are delivered digitally in e-mail messages, PDF files, or slide
52. Based on their function, business reports typically fall into one of two categories:
instructional or persuasive.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
The two broad categories of business reports are informational reports and analytical reports.

53. An informational report presents data without analysis and recommendations.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
An informational report presents the data only. If a report includes analysis and
recommendations, it is an analytical report.
54. The direct organizational strategy presents the purpose for writing near the beginning of a
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The direct strategy presents the purpose for writing near the beginning of a report. Reports
organized directly open with an introduction, followed by the facts/findings and a summary.
55. Reports should be organized using the direct strategy when the readers are informed or
supportive of the topic.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
The direct strategy is appropriate when the readers are informed or supportive of the topic.
The direct strategy is also appropriate when the readers are eager to have the results first.
56. You should use the indirect organizational strategy for all analytical reports.
a. True
b. False

Answer: False
Although you may organize analytical reports indirectly, you may also organize them directly,
especially when readers are supportive of or are familiar with the topic. Many readers prefer
this strategy because it follows the normal thought process: problem, alternatives (facts),
57. All reports should be written using a formal writing style.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Like other business messages, reports can use either an informal or formal writing style,
depending on their purpose, audience, and setting.
58. A formal writing style includes first-person pronouns, contractions, active-voice verbs,
shorter sentences, and familiar words.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
An informal, not formal, writing style includes first-person pronouns, contractions, activevoice verbs, shorter sentences, and familiar words.
59. The format for a report relies solely on the intended audience.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

The format of a report depends on its length, topic, audience, and purpose.
60. The memo or e-mail format is appropriate for short informal reports that stay within
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
For short informal reports that stay within organizations, the memo format is appropriate.
Today, writers rarely distribute memo reports in hard copy. Instead, they attach them to emails or, if short, place them in the body of e-mail messages.
61. The manuscript format is appropriate for longer, more formal reports.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
For longer, more formal reports, use the manuscript format. These reports are usually printed
on plain paper without letterhead.
62. Preprinted forms are useful for reporting repetitive data.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Writers use preprinted forms for repetitive data such as monthly sales reports, performance
appraisals, merchandise inventories, expense claims, and personnel and financial reports.
63. Headings assist the report reader in understanding the organization of a report.
a. True

b. False
Answer: True
Good headings are helpful to the report reader because headings serve as an outline of the
report, act as guides for locating facts, and provide resting points for the mind and eyes.
64. Discussion of Findings is an example of a functional heading.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Functional headings show the outline of a report. Examples of functional headings include
"Discussion of Findings," "Background," and "Projected Costs."
65. The first letter of each word in a heading should always be capitalized.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
You should capitalize the first letter of main words in a heading. Do not capitalize articles (a,
an, the), conjunctions (and, but, or, nor), and prepositions with three or fewer letters (in, to,
by, for) unless they are the first or last words in the heading.
66. You should include at least one heading per report page.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

Headings increase the readability and attractiveness of report pages. If used correctly,
headings help the reader grasp the report structure quickly. Therefore, use at least one per
page to break up blocks of text.
67. The first step in preparing a report is to sit down and begin writing immediately; this
technique allows you to capture your best ideas quickly.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Your natural tendency in preparing a report is to sit down and begin writing immediately. If
you follow this urge, you will very likely have to backtrack and start again. Reports take
planning, beginning with determining the problem the report will address and then writing a
clear problem statement.
68. When you write a purpose statement for a report, you should use action verbs.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Preparing a written purpose statement is a good idea because it limits the scope of a report
and provides a standard that keeps the project on target. In writing useful purpose statements,
choose action verbs telling what you intend to do.
69. One of the most important steps in the writing of a report is researching the report topic.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

Gathering research is one of the most important steps in writing a report because a good
report is based on solid, accurate, verifiable facts.
70. Primary data result from reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Secondary data come from reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.
Primary data result from firsthand experience and observation.
71. Many report writers begin their research with an analysis of company records and files.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Many business writers begin their research with an analysis of company records and files.
From these records they can observe past performance and methods used to solve previous
problems. They can also collect pertinent facts that will help determine a course of action.
72. A library is an ineffective source to gather report research.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Libraries should not be overlooked as an excellent source for many types of print resources.
Some information in libraries is available only in print.

73. Business writers often use electronic resources such as government sites, news media,
periodicals, nonprofit organizations, social networking sites, and blogs to conduct research
for business reports.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Business writers use electronic resources from government sites, news media, periodicals,
nonprofit organizations, social networking sites, and blogs to conduct research for business
reports. Most research generated for short informal reports will probably be gathered from
online resources.
74. Surveys provide the richest, most accurate firsthand information.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Interviews, not surveys, provide rich, accurate firsthand information because questions can be
75. Informational reports often describe periodic, recurring activities as well as situational,
nonrecurring events.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Informational reports often describe periodic, recurring activities such as monthly sales or
weekly customer calls, as well as situational, nonrecurring events such as trips, conferences,
and projects.

76. Most informational reports have one thing in common: a neutral or receptive audience.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Most informational reports are written for neutral or receptive audiences. The readers of
informational reports do not need to be persuaded; they simply need to be informed.
77. Informational reports should be written using the direct organizational strategy.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Because informational reports generally deliver nonsensitive data, they are written directly.
78. Progress reports are written for only internal readers.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Continuing projects often require progress reports to describe their status. These reports may
be external (advising customers how their projects are advancing) or internal (informing
management of the status of activities).
79. Minutes summarize the proceedings of meetings.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

The minutes provide a summary of the proceedings of meetings by recording old business,
new business, announcements, and reports, along with motions, votes, and actions.
80. The minutes of a meeting should identify the names of individuals present and absent.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Some items that should be included in meeting minutes are the names of attendees and
absentees, along with the name of the group, date, time, and place of the meeting.
81. Summary reports are typical in academic settings but rarely used in business settings.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Summary reports are common in both academic and business settings. Employees are
sometimes asked to write summaries that condense technical reports, periodical articles, or
books so that a reader can skim the main ideas quickly. Students often write summaries of
articles to sharpen their writing skills and to confirm their knowledge of reading assignments.
82. A summary should be as long as necessary to ensure that all illustrations, examples, and
references used in the report or document are included within the summary.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False

A summary saves time by reducing a report or article by 85 to 95 percent. They are
significantly shorter than the original document because illustrations, examples, and
references are not included in a summary.
83. Informational reports emphasize reasoning and conclusions; analytical reports emphasize
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Informational reports emphasize facts; analytical reports emphasize reasoning and
84. All analytical reports should be organized using the indirect strategy.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
For some situations analytical reports may be organized directly with the conclusions and the
recommendations near the beginning. However, when the writer must lead the reader through
the process of discovering the solution or recommendation, the indirect strategy is more
85. Most analytical reports answer questions about specific problems and aid in decision
a. True
b. False
Answer: True

Most analytical reports answer questions about specific problems and aid in decision making.
Three of the most common analytical reports include justification/recommendation reports,
feasibility reports, and yardstick reports.
86. Feasibility reports analyze a problem, discuss options, and present a recommendation,
solution, or action to be taken.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Justification/recommendation reports analyze a problem, discuss options, and present a
recommendation, solution, or action to be taken.
87. When your reader may oppose your recommendation, you should begin the report by
announcing the recommendation directly.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
When a reader may oppose a recommendation or when circumstances suggest caution, don't
be in a hurry to reveal your recommendation. Instead, use the indirect organizational strategy
and present your recommendation near the end.
88. Feasibility reports answer such questions as Will this plan or proposal work?
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Feasibility reports examine the practicality and advisability of following a course of action.
As a result, they often answer the question "Will this plan or proposal work?"

89. Feasibility reports are typically written for internal audiences.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Feasibility reports typically are internal reports written to advise readers on courses of action
a company should take such as consolidating departments, offering a wellness program to
employees, or hiring an outside firm to handle a company's accounting or computing
90. Yardstick reports examine problems with two or more solutions.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Yardstick reports examine problems with two or more solutions. To determine the best
solution, the writer establishes criteria by which to compare the alternatives. The criteria then
act as a yardstick against which all the alternatives are measured.
91. ____________________ reports present data without analysis or recommendations.
Answer: Informational
Informational reports present data without analysis or recommendations.
92. ____________________ reports provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions.
They may also provide recommendations if requested.
Answer: Analytical

Reports that provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions are analytical. If requested,
writers also supply recommendations.
93. Use ____________________ format for short (usually eight or fewer pages) informal
reports addressed outside an organization.
Answer: letter
Use letter format for short (usually eight or fewer pages) informal reports addressed outside
an organization.
94. Many business writers deliver their reports using digital slideshows, which are also called
Answer: slide decks
Many business writers deliver their reports as digital slideshows, also called slide decks.
These slides can be sent via e-mail, embedded on the Web, or posted on a company's intranet.
Because they are heavier on text than typical presentation slides, they are often more inviting
to read.
95. Use Empowered Team Decision-Making Without Losing Control is an example of a(n)
____________________ heading.
Answer: talking
Because this heading describes content and provides information to the reader, it is an
example of a talking heading.
96. ___________________ data result from firsthand experience and observation.
Answer: Primary
Primary data result from firsthand experience and observation. Some examples of primary
data include observation, surveys and questionnaires, and interviews.

97. _______________ data come from reading what others have experienced or observed and
Answer: Secondary
Secondary data come from reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded.
Some examples of secondary data are company records, printed sources, and electronic
98. The purpose of a(n) ____________________ report is to provide a status update on a
Answer: progress
Projects are monitored, and the current status is presented in a progress report.
99. A(n) ____________________ condenses the primary ideas of a book, report, article,
website, meeting, or convention.
Answer: summary
A summary condenses the main points from a book, report, article, website, meeting, or
100. ____________________ or recommendation reports attempt to solve problems by
evaluating options and offering recommendations.
Answer: Justification
Justification or recommendation reports are similar to informational reports in that they
present information. However, they offer analysis in addition to data. They attempt to solve
problems by evaluating options and offering recommendations.

Test Bank for Essentials of Business Communication
Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy
9781285858913, 9781337386494, 9781111821227, 9781285858890, 9780176473358, 9780176531409

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